Contig Changelog

What's new in Contig 1.81

Oct 13, 2021
  • AccessEnum v1.33, CacheSet v1.01, Contig v1.81, Desktops v2.01, Disk2vhd v2.02, DiskMon v2.02, EFSDump v1.03, LoadOrder v1.02, PsShutdown v2.53, RegJump v1.11, ShareEnum v1.61, ShellRunas v1.02 get new builds with updated Windows libraries.

New in Contig 1.7 (Nov 17, 2012)

  • v1.7 has more detailed fragmentation analysis reporting, fixes a bug that enables creation of contiguous files larger than 8GB, and adds support for setting the valid data length on files to avoid zero-fill overhead.