Camping Food Planner Changelog

What's new in Camping Food Planner 3.02

Jan 4, 2012
  • Added 'Show ingredients in unit measures' option to report window. This checkbox will cause ingredient amounts shown in all reports to be displayed in their respective unit measures, if provided. For example, suppose you have the ingredient 'ketchup', and the unit size 'bottles' is defined as 250 ml. With this option checked, the ingredient volumes will be listed in bottles in all reports. This is especially handy in the Shopping List report. If an ingredient does not have a unit measure size, then the amount is shown in the selected 'Ingredient units'.
  • Added 'Preview magnification' feature to Report window. This controls the default magnification in the Report Preview window. This setting is saved with the program. The default is 'whole page', but users may wish to set this to 100% or higher to make the text more visible on their screen. This setting can be changed manually as well in the report window itself (the setting change there is not saved with Camping Food Planner).
  • Added new 'Trip report, very detailed' report type. This report is the same as the detailed trip report, but also includes the menu item notes (if specified).
  • Added 'Safe editing' checkbox to the ingredients dialog. Enabled, this option requires you to click the 'Edit' button beside the ingredient name before you can edit the details. This feature may be useful to prevent accidental edits.
  • Added some more menu items, and more recipes/details for old ones. Some menu item names were changed slightly, so you may notice some duplication when you re-import your old data.
  • Added a feature to the installer to detect an install 'over the top' of an existing install, and the database is present. If so, it warns the user to do a backup/export first.

New in Camping Food Planner 2.07 (Jan 4, 2012)

  • Minor change for FTP upload of database submissions.

New in Camping Food Planner 2.06 (Jan 4, 2012)

  • Changed online help system to Microsoft CHM files, since HLP files are no longer supported in Windows Vista.