Cyotek Spriter Changelog

What's new in Cyotek Spriter

May 26, 2015
  • fix: Applied the same speculative for a crash that could occur when starting Spriter to the Optimize view

New in Cyotek Spriter (May 26, 2015)

  • new: Reinstated the OptiPNG addin, however optipng.exe is no longer distributed and must be downloaded from the OptiPNG project page.
  • fix: If a view crashes when updating, it is now disabled for the remainder of the session without crashing the entire application

New in Cyotek Spriter (May 25, 2015)

  • change: FreeImage updated to 3.17
  • fix: Speculative for a crash that could occur when starting Spriter and the CSS properties view was resized
  • fix: Fixed a crash that occured using the External Tools dialog the Environment Variables sub menu was clicked
  • fix: Fixed an issue where token menus (for example those in the External Tools dialog) containing environment variables could be excessively wide

New in Cyotek Spriter (Mar 13, 2015)

  • Changes and new features:
  • Reinstated digital signatures
  • Removed the OptiPng add-in. Some virus scanners are reporting OptiPng as a virus and although it seems to be a false positive it is being removed for the time being.
  • Bug Fixes:
  • Some files were missing from the setup that prevented exception reports from being submitted (regression from previous version)
  • Fixed an issue where exporting images could cause a crash (regression from previous version)
  • Exiting Spriter while the RSS extension was updating caused a crash

New in Cyotek Spriter (Dec 15, 2014)

  • Changes and new features:
  • Temporarily removed digital signatures, these will be reinstated shortly
  • Added Windows 10 to application manifests
  • Images using the WebP format are now supported

New in Cyotek Spriter (Aug 25, 2014)

  • Changes and new features:
  • Added support for a greater variety of import and export image formats
  • Improved the output of the Text effect when using only plain text, e.g. no glows, outlines or shadows
  • Greatly improved the performance of the Pixelate effect
  • Setup now allows you to customize which components are installed
  • Added product RSS notifications add-in
  • Added a helper tool for backing up and restoring settings, or for resetting settings to default values
  • Added a stand-alone update check tool
  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a problem where occasionally the application window didn't appear in the taskbar
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using certain image color depths with Windows XP
  • Repeatedly clicking column headers in sortable lists now correctly cycles between Ascending, Descending and None, instead of only Ascending and Descending.
  • Fixed an issue where the update check could cause the main window to be unresponsive
  • In certain circumstances, creating a backup of a file could take a substantial amount of time
  • Fixed an occasional The path is not of a legal form exception when using the External Tools dialog
  • Fixed an issue where colour settings were sometimes not loaded correctly
  • Fixed an issue where font settings were sometimes not saved correctly
  • Font sizes are now displayed as whole numbers
  • Fixed an occasional crash resizing the application window with a collapsed panel
  • Corrected baseline positioning of editors and labels in dynamic user interfaces
  • Fixed an issue where settings were both loaded and saved using thread specific culture data, which could cause a crash if the computer culture information was subsequently changed. All settings are now saved and load using an invariant culture.
  • A crash no longer occurs if font information cannot be read correctly from stored settings
  • Changing the window font is now correctly applied to the main window when the settings are applied, rather than requiring the application to be restarted
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when attempting to obtain the display string for an enum value
  • Fixed an issue where the RSS feed wouldn't update when the Update Now option was used, unless a daily update was already pending

New in Cyotek Spriter (Mar 24, 2014)

  • Changes and new features:
  • Panels in Option dialogs now load on demand
  • Added a new /S flag to the command line client. When set, the source project is automatically saved after performing the export
  • Added a new /NORESULTS flag to the command line client to be used with the /S flag. When set, the saved project does not include the last export result information. This is useful as it prevents the project file from changing due to an export, unless other factors (such as changed image sizes) affect the output. Do not use this option if CSS merge options are set
  • Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a problem where if a source image was resized when Spriter wasn't running, the next time you opened the project the layout would not be automatically recalculated to account for the changed size
  • Fixed a problem where activating the Files or Effects views for the first time could repeatedly reapply effects
  • Fixed a problem where excluding or including a file from the Files view would cause effects to be applied twice
  • Fixed a crash that would occur if the application was configured to use a custom temporary files path, and that path did not exist
  • Dynamic options in the Options dialog are now positioned more sensibly in relation to the options label and editor, and other options in the same group
  • Fixed a problem where tool tips did not display under certain conditions, or could display the wrong (or blank) text
  • Extension mapping for dropped files was case sensitive
  • Reworked tool bar layout code to prevent overflowed buttons
  • Fixed an issue seemingly introduced in where sometimes opening Spriter could cause a crash when attempting to select the default view

New in Cyotek Spriter (Mar 24, 2014)

  • Changes and new features:
  • Bundled optipng.exe updated to current stable release (0.7.4)
  • Bug fixes:
  • The command line client wasn't returning an exit code of 0 (success) on successful completion
  • Fixed an occasional crash processing 8bit indexed images

New in Cyotek Spriter (Dec 30, 2013)

  • Changes and new features:
  • Token menus now include environment variables
  • Setup now offers to install the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 if not already present
  • Added a new /LOAD switch to the command line client. This new switch allows command line switches to be stored in a separate file, and loaded into the command line client.
  • Bug fixes:
  • The token button displayed when prompting the user for arguments for eternal tool execution now displays a menu with available tokens.
  • The maximized or minimized state of a window was no longer being restored when reopening the window
  • Attempting to open a folder who's full path contains a period no longer displays an Invalid Path message.
  • When restoring window position and size, the restored bounds are automatically recalculated to fit the monitor, for example when using via Remote Desktop with a smaller display resolution, or the removal/repositioning of a monitor in a multi-monitor set up.
  • The main application window could no longer be sized smaller than its original startup size.
  • Fixed a problem introduced in the last update which caused the crash reporter to no longer submit crash reports

New in Cyotek Spriter (Nov 19, 2013)

  • Added manifest so that when running under Windows 8.1 / Server 2012 R2 the OS version is correctly reported.
  • Fixed an occasional crash when clicking an image and then slightly dragging the mouse from the image view.

New in Cyotek Spriter (Jul 17, 2013)

  • Fixed a last minute bug in the release that caused a crash when attempting to add a new effect

New in Cyotek Spriter (Jul 15, 2013)

  • Changes and new features:
  • Experimental: Spriter now support effects that generate images on the fly, rather than requiring a source image to post-process
  • Experimental: Added a new Text effect that generates dynamic images containing text in a variety of styles
  • Experimental: Added a new option allowing the location of most temporary files to be specified, for example a RAM disk.
  • Clicking a blank area of the image preview now clears any existing selection of images or effects
  • Selecting an image now clears any selected effects
  • Selecting an image which is created by an effect no longer selects the source image, but instead selects the effect
  • In a similar manner, double clicking an image that is created by an effect opens the effect's properties rather than the image's properties
  • Effects which have colour settings now allow colours to be selected via RGB, HSL or hex, or captured from the screen
  • Added additional columns to the effects list
  • The Add Effect command now includes quick access to creating effects of a specific type
  • Added split button support to extension API
  • Added a new export option to export the individual sprites. This option is useful if you make use of effects to add derived or brand new images and don't want to use a tool such as Slicr to pull apart the sprite sheet.
  • Added new /SPRITE and /-SPRITE flags to the command line client for controlling the new export sprites option
  • Effects now have their own unique icons to help identify different effects in a list
  • Selecting individual images in the Effect Properties dialog now automatically selects the Apply to the following images option
  • Added the ability to duplicate an existing effect
  • The Class Names display option now shows the full class name
  • When using the watched folders functionality, Spriter now processes changes to files as they occur, without having to manually refresh or close and reopen the project.
  • Watched folder configuration has now been moved out of the Files view and into it's own dedicated Folders view
  • Tidied up user interface commands and some short-cut keys
  • Added additional events to the Spriter API for extension use
  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a problem where the rotate transform occasionally incorrectly calculated the new image size, resulting in cropped rotations
  • Fixed a crash which occurred if an effect assembly relied on additional assemblies that were deployed to the effects folder
  • Fixed an issue where double clicking the control either didn't work as expected, or a crash occurred, if the image preview wasn't at 100% zoom.
  • Fixed a similar issue when trying to drag a sprite and the image preview was zoomed.
  • Fixed a problem where the effects list didn't always update when modifying an effect
  • Fixed minor painting issues with some drop-down controls
  • Fixed problems with the action processor when using the delete key with a text box
  • Fixed a problem where in some cases making a change didn't mark the project as dirty
  • Fixed a problem where the command line client didn't process effects prior to performing an export
  • Fixed a problem where occasionally Spriter would be confused about whether or not a project was in an exportable state
  • Fixed a problem where if processing an effect crashed, Spriter would also crash in certain situations.

New in Cyotek Spriter (May 28, 2013)

  • Changes and new features:
  • Added a new command line client. This tool allows you to easily generate the different outputs of existing Spriter projects without user interaction, for example as part of a build process.
  • Experimental: You can now link entire folders to a Spriter project. When the project is opened (or the Refresh command used), any new image files located in watched folders will be added to the project automatically. We'll be expanding this functionality in future updates.
  • Added new options to control the background grid style and color of the various image display controls
  • Added maximagewidth, maximagewidthunit, maximageheight and maximageheightunit formatting variables for use in CSS templates. These new variables are available for all template block types and can be used to extract URL and size information into a single CSS class rather than being present for all classes.
  • Bug fixes:
  • The CSS tab no longer updates with every single change when multiple changes are performed with a single action
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when trying to read a CSS file that contained an unclosed comment
  • Fixed a crash using the Resize effect if the Invalid interpolation mode was selected
  • Fixed a number of issues where performing an action didn't correctly update the display after the action had been completed
  • Exception reports now include details of type load exception data
  • A crash no longer occurs if restoring a window's previous state fails

New in Cyotek Spriter (May 7, 2013)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Clicking an image no longer performs an automatic "drag, remove and insert" operation
  • Fixed a problem where after dragging an image, the new position was offset from the expected drop location
  • Fixed a problem where the XML generated by an exception was invalid

New in Cyotek Spriter (Apr 10, 2013)

  • Fixes a startup crash that could occur if the splitter on the main window was moved to a certain position and the window was then resized to a smaller size

New in Cyotek Spriter (Apr 8, 2013)

  • Changes and new features:
  • Experimental: Added new drag action to the Image view. This allows you to reorder images a more visual fashion than using the Files view. Note: This new drag operation will only activate if the projects "sort images by size" option is disabled. In addition, you'll probably want to use the Fast or Simple packing methods, as Complex also reorders images.
  • Experimental: The "lock image" functionality has been exposed via the sprite properties dialog. If you mark a sprite as locked, it's current position will remain fixed when performing an automatic layout.
  • Color picker replaced with keyboard friendly version that adds support for alpha channels and HSL colors
  • Added option to toggle the displaying of class names in the preview editor
  • Image highlighting and labels are now drawn in the same style as Cyotek Slicr
  • Adding or removing images from the project now automatically clears any existing filters in the Files view
  • Added a new option for automatically opening the last project when starting Spriter without a command line
  • Help file updated
  • Bug fixes:
  • Clearing filters in the Files view no longer:
  • Causes duplicate entries to be created
  • The sprite preview to be refreshed (repeatedly)
  • The project to be marked as changed
  • And if you are especially unlucky, crashes Spriter
  • Added additional validation to the Export dialog, it will no longer let the dialog be submitted if any file names are duplicates or if the project is unsaved and any file name is using a relative path
  • Fixed a problem saving documents in Turkish locales where "i" characters could be replaced with "?"
  • Fixed a crash if you attempted to browse for a folder and had manually entered a path containing invalid characters
  • If there is a problem setting the progress bar overlay on the taskbar, a crash no longer occurs
  • Fixed the wait cursor not always appearing when a blocking action was occurring
  • Fixed a rare clean up crash when removing temporary files
  • Pressing enter on a focused link label now correctly activates the link, instead of attempting to activate the default button for the window
  • Fixed a problem where occasionally Spriter would repeatedly reapply the layout after enabling a previously disabled effect
  • Fixed a problem where occasionally Spriter would fail to calculate the sprite sheet layout and instead would display an error
  • Fixed an issue where the sprite sheet included double right and bottom padding for the final column/row of sprites
  • HTML browse button in Export dialog didn't actually do anything when clicked

New in Cyotek Spriter (Mar 11, 2013)

  • Tagged Image File Format (.tiff; .tif) is now a supported export format
  • External Tools dialog now includes a preview of the command line and allows tools to be executed from within the editing dialog
  • External tools now support using environment variables
  • Added automatic update check which can be enabled/disabled in the Options dialog. When enabled, once a day a check is made, and if an update is found a notification is displayed in the status bar.
  • Numeric editors now use spin buttons
  • When using the Save Sprite Image As command, a Windows Explorer window is now opened to the destination filename after saving.
  • Added zoom control
  • Improvements to the command bar API for extension builders

New in Cyotek Spriter (Oct 22, 2012)

  • Changes and new features:
  • Spriter no longer displays a non-fatal exception dialog when it is unable to fit images, but displays a more friendly message explaining why the pack failed and with resolution information
  • Bug fixes:
  • Effects which apply to all images weren't being updated when adding new images to the project
  • Fixed a problem where the calculated maximum width of sprites was always zero
  • CEIP transport now correctly targets .NET 3.5, preventing errors when exiting Spriter and .NET 4.0 was not installed
  • CEIP will no longer prompt to be enabled each time the main Spriter executable version changes
  • Fixed a potential crash reading settings
  • Fixed a number of issues with the error reporting tool
  • Exception handler now tries to send exception reports using the en-US local
  • Fixes a problem where upgrading Spriter from previous versions didn't overwrite certain files causing startup crashes

New in Cyotek Spriter (Oct 2, 2012)

  • Changes and new features:
  • Added new Rotate effect
  • Browse folder dialogs now allow entering the path on Windows Vista and above
  • Adds new "Invert Positions" option which determines if the calculate X and Y co-ordinates in output CSS (or whatever the template has been configured for) is positive or negative.
  • Templates can now be reordered from the template editor
  • Template editor now includes a live preview
  • Added {name}, {filename}, {fullfilename} template variables
  • Added the ability for the template editor to import templates from other Spriter projects
  • The -/+ keys can now be used for zooming
  • Includes customer experience improvement program
  • Help Updated
  • Bug fixes:
  • HTML / CSS templates now correctly supports having more than one template that repeats for each sprite in the project
  • Fixes an issue where clicking an empty MRU could prompt to remove a blank filename
  • Fixes an issue where the layout was not recalculated when changing the "Include Derived Effects" attribute for a sprite
  • Fixes an issue where an effect that modifies the size of an image did not apply the new size when applied to a source sprite rather than a copy
  • Fixes an issue where previews didn't update correctly when modifying an effect that was applied to the source sprites rather than a copy
  • Fixes an issue where creating a new document when changes had been made to the current document did not prompt to save said changes, causing them to be lost
  • Fixes an issue where templates were not correctly saved
  • Fixes an issue where editing templates incorrectly edited the default templates, causing any new documents created that session to contain the modified CSS/HTML templates
  • Fixes a number of issues with the template editor
  • Fixes a crash displaying the About dialog introduced in version
  • Fixes a crash which occurred when hovering over an overflow toolbar button
  • Items in the toolbars menu now appear in the correct order
  • Zooming into images via the mouse is now more smooth