AntConc Changelog

What's new in AntConc 4.2.3

Sep 16, 2023
  • Bug fixes:
  • The keywords tool statistics measure in versions 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 ignored the sign of the keyness value causing all positive and negative keywords to be displayed.

New in AntConc 4.2.2 (Aug 24, 2023)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Various issues related to working with word list corpora are now fixed. To simplify the interface and avoid confusion, when a word list corpus is used, all search options in the word list and keyword list tools are now disabled and the complete list is always shown.
  • The icons used to display the status of corpora in the corpus manager have been slightly rescaled to render better on MacOS.
  • I received many questions about AntConc 4x not being able to read files that could be read by AntConc 3x. In almost all cases, this is because AntConc 4x is stricter about encodings, refusing to process files that are not encoded in the encoding set in the settings. I have now reluctantly added a Global Settings option to ignore encoding errors of this sort, even though it can potentially lead to errors in the results. The default is still set to show the errors.

New in AntConc 4.2.1 (Aug 19, 2023)

  • Bug fixes:
  • When the Wordcloud Tool mask options were updated with additional types, the new types were not reflected in the main display. This is fixed.
  • The main display now shows at a more appropriate size on MacOS.
  • The Corpus Manager wordlist import function has been modified to allow easier importing of a variety of word list formats (including lists exported from other tools such as the N-Gram Tool).

New in AntConc 4.2.0 (Jan 7, 2023)

  • New features:
  • Major improvements have been made to the startup timeNow, AntConc show display almost immediately
  • and then display the progress as each individual tool loads.
  • In the Corpus Manager, creating corpora from raw files is now around 3x faster.
  • In the Corpus Manager, the Corpus Database Library viewer has been updatedNow the status of a corpus
  • is displayed using color coded buttons, which change color depending on how the status is changed by the
  • userThis color-coding reduces the chances of users clicking the buttons (previously displayed as checkboxes
  • next to color coded indicators) to select a corpus.
  • In the Corpus Manager, it is now not possible to deselect all default or user corpora in a single clickThis
  • reduces the potential for mistakes.
  • In the Corpus Manager, the option to directly load and use a corpus database without adding it to the corpus
  • database library has now been removedThis simplifies the interface and reduces the potential for
  • misunderstanding how the interface works.
  • In the Corpus Manager, new “Export Library” and “Import Library” options have been addedThis allows the
  • entire corpus database library to be backed up and restored after a new version of AntConc has been
  • installedOn Windows systems, previous corpora are not lost when the version is updated, but on MacOS
  • and Linux systems, corpora are lostSo, this feature should assist in making an update smoother.
  • In the Corpus Manager, AmE06 and BE06 corpora are no longer pre-installedThis greatly saves download
  • timesThe corpora are still available through download from the online corpus repositoryFor demonstration
  • purposes, a simple demo corpus is now included.
  • In the Corpus Manager, it is now possible to hide all corpora in the online corpus repository that have not
  • yet been downloadedThis should greatly simplify the Corpus Database Library viewer.
  • In the Corpus Manager, a new “Row Processor” option has been added to the Raw Files Corpus Builder to
  • allow each row of an input file to be treated as an individual new corpus text.
  • In the Corpus Manager, building a corpus using the Raw Files Corpus Builder is now over three time faster
  • than before due to optimizations to the corpus building engine.
  • In the Corpus Manager, a new “Simple Word List” option has been added to the Word List Corpus Builder to
  • allow the creation of a corpus based on a simple word list showing types, type frequencies, and optional
  • range (document frequency) valuesThe size of the corpus is guessed from a sum of the type frequencies,
  • and the total number of texts in the corpus in guessed from the maximum range (document frequency) value.
  • In the Word list tool, you can now generate different types of lists based on a “list type” setting (Type, POS,
  • Headword, and combinations of these) that will collate the results in different ways as appropriateThis
  • feature in linked with the Keyword tool to allow for key POS lists, key Headword (lemma) lists, in addition to
  • the standard key Types (Word) lists.
  • In the Keyword list tool, you can now generate different types of lists based on a “list type” setting (Type,
  • POS, Headword, and combinations of these) that will collate the results in different ways as appropriateThis
  • feature in linked with the Word list tool to allow for key POS lists, key Headword (lemma) lists, in addition to
  • the standard key Types (Word) lists.
  • In the Wordcloud tool, the Scratchpad option has been moved to the top of the list of appearance options
  • for greater transparency of use when the tool is first selected.
  • In the Wordcloud tool, various mask categories have been added making it easier to find a suitable oneAlso,
  • the load time is now faster as a result.
  • In the Wordcloud tool, the number of color maps have been greatly reducedThis makes it easier to find a
  • suitable color map and also the improve the tool load time.
  • In the Wordcloud tool, all foreground and background colors can now be set with a transparency (alpha)
  • value.
  • A new File menu action and shortcut (CTRL + SHIFT + T) has been added to allow for quick swapping of the
  • target and reference corpora.
  • The global Tag Setting has been revised and improved to allow all tools to display results as just types, POS
  • tags, or headwords, or combinations of theseThe setting can also be changed for each tool independently.
  • Bug fixes:
  • After changing the "Words", "Case", and "Regex" options in a tool, the interface changes would be reflected
  • in other tool interfaces, but the subsequent results generated in those other tools would still represent the
  • earlier settingsThis has now been fixedChanges to settings in one tool will now properly propagate through
  • all the other tools.
  • Standard queries that included a pipe symbol “|” were processed as a regular expression (regex) OR search
  • even when the Regex option was deselectedThis is now fixed.
  • Queries that included a combination of non-word (i.e., string) and case-sensitive searches would result in no
  • hitsThis is now fixed.
  • When any of the “Clear” options from the File Menu were selected, the statistics at the top of results window
  • in each tool were left unclearedThis is now fixed.
  • In the Wordcloud tool, the color transparency option was not workingThis is now fixed.
  • When saving tab results, the name of the tool was not shown correctly in the save dialog file nameThis is
  • now fixed

New in AntConc 4.1.4 (Oct 26, 2022)

  • Fixed:
  • A Plot Tool fix introduced in version 4.1.2 inadvertently introduced a bug that caused the overlay feature of the Plot tool to stop working. This is now fixed

New in AntConc 4.1.3 (Oct 18, 2022)

  • Bug fixes:
  • A bug in the Corpus Manager caused the program to crash if the "Choose" button was pressed while no corpora were selected. This is now fixed.
  • On some Windows machines, a black console window would appear at the startup of the program. This has now been removed.

New in AntConc 4.1.1 (Aug 7, 2022)

  • Bug fixes:
  • The change in code to increase the speed of the Plot tool in version 4.0.11, inadvertently caused the stats at the top of the page to remain at 0. This is now fixed.
  • For the KWIC tool, bug fix 3 in version 4.1.0 introduced a 'one-off' error that cause the display to continue to show the first word of the next file in the right-hand context in certain cases. This is now fixed.
  • In the Corpus Manager, the font sizing of the token definition settings page would not reflect the current global settings at startup or after changes were made. This is now fixed.
  • Although not strictly a bug, several dialog boxes (e.g., the Corpus Manager) did not show a maximize button. I had now added maximize buttons to simplify resizing the dialogs when more screen space is needed.

New in AntConc 4.1.0 (Jul 8, 2022)

  • New features:
  • The Corpus Manager now offers access to an online repository of corpora
  • The Corpus Manager interface has been re-designed to simplify its use and accommodate the online
  • repository feature Now, all available corpora appear in a tree-like format
  • The Corpus Manager now includes an “Ignore Footer” option (in addition to the other filter options) when
  • creating a corpus from raw files The new filter can be accessed with the Token Definition settings
  • A new Wordcloud tool has been added as a core tool in the software
  • The advanced search context option now allows for logical OR or AND context searches
  • The Windows installer now includes Arabic and Korean step-by-step instructions
  • The session settings can now be saved and restored automatically via the Global Settings->Restore Settings
  • option
  • A new “File name column width” option has been added to the KWIC tool This prevents long file names from
  • stretching the column too much
  • Bug fixes:
  • Several bugs in the import, export, and restore settings file menu options that caused several settings to not
  • be correctly stored or retrieved have been fixed
  • Various widget resizing issues have been fixed and scroll areas have been introduced where windows may
  • grow too large depending on the font settings
  • Although not technically a bug, in previous versions, the KWIC tool would show the context around a search
  • word that would span across documents This has now been fixed
  • Although not technically a bug, if an advanced search involving context words was used, hits would be found
  • even when the context spanned across documents This has now been fixed
  • Although not technically a bug, several dialog windows appeared without icons or titles These have now
  • been fixed
  • The “Ignore Header” filter in the Corpus Manager->Raw Files Corpus Builder tool has been slightly changed
  • to avoid edge cases of multiple hits through a file being considered as the header and subsequently removed
  • Several buttons throughout the interface have been given the focus after certain actions to allow for a
  • smoother user experience

New in AntConc 4.0.11 (May 24, 2022)

  • Bug fixes:
  • In the Corpus Manager - Reference Corpus tab, no default indexer was set for processing raw files This is fixed with the default setting matching that of the Target Corpus Tab
  • When target or reference corpora were cleared or switched via the Corpus Manager, the progress bar in the main window would not be reset This is now fixed
  • When the "Clear Tool", "Clear All Tools", or "Clear All Tools and Files" menu options were selected, the progress bar in the main window would not be reset This is now fixed
  • After changing the font settings in the Global Settings menu, the fonts used in the Advanced Search dialog and Token Definition dialog would not be updated These are now fixed
  • After resizing the Corpus Manager dialog, the new size would not be remembered when the dialog was reopened This is now fixed
  • The "Time taken" displayed in each tool show the unit of time incorrectly as "ms" (milliseconds) The unit of time now correctly shows as "sec" (seconds)
  • The "Time taken" displayed in each tool was calculated based on the time taken for the internal database to return the set of results This time could sometimes much shorter than the actual time to display the results on the screen This has been corrected and the complete time from hitting the "Start" button to the results
  • showing on the screen is recorded
  • Although not strictly a bug, the Plot tool performance was quite slow when the default 'table' view was used The performance has now been hugely improved, with a speed increase of over 50 times
  • Although not a bug, the Plot tool would only display results for files that included search query hits Now, a new tool setting display option ("Show files with no hits") has been added that allows the user to see all files regardless of whether or not the file contain hits
  • Although not a bug, the labeling of columns in the Plot tool display was inconsistent with other tools Now
  • the columns use the term "file" instead of "doc"
  • Although not a bug, the "Create 'Quick Corpus'" File menu option has been renamed to "Open Files as 'Quick
  • Corpus'" to avoid confusion

New in AntConc 4.0.10 (Apr 25, 2022)

  • Bug fixes:
  • In the Plot tool, a bug was introduced in version 4.0.7 that caused the overlay feature to stop working
  • correctly. This is now fixed.
  • In the Cluster tool, the minimum frequency and range settings were ignored. This is now fixed.
  • In the N-Gram tool, setting the Sort Order to "Type" or "Type End" caused the program to crash. This is now
  • fixed.
  • In the N-Gram tool, when an open slot setting was used, only the first open slot was listed as a sort option.
  • This is now fixed.
  • Although not strictly a bug fix, in the N-Gram tool, the shortcut to see the open slot variants was ALT+DOUBLE
  • CLICK, but this was not easy to activate on MacOS keyboards. So, the shortcut has been changed to
  • SHIFT+DOUBLE CLICK. Also, the help page explanation of the short-cut was incorrect. This has been fixed.
  • When using the Cluster tool, the cluster information table in the corpus database would not be correctly
  • updated causing the cache to never be used. This is now fixed

New in AntConc 4.0.9 (Apr 23, 2022)

  • Bug fixes:
  • In the Cluster and Collocate tools, the Advanced search options could not be activated with an error showing that no search query was entered. This has now been fixed.
  • Changes made to the Advanced search options were not synced correctly across all tools. This has now been fixed.
  • The Advanced search options were not available for the N-Grams, Word, and yword tools. A limited set of Advanced search options have now been added for these tools.
  • In some tools, if white space characters (spaces, tabs etc.) were accidentally typed into the search query box at the beginning and end of queries, they would not be automatically removed before performing a search, causing unexpected results. This has now been fixed.
  • Several updates have been added to the Help page to reflect recent changes in functionality.
  • 4.0.8

New in AntConc 4.0.7 (Apr 11, 2022)

  • The Plot tool 'jump' feature that allowed the user to click on a line in the plot and jump to the word in the context of the main file stopped working at some point since the initial release. This bug has been fixed.
  • The documentation describing how to add multiple search queries in the Advanced Search window was confusing. A clearer explanation has been added.
  • On Windows computers, the Installer would offer the user the option of installing AntConc for the "Current User (recommended) or "All Users". With the "All Users" option, on some computers, this could result in the user not being able to create their own corpora. To address the problem, the "All Users" option has now been removed.
  • Although not strictly a bug fix, earlier versions of AntConc 4 removed the ability to filter KWIC results, deleting or keeping selected rows. Now, this feature has been returned

New in AntConc 4.0.6 (Apr 4, 2022)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Although not strictly a bug fix, the word/stop-word feature of AntConc 3.5.9 has now been implemented. It features as a global setting under "Tool Filters". Now, the word/stop feature applies to results shown in the Cluster, N-gram, Collocate, Word, and Keyword tools.
  • Although not strictly a bug fix, the hide header, hide non-embedded tags, and hide embedded tags options of AntConc 3.5.9 have now been implemented. They can be accessed in "Token Definition" settings viewer of the Corpus Manager tool when create corpora from raw files. The "Token Definition" settings viewer interface has been re-designed to reflect the changes. The help file has also been updated to reflect these changes.
  • The Frequency(Ref) sort option in the Keywords tool affected the sort order of the Frequency(Tar) column. This has been fixed.
  • The "Metatables Tables" label in the Corpus Manager has been corrected to "Metadata Tables"
  • A small performance bug related to the way results were displayed has been fixed, meaning that results should appear slightly faster now.

New in AntConc 4.0.5 (Feb 20, 2022)

  • Bug fixes:
  • When creating a corpus from a set of files that included files that were blank or could not be read, the corpus indexer would apply the wrong corpus document ids to the remaining files, making them unable to be viewed correctly later. This has been fixed.
  • When changing the sort options in the Keywords tool, the software sometimes reported no hits. This has been fixed.
  • In various tools, the global floating number precision settings was not properly applied and an accuracy of 3 decimal places was used. This has been fixed. The display also now shows all floating-point numbers with the same number of decimal places padding zeros where necessary. This allows an easier comparison of numbers
  • across rows.
  • In various tools, the alignment of column information was not always standard. This has been fixed and now headers all appear centered, columns containing text are left aligned, and columns containing numbers are right aligned.
  • The summary information for in-built corpora sometimes displayed "AmE06" instead of "BE06". This has been fixed.

New in AntConc 3.5.8 (Feb 21, 2019)

  • Bug Fixes;
  • Fixed the label of two-level statistic "MI + Log_likelihood (p <0.05) to correctly show the p value to be less than 0.05. Originally it suggested p >0.005
  • Reintroduced the display of frequency values of lemma family members in the world list tool when the lemma option is activated.
  • Removed the appearance of irrelevant index data values after files names in the output oft the KWIC concordancer tool.

New in AntConc 3.5.7 (Apr 23, 2018)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Scroll bars in the Word List tool would only be properly shown if the cursor was momentarily moved into the results window or the scroll bar was directly moved. This is now fixed.
  • The Word List tool reported the total number of types and tokens regardless of whether or not a lemma list was used. This is now fixed to properly show the total lemma types when a lemma list is used.
  • A bug dating back to the AntConc 3.4.x version s that caused KWIC concordancer results to misalign with those in the File View tool when a search pattern produced results that spanned line breaks has now been fixed.

New in AntConc 3.5.6 (Mar 28, 2018)

  • Bug fixes:
  • A bug introduced in version 3.5.4 caused the loading of lemma lists to print out the lemma in the
  • background dramatically slowing the loading process. This is now fixed.
  • A long time bug that caused the tab embedded files to be rendered incorrectly on Mac OSX has now been
  • fixed. I only became aware of the issue very recently.
  • A long time bug that caused files that had only character returns marking line breaks to load on a single line
  • has now been fixed. Again, I only became aware of the issue very recently.
  • The routine to automatically remove BOMs from UTF-8 encoded files has been improved to be more
  • reliable.
  • A bug that caused index numbers to appear in the file column of cloned KWIC concordance windows has
  • now been fixed. The index numbers no longer appear.
  • A bug that caused the results to be automatically sorted on first generation (regardless of the sort options)
  • has now been fixed. It was also noticed that in version 3.5.x it was not possible to view the result in the
  • order they appeared in the file (because the first sort option was also activated). This has been fixed by
  • allowing all sort levels to be activated and deactivated. When all the sort options are all deactivate, the
  • results will be in the order that the hits appear in the files.

New in AntConc 3.5.5 (Mar 25, 2018)

  • Bug fixes:
  • A bug introduced in version 3.5.4 caused the KWIC concordance window to only a limited number of characters to the right of the search term and also not show characters that appeared across line boundaries. This is now fixed.
  • A bug introduced in version 3.5.4 caused the KWIC concordance window to skip edge case results when the same search term appeared repeatedly close to itself. This is now fixed.

New in AntConc 3.5.4 (Mar 25, 2018)

  • Bug fixes:
  • The new way to calculate KWIC concordance lines introduced in version 3.5.x was inadvertently very slow when dealing with single, very large files. This has now been fixed. However, it has also been noticed that the performance of searches is very slow when the case option is deactivated (the default). Much higher performance can be gained by activating this option. (The performance drop here is related to the handling of Unicode characters). One further way to improve performance (when doing multi-word searches only) is to deactivate the "Treat search whitespace as one or more non-tokens" in the Wildcard global settings. (Again, the performance drop here is related to the handling of Unicode characters).

New in AntConc 3.5.2 (Feb 8, 2018)

  • Bug fixes:
  • The Word List Tool search function was not showing any highlighted results. This is now fixed.

New in AntConc 3.4.4w (Jun 27, 2015)

  • Bug fixes:
  • When the "Hide tags" or "Hide tags (Search in Conc/Plot/File View)" global setting tag options were selected, the File View would continue to show headers in certain cases, i.e., when the header extended beyond a single line. This would cause the strange effects such as the concordance/concordance plot lines and linking to become out of sync. This has been fixed

New in AntConc 3.4.3w Build 3430 (Sep 22, 2014)

  • Bug fixes:
  • The legacy character encodings for Japanese, Chinese, Taiwanese, and Korean were inadvertently left out of the compiled executable for version 3.2.2 meaning that files encoded in these languages would not open correctly in AntConc. These have now been added.

New in AntConc 3.4.0w Build 3400 (Jan 25, 2014)

  • This is a semi major upgrade fixing a few small bugs and adding several important features to improve the output display of the Concordancer and Plot tools.
  • New Features:
  • The Concordancer tool output now correctly centers the search terms regardless of language. This is especially useful for Asian languages such as Japanese, Chinese, and Korean that have two-byte character widths. Note that this is achieved by using two columns in the 'KWIC' pane. If you click CTRL-A in the pane, only one of these hidden columns will be selected. Use ALT-A to select all columns.
  • Line breaks in the Concordance Tool output can now be replaced by a user defined character (default being a single space). Again, this is especially useful for Asian languages because traditional replacement by a single space might inappropriately split words that cross line-break boundaries.
  • The Collocates Tool no longer includes the center word in the collocation table. This results in more meaningful collocate values.
  • Not exactly a feature, but Concordance Tool searches are now only centered on completion rather than after finding the first line. This is generally a more pleasant experience.
  • Whitespace options in the wildcards menu have now been extended.
  • A database now runs in the background and is used to store KWIC and Plot concordance results. This alleviates out of memory problems with earlier versions and also allows much faster sorting of the KWIC. The new database model also improves the performance of general KWIC and Plot searches.
  • In the Advanced Search, if you add multiple context words, AntConc will look for *any* of these in surrounding context of the search term rather than *all* of them (as in earlier versions). This change has been implemented as a result of many requests for this function. I hope it does not inconvenience too many people.
  • In the Collocates tool, if you click on a word, if will search for that word in the Concordance Tool but restrict results to only those where the original search term is in the neighborhood of the collocate as set by the Collocates tool. Again, this change has been implemented as a result of many requests for this function.
  • Colors for the highlight and ordered words in the KWIC display have been changed to be a little easier to see.
  • The font size for the main results is now a little larger.
  • Bug fixes:
  • The Collocates Tool sometimes use to report values of "-1" (when the only collocates of the center word was itself) and "-2" (when the collocate value was not able to be calculated due to an out-of-sync word list). The first case ("-1") no longer exists (see feature 3 above). In the second case ("-2"), the value has now been replaced with "0" to avoid confusion.
  • In the Word List Tool, Alt-A now correctly selects all the panes including the Lemma list.
  • When no corpus file names were selected in the left panel, sometimes the “Close file” menu option would delete the first file name in the list instead of reporting that no file was selected. The has been fixed.
  • After changing the size of the Search Entry font option in the global settings, the new font size would not be reflected in the sample display. This is now fixed.
  • If the "invert sort" option was activated in any tool with this feature, an "Array XXX" error was produced in the results window. I apologize for this very inconvenient bug.
  • Several other minor bugs including one that sometimes led to tags not being hidden properly after applying tag settings have been fixed.

New in AntConc 3.3.5w Build 3354 Beta (Aug 3, 2013)

  • This is a minor upgrade fixing a few small bugs. One very minor new feature have been added.
  • New Features:
  • The "Order by Stat" sort option is now set as the default option in the Collocates Tool.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixes a problem that caused the window span controller values to become out of sync if the "from" controller changed the "to" controller or vice versa.
  • Fixes a problem that caused the window 'same' checkbox controller to not work properly.
  • Fixes a problem that caused the scrollbars to not show correctly in the cloned view of the Concordancer Tool window.

New in AntConc 3.3.4 (Aug 3, 2013)

  • This is a minor upgrade fixing a single bug. No new features have been added.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Sort by word end in the Word List tool produced a list in reverse order. This is now fixed.

New in AntConc 3.3.3 (Aug 3, 2013)

  • This is a minor upgrade fixing a couple of bugs. No new features have been added.
  • Bug fixes:
  • A tab delimiter character incorrectly appeared in the KWIC concordance display. This is now fixed.
  • If multi-character delimiters were inputted, the highlighting became misaligned. This is also fixed.
  • A bug causing the software to keeping reopening after clicking the close button (top right of screen on Windows) was fixed. The problem only appeared after importing user settings files or reloading the default settings.

New in AntConc 3.3.2 (Aug 3, 2013)

  • This is a semi-major upgrade that addresses an important bug in version 3.3.1. I've also added a few small but
  • useful features.
  • New Features:
  • Performance has been greatly improved (> 10 times) for all but the Concordance and Plot tools. I hope to improve the performance of these tools from now.
  • It is now possible to append user-defined characters to the standard Unicode character classes.
  • Users can now choose to ignore or not ignore white space in the search box. The default is set to ignore white space.
  • Users can now choose which delimiter character to use in the Concordance tool.
  • The "treat all data as lowercase" option is now set as default on all tools except the Concordance and Plot tool. I hope this is a much more sensible default setting.
  • Files created on different platforms can have different end-of-line characters. These are now treated correctly regardless of which platform AntConc is launched on.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Some user token definitions caused the output to display strange results that appeared to ignore any word boundaries. This problem is now fixed.

New in AntConc 3.3.1 (Aug 3, 2013)

  • This is a minor upgrade that addresses a few small bugs version 3.3.0.
  • Bug fixes:
  • All windows now resize correctly to show widgets even when the ‘screen display’ setting on Microsoft Windows is set to 125%. In 3.3.0, an enlarged display caused some setting areas to be cut.
  • Windows are now centered correctly regardless of the screen display’ setting on Microsoft Windows. Also, there is no flicker of windows moving from the top
  • left of the screen to the center as they are positioned.
  • The checkbox for Level 1 sorting now includes a greyed out check mark.
  • Underline marks that appeared under list items (e.g. corpus files in the main window) have now been removed.
  • A few bold headers have now been corrected to normal typeface.
  • Word and case checkbuttons in the main window are now correctly disabled if the Regex option is marked as active in a user settings file.

New in AntConc 3.3.0 (Aug 3, 2013)

  • This is a major upgrade introducing many new features and addressing bugs that appeared in previous 3.2.x versions.
  • New Features:
  • The “range” information for a word has now been added to the Clusters Tool. This allows ‘lexical bundles’ of a certain minimum range to be generated.
  • The full path of a corpus file is now shown by hovering the cursor over the file name in the main window.
  • Loading of lemma lists is now greatly simplified.
  • Loading of reference corpus lists are now greatly simplified.
  • When loading reference corpus lists, checks are now made to see if the format is correct.
  • The interface has been simplified a little by removing little-used buttons, in particular, the “Reset” button and “Exit” button on each tool tab. Also the ambiguous “Save Window” button has now been renamed “Close Results” to more accurately reflect its action.
  • Hit and frequency counts now appear above the results window in all tools.
  • The Clusters tool has now been renamed “Clusters/N-Grams’’ to more accurately reflect its functions.
  • The actions associated with spinbox arrows have now been reversed. This is perhaps a more natural way for them to work.
  • The term “Language Encoding” used in 3.2.x versions has now been corrected to “Character Encoding”.
  • Various default settings have been changed to reflect modern corpus linguists’ preferences. In particular, the default character encoding has been changed from Latin 1 to UTF-8.
  • This user file has now been updated to be a little easier to read and understand.
  • After opening or saving files, AntConc will now remember the folder location.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Selection highlighting of corpus files now accurately reflects which files can be viewed in the File View tool.
  • AntConc now correctly remembers the positions of window panes after global and tool preferences have been accessed.
  • AntConc now correctly remembers which was the last preference window accessed by the user.
  • Numerous interface oddities associated with 3.2.x versions of AntConc should now be fixed with the introduction of a native interface for all platforms (see New Features 1 above).
  • File names with a different character encoding the file contents will now appear correctly.

New in AntConc 3.2.4 (Aug 3, 2013)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a bug that caused the total number of lemma entries to not be displayed properly.

New in AntConc 3.2.3 (Aug 3, 2013)

  • This is a major upgrade introducing several new features and addressing bugs that appeared in version
  • New Features:
  • Massively simplified the engine used for sorting and displaying results. This will allow for improved performance later.
  • Introduced a Concordance preference setting allowing tab spaces to be added around the search hit in the KWIC concordance view. Introducing this means that
  • the toggle shortcut key ‘x’ to show/hide the KWIC search term has had to be removed. This function can now be accessed via the (fixed) menu option. I also hope to reintroduce this toggle shortcut key later.
  • Introduced the option to use word list(s) of reference corpus files instead of directly processing the raw files. This allows fast generation of keywords and
  • also allows users to generate keyword lists even when the reference corpus is not available (but a word list is). See the Keyword List section for further details.
  • Introduced feature to output the counts of types and tokens for each tool when saving results as a text file.
  • Changed some of the default settings in response to user feedback:
  • Concordance Tool sort level s are set as 1R, 2R, 3R.
  • The Collocates Tool Stats measure is now displayed and calculated.
  • Bug fixes:
  • The splash screen that appeared when a user settings file was added has been removed. Now, the words “User Settings” appears next to the title of the software at the top of main window, whenever a user settings file is used.
  • The layout of the main window has been improved so that the main work area is maximized for all sizes of main window.
  • Unicode “Marks” can now be added/removed in the token definition settings Occasionally, the last bar of the progress bar remained blank at the end of processing. This has now been fixed.
  • Under tag settings, the “Hide Header Tags” option will now work for headers than span across multiple lines.
  • The main window and all pop-up windows now appear centered in the display.
  • When viewing the global settings preferences, it was possible to accidentally activate the main window by clicking on it. This has been fixed.
  • The list of files in the left pane was often too narrow to view easily. This has been fixed by introducing a two-pane approach, with the left pane showing
  • the files, and the right pane showing the results and controls. The width of both panes can be adjusted with the default size being the minimum size.os
  • It was possible to adjust the main window to be smaller than the default size of 800px by 600px. This caused the positioning of some widgets to become misaligned. Now, 800px by 600px has been set as the minimum size of the main window.
  • Various problems experienced when cutting, copying, and pasting text to/from the Search boxes in each tool have been addressed by removing the “Spinbox”
  • widget type and replacing this with a standard “Entry” widget. The history of previous searches can be now accessed using the “Up” (previous) and “Down” (next) arrow keys.
  • After moving the cursor over the corpus files list while using the File View Tool, it should change into a “Pointing Finger” cursor. However, this cursor
  • shape was returned incorrectly back to a standard “Edit” cursor when one of the files was selected. This has now been fixed.
  • Changed foreground to white when AntConc reports that the KWIC analysis has finished or has no results. This should be easier to read.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Concordance preference option “Hide search term in KWIC display” to only show the hit. (The opposite of the stated function!). This is now fixed.
  • Fixed some typos in this Read Me document.
  • Fixed a major bug that caused a warning to always appear when using the T-Score statistical measure with the Collocates Tool. Note that the warning could be ignored as the results would always be correct.

New in AntConc (Aug 3, 2013)

  • This is a minor upgrade addressing bugs that appeared in version 3.2.2.
  • Bug fixes:
  • The legacy character encodings for Japanese, Chinese, Taiwanese, and Korean were inadvertently left out of the compiled executable for version 3.2.2 meaning that files encoded in these languages would not open correctly in AntConc. These have now been added.