Minor version increment for the newly released Chrome Stable

Oct 27, 2011 06:40 GMT  ·  By

While Mozilla rolled out the “Bing”-ed version of Firefox, Chrome Stable gets a minor update, a day after the major version increased to 15. The reason for the update is a fix for some login issues.

The latest stable release, Chrome 15.0.874.106, deals with a form-based authentication bug that would not permit subscribers to log into barrons.com. The bug had been spotted in Chrome Dev 16.0.912.4 and the operations for fixing the problem had started a while ago.

One way to tackle this issues would have been disabling 1/n-1 SSL record splitting in Chrome, but the ideal way to get rid of it was to help the affected websites fix their code and also apply a patch to their browsing client, which is exactly what happened.

At the moment the bug has been eliminated in the Stable release of the web browser.