What's new in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.47

Aug 18, 2014
  • The Portuguese language translation has been improved for both Advanced Uninstaller PRO and Daily Health Check.

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.44 (Aug 6, 2014)

  • There’s nothing new in Daily Health Check, but we improved the Uninstall Programs module of Advanced Uninstaller PRO

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.43 (Jul 21, 2014)

  • This new release features an improved cleaning algorithm. The “Garbage files” cleaner will now scan for even more temporary files at a higher speed. You’ll notice it in tomorrow’s scan!

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.42 (Jul 9, 2014)

  • This new release features an improved cleaning algorithm. The “Garbage files” cleaner will now scan for even more temporary files at a higher speed.

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.40 (Jun 4, 2014)

  • In version 11.40 we improved cleaning of old restore points! Recovering of the disk space used by older restore points is now much faster and works perfectly on all Windows versions. More than this, we added the Swedish language translation.

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.37 (Apr 22, 2014)

  • In version 11.37 we improved both the Old Restore Points and the Google Chrome Temporary Files cleaning procedures. After cleaning the Google Chrome garbage files we’ll restore all your open browsing sessions!

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.36 (Apr 17, 2014)

  • We have added and activated the “Recycle Bin” and “Application Leftovers” cleaners for you. Daily Health Check can now perform a deep scan to detect garbage files within each application’s folder.

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.35 (Apr 17, 2014)

  • We just improved the cleaning procedure! Version 11.35 features an improved cleaning algorithm. The “Garbage files” cleaner will now scan for even more temporary files at a higher speed.

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.32 (Feb 7, 2014)

  • We just added the “Windows Log Files” and “Windows Error Reporting” cleaners and enabled them in your Daily Health Check. You can find them at the bottom of the “Health issues” tab.

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.31 (Feb 7, 2014)

  • We just added the virus check function to Daily Health Check; from now on Daily Helath Check will be able to detect viruses that added themselves to your Windows startup. It will also continuously monitor your PC, display a brief report when something comes up and allow you to perform all necessary maintenance tasks through one “Fix all” button! Enjoy!
  • P.S. There is an easy way of Daily Health Check – in case you don’t want to start it with Windows:
  • double click Daily Health Check’s system tray icon
  • in the upper right corner click on “settings”
  • look for “Enable Daily Health Check” then uncheck this option

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.27 (Dec 16, 2013)

  • Added the virus check function to Daily Health Check; from now on Daily Helath Check will be able to detect viruses that added themselves to your Windows startup. It will also continuously monitor your PC, display a brief report when something comes up and allow you to perform all necessary maintenance tasks through one “Fix all” button!

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.25 (Dec 4, 2013)

  • Daily Health Check is a brand new an add-on to the Advanced Uninstaller PRO suite! It will continuously monitor your PC, display a brief report when something comes up and allow you to perform all necessary maintenance tasks through one “Fix all” button! Enjoy!

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.23 (Nov 21, 2013)

  • Some changes and enhancements that should lead to smoother running on Windows 8.1.

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.22 (Oct 26, 2013)

  • The Live HelpDesk feature is a brand new, experimental applet added to Advanced Uninstaller PRO. This new tool allows you to request assistance for any PC related issue you might have.

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.21 (Sep 30, 2013)

  • The Live HelpDesk feature is a brand new, experimental applet that we added to Advanced Uninstaller PRO. This new tool allows you to request assistance for any PC related issue you might have.

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.19 (Jun 18, 2013)

  • Solves a minor bug that appeared while cleaning the Google Chrome navigation history. Users that cleared the navigation history experienced a minor error message while starting Chrome.

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.17 (Jun 18, 2013)

  • The latest release improves several translation files and fixes a few minor bugs.

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.15 (Jun 18, 2013)

  • The latest release improves several translation files and fixes a few minor bugs. We recommend you to download this update as it fixes an English language issue that appears when first starting the application.

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11 (Jun 7, 2012)

  • Full application redesign, new tools, and Windows 8 compatibility

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 10.5.7 (Feb 15, 2012)

  • Improved browser history scan compatibility and fixed a few minor bugs.

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 10.5.4 (Nov 1, 2011)

  • Improved Internet Explorer 9 compatibility and fixed a few minor bugs.

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 10.5 (Sep 26, 2011)

  • Improved Internet Explorer 9 compatibility and fixed a few minor bugs.

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 10.1 (Feb 4, 2010)

  • Improved uninstaller clean-up.
  • Full support for Windows 7.
  • Major user interface redesign.
  • New tools for cleaning up web browsers: Internet Explorer 8, Google Chrome 2, Firefox 3.

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 10.0 (Nov 23, 2009)

  • Windows 7 and Windows Vista support
  • Improved Uninstaller
  • Support for the latest browsers: Google Chrome 2, Firefox 3, Internet Explorer 8
  • Communicate with other users through our online forum. Easily ask questions, get useful answers and share your experience with a large community of users.
  • The Installation Monitor will make sure that no file or registry entry will be left behind after the uninstallation of a program. This tool can watch a program's installation, create an installation log containing information about everything that the setup of the program has done, and then later completely uninstall the program. You will be able to uninstall a program even better than by using it's own uninstaller. More than this, we designed this tool to be fast and reliable. We honestly believe it to be one of the fastest tools available of this kind.
  • As many of our users requested, the installation logs can now be printed.
  • When you spend days in from of your computer you save a lot of information for later use. You save documents, Internet pages, images, movies, and many more. The problem is that after some time you might end up saving the same file several times. The Duplicate Files tool allows you to scan your computer for duplicate files, zero-sized files and empty folders. This is a safe tool that makes sure that you do not delete all copies of the same file.
  • The Services Manager tool allows you to easily take control of programs that are automatically started each time you use your computer. Services are important programs that are started before any other Windows program. They usually take care of networking, web publishing, firewalls, etc. We created a profiles list that contains the most important configurations that can be found today. When you first run the Services manager tool your initial configuration is added to this list so that in case you will make a mistake you will be able to restore your services' settings to their initial state.
  • We improved the Registry Cleaner. It will now perform a deeper search for more invalid registry entries and will do an even better job removing junk items and speeding up your computer.
  • The ActiveX tool gives you control over the ActiveX programs (also called ActiveX web controls) that are downloaded by Internet Explorer from the web.
  • Many applications you install on your computer can add menus that will appear when you right click a link, image or page in Internet Explorer. The only problem is that after installing a lot of programs you might end up with a cluttered right-clock menu that will make Internet Explorer difficult to use and run slower. You can now take care of this problem by using Advanced Uninstaller PRO!
  • The Reports tool allows you to print detailed reports containing:
  • the list of installed programs
  • the list of services
  • the list of startup applications
  • the list of system fonts
  • The scheduler will allow you to choose what tool will be automatically started each day of the week.
  • In case you don't want to use Advanced Uninstaller's own skins, you are now able to set it to use the same theme as Windows XP.
  • The Quick Cleaner tool now contains information about how to delete the logs and history files for more than 50 new applications. Amongst them we would like to mention the following:
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • latest version of Photoshop
  • latest version of Paint Shop Pro
  • latest version of RealPlayer
  • latest version of Adobe Acrobat
  • latest version of ZoneAlarm
  • etc.
  • The main Advanced Uninstaller PRO window now saves it's desktop position and size, making it more easy to customize.
  • An improved help file.

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 9.6 (Nov 20, 2008)

  • We believe that you are already familiar with the 2004 version of the program. In version 8 we have added several major and useful features. We have also made serious time and effort investments in the safety and ease of use of the new features.
  • We'll keep on improving this tool. For now, here are the main new additions:
  • Windows Vista support
  • Improved Installation Monitor
  • Communicate with other users through our online forum. Easily ask questions, get useful answers and share your experience with a large community of users.
  • The Mozilla Firefox tools have been added.
  • The Installation Monitor will make sure that no file or registry entry will be left behind after the uninstallation of a program. This tool can watch a program's installation, create an installation log containing information about everything that the setup of the program has done, and then later completely uninstall the program. You will be able to uninstall a program even better than by using it's own uninstaller. More than this, we designed this tool to be fast and reliable. We honestly believe it to be one of the fastest tools available of this kind.
  • As many of our users requested, the installation logs can now be printed.
  • When you spend days in from of your computer you save a lot of information for later use. You save documents, Internet pages, images, movies, and many more. The problem is that after some time you might end up saving the same file several times. The Duplicate Files tool allows you to scan your computer for duplicate files, zero-sized files and empty folders. This is a safe tool that makes sure that you do not delete all copies of the same file.
  • The Services Manager tool allows you to easily take control of programs that are automatically started each time you use your computer. Services are important programs that are started before any other Windows program. They usually take care of networking, web publishing, firewalls, etc. We created a profiles list that contains the most important configurations that can be found today. When you first run the Services manager tool your initial configuration is added to this list so that in case you will make a mistake you will be able to restore your services' settings to their initial state.
  • We improved the Registry Cleaner. It will now perform a deeper search for more invalid registry entries and will do an even better job removing junk items and speeding up your computer.
  • The ActiveX tool gives you control over the ActiveX programs (also called ActiveX web controls) that are downloaded by Internet Explorer from the web.
  • Many applications you install on your computer can add menus that will appear when you right click a link, image or page in Internet Explorer. The only problem is that after installing a lot of programs you might end up with a cluttered right-clock menu that will make Internet Explorer difficult to use and run slower. You can now take care of this problem by using Advanced Uninstaller PRO!
  • The Reports tool allows you to print detailed reports containing:
  • the list of installed programs
  • the list of services
  • the list of startup applications
  • the list of system fonts
  • The scheduler will allow you to choose what tool will be automatically started each day of the week.
  • In case you don't want to use Advanced Uninstaller's own skins, you are now able to set it to use the same theme as Windows XP.
  • The Quick Cleaner tool now contains information about how to delete the logs and history files for more than 50 new applications. Amongst them we would like to mention the following:
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • latest version of Photoshop
  • latest version of Paint Shop Pro
  • latest version of RealPlayer
  • latest version of Adobe Acrobat
  • latest version of Zone Alarm
  • etc.
  • The main Advanced Uninstaller PRO window now saves it's desktop position and size, making it more easy to customize.
  • An improved help file.

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 9.5.3 (Oct 31, 2008)

  • Brand new release that features a significantly improved installation monitor and full support for Firefox 3

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 9.5.1 (Sep 8, 2008)

  • Features a significantly improved installation monitor and full support for Firefox 3

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 9.3 (Jul 11, 2008)

  • Windows Vista support
  • Improved Installation Monitor
  • Communicate with other users through our online forum. Easily ask questions, get useful answers and share your experience with a large community of users.
  • The Mozilla Firefox tools have been added.
  • The Installation Monitor will make sure that no file or registry entry will be left behind after the uninstallation of a program. This tool can watch a program's installation, create an installation log containing information about everything that the setup of the program has done, and then later completely uninstall the program. You will be able to uninstall a program even better than by using it's own uninstaller. More than this, we designed this tool to be fast and reliable. We honestly believe it to be one of the fastest tools available of this kind.
  • As many of our users requested, the installation logs can now be printed.
  • When you spend days in from of your computer you save a lot of information for later use. You save documents, Internet pages, images, movies, and many more. The problem is that after some time you might end up saving the same file several times. The Duplicate Files tool allows you to scan your computer for duplicate files, zero-sized files and empty folders. This is a safe tool that makes sure that you do not delete all copies of the same file.
  • The Services Manager tool allows you to easily take control of programs that are automatically started each time you use your computer. Services are important programs that are started before any other Windows program. They usually take care of networking, web publishing, firewalls, etc. We created a profiles list that contains the most important configurations that can be found today. When you first run the Services manager tool your initial configuration is added to this list so that in case you will make a mistake you will be able to restore your services' settings to their initial state.
  • We improved the Registry Cleaner. It will now perform a deeper search for more invalid registry entries and will do an even better job removing junk items and speeding up your computer.
  • The ActiveX tool gives you control over the ActiveX programs (also called ActiveX web controls) that are downloaded by Internet Explorer from the web.
  • Many applications you install on your computer can add menus that will appear when you right click a link, image or page in Internet Explorer. The only problem is that after installing a lot of programs you might end up with a cluttered right-clock menu that will make Internet Explorer difficult to use and run slower. You can now take care of this problem by using Advanced Uninstaller PRO!
  • The Reports tool allows you to print detailed reports containing: the list of installed programs, the list of services, the list of startup applications, the list of system fonts
  • The scheduler will allow you to choose what tool will be automatically started each day of the week.
  • In case you don't want to use Advanced Uninstaller's own skins, you are now able to set it to use the same theme as Windows XP.
  • The Quick Cleaner tool now contains information about how to delete the logs and history files for more than 50 new applications. Amongst them we would like to mention the following: Mozilla Firefox, latest version of Photoshop, latest version of Paint Shop Pro, latest version of RealPlayer, latest version of Adobe Acrobat,
  • latest version of Zone Alarm etc.
  • The main Advanced Uninstaller PRO window now saves it's desktop position and size, making it more easy to customize.
  • An improved help file

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 9.2 (Jun 18, 2008)

  • Improved Installation Monitor
  • Communicate with other users through our online forum. Easily ask questions, get useful answers and share your experience with a large community of users.
  • The Mozilla Firefox tools have been added.
  • The Installation Monitor will make sure that no file or registry entry will be left behind after the uninstallation of a program. This tool can watch a program's installation, create an installation log containing information about everything that the setup of the program has done, and then later completely uninstall the program. You will be able to uninstall a program even better than by using it's own uninstaller. More than this, we designed this tool to be fast and reliable. We honestly believe it to be one of the fastest tools available of this kind.
  • As many of our users requested, the installation logs can now be printed.
  • When you spend days in from of your computer you save a lot of information for later use. You save documents, Internet pages, images, movies, and many more. The problem is that after some time you might end up saving the same file several times. The Duplicate Files tool allows you to scan your computer for duplicate files, zero-sized files and empty folders. This is a safe tool that makes sure that you do not delete all copies of the same file.
  • The Services Manager tool allows you to easily take control of programs that are automatically started each time you use your computer. Services are important programs that are started before any other Windows program. They usually take care of networking, web publishing, firewalls, etc. We created a profiles list that contains the most important configurations that can be found today. When you first run the Services manager tool your initial configuration is added to this list so that in case you will make a mistake you will be able to restore your services' settings to their initial state.
  • We improved the Registry Cleaner. It will now perform a deeper search for more invalid registry entries and will do an even better job removing junk items and speeding up your computer.
  • The ActiveX tool gives you control over the ActiveX programs (also called ActiveX web controls) that are downloaded by Internet Explorer from the web.
  • Many applications you install on your computer can add menus that will appear when you right click a link, image or page in Internet Explorer. The only problem is that after installing a lot of programs you might end up with a cluttered right-clock menu that will make Internet Explorer difficult to use and run slower. You can now take care of this problem by using Advanced Uninstaller PRO!
  • The Reports tool allows you to print detailed reports containing:
  • the list of installed programs
  • the list of services
  • the list of startup applications
  • the list of system fonts
  • The scheduler will allow you to choose what tool will be automatically started each day of the week.
  • In case you don't want to use Advanced Uninstaller's own skins, you are now able to set it to use the same theme as Windows XP.
  • The Quick Cleaner tool now contains information about how to delete the logs and history files for more than 50 new applications. Amongst them we would like to mention the following:
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • latest version of Photoshop
  • latest version of Paint Shop Pro
  • latest version of RealPlayer
  • latest version of Adobe Acrobat
  • latest version of Zone Alarm
  • The main Advanced Uninstaller PRO window now saves it's desktop position and size, making it more easy to customize.
  • An improved help file.

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 9.1 (May 28, 2008)

  • Windows Vista support
  • Improved Installation Monitor
  • Communicate with other users through our online forum. Easily ask questions, get useful answers and share your experience with a large community of users.
  • The Mozilla Firefox tools have been added.
  • The Installation Monitor will make sure that no file or registry entry will be left behind after the uninstallation of a program. This tool can watch a program's installation, create an installation log containing information about everything that the setup of the program has done, and then later completely uninstall the program. You will be able to uninstall a program even better than by using it's own uninstaller. More than this, we designed this tool to be fast and reliable. We honestly believe it to be one of the fastest tools available of this kind.
  • As many of our users requested, the installation logs can now be printed.
  • When you spend days in from of your computer you save a lot of information for later use. You save documents, Internet pages, images, movies, and many more. The problem is that after some time you might end up saving the same file several times. The Duplicate Files tool allows you to scan your computer for duplicate files, zero-sized files and empty folders. This is a safe tool that makes sure that you do not delete all copies of the same file.
  • The Services Manager tool allows you to easily take control of programs that are automatically started each time you use your computer. Services are important programs that are started before any other Windows program. They usually take care of networking, web publishing, firewalls, etc. We created a profiles list that contains the most important configurations that can be found today. When you first run the Services manager tool your initial configuration is added to this list so that in case you will make a mistake you will be able to restore your services' settings to their initial state.
  • We improved the Registry Cleaner. It will now perform a deeper search for more invalid registry entries and will do an even better job removing junk items and speeding up your computer.
  • The ActiveX tool gives you control over the ActiveX programs (also called ActiveX web controls) that are downloaded by Internet Explorer from the web.
  • Many applications you install on your computer can add menus that will appear when you right click a link, image or page in Internet Explorer. The only problem is that after installing a lot of programs you might end up with a cluttered right-clock menu that will make Internet Explorer difficult to use and run slower. You can now take care of this problem by using Advanced Uninstaller PRO!
  • The Reports tool allows you to print detailed reports containing:
  • the list of installed programs
  • the list of services
  • the list of startup applications
  • the list of system fonts
  • The scheduler will allow you to choose what tool will be automatically started each day of the week.
  • In case you don't want to use Advanced Uninstaller's own skins, you are now able to set it to use the same theme as Windows XP.
  • The Quick Cleaner tool now contains information about how to delete the logs and history files for more than 50 new applications. Amongst them we would like to mention the following:
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • latest version of Photoshop
  • latest version of Paint Shop Pro
  • latest version of RealPlayer
  • latest version of Adobe Acrobat
  • latest version of Zone Alarm
  • The main Advanced Uninstaller PRO window now saves it's desktop position and size, making it more easy to customize.
  • An improved help file.

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 9.0 (Apr 9, 2008)

  • Windows Vista support
  • Improved Installation Monitor
  • Communicate with other users through our online forum. Easily ask questions, get useful answers and share your experience with a large community of users.
  • The Mozilla Firefox tools have been added.
  • The Installation Monitor will make sure that no file or registry entry will be left behind after the uninstallation of a program. This tool can watch a program's installation, create an installation log containing information about everything that the setup of the program has done, and then later completely uninstall the program. You will be able to uninstall a program even better than by using it's own uninstaller. More than this, we designed this tool to be fast and reliable. We honestly believe it to be one of the fastest tools available of this kind.
  • As many of our users requested, the installation logs can now be printed.
  • When you spend days in from of your computer you save a lot of information for later use. You save documents, Internet pages, images, movies, and many more. The problem is that after some time you might end up saving the same file several times. The Duplicate Files tool allows you to scan your computer for duplicate files, zero-sized files and empty folders. This is a safe tool that makes sure that you do not delete all copies of the same file.
  • The Services Manager tool allows you to easily take control of programs that are automatically started each time you use your computer. Services are important programs that are started before any other Windows program. They usually take care of networking, web publishing, firewalls, etc. We created a profiles list that contains the most important configurations that can be found today. When you first run the Services manager tool your initial configuration is added to this list so that in case you will make a mistake you will be able to restore your services' settings to their initial state.
  • We improved the Registry Cleaner. It will now perform a deeper search for more invalid registry entries and will do an even better job removing junk items and speeding up your computer.
  • The ActiveX tool gives you control over the ActiveX programs (also called ActiveX web controls) that are downloaded by Internet Explorer from the web.
  • Many applications you install on your computer can add menus that will appear when you right click a link, image or page in Internet Explorer. The only problem is that after installing a lot of programs you might end up with a cluttered right-clock menu that will make Internet Explorer difficult to use and run slower. You can now take care of this problem by using Advanced Uninstaller PRO!
  • The Reports tool allows you to print detailed reports containing:
  • the list of installed programs
  • the list of services
  • the list of startup applications
  • the list of system fonts
  • The scheduler will allow you to choose what tool will be automatically started each day of the week.
  • In case you don't want to use Advanced Uninstaller's own skins, you are now able to set it to use the same theme as Windows XP.
  • The Quick Cleaner tool now contains information about how to delete the logs and history files for more than 50 new applications. Amongst them we would like to mention the following:
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • latest version of Photoshop
  • latest version of Paint Shop Pro
  • latest version of RealPlayer
  • latest version of Adobe Acrobat
  • latest version of Zone Alarm
  • The main Advanced Uninstaller PRO window now saves it's desktop position and size, making it more easy to customize.
  • An improved help file.

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2006 7.6.3 (Mar 6, 2007)

  • This is a major new release.
  • Added Windows Vista, Internet Explorer 7 and Mozilla Firefox 2 support.
  • Completely changed the Quick Cleaner.
  • Improved the Registry Cleaner, the Installation Monitor and other tools.

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2006 7.6.1 (Nov 14, 2006)

  • This is a major new release. Internet Explorer 7 support, a new installation monitor, improved registry cleaner, the ability to comment on many installed items and read comments written by other users. Improved ActiveX cleaner and Duplicate Files Manager too.

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2006 7.5.3 (Jun 11, 2006)

  • This is a major new release. A new installation monitor, duplicate files finder, Windows services manager, improved registry cleaner, optimizer and backup, huge database with more than 4000 startup programs info & advice, drag & drop uninstall, history cleaning for more than 100 applications, a lot more! The new feature introduced in this update is that while using Advanced Uninstaller PRO you will be able to comment on many items installed on your computer and read comments written by other users. This can help you benefit from other users knowledge and share your own experience with them. Easily ask questions and get useful answers from a large community. Plus additional languages: Dutch, Norwegian, German, Italian, French, Portuguese.

New in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2005 7.5.1 (Mar 10, 2006)

  • This is a major new release. A new installation monitor, duplicate files finder, Windows services manager, improved registry cleaner, optimizer and backup, huge database with more than 4000 startup programs info & advice, drag & drop uninstall, history cleaning for more than 100 applications, a lot more! Plus additional languages: Dutch, Norwegian, German, Italian, French, Portuguese.