DeleD Changelog

What's new in DeleD 2.45 CE

Jun 17, 2014
  • New functionality:
  • Orthograpic distance shading for 2D views.
  • Snap preview functionality for 2D views.

New in DeleD 2.0 (Jan 21, 2010)

  • New functionality
  • Skeleton animation has been implemented.
  • A Raytracer has been added.
  • A Bridge tool (Connect for polygons) has been implemented.
  • Select Polygons By Material has been made possible.
  • Changed functionality
  • Lots of code has been refactored so DeleD is ready for future enhancements.
  • The Help file has been updated with new pictures and text.
  • The Turn Edge command now works on polygons instead of just triangles. It also keeps the edge being turned selected, making multiple turns much easier.
  • User experience when creating a torus or a cylinder has been slightly improved.
  • The Vertex Insert tool has been improved. It now places new vertices exactly on the edge instead of near the edge.
  • Selecting a color with an alpha smaller than 255 in the Material Editor no longer auto-sets the blendmode to alphablend if it was add or modulate.
  • Fixed issues
  • Automatic snapping has been enabled in 3D view(s).
  • UV editor is no longer falsely restricts movement to the U-axis on startup.
  • Export UV Map (UV Editor) options no longer contains the 256 width/height twice.
  • Scaling things to zero size by dragging no longer occasionaly results in infinitely large / disappearing geometry or UV coordinates.

New in DeleD 1.81 (Jan 21, 2010)

  • New functionality
  • After smoothing a set of vertices, edges or polygons, the Smooth tool automatically creates a new selection out of the newly created vertices, edges or polygons. This makes multiple smoothing passes much easier and faster to accomplish.
  • You can now perform Vertex Magnet operations in the 3D view using the Gizmo.
  • Lock U, V axis buttons added. These restrict modification of texture coordinates to either the U or V axis in both Face Mode and the UV Editor.
  • Target Welding for vertices has been implemented.
  • At start-up, DeleD detects the OpenGL capabilities of your graphics card and drivers, and displays a warning if no proper drivers are installed.
  • Creating double-sided rectangles when extruding edges is now an option.
  • Changed functionality
  • Tiling the views now intuitively maintains the order of the viewports (as opposed to the confusing default MDI tiling). It also switches to 'tall' windows when tiling an odd number of tiles on a wide setup.
  • Vertex Weld has been refactored to improve its stability.
  • Undo is now disabled while drawing a polyline.
  • Fixed issues
  • Undo now works properly when working in Face Mode in the 3D view.
  • Enhanced the Optimize routine so it now handles doublesided polygons properly.
  • Removing a material or category does not cause errors anymore.
  • Removing the System category in the Material Editor is no longer possible.

New in DeleD 1.8 (Jan 21, 2010)

  • New functionality
  • A Gizmo has been implemented which allows you to move items in 3D views.
  • A Vertex Inserter tool has been made available. You can now click on an edge in a 3D view to insert a new vertex at that location. PRO only.
  • A Knife tool has been implemented. This tool allows you to cut an object into two parts using a single-polygon object (like a rectangle or a polyline). PRO only.
  • The UV Editor now supports the average, scale and rotate command for individually selected UV coordinates.
  • Changed functionality
  • Spotlights and directional lights now face down by default, in stead of up.
  • Move (translation tool) allows for direct input of float values.
  • Fixed issues
  • Merging scenes no longer results in duplicated materials.
  • Copied/cloned lights now have the same tag (custom properties) and Cast Shadows setting as the original.
  • Copied/cloned primitives now have the same Override Material, Cast Shadows and Receive Shadows settings as the original.
  • Lights that are set to snap, or have been aligned, no longer change position upon saving/loading the scene.
  • No more confusing Material Editor popup menu in the Material Picker and/or Replace Materials dialog.
  • Fixed a small but annoying bug in the Optimize tool which produced bad geometry in some rare situations.
  • The light direction of spotlights and directional lights can be properly input again using the keyboard (minus sign and period were disabled).
  • Closing DeleD LITE while a UV view was open won´t cause you to loose that view when restarting DeleD again.
  • A bug in Edge Connect has been solved.
  • A bug in Vertex Weld has been solved.

New in DeleD 1.72 (Jan 21, 2010)

  • This version fixes all currently known Vista compatibility issues. We now consider DeleD to be fully Vista compatible!
  • New functionality
  • The individual viewports now remember the camera position of you change to a different view (for example, from 3D perspective to the UV editor and back).
  • You can now move primitives and vertices to a given position in 3D space.
  • The Face mode Move command now works in the 3D perspective view as well.
  • DeleD now saves viewport information to the INI file.
  • Fixed Windows Vista issues
  • The help function no longer triggers an access violation.
  • The application closes down properly.
  • The creation rectangle, used when drag-creating a pyramid, grid, rectangle or cube primitive, no longer has drawing issues.
  • The drag-selection rectangle ("rubberband") no longer has drawing issues.
  • Fixed misc issues
  • Light objects no longer discolour when the grid is turned off.
  • The PolyLine primitive won't create duplicate vertices anymore if you accidentally press the mousebutton on the same position.
  • A few more checks on user input in the Object Inspector have been implemented.
  • Changed functionality
  • Snap functions have been moved from the Edit menu to the Geometry Commands. Easier to locate and a more logical spot for them to be in.

New in DeleD 1.7 (Jan 21, 2010)

  • Added features
  • Subdivisions! Make smoothly rounded objects using two kinds of subdivision scheme's.
  • Lathe command. Use this new feature to create all kinds of objects easily. In combination with subdivision, it is really easy to create goodlooking objects within minutes.
  • Select edge rings & loops.
  • By popular request, Redo functionality has been made available.
  • When creating polylines, you can specify if you want it to be subdivided into triangles/polygons or not.
  • Lights can now, optionally, be snapped to the grid. They always use the Center snapmethod. Snapping can be turned on/off in the Object Inspector.
  • Flatten Polygons command.
  • Extract Polygons can now optionally remove the original polygons (the ones being extracted) from the original object.
  • Changed functionality
  • Extrude by Region now keeps adjacent faces connected even if they point in different direction.
  • The Flash property of lights has been removed as it wasn't being used.
  • The camera is used as main lighting source when working in Solid mode in the 3D view(s).
  • Material Replace toolbutton is now only available in Polygon/Face modes because you have to select some polygons first.
  • Fixed issues
  • Lightmapping a scene just after disabling lightmaps on one or more materials could cause an Access Violation if the scene had been lightmapped before.
  • Selection Only Lightmapping no longer occasionally triggers an 'Invalid class typecast' message.
  • Scene Inspector now shows correct amount of polygons, edges and vertices after creating a polyline.
  • Absolute scaling of 2D primitives (like a rectangle) no longer results in invalid geometry.
  • Grouping information is saved to .dxs files now.
  • The statusbar is painted again when closing the Options screen to reflect the current settings.
  • Incremental rotation of selected vertices (using CTRL) has been enabled.
  • Create Text Primitive now remembers the selected font height when creating multiple primitives.
  • Scenes in the .DXS format can now be properly loaded when they have missing textures. Missing textures are replaced with a random gray shade color layer.

New in DeleD 1.6 (Jan 21, 2010)

  • Added functionality
  • A new XML-based fileformat (DXS) has been introduced. The DMF fileformat is deprecated. The new fileformat includes more information, like comment fields for the scene and individual primitives. [b]Note[/b]: all plugins now work with the same XML format and have been changed accordingly! If you use additional plugins not provided with the original DeleD setup, you must download and install those plugins again. The old plugins will not work anymore.
  • Shortcuts to changing views have been added: shift+T=top, shift+F=front, shift+S=side, shift+P=perspective and shift+U=uv editor.
  • Object Rotation in 3D views is possible now. Standard rotation is done in the XZ plane (the same as the Top view), using Shift rotates in the XY plane (Front view) and using Alt rotates in the ZY plane (Side view). Remember to click first and then press either Shift or Alt.
  • Option to copy current scene file to a backup file (.~dxs or .~dmf) on save.
  • Materials and lights now have a 'tag' field (available through the material editor and object inspector, respectively)
  • Primitives, Materials and Lights all have a 'comments' field (with the option of popping up a 80x25 editor). There is a now a clean distinction between a tag and a comment: a 'tag' holds technical information for exporters/loaders/etc, while 'comments' can be used to store user comments.
  • At the material level, lightmapping can be disabled, as well as shadow casting and receiving. At the primitive level, the settings for shadow casting and receiving can be overridden. This finer control over the lightmapping process allows for better modeling of luminous surfaces and resolving issues with geometry being placed very close to light sources.
  • Changed functionality
  • Older DMF fileformats (prior to 1.0) are no longer supported. Saving to the latest DMF fileformat (1.1) is still possible, although the new XML-based fileformat (DXS) is recommended.
  • The Plugin Log Information window doesn't list loading & unloading plugins anymore. It does list the execution of plugins and possible errors that might occur when running a plugin.
  • Materials in exported .X files now use the material name give by the user instead of the texture filename.
  • Arrange All menu-option removed as it was rather useless.
  • Changing, adding or removing views isn't possible when views are locked.
  • A number of technical issues have been refactored to ensure better maintenance and scalability in the future.
  • Fixed issues
  • Changing views via the popup menu in 2D/3D views is enabled.
  • CSG functionality no longer remains disabled after switching to and from UV view.
  • No more occasional 'degenerate matrix after projection' errors occur when switching to the perspective view.
  • Moving multiple objects by moving all edges of these objects is now done correctly.
  • Resetting the camera in the 3D view now resets the orientation as well, not just the position.

New in DeleD 1.52 (Jan 21, 2010)

  • Added functionality
  • Eye drop command added: you can select materials in 3D views by simply clicking on polygons. The Material Picker is automatically updated.
  • Inset Polygon, Scale Polygon/Edge/Vertex, Extrude Polygon (along normal) and Scale/Rotate Face can now be performed in the 3D views. Note: scaling in the 3D view is always proportial.
  • The UV Editor now has a quick 'reload texture' menu option, to quickly carry through the latest changes made in your 2D drawing application.
  • A Turn Edge command has been implemented.
  • Proportial scaling using CTRL+leftmouse has been implemented for vertices, edges, faces and polygons in 2D views and for faces in the UV editor.
  • Light objects now have their own color which can be set in the Options screen.
  • You can now doubleclick the statusbar to change settings like CUL, GRID, AABB etc.
  • Sphere mapping.
  • Changed functionality
  • The Delete button does not react anymore when pressing it in the Tag field of the Object Inspector (it used to delete the entire object).
  • Hiding objects and making them visible again can now be done using the main toolbar on top of the screen or by using the Hide/Freeze tool. The Hide property isn't available on the Object Inspector anymore. Note: this means that adjusting properties of objects is only possible on visible objects.
  • 3D views have a crosshair pointer (just like 2D views) because 3D views can now be used to apply manipulation commands too.
  • Improved Help file.

New in DeleD 1.5 (Jan 21, 2010)

  • Added functionality
  • Full control over the viewports; add/delete viewports at will or change existing viewports into other types, like converting a TOP view into a 3D view. Drawmodes (Wireframe, Solid, Textured, Lightmapped) can be set for each individual 3D viewport by using F1,F2,F3,F4 while using shift+F1/F2/F3/F4 sets the desired drawmode for all 3D viewports currently being used. (PRO only).
  • An UV Editor, making direct and precise manipulation of texture coordinates possible.
  • Reverse Selection command which deselects everything that was selected and selects everything that wasn't selected.
  • PNG support added (PRO only).
  • Edge scale
  • Optional WSAD 3D camera control
  • Precise rotation of primitives via CTRL implemented.
  • Changed functionality
  • You can now choose to rotate/scale a selection of objects around their mutual center or rotate/scale them around their individual centers.
  • Improved Zoom all and Focus on selection tools.
  • Drag select can now be used to deselect items
  • Ctrl+Shift vertex selection in the 3D view works as expected.
  • Vertex mode rendering and selection in the 3D view is now 'occluded': vertices can't be seen through other geometry anymore. This makes selecting vertices in a non-trivial scene much more convenient.
  • Views are now removed instead of being minimized by pressing the [x] in the upper-right corner of the window.
  • Various small code optimizations have been made.
  • Fixed issues
  • Improved plugin system handling of data requests containing insufficient allocated memory to process the requested data.
  • Scale had a number of issues that now have been resolved.
  • Typed values for primitive creation now take effect immediately (instead of having to jump to the next field in order for the value to take effect).
  • TGA loading now handles TGA with included comments correctly.
  • Prefabs without a name are loaded correctly now.
  • Using CSG on Light objects isn't possible anymore.
  • Skybox is now properly oriented.

New in DeleD 1.44 (Jan 21, 2010)

  • Added functionality
  • Extra Hollow functionality: Hollow has been split into Segmented Hollow and Merged Hollow.
  • Changed functionality
  • Selection radius for 3D Edge picking has been made a little bit larger, making selecting edges in the 3D view easier.
  • Removed auto-correction mechanism for Primitive Creation input boxes which makes typing values easier.
  • Fixed issues
  • Deleting material layers from lightmapped scenes now works properly.
  • Bevel unselects previous beveled vertices correctly on 2D views.
  • Updating Auto-Select property from the Options screen works properly.
  • Selected polygons keep being selected when switching from Polygon to Face mode and having Auto-Select turned on.
  • The Extract command didn't like multiple vertices to be in one spot - fixed.
  • The PolyLine primitive created more vertices & polygons in some cases - fixed.
  • Items selected in the 3D view after switching editmodes stay selected after performing a command (like Move) on them.
  • Vertices of a PolyLine that are in the exact same spot caused an AV when welding them - fixed.
  • Welding vertices now shows the correct number of welded vertices when done.

New in DeleD 1.4 (Jan 21, 2010)

  • Added functionality
  • Added the possibility to remove all lightmapping information from a scene. In combination with the fact that the lightmapper no longer triangulates the scene (see below), lightmapping is now a fully reversible action.
  • Implemented Automatic Item Selection. For example, when you're in Vertex mode and have one vertex selected and then switch to Edge mode, the edges that use that vertex are automatically selected. This behaviour can be turned on/off using the Options Screen.
  • Implemented Vertex Bevel
  • Implemented Improved Connect Vertex
  • Implemented Connect Edge.
  • Implemented Extrude Region. You can choose if you want to keep inner polygons (normal Extrude) or leave them out (Extrude Region).
  • Implemented Fill Area. Simply select a number of vertices or edges that make up a closed area and create a new polygon with them.
  • Implemented Vertex delete.
  • DeleD now remembers the directory of your last save action for DMF, DPF and X files.
  • The CSG routines now optionally remove the CSG operator object. This is very useful when you want to use the same operator for multiple CSG actions.
  • Changed functionality
  • The lightmapper no longer triangulates the scene. Modifying your geometry after lightmapping is now as convenient as it was before.
  • Lightmapper algorithm for transparent surfaces has been slightly changed: the alpha value now affects the brightness of the color of the light passing through a surface.
  • Performing an 'undo' action on a lightmapped object will remove all lightmapping informatino (lightmaps are not stored into the undo buffer).
  • The underlying technical datastructure (classmodel) has been totally rewritten. This means we now have the ability to perform many more lowpoly operations more easily. This also meant we had to rewrite all lowpoly functions, which we did. We will be implementing many more geometry manipulation routines in the future!
  • Automatic UV Generation has changed slightly: texturing is now continuous under rotation around the y axis (see picture below). No more 'upside down walls'...
  • When encountering missing textures while loading a DMF, the placeholder textures DeleD generates are now a random gray (used to be solid black). This makes navigating the model and visually identifying different textures to correct manually a lot easier.
  • CTRL-SHIFT-F (Fit texture to face) now fits the texture size on selected faces when in face/polygon mode (old behaviour), on all faces when in any other mode (new behaviour).
  • CTRL-A selects all faces when in face mode (used to work in the other edit modes only).
  • Bugs fixed
  • Slightly improved rendering, so that seams in transparent quads no longer show up (for the OpenGL-savvy: we had a GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH gone amok)
  • Somewhere during the past few DeleD releases the specific texture settings needed to render lightmaps correctly got deactivated, causing very obvious seams in various situations. This has been fixed.
  • Hidden objects no longer prevent you from picking objects "behind" them in the 3D view
  • Changing the blend mode of rendered primitives no longer affects rendering of the skybox.
  • Moving multiple polygons caused erroneous results. Fixed!
  • Scale while maintaining aspect ratio works correctly now.
  • Color picker saturation value no longer resets to zero for any color with full (100) saturation.
  • Undo after multiple lightmapping and edit actions no longer raises an access violation.
  • Various little bugfixes and updates.