Microsoft releases new ad poking fun at Internet Explorer critics

Dec 20, 2012 06:40 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft has turned to a rather hilarious way to promote its newly released Internet Explorer 10 browser, trying to poke fun at all those who previously said that IE is actually the worst browser on the market.

After releasing a video showing “the browser you loved to hate,” Microsoft goes one step further and claims the Mayans were right when they said the end of the world was near because… uhm… Internet Explorer is actually good now.

Microsoft goes on to poke fun at Instagram and say that another sign of the apocalypse is that no one has posted a food photo on the popular social platform in the last 24 hours.

On a more serious note, IE10 is still struggling to increase its market share, with figures released by Net Applications for the month of November revealing that IE8 remains the number one choice for 24.49 percent of the users.