DASMx Changelog

What's new in DASMx 1.30

Aug 26, 2010
  • Disassembly of Hitachi 6301 and 6303 added;
  • Disassembly of Rockwell 65C00/21, 65C29, 65C02, 65C102 and 65C112 added;
  • Disassembly of Intel 8051 added;
  • Disassembly of Sharp LR35902 (GameBoy processor) added;
  • Corrected documentation concerning Hitachi 6309 (which has, in fact, an identical instruction set to the 6809);
  • Labelling and threading improvements for 8080, 8085 and Z80 disassembly (affects RST and indirect addressing instructions);
  • Correction to instruction format for 2650 lodz/eorz/andz/…;
  • New wide listing format showing execution cycles for each instruction;
  • File size, checksum and CCITT CRC-32 calculated and shown in listing header;
  • Auto number format determined by processor type (which can be overriden by a directive in the symbol file);
  • User messages can now be specified and generated from the symbol file;
  • Symbol file includes (which may be nested) now permitted.