Apache AntUnit Changelog

What's new in Apache AntUnit 1.4.1

Jul 8, 2021
  • This release fixes the antlib.xml descriptor so that AntUnit can now be used with a user-defined URI rather than having AntUnit's preferred URI hardcoded..

New in Apache AntUnit 1.3 (May 14, 2014)

  • Fixed Bugs:
  • LogCapturer can now optionally add (platform dependent) line breaks between log messages that it records. The log related assertions and the logcontent resource have a new attribute "mergeLines" that controls the line breaks, it defaults to "true" - i.e. no line breaks - to preserve backwards compatibility.
  • Other Changes:
  • New assertion assertRefResourceExists, assertRefResourceDoesntExist, assertRefResourceContains, assertRefResourceDoesntContain, assertNestedResourceExists, assertNestedResourceDoesntExist have been added. These new assertions work for non-filesystem resources unlike their existing cousins of AntUnit 1.2.
  • A new AntUnitListener named "logforwarder" can be attached to forward any log output from the project under test to the project running the AntUnit task immediately.

New in Apache AntUnit 1.2 (Apr 5, 2014)

  • Changes that Could Break Older Environments:
  • assertResourceContains now first validates that the given resource actually exists using assertResourceExists - this may lead to a different error message than the ones generated with AntUnit 1.1.
  • The XSLT stylesheets now create HTML files instead of plain text for logs sent to System.err and System.out. You can always get back to your own reporting by providing custom stylesheets.
  • Fixed Bugs:
  • The XSLT stylesheets now create HTML files instead of plain text for logs sent to System.err and System.out. You can always get back to your own reporting by providing custom stylesheets.
  • Default XSLT stylesheets now properly escape XML in exception stack traces.
  • assertPropertyContains was not checking the value of the property but the name of the property.
  • Other Changes:
  • assertResourceContains now first validates that the given resource actually exists using assertResourceExists - this may lead to a different error message than the ones generated with AntUnit 1.1.
  • New assertion assertResourceExists and assertResourceDoesntExist have been added.
  • It is now possible to pass references from the build file containing the task to the build files under test. BugZilla Issue 49168
  • Add experimental JUnit3 and JUnit4 adapters allowing to launch AntUnit script from JUnit runner. The API of that code is not fixed and may change in future releases.
  • expectfailure report the original build exception chained when failing
  • Add a fail task that makes a test case fail if no condition is provided or if the provided one is evaluated to false.

New in Apache AntUnit 1.1 (Feb 7, 2011)

  • Fixed Bugs:
  • assertFileExists example wrong, should use @file instead of @name BugZilla Issue 42745
  • Failure in tearDown doesn't result in failed test run BugZilla Issue 43466
  • assertMatches' casesensitive attribute didn't default to true as documented BugZilla Issue 43639
  • Other Changes:
  • added a new assertDoesntMatch assertion BugZilla Issue 43639
  • added suiteSetUp and suiteTearDown targets BugZilla Issue 43475
  • plainlistener and xmllistener can now optionally contain the test's log output in their reports BugZilla Issue 43604
  • xmllistener will now log the properties of the project under test BugZilla Issue 43614
  • added new assertResourceContains and assertResourceDoesntContain assertion BugZilla Issue