DISLIN Changelog

What's new in DISLIN 11.5.2

Apr 9, 2024
  • The new routine PSMETA can write additional meta information to PostScript files.
  • The option 'HOURS' in TICMOD enables minor ticks for hours in date labels.
  • The possible number of user labels defined with MYLAB is increased from 50 to 100.
  • The new routine MAPDIR defines a search directory for map files.
  • Pre-compiled modules for Python version 3.12 are added to the DISLIN Windows distributions for Python.
  • Two new distributions support now native programming with DISLIN on MacOS systems with Intel and Arm processors.
  • Some small bugs are fixed such as typing errors in the routine GETLAB and in the Fortran wrapper routine for TPRMOD. Missing borders for Kosovo, Montenegro and Cyprus are added. Thanks to all DISLIN users for the bug reports.

New in DISLIN 11.5.1 (Apr 25, 2023)

  • The DISLIN libraries are updated to version 11.5.1 with the following changes:
  • a bilinear interpolation for rectangles is now used in the routine CRVQDR. Before that a bilinear interpolation of two triangles was done, which was incorrect.
  • The routine TTFONT for reading a TrueType font has wrongly switched to a DISLIN vector font for plotting Greek and Cyrillic characters. The bug is fixed.
  • A typing error in the name of the Fortran wrapper routine for FITSSTR was reported and corrected.
  • The TeX keyword diameter is added for plotting a diameter symbol.

New in DISLIN 11.5 (Mar 15, 2022)

  • The new option SWGOPT (COPT, 'FILE') enables or disables a text field created by WGFIL for the selected file name. COPT can have the values 'FIELD' (default) and 'NOFIELD'.
  • The Python modules in the DISLIN distributions for Python and Windows are updated. The supported Python versions are now 2.7, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10 (32- and 64-bit).
  • The supported Perl modules in the DISLIN distributions for Perl and Windows are updated to Perl versions 5.20.x, 5.22.x, 5.30.x and 5.32.x (32- and 64-bit).
  • The Ruby versions 1.9, 2.7 and 3.1 are supported now by DISLIN for Windows (32-bit).
  • All Go versions greater or equal 1.13 are supported by DISLIN (32- and 64-bit).
  • DISLIN can be used from the Julia programming language between Julia version 0.7 and the current version 1.7.2 (32- and 64-bit).
  • The programming language R is supported by DISLIN for R versions greater or equal 3.2.1 (32- and 64-bit).
  • The DISLIN libraries for Linux are now compiled on CentOS 3.9 systems (32- and 64-bit) with gcc 4.8.5. The RPM packages were also created on these systems while the DEB packages were generated on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with ESM support.

New in DISLIN 11.4 (Mar 15, 2021)

  • The Windows Enhanced Metafile format EMF is supported by DISLIN. EMF files can be created with the keyword 'EMF' in the routine METAFL. EMF is a 32-bit extension of the WMF format. DISLIN stores plot vectors as pixels in EMF files with the origin in the upper left corner.
  • The new option SWGOPT (file, 'BACKGROUND') sets an image as background for main widgets, where the parameter 'file' should contain the name of a BMP file. If the image is smaller than the size of the main widget, the image will be duplicated. Otherwise, it will be clipped.
  • A reported access violation in the routine LEGEND is fixed. The crash was caused by trying to plot a symbol lying outside of the page.
  • The file dislin.f90 was missing in the dl_11_if.zip distribution for Intel Fortran. Thanks to Ahron Fegelman for the hint.
  • The install names of the DISLIN libraries are changed for MAC OSX. The environment variable DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is no longer needed, if DISLIN is installed in the directory /usr/local/dislin. Anthony Bratt has suggested the change.
  • A bug in the interpretation of the Mapgen format for plotting external maps is corrected. The bug was caused by a source code change in DISLIN.
  • The routine GOTHIC was missing in the Fortran wrapper routines. Thanks to Dr. Richard Patzak for the hint.
  • A missing call to DISINI in the quickplot routine QPLSUR was reported by Andi Zund. The bug is corrected.

New in DISLIN 11.3.3 (Nov 17, 2020)

  • DISLIN upgrade 11.3.3 is available:
  • Legends can be plotted in table form with multiple columns if the new option 'TABLE' is specified in the routine LEGTYP. The number of columns and the plot direction of legend entries can be defined with the routine LEGTBL.
  • Some more attributes are added to LEGVAL for modifying the appearance of legends.
  • TIFF files organized in tiles can now be included in DISLIN. Tiles are a TIFF extension and were not recognized by DISLIN until yet.
  • CRVMAT supports mesh lines defined with SURMSH.
  • The static libraries in the DISLIN distributions for Linux and FreeBSD are now compiled with the -fPIC option, so that they can be linked into shareable objects.
  • Python 3.8 is supported by the DISLIN distributions for Windows.
  • A reported crash in the routine TRIANG should be fixed. The crash was caused by a rounding error.
  • A bug in the Perl wrapper routine for TRIANG is corrected.
  • The background option for Smith charts was not working. The bug is fixed.
  • 2-June-2020
  • Dr. Scott Best from SiberSci, LLC, has published the paper 'A General-Purpose Scientific and Engineering Plotting Library that Includes Smith Charts' before a few days. The paper describes how Smith Charts can be created with DISLIN. A copy of the paper is available in the Downloads section, or here.
  • 26-May-2020
  • There was still a restriction for increasing the possible number of legend lines from 30 to 80. The bug is fixed.

New in DISLIN 11.0 (Apr 10, 2017)

  • A few bug fixes were applied to the Windows and Linux distributions of Dislin:
  • A reported bug in the Fortran wrapper routine for SURISO is corrected. The bug could cause an access violation or a corrupted isosurface, when unequal dimensions were passed to SURISO. Thanks to Dr. Tian Lu for the hint.
  • Diagonal lines were plotted with a wrong direction in image files if the option LINMOD ('ON', 'SMOOTH') was used before. Thanks to Thomas Bank Lauridsen for the report.
  • The utility gclhlp could not find it's online help files on Linux. Thanks to Jens Bischoff for the hint.

New in DISLIN 10.6 (Apr 8, 2016)

  • The new version is mostly a summary of the minor upgrades since version 10.5 with some new features and last bug fixes:
  • The Dislin widget routines on X11 systems based on OpenMotif support now Unicode characters. An X11 Unicode font must be loaded and Unicode characters must be passed as UTF8 strings to a Dislin widget routine for getting this feature. (10.6)
  • Thick lines in image formats such as PNG, TIFF, etc. are plotted with raster operations to increase the quality of image output. The vector operations used before could lead to some rounding effects. (10.6)
  • The routine WINJUS sets a character option for positioning the graphics window on the screen. (10.5.3)
  • A graphics window without any decorations such as frames and title bars is created after the option WINTYP ('POPUP'). The default value is WINTYP ('STANDARD'). (10.5.3)
  • The icon in the title bar of a graphics window can be replaced by an icon loaded with the routine WINICO (only Windows). (10.5.3)
  • A graphics window can be made unvisible and visible again with the new routine HIDWIN. (10.5.3)
  • The new routine AXSERS erases the contents of an axis system. (10.5.1)
  • The option SWGOPT ('FULL', 'MAIN') defines a fullscreen modus for the main widget created by WGINI. (10.5.1)
  • A hidden password can be entered in a text widget if the option SWGTYP ('PASSWORD', 'TEXT') is set before. (10.5.1)
  • Minimize and maximize buttons in the system menu of the main widget can be disabled with the new options SWGATT (ID, 'OFF', 'MINI') and SWGATT (ID, 'OFF', 'MAXI'). The complete system menu is disabled with the option SWGATT (ID, 'OFF', 'MENU'), where ID should be the widget ID of the main widget. (10.5.1)

New in DISLIN 10.5 (Jan 14, 2015)

  • The routine DELGLB frees allocated space for global parameters in Dislin. It can be called if Dislin routines are no longer needed in a program. (10.5)
  • The new routine GWGGUI informs about the used GUI in a Dislin library. (10.5)
  • The new routine FILTYP returns the type of an image or plotfile. (10.4.3)
  • GETSCM informs if automatic scaling is enabled in an axis system routine. (10.4.3)
  • ITMNCNT is a replacement of ITMCNT with an additional length parameter to avoid buffer overflows. ITMCNT is left in the library to provide compatibility. (10.4.3)
  • The new routine FREEPTR deallocates space that is allocated is Dislin before. This routine is for example necessary if the space was allocated in an DLL. (10.4.3)
  • SHDMAP accepts the additional options 'GSHL', 'GSHI' and 'GSHH' for using GSHHS map coordinates for shading continents. (10.4.1)
  • The routine WGPICON was missing in the Fortran wrapper libraries of Dislin. Thanks to William Podgorski for the hint.
  • A WMF file created by Dislin could be corrupted if it was created after a graphical output to the screen. Thanks to Ziguo Zuo for the report.
  • Not all parts of list and table widgets were invisible after the option 'INVISIBLE' in SWGATT for X11. The bug is corrected.

New in DISLIN 10.4.3 (Jan 14, 2015)

  • The new routine FILTYP returns the type of an image or plotfile.
  • GETSCM informs if automatic scaling is used in an axis system routine.
  • ITMNCNT is a replacement of ITMCNT with an additional length parameter to avoid buffer overflows. ITMCNT is left in the library to provide compatibility.
  • The new routine FREEPTR deallocates space that is allocated is Dislin before. This routine is for example necessary if the space was allocated in an DLL.
  • The routine TICMOD was missing in some wrapper libraries of Dislin. Thanks to Patrick Daly for the hint.
  • The attribute 'INACTIVE' was no longer working for push button widgets since push buttons were replaced by ownerdrawn buttons in version 10.4.0. Thanks to Markku Pirttijärvi for the hint.
  • Markku reported also a problem with the Z-scaling in GRAF3 after automatic scaling for the X-axis, which was caused in very seldom cases by a uninitialized variable in SETSCL in the Dislin C code.
  • If automatic scaling is enabled, the axis system routines (GRAF, GRAF3, ...) does return for Fortran caluclated scaling parameters in the parameter list. This was not working for wrapper libraries (C libraries with wrapper routines for Fortran), but it's fixed now.
  • WPIXLS and RPIXLS gave link errors for Dislin and the Portland Fortran compiler on Windows. The bug is fixed. Thanks to Te-Pu Chiang for the report.

New in DISLIN 10.4.2 (Jan 14, 2015)

  • A uninitialized variable in the PDF driver has caused corrupted PDF files in very seldom cases. The bug is fixed.
  • The routine GWGTBL for requesting the value of a table cell has given a wrong value after a call to SENDOK.
  • Some constants for line types were not defined correctly in the files dislin.h, dislin.f90 and discpp.h. Thanks to Armin Rauthe-Schöch for the hint.
  • The new utilities dispng and disbmp are added for displaying PNG and BMP files.

New in DISLIN 10.4.1 (Jan 14, 2015)

  • SHDMAP accepts the additional options 'GSHL', 'GSHI' and 'GSHH' for using GSHHS map coordinates for shading continents.
  • The Dislin distribution for .NET contains now a library for passing double parameters to Dislin.
  • A program crash happened when the routine SENDOK was used in a callback routine for dropping list widgets (only Windows). Thanks to Charles Thorsness for the hint.
  • A uninitialized variable has caused another crash in a Perl script for graphical output to a draw widget. Thanks to Michael Okuntsov for the report.
  • Johannes Adam has reported some problems for using transparency and Z-buffer. The problems should be solved.
  • A special GIF file could not be displayed by the routine INCFIL. The bug is fixed.

New in DISLIN 10.4 (Jan 30, 2014)

  • The routine SWGBGD changes the background colour of widgets.
  • SWGFGD can change the foreground colour of widgets.
  • The push buttons created with routines such as WGPBUT, WGOK and WGQUIT are replaced by OWNERDRAW buttons for Windows, so that the background colour of the buttons can now be modified. The appearance of the buttons should be the same.
  • The new routines WGICON and WGPICON of version 10.3.6 are ported to X11 systems.
  • The option SWGTYP ('NOSIZE', 'MAIN') was no longer working since a software change in version 10.3.6. The bug is fixed. Thanks to Dr. Guntram Buchheim for the hint.
  • Separator widgets created by WGSEP were not displayed correctly in nested widget trees for Windows. The bug is fixed. Thanks to Alessandro Vicini for the report.
  • A possible overflow in the widget routine WGBOX was reported by Clive Jones if more than 100 list entries were passed to WGBOX. Thanks to Clive for the hint. The problem is solved.

New in DISLIN 10.2 (Nov 17, 2011)

  • Additional widget features, bug fixes

New in DISLIN 10.1 (Feb 16, 2011)

  • OpenGL driver, financial bars, 3-D contours, bug fixes

New in DISLIN 10 (Jan 25, 2010)

  • Visualization of vector fields, plotting of streamlines