Directory Opus Changelog

What's new in Directory Opus 13.5.1 Beta

Apr 15, 2024
  • Changes in this release:
  • The Duplicate Finder can now match files based on the value of a selected column (optionally also on name/size). This lets you use script/evaluation columns to completely customise the duplicate matching process.
  • In Preferences / Folder Tree / Contents, Desktop folders can now be positioned in the folder tree relative to special folders like This PC etc (rather than always appearing at the top of the Desktop branch). You can also turn them off altogether if desired.
  • Script configurations can now use floating point values. The new config_types property lets you provide a map of config value -> type (this lets you mark a value as a float even if its default is zero or a whole number). Valid types currently are "float" and "multiline". You can also specify the number of decimal places, e.g. "float:3".
  • In the context of buttons and menus, the evaluator is now given the value selpath which provides the full pathname of the currently selected file. In a Lister this means the selected file with input focus (e.g. the file you right-click on). In the viewer this means the currently viewed image. This lets you use @label in a context menu or submenu to incorporate the name of the selected item in the button label.
  • Note that toolbars in the Lister are not necessarily always refreshed when the file selection changes, and so a button on a toplevel toolbar using this may not always show the correct information.
  • If inline rename is active and you right-click the folder background, the context menu that opens now is for the folder background, rather than the file which was being renamed.
  • When editing toolbars, if you open a sub-menu by dragging something over it, the menu will now remain open. This allows you to edit what you just dropped, or drag in more items. When dragging an exe file, it and also fixes the Launch Options dialogs being pushed behind the lister.
  • This PC's "physical drive" column now counts from 0 instead of 1, for consistency with the Windows Disk Management UI.
  • Fixed the Search Field not saving/remembering the search engine if it had invalid/obsolete data in its "args" field.
  • The Prefs BACKUPRESTORE command, for showing the Backup/Restore UI, now respects the TO, DESC and PASSWORD args to pre-fill parts of the dialog again.
  • The Prefs BACKUPRESTORE command now allows the default page to be set, e.g. Prefs BACKUPRESTORE=restore opens up the dialog showing the Restore page rather than the Backup page. Prefs RESTORE and Prefs BACKUP with no other arguments also do the same thing.
  • Fixed @icon command modifier when testing variables with + or - in their names.
  • Hashes are now returned for empty files again.
  • Custom column header colors for sort and frozen columns now work better when visual styles are not available.
  • Header frozen and sort colors now show examples in Preferences.
  • Performance improvement to reduce delays when selecting exe files on a slow network drive with a slow antivirus (e.g. Windows Defender).
  • Fixed interaction between ghost files and manual sort. Dragging a file to a specific location in the destination file display wouldn't work properly if a ghost file was shown for the new file.
  • Textual filters that use an evaluation clause that uses an evaluation column that uses an in-built metadata column now work.
  • Better fix for items in hidden expanded folders staying hidden after their parents were shown.
  • Script dialogs can now specify font size zero to get the user's dialog font size. This is now also the default.
  • Scripting fix for assigning different set object types to each other.
  • Scripting Dialog.icon property now works after dialog creation as well as before (without needing to set it twice).
  • In scripting, Item.highlighted now returns correct information for files in libraries

New in Directory Opus 13.5 (Apr 15, 2024)

  • Fix for crash ID 251/252
  • Fix for crash ID 253

New in Directory Opus 13.4.8 Beta (Apr 11, 2024)

  • Changes in this release:
  • Fixed not being able to recolor tree/group expander glyphs in light mode.
  • When creating a Filter scripting object, evaluator code no longer causes the valid property to return false.
  • Added a new "simplified" status display to the licence manager. Only supports the most common scenarios - when it's supported, it will be shown by default, and a "More information" link lets you get to the original status display.

New in Directory Opus 13.4.7 Beta (Apr 8, 2024)

  • Additional fix for items in hidden expanded folders staying hidden after their parents were shown.
  • Fixed %.p formatting in evaluator not setting the decimal precision properly
  • Turning off a paired folder did not completely disable it in all cases
  • Fixed @hideblock not working correctly with @hideifpath
  • Additional fix for Synchronize not correctly matching files in FTP/MTP paths
  • Fix for crash introduced in previous beta, when closing icon-mode dual file displays. (ID 245)

New in Directory Opus 13.4.6 Beta (Apr 5, 2024)

  • Fixes for a couple of crashes that were brought to light with the changes in 13.4.5.
  • Fix for crash ID 237
  • Possible fix for crash ID 241

New in Directory Opus 13.4.5 Beta (Apr 4, 2024)

  • The FAYT now uses icons to distinguish the MSDOS and WSL command modes from normal command mode
  • In scripting, added Tab.highlighted property. Returns a collection of all files/folders in the tab that have one or more cells highlighted. If no cells are highlighted this will return an empty collection (with count == 0).
  • Fixed items in hidden expanded folders staying hidden after their parents were shown.
  • Possible fix for crash ID 234
  • Possible fix for crash ID 235, 236

New in Directory Opus 13.4.4 Beta (Apr 3, 2024)

  • The shadow around the active folder tab (when tabs are at the top or bottom) can now be turned off (Preferences / Colors and Fonts / Directory Opus Colors / Folder tabs).
  • When a folder takes on columns from multiple formats, and the folder's main format has "auto-size all columns" off but inherits additional columns from a format with it on, those columns are now set to auto-size.
  • Folder thumbnails "exclude folders with custom icons" option now applies to libraries.
  • The Duplicates Select dialog now gives focus to the file list when it closes (assuming it selected anything and wasn't cancelled)
  • In dialogs like Create Folder, pressing Enter to OK the dialog is no longer blocked by the suggestion popup (i.e. you no longer need to press Enter twice unless you've actually selected a suggestion to insert)
  • The description of Opus config backups is now shown in the Description column without .ocb having to be added as a zip file extension
  • Scripting Date object Add and Sub methods now accept up to 64-bit signed numbers as offsets.
  • Script functions (in buttons etc) can now use @include to include script include files
  • Script dialog controls set to resize by sharing height can now abut one another without a gap
  • Workaround for Windows shell failing to provide thumbnails for videos via symlinks to network shares.
  • Fixed issue with thumbnails that come from the Windows shell on long network paths.
  • Fixed bug which could cause some unicode characters to get lost when saving a script file via the script IDE.
  • Fixed tab controls in script dialogs not resizing the tabs to account for a font change.
  • Fixed two-way sync missing empty folders.
  • "New" menu now put the separator after Folder and Shortcut instead of between them.
  • Fixed accelerator keys in file/folder context menus (broken in 13.4.2 beta).
  • Fixed certain aspects of the Select command (broken in 13.4.2)
  • Fix for crash when deleting files from particular zip archives. (IDs 222-225)
  • Fix for crash ID 230.
  • Possible fix for crash ID 231.
  • Possible fix for crash ID 232.

New in Directory Opus 13.4.3 Beta (Mar 27, 2024)

  • Added optional different colors for the currently sorted column header (via Preferences / Colors and Fonts / Directory Opus Colors / Column Headers)
  • The standalone viewer can be made always on-top again. The window menu (click the titlebar icon, or push Alt+Space) has a "Keep On Top" toggle. You can also get a toggle button for use on the viewer toolbar/menus via Customize > Commands > Viewer > Keep On Top
  • Note that opening Customize or Preferences will reset the viewer to normal, to ensure the dialogs don't open behind it. The fullscreen viewer also disables the command, as it's inherently on-top when active. Viewers save their on-top state when closed, restoring it when the next one is open. Separate state is saved for normal and lister-linked viewers
  • In scripting, the list of shell properties returned by FSUtil.GetShellPropertyList() now includes all properties in the system, rather than just those marked as "column". This makes things like System.PerceivedType available. Note that the list will be a lot bigger now
  • The second argument to the function can now take the "v" flag which filters out those properties not marked as "viewable". This will give you the same list as is shown in Explorer's column chooser UI (and in the Shell Properties page in Preferences)
  • Each property returned has a number of flags which indicate its type: multiplevalues, isinnate, isgroup, cangroupby, canstackby, istreeproperty, includeinfulltextquery, isviewable, isqueryable, canbepurged, searchrawvalue, dontcoerceemptystrings, alwaysinsupplementalstore, issystemproperty
  • Preferences / Columns / Evaluator Columns now has a context menu for items in the column list. The default columns (Image Bytes and Modified (Simple)) can be reset to their defaults this way
  • Qualifier keys are now passed through to commands run from the header context menu
  • Fixed folder tree highlight path getting its color from the wrong tab with dual trees
  • The Evaluator Columns test function in Preferences now provides the "operation" value (set to "display") so that scripts that use this value can be tested
  • Evaluation filtering on the label column should now be more reliable
  • Evaluation filters which use a script column which uses image metadata now work
  • Context menu on shell folders like This PC in the breadcrumbs field dropdown now works
  • If you clicked a file display group (selecting everything in it) and then deleted from there, the file display would be left without any item having focus. This is now fixed
  • Fixed delayed reaction of right/bottom status bar during lasso selection at times
  • Fixed issue with synchronize filters incorrectly filtering folders rather than files
  • Fixed synchronize not working on FTP (problem introduced in 13.3.1)
  • Possible fix for "Crash frequently while use script to manage my files with DOpus13.4"
  • Possible for for crash ID 218
  • Possible fix for crash 219

New in Directory Opus 13.4.2 Beta (Mar 21, 2024)

  • Added Select FROMSCRIPT=unhide argument; when used, any items that are currently hidden will be unhidden before being selected.
  • The default settings for FAYT Filter Bar mode now turn partial matching on.
  • The standalone viewer now shows the coordinates/dimensions of the current selection (if any) in the status bar.
  • The viewer plugin API will now load files in libraries via their real file paths, rather than via streams (which not all plugins support).
  • Fixed regression with Go FOLDERCONTENT subfolders in 13.4.1.
  • Made a change to try to improve performance with Dropbox context menus on some systems.
  • Possible fix for "Crash frequently while use script to manage my files with DOpus13.4".

New in Directory Opus 13.4.1 Beta (Mar 19, 2024)

  • Fixed MultiView plugin config dialog colors in dark mode.
  • Fixed Image command requiring PRESERVEASPECTRATIO=no to turn off aspect ratio preservation, rather than doing so if the argument wasn't specified at all.
  • Case-only renames of FTP Address Book sites are now allowed.
  • Workaround for QSpice .qsch and .qsym files being treated as JPEGs because they start with the JPEG header.
  • When using FAYT range selection, the Index column will now be added as soon as the # character is typed, without having to start typing an index number.
  • File display background events now work with more Power Mode button configurations.
  • Fix for Explorer Replacement when asked to open folders and select a file, when applied to folders below the user profile (e.g. Documents, Downloads). The file should now be selected, and the requesting applications should no longer be delayed.
  • Fix for crash ID 214
  • Fixed crash dragging from external program to a folder button on a floating toolbar when no other Opus windows were open. (ID 216)
  • The Set FULLROWSELECT command can now specify "display" again for the "always highlight full row" option, if it ends up turning off full-row selection itself. E.g. Set FULLROWSELECT=toggle,display
  • Fixed regression in 13.4, keyboard accelerators in dual-display listers would always trigger buttons on the left file display toolbar instead of the side with focus.
  • Fixed minor cosmetic issue with toolbar fields when dragging toolbars around.
  • Made the spacing around icons in dropdown menus a little tighter
  • Fixed evaluator KeyDown() function not working when called from a button

New in Directory Opus 13.4 (Mar 13, 2024)

  • The new Create Folder auto-numbering now works if a folder count is used by itself. For example, <10> will create ten folders named 1 through 10.
  • Fix for crash 212 ("switched from network, to documents, to network, to documents").

New in Directory Opus 13.3.7 Beta (Mar 9, 2024)

  • Quick hotfix for crash calculating folder sizes introduced in the previous beta.

New in Directory Opus 13.3.6 Beta (Mar 8, 2024)

  • The Create Folder dialog (in "create multiple folders" mode) can now automatically create numbered folders using an insert code:
  • The full format is <a-b+c>, which will insert numbers from a through to b, incrementing by c each time.
  • a can include zero padding - e.g. <001-100> would create folders 001, 002, 003, ..., 100.
  • The -b and +c are optional.
  • If -b is not given, the first number is taken as the top of the range and the bottom defaults to one - so to quickly create 10 numbered folders, simply use <10>.
  • If +c is not given the default increment value is 1.
  • When saving PNG images the level of compression can now be configured:
  • 6 different quality settings are available (ranging from "no compression" through to "best"). Note that unlike JPG, PNG is always lossless so the setting doesn't affect the final quality of the resulting image - instead it affects how long the compression process takes and how large the output file is.
  • In the Image Conversion dialog, when PNG is selected as the output format, a dropdown replaces the quality input field.
  • In the Clipboard Paste AS dialog, a dropdown also replaces the quality input field when PNG is selected
  • A new Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced / clipboard_image_paste_quality setting lets the default quality for clipboard pastes to be configured. This applies to both JPEGs and PNGs, but note that the range of valid values is different. JPG supports 1-100 and PNG supports 1-6. If this is set to 0 the default quality is used.
  • The quality for PNG can be given on the command line as for JPEG; e.g. Clipboard PASTE=png:5
  • Note that the default PNG quality setting is now 4 - previously Opus used settings equivalent to 6 (Best), but 4 seems to produce only marginally larger files and is much quicker to compress.
  • Added an option to Preferences / Miscellaneous / Windows Integration to hide the Open in Directory Opus context menu item from within Opus itself, even if it's required to be on in Explorer.
  • Added support for IFF SHAM (Sliced HAM) images
  • Improved evaluation quick filters - should now update when files are added to the file display
  • If the Archives plugin was used for zip instead of the internal handler, right-clicking a file and choosing "Add to [name].zip" would create an archive with "" extension. It is now just ".zip".
  • Fixed archive type drop-down in Create Archive dialogs when the internal zip handler is disabled.
  • Folder tree now respects mouse wheel "one screen at a time" setting.
  • Fixed folder tree not making the bottom/selected item fully visible after scrolling down.
  • Fixed Everything folder size calculation incorrectly showing "empty" for a folder that's excluded from Everything's index.
  • Made some changes to Everything folder size calculation to hopefully make it perform better when calculating a large number of folders.
  • Fix for startup hang with certain cloud folders.
  • Added a limit to how large the font installation confirmation dialog can be.
  • Stopped FAYT scripts being called unnecessarily when the FAYT is closing.
  • Themes under Preferences / Colors and Fonts / Themes are now included in config backups. WARNING: This also means that restoring an older config backup and choosing "replace existing configuration" will remove all Themes.
  • Warning banners at the top of the file display (e.g. for errors reading directories, or when Navigation Lock can't stay in sync) now always use the Details mode font, and react to font changes that happen when they're already open.
  • Added protection against invalid User Command config files without names.
  • Fixed add-to-zip checkbox overlapping frame of edit control above it, if in standard DPI.
  • Indexed Search history now works in the Find and Duplicate Files panels.
  • Fixed Duplicate Files panel not disabling while a search is happening, where running a second search in parallel before the first one finished could cause problems.
  • Attempted fix for crash ID 203.
  • Possible fix for crash ID 204.
  • Possible fix for crash ID 205.
  • Fix for crash ID 206/207.
  • Possible fix for label/filtering crash ("DOpus 13.3 crash")

New in Directory Opus 13.3.5 Beta (Mar 5, 2024)

  • Added protection against startup hangs that seem to be caused by some cloud folders.
  • If a non-beta version is installed, and the update checker has downloaded a new beta, the download will now be discarded if you turn off beta updates.
  • Fixed icon overlays on toolbar buttons drawing the wrong icon.
  • Improved interaction between FAYT filter mode and the filter bar.
  • The 7zip plugin can now be used for normal .zip files instead of the Opus internal zip library, if desired. To enable this:
  • Disable Opus Zip integration by turning off Preferences / Zip & Other Archives / Zip Files / Enable internal Opus Zip support.
  • Enable the Zip extension for the 7zip plugin under Preferences / Zip & Other Archives / Archive and VFS Plugins.

New in Directory Opus 13.3.4 Beta (Mar 4, 2024)

  • The config_backup_name advanced option can now be told to use UTC dates and times by prefixing the time format with "UTC#". Example: %USERNAME% - %HEADER% - {UTC#D#yyyy-MM-dd} {UTC#T#HH-mm}
  • Added options to prevent the Status and Availability columns being added to the Cloud Storage folder format if you define a new default format. These can be found under Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced / Information Display.
  • Evaluator groups can now control whether they're expanded or collapsed by default, by returning a value map with the collapse value set to either true or false.
  • The Filter Bar now has an Evaluator mode. This can be used in two ways:
  • a direct evaluation clause can be entered (e.g. size > 2gb)
  • a pre-defined filter can be referenced using ? (e.g. ?bigfiles would use as pre-defined filter called "bigfiles")
  • All filters work, not just evaluation filters, but if a filter IS an evaluation filter, the filter bar can pass arguments to it. For example, ?bigfiles:5 would pass the value 5 through to the evaluation clause defined in the filter.
  • Evaluation clauses called directly have the same column variables as other similar evaluation contexts (e.g. column handlers). They also have opt_regex, opt_ignore, opt_anyword and opt_partial variables which provide the state of the various other Filter Bar options.
  • Pre-defined evaluation filters have the value quick_filter set to true or false. If it's set to true it means the filter is being invoked via the filter bar, in which case the above variables are also available. Arguments passed through are available in the filter_args variable.
  • Note that when editing the filter in the filter bar, realtime filtering is disabled for evaluation filters, so you need to press enter to see the results of the filter. The one exception to this is when a pre-defined filter is being used and you're editing the arguments that are to be passed through to its evaluation clause.
  • The FAYT Filter mode now has the same mode settings as the Filter Bar does. This is mainly for the new Evaluator support, so you could e.g. set it up so that the FAYT's filter mode uses the evaluator while keeping the Filter Bar for normal wildcard filtering.
  • Note that there's only one "quick filter" which both methods edit, so editing the filter via the FAYT will update the filter shown in the Filter Bar if it's displayed. But the one you're editing at the time determines which mode is used.
  • Added evaluator Age() function. Age(date) is the equivalent of DateDiff("d", date, Now()).
  • Added a warning message shown when using Everything search if the required information isn't indexed.
  • The Collapse sub-folders within collapsed folders option now collapses (unexpands) empty folders.
  • Improved config_backup_name advanced option added in earlier betas.
  • Fixed Find / Simple's File Type drop-down resetting if the dropdowns under it were used.
  • The quick filter (e.g. filter bar) now ignores a pattern of ~ by itself rather than filtering out everything.
  • Possible fix for crash ID 199
  • Possible fix for crash ID 200

New in Directory Opus 13.3.3 Beta (Mar 2, 2024)

  • Quick fix for previous 13.3.2 Beta, where launching Opus would cause mapped network drive names to change to random strings.

New in Directory Opus 13.3.2 Beta (Mar 1, 2024)

  • Added Including network drives option underneath Preferences / Folder Tree / Appearance / Use configured file display colors for tree items. Lets labels be enabled generally in the tree but disabled for network locations.
  • Added stay argument to Close SYSTEM command. Commands like Close SYSTEM=sleep,stay can make Windows sleep or hibernate without shutting down Opus at the same time.
  • Added Go EXPANDBRANCH=script argument. Lets the Go EXPANDBRANCH command be run from a script Command object and operate on the folders in the object rather than the current selection.
  • Added @sendkey command modifier and DOpus.SendKey script method, both can inject a keypress into the system. E.g. @sendkey:win+v
  • The recently-added property has been renamed to charcase to avoid confusing the jscript parser.
  • Added Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: [Limits] suggestion_popup_lines, lets you control how many lines high suggestion popups are.
  • Fixed "Reverse index column" option starting the count at 0 if the .. to go up entry was turned off.
  • Fixed range selection with reverse index column.
  • Fixed About dialog layout above 200% scaling.
  • The config_backup_name option in Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced now requires that date and time codes are enclosed in {} brackets to disambiguate them from any text which might come after them. So e.g. the default is now %USERNAME% - %HEADER% - {D#yyyy-MM-dd} {T#HH-mm}.
  • Fixed FAYT command suggestion popup not showing descriptions for script commands.
  • If you assigned a key to a FAYT quick key and then set it as the default mode, Opus would still treat it as having the original key assigned in some cases.
  • The menu items Opus adds to the Lister's window menu now have their accelerators chosen so as not to conflict with the standard system commands.
  • Fixed "Found a bug in FAYT command" (FAYT Command as default mode, then push up or down for history.)
  • Duplicating a tab that is grouped now respects the "Automatically add group column" option and adds the group column in the new tab. (More generally, duplicating a tab now duplicates the original tab's format).
  • Fixed variables that are supplied to evaluator code from confusing the ternary operator in some cases.
  • Dynamically-generated buttons (e.g. drive buttons) are now hidden inside @hideblocks.
  • Fixed Preferences search control not working properly with IMEs (e.g. Chinese, Japanese).
  • If the lister titlebar Preferences OK/Cancel buttons are used while the Prefs dialog has a modal child open, the child dialog is now brought to the front instead of closing the parent (which resulted in Preferences being inaccessible until Opus was restarted). Similar also for Customize.
  • Dragging a folder on to its own folder tab now does nothing. In particular, if "treat tab label as folder when dragged" is on, you'll no longer create a shortcut to the folder inside itself if you accidentally move the mouse while clicking a tab (which would drag the tab on to itself).
  • Compatibility fix for PeaZip context menu creating archives with the wrong name, and inside the selected folder instead of its parent.
  • Made a change to pattern matching to try to improve compatibility with Opus 12. With standard wildcards, ~ at the beginning of a pattern (when it's not followed by a bracket) now means "negate the whole pattern". E.g. ~2022 will match anything other than "2022".
  • Also improved the "any word" mode in conjunction with wildcards - it no longer always behaves as if partial matching was turned on, but instead respects the state of the "partial match" flag.
  • Improved "any word" pattern matching logic when mixing words with +/- and words without.

New in Directory Opus 13.3.1 Beta (Feb 27, 2024)

  • File labels can now be set to strikethrough as well as bold/italic/underline.
  • Added option to Folder Options / Columns tab to Reverse the Index column. This makes the Index column count down to 1 instead of counting up from 1. Clicking the column header will also toggle this option.
  • Added two new options relating to folder formats:
  • Preferences / File Displays / Options / Preserve folder format edits between folders: If turned off, disables the normal behaviour where if you make a change to the folder format in a tab, this is preserved when going into other folders in that tab.
  • Preferences / Folders / Folder Formats / Automatic Formats / Use as the default format for all sub-folders: If turned on, an automatically remembered format for a folder will be used as the default format for any children of that folder as well (unless they have their own format, automatic or otherwise)
  • Added options to Preferences / File Displays / Folder Expansion:
  • Clear selections within collapsed folders: When an expanded folder is collapsed, any items within it that were selected have their selection status cleared (so that when you expand the item again they will be unselected).
  • Collapse sub-folders within collapsed folders: When an expanded folder is collapsed, any expanded sub-folders within it are also collapsed (so that when you expand the item again they will be unexpanded).
  • Under Preferences / Folders / Virtual Folders / This PC, added option to hide Media Servers from the This PC folder.
  • Added Preferences / Filtering and Sorting / Find-As-You-Type / Auto search option, configures the time delay after typing in the FAYT search modes (Everything, etc) before the search automatically starts.
  • Added Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: [Behavior] searchfield_autostart which does the same thing for the search field (top-right of the Lister). If this is set to 0 the setting for the FAYT is used by default.
  • Added Preferences / File Displays / Folder Expansion / Expansion delay setting, to configure how long it takes a folder in the file display to expand when dragging over it.
  • Added Preferences / Folder Tree / Expand/Collapse / Expansion delay setting, to configure how long it takes a folder in the folder tree to expand when dragging over it.
  • Added Preferences / Toolbars / Appearance / Global Scaling, allows a global scaling factor to be applied to toolbar button icons
  • Added Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: [Behavior] config_backup_name which lets you configure the default config backup filename template. It supports date/time strings and environment variables.
  • When making a config backup, you can now exclude the currently open windows and tabs (without excluding all other state data). New checkbox in the UI, and BACKUP=notabs value for the command.
  • Added case argument for Go EXPANDBRANCH command to make regex/wildcard path matches case sensitive
  • Added ScriptCommand.noprogress property. Set to true when adding the command to disable automatic progress dialogs for your command.
  • Added scripting property to set/get edit control upper/lower case state.
  • Script FAYT extensions are now by default called for empty strings (i.e. before the user has typed anything). The new ScriptFAYTCommand.wantempty property can be set to false to disable this behaviour.
  • Added scripting Viewer object imagesize and selection properties; returns the size of the current image and the current selection (if any).
  • Dropping files onto script buttons now works again.
  • The {gfl} status bar code once again shows the padlock or info icon in grayscale.
  • Entries in the Paired Folders list in Preferences can now be individually disabled.
  • Fixed errant / label showing up in progress dialog when copying files out of a zip file with the queue tab visible.
  • Fixed scripts list scroll position resetting when a script is enabled or disabled.
  • Evaluation columns which rely on the value of script columns now work properly.
  • Everything local search now works if regular expression mode is enabled.
  • Fixed the filename "highlight" effect when using Ctrl+Shift+Up or Down in inline rename not restoring the background color properly if the background was set to use a non-existent image and no unselected background color was specified.
  • Expanding folders on MTP devices no longer shows the cryptic internal filenames of the subfolder contents.
  • Fixed two-way synchronize between MTP and local not recognising that files already existed on the MTP device and wanting to delete them from the local folder.
  • Improved Synchronize exclusion list logic.
  • Changing the synchronise exclusion list after doing a comparison now triggers the "new comparison needed" message.
  • Fixed Win+<key> hotkeys rendering with the + as part of the second key instead of between the two.
  • The order of Image Conversion presets can now be set arbitrarily (though sorting alphabetically is still the default). If presets have been assigned to groups or favorited, the Image Conversion context menu now respects this.
  • Rename AUTONUMBER now works correctly across devices.
  • In Tiles mode, fixed infotip with {thumbnail} code for a folder with a custom icon incorrectly resetting the icon back to the default folder image.
  • Fixed file notification not working in OneDrive folders with the folder tree closed.
  • Fixed problem with indexed search in FAYT auto-closing the FAYT after editing the search term.
  • Right-clicking on the button for a zip file in the breadcrumbs path field now shows the context menu for the zip file itself rather than the limited menu for zip file contents.
  • Toolbars now behave the same to Alt+<key> as they do to Alt, <key> (i.e. Alt+H, or press/release Alt, then press H, will both show the Help menu).
  • The Customize / User Commands tab now has a search field at the bottom.
  • Made a change to try to prevent Lister minimising/other window coming to front if a modal script dialog is closed.
  • The property is now valid for script columns.
  • Attempted fix for crash ID 192.
  • Fixed Set FORMAT incorrectly turning off the "group" column if it was added automatically (due to the Preferences option) and the new format is still grouped.
  • The menu generated by Go TABLOCK=menu (on the default folder tab context menu) now supports Shift/Ctrl/Shift+Ctrl on the various lock commands to lock all/all to the right/all to the left (as documented and as in Opus 12).
  • The suggestion popup list now works in the FAYT on the first key press if command mode is the default.
  • If user/script commands have a description this is now shown in the FAYT suggestion popup list in command mode.
  • Fixed persistent tab-scoped variables not being remembered in some cases (Listers with only one tab per file-display opened in a particular way).
  • Fixed {thumbnail} code in tooltip definitions truncating any text that came after it on the same line.
  • Fixed List mode sort header not redrawing if the Find-As-You-Type field appeared over it and was then hidden.
  • Improved startup check for being launched while the installer is still running.
  • Print Folder column list no longer uses the Printer font specified above.
  • If the Preferences option Save descriptions to internal file metadata if possible was turned off, this was being ignored if a file already had a description set.
  • Performance improvement for file/folder context menus (when UWP context menu components are updated and old versions are left installed for some reason).
  • Duplicate Finder > Select dialog now expands the whole folder tree, instead of only up to the level of the first duplicates. Make it easier to see if child levels are being included or not.
  • Wav file durations are now rounded up to the nearest second. In particular, wavs less than a second long will be reported as 1 second instead of "N/A".
  • (Also in 13.3) Fixed toolbars getting temporarily confused if you converted a button-menu to a menu and then edited the first item.

New in Directory Opus 13.2.2 Beta (Feb 20, 2024)

  • Workaround for progress dialogs not appearing when certain tools were installed (generally ones which add extra buttons to windows titlebars).
  • Added scripting DOpus.MusicGenres() method to access the list of defined music genres (returns a Vector of strings).

New in Directory Opus 13.2.1 Beta (Feb 18, 2024)

  • Evaluation columns can now return a different value when being called for sorting, by checking if (operation == "sort") { }.
  • Evaluator columns now have a "Custom grouping" option, which means they can define their own groups. When turned on, they'll be called with operation == "group", and they should return the name of the group they want to be placed in.
  • Updated the default example "Modified (simple)" evaluator column to have proper sorting and grouping.
  • Added scripting Dialog.CreateFont, Dialog.DestroyFont, Control.SetFont methods. Control.AutoSize now has an optional bool parameter to make it resize vertically as well as horizontally.
  • Fixed inconsistent taskbar button order of multi-window layouts.
  • Fixed automatic copy queue not treating UNC shares the same as subdirs off the same share.
  • Fix for mouse wheel scrolling the folder tree too far in Windows 7 and 8.
  • When creating RAR archives, it's now left to your installed version of WinRAR which archive format version it uses, since WinRAR 7 is removing the option to create older RAR 4 archives.
  • Pixelated thumbnail upscaling is now only applied when enlarging images to at least 3x their original size.
  • Fixed fringing around exe icon thumbnails when resized.
  • When changing thumbnail scaling mode, if thumbnail size is overridden in a window it now stays that way rather than reverting to the standard size.
  • Fix for empty sub-menus in toolbar/menu favorites list if it was filtering on a specific branch using the "Path" argument rather than "Branch".
  • If the "TrayMenu" context menu is factory-reset, it now turns off its icon state/size overrides instead of setting them to on/small. (Makes no real difference unless you then edit the menu's items to use different settings.)
  • Fixed toolbar search field's magnifying glass arrow not reacting to color changes until the window was re-opened.
  • Fixed Copy/Move options being disabled in right-mouse drag-and-drop menu when dropping on a drive under This PC, where the destination is a single-display window.
  • Fixed custom toolbar labels turning into "Special Folders" if you changed languages and chose to translate toolbars. They will now be left as they were (unless they match the name of a built-in label which Opus knows how to translate).
  • Fixed Prefs FORMATLIST commands not immediately updating after changes to the Folder Format list.
  • Fixed Sync panel Compare button remaining disabled if you switched to another utility panel and back again.
  • Possible fix for crash likely caused by invalid registry data. (ID 184)
  • Fix for crash selecting files in unusual shell namespace folder. (ID 183)
  • Fixed crash when in the Libraries root and expanding a library via Expandable Folders. (ID 171/172/175)
  • Fix for crash if viewer pane had a background image and was closed while still loading something. (ID 170)
  • Fix for crash which could happen when dragging the only tab in a window to another window's tab bar, closing the original window. (ID 163)
  • Fix for rare FTP crash.

New in Directory Opus 13.2 (Feb 9, 2024)

  • Fixed crash on startup in Licence Manager if user had an old Opus 12 cert and for some reason the Opus 13 stock cert couldn't be found

New in Directory Opus 13.1 (Feb 1, 2024)

  • Highlights:
  • Dark Mode and Themes
  • Fonts
  • File Copying
  • Everything (Indeed Search)
  • Epandable Folders
  • Favorites Bar
  • Automatic Formats
  • Paired Folders
  • Selection Summaries
  • Lister Defaults
  • Folder Tree
  • Thumbnails
  • Folder Tabs
  • Find As You Type (FAYT)
  • Viewer
  • Image Converter
  • Metadata Display
  • Metadata Editing
  • Rename
  • Find Files
  • Duplicate Files Finder
  • Synchronize
  • Columns
  • Preferences
  • Customize
  • Script IDE

New in Directory Opus 12.33 (Sep 16, 2023)

  • The following changes were part of the 12.32.1 beta update:
  • Drag & drops from XNViewMP should now work.
  • Fixed PDF metadata not roundtripping correctly for strings containing certain characters.
  • Fixed PDF metadata not handling UTF-16 encoded as ASCII hex bytes.
  • Fixed problem decoding some JPEG images which could leave pink dots on the left-hand column.
  • If a blocked preview handler (e.g. PowerToys PDF) is encountered, Opus will now check for common alternatives to use instead, rather than failing to show the file. (The same as it does if no preview handler is found at all. So enabling the PDF preview handler within PowerToys will no longer prevent Opus from viewing PDFs, as long as one of the known alternatives is available.)
  • Updated RAR and 7Z DLLs.
  • Fixed crash when using FAYT to trigger Windows Search from a locked folder tab.

New in Directory Opus 12.32.1 Beta (Aug 16, 2023)

  • Drag & drops from XNViewMP should now work.
  • Fixed PDF metadata not roundtripping correctly for strings containing certain characters.
  • Fixed PDF metadata not handling UTF-16 encoded as ASCII hex bytes.
  • Fixed problem decoding some JPEG images which could leave pink dots on the left-hand column.
  • If a blocked preview handler (e.g. PowerToys PDF) is encountered, Opus will now check for common alternatives to use instead, rather than failing to show the file. (The same as it does if no preview handler is found at all. So enabling the PDF preview handler within PowerToys will no longer prevent Opus from viewing PDFs, as long as one of the known alternatives is available.)
  • Updated RAR and 7Z DLLs.
  • Fixed crash when using FAYT to trigger Windows Search from a locked folder tab.

New in Directory Opus 12.32 (Jul 7, 2023)

  • Added Resolution to the non-editable metadata section for image files.
  • Fixed file type editor crash when holding Ctrl or Shift and scrolling the mouse wheel over the list of actions.
  • Change to help with performance issue when UNC paths were added to Favorites and the tree was configured to show favorite folders in different colors.
  • Added workaround for duplicate Notepad++ context menu item on Windows 11.
  • Blocked PowerToys Source Code (Monaco) viewer by default, preventing it from taking over text files in the preview pane.
  • Fix for crash if a script add-in closed the file display while processing an OnBeforeFolderChange event.
  • The NanaZip context menu now works properly in Opus.

New in Directory Opus 12.31.1 Beta (Jun 1, 2023)

  • Changes since 12.31:
  • Added Resolution to the non-editable metadata section for image files.
  • Fixed file type editor crash when holding Ctrl or Shift and scrolling the mouse wheel over the list of actions.
  • Change to help with performance issue when UNC paths were added to Favorites and the tree was configured to show favorite folders in different colors.
  • Added workaround for duplicate Notepad++ context menu item on Windows 11.
  • Blocked PowerToys Source Code (Monaco) viewer by default, preventing it from taking over text files in the preview pane.
  • Fix for crash if a script add-in closed the file display while processing an OnBeforeFolderChange event.
  • The NanaZip context menu now works properly in Opus.

New in Directory Opus 12.31 (Feb 28, 2023)

  • The following changes were part of the 12.30.1 - 12.30.3 beta updates:
  • Fixed problem reading empty directories with SFTP servers which return a completely empty list for them (missing the usual "." and ".." entries).
  • Fix for viewer status bar's text potentially appearing bold (overprinted) if status icons were displayed on it.
  • Added a kludge to block duplicate DropBox context menu items on Windows 11. (The actual cause is a DropBox bug).
  • Scripting:
  • DialogListColumns object has new GetDisplayOrder and SetDisplayOrder methods for changing the order columns are displayed on-screen, including the ability to move secondary columns before the primary column which usually appears first.
  • Added Control.redraw property. Set to false to disable redraw in some types of control (e.g. listviews) while making multiple changes to them. Set back to true to redraw changes.
  • File objects (representing open file handles which are being read/written) can now be passed directly to Command.AddFile and similar methods without conversion. (Provided the File object has a path; not for virtual files that only exist in memory.)
  • Fixed rendering issue with group boxes with no title set in script dialogs
  • Removed Open Office extensions from the default ActiveX viewer extension list, as it's unlikely that kind of viewer is installed for them these days.
  • Improved viewer compatibility with FoxIt PDF preview handler. (Now works again without having to move the .PDF extension to FoxIt's other handler.)
  • Rich Text files (.rtf) with names starting "~" are no longer sent to preview handlers in the viewer pane. Microsoft Word uses this pattern for temporary files while editing documents, and Microsoft's preview handlers go wrong (freezing or opening unwanted conversion dialogs) when asked to view the files.
  • When in multi-column sort mode, the Set SORTREVERSE=Toggle command did not properly update the arrow in the sort header that indicates the overall sort direction.
  • In a dual Lister with two folder trees, clicking on an item in the inactive folder tree no longer causes it to "jump" to show the previously selected item before reading the new folder.
  • The icon size is now correct on high-DPI systems when changing view modes in a hosted virtual folder (e.g. Recycle Bin.)
  • Windows 11 context menus:
  • Fixed items for some Store apps not appearing if they used a new method to register themselves against file extensions.
  • Fixed for unlabeled sub-menus for OneDrive and iCloud appearing. (These didn't appear in File Explorer, didn't work when clicked, and looked wrong due to having icons without labels. We now filter them out.)
  • Extended the Delete command's SKIPNOTEMPTY and FAILNOTEMPTY modes to skip or error on files, including zero-byte files. (These modes are for cleaning up empty folders after other commands -- e.g. moving everything up a level -- so passing a file to them would be unexpected and will now be treated as such.)
  • Fix for Explorer.exe crash which could happen when dragging a file to the Windows desktop using the right mouse button. (Fix requires reboot or log-out after installing the update.)
  • The following changes are new for 12.31:
  • You can now block "Packaged COM" context menus (the new style for Windows 11) by name using the Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced [Troubleshooting]: ignore_context_menus value. For example, to block the context menus added by Skype, you could enter "Microsoft.SkypeApp*". Use context_menu_debug to find the name of the particular package you want to block.

New in Directory Opus 12.30.3 Beta (Feb 1, 2023)

  • Extended the Delete command's SKIPNOTEMPTY and FAILNOTEMPTY modes to skip or error on files, including zero-byte files. (These modes are for cleaning up empty folders after other commands -- e.g. moving everything up a level -- so passing a file to them would be unexpected and will now be treated as such.)
  • Fix for Explorer.exe crash which could happen when dragging a file to the Windows desktop using the right mouse button. (Fix requires reboot or log-out after installing the update.)

New in Directory Opus 12.30.2 Beta (Jan 24, 2023)

  • Removed Open Office extensions from the default ActiveX viewer extension list, as it's unlikely that kind of viewer is installed for them these days.
  • Improved viewer compatibility with FoxIt PDF preview handler. (Now works again without having to move the .PDF extension to FoxIt's other handler.)
  • Rich Text files (.rtf) with names starting "~" are no longer sent to preview handlers in the viewer pane. Microsoft Word uses this pattern for temporary files while editing documents, and Microsoft's preview handlers go wrong (freezing or opening unwanted conversion dialogs) when asked to view the files.
  • When in multi-column sort mode, the Set SORTREVERSE=Toggle command did not properly update the arrow in the sort header that indicates the overall sort direction.
  • In a dual Lister with two folder trees, clicking on an item in the inactive folder tree no longer causes it to "jump" to show the previously selected item before reading the new folder.
  • The icon size is now correct on high-DPI systems when changing view modes in a hosted virtual folder (e.g. Recycle Bin.)
  • Windows 11 context menus:
  • Fixed items for some Store apps not appearing if they used a new method to register themselves against file extensions.
  • Fixed un-labelled sub-menus for OneDrive and iCloud appearing. (These didn't appear in File Explorer, didn't work when clicked, and looked wrong due to having icons without labels. We now filter them out.)
  • Updated raw camera decoder to LibRaw 0.21.1.

New in Directory Opus 12.30.1 Beta (Dec 6, 2022)

  • Fixed problem reading empty directories with SFTP servers which return a completely empty list for them (missing the usual "." and ".." entries).
  • Fix for viewer status bar's text potentially appearing bold (overprinted) if status icons were displayed on it.
  • Added a kludge to block duplicate DropBox context menu items on Windows 11. (The actual cause is a DropBox bug).
  • Scripting:
  • DialogListColumns object has new GetDisplayOrder and SetDisplayOrder methods for changing the order columns are displayed on-screen, including the ability to move secondary columns before the primary column which usually appears first.
  • Added Control.redraw property. Set to false to disable redraw in some types of control (e.g. listviews) while making multiple changes to them. Set back to true to redraw changes.
  • File objects (representing open file handles which are being read/written) can now be passed directly to Command.AddFile and similar methods without conversion. (Provided the File object has a path; not for virtual files that only exist in memory.)
  • Fixed rendering issue with group boxes with no title set in script dialogs

New in Directory Opus 12.30 (Nov 21, 2022)

  • Improved viewer support for Photoshop PSB files (like PSD but larger/rarer). The standalone viewer can now open them on double-click and will include them in the next/previous image list.
  • Blocked the PC Revive shell extension by default, due to it breaking other things.

New in Directory Opus 12.29.2 Beta (Nov 3, 2022)

  • Fixed Details and Power modes not scrolling the focus item into view if you scrolled away from it and then pushed the cursor key in the same direction you had scrolled.
  • Improved handling of renaming a directory into a sub-dir of itself, particularly with network drives where another Opus or Explorer window is displaying the directory being moved.
  • When loading Icon Sets, additional validation is performed on the specified icon sizes and coordinates.
  • The Print Folder tool now calculates file counts of archives if one of the file count columns is added to the format and the option to calculate folder sizes is turned on.
  • Changing the user interface language no longer replaces the filetype group infotips and tile definitions if they have previously been modified from the defaults.

New in Directory Opus 12.29.1 Beta (Oct 14, 2022)

  • Added Subject and Title fields to Image category in the advanced filter (find) control.
  • Added script dialog Control.SetItemWidth method. Used to set the width of listview items in list and small icon view. Use -1 for autosizing.
  • Fixed redraw issue with changing manual sorting order via the keyboard.
  • Fixed problem with AirDriveLive context menus when cloud drive is mounted on a folder (rather than as a drive).
  • Fixed Type column in collections showing File Folder for junctions/symlinks instead of more detailed information, after a restart. (Fixes items added to collections after this update. Older items must be removed and re-added to correct them.)
  • The text viewer/editor search and replace dialogs now allow more characters to be entered in the find and replace fields.
  • Fixed problem using Copy TO=ask when the chosen destination is the sub-folder of a zip file.
  • Removed erroneous Skip identical option shown on the warning dialog when extracting a folder from a zip file when the target folder already exists.
  • Fixed some tab labels not being blurred when taking a secure screenshot.
  • Fix for Print Folder crash with certain printer drivers and/or Windows versions. ( )
  • Fix for stray toolbar/menu separator if the Favorites list was on a toolbar/menu and the list a separator as its first item.
  • Fix for Windows 11 22H2 where Select All and Select Invert did not work in special shell folders (e.g. Recycle Bin).
  • Show VIEWERCMD=refresh in the viewer no longer skips the next picture if the current picture has been deleted.
  • Workaround for Dropbox context menus not working in the most recent Dropbox version on Windows 11.

New in Directory Opus 12.29 (Aug 30, 2022)

  • The following changes were part of the 12.28.1 - 12.28.4 beta updates:
  • Updated LibRaw, including support for new OM-1 cameras.
  • FLAC/Ogg publisher data now writes "ORGANIZATION" tag for better compatibility. (Both "ORGANIZATION" and "PUBLISHER" work when reading tags.)
  • The viewer pane will now allow .docx files which have been incorrectly named .doc to be passed to the MS Word preview handler.
  • Go NEW=x,y now accepts negative coordinates.
  • WAV waveform thumbnails in IEEE floating point format are now supported.
  • SSH connections are now treated as case sensitive by default in case we aren't able to auto-detect it.
  • Fixed incorrect metadata shown for audio files whose metadata comes from the Windows shell (e.g. .m4a files).
  • Fixed range selection via Shift + Page Down which, with the file display grouped and some of the groups collapsed, would not always immediately repaint all items to reflect their new states.
  • Fixed mouse cursor being confined until you alt-tab'd to another window if you opened a color picker, dragged its sliders with the mouse, then closed it with the Esc key without releasing the mouse button.
  • Fixed problem with separators going missing if the buttons they were attached to were hidden (e.g. an Undo LIST command that didn't generate any items.)
  • Fixed problem with range selection in details mode when selecting a range by shift-clicking and then pressing Shift+Up to deselect the last item in the range.
  • Fixed problem where the path-to-selection highlight in the folder tree could show in the wrong color if the tree was locked.
  • Fixed problem where the busy indicator in the location field could keep spinning forever if a script column called Script.RefreshColumn in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed "Stretch background" not working in floating toolbars.
  • Fixed problem setting EXIF dates which meant Adobe Bridge did not recognize the "Date Taken" field ("DateTimeOriginal") when set through Opus.
  • Setting the EXIF Date Taken ("DateTimeOriginal" tag 0x9003) field in Opus now applies the same value to the EXIF "ModifyDate" field (tag 0x0132). Previously this would be set when changing the modification time of the actual file, but it makes more sense for it to mirror the DateTimeOriginal field.
  • The "Ignore diacritics" option in the Filter Bar now handles the Norse O correctly (or at least, it's now consistent with the similar option for the Find As You Type field).
  • Fixed problem with Explorer Replacement when clicking on folder links in Excel.
  • Fix for CreateFolder command, when run via scripts, creating things below the selected folder if there is one and a name (not full path) is specified.
  • Simple OK/Cancel dialogs that respond to the Y or N keys now only do so on key press, not key release (in case the same key is used to launch the function.)
  • Fixed problem with script dialog static controls which could display text in the wrong color in some situations.
  • The following changes are new for 12.29:
  • Fixed TortoiseGit showing additional, non-functional, context menu in Windows 11.
  • Fixed problem opening folder links containing spaces from Outlook emails.

New in Directory Opus 12.28.4 Beta (Aug 25, 2022)

  • Fix for CreateFolder command, when run via scripts, creating things below the selected folder if there is one and a name (not full path) is specified.
  • Simple OK/Cancel dialogs that respond to the Y or N keys now only do so on key press, not key release (in case the same key is used to launch the function.)
  • Fixed problem with script dialog static controls which could display text in the wrong color in some situations.

New in Directory Opus 12.28.3 Beta (Aug 4, 2022)

  • Fixed "Stretch background" not working in floating toolbars.
  • Fixed bug in previous beta which could cause problems when trying to view Word documents which could not be opened.
  • Fixed problem setting EXIF dates which meant Adobe Bridge did not recognize the "Date Taken" field ("DateTimeOriginal") when set through Opus.
  • Setting the EXIF Date Taken ("DateTimeOriginal" tag 0x9003) field in Opus now applies the same value to the EXIF "ModifyDate" field (tag 0x0132). Previously this would be set when changing the modification time of the actual file, but it makes more sense for it to mirror the DateTimeOriginal field.
  • The "Ignore diacritics" option in the Filter Bar now handles the Norse O correctly (or at least, it's now consistent with the similar option for the Find As You Type field).
  • Fixed problem with Explorer Replacement when clicking on folder links in Excel.

New in Directory Opus 12.28.2 Beta (Jul 18, 2022)

  • The viewer pane will now allow .docx files which have been incorrectly named .doc to be passed to the MS Word preview handler.
  • Go NEW=x,y now accepts negative coordinates.
  • WAV waveform thumbnails in IEEE floating point format are now supported.
  • SSH connections are now treated as case sensitive by default in case we aren't able to auto-detect it.
  • Fixed problem with separators going missing if the buttons they were attached to were hidden (e.g. an Undo LIST command that didn't generate any items.)
  • Fixed problem with range selection in details mode when selecting a range by shift-clicking and then pressing Shift+Up to deselect the last item in the range.
  • Fixed problem where the path-to-selection highlight in the folder tree could show in the wrong color if the tree was locked.
  • Fixed problem where the busy indicator in the location field could keep spinning forever if a script column called Script.RefreshColumn in certain circumstances.

New in Directory Opus 12.28.1 Beta (Jun 20, 2022)

  • Updated LibRaw, including support for new OM-1 cameras.
  • FLAC/Ogg publisher data now writes "ORGANIZATION" tag for better compatibility. (Both "ORGANIZATION" and "PUBLISHER" work when reading tags.)
  • Fixed incorrect metadata shown for audio files whose metadata comes from the Windows shell (e.g. .m4a files).
  • Fixed range selection via Shift + Page Down which, with the file display grouped and some of the groups collapsed, would not always immediately repaint all items to reflect their new states.
  • Fixed mouse cursor being confined until you alt-tab'd to another window if you opened a color picker, dragged its sliders with the mouse, then closed it with the Esc key without releasing the mouse button.

New in Directory Opus 12.28 (Jun 3, 2022)

  • Improved layout of button editor menus on low resolution (~720p) screens.
  • The archives plugin now filters the file attributes it returns to Opus to avoid ones that can appear in archives but don't make sense in them and cause problems (e.g. "offline" and "pinned").
  • Fix for situation where a credentials prompt wasn't triggered for some network drives that needed one.
  • Fixed problem which meant desktop double-click handling would stop working if Explorer was restarted.
  • On Windows 11, the OneDrive commands to pin or free up space now work recursively on folders to match Explorer's behavior.
  • Fixed the Toolbar command ignoring its POS argument if the first coordinate was negative.
  • If a Style is saved with the view mode option turned on, but a tab group selected, the view mode setting is now correctly ignored (since view modes in that instance are supposed to come from the tab group).
  • Fixed Open With > Paint.Net opening the file twice with newer versions of PaintDotNet.
  • Fixed a problem where the folder format could go wrong if a style that was set to turn the format lock on opened a tab group.
  • Improved performance of context menus in some situations.
  • Updated WebP plugin, which fixes some images not loading.
  • Fixed context menu items registered under HKCR* appearing for directories when they should only appear for files.
  • Fix for OneDrive context menus not appearing when "Files On Demand" is turned off.
  • Fixed @if not working on Viewer toolbar buttons if the only command being run after them was a Show VIEWERCMD=... variant.
  • Show VIEWERCMD=fullscreen,on and ...,off can now be used with the viewer to always get a particular state rather than toggle the current state.
  • Fixed issue where nothing happened if some Control Panels were opened in particular ways (e.g. "Manage BitLocker" from the drive right-click menu).
  • Fix for standalone image viewer opening on the wrong screen if it was previously moved and closed near the right (or bottom) of another screen.
  • Fixed incorrect behaviour when renaming files in FlatView when two files in different folders ended up with the same name.
  • Fixed problem with undoing a create folder.
  • Fix for crash which could happen when undoing a rename.
  • Fix for "New" context menu excluding items without descriptions in the registry.
  • Fix for bogus Open With menu items due to uninstalled Microsoft Store apps.

New in Directory Opus 12.27.2 Beta (May 18, 2022)

  • Fixed context menu items registered under HKCR* appearing for directories when they should only appear for files.
  • Fix for OneDrive context menus not appearing when "Files On Demand" is turned off.
  • Fixed @if not working on Viewer toolbar buttons if the only command being run after them was a Show VIEWERCMD=... variant.
  • Show VIEWERCMD=fullscreen,on and ...,off can now be used with the viewer to always get a particular state rather than toggle the current state.
  • Fixed issue where nothing happened if some Control Panels were opened in particular ways (e.g. "Manage BitLocker" from the drive right-click menu).
  • Fix for standalone image viewer opening on the wrong screen if it was previously moved and closed near the right (or bottom) of another screen.
  • Fixed incorrect behaviour when renaming files in FlatView when two files in different folders ended up with the same name.

New in Directory Opus 12.27.1 Beta (Apr 26, 2022)

  • Improved layout of button editor menus on low resolution (~720p) screens.
  • The archives plugin now filters the file attributes it returns to Opus to avoid ones that can appear in archives but don't make sense in them and cause problems (e.g. "offline" and "pinned").
  • Fix for situation where a credentials prompt wasn't triggered for some network drives that needed one.
  • Fixed problem which meant desktop double-click handling would stop working if Explorer was restarted.
  • On Windows 11, the OneDrive commands to pin or free up space now work recursively on folders to match Explorer's behavior.
  • Fixed the Toolbar command ignoring its POS argument if the first coordinate was negative.
  • If a Style is saved with the view mode option turned on, but a tab group selected, the view mode setting is now correctly ignored (since view modes in that instance are supposed to come from the tab group).
  • Fixed Open With > Paint.Net opening the file twice with newer versions of PaintDotNet.
  • Fixed a problem where the folder format could go wrong if a style that was set to turn the format lock on opened a tab group.
  • Improved performance of context menus in some situations.
  • Updated WebP plugin, which fixes some images not loading.

New in Directory Opus 12.27 (Mar 21, 2022)

  • The following changes were part of the 12.26.1 - 12.26.3 beta updates:
  • FTP SSH now supports elliptic curve algorithms (NIST and 25519).
  • The Publisher tag is now supported for FLAC and Ogg files.
  • Workaround for Open With > Paint.Net not working correctly due to incorrect data in the registry.
  • Fixed List and Small Icons modes not painting the bottom pixels of some icons until something triggered a repaint.
  • Fixed problem with standalone viewer's metadata panel not updating when moving to the next/previous.
  • Static context menu entries added to the HKCR* key are now shown for folders as well as files.
  • Fixed F-Secure SAFE context menu not appearing.
  • Double-clicking in the path field now selects whole path segments, rather than stopping on the wordbreak_char_paths characters like Ctrl-Left / Ctrl-Right does.
  • Added space to default wordbreak_char_paths so it's now consistent with wordbreak_char_names which has space hard-coded.
  • Added slash and backslash to the default wordbreak characters for names and paths.
  • (Some things handled them by default anyway but, previously, if you pasted a full or relative path into the inline rename field, it'd treat the separators like normal letter characters and make it a pain to jump to them.)
  • Fixed a crash which could occur using the Clipboard PASTE AS command with a name beginning with a [ character.
  • Transparent docked toolbars now use the whole area of each button for hit-testing, even before the buttons become hot, which should make them easier to use.
  • Fixed items for a couple of programs appearing multiple times in context menus.
  • Commands using both Set QUICKFILTER and QUICKFILTERFLAGS on the same line will now highlight as "on" provided both arguments match the current state.
  • Fixed turning on Flat View not applying the Flat View folder format's column-grouping.
  • For example, if the file display was already grouped and you turned on Flat View (Mixed), it would stay grouped, but the menus would indicate it was not grouped. The menus were correct and the file display should have been un-grouped, assuming the default situation where the Flat View folder format is turned on and configured to turn off grouping.
  • Go FOLDERCONTENT menus now work with collections where multiple items have the same name.
  • Fixed crash that could sometimes occur if you held the F5 key down to repeatedly refresh the This PC folder.
  • Made a change to hopefully fix incorrect timestamps on SFTP servers.
  • The recently added option to choose whether to display folder icons or lightbulb (Opus logo) icons is now set to lightbulbs by default. If you want to use folder icons you can select this from Preferences / Display / Options / Use current folder's icon.
  • Cosmetic fixes/improvements for borders around a few controls on Windows 11.
  • Fix for very slow handling of some Photoshop PSD files due to extreme metadata bloat in the form of Adobe's document history tracking.
  • Text and TextThumbs plugins now ignore files that start with the PaintDotNet signature, so they can be displayed via its thumbnail handler instead. (Most data at the start of PDN's file format is text, so they looked like text files to both plugins.)
  • Fixed problem with automatic path completion in the location field with aliases beginning with a . character.
  • Fix for using Windows Search below mount points.
  • Scripting DOpus.Create.Blob("test") with no encoding specified creates a UTF16 string again, as per the documentation.
  • Troubleshooting setting context_menu_debug now logs more information.
  • Blocked Daemon Tools shell extensions by default. See Shell extensions which are blocked by default if you wish to re-enable them, but keep in mind they have caused crashes for several people.
  • The GetNewNameData script object (passed to the OnGetNewName method) has a new preview property, which returns true when the method is being called to generate the preview in the Rename dialog, and false when it's renaming the file for real.
  • Fixed issue with case-insensitive search for Cyrillic text.
  • Fix for Set TABPOSITION=below being able to push things below the file display out of the window frame until the window was resized.
  • The following changes are new for 12.27:
  • Improved file context menu de-duplication. While building the menus, some registry keys were processed more than once. Menus should now open a little faster. This also fixes the problem introduced in 12.26.2 beta where a single item added via the File Types dialog could appear in the menu more than once.
  • Fixed bug introduced in 12.23 where the Viewer Pane / Display Shell Icons checkbox did nothing and the adjacent Display Shell Thumbnails checkbox controlled both settings.

New in Directory Opus 12.26.3 Beta (Mar 5, 2022)

  • FTP SSH now supports elliptic curve algorithms (NIST and 25519).
  • The Publisher tag is now supported for FLAC and Ogg files.
  • The GetNewNameData script object (passed to the OnGetNewName method) has a new preview property, which returns true when the method is being called to generate the preview in the Rename dialog, and false when it's renaming the file for real.
  • Fixed issue with case-insensitive search for Cyrillic text.
  • Fix for Set TABPOSITION=below being able to push things below the file display out of the window frame until the window was resized.

New in Directory Opus 12.26.2 Beta (Feb 28, 2022)

  • The recently added option to choose whether to display folder icons or lightbulb (Opus logo) icons is now set to lightbulbs by default. If you want to use folder icons you can select this from Preferences / Display / Options / Use current folder's icon.
  • Cosmetic fixes/improvements for borders around a few controls on Windows 11.
  • Fix for very slow handling of some Photoshop PSD files due to extreme metadata bloat in the form of Adobe's document history tracking.
  • Text and TextThumbs plugins now ignore files that start with the PaintDotNet signature, so they can be displayed via its thumbnail handler instead. (Most data at the start of PDN's file format is text, so they looked like text files to both plugins.)
  • Fixed problem with automatic path completion in the location field with aliases beginning with a . character.
  • Fix for using Windows Search below mount points.
  • Fixed issue in previous beta which meant duplicate context menu items were removed even if the duplicates weren't all at the top level. This also caused problems if Opus-specific items which started or ended sub-menus were filtered out, causing menu items after them to go into the wrong menu level.
  • Scripting DOpus.Create.Blob("test") with no encoding specified creates a UTF16 string again, as per the documentation.
  • Troubleshooting setting context_menu_debug now logs more information.
  • Blocked Daemon Tools shell extensions by default. See Shell extensions which are blocked by default 1 if you wish to re-enable them, but keep in mind they have caused crashes for several people.

New in Directory Opus 12.26.1 Beta (Jan 20, 2022)

  • Workaround for Open With > Paint.Net not working correctly due to incorrect data in the registry.
  • Fixed List and Small Icons modes not painting the bottom pixels of some icons until something triggered a repaint.
  • Fixed problem with standalone viewer's metadata panel not updating when moving to the next/previous.
  • Static context menu entries added to the HKCR* key are now shown for folders as well as files.
  • Fixed F-Secure SAFE context menu not appearing.
  • Fixed a crash which could occur using the Clipboard PASTE AS command with a name beginning with a [ character.
  • Transparent docked toolbars now use the whole area of each button for hit-testing, even before the buttons become hot, which should make them easier to use.
  • Fixed items for a couple of programs appearing multiple times in context menus. Commands using both Set QUICKFILTER and QUICKFILTERFLAGS on the same line will now highlight as "on" provided both arguments match the current state.
  • Fixed turning on Flat View not applying the Flat View folder format's column-grouping. For example, if the file display was already grouped and you turned on Flat View (Mixed), it would stay grouped, but the menus would indicate it was not grouped. The menus were correct and the file display should have been un-grouped, assuming the default situation where the Flat View folder format is turned on and configured to turn off grouping.
  • Go FOLDERCONTENT menus now work with collections where multiple items have the same name. (Some things handled them by default anyway but, previously, if you pasted a full or relative path into the inline rename field, it'd treat the separators like normal letter characters and make it a pain to jump to them.)
  • Fixed crash that could sometimes occur if you held the F5 key down to repeatedly refresh the This PC folder.
  • Made a change to hopefully fix incorrect timestamps on SFTP servers.
  • Double-clicking in the path field now selects whole path segments, rather than stopping on the wordbreak_char_paths characters like Ctrl-Left / Ctrl-Right does:
  • Added space to default wordbreak_char_paths so it's now consistent with wordbreak_char_names which has space hard-coded.
  • Added slash and backslash to the default wordbreak characters for names and paths.

New in Directory Opus 12.26 (Dec 2, 2021)

  • Added support for the new Windows 11 context menu system. This makes context menus for things like OneDrive and WinRAR show up again on Windows 11.
  • Added SetAttr PIN and DEHYDRATE arguments; for cloud files, this implements the same logic as the "Always keep on this device" and "Free up space" context menu commands.
  • Lister windows now take on the current folder's icon by default. (In a dual-display or multi-tab window, the source active folder tab's icon will be used.) A new option under Preferences / Display / Options lets you switch back to the color-coded Opus logo if you wish.
  • Added metadata panel support for Composer, Conductor and Encoded By fields on FLAC, OGG and APE audio files. Also tidied up where the Encoded By data comes from for FLAC files.
  • CreateFolder READAUTO now has left and right parameters which are like the old dual but always read the folder into a particular side.
  • Added Properties SETLABELREMOVE argument; similar to SETLABELTOGGLE, except it only turns the specified labels off, it won't turn them on.
  • Properties ADDLABEL, SETLABELTOGGLE (and SETLABELREMOVE) now accept shift/alt/ctrl arguments to allow any of the three qualifier keys to be chosen.
  • Fix/workaround for Windows 11's bug which caused the Desktop Double-Click feature to open Listers from just a single-click if desktop icons were turned off. If you still see an issue after installing the update, please try rebooting, although it isn't normally needed.
  • Added support for quotes around parameters given to @ifexists, @ifrunning, and @script. (Quotes are not required for any of them, but now you don't have to remember that.)
  • File display scrolling via the mouse wheel is now capped so it won't scroll more than a page, even if the mouse wheel is configured to scroll more lines than are visible. (Mainly helps with Details+Thumbnails mode and large thumbs combined with a wheel configured to scroll a lot more lines than usual.)
  • Fixed incorrect display of multi-value ID3v2 tags written by Media Monkey.
  • Fixed situation where the standalone viewer's metadata editor still said changes were pending after clicking Apply.
  • Improved drag & drop editing of Favorites list in Preferences. As well as fixing a couple of bugs, it is now possible to control whether an item is dropped into or next to a Favorites branch by dragging it to the left or right of the branch's label. (The drop indicator lets you see what will happen before releasing the button.)
  • Fixed Add To Favorites dialog getting confused by Favorites tree branches with colons in their names, and made name filtering consistent between that dialog and the editor in Preferences.
  • You can now use the Copy MAKESFX HERE command on archives within collections (e.g. Find Results), where it will create the new exe in the same folder as the archive. (Similar functionality already existed for extracting archives in collections to their own parent folders.)
  • Added workarounds for handling shortcut files under very long paths.
  • Find (Simple) now ignores the Type drop-down being set to File Type Group if no group is selected in the drop-down next to it.
  • Menus listing columns from multi-column scripts are now sorted by name. (This was incorrectly listed in the 12.21 release notes before the actual change was made.)
  • Where two paths point to the same drive via the Windows subst command, moving files between them is now done via a fast rename rather than a slow copy-then-delete.
  • When undoing a folder creation, the deletion will do nothing if the folder contains any files or non-empty folders. This is to avoid accidentally deleting items created after the folder was created. ("Empty folder" here means a folder with zero files below it and at most one child "empty" folder which itself is either empty or has one empty child folder, and so on, recursively. So you can still undo a multi-level folder creation, as long as nothing extra has been created within the directories.)
  • You can now use the Copy MAKESFX HERE command on archives within collections (e.g. Find Results), where it will create the new exe in the same folder as the archive. (Similar functionality already existed for extracting archives in collections to their own parent folders.)
  • Fixed problem with Rename command where if you used the FROM argument without the PATTERN argument, and the FROM argument contained a wildcard it would try to use that as the value for PATTERN even if it contained wildcard characters that PATTERN doesn't support. Now it will only do this if the only wildcard char used is a *.
  • If Rename uses FROM as the value for PATTERN, it now unescapes any wildcard chars that are also valid filename chars automatically.
  • Fix for rare crash in the sound player when a sample stops playing and auto-close is on.
  • Viewer plugins that return a text stream for another plugin (e.g. the text viewer plugin) to display can now return Unicode/UTF-8 text in the stream without a BOM.
  • URL targets are now displayed for .url files with very long paths. (Workaround for Windows limitation.)
  • If you right-click an archive and choose "Extract To..." from a dual-display Lister, the Select Destination Folder dialog that opens will now default to the path in the other file display.
  • Thumbnails generated via Windows now go one at a time, as the OS seems to have issues with multiple simultaneous requests. (This was already being done for Folder Thumbnails, but is now done for all thumbnails which come via the shell. Normal image files are not affected, as Opus generates thumbnails for those itself.)
  • The Display extended sync attributes for cloud folders option was backwards. Note this has been reset to off for everyone.
  • Fix for nothing happening on drag & drop of individual pages from PDF-XChange Editor's thumbnails view into Opus.
  • Fixed bug which could cause the progress dialog to appear unnecessarily behind the delete confirmation dialog.
  • Added Windows 11 support to the WinVer script object (win11 and win11orbetter properties).
  • Scripting FSUtil.SameDrive method has a new s flag to test if two paths point to the same drive via drive letters made via the Windows subst command.
  • Script listviews can now use 0 as a group id.

New in Directory Opus 12.25.4 Beta (Nov 24, 2021)

  • Added Properties SETLABELREMOVE argument; similar to SETLABELTOGGLE, except it only turns the specified labels off, it won't turn them on.
  • Properties ADDLABEL, SETLABELTOGGLE (and SETLABELREMOVE) now accept shift/alt/ctrl arguments to allow any of the three qualifier keys to be chosen.
  • Viewer plugins that return a text stream for another plugin (e.g. the text viewer plugin) to display can now return Unicode/UTF-8 text in the stream without a BOM.
  • URL targets are now displayed for .url files with very long paths. (Workaround for Windows limitation.)
  • If you right-click an archive and choose "Extract To..." from a dual-display Lister, the Select Destination Folder dialog that opens will now default to the path in the other file display.
  • Thumbnails generated via Windows now go one at a time, as the OS seems to have issues with multiple simultaneous requests. (This was already being done for Folder Thumbnails, but is now done for all thumbnails which come via the shell. Normal image files are not affected, as Opus generates thumbnails for those itself.)
  • On Windows 11 the OneDrive context menus now work in the folder tree as well as in the file display.
  • The Display extended sync attributes for cloud folders option was backwards. Note this has been reset to off for everyone.
  • Fix for nothing happening on drag & drop of individual pages from PDF-XChange Editor's thumbnails view into Opus.
  • Fixed bug which could cause the progress dialog to appear unnecessarily behind the delete confirmation dialog.

New in Directory Opus 12.25.3 Beta (Nov 7, 2021)

  • Added support for the new Windows 11 context menu system. This makes context menus for things like OneDrive and WinRAR show up again on Windows 11.
  • Added SetAttr PIN and DEHYDRATE arguments; for cloud files, this implements the same logic as the "Always keep on this device" and "Free up space" context menu commands.
  • Added Windows 11 support to the WinVer script object (win11 and win11orbetter properties).
  • Added support for quotes around parameters given to @ifexists, @ifrunning, and @script. (Quotes are not required for any of them, but now you don't have to remember that.)

New in Directory Opus 12.25.2 Beta (Oct 27, 2021)

  • Fix/workaround for Windows 11's bug which caused the Desktop Double-Click feature to open Listers from just a single-click if desktop icons were turned off. IMPORTANT: You must **reboot** after installing the update for this change to take effect.
  • Where two paths point to the same drive via the Windows subst command, moving files between them is now done via a fast rename rather than a slow copy-then-delete.
  • When undoing a folder creation, the deletion will do nothing if the folder contains any files or non-empty folders. This is to avoid accidentally deleting items created after the folder was created. ("Empty folder" here means a folder with zero files below it and at most one child "empty" folder which itself is either empty or has one empty child folder, and so on, recursively. So you can still undo a multi-level folder creation, as long as nothing extra has been created within the directories.)
  • Reverted change in previous beta involving Copy HERE CREATEFOLDER, as it fixed one rare situation but created another. A larger change is required, and we want to test that internally for a while before we release it.
  • You can now use the Copy MAKESFX HERE command on archives within collections (e.g. Find Results), where it will create the new exe in the same folder as the archive. (Similar functionality already existed for extracting archives in collections to their own parent folders.)
  • Fixed problem with Rename command where if you used the FROM argument without the PATTERN argument, and the FROM argument contained a wildcard it would try to use that as the value for PATTERN even if it contained wildcard characters that PATTERN doesn't support. Now it will only do this if the only wildcard char used is a *.
  • If Rename uses FROM as the value for PATTERN, it now unescapes any wildcard chars that are also valid filename chars automatically.
  • Fix for rare crash in the sound player when a sample stops playing and auto-close is on.
  • Scripting FSUtil.SameDrive method has a new s flag to test if two paths point to the same drive via drive letters made via the Windows subst command.

New in Directory Opus 12.25.1 Beta (Oct 15, 2021)

  • Lister windows now take on the current folder's icon by default. (In a dual-display or multi-tab window, the source active folder tab's icon will be used.) A new option under Preferences / Display / Options lets you switch back to the color-coded Opus logo if you wish.
  • File display scrolling via the mouse wheel is now capped so it won't scroll more than a page, even if the mouse wheel is configured to scroll more lines than are visible. (Mainly helps with Details+Thumbnails mode and large thumbs combined with a wheel configured to scroll a lot more lines than usual.)
  • CreateFolder READAUTO now has left and right parameters which are like the old dual but always read the folder into a particular side.
  • Added metadata panel support for Composer, Conductor and Encoded By fields on FLAC, OGG and APE audio files. Also tidied up where the Encoded By data comes from for FLAC files.
  • Fixed incorrect display of multi-value ID3v2 tags written by Media Monkey.
  • Fixed situation where the standalone viewer's metadata editor still said changes were pending after clicking Apply.
  • Improved drag & drop editing of Favorites list in Preferences. As well as fixing a couple of bugs, it is now possible to control whether an item is dropped into or next to a Favorites branch by dragging it to the left or right of the branch's label. (The drop indicator lets you see what will happen before releasing the button.)
  • Fixed Add To Favorites dialog getting confused by Favorites tree branches with colons in their names, and made name filtering consistent between that dialog and the editor in Preferences.
  • Fixed some issues with the Copy command's HERE argument when combined with an explicit source argument (that wasn't the current folder) and the CREATEFOLDER argument, and similar.
  • You can now use the Copy MAKESFX HERE command on archives within collections (e.g. Find Results), where it will create the new exe in the same folder as the archive. (Similar functionality already existed for extracting archives in collections to their own parent folders.)
  • Script listviews can now use 0 as a group id.
  • Added workarounds for handling shortcut files under very long paths.
  • Find (Simple) now ignores the Type drop-down being set to File Type Group if no group is selected in the drop-down next to it.
  • Menus listing columns from multi-column scripts are now sorted by name. (This was incorrectly listed in the 12.21 release notes before the actual change was made.)

New in Directory Opus 12.25 (Sep 29, 2021)

  • The following changes were part of the 12.24.1 - 12.24.5 beta updates:
  • New/improved ability to copy info tip text to the clipboard:
  • Text containing markup, such as info tips for images with EXIF metadata, now has the markup removed from the clipboard copy.
  • A new command Clipboard COPYINFOTIP lets you assign the action to any hotkey. (Previously undocumented hardcoded keys: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+C works by default, but is quite hard to type. Ctrl+Alt+C can also work but is overridden by the default toolbars. You can now pick a hotkey yourself instead.)
  • The action now works for both file displays in a dual-display Lister. (Previously, it only worked if the info tip came from the source side.)
  • The Go FOLDERCONTENT command, which generates buttons or menus for items below a specified folder, has new modes which copy the clicked files into the current (copytosource), destination (copytodest), left (copytoleft) or right (copytoleft) file displays.
  • This might be useful if you have a folder of template files or folders you need to copy to different places as you move around. To update the list of items, you would just need to add or remove things (or softlinks to them) to the folder.
  • Go FOLDERCONTENT=copytosource and similar can use the new COPYARGS argument to specify additional arguments which are passed to each of the generated copy/move buttons.
  • Go FOLDERCONTENT filefilter and dirfilter parameters now support embedded quotes should you need to specify patterns containing commas, which would be parsed as the end of the parameter otherwise.
  • Go FOLDERCONTENT can now limit the number of files and dirs it shows using maxfiles=x and maxdirs=y. With recursive menus, the limit is applied separately to each level.
  • Go FOLDERCONTENT=nodirs now also excludes shortcuts to directories.
  • Added some new filename passing codes that deal with drive letters and labels:
  • "notermdrive" is like "noterm", but also suppresses the backslash at the end of a drive root.
  • "driveletter" returns just the single-character letter of the drive at the start of the path.
  • "drivelabel" returns the label for the drive at the start of the path.
  • You can now use Ctrl+Insert and Shift+Insert as alternative hotkeys for Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V in the file display, without causing problems when trying to use them in places like the Find Files panel.
  • New configurations include the alternative hotkeys by default for the Lister and standalone viewer. Existing configurations are unaffected, but you can modify the Edit > Copy and Paste menu items or reset the Menu toolbar to factory defaults to add the alternative hotkeys to old configurations. Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V continue to work as before, of course.
  • Ctrl+Backspace and Ctrl+Delete now work in more places (e.g. the "Clipboard PASTE AS=ask" dialog's filename field).
  • Since Go OPENCONTAINER NEWTAB implicitly acts as if NEWTAB=findexisting was requested, there is now a NEWTAB=nofindexisting to make it always open a new tab, even if one already exists for the folder.
  • Added the FileType FILECONTEXT argument, which lets you create a toolbar button for a file where left-clicking opens/runs the file and right-clicking shows the file's context menu.
  • Added Select SIMILAR=trueext argument; causes the command to ignore multi-part extensions. E.g. file.part1.rar, file.part2.rar and file.part3.rar would all be considered to be .rar files rather than having different extensions.
  • Added Go LIMITPATH (and Prefs LIMITPATH) arguments, which let a Lister be restricted to one or more paths (and any folders under those paths).
  • Go LIMITPATH=current restricts the Lister to all the paths currently shown in all tabs.
  • Go LIMITPATH=reset removes path restrictions for the current Lister.
  • Path restrictions are saved in Lister Layouts (and the Default Lister).
  • New Listers opened from an existing Lister will inherit its path restrictions by default (unless the LIMITPATH argument is used to override).
  • Added help messages to the viewer pane when a PDF or Microsoft Office document fails to load due to missing or broken third-party viewers.
  • Added workarounds to help find a PDF preview handler when one is installed but the file type has been broken by different software fighting over it.
  • For .DOC files which don't start with the MS Word header (e.g. plain-text README.DOC files common on other platforms), the viewer pane will now avoid trying to load them via MS Word (which works if Word is installed, but will now result in an error message if Word isn't installed). The simple text plugin can handle them instead.
  • The advanced wordbreak_char_names and wordbreak_char_paths settings now have default values that include the typical punctuation characters. Previously, edit controls using these settings considered a very minimal set of word-break characters, unless you manually configured additional ones, which was a slight regression from Windows defaults. (If you edited either setting in the past, you may need to reset it now to get the new defaults. If you liked things how they were, set both settings to an empty string.)
  • The advanced wordbreak_char_names setting is now used by more dialogs which prompt for a file name, including Clipboard PASTE AS=ask.
  • If FAYT and Filter Bar Keys has Filter Bar as the default mode, typing to open the filter bar and then pushing Esc will now reset the filter back to what it was before you started typing, rather than to the first character typed.
  • Added support for tools which write EXIF GPS data in an unusual way, where the Minutes and Seconds are both zero and all the information is packed into the Degrees part.
  • The Folder Tree's Favorites branch now ignores label filters, since they could cause problems with FTP sites. (Explicit labels and wildcard labels still work.)
  • Opus now prevents unintentional drag & drop when toolbars turn on or off in response to activating the left or right file display with the mouse.
  • (For example, toolbars configured to appear in certain modes or folders can cause the window to rearrange when clicking the inactive side of a dual file display. This can change the mouse position relative to the file display, which looked like a drag & drop if the mouse button was down.)
  • When invoking third-party context menu handlers, the optional menu/mouse position data is now passed through in most contexts.
  • The Treat all virtual folders as real option no longer overrides (forces on) the Native display of the Desktop option, in Preferences / Folders / Virtual Folders.
  • The folder tree lock is now cleared if you save the default Lister when the tree is turned off. Previously, you'd have to turn on the tree, unlock it, save the default Lister, then turn off the tree again and save the default Lister again.
  • Commands which can take a filter name or a wildcard can now be given a string with the wild: prefix to force the rest to be interpreted as a wildcard. For example, if it's a wildcard like ~(xyz) which doesn't include any *, ? or | characters, and where the wildcard characters could also be valid filename characters.
  • Fixed {md5sum} in renames inserting nothing for files larger than max_md5_file_size. There is no size limited again when calculating hashes for renaming.
  • Fixed an issue which sometimes caused a window frame to flash on the screen when opening other windows in the program. Unlikely to have been seen unless window animations were turned off in the OS.
  • Fixed an issue which meant change notifications which arrived with short paths were sometimes incorrectly processed.
  • Fixed problem which stopped NTFS ADS being copied when copying out of a Collection.
  • Fixed thumbnail mode resetting the scroll position if you filtered the display, cleared the filter, scrolled down with the mouse wheel (without giving the display focus), and then clicked a file.
  • If Lister resize grips are on and the Jobs Bar is at the bottom of the window, the grip is now hidden when the Lister is maximized.
  • Copying NTFS ADS out of Collections should work now. Also fixed the same issue when copying out of Libraries.
  • Fixed issue with thumbnails in tooltips showing the wrong size for videos and some other file types, if the tooltip specified a different thumbnail size to the file display.
  • Fixed a potential deadlock if Set VIEWERCMD=delete was followed in a button by another Set VIEWERCMD command, and a script was installed that processed viewer events.
  • Fix for calling IColumnProvider::GetItemData with pwszExt set to the file name instead of just the extension. (Thanks to the Tracker Software / PDF-XChange team for reporting this!)
  • Fixed viewer pane splitter being thinner than other splitters in high DPI.
  • Fix for "not empty" error when attempting a non-recycle-bin delete of a non-empty folder which was flagged as a reparse point but was not a symbolic link or junction.
  • Opus now knows that .jfif files are JPEG images without having to inspect their contents, to work better with images saved by Chrome with incorrect extensions.
  • Fixed bug which resulted in high CPU usage and the Set As Default Lister dialog failing to open if the folder tree was locked and two toolbars with certain elements shared the same line.
  • If you lock the folder tree via the tree header, then hide the header, the tree will now be unlocked until the header is turned back on, even if you had used the Set TREELOCK command at some point in the past. The tree now only stays locked without a header if the lock was created via the command rather than the header.
  • Fixed overlapping transition animations if the standalone viewer opened on a marked picture.

New in Directory Opus 12.24.5 Beta (Sep 10, 2021)

  • New/improved ability to copy info tip text to the clipboard:
  • Text containing markup, such as info tips for images with EXIF metadata, now has the markup removed from the clipboard copy.
  • A new command Clipboard COPYINFOTIP lets you assign the action to any hotkey. (Previously undocumented hardcoded keys: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+C works by default, but is quite hard to type. Ctrl+Alt+C can also work but is overridden by the default toolbars. You can now pick a hotkey yourself instead.)
  • The action now works for both file displays in a dual-display Lister. (Previously, it only worked if the info tip came from the source side.)
  • The Treat all virtual folders as real option no longer overrides (forces on) the Native display of the Desktop option, in Preferences / Folders / Virtual Folders.
  • The folder tree lock is now cleared if you save the default Lister when the tree is turned off. Previously, you'd have to turn on the tree, unlock it, save the default Lister, then turn off the tree again and save the default Lister again.
  • Commands which can take a filter name or a wildcard can now be given a string with the wild: prefix to force the rest to be interpreted as a wildcard. For example, if it's a wildcard like ~(xyz) which doesn't include any *, ? or | characters, and where the wildcard characters could also be valid filename characters.
  • Fixed a crash introduced in 12.24.3 when editing certain script configurations.
  • Fixed overlapping transition animations if the standalone viewer opened on a marked picture.
  • Fixed script dialog drop-down controls with lots of items not having scrollbars.
  • Scripts enumerating folders via the Windows Shell -- i.e. FSUtil.ReadDir(path, "s") -- now include Hidden+System files. Previously, Hidden files were included but only if they didn't also have the System attribute.
  • Scripts which enumerate the Desktop recursively would be given the wrong path for items in the public desktop folder. This is now fixed.
  • Cleaned up the behavior of DOpus.Create.Vector when given multiple arguments where the first one is a vector. It now adds each argument as a member instead of copying the content of the first argument and ignoring the others.

New in Directory Opus 12.24.4 Beta (Aug 26, 2021)

  • Fix for "not empty" error when attempting a non-recycle-bin delete of a non-empty folder which was flagged as a reparse point but was not a symbolic link or junction.
  • Fix for script dialog editor not allowing you to drag something away from and then back to its original position without releasing the mouse and dragging it again.
  • Opus now knows that .jfif files are JPEG images without having to inspect their contents, to work better with images saved by Chrome with incorrect extensions.
  • Fix for scripting metadata object not providing all types of metadata (e.g. image metadata) if, say, a file's User Comment was edited and the script (rather than file display columns, etc.) was then first thing to request the file's new information.
  • Go FOLDERCONTENTfilefilter and dirfilter parameters now support embedded quotes should you need to specify patterns containing commas, which would be parsed as the end of the parameter otherwise.
  • Go FOLDERCONTENT can now limit the number of files and dirs it shows using maxfiles=x and maxdirs=y. With recursive menus, the limit is applied separately to each level.
  • Go FOLDERCONTENT=nodirs now also excludes shortcuts to directories.
  • Fixed bug which resulted in high CPU usage and the Set As Default Lister dialog failing to open if the folder tree was locked and two toolbars with certain elements shared the same line.
  • If you lock the folder tree via the tree header, then hide the header, the tree will now be unlocked until the header is turned back on, even if you had used the Set TREELOCK command at some point in the past. The tree now only stays locked without a header if the lock was created via the command rather than the header.

New in Directory Opus 12.24.3 Beta (Aug 11, 2021)

  • Added Select SIMILAR=trueext argument; causes the command to ignore multi-part extensions. E.g. file.part1.rar, file.part2.rar and file.part3.rar would all be considered to be .rar files rather than having different extensions.
  • Added Go LIMITPATH (and Prefs LIMITPATH) arguments, which let a Lister be restricted to one or more paths (and any folders under those paths).
  • The advanced wordbreak_char_names and wordbreak_char_paths settings now have default values that include the typical punctuation characters. Previously, edit controls using these settings considered a very minimal set of word-break characters, unless you manually configured additional ones, which was a slight regression from Windows defaults. (If you edited either setting in the past, you may need to reset it now to get the new defaults. If you liked things how they were, set both settings to an empty string.)
  • The advanced wordbreak_char_names setting is now used by more dialogs which prompt for a file name, including Clipboard PASTE AS=ask.
  • If FAYT and Filter Bar Keys has Filter Bar as the default mode, typing to open the filter bar and then pushing Esc will now reset the filter back to what it was before you started typing, rather than to the first character typed.
  • Fixed issue with thumbnails in tooltips showing the wrong size for videos and some other file types, if the tooltip specified a different thumbnail size to the file display.
  • Fixed a potential deadlock if Set VIEWERCMD=delete was followed in a button by another Set VIEWERCMD command, and a script was installed that processed viewer events.
  • Fix for calling IColumnProvider::GetItemData with pwszExt set to the file name instead of just the extension. (Thanks to the Tracker Software / PDF-XChange team for reporting this!)
  • Fixed viewer pane splitter being thinner than other splitters in high DPI.
  • Fixed problem with script dialog static controls not respecting their background color if text alignment is set to anything other than top.
  • Script dialog group controls now render correctly if you set their titles to an empty string.
  • Script Control object's label property can now also be accessed via the alternative title name, since both terms are used in different places.
  • Fixed F1 help not displaying if two script add-ins added custom documentation.
  • Script help pages can now be larger than 32413 bytes.

New in Directory Opus 12.24.2 Beta (Jul 13, 2021)

  • Copying NTFS ADS out of Collections should work now. Also fixed the same issue when copying out of Libraries.
  • Scripting Vector.assign and append methods now work with JScript arrays as documented.
  • Added the FileType FILECONTEXT argument, which lets you create a toolbar button for a file where left-clicking opens/runs the file and right-clicking shows the file's context menu.
  • Go FOLDERCONTENT=copytosource and similar can use the new COPYARGS argument to specify additional arguments which are passed to each of the generated copy/move buttons.
  • Fix for issue introduce in previous beta where a Copy command which specified a file path (rather than working on the selected items as normal) would remove the file extension from the destination file if extensions were hidden in File Explorer.

New in Directory Opus 12.24.1 Beta (Jul 9, 2021)

  • Added help messages to the viewer pane when a PDF or Microsoft Office document fails to load due to missing or broken third-party viewers.
  • Added workarounds to help find a PDF preview handler when one is installed but the file type has been broken by different software fighting over it.
  • For .DOC files which don't start with the MS Word header (e.g. plain-text README.DOC files common on other platforms), the viewer pane will now avoid trying to load them via MS Word (which works if Word is installed, but will now result in an error message if Word isn't installed). The simple text plugin can handle them instead.
  • The Go FOLDERCONTENT command, which generates buttons or menus for items below a specified folder, has new modes which copy the clicked files into the current (copytosource), destination (copytodest), left (copytoleft) or right (copytoleft) file displays.
  • This might be useful if you have a folder of template files or folders you need to copy to different places as you move around. To update the list of items, you would just need to add or remove things (or softlinks to them) to the folder.
  • Added some new filename passing codes that deal with drive letters and labels:
  • "notermdrive" is like "noterm", but also suppresses the backslash at the end of a drive root.
  • "driveletter" returns just the single-character letter of the drive at the start of the path.
  • "drivelabel" returns the label for the drive at the start of the path.
  • You can now use Ctrl+Insert and Shift+Insert as alternative hotkeys for Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V in the file display, without causing problems when trying to use them in places like the Find Files panel.
  • New configs include the alternative hotkeys by default for the lister and standalone viewer. Existing configs are unaffected, but you can modify the Edit > Copy and Paste menu items or reset the Menu toolbar to factory defaults to add the alternative hotkeys to old configs. Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V continue to work as before, of course.
  • Ctrl+Backspace and Ctrl+Delete now work in more places (e.g. the "Clipboard PASTE AS=ask" dialog's filename field).
  • Since Go OPENCONTAINER NEWTAB implicitly acts as if NEWTAB=findexisting was requested, there is now a NEWTAB=nofindexisting to make it always open a new tab, even if one already exists for the folder.
  • Added support for tools which write EXIF GPS data in an unusual way, where the Minutes and Seconds are both zero and all the information is packed into the Degrees part.
  • The Folder Tree's Favorites branch now ignores label filters, since they could cause problems with FTP sites. (Explicit labels and wildcard labels still work.)
  • Opus now prevents unintentional drag & drop when toolbars turn on or off in response to activating the left or right file display with the mouse.
  • (For example, toolbars configured to appear in certain modes or folders can cause the window to rearrange when clicking the inactive side of a dual file display. This can change the mouse position relative to the file display, which looked like a drag & drop if the mouse button was down.)
  • When invoking third-party context menu handlers, the optional menu/mouse position data is now passed through in most contexts.
  • Fixed {md5sum} in renames inserting nothing for files larger than max_md5_file_size. There is no size limited again when calculating hashes for renaming.
  • Fixed an issue which sometimes caused a window frame to flash on the screen when opening other windows in the program. Unlikely to have been seen unless window animations were turned off in the OS.
  • Fixed an issue which meant change notifications which arrived with short paths were sometimes mis-processed.
  • Fixed problem which stopped NTFS ADS being copied when copying out of a Collection.
  • Fixed thumbnail mode resetting the scroll position if you filtered the display, cleared the filter, scrolled down with the mouse wheel (without giving the display focus), and then clicked a file.
  • If lister resize grips are on and the Jobs Bar is at the bottom of the window, the grip is now hidden when the lister is maximized.
  • Scripting:
  • Item.display_name is now set to the same value as when the file or folder has no distinct display name. Previously, display_name would be blank in that situation and scripts required extra logic to make use of it.
  • Fixed Item.display_name not populating when script column handlers were called (and possibly in some other situations).
  • FSUtil.GetTempFile now returns a File object which works for both reading and writing. (Previously, the object was write-only and you'd have to open the file again if you needed to read back what you wrote. Opening the file twice may still be preferable if you need independent read and write positions.)
  • FSUtil.OpenFile now supports reading and writing the same on-disk file from a single object if "rw" mode is specified.
  • FSUtil.OpenFile and FSUtil.GetTempFile both have a new "p" flag which permits deletion of the file by other things while it is open. This also enables files to be opened when they are already flagged for deletion by something else, such as another File object in delete-on-close mode.
  • When File.Read fails, it now returns zero and ensures the Blob object is zero length. Previously, you had to check the File.Error value to know if the call failed.
  • Documented the fact File.Read and File.Write can process at most 1GB at a time, and must be called more than once to read or write larger amounts.
  • Improved documentation of FSUtil.
  • DOpus.Create.Date(...) now parses milliseconds if they are included. For example, '20010203 12:34:56.789'.
  • Fixed script resources not being found in files with Unix-style line endings

New in Directory Opus 12.24 (May 5, 2021)

  • Fixed {file|noext} not adding automatic quotes when needed.
  • Fixed issue with local HTTP help where some internal page links used Javascript that didn't work locally.
  • Fixed Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced not filtering itself if the search cache existed and a Preferences search matching the Advanced page was done before it had been displayed.
  • Added PDF-XChange Column Handler shell extension to the default blocklist, as it was causing delays reading the first folder after a reboot. This only affects the custom file display columns it added, which we don't think many people were using. Other PDF-XChange functionality, such as the Preview Handler, is unaffected.
  • If you need to unblock it, add {D8716A0E-4E9F-4D3F-BF1B-3460D86BB310} to Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced [Troubleshooting]: allow_context_menus

New in Directory Opus 12.23.4 Beta (Apr 9, 2021)

  • Changes since 12233:
  • The Blend file background colors with background option now applies in the icon/thumbnail modes as well as in Power/Details modes
  • Additions to the date and time format syntax for {} codes, providing functionality which previously required scripting:
  • Time strings can be made to include milliseconds by inserting M (capital-m) at the start of the format string For example, {time|MHH:mm:ss} will return something similar to "08:45:32021"
  • Date strings can use "Monday", "Today", Tomorrow", and similar for dates within a week of today by inserting N (capital-n) at the start of the format string For example, {modified|D#Nyyyy-MM} when renaming a file
  • Made some changes to improve resize speed (only affects Windows 10 / DWM currently)
  • Close PROGRAM=onlast,confirm now works correctly with more than one Lister open
  • Fixed the Folder Tree Options page in Preferences not displaying correctly with certain custom/non-standard Windows scaling factors
  • Fixed problem with folder tabs context menu command "Split to dual display" leaving the remaining tabs the wrong size in some cases
  • Clarified docs and command template for the Set FORMAT argument
  • Number fields in script dialogs can now have their minimum/maximum values set to negative numbers

New in Directory Opus 12.23.3 Beta (Mar 23, 2021)

  • The Image Conversion dialog now has options to prevent images from being enlarged or from being reduced (useful when resizing a batch of images).
  • The Image LOCATE command now accepts the kml keyword. This does exactly the same thing as Image LOCATE=googleearth but doesn't check for the presence of Google Earth specifically (i.e. any tool can be assigned to open .kml files).
  • Image LOCATE=googleearth (and kml) now supports locating multiple images at once.
  • Image LOCATE=windowsmaps now works to locate selected images (up to 25 maximum) in the Windows 10 Maps app.
  • The format lock (if turned on) no longer applies when navigating to the This PC or MTP folder (i.e. one of the locations in the System folder formats category).
  • The Inherit columns from other matching formats and Content threshold folder format settings are no longer preserved by Favorite formats (they aren't applicable to Favorites, but if you created the Favorite by copying it from a format that had these options modified, they would be preserved behind the scenes).
  • Clicking OK in the Customize dialog now saves any changes in any currently-open function editors (previously changes in function editors would be lost unless they were OK'd first).
  • When searching the Preferences dialog, the search index is now saved to disk to make subsequent searches faster. This also avoids having to create all the Preferences pages, which takes a while and, in turn, triggers a bug in current versions of Windows 10 that makes the Preferences window very slow to move. Further, it should help users who reported extremely slow Preferences searches unless they disabled their virus checkers. The first search you do will be the same speed as before, but all subsequent searches should be much faster. (The cache will also be discarded each time Opus is updated, after changing language, and after larger Windows updates.)
  • Added keywords ftpsitename and ftphost to the Breadcrumbs field. When in an FTP site, ftpsitename will cause the breadcrumbs field to show the address book name of the site (if any) rather than the host address. ftpsitename,ftphost will show both.
  • The combination of {file|noext|urlencode} now works.
  • The context menu in the File Log now has an Open Containing Folder command on it.
  • Close PROGRAM=onlast now works properly from a user-defined command.
  • It's now possible to type an alias name containing a vertical bar into the location field.
  • When a label definition's text and background colors are so similar that the text would be unreadable, Opus now makes the label color more high contrast in the UI (e.g. in Preferences or in the Set Label menu item).
  • If the drag & drop function from filetypes is deleted so that no action would take place when a drag & drop occurs, the mouse cursor now reflects this rather than showing the default "copy" cursor.
  • The {dlgchoose} and {dlgchooseS} codes now let you prefix an option with default: to make it the initial selection.
  • The options/values for {dlgchoose} now support embedded + and = characters if they are doubled-up.
  • Tooltip thumbnails are now shown in thumbnails mode if they are configured for a size at least twice as large as the thumbnails in the file display (this same logic was already used for tiles and details+thumbnails modes).
  • Fixed incompatibility with drag & drops coming from PeaZip.
  • Fixed problems with descript.ion files being left behind if a folder containing one was moved from one drive to another (assuming support for descript.ion files is enabled).
  • Dragging a folder from an MTP device in Explorer to the Opus folder tab bar no longer opens a tab for every subfolder within it.
  • The Allow file selection when clicking to... options on the Preferences / File Displays / Mouse page now work with Single-click to open an item turned on.
  • In a dual file display, %G in the custom title bar definition would always show the target folder for the left file display rather than the source.
  • When the Sort field-specific key scrolling option is turned on, and the file list is sorted by something other than the name column, matches from the FAYT are now shown in that column as they are when searching on filename.
  • In a context menu, clicking the parent item of an already-open submenu no longer closes the submenu and then reopens it.
  • Resetting the Folder Options / Columns page to factory defaults now resets the Width columns to Auto rather than leaving them empty.
  • Implemented a workaround for a Windows 10 issue which causes lag when moving certain windows. (This problem started with a late 2020 Windows 10 update and affects any program or window with a large number of controls inside it. In Opus, the worst affected window was Preferences after doing a search, since that created all the sub-pages inside the window. Opening a large number of folder tabs in a lister could also trigger similar problems. You can see similar problems with Photoshop, or in some text editors if you open a lot of document tabs. Our workaround isn't perfect -- window movement can become jerky instead of laggy -- but makes things a lot better, until Microsoft fix their OS. The workaround has only been added to the Preferences and lister windows for now, as it shouldn't be needed for any others.)
  • Changing the Text Viewer's bold and italic font settings now updates existing viewers.
  • When loading a Lister Style that is set to load a tab group, if any sections of the folder formats of the tabs in the group are turned off, this is now respected.
  • Fixed problem with wildcard label filters on MTP devices where wildcards would not correctly match the beginning of filenames.
  • Fixed problem with the controls under the Preferences / Folder Tabs / Appearance / Same size tabs option not being initially selected correctly in all cases.
  • Fixed incorrect interaction between custom time format and the Show seconds/Show milliseconds options.
  • Fixed problem which could result in an incorrect folder being loaded in a dual display Lister when changing between a network and a local folder, and something other than Desktop was selected as the start of the folder tree.
  • Fixed high DPI combobox height with simple {dlgchoose} and script dialog requesters that use them.
  • Added FSUtil.GetADSNames script method. Returns a StringSet containing the names of any alternate NTFS data streams attached to the specified file.
  • Added valign property to script dialog static controls; allows text to be centered vertically or bottom-aligned as well as top-aligned.

New in Directory Opus 12.23.2 Beta (Mar 5, 2021)

  • The command parser now supports string arguments with embedded quotation marks. To use this, the argument itself must be quoted. Inside a quoted string, two quotation marks together will turn into one literal quotation mark in the parsed string.
  • For example, SetAttr META "comment:a string with ""internal"" quotes"
  • The {dlgstring} code has a new doublequotes modifier. You can use this to allow the user to type quotes within strings that are fed into command parameters. The parameters would usually need explicit quotes around them.
  • For example, SetAttr META "comment:{dlgstring|Enter Comment||doublequotes}"
  • The {file} etc codes have a new urlencode modifier, which URL-encodes the filename it adds to the command line.
  • For example, you could now have a context menu command which does an automatic Google search for the selected filename with:{file|urlencode}
  • Fixed the folder tree sometimes needing a manual refresh after certain sequences of folder creation, deletion and rename in quick succession.
  • Improved error reports and retry prompts when setting file comments on files which are in use or require UAC elevation.
  • Made a change to help guard against a reported crash.
  • Fixed issue with the newly added ability of the File.write script method to write a string rather than just a blob (a null-termination character was incorrectly being written at the end of the string).
  • To help avoid rare conflicts with other software and Desktop Double-Click, where launching other software after the double-click handler (DOpusRT.exe) breaks things, you can now add a /Delay=x argument to make DOpusRT.exe /DblClk wait before starting. Currently, this has to be added via the registry, but we will add a Prefs UI for it in the future. Ask on the forum if you need to use this.
  • The DOpus.LoadThumbnail script method has a new optional flags parameter. Currently the available flags are i and c. If the i flag is set this prevents Opus from waiting for thumbnails that may take some time to generate, and instead returns a large icon if the thumbnail can't be generated immediately. You can also set the c flag to make make this only happen in cloud folders (e.g. OneDrive).
  • Fixed path completion not working if configured to "when I press the cursor keys".
  • If the advanced custom_date_format setting uses codes for week number, ISO week number, or ISO year, they should now all work everywhere which the format affects. (But note that most people trying to use ISO year there are making a mistake. ISO year is tied to ISO week, where some dates in early January may have fall under the previous year. ISO year is not what you should use if you just want the year in a normal DMY, MDY, or YMD format.)
  • When loading configs from older versions, if the advanced custom_date_format setting uses the ISO Year code but not the ISO Week code, it will be fixed automatically to use the normal year code. Using ISO Year without ISO Week is almost certainly a mistake and misunderstanding.
  • When editing the same setting, if the ISO year code is used without the ISO week code, Opus will now alert you and offer to fix the format for you. If you really want ISO Year by itself at that point, you can say no, and it will then be saved and loaded in the config as in previous versions.
  • Fixed a bug in the Archives plugin (used for everything except Zip) where generating thumbnails or using the viewer on very large files could mean the files continued to be extracted (in turn locking the archive from deletion) for up to a minute after the thumbnailer/viewer finished with them (where they only needed data from the start of the file to display it, or gave up trying to display its contents entirely). Speculative extraction now only continues for up to 2 seconds, as it was supposed to.
  • Fixed native display of This PC (My Computer) not happening if it was added to and accessed via Quick Access.
  • Fixed problem with Rename sequential numbering when a pattern was specified and files didn't match the pattern.
  • Preferences / File Operations / Filters now blocks path characters when renaming filters.

New in Directory Opus 12.23.1 Beta (Feb 9, 2021)

  • Added a new folder tree option: FTP Site roots always to go initial folder. Changes what happens when you're already connected to an FTP site and then click its name in the folder tree again, for sites with an initial folder specified in their FTP Address Book entry. Whether this option is on or off, if you are not connected to an FTP site and click its name in the folder tree, you will connect to the site and navigate to its initial folder (if it has one). The option changes what happens if you then click the site again: If the option is off (the default), you will go to the site's root folder. If the option is on, you will go to the site's initial folder. The option only affects what happens when you click the site in the tree using the mouse; selection via the keyboard, and navigation via things other than the tree, are not affected.
  • The Find command's ADVANCED and SIMPLE arguments are now ignored in situations that don't open the find panel.
  • The advanced find (filter control) now allows searching by music bit depth.
  • The Description column now reports the type of ARM64 executables.
  • EXIF tags written by Opus no longer have a UTF-8 BOM prefix. (This was in the release notes for 12.22 but the change was left out by mistake.)
  • Fixed cosmetic issues in the metadata editor's date-time fields, when multiple files were selected with fields that had the same date or time but not both.
  • When a button editor is open, most actions which move, cut or delete the item being edited, or a parent of it (e.g. items inside menus) are now blocked to avoid losing edits.
  • Fix for Print/Export Folder not working correctly, and taking an extremely long time, if a graph column was collapsed to zero width.
  • When the current drive is removed and the Lister reverts automatically to showing the This PC folder, the removed drive's paths are no longer removed from the history list - so if the drive is reconnected you will be able to click Back to get back to the previous location.
  • The text viewer now lets you choose a bold/italic font (and hex viewer lets you choose a bold font).
  • OneDrive's context menu is now included when right-clicking the background of a OneDrive folder.
  • Hopefully fixed a problem with the duplicate finder which could cause a corrupted file list if a large number of results were returned.
  • The from/to fields at the top of the progress dialog can now be clicked to open a new Lister showing that folder.
  • The path field's Paste and Go context menu item is now enabled for paths containing aliases and envvars, and WSL /mnt/... paths, provided they resolve to fully qualified paths. (These already worked, but you had to paste and push return instead of using Paste and Go.)
  • Scripting changes:
  • The UnorderedSet.Exists method now works with sets containing things other than strings.
  • DOpus.LoadImage can now accept a Blob instead of a filename to decode an image from memory.
  • FSUtil has new GetTempDirPath, GetTempFilePath and GetTempFile methods, to make creating temporary files and folders easier.
  • FileSize.high and FileSize.low properties now return a DECIMAL type rather than a LONG (LONG types are signed; DECIMAL types are unsigned).
  • FileSize has a new val property, which returns the full 64-bit value as a DECIMAL type. Works in JScript, does not work in VBScript.
  • FileSize has new valhex, highhex and lowhex to return the values as hexadecimal strings.
  • FileSize can now be initialised with a hex string by prepending $ or 0x to the value (e.g. "$100").
  • Added File.path property which returns the path of the File object as a Path object (the default value only returns a string).
  • The File.Write method can now accept a string to write to the file as well as a blob/array. The string will be UTF-8 encoded.
  • The FSUtil.OpenFile and Item.Open methods now accept the d flag to mark the file as "delete-on-close". It will be automatically deleted when the file is closed.
  • The Map script object has new Get and Set methods as an alternative to using map("key"). For convenience [] can also now be used to access map members, but only if the key is completely numeric (e.g. map[123]) or begins with an underscore (map["_moo"]);

New in Directory Opus 12.23 (Dec 16, 2020)

  • Updated libraw from 0.20.0 to 0.20.2.
  • Modified Raw Digital Camera plugin to default to the old dcraw code for .ORF images, due to problems found with images from some cameras and libraw.
  • Scripting: Fixed some cases where item.realpath returned the path as a string instead of a Path object as documented.

New in Directory Opus 12.22.3 Beta (Dec 4, 2020)

  • The Select command has a new IGNORECHECKBOXMODE argument which allows you to change the focus item and literal selection while in checkbox mode, where normally it would check/uncheck items.
  • The Prefs command has a new SCRIPTDISABLE argument which allows you to toggle scripts via toolbar buttons etc.
  • The way Details mode selects the first (or last) item if it already has focus and you push up (or down) on the keyboard now also applies to Thumbnails, Tiles, List and the Icon modes.
  • Increased the maximum number of linked tabs to 16 (from 8).
  • Fixed problem opening shortcuts to libraries from the desktop with Explorer Replacement turned on.
  • Using @toggle:update now works to update the state of buttons on viewer toolbars (e.g. buttons which appear active when a variable is set).
  • Buttons which toggle VFS Plugins now indicate their current state.
  • Buttons which toggle Viewer Plugins now indicate their current state.
  • The scripting LoadImage methods, when an image fails to load, now return an empty result instead of throwing an exception, for easier error handling.
  • Fixed a problem with could cause a script using Dlg.WatchTab to receive erroneous events if a system folder like Quick Access was visible

New in Directory Opus 12.22.2 Beta (Nov 20, 2020)

  • Improved handling of extremely large images in the viewer.
  • Improved the viewer's Expand/Scroll mode with very large images.
  • Product Name, and similar strings read from exe/dll version resources, now have excess whitespace trimmed.
  • If file extensions are hidden, and the Name field is the last (or only) sort column, file extensions are now used to break the tie in sort order when two or more files have the same name stem. Previously the final sort order was indeterminate in that situation.
  • Fixed an issue sorting filenames beginning with 0 without any other numbers (e.g. 0000 blah vs 00 blah). The one with most 0s now comes first.
  • Increased the maximum length of the Name field (and similar other fields) in the advanced filter control to 1024 (was 260).
  • Changed the default Images file type group context menu's Convert Image command to prompt before replacing files. Note that this will only affect new configs. To change this in an existing config, go to Settings > File Types > File Type Groups > Images > Context Menu and edit the command there to remove the REPLACE argument.
  • Fixed problem when Process file changes in background tabs was turned off, where a background tab would fail to notice a change if only a single change occurred before it was brought to the front.
  • The Select MAKEVISIBLE=immediate argument now works in conjunction with FIRST and LAST.

New in Directory Opus 12.22.1 Beta (Nov 4, 2020)

  • Added the Preferences / Folders / Folder Behavior / Display extended sync attributes for cloud folders option to allow cloud storage "extended sync attributes" to be disabled; mainly because OneDrive seems sometimes to be unacceptably slow when retrieving them. When this is turned off, only online/offline status will be reflected - when turned on, other sync states like "currently syncing" will be shown.
  • Fixed some thumbnail types (folders, icons, text thumbs) not being regenerated if you changed from one size to another, for certain size jumps (e.g. 256 to 512).
  • Shell folder thumbnail generation is now limited to a single thread at a time to work around Windows 10 hanging thumbnail threads when multiple folder thumbs are requested at once. (This issue also affects File Explorer, and if Explorer triggers the issue it looks like it can cause problems for Opus and other software. We can't do much about that). This doesn't affect thumbnails that Opus itself generates.
  • Fixed rating (and possibly other metadata) not updating in the file display for some file types (e.g. gif) if the Update last modified file dates when setting metadata in NTFS ADS option was turned off.
  • Fixed thumbnail spacing's horizontal value affecting vertical spacing as well.
  • Fixed thumbnail zip overlay drawing full size over very small thumbnails.
  • When double-clicking shortcuts, Opus now ignores verbs added to the .lnk file type. (Fixes double-clicks on folder shortcuts opening a new window instead of in the current window, with Quick Access Popup's default configuration)
  • Fixed non-existent drive letters under This PC if there was junk registry data under HKCUNetwork.
  • Fixed crash when one of the "ignore diacritics" options encountered an invalid Unicode character.
  • Fixed Properties FORMATLIST always adding a separator after the buttons it generates.
  • Fixed a crash which could be triggered by right-clicking on the desktop with a context menu added in a particular way.
  • Fixed sorting by latitude and longitude.
  • The Vector script object has a new append method to add the elements of one vector to the end of another.
  • The DOpusFactory.UnorderedSet method now works correctly.
  • The ScriptCommand.icon property now supports external icons/images as documented.
  • The DOpus.LoadThumbnail scripting method now requests thumbnails from OneDrive (etc.) for offline files, instead of causing the files to be downloaded for thumbnail generation.
  • Fixed scripting item.Update not updating the fileattr object (only the attr and attr_text properties).
  • Fixed problem when two or more OnOpenLister scripts conflict as to whether they return true or not to be called a second time.
  • Fixed problem with FileGroup.members returning the wrong member list in some cases.

New in Directory Opus 12.22 (Oct 15, 2020)

  • The following changes were part of the 12.21.1 - 12.21.7 beta updates:
  • Fixed icons in some dialogs getting clipped slightly at 125% DPI scaling.
  • Made it easier to edit a new, empty toolbar docked to the side of the screen. Previously, only a narrow strip of the visible space responded to right-clicks and drag & drops until the first button was added; now the whole toolbar does.
  • Simple request dialogs now use minimal widths for multi-line messages.
  • Added mitigation for something external to Opus setting ACDSee32.exe as the double-click event for images, even on machines which do not have ACDSee installed.
  • Folders prevented from auto-loading by Preferences flags now do a proper evaluation of their folder format once they are loaded.
  • The script Dlg.RunDlg method will now show the dialog if it has not been shown already.
  • Fixed rare issue decoding certain JPEGs.
  • The Folder Format group Collapse checkbox is now ignored when a file display is in List or Tiles (Vertical Layout) modes, since they do not support collapsed groups. Similarly, if you go to Preferences and turn on Tiles / Vertical Layout, all groups in Tiles mode file displays will be expanded automatically.
  • Fixed List mode scrollbar appearing before it was really required if the file display was grouped.
  • If the preview pane falls back on a shell thumbnail, it will now request one the size of the screen instead of something 256x256. This makes the Microsoft Raw Extension usable as a viewer within the Opus preview pane. Also fixed an issue where some file types loaded via shell thumbnails would be rotated incorrectly.
  • Exporting a User Command now works even if it has illegal path characters in its name. Those characters are now also filtered out when editing user command names, since they could cause other problems.
  • Adobe Illustrator .AI files are new always opened via temporary copies, like .PDF files before them, due to a lot of PDF/AI viewers ignoring the Preview Handler specifications about not locking the files they view.
  • Fix for modes other than Details/Power, where shift + cursor did not select the expected range if you had just changed the selection via certain commands.
  • The "close" event for the Tab.WatchTab script notification system wasn't being sent.
  • Fix for slow scrolling in folders with a large number of files when labels using filters were active.
  • Menus listing columns from multi-column scripts are now sorted by name.
  • file:// URLs pasted into the path field are now converted to normal paths. (Note: Typing them by hand, rather than pasting, doesn't work, but we can't think of any reason you'd ever do that.)
  • Added Copy WHENEXISTS=recycle option (can be combined with others, e.g. WHENEXISTS=replace,recycle). Replaced files will be deleted to the recycle bin if possible. Note that Undo can not be used to restore these files automatically, however you will be able to retrieve them from the recycle bin manually.
  • Fixed crash that could occur in a Go FOLDERCONTENT-generated menu if you opened several nested submenus and then right-clicked on one to show the context menu.
  • The Sort By and Group By menus now list columns in the same order as the file display, instead of alphabetically.
  • Go FOLDERCONTENT now treats shortcuts to folders like folders. (Unless noparselinks is specified.)
  • Localized folder names are supported again for profile folders (etc.) which have been moved to other drives.
  • Added workaround for Windows issue where VLC's file type context menus do not work if VLC is not the default video player.
  • Text pasted into the User Command name field is now processed the same as text typed into the field.
  • When the folder tab bar is on the left or right, it can now be resized using the Set TABWIDTH command (in addition to dragging and double-clicking the splitter, as before). e.g. Set TABWIDTH=auto,both or Set TABWIDTH=widest can be used to make both tab bars the same width in a dual-display window. See docs for full details.
  • A dynamic list of user-defined aliases can now be added to a toolbar or menu using Favorites ALIAS=list. You can also specify ALIAS=list,all (all aliases) and ALIAS=list,builtin (built-in aliases only).
  • The MTP "Can Delete" flag is now mapped to the Read-Only attribute when copying files from MTP devices (assuming Opus is configured to preserve attributes).
  • Fix for unnecessary errors in the script log when scripts which use Shell Properties (File Explorer columns) ask about files within archives and other things which the shell doesn't understand.
  • Improved performance when using script columns in folders with a very large number of items.
  • Fixed script columns not always auto-resizing for the last data which came back from the script.
  • Commands like Clipboard PASTE AS C:test now work when the current folder is a plugin archive which doesn't support pasting text/image data.
  • Disabled the OneDrive bug mitigations as they seem to be no longer needed. Detailed sync status and thumbnails should now work again as they did before Microsoft broke them.
  • Sub-Folder/File count columns now auto-size correctly again.
  • Sub-Folder/File count columns now remain blank until calculated (instead of showing zero while calculating).
  • For scripts which use Shell Properties (File Explorer columns), removed a second source of potential errors which most scripts would not handle (nor want to handle).
  • The option to color folders which are Favorites now works with Favorites defined using env-vars and aliases.
  • Numeric sorting now works with any length numbers (previously it would only work reliably for 19 digits or so).
  • Fixed script test-runs from the button editor showing the wrong line numbers in error messages if they began with // style comments.
  • Changes to help avoid files being deselected when the Image command modifies them in-place.
  • The recently-added options for blocking Ctrl/Shift + Mouse Wheel now apply to the Icon/Thumbnails modes as well as Details/Power modes.
  • Fixed crash which could happen if you used Shift + Mouse Wheel to move back or forward through the history list and span the wheel faster than the folders could be read.
  • AudioTags plugin now treats .m4b as an alternative extension for .mp4/.m4a audiobooks. (Read-only.)
  • In the Rename dialog's preview list, when editing a single file name directly with macro mode turned off, the line being edited is no longer moved slightly to the left.
  • In the Duplicate Files panel, fixed a browse-for-file dialog appearing instead of a folder dialog if you added the new folder in a particular way.
  • Fixed a bug where junctions to volume mount points were wrongly considered recursive, which meant the Find tool would not look beyond them.
  • Fixed the filter bar's Ignore Diacritics option making grp:Vidéos and similar not work.
  • Raw Digital Camera plugin:
  • Updated Raw Digital Camera plugin with CR3 support.
  • You can now specify whether a raw file extension is handled by the newer LibRaw code or the older DCRaw code. Most extensions go through LibRaw by default, but we provide the option to use the old code in case the new library doesn't work with a particular camera. (Please let us know if that happens, so we can try and fix it. We may remove the old code in the future.)
  • You can now configure the PNM file extensions (.pnm, .pgm, .ppm by default).
  • Removed the old grayscale interpolation options for raw camera images, as they did not map easily to the new library. We doubt anyone was using these but please let us know if you were and need them back.
  • When using LibRaw, Unicode paths now work for ICC profiles and bad pixel files. (Image paths were already fine.)
  • Button tooltips now limited to 1024 chars to prevent lockups with ridiculously large tooltips.
  • The Release Date field now does time zone conversion on values which come from the shell (video files) or WMA API, which both use UTC.
  • You can now add Folder Tab Groups to the taskbar jump list.
  • Increased the Create Folder dialog's maximum text length, when in multiple folder mode, from 32 KB to 512 MB.
  • Removed the Folder Tree's "fully automatic horizontal scrolling" option. (This was based on a Windows feature which was introduced in Vista but then partially broken in Windows 10, or possibly even Windows 8. We doubt many used the option as no one noticed or reported that it was broken for so long, and it never worked that well in the first place. Probably also why Microsoft themselves stopped using it in Windows 7.)
  • The active tab group name for the right file display is now cleared if you close the right file display entirely. It is also restored if you re-open the right file display using Set DUAL=Toggle,ToggleLayout or similar.
  • Menus generated by Go FOLDERCONTENT are now sorted according to locale rules. (e.g. Acker and Äcker now sort next to each other in European locales.)
  • If you add or remove a script package (.osp file) containing icons, Opus automatically loads or unloads the affected icons again.
  • You can now cancel a queued file copy from the queue confirmation dialog.
  • The Add To Archive dialog's filename field no longer auto-selects the filename stem after you paste test into it, unless the result of the paste was a full path which had to be split between the path and name fields.
  • Simple, single-file inline rename operations are included in the File Log again if Rename is on in the logging options, without needing to turn on Include all files renamed by wildcard as well.
  • Fixed some potential issues with Go DUALPATH commands.
  • Fixed some rare/potential cases where a folder change could wait forever if something failed.
  • Added DOpus.filetypegroups property; returns a FiletypeGroups object representing all configured file type groups:
  • Can be enumerated as a collection of FiletypeGroup objects.
  • The GetGroup() method returns a single FiletypeGroup object by name (translated name or native English name) or False if not found.
  • The Translate() method takes an English name for one of the default groups (e.g. Movies) and returns the translated name (e.g. Vidéos)
  • The MatchExt() method returns a new FiletypeGroups object containing only the groups that match the supplied file extension.
  • The FiletypeGroup scripting object:
  • Can now be enumerated as a collection of strings (one for each file extension).
  • Has new tooltip and tiles properties.
  • The new MatchExt() method returns True if the group matches the supplied file extension.
  • The Item object now has a new groupsobject property which returns a FiletypeGroups object rather than a Vector (which is what the existing groups property returns).
  • Added Lister.tabgroupleft and tabgroupright properties which give the names of the last folder tab groups (if any) loaded into each side.
  • Fixed scripting SetClip issues with some character/locale combinations.
  • Added Availability filter type to the advanced filter control.
  • To work around a bug introduced by Microsoft in Windows 10 v2004, Opus no longer uses DDE when opening folders from the desktop with Explorer Replacement turned on. The actual observable behavior should be unchanged.
  • Fixed cosmetic/layout issue in config restore dialog (and possibly others) when translations had wider checkboxes than expected.
  • Fixed Show PLUGINLIST.
  • Fixed scrolling/painting problems after using the Duplicate Finder with Sort newly created and copied files turned off.
  • Fixed problem using copy & paste between Opus running through TeamViewer and Opus on the local machine.
  • EXIF tags written by Opus no longer have a UTF-8 BOM prefix.
  • Fixed problem with @hidenosel and similar not working correctly in a right-button drag and drop context menu if the drop originated in a different Lister.
  • Added DOpus.LoadThumbnail method, allowing a script to retrieve a thumbnail (which can be displayed using a static control in a script dialog).
  • Added Msg.qualifiers property for script dialogs.
  • The DialogListItem.icon property can be set to "dir", "file", "ftp" and "ftps" for default icons.
  • Fixed a problem where could return a non-functional object in some cases.
  • Fixed problem with script dialog listview items displaying in incorrect colors in some cases.
  • Improved handling when moving folders up to parents. The change that was in 12.20.1 could leave empty folders behind in certain situations, which no longer happens.
  • Added support for Visio documents to the metadata panel.
  • Added workaround for the Visio preview handler hanging Opus.
  • The Preferences / File Displays / FAYT and Filter Bar Keys / FAYT close timeout value can now be set to fractions of a second.
  • Fixed problem where advanced find filters using script columns could occasionally lose track of the script column they were set to match on.
  • Fixed a problem where label filters set in the folder format would not be reevaluated when a file changed if there were no global label filters defined.
  • Metadata should work for .vnd Visio files now as well as .vndx.
  • Alt + Left Double-Click file type events can now be triggered via Alt + Return. (This previously only worked in Details and Power modes.)
  • Fixed the Preferences / Viewer / Mouse Buttons / Accumulate wheel movements option not being saved/applied correctly.

New in Directory Opus 12.21.7 Beta (Oct 9, 2020)

  • Metadata should work for .vnd Visio files now as well as .vndx.
  • Alt + Left Double-Click file type events can now be triggered via Alt + Return. (This previously only worked in Details and Power modes.)
  • Fixed issue introduced in previous beta with adding/deleting tags on files/folders that had already been tagged in Opus.
  • Fixed the Preferences / Viewer / Mouse Buttons / Accumulate wheel movements option not being saved/applied correctly.

New in Directory Opus 12.21.6 Beta (Oct 2, 2020)

  • Improved handling when moving folders up to parents. The change that was in 12.20.1 could leave empty folders behind in certain situations, which no longer happens.
  • Added support for Visio documents to the metadata panel.
  • Added workaround for the Visio preview handler hanging Opus.
  • The Preferences / File Displays / FAYT and Filter Bar Keys / FAYT close timeout value can now be set to fractions of a second.
  • Fixed problem where advanced find filters using script columns could occasionally lose track of the script column they were set to match on.
  • Fixed a problem where label filters set in the folder format would not be reevaluated when a file changed if there were no global label filters defined.

New in Directory Opus 12.21.5 Beta (Sep 18, 2020)

  • Added Availability filter type to the advanced filter control.
  • To work around a bug introduced by Microsoft in Windows 10 v2004, Opus no longer uses DDE when opening folders from the desktop with Explorer Replacement turned on. The actual observable behavior should be unchanged.
  • Fixed cosmetic/layout issue in config restore dialog (and possibly others) when translations had wider checkboxes than expected.
  • Fixed Show PLUGINLIST.
  • Fixed bug introduced in 12.21.3 beta where selecting a mapped network drive under This PC in the folder tree could jump you into the tree's Network branch.
  • Fixed scrolling/painting problems after using the Duplicate Finder with Sort newly created and copied files turned off.
  • Fixed problem using copy & paste between Opus running through TeamViewer and Opus on the local machine.
  • EXIF tags written by Opus no longer have a UTF-8 BOM prefix.
  • Fixed problem with @hidenosel and similar not working correctly in a right-button drag and drop context menu if the drop originated in a different Lister.
  • Added DOpus.LoadThumbnail method, allowing a script to retrieve a thumbnail (which can be displayed using a static control in a script dialog).
  • Added Msg.qualifiers property for script dialogs.
  • The DialogListItem.icon property can be set to "dir", "file", "ftp" and "ftps" for default icons.
  • Fixed a problem where could return a non-functional object in some cases.
  • Fixed problem with script dialog listview items displaying in incorrect colors in some cases.

New in Directory Opus 12.21.4 Beta (Sep 8, 2020)

  • Raw Digital Camera plugin: When using LibRaw, Unicode paths now work for ICC profiles and bad pixel files. (Image paths were already fine.)
  • Button tooltips now limited to 1024 chars to prevent lockups with ridiculously large tooltips.
  • The Release Date field now does time zone conversion on values which come from the shell (video files) or WMA API, which both use UTC.
  • You can now add Folder Tab Groups to the taskbar jump list.
  • Increased the Create Folder dialog's maximum text length, when in multiple folder mode, from 32 KB to 512 MB.
  • Removed the Folder Tree's "fully automatic horizontal scrolling" option. (This was based on a Windows feature which was introduced in Vista but then partially broken in Windows 10, or possibly even Windows 8. We doubt many used the option as no one noticed or reported that it was broken for so long, and it never worked that well in the first place. Probably also why Microsoft themselves stopped using it in Windows 7.)
  • The active tab group name for the right file display is now cleared if you close the right file display entirely. It is also restored if you re-open the right file display using Set DUAL=Toggle,ToggleLayout or similar.
  • Menus generated by Go FOLDERCONTENT are now sorted according to locale rules. (e.g. Acker and Äcker now sort next to each other in European locales.)
  • If you add or remove a script package (.osp file) containing icons, Opus automatically loads or unloads the affected icons again.
  • You can now cancel a queued file copy from the queue confirmation dialog.
  • The Add To Archive dialog's filename field no longer auto-selects the filename stem after you paste test into it, unless the result of the paste was a full path which had to be split between the path and name fields.
  • Simple, single-file inline rename operations are included in the File Log again if Rename is on in the logging options, without needing to turn on Include all files renamed by wildcard as well.
  • Fixed some potential issues with Go DUALPATH commands.
  • Fixed some rare/potential cases where a folder change could wait forever if something failed.
  • The Item object now has a new groupsobject property which returns a FiletypeGroups object rather than a Vector (which is what the existing groups property returns).
  • Added Lister.tabgroupleft and tabgroupright properties which give the names of the last folder tab groups (if any) loaded into each side.
  • Fixed scripting SetClip issues with some character/locale combinations.
  • Added DOpus.filetypegroups property; returns a FiletypeGroups object representing all configured file type groups:
  • Can be enumerated as a collection of FiletypeGroup objects.
  • The GetGroup() method returns a single FiletypeGroup object by name (translated name or native English name) or False if not found.
  • The Translate() method takes an English name for one of the default groups (e.g. Movies) and returns the translated name (e.g. Vidéos)
  • The MatchExt() method returns a new FiletypeGroups object containing only the groups that match the supplied file extension.
  • The FiletypeGroup scripting object:
  • Can now be enumerated as a collection of strings (one for each file extension).
  • Has new tooltip and tiles properties.
  • The new MatchExt() method returns True if the group matches the supplied file extension.

New in Directory Opus 12.21.3 Beta (Aug 7, 2020)

  • Disabled the OneDrive bug mitigations as they seem to be no longer needed. Detailed sync status and thumbnails should now work again as they did before Microsoft broke them.
  • Sub-Folder/File count columns now auto-size correctly again.
  • Sub-Folder/File count columns now remain blank until calculated (instead of showing zero while calculating).
  • For scripts which use Shell Properties (File Explorer columns), removed a second source of potential errors which most scripts would not handle (nor want to handle).
  • The option to color folders which are Favorites now works with Favorites defined using env-vars and aliases.
  • Numeric sorting now works with any length numbers (previously it would only work reliably for 19 digits or so).
  • Fixed script test-runs from the button editor showing the wrong line numbers in error messages if they began with // style comments.
  • Changes to help avoid files being deselected when the Image command modifies them in-place.
  • The recently-added options for blocking Ctrl/Shift + Mouse Wheel now apply to the Icon/Thumbnails modes as well as Details/Power modes.
  • Fixed crash which could happen if you used Shift + Mouse Wheel to move back or forward through the history list and span the wheel faster than the folders could be read.
  • AudioTags plugin now treats .m4b as an alternative extension for .mp4/.m4a audiobooks. (Read-only.)
  • In the Rename dialog's preview list, when editing a single file name directly with macro mode turned off, the line being edited is no longer moved slightly to the left.
  • In the Duplicate Files panel, fixed a browse-for-file dialog appearing instead of a folder dialog if you added the new folder in a particular way.
  • Fixed a bug where junctions to volume mount points were wrongly considered recursive, which meant the Find tool would not look beyond them.
  • Fixed the filter bar's Ignore Diacritics option making grp:Vidéos and similar not work.
  • Raw Digital Camera plugin:
  • Updated Raw Digital Camera plugin with CR3 support.
  • You can now specify whether a raw file extension is handled by the newer LibRaw code or the older DCRaw code. Most extensions go through LibRaw by default, but we provide the option to use the old code in case the new library doesn't work with a particular camera. (Please let us know if that happens, so we can try and fix it. We may remove the old code in the future.)
  • You can now configure the PNM file extensions (.pnm, .pgm, .ppm by default).
  • Removed the old grayscale interpolation options for raw camera images, as they did not map easily to the new library. We doubt anyone was using these but please let us know if you were and need them back.

New in Directory Opus 12.21.2 Beta (Jul 16, 2020)

  • Added Copy WHENEXISTS=recycle option (can be combined with others, e.g. WHENEXISTS=replace,recycle). Replaced files will be deleted to the recycle bin if possible. Note that Undo can not be used to restore these files automatically, however you will be able to retrieve them from the recycle bin manually.
  • Fixed crash that could occur in a Go FOLDERCONTENT-generated menu if you opened several nested submenus and then right-clicked on one to show the context menu.
  • The Sort By and Group By menus now list columns in the same order as the file display, instead of alphabetically.
  • Go FOLDERCONTENT now treats shortcuts to folders like folders. (Unless noparselinks is specified.)
  • Localized folder names are supported again for profile folders (etc.) which have been moved to other drives.
  • Added workaround for Windows issue where VLC's file type context menus do not work if VLC is not the default video player.
  • Text pasted into the User Command name field is now processed the same as text typed into the field.
  • When the folder tab bar is on the left or right, it can now be resized using the Set TABWIDTH command (in addition to dragging and double-clicking the splitter, as before). e.g. Set TABWIDTH=auto,both or Set TABWIDTH=widest can be used to make both tab bars the same width in a dual-display window. See docs for full details.
  • A dynamic list of user-defined aliases can now be added to a toolbar or menu using Favorites ALIAS=list. You can also specify ALIAS=list,all (all aliases) and ALIAS=list,builtin (built-in aliases only).
  • The MTP "Can Delete" flag is now mapped to the Read-Only attribute when copying files from MTP devices (assuming Opus is configured to preserve attributes).
  • Fix for unnecessary errors in the script log when scripts which use Shell Properties (File Explorer columns) ask about files within archives and other things which the shell doesn't understand.
  • Improved performance when using script columns in folders with a very large number of items.
  • Fixed script columns not always auto-resizing for the last data which came back from the script.
  • Commands like Clipboard PASTE AS C:test now work when the current folder is a plugin archive which doesn't support pasting text/image data.

New in Directory Opus 12.21 (Jun 22, 2020)

  • Fixed minor issue with full-width spacers on docked, auto-hide toolbars with stretched background images.
  • The DialogListItem.disabled script property didn't work for reading the disabled state in all cases.
  • The DialogListItem.checked script property only returned true or false, rather than the correct numeric value.
  • The script property now works properly to assign a list view item to a group.

New in Directory Opus 12.20.8 Beta (Jun 11, 2020)

  • Fixed icons in some dialogs getting clipped slightly at 125% DPI scaling.
  • Made some changes to hopefully prevent files sometimes being deselected when they are modified by the Image Conversion command.
  • The GetSizes progress dialog now enables the Skip button, allowing the current folder to be skipped but the rest of the calculation to continue
  • Fixed crash introduced in previous beta if you assigned a shared, stretched image to a docked toolbar.
  • Listview controls in script dialogs can now have their items displayed in groups:
  • The Control object has new methods for managing groups:
  • AddGroup(name, id, flags) - id must be numeric, 1 or greater. flags "c" - collapsible, "d" - collapsed.
  • RemoveGroup(id) - remove group
  • GetGroupById(id) - returns a DialogListGroup object
  • EnableGroupView(fEnable) - enable/disable group view
  • The DialogListItem object has new group property; returns or sets group ID the item is in.
  • New DialogListGroup object, returned by Control.GetGroupById method.
  • Has properties: id, name, expanded
  • Other scripting changes:
  • The bg and fg properties for the Control object now work for listview controls as well.
  • Added Control.textbg property for listview controls to set the text background color.
  • The DialogListItem script object now supports fg, bg, and style properties, allowing text and background color, and text styles, to be set on a per-item basis.
  • The DialogListItem object has a new disabled property that lets listview items be individually disabled. When disabled, they're not able to be selected, right-clicked or double-clicked.
  • Added the want_close property for the script Dialog object. If set to true, clicking the close button on a script dialog will generate a close event. It's up to the script to close the dialog using the EndDlg() method.

New in Directory Opus 12.20.7 Beta (Jun 8, 2020)

  • The Rename command has a new NOIGNOREEXT argument which allows you to open the Rename dialog for interactive use while turning off the Ignore Extensions checkbox.
  • Folder name localization is now only enabled on certain drives, to prevent problems with Google Drive File Stream.
  • Possible fix for a crash encountered by a user (
  • Fixed background not rendering correctly if you had an auto-hide docked toolbar with a stretched background.
  • Fixed find by a specific file type not working properly in the simple Find mode.
  • The Preferences / File Displays / Mouse / Allow drag and drop into sub-folders option now applies when dragging over files (e.g. archives, executables) as well as folders.
  • When opening PowerShell via the CLI command, you can now use the new EXEC and TITLE arguments to specify the PowerShell executable to use (e.g. if you want PowerShell 7 instead of Windows PowerShell) and the window titlebar.
  • Added mitigation for problems caused if someone/something created a file named backup in /dopusdata/UserCommands.
  • Small change to the way the Script global script object is initialized, to hopefully make it accessible from python scripts.
  • The scripting StringTools object's Encode and Decode methods can now convert to and from raw UTF-16 data, including support for both Big Endian and Little Endian, and optional Byte Order Marks.

New in Directory Opus 12.20.6 Beta (May 31, 2020)

  • Added options to Preferences / File Displays / Mouse to turn off Mouse Wheel + Ctrl for changing font/thumbnail sizes and Mouse Wheel + Shift for navigating back and forward.
  • File display music columns now support yet another variant of MP4 music tags.
  • Fixed problem where the user-entered list of cloud folders would not be used unless OneDrive or Dropbox were also installed.
  • The Prefs PAGE command can now automatically select and display the configuration editor for a script, e.g. Prefs PAGE=scripts:dopstack to go to the Scripts page, select the DopStack.js script and open the editor for its configuration.
  • Script dialogs can now offer drag and drop of files using the new Dialog.Drag method.
  • Drag can be initiated either from a static control or a listview control. The new Drag Source property must be set to True on the control.
  • When the user initiates a drag, you'll receive a drag event. The value property indicates whether it's left or right button.
  • If you want to allow a drag and drop, call the Dialog.Drag method in response. The first parameter provides the files to be dragged (same as can be passed to DOpus.SetClip). The optional second parameter provides allowable actions for the drag - copy, move, link as a comma-separated string. The default is copy if not specified. You can also specify the default action by prefixing with a * (e.g. copy,*move,link to allow all three but make move the default).
  • Return value of the Drag method indicates the result of the drag - copy, move or link for a left button drag, drop for a right button drag, and cancel if the drag was aborted.
  • Added Report Clicks property for static controls in script dialogs. With this turned on, static controls will report click, dblclk and rclick events when clicked.
  • Added UnorderedSet script object. Similar to a string set except it can store any type of data, and doesn't sort the values you add to it.
  • Added script Vector.unique method to remove duplicate values from a Vector.
  • Script add-ins can now load data like images from a sub-folder in the script add-ins directory. The sub-folder must have the same name as the script itself (without the file extension). This might be useful while a script is under development, before you package it as a script package for distribution.
  • The script dialog editor now shows checkboxes in list mode listviews in the same location as the real dialog displayed them (top-left rather than centered).
  • The Vector script object can now be indexed in JScript using [] as well as () (e.g. vector[5]).
  • The Vector.assign method can now accept a JScript array to copy the contents to an Opus Vector object.
  • The DOpus.Create.Vector factory method can now accept another Vector or JScript array to initialise the new array from (equivalent to creating the Vector and then calling the assign method).

New in Directory Opus 12.20.5 Beta (May 22, 2020)

  • Fixed misdetection of mixed DPI mode in some situations, which sometimes meant transition animations were disabled when they would have worked OK.
  • You can now have Favorites menus using large icons by turning on the Large Image Size checkbox in the button which generates the list (or for the whole toolbar).
  • Improved autosizing of script dialog listview columns.
  • The dopusrt /col command can now be used to create "duplicate files" collections, similar to those produced by the duplicate file finder:
  • The /add command has new /dupeid and /name switches.
  • The /create command has a new /dupes switch.
  • The /import command allows duplicate IDs and group names to be assigned in the import file.

New in Directory Opus 12.20.4 Beta (May 15, 2020)

  • The FileType NEW command can now create directories by specifying directory as the file type to create. This lets you create multiple directories at once (e.g. FileType NEW=directory NEWCOUNT=10).
  • The FileType NEWNAME argument can now be used to specify a separate name that's used when the original name clashes, and to control where the incremental number is inserted. For example, FileType NEW=.txt NEWNAME="Text:Text Num %c" would use "Text" for the initial name, and then try "Text Num 1", "Text Num 2" etc. You can use %Nc to zero-pad the number to N digits (e.g. %3c to zero pad to three digits). The default behavior if a separate name isn't specified is still to append the incremental number in brackets.
  • The option to specify a single image (via name or wildcard) for folder thumbnails can now be used to allow up to 4 images per folder thumbnail that match the wildcard.
  • When dragging attachments from Outlook to an Opus Lister, Opus now detects the special 1/1/4501 timestamp that Outlook uses for some reason, and substitutes the current date and time instead.
  • If you turn on the Lister's Copy or Delete filter and then run a command which explicitly specifies a filter, the command will now use the filter it specifies without prompting. (Normal commands which don't specify a filter will still prompt you to choose or define one.)
  • If a copy/move operation uses a custom queue name this is now shown in the title bar of the progress dialog as described in the manual.
  • Fixed issue introduced in previous beta where folder tree branches would only fully populate when manually expanded.
  • Fixed issue introduced in previous beta which caused drive roots to be highlighted when viewing This PC with a filter that highlights recently modified folders.

New in Directory Opus 12.20.3 Beta (May 12, 2020)

  • A command that copies files into a file collection using {filepath} etc. codes now works correctly with more than one item selected.
  • Fixed the folder tree scrolling to the wrong position if both Expand selected branch when changing tabs and Position selected item in the middle of the tree were enabled at once.
  • Changing the advanced no_folder_cd_thumbs or cd_thumb_coverart_file settings now clears any cached folder thumbnails and does a refresh immediately.
  • Buttons can now use things like @ifpath:/trash to make commands conditional on being in virtual folders like Recycle Bin.
  • Using the Favorites FILTER argument no longer filters out separators from the Favorites list (other than to remove double separators where everything between them was filtered out).
  • Fixed a cosmetic issue with the Backup & Restore dialog at 125% DPI scaling.
  • Added LocalizedNameTest registry flag for testing alternative methods of retrieving localized names (re: Google Drive). See for details.
  • Added Dialog.WatchTab script method. Allows a (detached) script dialog to receive various notifications about a folder tab (file selection, file changes, etc).
  • Script dialogs shown as a checkbox list (using Dialog.choices) are now themed and resizable.

New in Directory Opus 12.20.2 Beta (May 7, 2020)

  • The FAYT field's Range Select mode (# key by default) now lets you select a range based on the current focus position. For example, #+10 will select the next 10 files from the current position, and #-5 will select the previous 5. You can also use, for example, #-5+5 to select 5 files either side.
  • Previously the Range Select mode required the Index column to be added before you could use it, but now the mode is always available (in details/power mode) and the Index column will be automatically added if needed, and removed again once the FAYT closes.
  • Background threads generating metadata now prioritise the active tab. When you switch tabs any outstanding threads are re-ordered so results for the newly active tab should start to be returned much more quickly.
  • If a folder tab shows a collection which is deleted, the tab now reacts by going up a level (if the collection stays deleted) or refreshing (if the collection is re-created immediately).
  • The dialog for creating new FTP site bookmarks no longer resets the password drop-down when you change the connection type drop-down.
  • Improved feedback if PDF metadata update fails.
  • Fixed a problem with the MD5 cache which could in some cases cause checksums to not be calculated (files would show as duplicates but with a zero checksum).
  • Improved compatibility with music tags in certain M4A files.
  • Resetting the Archives filetype group to its default settings now initialises the default file extensions for the group.
  • Fixed the Flat View state of the first folder carrying over to its replacement when loading a Folder Tab Group.
  • Documented the refreshsub action for the OnBeforeFolderChange and OnAfterFolderChange script events.
  • By default, Opus no longer overrides the font chosen by virtual folders which Opus does not handle itself. A new option Preferences / Display / Options / Enable custom fonts in virtual folders exists to turn this back on, but note that it can cause cosmetic issues or even crashes when going to those folders.
  • Fixed drop-downs at the bottom of Preferences / Display / Images not updating correctly when custom images were removed.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if you rapidly refreshed a file collection.
  • The standalone viewer new adds the initial file is opens to the Windows recent documents list.
  • Fixed unnecessary null being added at end of IPTC string tags.
  • If a rename fails because a file is in-use Opus will now show the proceses that have the file locked if possible (same as when trying to delete).
  • Fixed Go FROMSEL NEW=nodual opening a Lister with a second folder tree, if the default Lister had dual folder trees.
  • The viewer toolbar now respects the icon size override on the Customize Toolbars page.
  • Fixed Customize Toolbars list in Opus Light showing the wrong checkbox state for the Images toolbar if it was turned on.
  • In Opus Light, you can now override the File Display Toolbar's icon size and the setting will be saved to disk.
  • The Customize Toolbars list now shows File Display Toolbars as in-use, to help identify them. They can also no longer be turned on as normal toolbars (although you can still do so via commands if you really want to for some reason).
  • If the File Display Border or Image Viewer toolbars are changed in Preferences while the Customize dialog is also open, the Customize dialog now updates itself.
  • When the standalone viewer is displaying something with the Text plugin, you can now close it with Esc.
  • Fixed a crash which could occur in the standalone viewer if you had the Reuse existing viewer windows option turned on and double-clicked the same image twice in extremely quick succession (e.g. due to a faulty mouse button).
  • When you right-click a file which is a member of multiple File Type Groups, the context menu items they add (if any) are now in the same order as the groups in the file type editor (i.e. by group name).
  • Improved Rename dialog's filtering of invalid characters to allow ":" to be typed after {scp even when not at the very end of the line.
  • The progress dialog's unattended mode errors dialog no longer shows itself when the progress dialog is minimized and restored if the unattended option has been turned off again.
  • The Command.AddFilesFromClipboard script method now works better when the clipboard files came from a library.
  • Fixed an issue where the standalone viewer could be blank after exiting fullscreen mode in specific situations.
  • Layouts applied to existing windows (Prefs LAYOUTTHISLISTER) should now work with Navigation Lock and Linked Folder Tabs.
  • If you have a toolbar with empty space on the right (or bottom, for vertical toolbars), and you move the mouse across the last button and into the empty space, the button will no longer be left highlighted.
  • Drive roots may now be added to file collections. (Primarily intended for scripts/commands.)
  • The Item.filegroup script property now works correctly in script functions run from a context menu.
  • A number of improvements to the Go FOLDERCONTENT command:
  • Go FOLDERCONTENT now sorts and filters items by their localized display names, not the underlying disk names.
  • Go FOLDERCONTENT=useshell now supports multiple folders. Also added support for merging the current folder "." with one or more fixed paths.
  • Go FOLDERCONTENT=useshell now shows better descriptions (on mouse hover) for shortcuts.
  • Go FOLDERCONTENT=useshell no longer treats zip files as folders.
  • Go FOLDERCONTENT without useshell now adds a separator between files and folders at the top level. (Previously, this only happened within sub-menus or when useshell was specified.)

New in Directory Opus 12.20.1 Beta (Apr 21, 2020)

  • Added columns to the native This PC view to show percentage space free and full as a number (instead of as a bar graph).
  • Added special handling when moving folders up to parents, where the same folder names appear both above and below the source level. (e.g. C:AAAA up to C:A when C:AAAAAA exists.)
  • Added support for File Explorer's %V code. This inserts the selected file or folder if there is one, and the current folder path otherwise.
  • The Join dialog now puts the focus in the output filename field by default. If all input files have the same file extension, the default output filename will now be given that extension as well.
  • Library member folders are now shown in the tree in the order they're configured via the Properties dialog, rather than being sorted alphabetically.
  • The option to hide OneDrive for Business in the folder tree now applies to OneDrive for School as well.
  • In Windows 10, the folder tree no longer appends the drive letter (or share name) to the name of library member folders (this is to match what Explorer does).
  • When selected files are filtered out of the display by the filter bar (or the FAYT in filter mode), they are now deselected automatically.
  • Added alternative syntax for opening a specific file in the viewer pane. As well as the old Show VIEWPANECMD="open,C:cat.jpg" you can also now use Show "C:Cat.jpg" VIEWPANECMD=open.
  • Show VIEWPANECMD=open now works with filenames and relative paths; previously it required a full path.
  • A command like Delete FILE="coll://CollectionName" will no longer show any warning or confirmation dialogs if the collection already does not exist.
  • Fixed zip files appearing in breadcrumbs menus when archives were turned off for them.
  • The breadcrumbs option for showing This PC as an icon now only affects This PC, not other folders that are the first path branch (e.g. Network, or folders below Desktop).
  • Go OPENCONTAINER=target now selects the target file even if the OPENINDUAL argument is used to open the containing folder in the other file display.
  • The Preferences aliases list now selects the next alias after one is deleted.
  • Fixed incompatibility with PeaZip context menu.
  • Improved compatibility with context menus added by PotPlayer.
  • Added support for a type of nested context menu used by some software (e.g. the Sound Forge Convert To sub-menu).
  • Added support for a second type of nested context menu used by some software.
  • Fixed copy queue buttons looking incorrect at 125% DPI scaling.
  • Fixed Go FOLDERCONTENT menus which merge multiple paths together. (e.g. Start Menu Button)
  • Fixed crash if you used the mouse wheel over certain parts of the Customize > Context Menus UI.
  • Fixed a problem with automatic filename quoting getting confused by a = argument separator (e.g. CREATEFOLDER={file|noext} would put the quote before the CREATEFOLDER rather than after the =).
  • Fixed drag & drop into a file display with manual sort enabled, where dropping a file between two sub-folders now drops it to the current folder, consistent with what the visual preview indicates.
  • Added rotate property to the Control script object (for static controls set to image mode). This allows the script to rotate the displayed image.
  • Added protection against a crash that could be caused by having lots of tabs opening at once with a script that implements the OnBeforeFolderChange event.
  • Script columns displayed in Listers now update their headings/names if the script is edited or calls Script.InitColumns or Script.RefreshColumn.
  • Scripts generated by the Create New Script dialog now escape or replace quotes, backslashes and other special or invalid code or path characters typed into the dialog.

New in Directory Opus 12.20 (Mar 30, 2020)

  • Fixed copy queue buttons looking incorrect at 125% DPI scaling.
  • When thumbnails have rating stars overlaid, the stars are no longer drawn higher up if the filename is wrapped to multiple lines.
  • The bars drawn by Preferences / File Display Modes / Thumbnails / Overlay relative dimension bars now scale their thickness for high DPI.

New in Directory Opus 12.20 Beta (Mar 30, 2020)

  • Fixed copy queue buttons looking incorrect at 125% DPI scaling.
  • When thumbnails have rating stars overlaid, the stars are no longer drawn higher up if the filename is wrapped to multiple lines.
  • The bars drawn by Preferences / File Display Modes / Thumbnails / Overlay relative dimension bars now scale their thickness for high DPI.

New in Directory Opus 12.19.6 Beta (Mar 6, 2020)

  • In the rename dialog {name|noext} now gives you the original filename minus the file extension.
  • The Owner column now works in Libraries.
  • The Release Date column now behaves like a normal date field; it shows time as well as date (except for MP3 files) and date/time formatting codes will work with it in Advanced rename.
  • When opening a tab group, the folder format of each tab now derives from the Folder Formats sections in Preferences, with any enabled sections of the tab's saved format overlaid on the top. Previously the tab's saved format would be overlaid only on the default format, ignoring any other formats that would normally apply to that folder.
  • If a text viewer is specified on the Preferences / File Operations / Double-click on Files page, and a file on an ftp site without a known file extension is double-clicked, the "auto upload changed files" function now works.
  • The Path.FilePart script method did not return a correct value when given only a filename with no path

New in Directory Opus 12.19.5 Beta (Feb 24, 2020)

  • Changes since 12.19.4:
  • Ctrl+Shift+Up / Down in inline rename to copy the previous/next filename now lets you press up/down multiple times to progressively move up or down the list. Ctrl+Shift+Home returns you to the original name of the file you're renaming.
  • The Release Date column is now supported for video files as well as music files.
  • Fixed file display toolbars not repainting properly when the dual file display splitter was dragged.
  • Fixed problem where alt-clicking a file display toolbar button to edit it and changing something like the icon would not be reflected in the same toolbar on the other side of a dual-display Lister.
  • Removed delay before inline rename happens if you ended it by clicking the file display instead of pushing return.
  • Fixed issue where configuration files pointing to a toolbar which did not exist could result in a blank toolbar appearing when other toolbars were changed.
  • Worked around the problem of the sound player not supporting paths longer than 127 chars on Windows 10 (caused by Windows 10 disabling short paths by default).
  • Fixed case-insensitive search for Cyrillic characters not working properly in Find.
  • Improved UAC behavior when trying to move files that are in use (e.g. in situations where UAC won't actually help anyway). Previously you would get a UAC prompt for each file if you cancelled them - now if you cancel the UAC prompt there won't be any others shown for that operation.
  • When moving the mouse from one file to another in the file display to view tooltips, the delay before showing each tooltip is now shorter after the first one.
  • The Edit > Undo List menu now shows proper descriptions for Remove From Collection commands.
  • Undoing a remove file from collection would add the file back with its size showing as 0 bytes.
  • Fixed problem with folder tab groups Preferences; if you renamed a group and then moved or deleted it, and clicked OK, when you went back into Preferences you'd find the original group still there.
  • Fixed problem with status icon column not auto-sizing properly in some situations.
  • The Open New Tab command from the folder tab context menu now does the same thing as clicking the + button (i.e. whatever is configured in Preferences for that button), rather than opening a blank tab.
  • Fixed progress dialogs appearing while an initial confirmation dialog was still open in some cases.
  • The command Delete * REMOVECOLLECTION now works properly to remove all files from a collection (previously it would try to delete the real files).
  • Fixed problem with the option to auto-expand This PC in the folder tree causing the folder tree to scroll down unnecessarily.
  • The CLI window in command (non-scripting) mode will now run commands against the Lister which launched the CLI, as long as it still exists. If it is closed, the CLI will now look for another window, including dual-display windows which were sometimes ignored previously.
  • When saving a configuration backup, the "last open Listers" are now updated first, based on what's currently open. (Those Listers are usually opened when restoring a backup, but were previously only saved when Opus was restarted. The result was that you could restore a configuration and get back Listers you had already closed.)
  • @disableifpath in buttons and ifpath in status bars now let you compare against aliases to virtual folders which do not have any real directory behind them (e.g. /mycomputer).
  • Fixed problem with breadcrumbs fields showing "22" for an FTP site instead of e.g. "".
  • The DialogListItem.subitems property now works to assign/query sub-items via a reference to the property directly (e.g. var subs = list.GetItemAt(0).subitems; subs(0) = "blah";)

New in Directory Opus 12.19.4 Beta (Jan 31, 2020)

  • OTE: This beta is being packaged solely with the new installer. Please report any issues you have with it.
  • Change processing in background folder tabs (if enabled) will no longer cancel scrolling and lassoing in the active tab.
  • Fix for crash if you selected a MixMeister .MXM file with the viewer pane open.
  • You can now clear the SmartFavorites™ list via Favorites SMART=clear as an alternative to the usual method via the Preferences dialog.
  • When in coll://, the {sourcepath} code now returns the path as-is instead of coll://.
  • Improved the way the filter's movie Bit Rate field works, similar to 12.19.3 changes to the Data Rate field.
  • Fixed an issue where the Run a command fields under Preferences / Launching Opus could be cleared if you searched Preferences, and where unapplied changes to the commands were reverted if you switched to another page and back again.
  • Similar to in File Explorer, file infotip text from the shell is now truncated to 1024 characters to avoid problems caused by a combination of the Windows tooltip control not handling large amounts of text properly and shell extensions that add ridiculous amounts of text to infotips (e.g. dbPowerAmp adding complete song lyrics).
  • The Uncompressed Size column now sorts largest to smallest by default, consistent with the other size columns.
  • Added a kludge to get better OneDrive status reporting (i.e. so the status icons can show when a file is being synced). Currently must be enabled by setting bit 3 of the OneDriveBugMitigation registry variable (and bit 0 must also be set, e.g. set to 0x0000000f to enable all the mitigations + the kludge). See the documentation on the 1903 OneDrive Bug Mitigations for more details.

New in Directory Opus 12.19.3 Beta (Jan 17, 2020)

  • This is a preliminary, beta release. Translations may not be fully up-to-date and some English text may appear in non-English versions.
  • This is an Opus 12 update. If you are using Opus 11 or earlier then you should not install this beta unless you want to upgrade to Opus 12.

New in Directory Opus 12.19.2 Beta (Jan 13, 2020)

  • Changed the Preferences option for Pinyin support (added in 12.19.1) to an advanced option with three settings. By default Pinyin will be supported if Opus is running in Chinese. The option in Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced lets you override this and turn it on or off irrespective of the current language.
  • Pinyin is now supported in standard wildcards (e.g. by the filter bar) and in Opus 9-style regexes (but not TR1-style regex unfortunately).
  • Fixed crash when connecting to FTP sites with very long welcome messages.
  • If the Find tool only finds files that end up being hidden (because of the folder format in the results tab), the status bar now correctly reflects the hidden file count.
  • If the display of empty disk drives is enabled in the native Computer folder, and a Lister opens showing Computer, empty drives are no longer incorrectly removed from the list shortly afterwards.
  • Changes to the Go TABLIST command:
  • The nameonly parameter is now namesonly for consistency with Go BACKLIST, FORWARDLIST, HISTORYLIST. (The old name still works to avoid breaking existing toolbars.)
  • When using namesonly, custom tab labels are now left as-is, since they may not be file paths.
  • Fixed ampersand characters in paths/labels being doubled (unless keys was also used).

New in Directory Opus 12.19.1 Beta (Jan 8, 2020)

  • Added an option to Preferences / File Displays / FAYT and Filter Bar Options to support Pinyin in the Find-As-You-Type Find Mode
  • The Zip context menu is no longer hidden when the Extract options are turned off (as long as one or more "add" options are turned on).
  • Fixed standalone viewer's status bar text looking bold / double printed (how much depended on ClearType settings).
  • Added .esd to list of default WIM archive extensions. (WIM support is still off by default. Enable it via Preferences / Zip & Other Archives / Archive and VFS Plugins.)
  • If you created a plugin archive (7z, RAR, etc.) in a destination that required UAC, and had the Secure Desktop turned off, it was possible for the progress dialog to open behind the Lister or on top of the UAC prompt. This should be better now.
  • Fixed Pause being unavailable while creating RAR archives if you updated to WinRAR 5.80.
  • Fixed problem which stopped the slow_dblck_rename Advanced Prefs option from affecting the folder tree if the tree was locked.

New in Directory Opus 12.18.4 Beta (Dec 13, 2019)

  • Fixed problem in introduced 12.18.3 which stopped wildcard labels from working.

New in Directory Opus 12.18.3 Beta (Dec 12, 2019)

  • Added a command to delete the current folder's format without showing any UI. Also made it possible to change the view mode and save a new format for the current folder in a single command. See 2 for examples.
  • Added cloud_sync_paths option to Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced. Lets you specify folders that will be treated as cloud sync so that Opus supports status icons etc in them.
  • The breadcrumbs field's dropdown menus now indicate the current path in bold.
  • Fixed standalone viewer for problem introduced in previous betas: If the viewer was set to launch full-screen then it would not become the active window until clicked.
  • The folder tree's Favorites branch now shows the special icons for file collections and sub-branches of favorites, instead of generic folder icons. The Favorites list in Preferences now shows any special icons for folders which were added via path aliases or env-vars.
  • The Add to Archive dialog now supports aliases in the path field. Also improved handling of tab key when the path completion drop-down is visible.
  • Possible fix for viewer/thumbnail code getting stuck on particular MP4/MOV files. ( )
  • The Brands ICT .msg preview handler ( 1 ) now works in the viewer pane.
  • Fixed Go FDBBUTTONS choosing the wrong icons in some cases.
  • Commands which generate sub-menus on toolbars now always put the labels of items inside the sub-menu on the right. (Items at the top level still inherit the label position of the button that generates them.) This affects Favorites, FTP Bookmarks, Tab Groups, Layouts, Styles, and Rename Presets. (Other things which generate sub-menus were already like this.)
  • Rename's Regular Expression + Find And Replace mode no longer requires brackets around expressions using the | OR operator.
  • Rename's Regular Expression + Find And Replace mode no longer has problems with more than seven capture groups.

New in Directory Opus 12.18.2 Beta (Nov 29, 2019)

  • Fixed a problem with Find where if you ran several finds in quick succession, it could seem like no results were returned.
  • Fixed problem with Libraries in tree, where if a library sub-folder was selected when the tree opened, it would be inserted immediately under the library in the tree rather than in its correct member folder (assuming separate member folders is enabled).
  • Fixed problem which caused function dialogs owned by the Lister (rather than a progress dialog) to be destroyed when the Lister was closed.
  • Fixed crash introduced in 12.18 which could occur if new files were added to the folder while it was grouped and the last group was collapsed.
  • Fix for crash triggered by certain JPEG EXIF data.
  • Added some extra safety around the Lister being closed while a context menu is open. (Should be impossible, but could happen due to 3rd party menu extensions, perhaps.)

New in Directory Opus 12.18.1 Beta (Nov 26, 2019)

  • The PowerShell Here command now works correctly when the path contains square brackets and other wildcard characters.
  • Shortcuts to folders are no longer forced to use the shell's folder thumbnail style if you have configured Opus to use its own.
  • Added workaround for Windows bug which meant Listers did not resize properly if you used Shift+Win+Left/Right to move a maximized Lister from a monitor without no taskbar (or docked toolbars/appbars) to a monitor with the taskbar.
  • Fixed Metadata Pane column headings not being wide enough if some or all of the categories were collapsed when the pane opened.
  • Fix for rare crash when opening a Lister or the folder tree.
  • The Select Files simple dialog now allows the wildcard syntax for matching a file type
  • Fixed @hideifpathr:^C:\ not working correctly.
  • The Creation Date columns are now available for MTP devices (whether they work or not is up to the device, but you can now turn them on).
  • Viewer toolbar now includes a Full Screen button at the top level. (To update your existing toolbar, right-click an empty space on it and choose "Factory Reset this Toolbar".)
  • The Mixed DPI Mitigations setting, added in 12.18 but off by default, now has an "automatic" mode, which is the new default. In this mode, the mitigations are turned on when a mixed DPI system is detected, and turned off otherwise. The setting is also now hidden on older versions of Windows which don't support mixed DPI.

New in Directory Opus 12.18 (Nov 20, 2019)

  • These changes are new for 12.18:
  • When in Preferences / Folders / Folder Formats, the existing format's page override checkboxes are now preserved when adding it as a new Favorite Format or pasting it as a new Path Format.
  • The new "mixed DPI mitigations" setting is now off by default, after a couple of people reported problems with it in the betas. It can still be turned on via Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced for those who want/need it.

New in Directory Opus 12.17.6 Beta (Nov 8, 2019)

  • Removed delay between Find completing and the (full) results appearing in the file display.
  • Improved the Reset focus entry when sorting file list option so that the file display never scrolls in reaction to a sort change when it is on. If the item with focus is scrolled out of view, focus will now be reset to the first visible item. Now, if the option is on and you scroll to the top or bottom of the file list and click a column header, you will still be at the top or bottom of the list. This option is now enabled by default. (Only affects new or reset configs. To change it in existing configs, go to Preferences / File Displays / Options.)
  • Transition Animations code now uses both the old (pre 12.17.4) and new (12.17.4) methods of testing for mixed DPI scenarios, in case the new method alone was not working on some systems.
  • Transition Animations no longer attempted on minimized windows, in case it was the cause of problems seen by a couple of people in recent betas.
  • Fixed an issue where, if labels were stored in Preferences rather than NTFS, multi-line commands which added/removed labels to the same file in multiple stages only really had the last line affect the file.
  • If population of auto-sized file display columns causes a scrollbar to appear at the bottom of the Lister, the file display now scrolls down slightly if needed to keep the item with focus visible. (In particular, this fixes an issue where navigating to a file path, such that the parent folder is read and the file is selected, could have the file immediately covered by the scrollbar.)
  • You can now give the Metadata pane keyboard focus via Set FOCUS=metapane (e.g. if you want to use a hotkey to give it focus).
  • Scripting: The Command.Results object now has a NewViewers property which returns a collection of any standalone image viewers created when the command was run, similar to the existing NewListers and NewTabs properties.
  • Scripting: DOpus.Viewers no longer includes viewers which are in the process of closing.
  • Scripting: The Command.Results.NewListers and NewTabs lists now return the Listers and tabs in the order they were created. (The same is also true for the new NewViewers list.)

New in Directory Opus 12.17.4 Beta (Oct 15, 2019)

  • Fixed some 32-bit programs not appearing in the Open With menu if they registered themselves in a particular way.
  • Transition Animations are no longer used on systems with mixed DPIs. (High DPI is fine, but all monitors need use the same scaling for the animations to work correctly.)
  • Fixed shadows on certain elements, and highlights around Preferences search results, looking wrong over windows which straddle monitors of different DPIs.
  • Experimental workaround for pop-up menus and tooltips opening with the wrong size or position in some mixed-DPI situations. (This is a fairly awful bug in Windows 10 when using monitors that don't all have the same DPI.) If this causes problems (e.g. flashing windows when menus open), it can be turned off via Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced [Troubleshooting]: mixed_dpi_mitigations.
  • Fix for previous beta hiding the viewer toolbar from Customize > Toolbars so you could no longer modify its visual properties.
  • Fixed a problem when the Rename command was run with filenames provided by the {file} command sequence and a filename contained a wildcard character.
  • Fixed memory leak when pasting text or image data into new files via Ctrl-V in the file display.

New in Directory Opus 12.17.3 Beta (Oct 11, 2019)

  • The image viewer now lets you scroll left and right with the mouse wheel by holding the Alt key. (Assuming the wheel is set to scroll the image in Preferences.)
  • The standalone viewer's factory default toolbar now has Open Containing Folder and Refresh in the File menu, and a button to open the containing folder on the main toolbar. (To pick up these changes, you'll need to right-click the empty part of your viewer toolbar and choose the option to reset it.)
  • The Open With menu now includes "Metro" applications from the Microsoft Store.
  • Added the SHELLVERB and SHELLCLASS arguments to the FileType command. This provides the ability to launch files and folders via the Windows shell, bypassing Opus's internal logic, with the options of specifying the verb and file type or application class to use.
  • When inline-renaming a file, Ctrl-W to upper-case all words now leaves the file extension alone (unless it is part of the text selection).
  • Fixed problem introduced in previous beta which could cause folder size/contents calculation to be performed twice if displayed in the folder infotip.
  • Possible fix for Excel's preview handler not resizing correctly when first opened.
  • The command Copy TO="ask:{sourcepath}" now works correctly.
  • Fix for very rare crash that could happen when changing folders while Flat View was refreshing.
  • Fix for Preview Handlers and ActiveX viewers not resizing correctly when using Remote Desktop between Windows 10 machines at different DPIs.
  • Fixed new Listers not being correctly snapped to a monitor when opening under certain DPI situations.
  • The Directory Opus Archives -> Extract Here context menu command now works from within a file collection (e.g. from Find Results - the files will be placed in the same folder as the zip file itself).
  • Fix for Opus running with Below Normal priority if launched via the installer, or via Explorer Replacement from an elevated process when not already running.

New in Directory Opus 12.17.2 Beta (Oct 3, 2019)

  • The "Size on Disk" column now shows 0 bytes for offline files (e.g. Dropbox/Onedrive files that are only stored in the cloud).
  • Fixed a problem introduced in the previous beta which could stop progress dialogs being displayed in some situations.
  • Improved efficiency in folders with a large number of sub-folders when the file count column was turned on.

New in Directory Opus 12.17.1 Beta (Oct 1, 2019)

  • Changes:
  • Fixed a problem which meant sorting by File Count columns didn't work reliably after changing/reading folders.
  • Fixed inline rename in icon and thumbnails modes not always expanding the edit control's height when needed.
  • Added support for a method of hiding special folders (e.g. OneDrive) from the folder tree which is used by File Explorer but was ignored by Opus until now.
  • Added support hiding the OneDrive Business folder from the tree via Preferences.
  • Fixed problem where a dialog displayed by a function (e.g. the Copy As dialog) could end up being hidden if the progress indicator was minimized.
  • Improved positioning logic when the Default Lister is set to open "always over the mouse pointer". While adjusting the position to avoid existing Listers, minimized windows are now ignored and if there isn't room on the bottom/right it now also tries the top/left.
  • Ctrl + Mouse Wheel to change font/thumbnail size in Listers is now back to normal, after the up/down directions were swapped in 12.17.
  • Toolbar buttons which run Set SHOWFILTERFILENAME=regex:... and similar using regular expressions now toggle and indicate their states correctly.
  • When the standalone viewer is in windowed mode and auto-sizes, it can now grow slightly wider and taller, into Windows 10's invisible resizing borders.
  • Fixed viewer issue where you could not scroll all the way to the right of images wider than 32768 pixels (after any zoom was applied).
  • Fixed problem with searching for a string in the text viewer in hex mode, via the FAYT (it wouldn't be case sensitive in some situations).
  • Internal viewer performance fix when drag-selecting images.
  • Animated Gif plug-in changes:
  • Now supports selections with fixed aspect ratios.
  • Performance fix when drag-selecting images.
  • Now supports assigning Expand/Scroll Image to left double-click. This includes being able to open the expanded image when it is not being scaled down, similar to the internal viewer (only for double-clicks). (Previously, expanding was only possible when single-clicking the left or middle button.)
  • Now supports the Show VIEWERCMD=dragsel command used by advanced script add-ins for esoteric mouse button behavior.
  • Blocked the File Renamer Turbo context menu extension ("shell.dll") by default, as it crashes Opus when right-clicking files.
  • Fixed crash if @hideifpath: was added to a button with no path after it.
  • Scripting changes:
  • Script columns have a new timeout property which can override the default 10 second timeout before Opus gives up waiting for them in situations where calculation is blocking things from continuing (e.g. filters and Print/Export Folder Listing).
  • With a dual-display Lister, DOpus.Create.BusyIndicator now affects the side of the tab you give it, or uses the source tab if you give it a Lister.

New in Directory Opus 12.16.5 Beta (Sep 9, 2019)

  • Fixed problem in previous beta which stopped lensmodel (or lenstype) working through the scripting metadata interface.
  • Fixed Find-As-You-Type field's pop-up command history when selecting a command using the mouse instead of the keyboard.
  • Fixed Print/Export Folder, where outputting both MD5 and SHA1 hashes would only output one of the two and now does both.
  • Print/Export Folder now always generates MD5 and SHA1 hashes when they are included in the output, regardless of file sizes and the max_md5_file_size setting.
  • The Select previous folder when going Up option now works correctly when you go up from inside an archive to the top level of a library.
  • The @if: command clause can now be used in a user command to test the value of user command arguments. The format is @if:&&ARG&&=value or @if:&&ARG&&!=value (the double-ampersands are necessary).
  • The Rename dialog now permits empty Old Name and New Name fields for the wildcard or regular expression, if other operations (e.g. Modify Capitalization) are being applied to the files. Previously, you could not click OK if both fields were blank, outside of the Find And Replace modes.
  • Improved the way FTP sites are used by Layouts, Folder Tab Groups, the Recent list, and similar objects which save lists of open paths. Details such as host name, port and username are no longer saved, and will be looked up via the FTP Address Book instead. This means you can make changes to an address book entry (as long as you do not move or rename the entry itself) without having to re-save the Layouts (etc.) which refer to it. Note, however, that this only works with Layouts (etc.) saved after this update has been installed.
  • The Preview Pane now works with some third-party preview handlers which do not register themselves properly.

New in Directory Opus 12.16.4 Beta (Aug 29, 2019)

  • Changes:
  • The new Show LOADALLTHUMBS command can be used to trigger the loading of all thumbnails in the current folder (equivalent to having the Preferences / File Display Modes / Thumbnails / Load all thumbnails in a folder automatically option turned on).
  • The ContextMenu SHOWCMDS command now displays the context menu commands in a listview rather than a plain text dialog.
  • The list can be sorted by the various columns and can also be filtered to make it easier to find a desired command.
  • Right-click an item in the list to create a command line in the clipboard to run the command.
  • Fixed a problem which meant some context menu commands (e.g. those added by Dropbox Smart Sync) were inaccessible.
  • Added ContextMenu LABELRAW argument, allows the label to be provided via a raw argument which supports embedded quotes.
  • The old EXIF Lens Type field is now called Lens Model (as this is its correct name) and the Lens Make field has been added.
  • Updating the lens model in XMP data now works correctly.
  • The size shown for images in the standalone viewer's status bar now uses automatic units rather than being fixed to KB.
  • Malformed zip files that contain a directory entry called ./ are now handled correctly.

New in Directory Opus 12.16.3 Beta (Aug 26, 2019)

  • Prefs LAYOUTTHISLISTER has a new nopanels parameter which allows you to apply a layouts size, position or paths to the current window without applying its panels (viewer pane, dual file display, utility panel, etc.).
  • Fix for theme import skipping images, icons or sounds if the config folders for them did not already exist.
  • Fixed codes like {file|noext|escwild} and {file|ext=*|escwild} removing/replacing the extension twice from names containing multiple dots.
  • Sped up rendering and scrolling of the file display, particularly when files are selected and vertical grid lines are in use.
  • Fix for opening a Folder Tab Group containing linked tabs, when the Lister already has linked tabs which aren't being closed.
  • Improved detection of the file display's current drive being removed when the folder tree is not in use. (Should trigger navigation up to This PC aka My Computer.)
  • Fixed label fonts/colors not always being applied to copied files until after a refresh (F5).
  • Print Folder now correctly shows all labels if the Label column is turned on in the format.

New in Directory Opus 12.16.2 Beta (Aug 12, 2019)

  • Fix for delay when loading a layout, set to close existing Listers, if an existing Lister had an image loaded into the viewer pane.

New in Directory Opus 12.16.1 Beta (Aug 9, 2019)

  • Added command to tell the Lister viewer pane to open a specific file. e.g. Show VIEWPANECMD="open,C:My Image.png".
  • Added Show VIEWPANECMD=clear to unload any current file and clear the viewer pane.
  • Fixed Show VIEWPANECMD buttons being disabled if no files were selected.
  • Added Wild.EscapeString script method to escape any wildcard characters in a string.
  • List Mode scrollbar handling improved when the window is not wide enough to fit a whole column of files.
  • Fixed script output panel scrollbars not always adjusting properly when they were resized. Also fixed flickering when moving the output panel splitter in the CLI dialog.
  • Added mitigation for issue which caused desktop and taskbar icons to flash repeatedly on at least one person's systems, apparently due to SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED events triggering themselves in a loop.
  • Fixed problem introduced by OneDrive mitigations that stopped thumbnails in Dropbox working.
  • Setting file descriptions using NTFS now works on long paths (while the path length is no longer limited as such, if the total path length is greater than 260 chars then the length of the filename you're setting the description on is limited to approximately (236 - <temporary path length>) ).
  • Experimental support for high-resolution scrolling via mousewheels and trackpads. This has been added for the file display, the folder tree, and certain lists like the main category list in Preferences. People without high-res devices shouldn't notice any difference.

New in Directory Opus 12.16 Beta (Jul 23, 2019)

  • This release includes all changes in the beta versions 12.15.1, 12.15.2, 12.15.3, and 12.15.4

New in Directory Opus 12.15.4 Beta (Jul 15, 2019)

  • Changes related to Lister Styles which specify Folder Tab Groups:
  • The Close existing folder tabs checkboxes within Styles are now used exclusively when applying a style. The similar checkbox within Folder Tab Groups still works when loading a tab group on its own, but not when loading one via a Style. This is the main change which may affect existing configs.
  • Styles which explicitly specify File Display: Single, but also specify a Tab Group which has tabs on both sides will no longer switch to a dual-display Lister; right-hand tabs will be ignored.
  • When a Tab Group is specified, the options under it (View Mode, Format, etc.) which are disabled in the UI are now also ignored when applying the Style. Previously, they would still be applied.
  • If a Style specified a dual-side Tab Group in the UI for the left side (which loads folders into both left and right), and nothing at all in the UI for the right side, applying the Style would first load the default folder into the right side, before loading the Tab Group over or in addition to it.
  • If Explorer Replacement is configured to open into a new, dual-display Lister, the left hand display which the double-clicked path is loaded into will now always be given focus, regardless of how the default Lister was set up.
  • Go TABCLOSE now works with the TABPOS argument. While you could specify a tab index using the PATH argument before, this change allows things like closing the next tab (Go TABCLOSE TABPOS=+1) or previous tab (Go TABCLOSE TABPOS=-1) relative to the current tab.
  • Addressed a situation where the Jobs Bar Arrow appearing could place a background Lister on top of the active Lister if a new progress dialog appeared in a Lister which didn't currently have focus.

New in Directory Opus 12.15.3 Beta (Jul 1, 2019)

  • Fixed problems with MTP devices opening in Explorer in some cases.
  • Fix for double-clicking some virtual folders under Quick Access taking you to their normal locations instead of staying under Quick Access. e.g. Recycle Bin, Dropbox and Creative Cloud Files.
  • Deleting junctions on network drives no longer deletes their contents.
  • The Synchronize summary dialog now scales its column sizes for high DPI.
  • When in a folder under Quick Access, the path field and parent buttons now behave as if you are in the real folder.

New in Directory Opus 12.15.2 Beta (Jun 26, 2019)

  • Changes:
  • {dlgopen} and similar now allow you to use forward slashes when specifying the initial path. (Automatically converted to backslashes before calling the Windows API.)
  • In Customize mode, dragging special folders like Recycle Bin to a toolbar now creates better buttons for them. (Go PATH=/trash instead of a cryptic IDL string.)
  • File paths copied to the clipboard when on MTP devices are now stripped of the "?s1234?|"-style information at the end of path components which Opus uses internally.
  • Fix for [Changing folders while Description is being calculated](
  • Fix for double-clicking ".." parent item not working when the parent is the Quick Access folder.
  • Improved consistency in how the Quick Access folder behaves between navigations made via the folder tree, file display and Go FOLDERCONTENT menus. In all cases, going to a folder below Quick Access now positions you under Quick Access in the tree and breadcrumb path field, such that parenting up will take you to the Quick Access folder. (If you instead go down from there, you'll jump to the folder's real location.)
  • Fixed problem with drag & drop to folder tree introduced in previous beta.
  • Opus no longer tries to send offline files from OneDrive to the recycle bin when deleting; if any offline files are selected the recycle bin will be automatically bypassed. This prevents the files having to be downloaded before being deleted with OneDrive in Windows 10 1903.

New in Directory Opus 12.15.1 Beta (Jun 21, 2019)

  • The Go, Recent and Favorite commands have new NEWTAB=findinactive modes, similar to NEWTAB=findexisting except that they will open a new tab if the current tab already has the specified path. Intended for buttons which reduce clutter by switching to existing tabs while retaining the ability to open a second tab for the same folder when needed.
  • Fixed HTML codes appearing in progress window when connecting to FTP sites in some situations (e.g. batch rename).
  • You can now scroll the Rename dialog's preview list with the mouse wheel while editing the New Name field in macro mode.
  • The "Slide-out parent buttons" option was broken in beta 12.14.1, now restored.
  • Clicking the full-screen button in the viewer pane when it was displaying a non-image file (e.g. a PDF) would open the standalone viewer but not show the PDF - instead, the first image file in the folder would be shown.
  • For FTP servers that don't support MLST, file dates that are returned without a year are now assumed to be the previous year if they are the current month but a day in the future. E.g. if the current date is Jun-17-2019, and the ftp site returns "Jun 30" as the date, that will now be taken as "Jun-30-2018" and not "Jun-30-2019".
  • Made improvements to MTP code which will hopefully prevent freezing/lockups with some devices (iPhones etc).

New in Directory Opus 12.15.0 (Jun 12, 2019)

  • Date formatting codes now support DD to insert the ISO day number (Monday = 1, Sunday = 7). D is also supported but was never documented - it also inserts the day number, but with Sunday = 1 and Saturday = 7.
  • Fixed a problem that could cause a Windows search initiated through the FAYT to be run twice if it returned very quickly.
  • Fixed problem in betas which stopped Full Path advanced filter clauses working properly.
  • Added a registry patch flag to allow the enabling of various elements of OneDrive support that are disabled by default in Windows 10 1903.

New in Directory Opus 12.14.2 Beta (May 28, 2019)

  • Changes:
  • The Properties FORMATLIST command can now be configured to control which formats it displays. By default it lists both favorite and content type formats but you can make it only show one type using the favorites or contenttype keywords. You can also add the noreset keyword to stop the four "reset" commands from being displayed.
  • A new Set QUICKFILTER=!clear command now exists to clear just the wildcard pattern from the filter. The documentation for Set QUICKFILTER on its own has been corrected to state that it opens the filter bar and gives focus to the pattern field.
  • Fixed problem typing certain characters directly into the rename macro editor (vs pasting via the clipboard, which worked OK). (There are still some issues with compound characters generated via the Windows 10 emoji keyboard, which is a more complex problem.)
  • Fixed situation where selecting a folder tabs could move it to the end of the tab bar if the previously active tab was in Locked (Allow Changes) mode and there were scripts handling folder-change events.
  • The new "tab bring to front delay" setting is now saved properly.
  • Find ADVANCED now switches the Find panel to Advanced mode if it's already open in Simple mode.
  • Find ADVANCED and Find SIMPLE now work reliably if the utility panel is already open (and showing something other than the Find panel).
  • Fixed Go /quickaccess FOLDERCONTENT showing long, encoded IDL:... strings instead of normal filenames, if recent files were turned on in the Quick Access folder.
  • Fixed problem with the Select previous folder when going Up option that would cause the previous folder to not be selected if you went to certain aliases (like /temp) and then clicked up from there.
  • Fixed path shown for search results when searching This PC using the search toolbar field.
  • If Opus has previously detected or downloaded a beta version update, and then the "check for beta updates" flag in Preferences is turned off, it will now forget all evidence of the beta it previously found.
  • Fixed layouts not opening properly from the jump list if their names matched Prefs command arguments.
  • Fixes for problems introduced in Windows 10 version 1903 (mostly relating to cloud storage)

New in Directory Opus 12.14.1 Beta (May 16, 2019)

  • Added Play STOPALL command, which can be used to stop any currently playing sounds that were started in QUIET mode (i.e. those without a visible dialog).
  • Added MULTIFUNC argument to Favorites and Recent commands. When set the generated list of favorites (or recents) will be three-button buttons, with left-click opening on the left, right-click opening on the right (dual display) and middle-click opening a new Lister or tab.
  • Added Ignore diacritics options for both the FAYT and the Filter Bar (Preferences / File Displays / FAYT and Filter Bar Options).
  • Added an option to Preferences / Folder Tabs / Options to allow the delay to be configured before a folder tab is selected when dragging over it (or to disable selection altogether).
  • Added Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced [Cosmetic]: custom_network_folder_icons advanced option, which allows the location field and folder tabs to display customized folder icons for network folders. Turning this on may cause problems if you have folder tabs pointing to inaccessible machines.
  • Added Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced [Behavior]: wsl_distribution option to specify the distribution to use for WSL commands.
  • Simple wildcard and regex labels now have a checkbox to specify whether the pattern needs to match the full path or just the file or folder name. If you're just testing an extension like *.doc then it doesn't matter, but this makes it easier to, say, highlight files with names matching FW*.doc.
  • Buttons using the Set TREEROOT command now indicate their state, and you can use the command in @if conditions. ( )
  • Thumbnails for shortcuts that have custom icons now show the icons instead of thumbnailing what the shortcut points to, consistent with Explorer. ( )
  • When other programs request a folder be opened with a file selected, the short delay before the selection is scrolled into view has been removed.
  • The folder tab group preview in Preferences now shows NavLock'd tabs with italic labels, consistent with the real tabs in the Lister.
  • Menu items generated by Filetype SENDTOMENU=nosub at the top level now inherit the parent button's label position and separator.
  • Folder Options > Save dialog is slightly improved for keyboard access.
  • If you use inline rename but don't push return, and then change folders via the tree or breadcrumbs, the rename is now applied instead of being cancelled. (Consistent with File Explorer, and requested on the forum.)
  • With friendly dates on, day names now come from Opus instead of the OS. Solves the issue where e.g. "Today" comes from Opus and "Monday" from the OS, and the two are set to different languages. BETA REMINDER: Other languages may see English day names until translations are updated.
  • Improved Go /quickaccess FOLDERCONTENT command for adding the Quick Access folder to a menu (e.g. the Favorites menu).
  • The ContextMenu command used to be unable to access certain context menu items (e.g. the OneDrive Share a OneDrive link command). These now work (in that case, via label since there is no associated verb). The ITEMMENU argument is now on by default unless the command is being run from a background context menu as it is normally wanted and leaving it out means many context menu commands are unavailable.
  • Tweaked {foldercontents} in Info Tips. The changes in 12.10 caused huge wall-of-text pop-ups for some folders, so we've dialled back the defaults to a max name length of 40 characters and a max item count of 10. In addition, the item count now applies to files and folders in total, instead of individually.
  • Improved support for updating file icons after a file type association change.
  • The @hideifpath and @disableifpath modifiers now work if you put quotes around the path (although the quotes aren't necessary in this case).
  • File change notifications are now deferred while the file display scrollbar is held down to prevent the scroll operation being interrupted by background file changes.
  • When the file list is filtered (e.g. using the filter bar) or scrolled, any outstanding requests for metadata are now re-ordered to prioritise the currently displayed files. For example, if you turn on the Product Version column, and go to C:WindowsSystem32 and filter the list, the versions for the filtered results should now come back much quicker than if you had to wait for information to be generated for the whole folder.
  • Made some changes to the way the "auto-select next file after deleting" option is implemented to hopefully make it more reliable.
  • Aliases now work in Find/Filter clauses Full Path, Location and Target.
  • Tweaked the speed and quality of scrolling in thumbnails and icon modes.
  • OneDrive has a problem where sometimes it will start returning "sync pending" as the status for all files; this version adds an additional method of querying the sync status to hopefully overcome this issue.
  • Scripting: Before a script dialog opens, Opus now checks the specified coordinates are on-screen and fixes them if they are not. This fixes problems caused by saving coordinates with one monitor setup and loading them into another. You can prevent this using the new position_fix property in the rare situations where you want to open a dialog off-screen.
  • Scripting: Rect objects have a new ToString method as a convenience when debugging.
  • Scripting: SysInfo has new methods to get monitor work areas (like the full monitor rectangles, but excluding things like the Taskbar and docked toolbars) and the invisible shadow/resizing borders around windows.
  • Fixed bogus UAC prompt when copying metadata to read-only file.
  • Fixed being unable to save manual sort data if the folder was read-only, hidden, etc. (e.g. Due to giving it a custom folder icon.)
  • Fixed a problem with MP3 metadata showing strings from the ID3v1 tag instead of the ID3v2 tag in some cases.
  • Fixed changing tabs while the filter bar was active sending subsequent keypresses into the now hidden filter in the previously active tab. ( )
  • If you had two Locked (Allow Changes) tabs linked in NavLock mode, changed folders, then reset to the home folder and changed folders again, NavLock would stop working and show an out-of-sync error. This has been fixed.
  • When folder tab close buttons were turned off, the subordinate "small close buttons" option affected the way lock icons were drawn.
  • Fixed a rare crash which could happen when closing the last folder tab via middle click or double click.
  • Fixed MultiView plugin context menu not opening where the mouse pointer was.
  • Fixed file display grouped by Type not re-grouping files which were renamed to new types.
  • Fixed crash when right-clicking Bitlocker-locked drive icon in the folder tree.
  • Fixed the Help > Check For Program Updates command not displaying the Update Checker if an automatic update check had already begun in the background and become stuck in some way.
  • Fixed problem removing certain metadata fields from a PNG file (creation software, author, copyright) when that metadata was only present as a PNG TeXT chunk rather than as EXIF/XMP metadata.
  • Workaround for invisible menus and other pop-ups caused by Plays.TV screen capture software.
  • Fixed issues identified in relating to some Image metadata.
  • Fixed problem with certain combination of Folder Tree Preferences that could mean the User Profile folder wasn't added to the tree even if it was enabled.
  • Fix for crash reported in dopus_fileinfo thread:
  • Fix for crash when right-clicking .MP3 files in French Windows locale.

New in Directory Opus 12.14.0 (Apr 16, 2019)

  • Fix for crashes on startup on some machines.
  • Fix for delays with non-auto-load tabs and unreachable network shares.
  • Fix for Update Checker not working(This was also in later 12.13 downloads, after the first day of release.)
  • Improved drive icon updates in the folder tree and toolbar drivebuttons when Bitlocker is locked/unlocked(May also help with things like icons for offline network drives.)

New in Directory Opus 12.13.0 (Apr 5, 2019)

  • The update checker can now check for new beta versions as well as stable releases. This can be enabled with the new option in Preferences / Internet / Updates (and will also be turned on automatically if you're currently using a beta version). Also added an option for the update checker to check daily as well as weekly and monthly. The frequency that Opus "nags" you to reboot after installing an update has also been reduced.
  • The Rename dialog macro builder now supports selecting from a given point to the end of the filename, no matter how long the name is. To access this, position the cursor at the start position, then press Shift+End twice (or Shift+Home twice when right-justified).
  • You can now turn off auto-play, and turn on volume mute, for some ActiveX viewers via the ActiveX + Preview + Office + Web plugin. This only works if the ActiveX control understands the appropriate properties. It's known to work with the Windows Media Player ActiveX control (note: not the Preview Handler, which already disables auto-play by default).
  • Added support for .opus audio files to the metadata pane.
  • Added a command (Help RELEASENOTES) to display the current release notes. Added this to the default Help menu.
  • Added Clipboard FILE argument which allows filenames to be placed in the clipboard to be specified on the command line (e.g. Clipboard COPY FILE
  • Set LISTERTITLE now accepts %S to insert the name of the currently selected Lister style (if any).
  • The Set COLUMNS command now accepts the same special codes as Set FORMAT (e.g. Set COLUMNS=!folder) to load the columns from a special format without affecting anything else about the current folder format.
  • You can now use @if:Prefs STYLE=xyz to make buttons conditional on the last style which was loaded, e.g. to cycle styles with a single button. Individual buttons which load styles now also highlight when their style is active (i.e. the last style which was loaded).
  • Added Command.GetModifiers script method to retrieve a map of modifiers that have been set on the command. Modifiers set in a button that then calls a script command are now passed through to the script (and can be queried using the new method).
  • Scripts can now control taskbar grouping of Listers, viewers and custom dialogs using the new SetTaskbarGroup method of the Lister, Viewer and Dialog objects.
  • Scripting: The FSUtil.Hash object can now generate three flavors of CRC32 checksums in addition to the existing MD5 and SHA variants.
  • Scripting: Listers now have a style property, which names the last style (if any) applied to them.
  • Added VFS_TestSameDrive and VFS_TestSamePath vfs plugin functions.
  • The Owner column is now calculated on a background thread, which should make it more efficient for large network folders.
  • When the SetAttr command is run on softlinks and junctions to modify the timestamps it now changes the date of the link rather than the date of the target.
  • When restoring a configuration backup, choosing "replace existing configuration completely" will now delete any icons, images and sound files in the old config folder. Previously, those folders would be merged with the new config even when replacing it.
  • Below Preferences / Launching Opus, drop-downs for choosing layouts now support the full layouts tree including sub-folders.
  • Added a simple caching system to the metadata thread so that multiple queries for the same file in a short space of time will come out of the cache rather than re-reading the file every time. Should improve performance when the file display is showing metadata columns and label filters are also querying metadata.
  • Drive icons now update correctly in the tree when a drive's bitlocker status changes.
  • It was previously possible (if you tried hard enough) to enable the Always enable this toolbar's keys in Listers option for the viewer toolbar, which could break many normal keys outside of the viewer.
  • The Customize dialog no longer allows the currently selected Viewer toolbar to be turned on in Listers. Additionally, the Viewer page in Preferences no longer allows a currently selected Lister toolbar to be selected as the Viewer toolbar.
  • The archives plugin now prefixes an underscore before any file or folder names within an archive which would clash with reserved device names under Windows (CON, AUX, etc.).
  • Toolbar buttons that are disabled/hidden by a @disable-type clause can no longer be launched via their hotkey.
  • If clicking the selected folder tab is configured to go to the previous tab, this no longer happens when clicking a tab to activate the window it is in or make it the source. (Unless you then click it a second time, of course.)
  • Thumbnails for comic book archives (cbz, cb7, cbr) now support WebP and HEIC files within the archives.
  • Increased the length of the metadata fields supported by plugins for music and video files (e.g. FLAC files).
  • In Preferences and other dialogs, checkboxes and other controls are now checked and expanded slightly if their labels are too long for the control size. This fixes problems in e.g. Polish at 125% DPI scaling where a large number of controls had the ends of their labels cut off.
  • The 64-bit version of the MultiView plugin now works, provided you have 64-bit versions of the viewer DLLs it uses. This enables an alternative set of viewers for things like Office documents and many other formats.
  • Increased compatibility with metadata shooting time fields presented in a non-EXIF compliant format.
  • Updated UnRAR.dll to 5.70.100. (n.b. Opus was not affected by the WinRAR ACE issue fixed in 5.70; we're just updating to the current version.)
  • Updated 7z.dll to, which improves encryption strength for 7z archives.
  • Fixed Windows Search not always working in 12.12.
  • The path length counts at the bottom of the Create Folder dialog are now correct if it is opened by a button in multi-line mode with predefined folder names.
  • The Create Folder dialog now remembers its size in multi-line mode.
  • Fix for SFTP RSA keys using paths containing multibyte UTF8 characters.
  • Fixed a problem which prevented editing of EXIF metadata on files which had a timestamp (created/modified/accessed) earlier than 1/1/1970.
  • Improved the way Preferences / Toolbars / Scripts finds the default text editor.
  • Corrected new multi-file inline rename mode when using brackets and other wildcard characters in the new name.
  • Fixed rendering of Customize > Commands list when an icon set with large icons in the "small" size was installed.
  • The FTP log now uses the system text color instead of being hard-coded to black. (Only affects new log messages, since colors are saved into the log.)
  • Fixed auto-quoting getting confused by {filepath$|nopath} and similar (for example, {destpath$}{filepath$|nopath} wouldn't auto-quote properly).
  • Fixed incorrect interaction between @disablenosel and @disableifpath command modifiers.
  • DOS-mode functions that are intended to be synchronous (i.e. not return until the DOS process has ended) now are.
  • Fixed the option to add layouts to the Desktop context menu making a mess of the menu if the sub-menu option was turned off and your layouts were arranged into multiple groups/folders. (You may need to reboot for this fix to take effect.)
  • The Metadata.other.autodesc property didn't work reliably.
  • The Rename INLINE=single argument was being ignored if the Rename all selected files at once option was turned on under Preferences / File Operations / Inline Rename.
  • The def_value property is now supported by all scripting objects which use default values.
  • The Path.filepart property now returns an empty string when called for a root path.
  • Fixed a bug which meant if the Lister was showing This PC, a command that specified a path on the command line (e.g. Delete C:Moo.txt) might not work.
  • Fixed (internal, undocumented) DOpusRT.exe /Prefs command crashing Opus if no Preferences page was specified.
  • Fixed rare freeze which could occur when opening windows containing a combo control.
  • Fixed inline rename (F2) not working on items in subfolders when in the Desktop folder using Flat View.
  • Fixed crash which could occur when refreshing (F5) on a UNC path with certain folder tree configurations.
  • Fixed crash if filters referred to themselves or each other in an infinite loop.
  • Fixed password prompt appearing if you put e.g. a deleted, encrypted 7z archive into the clipboard from the Recycle Bin.
  • Fixed a crash when undocking a dual display Lister (assuming docking was enabled in Preferences).
  • Fixed a couple of problems that occurred when checkbox mode and details+thumbnails mode were turned on at the same time.
  • Fixed a problem introduced in Opus 12.11 which could cause the taskbar to flash over borderless full-screen applications and games when doing certain things in Opus on multi-monitor setups.
  • Fixed cosmetic issue in the Rename dialog if the Rename Macro Builder font was taller than the rest of the line.
  • Fixed cosmetic issue with buttons to the right of labels on toolbars if you had button spacing set to zero and the Office 2003 style on or themes off.
  • If "always display the jobs bar" was on and you manually closed the jobs bar, the bar for that Lister would then go into auto-close mode if a file operation caused it to re-appear. It now goes back into "always display" mode.
  • The Jobs Bar no longer has a close button when "always display the jobs bar" is on. (You can still close it via buttons if you need to, e.g. Set JOBSBAR=off).
  • The update icon is now only displayed once in each window when using dual file displays with independent status bars.
  • Fix for "Crashes unmounting Bitlocker drive"
  • Fixed some compatibility problems with the most recent version of OneDrive that meant the online/offline status of files could be displayed incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug that in some cases could cause OneDrive offline files to be downloaded when showing their thumbnails.
  • Now includes updated Portuguese Brazilian translation. (Thanks to Dyecks Rocha and Alexandre Corrêa.)

New in Directory Opus 2.12.4 Beta (Mar 20, 2019)

  • Changes:
  • The Set COLUMNS command now accepts the same special codes as Set FORMAT (e.g. Set COLUMNS=!folder) to load the columns from a special format without affecting anything else about the current folder format.
  • You can now use @if:Prefs STYLE=xyz to make buttons conditional on the last style which was loaded, e.g. to cycle styles with a single button. Individual buttons which load styles now also highlight when their style is active (i.e. the last style which was loaded).
  • Scripting: Listers now have a style property, which names the last style (if any) applied to them.
  • Fixed a problem with the metadata cache introduced in the previous beta that could cause metadata to not update in some cases.
  • DOS-mode functions that are intended to be synchronous (i.e. not return until the DOS process has ended) now are.

New in Directory Opus 12.12.3 Beta (Mar 15, 2019)

  • Changes:
  • Scripting: The FSUtil.Hash object can now generate three flavors of CRC32 checksums in addition to the existing MD5 and SHA variants.
  • The 64-bit version of the MultiView plugin now works, provided you have 64-bit versions of the viewer DLLs it uses. This enables an alternative set of viewers for things like Office documents and many other formats.
  • Increased compatibility with metadata shooting time fields presented in a non-EXIF compliant format.
  • Updated UnRAR.dll to 5.70.100. (n.b. Opus was not affected by the WinRAR ACE issue fixed in 5.70; we're just updating to the current version.)
  • Fixed a crash when undocking a dual display Lister (assuming docking was enabled in Preferences).
  • Fixed a couple of problems that occurred when checkbox mode and details+thumbnails mode were turned on at the same time.
  • Fixed a problem introduced in Opus 12.11 which could cause the taskbar to flash over borderless full-screen applications and games when doing certain things in Opus on multi-monitor setups.
  • Fixed cosmetic issue in the Rename dialog if the Rename Macro Builder font was taller than the rest of the line.
  • Fixed cosmetic issue with buttons to the right of labels on toolbars if you had button spacing set to zero and the Office 2003 style on or themes off.
  • If "always display the jobs bar" was on and you manually closed the jobs bar, the bar for that Lister would then go into auto-close mode if a file operation caused it to re-appear. It now goes back into "always display" mode.
  • The Jobs Bar no longer has a close button when "always display the jobs bar" is on. (You can still close it via buttons if you need to, e.g. Set JOBSBAR=off).
  • The update icon is now only displayed once in each window when using dual file displays with independent status bars.
  • Fix for "Crashes unmounting Bitlocker drive"
  • Fixed some compatibility problems with the most recent version of OneDrive that meant the online/offline status of files could be displayed incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug that in some cases could cause OneDrive offline files to be downloaded when showing their thumbnails.

New in Directory Opus 12.12.2 Beta (Mar 1, 2019)

  • Changes:
  • The Rename dialog macro builder now supports selecting from a given point to the end of the filename, no matter how long the name is. To access this, position the cursor at the start position, then press Shift+End twice (or Shift+Home twice when right-justified).
  • You can now turn off auto-play, and turn on volume mute, for some ActiveX viewers via the ActiveX + Preview + Office + Web plugin. This only works if the ActiveX control understands the appropriate properties. It's known to work with the Windows Media Player ActiveX control (note: not the Preview Handler, which already disables auto-play by default).
  • Added support for .opus audio files to the metadata pane.
  • Added Clipboard FILE argument which allows filenames to be placed in the clipboard to be specified on the command line (e.g. Clipboard COPY FILE
  • Set LISTERTITLE now accepts %S to insert the name of the currently selected Lister style (if any).
  • Added VFS_TestSameDrive and VFS_TestSamePath vfs plugin functions.
  • Added a simple caching system to the metadata thread so that multiple queries for the same file in a short space of time will come out of the cache rather than re-reading the file every time. Should improve performance when the file display is showing metadata columns and label filters are also querying metadata.
  • Drive icons now update correctly in the tree when a drive's bitlocker status changes.
  • It was previously possible (if you tried hard enough) to enable the Always enable this toolbar's keys in Listers option for the viewer toolbar, which could break many normal keys outside of the viewer.
  • The Customize dialog no longer allows the currently selected Viewer toolbar to be turned on in Listers. Additionally, the Viewer page in Preferences no longer allows a currently selected Lister toolbar to be selected as the Viewer toolbar.
  • The archives plugin now prefixes an underscore before any file or folder names within an archive which would clash with reserved device names under Windows (CON, AUX, etc.).
  • Toolbar buttons that are disabled/hidden by a @disable-type clause can no longer be launched via their hotkey.
  • If clicking the selected folder tab is configured to go to the previous tab, this no longer happens when clicking a tab to activate the window it is in or make it the source. (Unless you then click it a second time, of course.)
  • Thumbnails for comic book archives (cbz, cb7, cbr) now support WebP and HEIC files within the archives.
  • Increased the length of the metadata fields supported by plugins for music and video files (e.g. FLAC files).
  • In Preferences and other dialogs, checkboxes and other controls are now checked and expanded slightly if their labels are too long for the control size. This fixes problems in e.g. Polish at 125% DPI scaling where a large number of controls had the ends of their labels cut off.
  • Reverted the change in the previous beta that stopped Opus expanding environment variables when it builds batch files (it caused other problems and there was already a workaround for the original issue in the form of the @noexpandenv modifier).
  • Updated 7z.dll to, which improves encryption strength for 7z archives.
  • Fixed a bug which meant if the Lister was showing This PC, a command that specified a path on the command line (e.g. Delete C:Moo.txt) might not work.
  • Fixed (internal, undocumented) DOpusRT.exe /Prefs command crashing Opus if no Preferences page was specified.
  • Fixed rare freeze which could occur when opening windows containing a combo control.
  • Fixed inline rename (F2) not working on items in subfolders when in the Desktop folder using Flat View.
  • Fixed crash which could occur when refreshing (F5) on a UNC path with certain folder tree configurations.
  • Fixed crash if filters referred to themselves or each other in an infinite loop.
  • Fixed password prompt appearing if you put e.g. a deleted, encrypted 7z archive into the clipboard from the Recycle Bin.

New in Directory Opus 12.12.1 Beta (Feb 12, 2019)

  • We are trialing a new installation method which hopefully means you do not need to reboot after installing an update (the installer will offer to quit and restart Opus instead). Please let us know if you encounter any problems with this.
  • The update checker can now check for new beta versions as well as stable releases. This can be enabled with the new option in Preferences / Internet / Updates (and will also be turned on automatically if you're currently using a beta version). Also added an option for the update checker to check daily as well as weekly and monthly. The frequency that Opus "nags" you to reboot after installing an update has also been reduced.
  • Added a command (Help RELEASENOTES) to display the current release notes. Added this to the default Help menu.
  • Added Command.GetModifiers script method to retrieve a map of modifiers that have been set on the command. Modifiers set in a button that then calls a script command are now passed through to the script (and can be queried using the new method).
  • Scripts can now control taskbar grouping of Listers, viewers and custom dialogs using the new SetTaskbarGroup method of the Lister, Viewer and Dialog objects.
  • The Owner column is now calculated on a background thread, which should make it more efficient for large network folders.
  • When the SetAttr command is run on softlinks and junctions to modify the timestamps it now changes the date of the link rather than the date of the target.
  • When restoring a configuration backup, choosing "replace existing configuration completely" will now delete any icons, images and sound files in the old config folder. Previously, those folders would be merged with the new config even when replacing it.
  • Below Preferences / Launching Opus, drop-downs for choosing layouts now support the full layouts tree including sub-folders.
  • Fixed Windows Search not always working in 12.12.
  • The path length counts at the bottom of the Create Folder dialog are now correct if it is opened by a button in multi-line mode with predefined folder names.
  • The Create Folder dialog now remembers its size in multi-line mode.
  • Fix for SFTP RSA keys using paths containing multibyte UTF8 characters.
  • Fixed a problem which prevented editing of EXIF metadata on files which had a timestamp (created/modified/accessed) earlier than 1/1/1970.
  • Improved the way Preferences / Toolbars / Scripts finds the default text editor.
  • Corrected new multi-file inline rename mode when using brackets and other wildcard characters in the new name.
  • Fixed rendering of Customize > Commands list when an icon set with large icons in the "small" size was installed.
  • The FTP log now uses the system text color instead of being hard-coded to black. (Only affects new log messages, since colors are saved into the log.)
  • In DOS Batch functions, lines written to the .bat script no longer have embedded environment variables expanded by Opus. Instead these will be written verbatim into the script to be expanded by the command processor. (e.g. for DOS batch scripts it always acts like @noexpandenv has been specified).
  • Fixed auto-quoting getting confused by {filepath$|nopath} and similar (for example, {destpath$}{filepath$|nopath} wouldn't auto-quote properly).
  • Fixed incorrect interaction between @disablenosel and @disableifpath command modifiers.
  • The Metadata.other.autodesc property didn't work reliably.
  • The Rename INLINE=single argument was being ignored if the Rename all selected files at once option was turned on under Preferences / File Operations / Inline Rename.
  • The def_value property is now supported by all scripting objects which use default values.
  • The Path.filepart property now returns an empty string when called for a root path.

New in Directory Opus 12.12.0 Beta (Jan 18, 2019)

  • Fix for Opus being unable to update configuration files. An operating system bug in Windows 10 meant that the System process would lock the config files if you installed certain UWP/Metro Windows Store applications.
  • Opus now resolves soft links/junctions to their underlying paths before passing them to Windows Search (since the indexer seems to only index under the real paths and ignore junctions, this meant searching in a linked folder would return no results).
  • Having the Status column added to a file display no longer triggers a background load of metadata for all files in the folder unless it's actually needed (i.e. if a label filter that sets a status icon uses metadata).
  • When editing a Folder Format for a collection path, the Use as the default format for all sub-folders checkbox can now be used to make the format apply to sub-collections.
  • Added support for the iTunes Compilation tag for MP3 and MP4 (M4A) files.
  • Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V of a file with a very long (~250) filename now works properly and no longer tries to use the file's short name.
  • Copy CREATEFOLDER now supports folder aliases.
  • For modifying how files are deleted within the standalone viewer, you can now pass applicable Delete command arguments to the Show VIEWERCMD=delete command. For example, Show VIEWERCMD=delete,shift,quiet would suppress the confirmation prompt.
  • a side-effect of the newly added Preferences / File Operations / Inline Rename / Rename all selected files at once option that affected (among other things) creating multiple text files by pushing Ctrl+O repeatedly and then renaming them inline.

New in Directory Opus 12.11.1 beta (Jan 14, 2019)

  • Fix for Opus being unable to update configuration files. An operating system bug in Windows 10 meant that the System process would lock the config files if you installed certain UWP/Metro Windows Store applications.
  • Opus now resolves soft links/junctions to their underlying paths before passing them to Windows Search (since the indexer seems to only index under the real paths and ignore junctions, this meant searching in a linked folder would return no results).
  • Having the Status column added to a file display no longer triggers a background load of metadata for all files in the folder unless it's actually needed (i.e. if a label filter that sets a status icon uses metadata).
  • When editing a Folder Format for a collection path, the Use as the default format for all sub-folders checkbox can now be used to make the format apply to sub-collections.
  • Added support for the iTunes Compilation tag for MP3 and MP4 (M4A) files.
  • Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V of a file with a very long (~250) filename now works properly and no longer tries to use the file's short name.
  • Copy CREATEFOLDER now supports folder aliases.
  • For modifying how files are deleted within the standalone viewer, you can now pass applicable Delete command arguments to the Show VIEWERCMD=delete command. For example, Show VIEWERCMD=delete,shift,quiet would suppress the confirmation prompt.

New in Directory Opus 12.11 (Dec 19, 2018)

  • The new option Preferences / Display / Options / Visual styles override file selection colors, when turned off, lets you keep the look & feel of visual styles in the file display (the way icons are selected, overlapping borders, item spacing, and the "hot" item under the mouse pointer being highlighted) while retaining the ability to specify selection colors. Useful for dark themes, where the Windows 10 visual style's selection rectangle is barely visible, but also of interest if you want custom colors in general.
  • Added Preferences / File Operations / Inline Rename / Rename all selected files at once option. When enabled you can rename multiple files at once using inline rename in the same way as in Explorer.
  • The Clipboard PASTE=ask command now allows the default name in the dialog to be configured (e.g. Clipboard PASTE USESEL AS=ask:{date|yyyy_MM}_).
  • The Clipboard AS argument now supports path aliases (e.g. Clipboard PASTE AS /dropbox/blah.txt).
  • When pasting text from the clipboard to a file with the Clipboard PASTE command, the text encoding type can now be specified using the enc: parameter. E.g. Clipboard PASTE enc:utf8 to paste in utf-8. The default behaviour is to paste as UTF-16 if the clipboard text is Unicode, otherwise as ANSI.
  • The Clipboard ASK dialog for text now includes a drop-down allowing the encoding type to be chosen.
  • The Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced / clipboard_text_encoding option lets the default encoding type be specified.
  • The Rename AUTORENAME (and WHENEXISTS=rename) arguments now work correctly when used in conjunction with RECURSE. Additionally, renames that use these options can now be undone properly.
  • Select ALL and Select NONE now respect the TYPE argument (e.g. Select NONE TYPE=files to deselect all files).
  • Select SOURCETODEST and DESTTOSOURCE now respect the DESELECTOTHERTYPE argument.
  • Lists of Favorites and SmartFavorites on toolbars and menus can now be filtered using a path wildcard, e.g. to include or exclude all paths below a certain drive, using the new FILTER argument for the Favorites command.
  • The Advanced Find / Filter control can now search Movie fields.
  • When creating a new folder tab group via Preferences, the auto-generated group name is now selected when the dialog opens, so you can type over it more easily.
  • When editing a tab group in Preferences, you can now add multiple folders/tabs at once, and it is now possible to select archives.
  • More dialogs for choosing default paths, folder tab group paths, and so on, now let you select archives and Recycle Bin in addition to normal folders. Similarly, dialogs for adding aliases, favorites and jumplist items now let you pick archives.
  • The Preferences dialog for editing a Folder Tab Group now allows you to drag & drop folders into the list to add new tabs for them.
  • When pasting clipboard images as files using Clipboard PASTE AS, the image file extension no longer replaces the last part of the filename if it the supplied name includes a dot.
  • The toolbar Selected and Toggled colors are now always used if they are defined. Previously, they would only be used if visual styles were disabled (e.g. by specifying a light Text color).
  • When a new Lister is created with the Go NEW command and a view mode is specified using the VIEW argument, any toolbars for that view are now turned on.
  • In a WSL function the paths passed on the command line using {allfilepath} are now converted to WSL-format paths.
  • Fixed layouts saved with the Format Lock turned on applying the active folder tab's format to every other tab.
  • The Archives plugin now works with paths longer than 260 characters. (Zip already worked, as it is not handled by the plugin.)
  • Fixed a bug which prevented viewer plugins from handling files with very long paths when short filenames were disabled in the filesystem.
  • The preview at the bottom of Preferences / Folder Tabs / Tab Groups is now rendered better in high DPI.
  • The preview at the bottom of Preferences / Folder Tabs / Tab Groups no longer allows the label and icon of the last (visible) tab on the left to draw into the area for tabs on the right. (Easiest to see if you had a dual-side tab group which didn't define any tabs on the right, but could also happen if the last tab name was long on the left and the right only had one tab with a short name.)
  • Fixed Preferences / Jump List bug where if you added and then removed a custom folder path without closing the window, it wasn't actually removed.
  • Fixed Preferences / Jump List inconsistency with how paths were displayed between adding a path (filenames only and incorrectly doubled ampersands) and re-opening the dialog (full paths).
  • Fixed problem which could cause F1 help to open two browser tabs in some cases.
  • Opus now tries to detect when the http help server is blocked (by e.g. a browser extension or local firewall) and displays a message, offering to switch back to the CHM help.
  • Fixed problem with status icon on Preferences / Favorites and Recent / Labels not redrawing on resize.
  • If you drag a file in one of the icon modes and cancel the drag by pressing the right button the context menu is no longer displayed.
  • Fixed changing the Display Filter Bar setting only turning the bar on or off in folder tabs which were active at the time.
  • Fixed problem with view-mode specific toolbars not working correctly in a Lister that was saved with several tabs in different view modes.
  • Fixed problem with tabs that could occur if clicking a tab resulted in a view mode change which then triggered toolbars to be hidden or shown. The tab could think it was being dragged around and "randomly" change position.
  • Fixed a couple of rendering issues in Details+Thumbnails mode when FlatView-Grouped turned on.
  • Inline rename now works on items in subfolders on the desktop when the desktop is put into FlatView mode.
  • The standalone viewer wasn't saving the widths of the metadata and mark panes with DPI information (so their sizes would appear changed if the DPI changed).
  • When dragging a tab out to create a new Lister, the preview image would appear on the wrong monitor if the desktop didn't start at 0,0.
  • Fixed minor rendering issue in details mode with "full width of the name column" selection and a totally hidden collapse column following the name column.
  • Image Convert in a zip file now works properly when the "Use temporary file when copying to Zip files" option is turned on.
  • When dragging a file from a zip file over Microsoft Edge, Opus no longer displays a progress dialog that never goes away.
  • If a file collection has a label applied to it the colors are now shown in the folder tree.
  • Fixed problem with rename scripts that could cause custom rename fields to disappear as the preview list is scrolled.
  • If the OneDrive "Files on Demand" feature is turned off Opus no longer displays sync status icons in the Status column (since these aren't meaningful when that feature is disabled).
  • Label filters that use file metadata (e.g. image dimensions) no longer trigger offline files (e.g. in OneDrive) to be downloaded.
  • Fixed a problem with Rename Regular Expression + Find and Replace mode when replacing with an empty string (if the Find pattern was found at the beginning of the name, a tilde would be incorrectly inserted).
  • Fixed the Rename dialog's Clipboard button not repositioning correctly after loading a preset which added custom fields to the dialog.
  • Fixed the option to make the Lister close button only close the active tab not working if the Lister was maximized and you clicked the very top edge of the button.
  • .CBR comic book archives compressed with RAR5 now work if you have disabled unrar.dll and are using 7z.dll to handle RAR archives. (They already worked in the default configuration which uses unrar.dll.)
  • Comic Book archive thumbnails now work for archives which have all the images in (sub-)sub-folders and have extra non-image files or "__MACOSX" folders at the top-level.
  • Fixed label filters which use script columns not working after a restart.
  • Fixed buttons using codes like @disableifpath not updating properly if on toolbars which did not contain buttons that ran certain other types of commands.
  • Added an error message during launch if Opus detects it is unable to update its configuration files.
  • At various times Opus checks to see if windows it is about to open fit on the screen (and if not it adjusts their position so they do). When doing this it now takes into account the dimensions of the "shadow border" that the DWM places around windows. For example, a layout saved with a window at coordinates 0,0 would have a real left edge of -11 due to this shadow border. This is now taken into consideration when deciding whether a window needs to be moved or not.
  • Fixed cosmetic issue if toolbar borders were turned on, but both highlight and shadow set to transparent.
  • Toggling the Use visual styles to draw items option would only update active tabs, and now updates inactive ones as well.
  • When a file in a OneDrive folder is changed from offline only to always keep on this device (or vice versa) it no longer triggers a reload of the file's metadata.
  • Fixed the > command history pop-up getting confused if you deleted an item with Shift+Del.
  • Command codes like {filepath} now correctly resolve multiple levels of non-real files if needed. For example, a file in a zip archive inside a library will now be extracted from the archive before being passed to the external program. Previously, the library path would have been resolved but the archive path would then have been given to the external program which almost always wouldn't work.
  • Favorite folders that are configured to use a folder alias now display the correct icon in the folder tree.
  • Creating multiple level folders didn't work properly on an OSX SAMBA share.
  • The Folder Aliases page in Preferences no longer allows aliases to be created with a slash in their name.
  • Scripting:
  • In scripting, improved the ability of FSUtils.ReadDir to deal with links and junctions:
  • The old boolean arguments for ReadDir relating to recursion and shell have been deprecated and replaced with a string consisting of optional flags.
  • Flags are:
  • r - recurse
  • s - use shell
  • l - skip links/junctions when recursing
  • For example, ReadDir("c:", "rl") will recursively read C: but will not recurse into any softlinks / junctions encountered.
  • The Item object has new is_reparse, is_junction and is_symlink properties.
  • The Item.size property should now be correctly filled in for symlinks in all cases.
  • Added property allowing a script dialog to be made a top-level window.
  • Added TabGroups, TabGroup, TabGroupTabList and TabGroupTabEntry script objects to query and manipulate tab groups.
  • Added OnFileOperationComplete script event, which lets scripts register to be notified whenever particular file operations are complete. Currently only the Rename command supports this event.
  • Scripts can now see if an Item from a Tab has the focus by testing the Item.focus property.
  • Scripts can now call Tab.GetFocusItem to get the Item which currently has focus in a folder tab.
  • Added DOpus.LoadImage and Script.LoadImage methods which allow external image files and icons to be loaded by a script. Script.LoadImage can also load an image from a script package when it's placed inside a sub-directory called images. These methods both return an Image object, which can be displayed by a static control in a script dialog by assigning it to the label property of the Control object. An Image object loaded from a .ico file can also be used as the icon for a script dialog by assigning it to the icon property of the Dialog object.
  • Fixed a crash when enumerating the contents of a library from a script using FSUtil.ReadDir.
  • Added Path.Split method which returns a Vector of the components (or a specified range thereof) in the path.
  • Path.Add and Path.Set now accept a Vector of strings as their argument.
  • Added Path.ReplaceStart method which allows the beginning of a path to be replaced.
  • The property can now be modified to change a path's drive letter while leaving the rest of the path intact.
  • Fixed a problem with the script Command object incorrectly deselecting files in some situations.
  • The StringSet.assign method was documented as accepting a Vector parameter but this did not work; it now does.
  • The Control.MoveItem method did not work correctly when moving items up from their existing positions.

New in Directory Opus 12.10.5 Beta (Dec 14, 2018)

  • Select ALL and Select NONE now respect the TYPE argument (e.g. Select NONE TYPE=files to deselect all files).
  • Select SOURCETODEST and DESTTOSOURCE now respect the DESELECTOTHERTYPE argument.
  • Lists of Favorites and SmartFavorites on toolbars and menus can now be filtered using a path wildcard, e.g. to include or exclude all paths below a certain drive, using the new FILTER argument for the Favorites command.
  • Creating multiple level folders didn't work properly on an OSX SAMBA share.
  • The Folder Aliases page in Preferences no longer allows aliases to be created with a slash in their name.
  • Scripting:
  • Added Path.Split method which returns a Vector of the components (or a specified range thereof) in the path.
  • Added Path.ReplaceStart method which allows the beginning of a path to be replaced.
  • The property can now be modified to change a path's drive letter while leaving the rest of the path intact.

New in Directory Opus 12.10.4 Beta (Dec 5, 2018)

  • Changes:
  • Favorite folders that are configured to use a folder alias now display the correct icon in the folder tree.
  • Added DOpus.LoadImage and Script.LoadImage methods which allow external image files and icons to be loaded by a script. Script.LoadImage can also load an image from a script package when it's placed inside a sub-directory called images. These methods both return an Image object, which can be displayed by a static control in a script dialog by assigning it to the label property of the Control object. An Image object loaded from a .ico file can also be used as the icon for a script dialog by assigning it to the icon property of the Dialog object.
  • Fixed a crash when enumerating the contents of a library from a script using FSUtil.ReadDir.
  • Fixed a problem with the script Command object incorrectly deselecting files in some situations.

New in Directory Opus 12.10.3 Beta (Nov 29, 2018)

  • Added Preferences / File Operations / Inline Rename / Rename all selected files at once option. When enabled you can rename multiple files at once using inline rename in the same way as in Explorer.
  • Fixed an issue with saved layouts not allowing Listers to touch the taskbar due to the Windows 10 shadow border.
  • Fixed cosmetic issue if toolbar borders were turned on, but both highlight and shadow set to transparent.
  • Toggling the Use visual styles to draw items option would only update active tabs, and now updates inactive ones as well.
  • When a file in a OneDrive folder is changed from offline only to always keep on this device (or vice versa) it no longer triggers a reload of the file's metadata.
  • Fixed the > command history pop-up getting confused if you deleted an item with Shift+Del.
  • Command codes like {filepath} now correctly resolve multiple levels of non-real files if needed. For example, a file in a zip archive inside a library will now be extracted from the archive before being passed to the external program. Previously, the library path would have been resolved but the archive path would then have been given to the external program which almost always wouldn't work.
  • Added TabGroups, TabGroup, TabGroupTabList and TabGroupTabEntry script objects to query and manipulate tab groups.
  • Added OnFileOperationComplete script event, which lets scripts register to be notified whenever particular file operations are complete. Currently only the Rename command supports this event.
  • Scripts can now see if an Item from a Tab has the focus by testing the Item.focus property.
  • Scripts can now call Tab.GetFocusItem to get the Item which currently has focus in a folder tab.
  • The StringSet.assign method was documented as accepting a Vector parameter but this did not work; it now does.
  • The Control.MoveItem method did not work correctly when moving items up from their existing positions.

New in Directory Opus 12.10.2 Beta (Nov 14, 2018)

  • If the OneDrive "Files on Demand" feature is turned off Opus no longer displays sync status icons in the Status column (since these aren't meaningful when that feature is disabled).
  • Label filters that use file metadata (e.g. image dimensions) no longer trigger offline files (e.g. in OneDrive) to be downloaded.
  • Fixed a problem with Rename Regular Expression + Find and Replace mode when replacing with an empty string (if the Find pattern was found at the beginning of the name, a tilde would be incorrectly inserted).
  • Fixed the Rename dialog's Clipboard button not repositioning correctly after loading a preset which added custom fields to the dialog.
  • Fixed the option to make the Lister close button only close the active tab not working if the Lister was maximized and you clicked the very top edge of the button.
  • .CBR comic book archives compressed with RAR5 now work if you have disabled unrar.dll and are using 7z.dll to handle RAR archives. (They already worked in the default configuration which uses unrar.dll.)
  • Comic Book archive thumbnails now work for archives which have all the images in (sub-)sub-folders and have extra non-image files or "__MACOSX" folders at the top-level.
  • Fixed label filters which use script columns not working after a restart.
  • Fixed buttons using codes like @disableifpath not updating properly if on toolbars which did not contain buttons that ran certain other types of commands.
  • Added an error message during launch if Opus detects it is unable to update its configuration files.
  • At various times Opus checks to see if windows it is about to open fit on the screen (and if not it adjusts their position so they do). When doing this it now takes into account the dimensions of the "shadow border" that the DWM places around windows. For example, a layout saved with a window at coordinates 0,0 would have a real left edge of -11 due to this shadow border. This is now taken into consideration when deciding whether a window needs to be moved or not.
  • Added property allowing a script dialog to be made a top-level window.

New in Directory Opus 12.10.1 Beta (Oct 25, 2018)

  • Changes:
  • The new option Preferences / Display / Options / Visual styles override file selection colors, when turned off, lets you keep the look & feel of visual styles in the file display (the way icons are selected, overlapping borders, item spacing, and the "hot" item under the mouse pointer being highlighted) while retaining the ability to specify selection colors. Useful for dark themes, where the Windows 10 visual style's selection rectangle is barely visible, but also of interest if you want custom colors in general.
  • The Clipboard PASTE=ask command now allows the default name in the dialog to be configured (e.g. Clipboard PASTE USESEL AS=ask:{date|yyyy_MM}_).
  • The Clipboard AS argument now supports path aliases (e.g. Clipboard PASTE AS /dropbox/blah.txt).
  • When pasting text from the clipboard to a file with the Clipboard PASTE command, the text encoding type can now be specified using the enc: parameter. E.g. Clipboard PASTE enc:utf8 to paste in utf-8. The default behaviour is to paste as UTF-16 if the clipboard text is Unicode, otherwise as ANSI.
  • The Clipboard ASK dialog for text now includes a drop-down allowing the encoding type to be chosen.
  • The Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced / clipboard_text_encoding option lets the default encoding type be specified.
  • The Rename AUTORENAME (and WHENEXISTS=rename) arguments now work correctly when used in conjunction with RECURSE. Additionally, renames that use these options can now be undone properly.
  • The Advanced Find / Filter control can now search Movie fields.
  • In scripting, improved the ability of FSUtils.ReadDir to deal with links and junctions:
  • The old boolean arguments for ReadDir relating to recursion and shell have been deprecated and replaced with a string consisting of optional flags.
  • Flags are:
  • r - recurse
  • s - use shell
  • l - skip links/junctions when recursing
  • For example, ReadDir("c:", "rl") will recursively read C: but will not recurse into any softlinks / junctions encountered.
  • The Item object has new is_reparse, is_junction and is_symlink properties.
  • The Item.size property should now be correctly filled in for symlinks in all cases.
  • When creating a new folder tab group via Preferences, the auto-generated group name is now selected when the dialog opens, so you can type over it more easily.
  • When editing a tab group in Preferences, you can now add multiple folders/tabs at once, and it is now possible to select archives.
  • More dialogs for choosing default paths, folder tab group paths, and so on, now let you select archives and Recycle Bin in addition to normal folders. Similarly, dialogs for adding aliases, favorites and jumplist items now let you pick archives.
  • The Preferences dialog for editing a Folder Tab Group now allows you to drag & drop folders into the list to add new tabs for them.
  • When pasting clipboard images as files using Clipboard PASTE AS, the image file extension no longer replaces any the last part of the filename if it the supplied name includes a dot.
  • The toolbar Selected and Toggled colors are now always used if they are defined. Previously, they would only be used if visual styles were disabled (e.g. by specifying a light Text color).
  • When a new Lister is created with the Go NEW command and a view mode is specified using the VIEW argument, any toolbars for that view are now turned on.
  • In a WSL function the paths passed on the command line using {allfilepath} are now converted to WSL-format paths.
  • Fixed layouts saved with the Format Lock turned on applying the active folder tab's format to every other tab.
  • The Archives plugin now works with paths longer than 260 characters. (Zip already worked, as it is not handled by the plugin.)
  • Fixed a bug which prevented viewer plugins from handling files with very long paths when short filenames were disabled in the filesystem.
  • The preview at the bottom of Preferences / Folder Tabs / Tab Groups is now rendered better in high DPI.
  • The preview at the bottom of Preferences / Folder Tabs / Tab Groups no longer allows the label and icon of the last (visible) tab on the left to draw into the area for tabs on the right. (Easiest to see if you had a dual-side tab group which didn't define any tabs on the right, but could also happen if the last tab name was long on the left and the right only had one tab with a short name.)
  • Fixed Preferences / Jump List bug where if you added and then removed a custom folder path without closing the window, it wasn't actually removed.
  • Fixed Preferences / Jump List inconsistency with how paths were displayed between adding a path (filenames only and incorrectly doubled ampersands) and re-opening the dialog (full paths).
  • Fixed problem which could cause F1 help to open two browser tabs in some cases.
  • Opus now tries to detect when the http help server is blocked (by e.g. a browser extension or local firewall) and displays a message, offering to switch back to the CHM help.
  • Fixed problem with status icon on Preferences / Favorites and Recent / Labels not redrawing on resize.
  • If you drag a file in one of the icon modes and cancel the drag by pressing the right button the context menu is no longer displayed.
  • Fixed changing the Display Filter Bar setting only turning the bar on or off in folder tabs which were active at the time.
  • Fixed problem with view-mode specific toolbars not working correctly in a Lister that was saved with several tabs in different view modes.
  • Fixed problem with tabs that could occur if clicking a tab resulted in a view mode change which then triggered toolbars to be hidden or shown. The tab could think it was being dragged around and "randomly" change position.
  • Fixed a couple of rendering issues in Details+Thumbnails mode when FlatView-Grouped turned on.
  • Inline rename now works on items in subfolders on the desktop when the desktop is put into FlatView mode.
  • The standalone viewer wasn't saving the widths of the metadata and mark panes with DPI information (so their sizes would appear changed if the DPI changed).
  • When dragging a tab out to create a new Lister, the preview image would appear on the wrong monitor if the desktop didn't start at 0,0.
  • Fixed minor rendering issue in details mode with "full width of the name column" selection and a totally hidden collapse column following the name column.
  • Image Convert in a zip file now works properly when the "Use temporary file when copying to Zip files" option is turned on.
  • When dragging a file from a zip file over Microsoft Edge, Opus no longer displays a progress dialog that never goes away.
  • If a file collection has a label applied to it the colors are now shown in the folder tree.
  • Fixed problem with rename scripts that could cause custom rename fields to disappear as the preview list is scrolled

New in Directory Opus 12.10 (Oct 8, 2018)

  • HEIC/HEIF images are now supported, as long as the relevant WIC codecs are installed. (If you have the Windows Photos app working with HEIC files, they'll work in Opus as well.) Both the CopyTrans HEIC decoder (works with Windows 7 and up) and the Microsoft decoder (works with Windows 10) are supported.
  • 3D objects (3mf, fbx, glb, glbt, obj, ply, stl) can now be displayed in the preview pane on Windows 10 (Creators Update and above). (3mf seems limited to files created by Microsoft's own tools and won't load most 3mf files from the web.) See here for an example and additional details: 2
  • Added Individual groups option to the Folder Options / Columns dialog. If this is turned on and the file display is grouped, one group will be created for each distinct value rather than a range of values falling into a single group (e.g. instead of A-H you would have A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H). This is only really useful for text fields like "User description". Also added the Set GROUPINDIVIDUAL command to toggle the setting on and off programmatically.
  • Improved support for virtual desktops in Windows 10.
  • A new virtual_desktop_isolation setting, on by default, makes changes like these:
  • The "Save All Listers" command only saves windows from the current desktop.
  • Layouts set to close existing Listers when they open will only close Listers on the active virtual desktop.
  • Explorer Replacement (and things like the Go EXISTINGLISTER command), if set to reuse existing windows or open new tabs in them, will tend to open a new window if it can't find an existing one on the current desktop. (There are some exceptions, where Windows itself decides which Lister to activate for a folder.)
  • "Reuse existing viewer window" only considers viewer windows on the current desktop.
  • "Close All Viewers" from the viewer's system menu only closes viewers on the current desktop.
  • Set LISTERCMD=showall, minimizeall, and toggleminimizeall only act on the current desktop's windows.
  • Close ALLVIEWERS, ALLLISTERS and ALLOTHERLISTERS commands now work with a new CURRENTDESKTOP argument to restrict them to acting on the current desktop's windows.
  • Set LISTERCMD=tileh, tilev, and cascade always only act on the current desktop's windows, regardless of Preferences.
  • Fixed being able to dock a Lister into one that is on another virtual desktop and not currently visible.
  • For Windows 10 only: Preferences / Launching Opus / From the Win + E hotkey now exists for you to change what happens when the Win-E hotkey is pushed. (While configured independently, this is tied to the Explorer Replacement mechanism. It thus requires Opus Pro and will only work with portable versions if they have been configured to enable Explorer Replacement.) WHEN UPDATING OPUS, THIS NEW FUNCTIONALITY WILL NOT WORK CORRECTLY UNTIL YOU HAVE REBOOTED.
  • Local F1 help (as opposed to the help on the GPSoftware website) is now shown in your web browser by default. A new option, Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced [Behavior]: help_interface, lets you set it back to CHM (HTML Help) if you prefer this interface. You can also use that setting to specify a custom port for the local http help server if needed. When help is shown in your web browser, script add-ins and plugins are now able to add their own help pages.
  • For users who wish to use dark themes:
  • Under Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts / File group header, you can now configure the color of the expand/collapse glyph.
  • Under Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts / Folder Tree, and Folder Tree (Destination), you can now configure the color of the expand/collapse glyph.
  • If the status bar is set to use a dark background color, it no longer draws its frames using visual styles.
  • Relative size and date graphs now let you configure their frame and background colors.
  • Colors used in free space graphs in This PC (My Computer) can now be configured.
  • The free space graph in the status bar now uses the colors you define in Preferences rather than system colors, when applicable.
  • Fixed the Filter Bar's checkbox labels not being readable if you used a dark panel background.
  • The marker when dragging toolbar buttons around is now easier to see.
  • Fixed some glyphs within toolbars and menus which were difficult to see when using light-on-dark colors.
  • The system menu visual style is no longer used for menus which do not use dark text colors.
  • The frames around pop-up menus now use configurable colors, and menus will be drawn using your toolbar colors by default, if they have been customized. (Does not affect all menus in the program, at least not yet, but will affect most toolbar and ontext menus.)
  • Default menu background color can now be configured separately.
  • Toolbars and menus now have configurable "toggled" and "selected" colors for buttons and menu items (e.g. when pushed in or as the mouse moves over them).
  • The codes available to display information on the status bar have been expanded:
  • You can now use variables on the status bar. e.g. {var:tab:MyVariable} will display the contents of the file display variable MyVariable. You can also hide and show sections depending on whether or not a variable exists, and then control which information is shown on the status bar from buttons and scripts. e.g. {h!{var:glob:ShowExtraInfo}} ... {h!}
  • Status bar data can now be conditional on the current path or tests for whether paths exist. For example, {ifpath:"C:*"} will return 1 if you are in a path below C: and nothing otherwise. {ifexists:".*.dll"} will return 1 if there are any DLLs below the current folder. These can be used with the {h!} code to show or hide things. Further examples and details can be found in the manual.
  • Status bar data can now be conditional on the same @if and @ifset tests you can use in buttons and scripts. For example, if you want the status bar to show the selected file's size and date, but only when not in Details mode: {h!{if:!Set VIEW=Details}} {sel:size} {sel:write} {h!}
  • Added new Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced setting, status_metadata_trigger, which lets you choose when/if things such as duration codes on the status bar should cause file metadata to be calculated.
  • The @toggle:update command directive can now be used after modifying variables to force status bars to update.
  • Added Publisher column.
  • The Select HIDESEL, HIDEUNSEL and SHOWHIDDEN arguments can now be made to operate only on files or only on directories (or both, by default).
  • The services supported by the Image LOCATE command are now configurable via Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: image_locate_services. Also added Open Street Map as a default service (Image LOCATE=osm).
  • The CreateFolder command now has a MULTI argument to force multi-line mode on and off, and now lets you pass multiple default folder names to the multi-line dialog.
  • The Rename command's FROM argument now understands aliases mixed with wildcards, e.g. Rename FROM /downloads*.zip to rename all zip files in the system downloads folder.
  • The Rename command now lets you specify the Rename dialog's default sequential numbering parameters without having to turn sequential numbering on. This is done by adding ! to the NUMBER parameter. For example, if you want the Rename dialog to open with numbering off but padding set to two digits when/if you turn it on: Rename ADVANCED NUMBER=!01
  • Select FILTER now works in conjunction with the TYPE argument to limit the filter to either files or directories.
  • Added Select NEXT=row and Select PREV=row arguments, to allow commands that move the selection up or down a row in icon modes.
  • The Rename command now has a WHENEXISTS argument, letting you specify the action to take when the new filename already exists.
  • The Simple Find function (and the Find NAME parameter when automating a find from the command line) now supports regex: at the start of the pattern to specify a regular expression.
  • Added some new Find command arguments to control things the Simple Find dialog has check-boxes for, when automating the command: NOWILD, ANYWORD, CONTWILD, CONTCASE, NOPARTIAL.
  • The Go command (and other commands that support things like /aliases) now supports file:// URIs (so e.g. you can now do Go file:///C:).
  • Commands for setting show/hide attribute filters now support the I (non-indexed) and P (pinned) attributes. Also, previously undocumented: You can specify two sets of attributes to alternate between the two each time the command is run. e.g. Set HideFilterAttr=HS,R would toggle between hiding files with the Hidden or System attributes and hiding files with the Read-Only attribute. When only one set is specified, the command acts as a toggle.
  • File display variables can now be prefixed with left:, right: and tab: to designate the left, right and active file displays, in addition to the older src: and dst: prefixes. (tab: and src: will usually point to the same thing, but can be different, e.g. when dealing with status bar codes for a particular side of the Lister.)
  • You can now configure the font used in code editors such as the advanced button editor, rename scripts, and status bar Preferences.
  • Added Preferences / File Operations / Copy Attributes / Copy sparse files as sparse option. This option preserves regions in copied files that are marked as sparse (as long as sparse files are supported on the destination drive). (Note this option was originally included in 12.8.1 but was removed in 12.9)
  • Added Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: grid_lines_first_last. For solid grid lines, you can now make the alternating pattern start on the first line instead of the second. For thin grid lines, you can now have a line before the very first file or after the very last file. (Caveats in the manual.)
  • Opus now recognises command codes like {allfile|sep=|} where you want a pipe character as the separator between files.
  • @if:set focus now allows more flexible testing of which window currently has input focus (e.g. @if:set focus=filedisplay to test if any file display has focus).
  • The action for normal left-click on items in the tree is now configurable through Preferences / Folder Tree / Selection Events. The default action is Go; to get the same result as the old Switch to existing tab if already open option, change it to Go TABFINDEXISTING. You can also change it to e.g. Go NEWTAB=findexisting to make left-clicks on the tree open new tabs by default.
  • The new setting clipboard_change_delay, under Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced [Troubleshooting], allows you to tell Opus to delay before checking the clipboard for changes. This may help avoid problems using the clipboard in certain software (e.g. Microsoft Office, although a *lot* of other software triggers the same problem in Office, including parts of Windows itself, so YMMV). The default delay is 100ms; it was effectively 0 in the past.
  • You can now override the default icons used by new File Collections via Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced [Cosmetic]: collection_icon_default, collection_icon_find, collection_icon_flickr, and collection_icon_marked. Also fixed custom collection icons not being used in certain places, and some cosmetic issues with the File Collection properties dialog.
  • Thumbnail Threads (Preferences / File Display Modes / Thumbnails) maximum limit increased from 8 to 32. (When Opus launches it also limits the value to the number of CPU threads.)
  • Added Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced [Behavior]: slow_dblclk_rename option, which allows you to disable inline rename via slow double-click (F2 not affected). (Does not apply to Power mode, which has its own mouse button settings.)
  • The colors for relative size and date graphs can now be configured separately for files and folders.
  • The background and glyph colors of the breadcrumbs path field, search field, filter field and filter bar controls can now be configured under Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts / Toolbar and menu defaults.
  • If you hide the media duration parts of the status bar using a variable, the duration will no longer be calculated (unless something else still triggers it). If you then toggle the variable to make the duration parts show again, the duration will be calculated immediately (if it hasn't been already).
  • Status bar {var:...} codes can now negate the variable using {var:!...}.
  • The distance the mouse has to move before a drag & drop begins is now DPI scaled. (The base value still comes from the registry, via the GetSystemMetrics API, and can be changed under HKCUControl PanelDesktopDragWidth and DragHeight. Note that most other software does not DPI-scale it, but we believe this is incorrect as the default has remained at 4 pixels since long before Windows supported high DPI.) Similarly, the bounding box the mouse must stay in between clicks to register a double-click is scaled as well.
  • Scripting changes:
  • Added Tab.hidden, hidden_files and hidden_dirs properties, which provide information about files and folders hidden from the current view in a tab.
  • Added Format.group_individual property to query the state of the new Individual groups option.
  • The Blob.CopyFrom method now lets you initialise a Blob from a string. By default the Blob will be set to the Unicode form of the string; if you pass "utf8" as the second parameter it will initialise the Blob with the utf8-encoded form of the string.
  • The FSUtil.Hash method can now hash the contents of a Blob as well as a disk file.
  • Fixed item.name_stem_m and item.ext_m ignoring multi-part extensions when obtained via tab.selected_files.
  • Script columns now respect the Folder OptionsNumeric order filename sorting setting instead of always applying it. You can also now specify numericsort, nonumericsort, wordsort and/or nowordsort for a script column's type to enable or disable the numeric and word sorting modes, overriding the setting in Folder Options.
  • Scripts can now use the Progress dialog's Skip button via the new Progress.EnableSkip method.
  • The Progress.GetAbortState method can now handle pausing automatically, can be told to only check for certain states, and will now only indicate the most important state by default.
  • The new StringTools.IsASCII method can be used to test if a string uses only 7-bit ASCII characters, or if it would be better written in a Unicode format when saving it to a file.
  • The FolderEnum.Next method can now return more than one directory entry at once, in a Vector. Specify the number of items you want returned at once, or -1 to return the whole directory in a single call. You can pass a Vector object to use as the second argument if desired, or one will be created for you. If no arguments are specified then only a single Item object is returned as before.
  • Added OnTabClick script event, which lets scripts intercept mouse clicks (with a qualifier key) on tabs and override the default behaviour.
  • The StringTools.Encode method understands a new format string utf-8 bom to encode into UTF-8 with a byte-order-mark on the front.
  • The Progress.SetFromTo methods now clears the "To:" line entirely if the argument for it is omitted. (It's still best to use Progress.SetStatus if you only want one line all of the time.)
  • The new Item.InGroup method lets you test if a file belongs to a particular file type group without having to loop through all the groups it belongs to.
  • The StringTools.Encode method no longer adds a null at the end of the binary data.
  • Fixed Blob.Compare method incorrectly returning 0 when two different sized blobs were compared, without the comparison size being specified, if one was a prefix of the other.
  • In script dialogs, the readonly property of edit controls can now be modified by the script rather than being fixed at design time.
  • The QuickFilter object has a new showeverything propertiy which indicates if Show Everything mode is on for the folder tab. When Show Everything mode is on, it also now implicitly makes the QuickFilter object report disabled=true, showallfiles=true, and similar.
  • A new script event, OnGetHelpContent, lets script add-ins add their own help content to the F1 help (only when help is shown in the user's web browser). The new Script.LoadImageFile and Script.LoadHelpImage methods let you easily load your script's help content when bundled as a script package.
  • Added Script.HttpHelpEnabled and Script.ShowHelp to let scripts trigger their own help pages. There are also matching functions for viewer/VFS plugins.
  • Added workaround for FTP connections to Pure-FTPd server when using TLS, where the directory listing would not complete or require a timeout before completing.
  • It is now possible to remove items from collections which were imported without any paths (just names) from a file list using dopusrt.exe.
  • When importing file lists to collections via dopusrt.exe, lines which are not fully qualified paths are now assumed to be relative to the same folder the list file is in. You can override this using /relative:<path> or suppress it using /relative:none. If using /relative:none, you cannot also use /nocheck.
  • Fixed cosmetic issue where, if a column was less than 4 pixels wide, background colors applied by file labels would have a tiny gap where the narrow column was.
  • Previously, if the Automatically select next file after deleting option was on and you removed the drive you were on, with the folder tree open, Opus would navigate you to the next drive. It will now always take you to the This PC (My Computer) level instead.
  • The Pin to Start Menu context menu item now works in Opus.
  • The Go TABGROUPFORCE argument can now be used with Go TABGROUPLIST.
  • Fixed the filter bar's file extensions drop-down not indicating which extension has keyboard focus on systems with visual styles disabled.
  • Fixed crash which could occur after changing the "when image is shared" mode for an image under Preferences / Display / Images.
  • Preferences / Display / Images now accepts new images via drag & drop. Drop on the list to add a new image, or select an image and drop on the thumbnail to change it to a new image.
  • Fixed Opus Light incorrectly allowing you disable hotkeys which come from the default toolbars, since changes to the default toolbars are never saved to disk in Opus Light. Standalone hotkeys can still be edited and are saved to disk.
  • Drag & Drop with the right mouse button now works correctly within the same tab when manual sort is enabled.
  • Auto-extract now works with 7z, RAR, Tar and other plugin archive types.
  • Fix for double-clicking programs inside non-zip archives causing further double-clicks in the file display to be buffered until the launched program exited.
  • When merging two folders via a move, any sub-folders in the source that had labels assigned to them would lose their labels when they were moved across.
  • When manual sort mode is on, and "Sort newly created and copied files" is turned off, copying a file by dragging and dropping to a specific place now maintains the insertion position.
  • When the viewer is set to use an automatic background color, it now ignores any transparent pixels when selecting a color to use.
  • The Secure Delete function now moves files to a temporary folder (with random name) before deleting them, to try to stop their original location being visible in recovery tools.
  • A button that runs Set BLURFILENAMES=Toggle now correctly highlights when filenames are blurred.
  • When renaming a folder in the folder tree you can now use the down/up cursor keys to accept the edit and move to the next/previous sibling folder.
  • Added .mkv and .flac extensions to the Windows Media Player preview handler (if no other preview handler is assigned to them), since the Windows 10 version can handle both formats but doesn't designate itself as handling them in the registry. Note that the handler is still disabled by default, so this only affects it if you turn it on via the ActiveX + Preview + Office + Web plugin. (Also note that Microsoft have fixed the preview handler so it works again in Windows 10 build 1803, after it was broken for about a year.)
  • Added .flac extension to the Generic ActiveX list, since the Windows 10 WMP ActiveX control can play FLAC files in the viewer.
  • The {smp3} and {tmp3} status bar codes now work with WAV files.
  • Fix for drag & drop from Adobe Bridge not working.
  • Archives plugin (7z, RAR, etc.) and internal zip code now has better handling for (somewhat dubious) archives that use the same paths for multiple files. Each item will now have a unique name generated for it. In the case of RAR archives, such archives will also be made read-only.
  • Fixed problem with zip files which contained sub-folders with spaces at the end of their names.
  • Detection of WSL only worked in 12.9 if you were still on the Windows 10 Creators Update. It now works with the newer 1803 build again.
  • Changing Preferences / Folders / Folder Behaviour / Sort shortcuts to folders like folders now triggers a refresh of all open folders, so the setting's effect is seen immediately.
  • Secure screenshot wasn't blurring some paths in the breadcrumbs field.
  • Secure screenshot now blurs filenames in Explorer-provided folders (e.g. Quick Access).
  • Fixed problem with navigation lock where navigating out of a zip file on one side would not cause the other side to follow along.
  • Dragging a tab from file display to another now makes the new tab active.
  • When an external icon set is cached (for performance) it now preserves the display names of icons within the set.
  • Fixed problem with Duplicate Finder's Select button - if the duplicate search was initially run with Delete mode turned off, and then you put the folder into Checkbox Mode manually and clicked the Select button, weird things would happen.
  • Fixed the file display font-size pop-up going off the side of the monitor if it opened too near the edge.
  • Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced is now grouped into categories. The list is also now filtered when using the search function in Preferences, rather than drawing matching items in red.
  • The Combine groups with only one member into the 'Other' group option is now ignored when grouping by duplicates.
  • Improved support for creating a toolbar button to go to a web page by dragging from a web browser to the toolbar in Customize mode. (Tested with Chrome and IE. Should work with Firefox. Does not work with Microsoft Edge, since you can't drag from Edge to *anything*, even to create a .URL file in File Explorer).
  • Added support for dropping .URL files (including Steam game shortcuts) on a toolbar in Customize mode to create buttons.
  • When Opus receives a "media removed" notification from the OS it now reads the Computer folder automatically in any tabs that were showing folders on the removed media.
  • When test-running commands in the button editor, the command will now always run against the Lister that launched the editor. (Previously, the command would look for a source window and potentially run against a different Lister, or even fail to find a source if you had two or more dual-display windows and no single-display ones).
  • Copying files out of a zip file in flat view now gives more consistent results (both in "recreate" and "flatten" mode).
  • It's now possible to prevent Opus from saving FTP passwords, by setting the PreventSaveFTPCredentials value under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareGPSoftwareDirectory Opus to DWORD:1.
  • Pasting a file from a virtual data source (e.g. Remote Desktop) now behaves the same as pasting a real file when the destination already exists - you'll be prompted to overwrite/rename etc, rather than the new file just being renamed automatically.
  • Workaround for issue with SumatraPDF Open With menu item.
  • Fixed Open With menu showing just an icon and no name for Notepad.
  • Fixed SetAttr META coverart only allowing numeric specification of the type of cover-art when adding, not removing.
  • Fixed metadata editor's Add cover-art button not working correctly when in the Desktop folder.
  • Fixed labels applied via folder formats not doing anything if the global labels-in-NTFS option was off and the global list of assigned labels was completely empty.
  • Added missing music cover-art image types "other file icon" and "colorful fish" to the Metadata editor, SetAttr command and AudioCoverArt script object. (The fish thing is, unfortunately, part of the ID3 specification. It is hidden in the UI except when editing a file which already uses it, because it is ridiculous and some tagging software won't recognise it.)
  • Prefs LAYOUTLIST SHOWICONS now assigns folder icons to branches of the layout list, instead of only assigning icons to the layouts themselves.
  • Fixed the default "Lister Styles" menu heading being mistranslated to "Rotate" (in the target language) if you changed language after installation.
  • Fixed crash if you started a Find Files operation from a folder with a localised name. (You would normally have had to type the localised name into the Find In field manually to make this happen).
  • Fixed issue where clicking "skip" to the error shown when attempting to copy a file > 4GB in size to a FAT32 drive would abort the rest of the function rather than just skipping the file.
  • The Print FOLDER command no longer flashes a progress dialog on screen if delayed progress dialogs are turned on in Preferences and it is outputting to a file or the clipboard without showing the Print Folder dialog.
  • Fixed a Favorite which pointed to an Alias called /user not doing anything when clicked.
  • Fixed Properties dialogs showing zero size when opened for multiple items in different folders (e.g. via Flat View or collections like Find Results).
  • Fixed right-click > Properties on an FTP Site in the folder tree opening the FTP Address Book but not selecting the site.
  • Fixed right-click > Create Shortcut on the File Collections root in the folder tree crashing when used.
  • Possible fix for folder tabs sometimes getting stuck "Reading Folder" with TortoiseSVN installed. (The problem stopped happening for us by itself so it is difficult to verify the fix does what it is supposed to. Please let us know if you still encounter the problem with this or later versions.)
  • Made change to solve problem of Opus not allowing files > 4GB to be copied to Google Team Drive (which misrepresents itself as a FAT32 filesystem).
  • Fixed problem that meant when an FTP folder was added to favorites and selected from the Favorites branch in the tree the folder would open in a new Lister (or even an external program, depending on your settings).
  • The Browse dialog shown for the Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced [Image Formats]: use_color_management setting now has a filter set to *.icc;*.icm to make it clear what type of file is required.
  • Fixed alignment of Opus-generated folder thumbnail when shown in a tooltip.
  • Config files, script add-in code, and Containing Text searches in the Find Panel now support characters outside the BMP range (UTF-16 surrogate pairs and 4-byte UTF-8 sequences). Previously, such characters -- e.g. in button labels -- were dropped when saving and turned into '?' when loading.
  • Fixed crash in the button editor which could happen after using Shift+Tab to de-indent lines (usually while editing scripts).
  • Addressed Explorer Replacement not working in some cases where applications initialized COM in a non-standard way for calling shell APIs (e.g. Google Chrome).
  • When Opus is installed it now registers a URL scheme, opushelp://, which allows for clickable links to local help in your browser. dopusrt.exe has a new /help argument that this scheme uses to trigger display of local http help. The HTTP help server will be enabled and started automatically if it was turned off in Preferences.
  • The API for non-Unicode viewer and VFS DLLs has been disabled. We believe there are only two 64-bit plugins affected by this, both of which have alternatives and appear not to have been downloaded recently. If this is wrong, or there are non-Unicode plugins we are unaware of (e.g. privately developed for corporate environments), please let us know. If needed, we can reinstate the legacy API, but our current plans are to remove the code behind it if there are no complaints.
  • On the FTP Logs panel, clearing the [All Activity] log now does the same as the Clear All Logs option, removing site-specific logs at the same time.
  • Opening virtual folders via Explorer Replacement now opens them in your normal default Lister, instead of forcing the dual file display, tree, viewer and other panels to be off.
  • Commands like Go LASTACTIVELISTER are now better at finding the Lister which was most recently active. Previously, they were a bit too literal: If the last active Lister had since been closed, without another becoming active, then they did not find anything.
  • If a file copy fails mid-way with ERROR_NOT_READY (which can happen if a USB drive is pulled out) Opus will restart the copy when you click Retry rather than just attempting the last write again.
  • Opus now tries to stop its DLLs being injected into chrome.exe to avoid Chrome incorrectly labeling (libeling!) us as an incompatible application. Unfortunately this will stop the "Open Downloads Folder" command in Chrome from opening in Opus when Explorer Replacement is enabled.
  • The Rename dialog's Clipboard menu/button is now always enabled, even if the macro builder is turned on. Using one of the paste options will turn off the macro builder automatically.
  • Label filters in the folder tree are now re-calculated when you push F5 (or run similar refresh commands which affect the tree).
  • Tweaked syntax highlighting for the script and button editors.
  • Status bar configuration can now include comments by starting lines with //.
  • Folder tooltips using {foldercontents}, and the status bar hidden-count tooltip, now show each file/folder on a separate line, and allow names to be longer before truncation, and more names to be displayed in total.
  • Infotip {foldercontents} has new parameters: SingleLine makes it show files and folders on a single line (each) instead of one line per item. MaxItems limits the number of items within each category (up to a hard maximum of 20). MaxItemLength limits the length of each item (up to a hard maximum of 260). Indent lets you change the indentation before each item in multi-line mode (defaults to four spaces), or the separator between each item in single-line mode (defaults to ", "). To get single-line infotips like they were prior to Opus 12.9.3, use: {foldercontents:singleline:maxitems=4,maxitemlength=20}
  • If the Add File Collections list to the Send To menu option was turned on, then later turned off, the collections in the Send To menu at the time would be left there (except on Windows XP). They are now cleaned up.
  • With newer versions of WinRAR installed, the Archives plugin always created RAR 4 archives even if configured to make RAR 5 ones. This now works again.
  • Fixed Preferences / Launching Opus / Default Lister / In a fixed position relative to the monitor the mouse is on behaving like Always over the mouse pointer.
  • Fixed incorrect behavior of the viewer pane's context menu items for spanned wallpaper and resetting the viewer plugin override.
  • Fixed dialog editor crash if you pushed the Del key on an item with multi-line contents to reset the contents to empty.
  • Fixed problem with FTP SSH not returning directory listings if the list output omitted file permissions.
  • The Replace Explorer for all file system folders option now includes the Quick Access folder on Windows 10. Also improved this option so it excludes more control panels (e.g. the "classic" desktop wallpaper control panel opened by running "shell:::{ED834ED6-4B5A-4bfe-8F11-A626DCB6A921} -Microsoft.PersonalizationpageWallpaper"). If updating Opus, this change will only take effect after you reboot.
  • Fixed crash if the filter bar was in use and set to clear when changing folders, and you then changed folders while inline-renaming a file.
  • Double-clicking shortcuts to FTP sites added under This PC will now add the FTP site under the folder tree's FTP branch, not under the This PC branch (which had some issues with "... on SiteAddress" being added to the end of folder names).
  • Fixed a quirk of the Filter Bar which meant that, with filtering disabled, you could activate the disabled edit control via the keyboard and type one character into it.
  • Fixed crash if the Filter Bar was open at the time you toggled the Preferences setting to make it use regular expressions.
  • Fixed status bar code parsing so using {{ to get a single literal { works even when it is before something that looks like a valid status bar code.
  • Fixed crash if you pushed Alt to put the Lister toolbars into keyboard mode, then used the Left cursor key to move past the leftmost menu item.
  • Rename FROM now works correctly in conjunction with the PRESET argument.
  • The context menu item for TreeSizeFree is now shown in Opus.
  • Fixed problem where the New Folder button would be incorrectly disabled in the Copy TO=ask$ dialog if the last destination was a network drive.

New in Directory Opus 12.9.4 Beta (Sep 17, 2018)

  • Changes:
  • The background and glyph colors of the breadcrumbs path field, search field, filter field and filter bar controls can now be configured under Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts / Toolbar and menu defaults. (Example screenshot below.)
  • If you hide the media duration parts of the status bar using a variable, the duration will no longer be calculated (unless something else still triggers it). If you then toggle the variable to make the duration parts show again, the duration will be calculated immediately (if it hasn't been already).
  • Status bar {var:...} codes can now negate the variable using {var:!...}.
  • The distance the mouse has to move before a drag & drop begins is now DPI scaled. (The base value still comes from the registry, via the GetSystemMetrics API, and can be changed under HKCUControl PanelDesktopDragWidth and DragHeight. Note that most other software does not DPI-scale it, but we believe this is incorrect as the default has remained at 4 pixels since long before Windows supported high DPI.) Similarly, the bounding box the mouse must stay in between clicks to register a double-click is scaled as well.
  • Fixed crash when loading raw photo previews.
  • Infotip {foldercontents} has new parameters: SingleLine makes it show files and folders on a single line (each) instead of one line per item. MaxItems limits the number of items within each category (up to a hard maximum of 20). MaxItemLength limits the length of each item (up to a hard maximum of 260). Indent lets you change the indentation before each item in multi-line mode (defaults to four spaces), or the separator between each item in single-line mode (defaults to ", "). To get single-line infotips like they were prior to Opus 12.9.3, use: {foldercontents:singleline:maxitems=4,maxitemlength=20}

New in Directory Opus 12.9.3 Beta (Sep 10, 2018)

  • Improved support for virtual desktops in Windows 10.
  • A new virtual_desktop_isolation setting, on by default, makes changes like these:
  • The "Save All Listers" command only saves windows from the current desktop.
  • Layouts set to close existing Listers when they open will only close Listers on the active virtual desktop.
  • Explorer Replacement (and things like the Go EXISTINGLISTER command), if set to reuse existing windows or open new tabs in them, will tend to open a new window if it can't find an existing one on the current desktop. (There are some exceptions, where Windows itself decides which Lister to activate for a folder.)
  • "Reuse existing viewer window" only considers viewer windows on the current desktop.
  • "Close All Viewers" from the viewer's system menu only closes viewers on the current desktop.
  • Set LISTERCMD=showall, minimizeall, and toggleminimizeall only act on the current desktop's windows.
  • Close ALLVIEWERS, ALLLISTERS and ALLOTHERLISTERS commands now work with a new CURRENTDESKTOP argument to restrict them to acting on the current desktop's windows.
  • Set LISTERCMD=tileh, tilev, and cascade always only act on the current desktop's windows, regardless of Preferences.
  • Fixed being able to dock a Lister into one that is on another virtual desktop and not currently visible.
  • For Windows 10 only: Preferences / Launching Opus / From the Win + E hotkey now exists for you to change what happens when the Win-E hotkey is pushed. (While configured independently, this is tied to the Explorer Replacement mechanism. It thus requires Opus Pro and will only work with portable versions if they have been configured to enable Explorer Replacement.) WHEN UPDATING OPUS, THIS NEW FUNCTIONALITY WILL NOT WORK CORRECTLY UNTIL YOU HAVE REBOOTED.
  • Local F1 help (as opposed to the help on the GPSoftware website) is now shown in your web browser by default. A new option, Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced [Behavior]: help_interface, lets you set it back to CHM (HTML Help) if you prefer this interface. You can also use that setting to specify a custom port for the local http help server if needed. When help is shown in your web browser, script add-ins and plugins are now able to add their own help pages.
  • The codes available to display information on the status bar have been expanded:
  • You can now use variables on the status bar. e.g. {var:tab:MyVariable} will display the contents of the file display variable MyVariable. You can also hide and show sections depending on whether or not a variable exists, and then control which information is shown on the status bar from buttons and scripts. e.g. {h!{var:glob:ShowExtraInfo}} ... {h!}
  • Status bar data can now be conditional on the current path or tests for whether paths exist. For example, {ifpath:"C:*"} will return 1 if you are in a path below C: and nothing otherwise. {ifexists:".*.dll"} will return 1 if there are any DLLs below the current folder. These can be used with the {h!} code to show or hide things. Further examples and details can be found in the manual. (Not in the 12.9.3 manual yet, but will be for 12.10.)
  • Status bar data can now be conditional on the same @if and @ifset tests you can use in buttons and scripts. For example, if you want the status bar to show the selected file's size and date, but only when not in Details mode: {h!{if:!Set VIEW=Details}} {sel:size} {sel:write} {h!}
  • Added new Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced setting, status_metadata_trigger, which lets you choose when/if things such as duration codes on the status bar should cause file metadata to be calculated.
  • The @toggle:update command directive can now be used after modifying variables to force status bars to update.
  • Added some new Find command arguments to control things the Simple Find dialog has check-boxes for, when automating the command: NOWILD, ANYWORD, CONTWILD, CONTCASE.
  • The Rename command now lets you specify the Rename dialog's default sequential numbering parameters without having to turn sequential numbering on. This is done by adding ! to the NUMBER parameter. For example, if you want the Rename dialog to open with numbering off but padding set to two digits when/if you turn it on: Rename ADVANCED NUMBER=!01
  • Commands for setting show/hide attribute filters now support the I (non-indexed) and P (pinned) attributes. Also, previously undocumented: You can specify two sets of attributes to alternate between the two each time the command is run. e.g. Set HideFilterAttr=HS,R would toggle between hiding files with the Hidden or System attributes and hiding files with the Read-Only attribute. When only one set is specified, the command acts as a toggle.
  • File display variables can now be prefixed with left:, right: and tab: to designate the left, right and active file displays, in addition to the older src: and dst: prefixes. (tab: and src: will usually point to the same thing, but can be different, e.g. when dealing with status bar codes for a particular side of the Lister.)
  • You can now configure the font used in code editors such as the advanced button editor, rename scripts, and status bar Preferences.
  • Scripting changes:
  • The QuickFilter object has a new showeverything propertiy which indicates if Show Everything mode is on for the folder tab. When Show Everything mode is on, it also now implicitly makes the QuickFilter object report disabled=true, showallfiles=true, and similar.
  • ScriptColumn.type can now be set to numericsort or wordsort to force numeric or word sorting, for the opposite of the nonumericsort and nowordsort options added in the previous beta.
  • A new script event, OnGetHelpContent, lets script add-ins add their own help content to the F1 help (only when help is shown in the user's web browser). The new Script.LoadImageFile and Script.LoadHelpImage methods let you easily load your script's help content when bundled as a script package.
  • Added Script.HttpHelpEnabled and Script.ShowHelp to let scripts trigger their own help pages. There are also matching functions for viewer/VFS plugins.
  • When Opus is installed it now registers a URL scheme, opushelp://, which allows for clickable links to local help in your browser. dopusrt.exe has a new /help argument that this scheme uses to trigger display of local http help. The HTTP help server will be enabled and started automatically if it was turned off in Preferences.
  • The API for non-Unicode viewer and VFS DLLs has been disabled. We believe there are only two 64-bit plugins affected by this, both of which have alternatives and appear not to have been downloaded recently. If this is wrong, or there are non-Unicode plugins we are unaware of (e.g. privately developed for corporate environments), please let us know. If needed, we can reinstate the legacy API, but our current plans are to remove the code behind it if there are no complaints.
  • On the FTP Logs panel, clearing the [All Activity] log now does the same as the Clear All Logs option, removing site-specific logs at the same time.
  • Opening virtual folders via Explorer Replacement now opens them in your normal default Lister, instead of forcing the dual file display, tree, viewer and other panels to be off.
  • Commands like Go LASTACTIVELISTER are now better at finding the Lister which was most recently active. Previously, they were a bit too literal: If the last active Lister had since been closed, without another becoming active, then they did not find anything.
  • If a file copy fails mid-way with ERROR_NOT_READY (which can happen if a USB drive is pulled out) Opus will restart the copy when you click Retry rather than just attempting the last write again.
  • Opus now tries to stop its DLLs being injected into chrome.exe to avoid Chrome incorrectly labeling (libeling!) us as an incompatible application. Unfortunately this will stop the "Open Downloads Folder" command in Chrome from opening in Opus when Explorer Replacement is enabled.
  • More support for characters outside the BMP range (UTF-16 surrogate pairs and 4-byte UTF-8 sequences):
  • Script add-in code (i.e. within .vbs and .js text files) can now contain them.
  • Containing Text searches in the Find Panel and filters now work with them.
  • The Rename dialog's Clipboard menu/button is now always enabled, even if the macro builder is turned on. Using one of the paste options will turn off the macro builder automatically.
  • Label filters in the folder tree are now re-calculated when you push F5 (or run similar refresh commands which affect the tree).
  • When editing JScript, the script editor now does syntax highlighting of /.../ style regular expressions, which previously confused the highlighting. Also tweaked the highlighting for the script and button editors in general.
  • Status bar configuration can now include comments by starting lines with //.
  • Folder tooltips using {foldercontents}, and the status bar hidden-count tooltip, now show each file/folder on a separate line, and allow names to be longer before truncation, and more names to be displayed in total.
  • Pasting images and text from the clipboard now automatically bumps the filename again if it already exists (you'll still be prompted when pasting from sources like Remote Desktop). This was broken in the previous beta.
  • If the Add File Collections list to the Send To menu option was turned on, then later turned off, the collections in the Send To menu at the time would be left there (except on Windows XP). They are now cleaned up.
  • With newer versions of WinRAR installed, the Archives plugin always created RAR 4 archives even if configured to make RAR 5 ones. This now works again.
  • Fixed Preferences / Launching Opus / Default Lister / In a fixed position relative to the monitor the mouse is on behaving like Always over the mouse pointer.
  • Fixed incorrect behavior of the viewer pane's context menu items for spanned wallpaper and resetting the viewer plugin override.
  • Fixed dialog editor crash if you pushed the Del key on an item with multi-line contents to reset the contents to empty.
  • Fixed problem with FTP SSH not returning directory listings if the list output omitted file permissions.
  • The Replace Explorer for all file system folders option now includes the Quick Access folder on Windows 10. Also improved this option so it excludes more control panels (e.g. the "classic" desktop wallpaper control panel opened by running "shell:::{ED834ED6-4B5A-4bfe-8F11-A626DCB6A921} -Microsoft.PersonalizationpageWallpaper"). If updating Opus, this change will only take effect after you reboot.
  • Fixed crash if the filter bar was in use and set to clear when changing folders, and you then changed folders while inline-renaming a file.
  • Double-clicking shortcuts to FTP sites added under This PC will now add the FTP site under the folder tree's FTP branch, not under the This PC branch (which had some issues with "... on SiteAddress" being added to the end of folder names).
  • Fixed bug in 12.9.2 beta which meant Preferences / Folder Tree / Selection Events would not save correctly, with all the events being empty when loading a configuration saved by that version. This new version will reset those settings when loading configurations crated by 12.9.2, to restore the defaults. Configurations from other versions will be preserved.
  • Fixed a quirk of the Filter Bar which meant that, with filtering disabled, you could activate the disabled edit control via the keyboard and type one character into it.
  • Fixed crash if the Filter Bar was open at the time you toggled the Preferences setting to make it use regular expressions.
  • Fixed status bar code parsing so using {{ to get a single literal { works even when it is before something that looks like a valid status bar code.
  • Fixed crash if you pushed Alt to put the Lister toolbars into keyboard mode, then used the Left cursor key to move past the leftmost menu item.
  • Rename FROM now works correctly in conjunction with the PRESET argument.
  • The context menu item for TreeSizeFree is now shown in Opus.
  • Fixed problem where the New Folder button would be incorrectly disabled in the Copy TO=ask$ dialog if the last destination was a network drive.

New in Directory Opus 12.9.2 Beta (Aug 16, 2018)

  • Changes:
  • 3D objects (3mf, fbx, glb, glbt, obj, ply, stl) can now be displayed in the preview pane on Windows 10 (Creators Update and above). (3mf seems limited to files created by Microsoft's own tools and won't load most 3mf files from the web.) See here for an example and additional details:
  • Added Publisher column.
  • The CreateFolder command now has a MULTI argument to force multi-line mode on and off, and now lets you pass multiple default folder names to the multi-line dialog.
  • The Rename command's FROM argument now understands aliases mixed with wildcards, e.g. Rename FROM /downloads*.zip to rename all zip files in the system downloads folder.
  • Select FILTER now works in conjunction with the TYPE argument to limit the filter to either files or directories.
  • Added Select NEXT=row and Select PREV=row arguments, to allow commands that move the selection up or down a row in icon modes.
  • The Rename command now has a WHENEXISTS argument, letting you specify the action to take when the new filename already exists.
  • The Simple Find function (and the Find NAME parameter when automating a find from the command line) now supports regex: at the start of the pattern to specify a regular expression.
  • Added Find NOPARTIAL argument to prevent "partial matching" when automating Find from the command line.
  • The Go command (and other commands that support things like /aliases) now supports file:// URIs (so e.g. you can now do Go file:///C:).
  • Opus now recognises command codes like {allfile|sep=|} where you want a pipe character as the separator between files.
  • @if:set focus now allows more flexible testing of which window currently has input focus (e.g. @if:set focus=filedisplay to test if any file display has focus).
  • The action for normal left-click on items in the tree is now configurable through Preferences / Folder Tree / Selection Events. The default action is Go; to get the same result as the old Switch to existing tab if already open option, change it to Go TABFINDEXISTING. You can also change it to e.g. Go NEWTAB=findexisting to make left-clicks on the tree open new tabs by default.
  • The new setting clipboard_change_delay, under Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced [Troubleshooting], allows you to tell Opus to delay before checking the clipboard for changes. This may help avoid problems using the clipboard in certain software (e.g. Microsoft Office, although a *lot* of other software triggers the same problem in Office, including parts of Windows itself, so YMMV). The default delay is 100ms; it was effectively 0 in the past.
  • You can now override the default icons used by new File Collections via Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced [Cosmetic]: collection_icon_default, collection_icon_find, collection_icon_flickr, and collection_icon_marked. Also fixed custom collection icons not being used in certain places, and some cosmetic issues with the File Collection properties dialog.
  • Thumbnail Threads (Preferences / File Display Modes / Thumbnails) maximum limit increased from 8 to 32. (When Opus launches it also limits the value to the number of CPU threads.)
  • Added Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced [Behavior]: slow_dblclk_rename option, allows you to disable inline rename via slow double-click (F2 not affected) in details + icon modes.
  • The HEIC/HEIF viewer plugin now supports the CopyTrans HEIC decoder (works with Windows 7 and up) in addition to the Microsoft one (works with Windows 10).
  • The Combine groups with only one member into the 'Other' group option is now ignored when grouping by duplicates.
  • Improved support for creating a toolbar button to go to a web page by dragging from a web browser to the toolbar in Customize mode. (Tested with Chrome and IE. Should work with Firefox. Does not work with Microsoft Edge, since you can't drag from Edge to *anything*, even to create a .URL file in File Explorer).
  • Added support for dropping .URL files (including Steam game shortcuts) on a toolbar in Customize mode to create buttons.
  • When Opus received a "media removed" notification from the OS it now reads the Computer folder automatically in any tabs that were showing folders on the removed media.
  • When test-running commands in the button editor, the command will now always run against the Lister that launched the editor. (Previously, the command would look for a source window and potentially run against a different Lister, or even fail to find a source if you had two or more dual-display windows and no single-display ones open).
  • Copying files out of a zip file in flat view now gives more consistent results (both in "recreate" and "flatten" mode).
  • It's now possible to prevent Opus from saving FTP passwords, by setting the PreventSaveFTPCredentials value under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareGPSoftwareDirectory Opus to DWORD:1.
  • Pasting a file from a virtual data source (E.g. remote desktop) now behaves the same as pasting a real file when the destination already exists - you'll be prompted to overwrite/rename etc, rather than the new file just being renamed automatically.
  • Default config for OpenStreetMap (Image LOCATE=osm) now adds a marker to show the exact location on the map.
  • Workaround for issue with SumatraPDF Open With menu item.
  • Fixed Open With menu showing just an icon and no name for Notepad.
  • Fixed SetAttr META coverart only allowing numeric specification of the type of cover-art when adding, not removing.
  • Fixed metadata editor's Add cover-art button not working correctly when in the Desktop folder.
  • Fixed labels applied via folder formats not doing anything if the global labels-in-NTFS option was off and the global list of assigned labels was completely empty.
  • Added missing music cover-art image types "other file icon" and "colorful fish" to the Metadata editor, SetAttr command and AudioCoverArt script object. (The fish thing is, unfortunately, part of the ID3 specification. It is hidden in the UI except when editing a file which already uses it, because it is ridiculous and some tagging software won't recognise it).
  • Prefs LAYOUTLIST SHOWICONS now assigns folder icons to branches of the layout list, instead of only assigning icons to the layouts themselves.
  • Fixed the default "Lister Styles" menu heading being mistranslated to "Rotate" (in the target language) if you changed language after installation.
  • Fixed crash if you started a Find Files operation from a folder with a localised name. (You would normally have had to manually type the localised name into the Find In field manually to make this happen).
  • Fixed issue where clicking "skip" to the error shown when attempting to copy a file > 4GB in size to a FAT32 drive would abort the rest of the function rather than just skipping the file.
  • The Print FOLDER command no longer flashes a progress dialog on screen if delayed progress dialogs are turned on in Preferences and it is outputting to a file or the clipboard without showing the Print Folder dialog.
  • Fixed a Favorite which pointed to an Alias called /user not doing anything when clicked.
  • Fixed Properties dialogs showing zero size when opened for multiple items in different folders (e.g. via Flat View or collections like Find Results).
  • Fixed right-click > Properties on an FTP Site in the folder tree opening the FTP Address Book but not selecting the site.
  • Fixed right-click > Create Shortcut on the File Collections root in the folder tree crashing when used.
  • Possible fix for folder tabs sometimes getting stuck "Reading Folder" with TortoiseSVN installed. (The problem stopped happening for us by itself so it is difficult to verify the fix does what it is supposed to. Please let us know if you still encounter the problem with this or later versions).
  • Made change to solve problem of Opus not allowing files > 4GB to be copied to Google Team Drive.
  • Fixed problem that meant when an FTP folder was added to favorites and selected from the Favorites branch in the tree the folder would open in a new Lister (or even an external program depending on your settings).
  • The Browse dialog shown for the Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced [Image Formats]: use_color_management setting now has a filter set to *.icc;*.icm to make it clear what type of file is required.
  • Fixed alignment of Opus-generated folder thumbnail when shown in a tooltip.
  • Config files now support characters outside the BMP range (UTF-16 surrogate pairs and 4-byte UTF-8 sequences). Previously, such characters -- e.g. in button labels -- were dropped when saving and turned into '?' when loading.
  • Fixed crash in the button editor which could happen after using Shift+Tab to de-indent lines (usually while editing scripts).
  • Scripting changes:
  • Fixed item.name_stem_m and item.ext_m ignoring multi-part extensions when obtained via tab.selected_files.
  • Script columns now respect the Folder OptionsNumeric order filename sorting setting instead of always applying it. You can also now specify nonumeric and/or noword for a script column's type to disable the numeric and word sorting modes, even when they are turned on via Folder Options.
  • Scripts can now use the Progress dialog's Skip button using the new Progress.EnableSkip method.
  • The Progress.GetAbortState method can now handle pausing automatically, can be told to only check for certain states, and will now only indicate the most important state by default.
  • The new StringTools.IsASCII method can be used to test if a string uses only 7-bit ASCII characters, or if it would be better written in a Unicode format when saving it to a file.
  • The FolderEnum.Next method can now return more than one directory entry at once, in a Vector. Specify the number of items you want returned at once, or -1 to return the whole directory in a single call. You can pass a Vector object to use as the second argument if desired, or one will be created for you. If no arguments are specified then only a single Item object is returned as before.
  • Added OnTabClick script event, which lets scripts intercept mouse clicks (with a qualifier key) on tabs and override the default behaviour.
  • The StringTools.Encode method understands a new format string utf-8 bom to encode into UTF-8 with a byte-order-mark on the front.
  • The Progress.SetFromTo methods now clears the "To:" line entirely if the argument for it is omitted. (It's still best to use Progress.SetStatus if you only want a one line all of the time).
  • The new Item.InGroup method lets you test if a file belongs to a particular file type group without having to loop through all the groups it belongs to.
  • The StringTools.Encode method no longer adds a null at the end of the binary data.
  • Fixed Blob.Compare method incorrectly returning 0 when two different sized blobs were compared without the comparison size being specified.
  • In script dialogs, the readonly property of edit controls can now be modified by the script rather than being fixed at design time.

New in Directory Opus 12.9.1 (Jun 8, 2018)

  • Changes:
  • HEIC/HEIF images are now supported, as long as the relevant WIC codecs are installed. (If you have the Windows Photos app working with HEIC files, they'll work in Opus as well.)
  • Added Individual groups option to the Folder Options / Columns dialog. If this is turned on and the file display is grouped, one group will be created for each distinct value rather than a range of values falling into a single group (e.g. instead of A-H you would have A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H). This is only really useful for text fields like "User description". Also added the Set GROUPINDIVIDUAL command to toggle the setting on and off programmatically.
  • The Select HIDESEL, HIDEUNSEL and SHOWHIDDEN arguments can now be made to operate only on files or only on directories (or both, by default).
  • The services supported by the Image LOCATE command are now configurable via Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: image_locate_services. Also added Open Street Map as a default service (Image LOCATE=osm).
  • Added Preferences / File Operations / Copy Attributes / Copy sparse files as sparse option. This option preserves regions in copied files that are marked as sparse (as long as sparse files are supported on the destination drive). (Note this option was originally included in 12.8.1 but was removed in 12.9)
  • Added Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: grid_lines_first_last. For solid grid lines, you can now make the alternating pattern start on the first line instead of the second. For thin grid lines, you can now have a line before the very first file or after the very last file. (Caveats in the manual.)
  • The colors for relative size and date graphs can now be configured separately for files and folders.
  • For users who wish to use dark themes:
  • Under Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts / File group header, you can now configure the color of the expand/collapse glyph.
  • Under Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts / Folder Tree, and Folder Tree (Destination), you can now configure the color of the expand/collapse glyph.
  • If the status bar is set to use a dark background color, it no longer draws its frames using visual styles.
  • Relative size and date graphs now let you configure their frame and background colors.
  • Colors used in free space graphs in This PC (My Computer) can now be configured.
  • The free space graph in the status bar now uses the colors you define in Preferences rather than system colors, when applicable.
  • Fixed the Filter Bar's checkbox labels not being readable if you used a dark panel background.
  • The marker when dragging toolbar buttons around is now easier to see.
  • Fixed some glyphs within toolbars and menus which were difficult to see when using light-on-dark colors.
  • The system menu visual style is no longer used for menus which do not use dark text colors.
  • The frames around pop-up menus now use configurable colors, and menus will be drawn using your toolbar colors by default, if they have been customized. (Does not affect all menus in the program, at least not yet, but will affect most toolbar and context menus.)
  • Default menu background color can now be configured separately.
  • Toolbars and menus now have configurable "toggled" and "selected" colors for buttons and menu items (e.g. when pushed in or as the mouse moves over them).
  • Scripting changes:
  • Added Tab.hidden, hidden_files and hidden_dirs properties, which provide information about files and folders hidden from the current view in a tab.
  • Added Format.group_individual property to query the state of the new Individual groups option.
  • The Blob.CopyFrom method now lets you initialise a Blob from a string. By default the Blob will be set to the Unicode form of the string; if you pass "utf8" as the second parameter it will initialise the Blob with the utf8-encoded form of the string.
  • The FSUtil.Hash method can now hash the contents of a Blob as well as a disk file.
  • Added workaround for FTP connections to Pure-FTPd server when using TLS, where the directory listing would not complete or require a timeout before completing.
  • It is now possible to remove items from collections which were imported without any paths (just names) from a file list using dopusrt.exe.
  • When importing file lists to collections via dopusrt.exe, lines which are not fully qualified paths are now assumed to be relative to the same folder the list file is in. You can override this using /relative:<path> or suppress it using /relative:none. If using /relative:none, you cannot also use /nocheck.
  • Fixed cosmetic issue where, if a column was less than 4 pixels wide, background colors applied by file labels would have a tiny gap where the narrow column was.
  • Previously, if the Automatically select next file after deleting option was on and you removed the drive you were on, with the folder tree open, Opus would navigate you to the next drive. It will now always take you to the This PC (My Computer) level instead.
  • The Pin to Start Menu context menu item now works in Opus.
  • The Go TABGROUPFORCE argument can now be used with Go TABGROUPLIST.
  • Fixed the filter bar's file extensions drop-down not indicating which extension has keyboard focus on systems with visual styles disabled.
  • Fixed crash which could occur after changing the "when image is shared" mode for an image under Preferences / Display / Images.
  • Preferences / Display / Images now accepts new images via drag & drop. Drop on the list to add a new image, or select an image and drop on the thumbnail to change it to a new image.
  • Fixed Opus Light incorrectly allowing you disable hotkeys which come from the default toolbars, since changes to the default toolbars are never saved to disk in Opus Light. Standalone hotkeys can still be edited and are saved to disk.
  • Drag & Drop with the right mouse button now works correctly within the same tab when manual sort is enabled.
  • Auto-extract now works with 7z, RAR, Tar and other plugin archive types.
  • Fix for double-clicking programs inside non-zip archives causing further double-clicks in the file display to be buffered until the launched program exited.
  • When merging two folders via a move, any sub-folders in the source that had labels assigned to them would lose their labels when they were moved across.
  • When manual sort mode is on, and "Sort newly created and copied files" is turned off, copying a file by dragging and dropping to a specific place now maintains the insertion position.
  • When the viewer is set to use an automatic background color, it now ignores any transparent pixels when selecting a color to use.
  • The Secure Delete function now moves files to a temporary folder (with random name) before deleting them, to try to stop their original location being visible in recovery tools.
  • A button that runs Set BLURFILENAMES=Toggle now correctly highlights when filenames are blurred.
  • When renaming a folder in the folder tree you can now use the down/up cursor keys to accept the edit and move to the next/previous sibling folder.
  • Added .mkv and .flac extensions to the Windows Media Player preview handler (if no other preview handler is assigned to them), since the Windows 10 version can handle both formats but doesn't designate itself as handling them in the registry. Note that the handler is still disabled by default, so this only affects it if you turn it on via the ActiveX + Preview + Office + Web plugin. (Also note that Microsoft have fixed the preview handler so it works again in Windows 10 build 1803, after it was broken for about a year.)
  • Added .flac extension to the Generic ActiveX list, since the Windows 10 WMP ActiveX control can play FLAC files in the viewer.
  • The {smp3} and {tmp3} status bar codes now work with WAV files.
  • Fix for drag & drop from Adobe Bridge not working.
  • Archives plugin (7z, RAR, etc.) and internal zip code now has better handling for (somewhat dubious) archives that use the same paths for multiple files. Each item will now have a unique name generated for it. In the case of RAR archives, such archives will also be made read-only.
  • Fixed problem with zip files which contained sub-folders with spaces at the end of their names.
  • Detection of WSL only worked in 12.9 if you were still on the Windows 10 Creators Update. It now works with the newer 1803 build again.
  • Changing Preferences / Folders / Folder Behaviour / Sort shortcuts to folders like folders now triggers a refresh of all open folders, so the setting's effect is seen immediately.
  • Secure screenshot wasn't blurring some paths in the breadcrumbs field.
  • Secure screenshot now blurs filenames in Explorer-provided folders (e.g. Quick Access).
  • Fixed problem with navigation lock where navigating out of a zip file on one side would not cause the other side to follow along.
  • Dragging a tab from file display to another now makes the new tab active.
  • When an external icon set is cached (for performance) it now preserves the display names of icons within the set.
  • Fixed problem with Duplicate Finder's Select button - if the duplicate search was initially run with Delete mode turned off, and then you put the folder into Checkbox Mode manually and clicked the Select button, weird things would happen.
  • Fixed the file display font-size pop-up going off the side of the monitor if it opened too near the edge.
  • Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced is now grouped into categories. The list is also now filtered when using the search function in Preferences, rather than drawing matching items in red.

New in Directory Opus 12.9.0 (May 31, 2018)

  • Added COPYSPARSE argument for the Copy command. This option preserves regions in copied files that are marked as sparse (as long as sparse files are supported on the destination drive).
  • The Regular expression + Find and Replace rename now allows you to anchor the search pattern at the start or end using ^ and $ like in regular regex mode.
  • When multiple file copy jobs are queued and one job triggers a UAC prompt, the UAC permission is now passed through automatically to subsequent jobs in the queue
  • @hidenosel and similar modifiers now work in the viewer pane's right-click > File menu, and in context menus you get when right-clicking file lists generated by Go FOLDERCONTENT.
  • @disableifpath and @hideifpath now work with aliases, environment variables, {apppath}, and so on.
  • Workaround for Windows bug where a case-only rename was treated as if the file was removed and a new version created. The difference was usually subtle but could be seen easily if the Sort newly created and copied files option was turned off, and could affect whether files remained selected after renaming.
  • Fix for viewer crashing if you ran a custom command to jump forward or back multiple files when the target file had been deleted. (Normal single-step jumps were not affected.)
  • Fixed a crash introduced in 12.7.1 when processing some file change notifications involving short path names.
  • Commands like Show VIEWERCMD=goto,-10 now move to the first file if there are fewer than 10 before the current file. (Previously, nothing happened.)
  • Fixed issue where if you had chosen the Filter Bar as the default FAYT mode in 12.7, it would have changed to WSL Command or blank in 12.8. (As a side-effect of fixing this, if you chose WSL Command as the default in 12.8, you'll need to choose it again, as a one-off after installing this update.)
  • Fix for the "tray icon" menu sometimes not closing if you click elsewhere, until you click on it first, if you had left-clicked the icon and then clicked somewhere else before the menu was triggered (after the system double-click time).
  • Re-worked the way Opus prevents system sleep while copying files (etc.), and sleep and display power-down while playing slideshows (viewer) and videos (Movie plugin), as the old method was not working in Windows 10.
  • Archive auto-extract now only prompts or happens when there's more than one file inside the archive.
  • Updated 7z.dll to 18.5 which contains a security fix for RAR handling.
  • Updated unrar(64).dll to 5.60.3 which contains a security fix for RAR handling.
  • Directory Opus 12.9 also contains the additional fixes which were not part of 12.8.1:
  • Fixed problem with Dropbox support when the Dropbox folder path contained unicode characters.
  • The latest Windows 10 update added a non-functional "Open in new tab" item to folder context menus. We now filter it out. (The similar "Open in new Folder Tab" item which Opus itself adds to the same menu is still there and still works).
  • Fixed "Launch" in the Visual Studio 2017 installer opening the folder VS was installed in rather than launching the program, if Explorer Replacement was turned on.

New in Directory Opus 12.8.1 Beta (May 9, 2018)

  • Changes:
  • Added Preferences / File Operations / Copy Attributes / Copy sparse files as sparse option (and COPYSPARSE argument for the Copy command). This option preserves regions in copied files that are marked as sparse (as long as sparse files are supported on the destination drive).
  • The Regular expression + Find and Replace rename now allows you to anchor the search pattern at the start or end using ^ and $ like in regular regex mode.
  • When multiple file copy jobs are queued and one job triggers a UAC prompt, the UAC permission is now passed through automatically to subsequent jobs in the queue
  • hidenosel and similar modifiers now work in the viewer pane's right-click > File menu, and in context menus you get when right-clicking file lists generated by Go FOLDERCONTENT.
  • disableifpath and @hideifpath now work with aliases, environment variables, {apppath}, and so on.
  • Workaround for Windows bug where a case-only rename was treated as if the file was removed and a new version created. The difference was usually subtle but could be seen easily if the Sort newly created and copied files option was turned off, and could affect whether files remained selected after renaming.
  • Fix for viewer crashing if you ran a custom command to jump forward or back multiple files when the target file had been deleted. (Normal single-step jumps were not affected.)
  • Fixed a crash introduced in 12.7.1 when processing some file change notifications involving short path names.
  • Commands like Show VIEWERCMD=goto,-10 now move to the first file if there are fewer than 10 before the current file. (Previously, nothing happened.)
  • Fixed issue where if you had chosen the Filter Bar as the default FAYT mode in 12.7, it would have changed to WSL Command or blank in 12.8. (As a side-effect of fixing this, if you chose WSL Command as the default in 12.8, you'll need to choose it again, as a one-off after installing this update.)
  • Fix for the "tray icon" menu sometimes not closing if you click elsewhere, until you click on it first, if you had left-clicked the icon and then clicked somewhere else before the menu was triggered (after the system double-click time).
  • Re-worked the way Opus prevents system sleep while copying files (etc.), and sleep and display power-down while playing slideshows (viewer) and videos (Movie plugin), as the old method was not working in Windows 10.
  • Archive auto-extract now only prompts or happens when there's more than one file inside the archive.
  • Updated 7z.dll to 18.5 which contains a security fix for RAR handling.
  • Updated unrar(64).dll to 5.60.3 which contains a security fix for RAR handling.

New in Directory Opus 12.8 (Apr 25, 2018)

  • Changes since 12.7:
  • Directory Opus 12.8 is a stable release containing the changes from the 12.7.x beta releases.
  • Added support for Dropbox Smart Sync (Opus now recognises when files are "available online only", can display thumbnails for offline files, etc).
  • Added the ability to blur filenames and paths in the Lister, in order to take screenshots without revealing potentially sensitive information. The default Help menu has a new Secure Screenshot command in it which lets you take a secure screenshot of the current Lister or the whole desktop (with all Listers blurred).
  • Note that at the moment there is no blurring in secondary windows (progress indicators, error dialogs) or in dropdown menus (favorites, breadcrumbs path, etc).
  • The Clipboard SCREENSHOT command can take a screenshot of either the current Lister or the whole desktop, with or without blurring of filenames. By default the screenshot is placed in the clipboard, but it can optionally be saved to the desktop automatically. The command can also display an optional countdown timer for taking more complicated screenshots.
  • The Set BLURFILENAMES command can be used to manually turn blurring on and off in the current Lister, if you want to use an external screenshot tool.
  • Added basic support for WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux):
  • Added CLI DOSPROMPT=wsl command to open a linux shell (assuming WSL is installed in Windows 10).
  • The Clipboard COPYNAMES command has a new wsl argument that copies filenames in WSL (Linux) format, e.g. instead of C:Test it would copy /mnt/c/test.
  • The /mnt/ format is also understood by path fields, etc (anywhere aliases work).
  • Added a new WSL Command mode to the FAYT; this lets you run linux commands (providing WSL is installed under Windows 10) from the FAYT like you can already run DOS commands. By default the activation key is | (vertical bar).
  • Added Clipboard COPYNAMES quote keyword, to force copied pathnames to be quoted whether they contain spaces or not.
  • The Rename tool has a new mode, Regular Expressions + Find And Replace, which combines both modes (lets you search and replace within filenames using regular expressions, without having to construct a pattern to match the whole name).
  • The Duplicate Finder tool now has a Size mode which only finds duplicates based on their size (ignoring name, date and contents). The Find command has a new SIZEONLY argument to activate this mode from a command.
  • Buttons can now be hidden or disabled based on the number of selected files or folders. For example, @hidenosel:minfiles=2,maxfiles=4 will hide a button unless 2, 3 or 4 files are selected.
  • The {foldercontents} and {foldersize} infotip fields can now be configured to control what they show:
  • noprefix can be used to remove the normal prefix added to the field (e.g. {foldersize:noprefix})
  • files and dirs can be used for {foldercontents} to only show one type of content {e.g. {foldercontents:files,noprefix})
  • The Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced / use_color_management option now allows an external ICC file to be selected (as well as the built-in sRGB profile). Additionally, PNG files with embedded ICC profiles are now supported as well as JPEGs.
  • The Show command now has POS and SIZE arguments that let you specify a position and/or size for the standalone viewer window.
  • Added Set VIEWPANELOCK command. When the viewer pane lock is turned on, it will continue to display its current image even if the file selection is changed in the Lister.
  • Folder tab group changes:
  • Menus for selecting folder tab groups now highlight the "active" group, i.e. the one which was last loaded. You can use Go TABGROUPLIST=nohighlight to prevent this on user-editable toolbars and menus.
  • When saving over a tab group, the suggested group name now comes from the display you are saving from (if applicable) and not always the source display.
  • When saving over a tab group, the dialog now opens with the existing tab group name pre-selected.
  • You can now use Go TABGROUPSAVE=!forget to tell the file display to de-couple itself from any loaded tab group (e.g. so the group's name is no longer selected in the list of tab groups).
  • The Go TABGROUPSAVE command also now has !closeall and !nocloseall keywords which override the state of the Close all other tabs flag. These existed previously but were undocumented, and the way the flag behaves when saving over existing groups has been improved slightly.
  • You can now use Go TABGROUPSAVE=!current to save over the last folder tab group which was loaded. If no group is loaded, you will be prompted to name a new one, unless you add !quiet as well. You can also use !unless to skip saving if a particular group is currently loaded. Details in the manual.
  • You can now use Go TABGROUPLIST=savecurrent on a toolbar to generate a list of buttons for each folder tab group where any changes to the current group (if any) will be saved automatically before switching to another group. Note that this does not cover saving the current group in other situations like closing the Lister, and consideration is needed if you use this with multiple Listers at once. More detail in the manual.
  • The metadata panel can now be used to set the Lens Type EXIF field.
  • Added .mkv to the default list of extensions viewed via Generic ActiveX. This should mean that if the Opus Movie plugin cannot view an MKV then Opus will fall back on the Windows Media Player ActiveX control, which can view them with newer versions of Windows.
  • The metadata panel now notices and updates external changes to the metadata of files it's currently showing in more cases (e.g. if the file is modified externally using a "safe save" technique the panel should now notice).
  • Made changes to the file notification system to improve performance when copying files across a network.
  • The dialog confirming that a copy operation has been queued now has a checkbox on it letting you disable all further confirmations (as well as the existing checkbox which disables them for the current queue only).
  • Opus's Select Folder dialog now has a drop-down providing quick access to any paths currently open in a Lister or tab.
  • Added a workaround to try to prevent TeamViewer from locking up Opus when using the Image Convert function. Opus now also tries to detect TeamViewer and add itself to the exclusion list for TeamViewer's QuickConnect feature, since it seems to cause nothing but problems (for lots of software, not just Opus).
  • WebP images can now be displayed in the viewer, preview pane, thumbnails. The image converter can convert from WebP to other formats (but not the other way around). Alpha channel transparency is supported. Metadata, tiled images (over 16kx16k) and animated images are not currently supported.
  • The advanced command editor now allows commands to be set as WSL Script functions; similar to DOS Batch mode, this runs the command as a WSL (Bash) script. Note that WSL needs to be installed from the Windows Store.
  • Enabled several columns for movie files that previously only worked for music files (even though the metadata panel could show them for movies). The columns are Year, Genre, Title, Artist, Encoded By, Initial Key, Composers, Conductor, and Producers. Also added Directors column since that was missing altogether.
  • The Preferences / File Displays / Border page now lets more than one toolbar to be selected for the file display border.
  • Under Preferences / Toolbars / Appearance, the maximum allowed button spacing values now scale with DPI. (The values themselves already scaled when you moved between machines or DPIs, but the maximum the UI let you enter was always 10 pixels until now.)
  • The vertical button spacing option in Preferences / Toolbars / Appearance can now be applied to individual buttons on vertical toolbars or items in pop-up menus via two new options on the same page.
  • Added Preferences / Folder Tabs / Options/ Click selected tab option which lets you control what happens when you click the already active folder tab.
  • A new Extra Line Padding option in Preferences / File Display Modes / Details and Power which complements their older Extra Line Spacing option. Padding makes each line taller, adding extra space inside the clickable area, similar to using a taller font. Padding is scaled with DPI. (On the other hand, spacing increases the gap between items and is outside the clickable area. With large spacing you get gaps between items which act like the lister background when clicked. Spacing is not DPI scaled as you will probably only want exactly 0 or 1 pixel of it: You can set spacing to 1 pixel to prevent the overlap of selection boxes on newer versions of Windows which causes a thin line between selected items. For everything else, you probably want to use the new padding option.)
  • Improved the interaction between grid lines and extra line spacing in Details and Power modes. If you notice any glitches in how the grids and backgrounds behind/between files are painted, please report them.
  • Added Preferences option Folders / Folder Behaviour / Ignore junctions and softlinks when calculating folder sizes. Also added the GetSizes IGNOREJUNCTIONS argument for to override the option setting.
  • Added new Preferences option Folder Tabs / Options / Process file changes in background tabs. When this is turned off (the default is on), tabs that aren't visible will no longer process file change notifications. Instead they'll be flagged as dirty, and automatically refreshed when you switch to that tab.
  • Added Recent command COPY argument which lets generated recent list buttons copy (or move) selected files to recent folders automatically. The KEYARGS argument also supports the use of the Copy command in this context.
  • Updated 7z.dll to version 18.01 to address two potential security issues ( ). Note that we don't think either would affect Opus in its default configuration, but they could be a problem if you switch Opus from Unrar.dll to 7z.dll for RAR files, or if you turn on the ZipX archive type via Preferences.
  • Added the Set TABPOSITION command that lets tab position be modified on a per-Lister basis.
  • Added the Set LISTERSIZE=auto command, which automatically resizes the Lister to fit the current columns (in details/power mode only).
  • Opus can now show product version, product name, company name and digital signature status for MSI installer packages.
  • AudioTags plugin updated to populate Composers and Conductors file display columns for FLAC, iTunes/M4A, Ogg Vorbis and APE audio files.
  • The Jobs Bar text and background colors can now be configured in Preferences.
  • When pasting a clipboard image to a file in a Lister the busy indicator is now shown to indicate activity (as otherwise it can sometimes not be obvious that anything is happening).
  • The viewer now shows a wait cursor while saving over the current image, since it can take a while (e.g. huge PNG images).
  • The CLI DOSPROMPT command will now use the current folder set by the CD instruction (if supplied), e.g:
  • cd "c:program files"
  • Added Select GROUPNAME argument to allow selection based on file group (when file display is grouped).
  • Combine with PATTERN (or NOPATTERN) argument to select files in a specific group or groups.
  • You can also use it to give focus to a specific group header (Select NOPATTERN GROUPNAME <name> SETFOCUS).
  • Added built-in folder alias /dropbox (when Dropbox is installed).
  • Added support for checkboxes to listviews in script dialogs.
  • The listview control can have checkboxes set to Automatic or Manual (as well as Off).
  • In Automatic mode, the state is changed automatically when user clicks the checkbox. In Manual mode, you're notified of the click but must change the state yourself.
  • The Msg object has a new event checked that indicates that the checkbox was clicked.
  • The Msg object has a new checked property that indicates the old check state (for Manual mode) or new check state (for Automatic mode).
  • The DialogListItem object has a new checked property that lets you get or set the check state for an item.
  • Check states are: 0 (unchecked), 1 (checked), 2 (indeterminate), 3 (unchecked/disabled), 4 (checked/disabled), 5 (indeterminate/disabled)
  • Added Blob.Find and Blob.Reverse script methods.
  • Added Viewer.AddFile and Viewer.RemoveFile script methods to modify the list of viewed pictures in an existing viewer.
  • Added a new FileGroup script object which exposes information about a file group (when a Tab is set to group by a particular column).
  • The Tab object has a new filegroups property which returns a collection of FileGroup objects representing all file groups in the Tab.
  • The Item object has a new filegroup property which returns a FileGroup object representing the group the item is a member of.
  • Added scripting FileAttr object, to better represent file attributes.
  • A new FileAttr object can be created by the FSUtil.NewFileAttr() method.
  • The Format object's hide_attr, show_attr, hide_folder_attr and show_folder_attr properties now return FileAttr objects instead of strings.
  • The Item object has a new fileattr property that returns a FileAttr object (the existing attr and attr_text properties are unchanged).
  • The File.SetAttr() method now accepts a FileAttr object as well as a string.
  • If a string is passed to File.SetAttr() (rather than a FileAttr object), + and - can be used to set and clear attributes rather than replacing the attributes entirely. For example, File.SetAttr("-r") to clear the read-only attribute.
  • Script columns can now use the additional types graphrel, igraphrel and percentrel. These are similar to the existing types graph, igraph and percent except that the values your script provides do not need to be limited to the range 0 to 100. Instead, Opus will keep track of the smallest and largest values returned and automatically calculate each file's relative percentage. You can also use the types graphrel0, igraphrel0 and percentrel0 which always use 0 as the lower-bound value (and Opus will simply keep track of the largest value you return).
  • The ScriptColumn script object has new properties (graph_colors, graph_colors2 and graph_threshold) that let you control the color of graphs drawn in a graph column.
  • Script dialog controls now have properties and methods to get and set their position within the client area of the dialog. The properties x, y, cx and cy let you get and set the left, top, width and height of the control. The SetPos, SetSize and SetPosAndSize methods let the position and size be set in a single call.
  • Scripts that open files for writing using the FSUtil.OpenFile method can now specify "f" as part of the mode string to automatically remove the read-only attribute from existing files.
  • Scripts that ask to overwrite read-only (R attribute) files will no longer trigger unnecessary UAC prompts.
  • FileSize objects can now be initialised from a Blob as well as the existing value types. The Blob must contain exactly 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes. The new ToBlob method lets you convert a FileSize to a Blob.
  • String dialogs shown by the Dialog.GetString script method now support the select property.
  • StringSet objects can now be initialised from automation arrays (vbscript) and Vector objects.
  • Added the Func.argsmap property which presents the arguments for a script command as a Map object.
  • Added a way for a script that implements the OnDoubleClick event to indicate that it wants to be invoked with only the path to the double-clicked item rather than a full Item object (which may be slow to construct, e.g. on network paths):
  • Set the new ScriptInitData.early_dblclk property to True.
  • OnDoubleClick will then be called with a new property early set to True in the DoubleClickData object.
  • When early is True, the item property is not present; instead, the new path property provides the full path of the object, and the new is_dir property indicates whether the item is a folder or file.
  • When the OnDoubleClick method returns, it will be called a second time, with early set to False and a full Item object available in the item property.
  • If the script sets the new skipfull property to True in the DoubleClickData at the "early" stage, the second call to OnDoubleClick doesn't occur.
  • Fixed incompatibility with TumaSoft's PresetViewer Argus in the Opus viewer pane (for viewing Photoshop brushes, shapes, and so on).
  • Fixed a crash in the script dialog editor with a particular combination of control modifications.
  • Fixed a problem where modifying a 7zip archive that was open in the file display could cause the Lister to jump to the parent folder.
  • Fix for submitted crash dump involving Flickr Sync.
  • The tooltips for Go commands which use explicit paths can now use %1 to insert the path into the tooltip string.
  • Fixed the folder tree showing the same library twice when the library was the Lister's default path and libraries were configured to appear under the Desktop branch.
  • Fixed grouping by Label or Status Icon putting each file into its own group in the previous version.
  • The maximum length of the string that can be entered into a {dlgstring} dialog has been increased to 2048 characters.
  • Fixed email address field from appending a backslash after using completion or pushing End twice.
  • Path-completion controls in various dialogs will no longer submit the dialog if you push return while the completion drop-down is open. They now select the chosen path, close the drop-down, and give focus to the edit control. You can then use tab to move to other controls, or push return a second time to submit the dialog.
  • Added a workaround to prevent corrupted files when dragging and dropping from UltraISO to an Opus window.
  • Fixed an error which could leave large (> 2 GB) image files locked after trying to extract metadata from them.
  • Fixed incorrect size/positioning of folder thumbnails using a single image (folder.jpg) and a non-square thumbnail size set via Show THUMBNAILSIZE.
  • In Preferences, DPI scaling is now applied to the maximum size you can set marked image thumbnails within the viewer.
  • Fixed height of marked image thumbnails in the viewer if the thumbnail size was not configured to be square.
  • Fixed file display scrollbars not updating in existing windows when line spacing was changed in Preferences.
  • Fixed a bug which meant a file's ADS streams may not have been preserved when converting an image in place with the Image CONVERT command.
  • The Image CONVERT command now preserves any XMP metadata embedded in the image file (previously only EXIF data was preserved). For example, in PNG files tags are stored in an XMP tag and previously weren't preserved.
  • Fixed some very minor DPI issues with the search field (top right of default toolbars, and bottom left of Preferences dialog).
  • Fix for separators in the Layouts list appearing in the wrong place within the Desktop context menu, if you had more than one separator.
  • Fixed a situation where the viewer failed to display Office documents if they were currently open in Microsoft Office.
  • Workaround for Microsoft Word documents sometimes appearing clipped in the viewer with newer versions of Microsoft Office.
  • Removed OpenOffice and Adobe Flash extensions from the list which Opus will attempt to view via Internet Explorer by default, since these days they are more likely to cause a Save As dialog to appear than to result in a working viewer via IE. If you were still relying on IE plugins for any of those formats, you can add their extensions back via Preferences.
  • Microsoft Office and other preview handlers are now cached by the viewer pane so that viewing one document and then another will be faster.
  • Fixed problem where the rename Automatically number files when names clash option could get confused if the original name ended in a number followed by a ) character (e.g. ABC (2018-02-06) ).
  • Tidied up the way accelerator keys are assigned in the Rename dialog. (e.g. Previously, if you opened the dialog in Find and Replace mode, the Alt+F key for refreshing the script preview would not work.) Some of the keys have changed as a result.
  • When copying files out of non-zip archives (ones handled by the Archives plugin), you can now retry after a disk full error.
  • In scripting, if a file had no tags, the Item.metadata.tags.count property was undefined instead of reporting 0.
  • Fixed issue which could cause an infinite loop when performing certain rename operations recursively.
  • Fixed an issue when running the Clipboard PASTE command from a script that could cause it to incorrectly paste to the destination file display instead of the source.
  • Fixed problem removing all tags from a PDF file that had no other metadata.
  • MD5 accuracy slider in the Duplicate Finder tool has up/down cursor key direction swapped.
  • Status bar codes for showing the name and other details about the last-selected file now work in all types of folder.
  • Fixed an empty archive being left around if archive creation failed or was cancelled, when using the Add To Archive dialog, or when the destination archive required elevation to create.
  • Fixed another issue where modifying a non-zip archive could cause the Lister to react as if the archive had been deleted (e.g. go up to the parent path).
  • Fixed the Favorites ALIAS=set and ALIAS=delete commands when used on toolbars. They previously only worked via hotkeys and scripts.
  • @hidenosel and @disablenosel patterns and file/dir limits now work in the context menus for the folder tree and file display.
  • The New context menu in Opus no longer filters out types that have identical content type specifications. This check (and questionable filetype registrations by other programs) may have resulted in the New Text Document menu being missing on some machines. Note that you may now see two almost identical items in the New menu for Microsoft Access, but this behavior is correct, and Microsoft's fault, and the same is true in Explorer.
  • Fixed incompatibility with drag & drop from ISOBuster.
  • The standalone viewer slideshow speed setting in Preferences now allows fractions of a second to be specified (using a decimal point).
  • The three tabs in the Advanced Function editor when it's in script mode now remember their cursor position and selection range when you switch between them.
  • The Create Folder dialog no longer allows strings containing colons (and other invalid filename characters) to be pasted in from the clipboard.
  • Fixed not being able to set Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: clipboard_image_paste to JPG for some configs which date back to older versions of Opus.
  • The path field's ghost path breadcrumbs are now cleared when you right-click the path field and choose Clear History, or when you run the Recent CLEAR command.
  • Fixed archive extract-to-subfolder failure when the archive name had a space before the extension.
  • Experimental fix for file change notification not working in collections when files are added via a junction or mount point.
  • The @toggle and @icon modifiers can now test conditions based on any internal command, not just the Set command.
  • Opus will now show an error when you try to copy a file > 4GB in size to a FAT or FAT32 drive.
  • The confirmation dialog when deleting a single file now truncates long filenames in the middle (e.g. aaa...ccc) rather than at the end (aaabbb...).
  • The current per-tab font scaling setting is now saved as part of layouts and styles.
  • The Rename dialog's preset list now shows a tooltip for any presets whose names are too wide for the list to show completely.
  • Removing files from a collection can now be undone.
  • The metadata pane should now recognise .m4a files properly (previously it was only checking for audio/x-m4a content type, it now checks for audio/mp4 as well).
  • Dragging a "modern" application (e.g. Calculator) from the start menu to an Opus Lister now correctly creates a shortcut to the app.
  • Combining the Select SOURCETODEST command with the HIDEUNSEL argument now correctly hides unselected items in the destination file display.
  • The Align other Lister element headers with the file display border Preferences option is now disabled if more than one toolbar is selected for the FDB.
  • The COPYDIRTIMES and COPYFILETIMES (and several other arguments) for the Copy command did not work in conjunction with the EXTRACT argument.
  • Fixed a problem where renaming a folder by only changing the case of its name (e.g. "test" to "TEST") would cause it to be removed from the folder tree.
  • Fixed problem with misreported duration of some AVI video files.
  • When the file display is grouped and in details mode, pushing shift+up/down would sometimes not scroll the list far enough to show the next selected file.
  • In the viewer pane, Opus would show the wrong cursor if the Expand and scroll was turned on but the parent option Scroll with left mouse button was turned off.
  • If you used the Grid Lines toggle in the default toolbars (Set GRIDLINESH=toggle) to override the grid line settings in Preferences, then used it again to go back to normal, that lister would then ignore changes to grid lines Preferences. The second toggle will now reset the lister back to the current Preferences settings, and it will then track them as normal.
  • Fixed the metadata panel's date fields showing the wrong day names when not being edited, if you had added day names to the system-wide short date format.
  • Fixed "inherit columns from other formats" preventing a format from overriding the Default format's column sizes. Also fixed an issue where certain combinations of columns in the inherited and main format resulted in column sizes being shifted (e.g. Column 3's size applied to column 2, and so on).
  • Fixed grid lines being invisible over columns with background colors in some situations, and improved centering of grid lines when "use visual styles to draw items" is off.
  • Fixed tooltips displaying Opus-generated folder thumbs without proper borders.
  • When using the Go FOLDERCONTENT command with the useshell option, sub-folders that only contain files and not folders will now be expandable.
  • Fixed problem where the tooltip for a folder with folder.jpg inside would not render any folder thumbnail at all.
  • Fixed issues with folder thumbnails in Tiles and Details+Thumbnails modes (images could draw outside the folder border).
  • Fixed problem where a newly created library would not update in the tree to show added member folders until the tree was refreshed.
  • Reworked the way Opus enumerates printers to prevent delays during startup (and possibly other times) caused by Windows taking a long time to process network printers.
  • Fixed problem where using Image CONVERT to convert from a picture in a zip file to the same zip file could cause a deadlock.
  • The simple Find panel now shows help bubbles again when wildcard characters like ( and ) are typed.
  • The simple Select dialog no longer shows the wildcard help bubble as soon as it appears if the edit control already has wildcards in it from the last time.
  • Workaround for Windows bug that caused parts of the Preferences / File Operations / Filters page to be drawn incorrectly after displaying the wildcard help bubble.
  • Fixed Expand & Scroll not working in the preview panel for raw camera files, and others loaded via simple bitmap plugins.
  • Improved Open With menu compatibility with Explorer when multiple versions of a program are installed side-by-side (e.g. Adobe Premier).
  • It's now possible to drag a file collection to a toolbar in Customize mode to add a button to go to that collection.
  • Fixed problem with the Filetype CONTEXTMENU command when a folder was selected - if it was present in the File menu following Filetype CONTEXTMENU=DirectoryBackground, it would generate commands (e.g. "Open in Explorer") for the wrong folder.
  • Also fixed longstanding issue where context menus in the File menu could end up in the wrong spot (e.g. below the Exit Directory Opus command).
  • The GetSizes command no longer ignores offline files when the Ignore junctions and softlinks option is on (so calculating the size of an offline OneDrive or Dropbox folder now works properly).
  • The Add folder to search dialog in Find did not let you add a path by typing it in manually in some cases.
  • In the icon modes, when the file display is grouped and the last group is collapsed, pressing the End key now puts the focus on the last group rather than the last (hidden) file within it.
  • The Metadata dialog now correctly displays the focus rectangle if you push the cursor down key rather than Tab when the cursor opens.
  • Using the Image CONVERT command with REPLACE=always now correctly replaces existing files when the destination is a zip file.

New in Directory Opus 12.7.5 Beta (Apr 17, 2018)

  • Added Select GROUPNAME argument to allow selection based on file group (when file display is grouped).
  • Combine with PATTERN (or NOPATTERN) argument to select files in a specific group or groups.
  • You can also use it to give focus to a specific group header (Select NOPATTERN GROUPNAME <name> SETFOCUS).
  • Added built-in folder alias /dropbox (when Dropbox is installed).
  • The GetSizes command no longer ignores offline files when the Ignore junctions and softlinks option is on (so calculating the size of an offline OneDrive or Dropbox folder now works properly).
  • The Add folder to search dialog in Find did not let you add a path by typing it in manually in some cases.
  • In the icon modes, when the file display is grouped and the last group is collapsed, pressing the End key now puts the focus on the last group rather than the last (hidden) file within it.
  • The Metadata dialog now correctly displays the focus rectangle if you push the cursor down key rather than Tab when the cursor opens.
  • Using the Image CONVERT command with REPLACE=always now correctly replaces existing files when the destination is a zip file.
  • For scripts that use the new early_dblclk option for the OnDoubleClick event, some potentially expensive processing is now deferred until the second time the script is called.

New in Directory Opus 12.7.4 Beta (Apr 13, 2018)

  • Added support for Dropbox Smart Sync (Opus now recognises when files are "available online only", can display thumbnails for offline files, etc).
  • Added the Set TABPOSITION command that lets tab position be modified on a per-Lister basis.
  • Added the Set LISTERSIZE=auto command, which automatically resizes the Lister to fit the current columns (in details/power mode only).
  • The Clipboard SCREENSHOT command now allows the name to be configured when the save option is used, using the name: option. %date% can be used to insert the current date.
  • Secure screenshot now works correctly in mixed-DPI situations.
  • Secure screenshot of the whole desktop now blurs desktop icon labels as well.
  • Opus can now show product version, product name, company name and digital signature status for MSI installer packages.
  • AudioTags plugin updated to populate Composers and Conductors file display columns for FLAC, iTunes/M4A, Ogg Vorbis and APE audio files.
  • The Jobs Bar text and background colors can now be configured in Preferences.
  • String dialogs shown by the Dialog.GetString script method now support the select property.
  • StringSet objects can now be initialised from automation arrays (vbscript) and Vector objects.
  • Added the Func.argsmap property which presents the arguments for a script command as a Map object.
  • When pasting a clipboard image to a file in a Lister the busy indicator is now shown to indicate activity (as otherwise it can sometimes not be obvious that anything is happening).
  • The viewer now shows a wait cursor while saving over the current image, since it can take a while (e.g. huge PNG images).
  • Fixed the metadata panel's date fields showing the wrong day names when not being edited, if you had added day names to the system-wide short date format.
  • Fixed "inherit columns from other formats" preventing a format from overriding the Default format's column sizes. Also fixed an issue where certain combinations of columns in the inherited and main format resulted in column sizes being shifted (e.g. Column 3's size applied to column 2, and so on).
  • Fixed grid lines being invisible over columns with background colors in some situations, and improved centering of grid lines when "use visual styles to draw items" is off.
  • Fixed tooltips displaying Opus-generated folder thumbs without proper borders.
  • The CLI DOSPROMPT command will now use the current folder set by the CD instruction (if supplied).
  • When running ad-hoc DOS and WSL commands from the FAYT, support for internal commands is now automatically disabled (so you can type e.g. |find. and have it run the Linux find command rather than the Opus internal Find command).
  • When using the Go FOLDERCONTENT command with the useshell option, sub-folders that only contain files and not folders will now be expandable.
  • Fixed problem where the tooltip for a folder with folder.jpg inside would not render any folder thumbnail at all.
  • Fixed issues with folder thumbnails in Tiles and Details+Thumbnails modes (images could draw outside the folder border).
  • Fixed rename with delete-and-replace over an existing file failing if UAC elevation was required to delete the existing file and the Lister or command was already elevated.
  • Fixed problem where a newly created library would not update in the tree to show added member folders until the tree was refreshed.
  • Reworked the way Opus enumerates printers to prevent delays during startup (and possibly other times) caused by Windows taking a long time to process network printers.
  • Fixed problem where using Image CONVERT to convert from a picture in a zip file to the same zip file could cause a deadlock.
  • The simple Find panel now shows help bubbles again when wildcard characters like ( and ) are typed.
  • The simple Select dialog no longer shows the wildcard help bubble as soon as it appears if the edit control already has wildcards in it from the last time.
  • Workaround for Windows bug that caused parts of the Preferences / File Operations / Filters page to be drawn incorrectly after displaying the wildcard help bubble.
  • Fixed Expand & Scroll not working in the preview panel for raw camera files, and others loaded via simple bitmap plugins.
  • Improved Open With menu compatibility with Explorer when multiple versions of a program are installed side-by-side (e.g. Adobe Premier).
  • It's now possible to drag a file collection to a toolbar in Customize mode to add a button to go to that collection.
  • Fixed problem with the Filetype CONTEXTMENU command when a folder was selected - if it was present in the File menu following Filetype CONTEXTMENU=DirectoryBackground, it would generate commands (e.g. "Open in Explorer") for the wrong folder.
  • Also fixed longstanding issue where context menus in the File menu could end up in the wrong spot (e.g. below the Exit Directory Opus command).
  • Added a way for a script that implements the OnDoubleClick event to indicate that it wants to be invoked with only the path to the double-clicked item rather than a full Item object (which may be slow to construct, e.g. on network paths):
  • Set the new ScriptInitData.early_dblclk property to True.
  • OnDoubleClick will then be called with a new property early set to True in the DoubleClickData object.
  • When early is True, the item property is not present; instead, the new path property provides the full path of the object, and the new is_dir property indicates whether the item is a folder or file.
  • When the OnDoubleClick method returns, it will be called a second time, with early set to False and a full Item object available in the item property.
  • If the script sets the new skipfull property to True in the DoubleClickData at the "early" stage, the second call to OnDoubleClick doesn't occur.

New in Directory Opus 12.7.3 Beta (Mar 24, 2018)

  • The Rename tool has a new mode, Regular Expressions + Find And Replace, which combines both modes (lets you search and replace within filenames using regular expressions, without having to construct a pattern to match the whole name).
  • The Duplicate Finder tool now has a Size mode which only finds duplicates based on their size (ignoring name, date and contents). The Find command has a new SIZEONLY argument to activate this mode from a command.
  • Buttons can now be hidden or disabled based on the number of selected files or folders. For example, @hidenosel:minfiles=2,maxfiles=4 will hide a button unless 2, 3 or 4 files are selected.
  • The {foldercontents} and {foldersize} infotip fields can now be configured to control what they show:
  • noprefix can be used to remove the normal prefix added to the field (e.g. {foldersize:noprefix})
  • files and dirs can be used for {foldercontents} to only show one type of content {e.g. {foldercontents:files,noprefix})
  • The Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced / use_color_management option now allows an external ICC file to be selected (as well as the built-in sRGB profile). Additionally, PNG files with embedded ICC profiles are now supported as well as JPEGs.
  • The Show command now has POS and SIZE arguments that let you specify a position and/or size for the standalone viewer window.
  • Added Set VIEWPANELOCK command. When the viewer pane lock is turned on, it will continue to display its current image even if the file selection is changed in the Lister.
  • Folder tab group changes:
  • Menus for selecting folder tab groups now highlight the "active" group, i.e. the one which was last loaded. You can use Go TABGROUPLIST=nohighlight to prevent this on user-editable toolbars and menus.
  • When saving over a tab group, the suggested group name now comes from the display you are saving from (if applicable) and not always the source display.
  • When saving over a tab group, the dialog now opens with the existing tab group name pre-selected.
  • You can now use Go TABGROUPSAVE=!forget to tell the file display to de-couple itself from any loaded tab group (e.g. so the group's name is no longer selected in the list of tab groups).
  • The Go TABGROUPSAVE command also now has !closeall and !nocloseall keywords which override the state of the Close all other tabs flag. These existed previously but were undocumented, and the way the flag behaves when saving over existing groups has been improved slightly.
  • You can now use Go TABGROUPSAVE=!current to save over the last folder tab group which was loaded. If no group is loaded, you will be prompted to name a new one, unless you add !quiet as well. You can also use !unless to skip saving if a particular group is currently loaded. Details in the manual.
  • You can now use Go TABGROUPLIST=savecurrent on a toolbar to generate a list of buttons for each folder tab group where any changes to the current group (if any) will be saved automatically before switching to another group. Note that this does not cover saving the current group in other situations like closing the Lister, and consideration is needed if you use this with multiple Listers at once. More detail in the manual.
  • Added a new FileGroup script object which exposes information about a file group (when a Tab is set to group by a particular column).
  • The Tab object has a new filegroups property which returns a collection of FileGroup objects representing all file groups in the Tab.
  • The Item object has a new filegroup property which returns a FileGroup object representing the group the item is a member of.
  • Added scripting FileAttr object, to better represent file attributes.
  • A new FileAttr object can be created by the FSUtil.NewFileAttr() method.
  • The Format object's hide_attr, show_attr, hide_folder_attr and show_folder_attr properties now return FileAttr objects instead of strings.
  • The Item object has a new fileattr property that returns a FileAttr object (the existing attr and attr_text properties are unchanged).
  • The File.SetAttr() method now accepts a FileAttr object as well as a string.
  • If a string is passed to File.SetAttr() (rather than a FileAttr object), + and - can be used to set and clear attributes rather than replacing the attributes entirely. For example, File.SetAttr("-r") to clear the read-only attribute.
  • Script columns can now use the additional types graphrel, igraphrel and percentrel. These are similar to the existing types graph, igraph and percent except that the values your script provides do not need to be limited to the range 0 to 100. Instead, Opus will keep track of the smallest and largest values returned and automatically calculate each file's relative percentage. You can also use the types graphrel0, igraphrel0 and percentrel0 which always use 0 as the lower-bound value (and Opus will simply keep track of the largest value you return).
  • The ScriptColumn script object has new properties (graph_colors, graph_colors2 and graph_threshold) that let you control the color of graphs drawn in a graph column.
  • Script dialog controls now have properties and methods to get and set their position within the client area of the dialog. The properties x, y, cx and cy let you get and set the left, top, width and height of the control. The SetPos, SetSize and SetPosAndSize methods let the position and size be set in a single call.
  • Scripts that open files for writing using the FSUtil.OpenFile method can now specify "f" as part of the mode string to automatically remove the read-only attribute from existing files.
  • Scripts that ask to overwrite read-only (R attribute) files will no longer trigger unnecessary UAC prompts.
  • FileSize objects can now be initialised from a Blob as well as the existing value types. The Blob must contain exactly 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes. The new ToBlob method lets you convert a FileSize to a Blob.
  • Added the Blob.Reverse method.
  • MD5 accuracy slider in the Duplicate Finder tool has up/down cursor key direction swapped.
  • Status bar codes for showing the name and other details about the last-selected file now work in all types of folder.
  • Fixed an empty archive being left around if archive creation failed or was cancelled, when using the Add To Archive dialog, or when the destination archive required elevation to create.
  • Fixed another issue where modifying a non-zip archive could cause the Lister to react as if the archive had been deleted (e.g. go up to the parent path).
  • Fixed the Favorites ALIAS=set and ALIAS=delete commands when used on toolbars. They previously only worked via hotkeys and scripts.
  • @hidenosel and @disablenosel patterns and file/dir limits now work in the context menus for the folder tree and file display.
  • The New context menu in Opus no longer filters out types that have identical content type specifications. This check (and questionable filetype registrations by other programs) may have resulted in the New Text Document menu being missing on some machines. Note that you may now see two almost identical items in the New menu for Microsoft Access, but this behavior is correct, and Microsoft's fault, and the same is true in Explorer.
  • Fixed incompatibility with drag & drop from ISOBuster.
  • The standalone viewer slideshow speed setting in Preferences now allows fractions of a second to be specified (using a decimal point).
  • The three tabs in the Advanced Function editor when it's in script mode now remember their cursor position and selection range when you switch between them.
  • The Create Folder dialog no longer allows strings containing colons (and other invalid filename characters) to be pasted in from the clipboard.
  • Fixed not being able to set Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: clipboard_image_paste to JPG for some configs which date back to older versions of Opus.
  • The path field's ghost path breadcrumbs are now cleared when you right-click the path field and choose Clear History, or when you run the Recent CLEAR command.
  • Fixed archive extract-to-subfolder failure when the archive name had a space before the extension.
  • Experimental fix for file change notification not working in collections when files are added via a junction or mount point.
  • The @toggle and @icon modifiers can now test conditions based on any internal command, not just the Set command.
  • Opus will now show an error when you try to copy a file > 4GB in size to a FAT or FAT32 drive.
  • The confirmation dialog when deleting a single file now truncates long filenames in the middle (e.g. aaa...ccc) rather than at the end (aaabbb...).
  • The current per-tab font scaling setting is now saved as part of layouts and styles.
  • The Rename dialog's preset list now shows a tooltip for any presets whose names are too wide for the list to show completely.
  • Removing files from a collection can now be undone.
  • The metadata pane should now recognise .m4a files properly (previously it was only checking for audio/x-m4a content type, it now checks for audio/mp4 as well).
  • Dragging a "modern" application (e.g. Calculator) from the start menu to an Opus Lister now correctly creates a shortcut to the app.
  • Combining the Select SOURCETODEST command with the HIDEUNSEL argument now correctly hides unselected items in the destination file display.
  • The Align other Lister element headers with the file display border Preferences option is now disabled if more than one toolbar is selected for the FDB.
  • The COPYDIRTIMES and COPYFILETIMES (and several other arguments) for the Copy command did not work in conjunction with the EXTRACT argument.
  • Fixed a problem where renaming a folder by only changing the case of its name (e.g. "test" to "TEST") would cause it to be removed from the folder tree.
  • Fixed problem with misreported duration of some AVI video files.
  • When the file display is grouped and in details mode, pushing shift+up/down would sometimes not scroll the list far enough to show the next selected file.
  • Fixed glitch in new FDB toolbar Preferences page if you removed all toolbars from the FDB toolbar list and clicked OK.
  • In the viewer pane, Opus would show the wrong cursor if the Expand and scroll was turned on but the parent option Scroll with left mouse button was turned off.
  • If you used the Grid Lines toggle in the default toolbars (Set GRIDLINESH=toggle) to override the grid line settings in Preferences, then used it again to go back to normal, that lister would then ignore changes to grid lines Preferences. The second toggle will now reset the lister back to the current Preferences settings, and it will then track them as normal.
  • Fixes for 12.7.2 beta grid-line changes, particularly with full-row selection. Additionally, when not grouping, we now draw a grid line before the first file and after the last file, and alternating bars begin on the first file instead of the second, to better suit Windows 10's column header aesthetics.
  • Fixes for thumbnail painting issues introduced in 12.7.2 beta.

New in Directory Opus 12.7.2 Beta (Feb 12, 2018)

  • WebP images can now be displayed in the viewer, preview pane, thumbnails. The image converter can convert from WebP to other formats (but not the other way around). Alpha channel transparency is supported. Metadata, tiled images (over 16kx16k) and animated images are not currently supported.
  • The advanced command editor now allows commands to be set as WSL Script functions; similar to DOS Batch mode, this runs the command as a WSL (Bash) script. Note that WSL needs to be installed from the Windows Store.
  • Enabled several columns for movie files that previously only worked for music files (even though the metadata panel could show them for movies). The columns are Year, Genre, Title, Artist, Encoded By, Initial Key, Composers, Conductor, and Producers. Also added Directors column since that was missing altogether.
  • The Preferences / File Displays / Border page now lets more than one toolbar to be selected for the file display border.
  • Under Preferences / Toolbars / Appearance, the maximum allowed button spacing values now scale with DPI. (The values themselves already scaled when you moved between machines or DPIs, but the maximum the UI let you enter was always 10 pixels until now.)
  • The vertical button spacing option in Preferences / Toolbars / Appearance can now be applied to individual buttons on vertical toolbars or items in pop-up menus via two new options on the same page.
  • Added Preferences / Folder Tabs / Options / Click selected tab option which lets you control what happens when you click the already active folder tab.
  • A new Extra Line Padding option in Preferences / File Display Modes / Details and Power which complements their older Extra Line Spacing option. (See Line spacing vs padding for example screenshots.) Padding makes each line taller, adding extra space inside the clickable area, similar to using a taller font. Padding is scaled with DPI. (On the other hand, spacing increases the gap between items and is outside the clickable area. With large spacing you get gaps between items which act like the lister background when clicked. Spacing is not DPI scaled as you will probably only want exactly 0 or 1 pixel of it: You can set spacing to 1 pixel to prevent the overlap of selection boxes on newer versions of Windows which causes a thin line between selected items. For everything else, you probably want to use the new padding option.)
  • Improved the interaction between grid lines and extra line spacing in Details and Power modes. If you notice any glitches in how the grids and backgrounds behind/between files are painted, please report them.
  • Added Preferences option Folders / Folder Behaviour / Ignore junctions and softlinks when calculating folder sizes. Also added the GetSizes IGNOREJUNCTIONS argument for to override the option setting.
  • Added new Preferences option Folder Tabs / Options / Process file changes in background tabs. When this is turned off (the default is on), tabs that aren't visible will no longer process file change notifications. Instead they'll be flagged as dirty, and automatically refreshed when you switch to that tab.
  • Added Viewer.AddFile and Viewer.RemoveFile script methods to modify the list of viewed pictures in an existing viewer.
  • Added Recent command COPY argument which lets generated recent list buttons copy (or move) selected files to recent folders automatically. The KEYARGS argument also supports the use of the Copy command in this context.
  • Updated 7z.dll to version 18.01 to address two potential security issues ( ). Note that we don't think either would affect Opus in its default configuration, but they could be a problem if you switch Opus from Unrar.dll to 7z.dll for RAR files, or if you turn on the ZipX archive type via Preferences.
  • Changed the way the new screen shot function (introduced in 12.7.1) works to avoid conflict with third-party screen shot tools.
  • Fixed possible crash in new filename blurring feature.
  • Added a workaround to prevent corrupted files when dragging and dropping from UltraISO to an Opus window.
  • Fixed an error which could leave large (> 2 GB) image files locked after trying to extract metadata from them.
  • Fixed incorrect size/positioning of folder thumbnails using a single image (folder.jpg) and a non-square thumbnail size set via Show THUMBNAILSIZE.
  • In Preferences, DPI scaling is now applied to the maximum size you can set marked image thumbnails within the viewer.
  • Fixed height of marked image thumbnails in the viewer if the thumbnail size was not configured to be square.
  • Fixed file display scrollbars not updating in existing windows when line spacing was changed in Preferences.
  • Fixed a bug which meant a file's ADS streams may not have been preserved when converting an image in place with the Image CONVERT command.
  • The Image CONVERT command now preserves any XMP metadata embedded in the image file (previously only EXIF data was preserved). For example, in PNG files tags are stored in an XMP tag and previously weren't preserved.
  • Fixed some very minor DPI issues with the search field (top right of default toolbars, and bottom left of Preferences dialog).
  • Fix for separators in the Layouts list appearing in the wrong place within the Desktop context menu, if you had more than one separator.
  • Fixed a situation where the viewer failed to display Office documents if they were currently open in Microsoft Office.
  • Workaround for Microsoft Word documents sometimes appearing clipped in the viewer with newer versions of Microsoft Office.
  • Removed OpenOffice and Adobe Flash extensions from the list which Opus will attempt to view via Internet Explorer by default, since these days they are more likely to cause a Save As dialog to appear than to result in a working viewer via IE. If you were still relying on IE plugins for any of those formats, you can add their extensions back via Preferences.
  • Microsoft Office and other preview handlers are now cached by the viewer pane so that viewing one document and then another will be faster.
  • Fixed problem where the rename Automatically number files when names clash option could get confused if the original name ended in a number followed by a ) character (e.g. ABC (2018-02-06) ).
  • Tidied up the way accelerator keys are assigned in the Rename dialog. (e.g. Previously, if you opened the dialog in Find and Replace mode, the Alt+F key for refreshing the script preview would not work.) Some of the keys have changed as a result.
  • When copying files out of non-zip archives (ones handled by the Archives plugin), you can now retry after a disk full error.
  • In scripting, if a file had no tags, the Item.metadata.tags.count property was undefined instead of reporting 0.
  • Fixed issue which could cause an infinite loop when performing certain rename operations recursively.
  • Fixed an issue when running the Clipboard PASTE command from a script that could cause it to incorrectly paste to the destination file display instead of the source.
  • Fixed problem removing all tags from a PDF file that had no other metadata.

New in Directory Opus 12.7.1 Beta (Jan 19, 2018)

  • Added the ability to blur filenames and paths in the Lister, in order to take screenshots without revealing potentially sensitive information. The default Help menu has a new Secure Screenshot command in it which lets you take a secure screenshot of the current Lister or the whole desktop (with all Listers blurred).
  • Note that at the moment there is no blurring in secondary windows (progress indicators, error dialogs) or in dropdown menus (favorites, breadcrumbs path, etc).
  • The Clipboard SCREENSHOT command can take a screenshot of either the current Lister or the whole desktop, with or without blurring of filenames. By default the screenshot is placed in the clipboard, but it can optionally be saved to the desktop automatically. The command can also display an optional countdown timer for taking more complicated screenshots.
  • The Set BLURFILENAMES command can be used to manually turn blurring on and off in the current Lister, if you want to use an external screenshot tool.
  • Added basic support for WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux):
  • Added CLI DOSPROMPT=wsl command to open a linux shell (assuming WSL is installed in Windows 10).
  • The Clipboard COPYNAMES command has a new wsl argument that copies filenames in WSL (Linux) format, e.g. instead of C:Test it would copy /mnt/c/test.
  • The /mnt/ format is also understood by path fields, etc (anywhere aliases work).
  • Added a new WSL Command mode to the FAYT; this lets you run linux commands (providing WSL is installed under Windows 10) from the FAYT like you can already run DOS commands. By default the activation key is | (vertical bar).
  • Added Clipboard COPYNAMES quote keyword, to force copied pathnames to be quoted whether they contain spaces or not.
  • The metadata panel can now be used to set the Lens Type EXIF field.
  • Added .mkv to the default list of extensions viewed via Generic ActiveX. This should mean that if the Opus Movie plugin cannot view an MKV then Opus will fall back on the Windows Media Player ActiveX control, which can view them with newer versions of Windows.
  • The metadata panel now notices and updates external changes to the metadata of files it's currently showing in more cases (e.g. if the file is modified externally using a "safe save" technique the panel should now notice).
  • Made changes to the file notification system to improve performance when copying files across a network.
  • The dialog confirming that a copy operation has been queued now has a checkbox on it letting you disable all further confirmations (as well as the existing checkbox which disables them for the current queue only).
  • Opus's Select Folder dialog now has a drop-down providing quick access to any paths currently open in a Lister or tab.
  • Added a workaround to try to prevent TeamViewer from locking up Opus when using the Image Convert function. Opus now also tries to detect TeamViewer and add itself to the exclusion list for TeamViewer's QuickConnect feature, since it seems to cause nothing but problems (for lots of software, not just Opus).
  • Added support for checkboxes to listviews in script dialogs.
  • The listview control can have checkboxes set to Automatic or Manual (as well as Off).
  • In Automatic mode, the state is changed automatically when user clicks the checkbox. In Manual mode, you're notified of the click but must change the state yourself.
  • The Msg object has a new event checked that indicates that the checkbox was clicked.
  • The Msg object has a new checked property that indicates the old check state (for Manual mode) or new check state (for Automatic mode).
  • The DialogListItem object has a new checked property that lets you get or set the check state for an item.
  • Check states are: 0 (unchecked), 1 (checked), 2 (indeterminate), 3 (unchecked/disabled), 4 (checked/disabled), 5 (indeterminate/disabled)
  • Added Blob.Find script method (Blob.Find(<data>, [<start>, [<length>]])).
  • Fixed incompatibility with TumaSoft's PresetViewer Argus in the Opus viewer pane (for viewing Photoshop brushes, shapes, and so on).
  • Fixed a crash in the script dialog editor with a particular combination of control modifications.
  • Fixed a problem where modifying a 7zip archive that was open in the file display could cause the Lister to jump to the parent folder.
  • Fix for submitted crash dump involving Flickr Sync.
  • The tooltips for Go commands which use explicit paths can now use %1 to insert the path into the tooltip string.
  • Fixed the folder tree showing the same library twice when the library was the Lister's default path and libraries were configured to appear under the Desktop branch.
  • Fixed grouping by Label or Status Icon putting each file into its own group in the previous version.
  • The maximum length of the string that can be entered into a {dlgstring} dialog has been increased to 2048 characters.
  • Fixed email address field from appending a backslash after using completion or pushing End twice.
  • Path-completion controls in various dialogs will no longer submit the dialog if you push return while the completion drop-down is open. They now select the chosen path, close the drop-down, and give focus to the edit control. You can then use tab to move to other controls, or push return a second time to submit the dialog.

New in Directory Opus 12.7 Build 6536 (Nov 23, 2017)

  • Added support for the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update version of Microsoft OneDrive. OneDrive for Business and SharePoint folders synced by the new OneDrive client are also supported. Sync status for files is shown in the Availability column, and an icon representing the sync status is shown (by default) in the Status column (a new option in Preferences / Folders / Folder Display lets you turn this off if you want). The sync icons are also shown in the icon display modes.
  • The new P attribute (for “pinned”) is shown for files that are marked as Always available on this device.
  • A new Folder Type format has been added to Preferences / Folders / Folder Formats which controls the default format for OneDrive folders (turning on the Status and Availability columns).
  • A new Launch Options dialog is displayed when you drag an exe file to a toolbar in Customize mode. The dialog lets you choose whether the program will run on its own or be passed selected files, and similar options. You can set it to always use those options when dragging other exes to toolbars in the future (hold Ctrl to make it appear again afterwards).
  • The tooltip for the Clipboard PASTE and PASTELINK commands (e.g. in the Edit menu) can now display a preview of the clipboard contents. To enable this in existing toolbars, edit the function for the command and add %1 to the tooltip definition. For example, the new default tooltip for Clipboard PASTE is Paste files and folders on the clipboard to the destination foldernn%1.
  • Added Go REBUILDTREE command. Equivalent to toggling tree off and on again.
  • Added metadata support for the IPTC/XMP Special Instructions field.
  • Added Favorites ALIAS command which lets folder aliases be added, modified and deleted.
  • Added Favorites command COPYTO and MOVETO arguments, which cause the generated list of favorite folders to contain commands for copying or moving selected files to your favorite folders.
  • Copy TO=ask and TO=ask$ now allow a default path to be specified, e.g. Copy TO=ask:c:data.
  • The new advanced options custom_time_format and custom_date_format allow you to override the standard system date and time formats.
  • Pressing Ctrl-T in the Find-As-You-Type field now toggles the state of the fayt_firstchar_repeat advanced Preferences setting.
  • Preferences / File Operations / Progress Indicators has a new option to turn off the slide animation when a queued operation begins. The animation is also automatically suppressed when using Remote Desktop or if client-area animations are turned off system-wide.
  • The dialog for configuring folder thumbnails now has a Defaults button to reset just its settings without having to reset the whole Thumbnails preferences page as well.
  • Added compatibility with some incorrectly formatted BMP images.
  • The folder tab strip’s empty space can now be clicked to activate that side of the Lister (unless the tab_click_nofocus Advanced Preferences option is on).
  • Clicking a file display’s scrollbars will now make it the source in all cases. (Previously, this only happened for Details and Power modes).
  • The Go FOLDERCONTENT command now accepts the useshell keyword to force the folder to be enumerated using the shell (to get shell ordering and display names).
  • Added Creator and Producer fields to the list of file display columns (currently these columns are only supported by PDF files - the metadata panel already supported them). You can also search on them using the Advanced Find function.
  • Preferences / Folder Tree / Contents now has an option to hide Creative Cloud Files from the Tree (only present if Adobe Creative Cloud is installed on the machine).
  • The Select ADVANCED command now allows the name of a saved filter to be specified to open the selection dialog with that filter already loaded. e.g. Select ADVANCED=MyFilter.
  • The Set Attributes dialog can now copy the various “document date” fields (created, edited, last saved) to the modification and creation time fields.
  • The “Save Tab group” dialog now displays an indicator in the drop-down list to show which tab group was most recently loaded.
  • The SetAttr META command now accepts usercomment as a synonym for comment.
  • Opus now displays a confirmation message before generating a context menu for a large number of files. The limit defaults to 1000 but this can be changed with the context_menu_max_files advanced option. Set it to 0 for no limit like before.
  • The Browse button in the advanced function editor now displays a drop-down menu letting you browse for files or folders, and also insert a folder alias or FTP site.
  • Updated 7z and UnRAR components to current stable versions.
  • Improved the behavior of the Preferences / Folder Tabs / Options / Preserve folder tree expansion when switching tabs option.
  • Improved the performance of the Browse for folder dialog when a network path is pasted into the path field.
  • Added Composers and Conductors columns to the Music category.
  • Added setting for “off” file display background color to Preferences / Display / Colors & Fonts.
  • The Replace File dialog now shows the locations (not just names) of the files, and you can now hover over extremely wide, truncated strings to see tooltips with their full details.
  • In path fields, when the path completion drop-down is visible, you can now use Tab and Shift-Tab for the next and previous matches, as synonyms for the Down and Up cursor keys.
  • In path fields with path completion enabled, when neither the drop-down nor the path-completion pop-up list is visible, the up/down cursor keys now do nothing. Previously, they would trigger immediate navigation to an entry from the history list, or whichever list the path field’s drop-down was set to. Once the completion pop-up or drop-down list is open, the cursor keys will move through the list. (Note that F4 is the hotkey to open the drop-down, as is standard in Windows.)
  • Breadcrumbs path fields have a new DragIgnoreSelf option which blocks drag & drop from the field to itself, to avoid accidents.
  • Breadcrumbs path fields have a new EditEnd option which positions the cursor at the end of the path string when you start editing the path, making it easier to type a sub-directory or modify the last path component. By default, the whole path will be selected, making it easier to type a completely new path, as before.
  • Added Ctrl-L as a default hotkey for the path field, and changed the default Calculate Folder Sizes hotkey from Ctrl-L to Ctrl-K. (This will only affect new configurations, unless you revert your toolbars to the factory defaults or make similar changes yourself.)
  • star: JPEG2000 decoding now respects EXIF rotation, if enabled.
  • The colors used by the text viewer plugin are now configurable via Preferences / Viewer / Plugins / Text / Configure.
  • Added an option to suppress the warning about slow searches due to unindexed folders when using Windows Search. Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: search_warn_nonindexed.
  • Added a Preferences option to disable the underline when single click mode is active and the mouse hovers over a filename. Preferences / File Displays / Mouse / Underline items on hover.
  • Added new unique parameter to Close ALLLISTERS=collapse,unique which will collapse all tabs in all windows into the current Lister without opening any duplicate tabs.
  • Added new advanced settings, notify_max_time and notify_min_items, which can diagnose rare situations where the file display cannot keep up with the number of filesystem change events being produced. See the help file for more detail.
  • The Prefs BACKUPRESTORE command now respects the TO, PASSWORD and DESC arguments to override the default backup filename and pre-supply a password or description when using the interactive backup UI. (Previously, these only worked when doing fully automated backups.)
  • Configuration backup filenames now use yyyy-MM-dd as the default date format, so the backups are easier to sort.
  • star: In path fields, pressing the End key twice now turns into a path slash. This is to make path completion easier with keymaps where pressing the path separator keys is difficult.
  • Diacritics are now ignored when grouping by name (and other text fields). For example, Ábc will now group under A-H rather than in the Unspecified group. (Vista and above).
  • Context menu items that showed up as a long “internal” string (e.g. @{Microsoft.Windows.Photos.blahblahblah}) are now displayed correctly.
  • star: Made the New Text Document menu and command work better when there is incorrect data in the registry.
  • Copying music file cover art in the metadata editor via drag and drop now works correctly (previously the copied cover art would not be saved to the target file).
  • DPI scaling is now applied to the positions of toolbars on shared rows and columns.
  • Improved alignment of drive letters when added to the corners of drive buttons.
  • A tab that has its loading deferred until tab activation will now correctly add the path to the history list when a sub-directory is entered.
  • The file log no longer truncates paths to 260 characters when saving it as a text file.
  • Added option to save the file log as a CSV file, and a “copy to clipboard” context menu.
  • Opus will now attempt to preserve zip file metadata (rating, tags, etc) when the archive is modified.
  • Fix for crash caused by the Windows 10 Creators Update which could happen at a random time after the credentials dialog was displayed for a network drive.
  • Advanced Find wasn’t able to find labels that had their Show in label column option turned off.
  • The Go TABUNDOCLOSE command now preserves the tab color setting of the closed tab.
  • Fixed FTP login problems with SwiFTP android server.
  • A separator immediately following a list of buttons generated by Properties SETLABEL was not displayed.
  • Keyboard accelerators (e.g. in Preferences) where the key in some non-English languages (e.g. Japanese) appears at the end of the translated label (e.g. xxxxxxxx (Y)) now work correctly.
  • Fixed issue with certain corrupt RAR files which could cause Opus to keep trying to open them instead of giving up on failure.
  • Fixed folder with a name like ::{018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6} appearing in Desktop if Opus was configured to show the OneDrive folder there but OneDrive was broken or disabled.
  • Fixed Synchronize tool not properly matching files between sides if special folders with localized names were below the starting point of the sync, and Preferences / Folders / Folder Display / Display localized folder names was on. (e.g. If you synced the parent of the special Documents or Music folders, either having moved them to folders with different names or when using a non-English version of Windows).
  • Fixed problems with labels in the tree disappearing when the label Preferences are edited.
  • The two default context menu items for files in a collection were not translated when changing languages.
  • If the file display format is set to group by Labels, the “collapsed” option now works correctly.
  • When using the Copy As function from a zip file, the “enter a new name” dialog continued to offer the first file’s name as a default for second and subsequent files.
  • Fixed problem when copying out of zip files in flat view mode - only files in the root folder were copied, files in sub-folders were ignored.
  • Fixed shared rename presets from older versions sometimes getting numeric names when imported into Opus 12.
  • Copying files out of zip files now obeys the “unattended” settings correctly.
  • The Copy MAKELINK command now works from a file collection.
  • The SetAttr META command now reports when errors occur, and allows you to skip over errors and continue setting metadata on subsequent files.
  • The Preferences / Viewer / Appearance / Display full path option works again.
  • Flickr photo syncing works again (Opus now supports the OAuth authentication system which Flickr has recently switched to).
  • Saving an image from the viewer (e.g. after cropping it) now preserves the original EXIF data from the source image if possible.
  • Fix for new Go REBUILDTREE command not working properly in a dual display Lister.
  • Fixed internal “IDL:” type strings appearing in tooltips in generated Go FOLDERCONTENT menus.
  • Fixed crash if a button or script rapidly changed the status icons of the file open in the image viewer.
  • Fixed some arguments to Properties SETLABEL being ignored if a single button used it multiple times.
  • Fixed script and FTP logs not line-wrapping if the windows they were on were never resized.
  • If the Rename dialog’s script panel was open, refreshing the rename preview cleared both the dialog’s script output and the global script log. It now only clears the dialog’s output.
  • Fixed Opus not recognizing the date taken field in some image files (specifically, files that use the Xmp “CreateDate” field rather than the Xmp or Exif “DateTimeOriginal” fields).
  • Fixed problem with {parent} code in Rename dialog revealing an internal path when in the root of a library.
  • Clicking the Edit Labels link from a folder format dialog opened via the Preferences Folder Formats page will now save any changes made in that dialog before it closes.
  • dcf files (created by drag & drop from the toolbar) are now written as UTF-8 if they contain any characters above the ASCII set (> 0x7f). Previously they would be saved as UTF-16, and only if they contained characters above 0xff.
  • On Windows 10, if the file display is showing a tooltip and the mouse is over it, using the mousewheel now scrolls the file display. (By default, Windows 10 delivers mousewheel events to the window under the mouse pointer, not the window with focus. The tooltip now forwards them to the file display.)
  • Any file display tooltip is now hidden when you scroll with the mouse wheel.
  • When using Alt + mouse wheel to scroll both sides of a dual-display Lister at once, fixed the sides not always scrolling the same distance if wheel acceleration was on.
  • Fixed a problem with file change notifications getting lost when a large number of changes are generated at once (particularly on slow devices like network shares).
  • Windows key system hotkey overriding works again after the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update.
  • Fix for context menu icons from the “File Menu Tools” shell extension (and possibly others) having black fringes.
  • Fixed crash running SetAttr META * command on some MP3 files.
  • Fix for rare situation where the folder tree opened with branches expanded to two levels instead of one.
  • star: Fixed rename via the tree being canceled if you clicked a folder in the tree and pushed F2 to rename it too quickly, when Position selected item in the middle of the tree was on.
  • The Size On Disk column for folders now takes into account full-volume compression. (This was already the case for files, as well as for folders where individual files were compressed but not the whole volume.)
  • The standalone viewer no longer blocks things like the Calculator key on certain keyboards and mice.
  • Standalone viewer hotkeys now allow you to re-bind special keys such as the Calculator one on some keyboards. (This was already possible for Lister hotkeys.)
  • Fixed rare situation where deleting a standalone viewer hotkey did not work or crashed.
  • star: Fixed mouse over viewer drifting while the shift key was held down in some DPI-scaling situations which Windows handles incorrectly (RDP from standard DPI client to high DPI server).
  • Fixed crash if you ran Copy TO=ask, selected a library, and then edited the path.
  • Fixed problem with status bar incorrectly showing a double bottom border in some situations.
  • Fixed some issues with sub-collections. For example, after deleting a sub-collection, you would not be able to create a new one with the same name and path until Opus was restarted.
  • Fixed Remove from Collection not working via right-click context menu.
  • Fix/workaround for bug in Windows 10 where dragging a large number of files could result in the drag cursor and description being drawn incorrectly, or even a crash in some cases.
  • Fixed problem in some zip files where the description for a folder within the zip could be generated from one of the files within the folder.
  • Fixed duplicate entries when the Quick Access folder is shown in the Recent list in the folder tree.
  • Fix for {allfilepath} and similar forcing a space before the first path, if there wasn’t one already, when automatic quoting was off.
  • Opus now handles ERROR_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSION (1312) errors correctly when connecting to a network share.
  • Fixed crash which could occur sometimes if you ran (a large number of) Find operations in parallel from the same script.
  • Tooltips for buttons at the bottom of the screen (e.g. docked toolbars) will no longer appear overlapping the mouse pointer (which caused them to vanish as soon as they appeared).
  • Tooltips on the status bar are moved up a bit when appearing above the mouse, to help avoid accidentally popping them by moving the mouse into them.
  • Fixed the Rename dialog’s “clipboard” button being pushed off-screen when the presets list was resized.
  • Fix/workaround for Windows bug where double-clicking a .URL shortcut in a folder path with non-ANSI/OEM characters would result in an error message, at least with some web browsers.
  • Fixed Close ALLLISTERS=collapse so it no longer turns on the dual file display with an empty folder tab if none of the collapsed windows had dual displays.
  • Fixed issue with rename preview showing the wrong file numbering when two folders with the same name (e.g. via Find or Flat View) were selected for recursive renaming.
  • star: Fixed Rename Preset Save-As ignoring edits of the preset name if you selected an existing preset from the tree in the prompt.
  • star: Fixed incomplete wav thumbnail being cached if thumbnail generation was canceled part-way through.
  • star: Fixed crash when viewing thumbnails of certain WAV files (or loading their thumbnail into the viewer pane)
  • star: Fixed error 32 (file in use) when dragging files from WinRAR to the folder tree.
  • star: Fix for Zip issue introduced in 12.6.3 beta, where double-clicking certain folders in zip files made in unusual ways did not enter the folders.
  • star: Fixed detection of Creative Cloud Files folders from earlier betas.
  • star: Refined the Windows 10 FCU OneDrive supported added in earlier betas.
  • star: The “single click no underline” option added in previous betas now works with icon/thumbnail/etc. display modes as well as Details/Power.
  • Status Icons changes:
  • The Status Icons column now sorts and groups by the names of the status labels, so you can change the order by editing the names in Preferences. (Previously, the sorting/grouping of the icons was somewhat arbitrary.)
  • Added a small space between status icons.
  • Status Icon overlay in the full-screen viewer now moves down and out of the way when the toolbar is made visible by clicking the top of the screen.
  • The Status Icon column now shows “…” to indicate when there are more icons than will fit in the column.
  • Group names should now be correct when grouping by Status Icons which have their Show in Label column option turned off.
  • Fixed Preferences / Viewer / Appearance / Show status icons not working if the image viewer started as a normal window and then went full-screen.
  • Tree label filters:
  • Fix for drive roots and certain folders under Desktop being matched by label filters that specified only matching files.
  • Fix for drive roots in the folder tree not working properly with label filters which included path or name clauses.
  • Fix for library roots in the folder tree not being colored by label filters until a refresh.
  • Fix for the Desktop branch’s user profile folder not updating for label filter changes after the tree was first built.
  • Scripting / Plugin changes:
  • Fixed DVP_LoadText plugin API.
  • Added FSUtil.GetErrorMsg script method to get (localized) plain text error message from an error code.
  • Added QuickFilter object (accessed via Tab.quickfilter property) which provides information on the state of the quick filter in the tab.
  • The DOpus.Strings.Langs property can now be dereferenced directly (e.g. DOpus.Strings.Langs(0) now works).
  • Added DOpus.Strings.HasLanguage method to test if a particular language is included in the string resources.
  • Added Item.shortpath, Path.shortpath and Path.longpath properties.
  • Added Tab.displayed_label property which returns the currently displayed label of the tab (whether a custom label has been set or not).
  • The FSUtil.Hash script method can now calculate sha256 and sha512 hashes.
  • Added a warning message if your rename script return an object which cannot be converted to a string. In particular, this helps if you mistakenly do something like ‘return new String(“Hello World”)’ from JScript. (You can make that work by removing ‘new’ or calling ‘.toString()’ on the object.)
  • Scripts can now pass a Tab object to the Go TABPOS command to reposition tabs other than the currently active ones.
  • For the FSUtil.GetShellProperty and similar methods, properties that are returned as SAFEARRAYs (e.g. the shell’s “Composers” column) are now converted to Opus Vector objects automatically (since JScript can’t easily handle SAFEARRAYs).
  • Clicking the Abort button in a progress dialog obtained via the Command.progress property no longer aborts the script (instead, the abort event can be polled for via GetAbortState as documented).
  • The Aliases.Add script method now correctly updates the Aliases object when replacing/modifying an existing alias.
  • Reading the label property of a Control object referring to an editable combo box now works correctly after the dialog has been closed.
  • The minimum value setting for a numeric edit control was being ignored unless the maximum value was also set.
  • Fixed problem with the Script.RefreshColumn method which could cause script columns to stop working until the folder was refreshed (e.g. by pressing F5).
  • Fixed problem with script columns not being generated in Find Results collections until F5 pressed.

New in Directory Opus 12.6.3 Beta (Nov 10, 2017)

  • Added support for the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update version of Microsoft OneDrive. Sync status for files is shown in the Availability column, and an icon representing the sync status is shown (by default) in the Status column (a new option in Preferences / Folders / Folder Display lets you turn this off if you want). The sync icons are also shown in the icon display modes.
  • The new P attribute (for "pinned") is shown for files that are marked as Always available on this device.
  • A new Folder Type format has been added to Preferences / Folders / Folder Formats which controls the default format for OneDrive folders (turning on the Status and Availability columns).
  • A new Launch Options dialog is displayed when you drag an exe file to a toolbar in Customize mode. The dialog lets you choose whether the program will run on its own or be passed selected files, and similar options. You can set it to always use those options when dragging other exes to toolbars in the future (hold Ctrl to make it appear again afterwards).
  • The Replace File dialog now shows the locations (not just names) of the files, and you can now hover over extremely wide, truncated strings to see tooltips with their full details.
  • In path fields, when the path completion drop-down is visible, you can now use Tab and Shift-Tab for the next and previous matches, as synonyms for the Down and Up cursor keys.
  • In path fields with path completion enabled, when neither the drop-down nor the path-completion pop-up list is visible, the up/down cursor keys now do nothing. Previously, they would trigger immediate navigation to an entry from the history list, or whichever list the path field's drop-down was set to. Once the completion pop-up or drop-down list is open, the cursor keys will move through the list. (Note that F4 is the hotkey to open the drop-down, as is standard in Windows.)
  • Breadcrumbs path fields have a new DragIgnoreSelf option which blocks drag & drop from the field to itself, to avoid accidents.
  • Breadcrumbs path fields have a new EditEnd option which positions the cursor at the end of the path string when you start editing the path, making it easier to type a sub-directory or modify the last path component. By default, the whole path will be selected, making it easier to type a completely new path, as before.
  • Added Ctrl-L as a default hotkey for the path field, and changed the default Calculate Folder Sizes hotkey from Ctrl-L to Ctrl-K. (This will only affect new configurations, unless you revert your toolbars to the factory defaults or make similar changes yourself.)
  • The colors used by the text viewer plugin are now configurable via Preferences / Viewer / Plugins / Text / Configure.
  • Added an option to suppress the warning about slow searches due to unindexed folders when using Windows Search. Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: search_warn_nonindexed.
  • Added a Preferences option to disable the underline when single click mode is active and the mouse hovers over a filename. Preferences / File Displays / Mouse / Underline items on hover.
  • Added new unique parameter to Close ALLLISTERS=collapse,unique which will collapse all tabs in all windows into the current Lister without opening any duplicate tabs.
  • Added new advanced settings, notify_max_time and notify_min_items, which can diagnose rare situations where the file display cannot keep up with the number of filesystem change events being produced. See the help file for more detail.
  • The Prefs BACKUPRESTORE command now respects the TO, PASSWORD and DESC arguments to override the default backup filename and pre-supply a password or description when using the interactive backup UI. (Previously, these only worked when doing fully automated backups.)
  • Configuration backup filenames now use yyyy-MM-dd as the default date format, so the backups are easier to sort.
  • .dcf files (created by drag & drop from the toolbar) are now written as UTF-8 if they contain any characters above the ASCII set (> 0x7f). Previously they would be saved as UTF-16, and only if they contained characters above 0xff.
  • On Windows 10, if the file display is showing a tooltip and the mouse is over it, using the mousewheel now scrolls the file display. (By default, Windows 10 delivers mousewheel events to the window under the mouse pointer, not the window with focus. The tooltip now forwards them to the file display.)
  • Any file display tooltip is now hidden when you scroll with the mouse wheel.
  • When using Alt + mouse wheel to scroll both sides of a dual-display Lister at once, fixed the sides not always scrolling the same distance if wheel acceleration was on.
  • Fixed a problem with file change notifications getting lost when a large number of changes are generated at once (particularly on slow devices like network shares).
  • Windows key system hotkey overriding works again after the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update.
  • Fix for context menu icons from the "File Menu Tools" shell extension (and possibly others) having black fringes.
  • Fixed crash running SetAttr META * command on some MP3 files.
  • Tree label filters: Fix for drive roots and certain folders under Desktop being match by label filters that specified only matching files.
  • Tree label filters: Fix for drive roots in the folder tree not working properly with label filters which included path or name clauses.
  • Tree label filters: Fix for library roots in the folder tree not being colored by label filters until a refresh.
  • Tree label filters: Fix for the Desktop branch's user profile folder not updating for label filter changes after the tree was first built.
  • Fix for rare situation where the folder tree opened with branches expanded to two levels instead of one.
  • The Size On Disk column for folders now takes into account full-volume compression. (This was already the case for files, as well as for folders where individual files were compressed but not the whole volume.)
  • The standalone viewer no longer blocks things like the Calculator key on certain keyboards and mice.
  • Standalone viewer hotkeys now allow you to re-bind special keys such as the Calculator one on some keyboards. (This was already possible for Lister hotkeys.)
  • Fixed rare situation where deleting a standalone viewer hotkey did not work or crashed.
  • Fixed crash if you ran Copy TO=ask, selected a library, and then edited the path.
  • Fixed problem with status bar incorrectly showing a double bottom border in some situations.
  • Fixed some issues with sub-collections. For example, after deleting a sub-collection, you would not be able to create a new one with the same name and path until Opus was restarted.
  • Fixed Remove from Collection not working via right-click context menu.
  • Fix/workaround for bug in Windows 10 where dragging a large number of files could result in the drag cursor and description being drawn incorrectly, or even a crash in some cases.
  • Fixed problem in some zip files where the description for a folder within the zip could be generated from one of the files within the folder.
  • Fixed duplicate entries when the Quick Access folder is shown in the Recent list in the folder tree.
  • Fix for {allfilepath} and similar forcing a space before the first path, if there wasn't one already, when automatic quoting was off.
  • Opus now handles ERROR_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSION (1312) errors correctly when connecting to a network share.
  • Fixed crash which could occur sometimes if you ran (a large number of) Find operations in parallel from the same script.
  • Tooltips for buttons at the bottom of the screen (e.g. docked toolbars) will no longer appear overlapping the mouse pointer (which caused them to vanish as soon as they appeared).
  • Tooltips on the status bar are moved up a bit when appearing above the mouse, to help avoid accidentally popping them by moving the mouse into them.
  • Fixed the Rename dialog's "clipboard" button being pushed off-screen when the presets list was resized.
  • Fix/workaround for Windows bug where double-clicking a .URL shortcut in a folder path with non-ANSI/OEM characters would result in an error message, at least with some web browsers.
  • Fixed Close ALLLISTERS=collapse so it no longer turns on the dual file display with an empty folder tab if none of the collapsed windows had dual displays.
  • Fixed issue with rename preview showing the wrong file numbering when two folders with the same name (e.g. via Find or Flat View) were selected for recursive renaming.

New in Directory Opus 12.6.2 Beta (Sep 22, 2017)

  • The tooltip for the Clipboard PASTE and PASTELINK commands (e.g. in the Edit menu) can now display a preview of the clipboard contents. To enable this in existing toolbars, edit the function for the command and add %1 to the tooltip definition. For example, the new default tooltip for Clipboard PASTE is Paste files and folders on the clipboard to the destination foldernn%1.
  • Added Composers and Conductors columns to the Music category.
  • Added setting for "off" file display background color to Preferences / Display / Colors & Fonts.
  • Flickr photo syncing works again (Opus now supports the OAuth authentication system which Flickr has recently switched to).
  • Saving an image from the viewer (e.g. after cropping it) now preserves the original EXIF data from the source image if possible.
  • Fix for new Go REBUILDTREE command not working properly in a dual display Lister.
  • Fixed internal "IDL:" type strings appearing in tooltips in generated Go FOLDERCONTENT menus.
  • Fixed crash if a button or script rapidly changed the status icons of the file open in the image viewer.
  • Fixed some arguments to Properties SETLABEL being ignored if a single button used it multiple times.
  • Fixed bug introduced in previous beta where things such as the Replace dialog only showed times and not dates.
  • Fixed script and FTP logs not line-wrapping if the windows they were on were never resized.
  • If the Rename dialog's script panel was open, refreshing the rename preview cleared both the dialog's script output and the global script log. It now only clears the dialog's output.
  • Fixed Opus not recognizing the date taken field in some image files (specifically, files that use the Xmp "CreateDate" field rather than the Xmp or Exif "DateTimeOriginal" fields).
  • Fixed problem with {parent} code in Rename dialog revealing an internal path when in the root of a library.
  • Clicking the Edit Labels link from a folder format dialog opened via the Preferences Folder Formats page will now save any changes made in that dialog before it closes.
  • Scripting:
  • Added Tab.displayed_label property which returns the currently displayed label of the tab (whether a custom label has been set or not).
  • The FSUtil.Hash script method can now calculate sha256 and sha512 hashes.
  • Added a warning message if your rename script return an object which cannot be converted to a string. In particular, this helps if you mistakenly do something like 'return new String("Hello World")' from JScript. (You can make that work by removing 'new' or calling '.toString()' on the object.)
  • Scripts can now pass a Tab object to the Go TABPOS command to reposition tabs other than the currently active ones.
  • For the FSUtil.GetShellProperty and similar methods, properties that are returned as SAFEARRAYs (e.g. the shell's "Composers" column) are now converted to Opus Vector objects automatically (since JScript can't easily handle SAFEARRAYs).
  • Fixed problem with the Script.RefreshColumn method which could cause script columns to stop working until the folder was refreshed (e.g. by pressing F5).
  • Fixed problem with script columns not being generated in Find Results collections until F5 pressed.

New in Directory Opus 12.6.1 Beta (Sep 1, 2017)

  • Changes:
  • Added Go REBUILDTREE command. Equivalent to toggling tree off and on again.
  • Added metadata support for the IPTC/XMP Special Instructions field.
  • Added Favorites ALIAS command which lets folder aliases be added, modified and deleted.
  • Added Favorites command COPYTO and MOVETO arguments, which cause the generated list of favorite folders to contain commands for copying or moving selected files to your favorite folders.
  • Copy TO=ask and TO=ask$ now allow a default path to be specified, e.g. Copy TO=ask:c:data.
  • The new advanced options custom_time_format and custom_date_format allow you to override the standard system date and time formats.
  • Pressing Ctrl-T in the Find-As-You-Type field now toggles the state of the fayt_firstchar_repeat advanced Preferences setting.
  • Preferences / File Operations / Progress Indicators has a new option to turn off the slide animation when a queued operation begins. The animation is also automatically suppressed when using Remote Desktop or if client-area animations are turned off system-wide.
  • The dialog for configuring folder thumbnails now has a Defaults button to reset just its settings without having to reset the whole Thumbnails preferences page as well.
  • Added compatibility with some incorrectly formatted BMP images.
  • The folder tab strip's empty space can now be clicked to activate that side of the Lister (unless the tab_click_nofocus Advanced Preferences option is on).
  • Clicking a file display's scrollbars will now make it the source in all cases. (Previously, this only happened for Details and Power modes.)
  • The Go FOLDERCONTENT command now accepts the useshell keyword to force the folder to be enumerated using the shell (to get shell ordering and display names).
  • Added Creator and Producer fields to the list of file display columns (currently these columns are only supported by PDF files - the metadata panel already supported them). You can also search on them using the Advanced Find function.
  • Preferences / Folder Tree / Contents now has an option to hide Creative Cloud Files from the Tree (only present if Adobe Creative Cloud is installed on the machine).
  • The Select ADVANCED command now allows the name of a saved filter to be specified to open the selection dialog with that filter already loaded. e.g. Select ADVANCED=MyFilter.
  • The Set Attributes dialog can now copy the various "document date" fields (created, edited, last saved) to the modification and creation time fields.
  • The "Save Tab group" dialog now displays an indicator in the drop-down list to show which tab group was most recently loaded.
  • The SetAttr META command now accepts usercomment as a synonym for comment.
  • Opus now displays a confirmation message before generating a context menu for a large number of files. The limit defaults to 1000 but this can be changed with the context_menu_max_files advanced option. Set it to 0 for no limit like before.
  • The Browse button in the advanced function editor now displays a drop-down menu letting you browse for files or folders, and also insert a folder alias or FTP site.
  • Updated 7z and UnRAR components to current stable versions.
  • Improved the behavior of the Preferences / Folder Tabs / Options / Preserve folder tree expansion when switching tabs option.
  • Improved the performance of the Browse for folder dialog when a network path is pasted into the path field.
  • Diacritics are now ignored when grouping by name (and other text fields). For example, Ábc will now group under A-H rather than in the Unspecified group. (Vista and above.)
  • Context menu items that showed up as a long "internal" string (e.g. @{Microsoft.Windows.Photos.blahblahblah}) are now displayed correctly.
  • Copying music file cover art in the metadata editor via drag and drop now works correctly (previously the copied cover art would not be saved to the target file).
  • DPI scaling is now applied to the positions of toolbars on shared rows and columns.
  • Improved alignment of drive letters when added to the corners of drive buttons.
  • Status Icons changes:
  • The Status Icons column now sorts and groups by the names of the status labels, so you can change the order by editing the names in Preferences. (Previously, the sorting/grouping of the icons was somewhat arbitrary.)
  • Added a small space between status icons.
  • Status Icon overlay in the full-screen viewer now moves down and out of the way when the toolbar is made visible by clicking the top of the screen.
  • The Status Icon column now shows "..." to indicate when there are more icons than will fit in the column.
  • Group names should now be correct when grouping by Status Icons which have their Show in Label column option turned off.
  • Fixed Preferences / Viewer / Appearance / Show status icons not working if the image viewer started as a normal window and then went full-screen.
  • A tab that has its loading deferred until tab activation will now correctly add the path to the history list when a sub-directory is entered.
  • The file log no longer truncates paths to 260 characters when saving it as a text file.
  • Added option to save the file log as a CSV file, and a "copy to clipboard" context menu.
  • Opus will now attempt to preserve zip file metadata (rating, tags, etc) when the archive is modified.
  • Fix for crash caused by the Windows 10 Creators Update which could happen at a random time after the credentials dialog was displayed for a network drive.
  • Advanced Find wasn't able to find labels that had their Show in label column option turned off.
  • The Go TABUNDOCLOSE command now preserves the tab color setting of the closed tab.
  • Fixed FTP login problems with SwiFTP android server.
  • A separator immediately following a Properties SETLABEL generated list of buttons was not displayed.
  • Keyboard accelerators (e.g. in Preferences) where the key in some non-English languages (e.g. Japanese) appears at the end of the translated label (e.g. xxxxxxxx (Y)) now work correctly.
  • Fixed issue with certain corrupt RAR files which could cause Opus to keep trying to open them instead of giving up on failure.
  • Fixed folder with a name like ::{018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6} appearing in Desktop if Opus was configured to show the OneDrive folder there but OneDrive was broken or disabled.
  • Fixed Synchronize tool not properly matching files between sides if special folders with localized names were below the starting point of the sync, and Preferences / Folders / Folder Display / Display localized folder names was on. (e.g. If you synced the parent of the special Documents or Music folders, either having moved them to folders with different names or when using a non-English version of Windows.)
  • Fixed problems with labels in the tree disappearing when the label Preferences are edited.
  • The two default context menu items for files in a collection were not translated when changing languages.
  • If the file display format is set to group by Labels, the "collapsed" option now works correctly.
  • When using the Copy As function from a zip file, the "enter a new name" dialog continued to offer the first file's name as a default for second and subsequent files.
  • Fixed problem when copying out of zip files in flat view mode - only files in the root folder were copied, files in sub-folders were ignored.
  • Fixed shared rename presets from older versions sometimes getting numeric names when imported into Opus 12.
  • Copying files out of zip files now obeys the "unattended" settings correctly.
  • The Copy MAKELINK command now works from a file collection.
  • The SetAttr META command now reports when errors occur, and allows you to skip over errors and continue setting metadata on subsequent files.
  • The Preferences / Viewer / Appearance / Display full path option didn't work.
  • Scripting / Plugin changes:
  • Fixed DVP_LoadText plugin API.
  • Added FSUtil.GetErrorMsg script method to get (localized) plain text error message from an error code.
  • Added QuickFilter object (accessed via Tab.quickfilter property) which provides information on the state of the quick filter in the tab.
  • The DOpus.Strings.Langs property can now be dereferenced directly (e.g. DOpus.Strings.Langs(0) now works).
  • Added DOpus.Strings.HasLanguage method to test if a particular language is included in the string resources.
  • Added Item.shortpath, Path.shortpath and Path.longpath properties.
  • Clicking the Abort button in a progress dialog obtained via the Command.progress property no longer aborts the script (instead, the abort event can be polled for via GetAbortState as documented).
  • The Aliases.Add script method now correctly updates the Aliases object when replacing/modifying an existing alias.
  • Reading the label property of a Control object referring to an editable combo box now works correctly after the dialog has been closed.
  • The minimum value setting for a numeric edit control was being ignored unless the maximum value was also set.

New in Directory Opus 12.6 Build 6369 (Jun 9, 2017)

  • Fix for crash which could occur when refreshing the folder display, opening new tabs, or renaming files in some cases.
  • Fixed crash which could sometimes occur with certain command sequences in a button. (e.g. CreateFolder, then open the folder in the dual display.)
  • The Filter Bar now automatically disables partial matching when a file type group is being matched. For example, grp:Archives will no longer match example.rar.jpg, even if partial matching is enabled.
  • Fixed minor problem displaying some licence counts in the licence manager.

New in Directory Opus 12.5 Build 6326 (Apr 28, 2017)

  • Fixed problem introduced in 12.4 where you could not use AltGr+' -- actually AltGr + (the key bottom-left of Return, depending on keymap) -- to type special characters in some locales, as it was interpreted as the Ctrl+' which now copies the name from the file above.
  • It's now possible to make a link to a drive root, e.g. Copy MAKELINK=softlink E:
  • In Script dialogs, combo edit controls can now have their editable text set via Control.label
  • The script method Control.GetItemByLabel was incorrectly documented as GetItemByName. Both versions work now.
  • The script Blob.ToArray and ToVBArray methods now take optional "from" and "size" parameters, similar to CopyFrom.

New in Directory Opus 12.4.4 Build 6319 Beta (Apr 21, 2017)

  • The Info Tip font is now configurable through Preferences.
  • The {dlgsave} code now allows the "save as type" field to be populated, e.g. {dlgsave|Title|Default Name.txt|type=Text Files!*.txt!Doc Files!*.doc}. Add # following the type= string to automatically include the "All files" item.
  • Label lists in Preferences / Folder Options now use the configured file text color as well as background color.
  • On the Label Assignments page in Preferences, it was possible to open multiple label filter dialogs simultaneously, which could cause a crash when the dialogs were closed.
  • The Change Attributes dialog now resizes to make sure the list of attributes is completely visible.
  • Fixed problem where a label filter that used Type Match Folders could misidentify some archives as folders when in a library.
  • Fixed a problem with labels not working properly on folders in the tree if they have localized filenames.
  • Fixed problem with PDF metadata not decoding some strings correctly.
  • If a toolbar button was highlighted with the mouse and then the mouse moved over an adjacent spacer, the button would remain highlighted.
  • Fixed problem with progress dialog ending up the wrong size if it was minimized with the copy queue visible and all but the last item finished (removing the queue) while still minimized.
  • Info tips will now display strings enclosed in angle brackets (e.g. <blah>) unless they're a supported html-style tag.
  • Fix for double-clicking images if the Windows Photos app was set as the default image viewer, after the Windows 10 Creators Update.
  • Fixed problem with metadata pane not setting exif tags in some circumstances.
  • Set JOBSBAR command was missing from the manual.
  • For combo edit controls in script dialogs, now returns the string entered by the user if they typed something in rather than picking from the dropdown list.
  • In scripts, a Dialog object can now be used as the parent window for things that need one. E.g. a dialog can have another dialog as its parent.
  • The new Dialog.disable_window property lets a dialog automatically disable a window while it's visible, and re-enable it again once the dialog closes.
  • Save dialogs shown via the Dialog.Save method now support a fourth argument to populate the "save as type" dropdown.
  • Fixed a problem with "multicol" script columns incorrectly being called for non-multicol columns.

New in Directory Opus 12.4.2 Build 6305 Beta (Apr 6, 2017)

  • The Change Attributes & Times dialog now lets the time and date fields for Creation and Last Modified time be individually turned off (so that you can, for example, change the dates of selected files without affecting their times).
  • Added support for the "non-content indexed" file attribute (the SetAttr command and metadata panel now let it be set or cleared, advanced Find lets you search for files with it set, and the file display displays it in the Attr column as i).
  • The {thumbnail} infotip code can now specify a different size to the regular thumbnail size, by adding an additional : parameter (following the parameter for the border type, which must also be included). E.g. {thumbnail:0:512} for 512 pixel thumbnails with no border.
  • In the Rename dialog, the options to copy and paste the list of names to/from the clipboard have been moved into a menu-button above the preview list. The menu also contains three new options: Prefix, Append and Reset. Prefix and Append let you add the clipboard content to the start or end of the existing names instead of replacing the names. If one line is in the clipboard, it will be added to every name. If multiple lines are in the clipboard, one will be added to each name, and blank lines can be used to skip names. (If the number of files is larger than the number of lines, the clipboard content will loop around). Finally, the Reset option clears any new names set via the same menu or via manually typing over individual names. As before, this functionality is only available when macro-building mode is turned off, via the adjacent checkbox.
  • Added @ifrunning command modifier (and SysInfo.FindProcess script method).
  • Added Command.filecount and linecount properties
  • Rename macro builder now uses Consolas 9pt as its default font on Vista and above.
  • Fixed filenames not lining up in the Rename macro editor with some fonts.
  • After using "paste new names" in the Rename dialog, the preview's New Name column now auto-sizes.
  • Fixed incorrect preview, and sometimes crash, in Rename dialog when using "Show preview of sub-folder contents" and a large number of parent folders.
  • Fixed problem with the rename macro builder that could lead to an erase/insert/erase macro being incorrectly collapsed to erase/insert
  • The image viewer's optional picture frame now scales with DPI.
  • The Labels list in Preferences is now displayed using the configured file display background color instead of the system "window" color.
  • Added a confirmation prompt when the dialog editor is cancelled if the dialog has been modified.
  • The @noprogress modifier works from scripts now.
  • If all folder aliases were displayed in the folder tree (instead of just user-defined ones), the user-defined ones didn't work.
  • Fixed problems with archives not appearing in the tree underneath libraries in some cases.
  • Using the Set COLUMNS command to set only one column (e.g. Set COLUMNS=35mmfocallength) would cause a crash in some cases.
  • The Set COLUMNS and similar commands misidentified the 35mmfocallength column as the companyname column.
  • The Quick Access branch of the tree now displays the properly localized names of its member folders.
  • Fixed a problem which could cause a crash if a function modified image files in a Lister and then changed folder.
  • Fix for toolbar layout issues on high DPI systems after multiple soft restarts have occurred (e.g. after changing Preferences settings that require the program restarts itself).

New in Directory Opus 12.4.1 Build 6293 Beta (Mar 27, 2017)

  • File and folder labels can now be set as "pin to top". Any file with a label assigned to it that specifies pin to top will sort at the top of the file list, irrespective of the overall sort order. There's a new default Status category label (Pinned), although you note you'll need to reset the Preferences / Favorites and Recent / Labels page to defaults to see this in an existing configuration.
  • The GIF plugin now fully supports the Expand/Scroll mouse button option in the viewer, including quick rendering and animation support.
  • The rename dialog new name field now allows {scp:...} to be typed, to allow script column values to be used in the rename operation (previously the colon would be blocked).
  • The viewer was failing to indicate if the first image it opened with was marked unless the "Display Marked Pictures pane when a picture is marked" option was turned on.
  • Fixed a fairly obscure problem which could cause inline rename to be cancelled automatically when middle-clicking on a file in power mode with an OnActivateLister script installed that automatically sets the active lister to be source.
  • File tooltips triggered by holding down the control key are now clipped to the file display to prevent them appearing off-screen if the display is scrolled too far horizontally.
  • Fixed a problem with inline rename where the file extension could incorrectly be displayed (if it was hidden) when moving from one filename to the next using the cursor keys.
  • Fixed drag image/tooltip going behind submenus when dragging to toolbar in customize mode.
  • When clearing a collection using dopusrt.exe /col clear, sub-collections are no longer removed (previously they would be removed from the list, but not from disk, which meant they would come back after a restart). You can now use /col clear /full <name> to remove all contents including sub-collections.
  • The "Pin current folder to Quick Access" context menu command (when right-clicking on the root of the Quick Access folder in the tree) now works
  • Scripting:
  • In the OnOpenLister script event, it's now possible for the event to fire after a Lister has finished opening (including opening all its tabs) as well as before. If the new OpenListerData.after property is False, you should return True from the event handler. The event will then be called again with OpenListerData.after set to True once all the tabs are open.
  • The ImageMeta.latitude and longitude properties now return decimal coordinates. The coords property now returns a string containing latitude,longitude as decimal coordinates.

New in Directory Opus 12.3.7 Build 6263 Beta (Feb 24, 2017)

  • Added Set DISABLEGLOBALHOTKEYS command to temporarily disable all system-wide hotkeys.
  • Each Lister now gets its own dedicated background file information thread (for e.g. extracting metadata from images, calculating labels, etc). Previously there was just one file info thread for the whole program. This should help improve performance with multiple Listers and also mitigate against the problem of the thread getting stuck (e.g. the recent problem with certain PDF files) which meant all file information and labels etc. stop working.
  • Fixed crash which could occur if you went to a directory within an archive, then went up to the archive's parent folder.
  • Improved metadata handling of .ai files.

New in Directory Opus 12.3.6 Build 6257 Beta (Feb 20, 2017)

  • In Rename, you can now use {parent|noext} and {parentbase|noext} to get the parent folder name without file extension (useful if the parent is an archive file).
  • The Copy command's CLEARREADONLY argument is now used for all copy sources, not just CDs/DVDs. Note that the Preferences option still only applies when copying from CDs.
  • Added DOpus.Filters script property to provide access to global filter settings.
  • When the Preferences / Viewer / Mouse Buttons / Click left/right edges to go to previous/next picture option is on the next/previous mouse cursors are now shown when the mouse is outside of the image (previously they would only be shown with the mouse over the image even if a click would actually trigger the action). Also made these cursors less obtrusive.
  • Fixed a Flat View / Grouped sorting error.
  • Fixed appearance of non-functional "Share with" context menu item on the File menu.
  • Fixed problem importing some filetype settings from filetype export files.
  • Fixed problem with recent PDF change (previous beta) that could cause infinite loop with certain PDF files.
  • Fixed toolbar layout error where a horizontal toolbar could overwrite a vertical one in some situations.
  • Added an Edit menu to the Customize / Keys page, allowing copy/cut/paste of hotkeys. You can also right-click on individual hotkeys in the list to copy them the clipboard.
  • In FlatView mode you can now drag files from sub-folders to the "root" folder by dropping on the file display background, rather than having to drag to the last node of the breadcrumbs bar or folder tab.
  • Dragging files from nested sub-folders in FlatView mode to the parent folder now bypasses the prompt and defaults to copying all files to the same folder (since "recreate" in this case makes no sense anyway).
  • Some improvements relating to disconnected network drives:
  • Drive buttons no longer read the volume name for network drives when displaying a tooltip, which could cause a lock up if the network drive was offline (the tooltip will show the UNC path instead of the volume name).
  • Drop-down drive lists are now updated on a background thread which should prevent the Lister locking up when mapped network drives are unavailable.
  • Made some changes to fix Lister lockups when switching between tabs that point to disconnected network drives

New in Directory Opus 12.3 Build 6183 (Dec 5, 2016)

  • CLI DOSPROMPT command now works from a context menu in the tree (previously it would always be disabled)
  • The script Date.Sub method now works properly for years and months
  • Fix for item in the Preferences / Favorites and Recent / Labels list sometimes becoming unselectable if you renamed one item and then clicked another in the list before clicking anywhere else.
  • If you use Settings > File Types with the File Types dialog already open but minimized, it will now be restored.

New in Directory Opus 12.2.7 Build 6171 Beta (Nov 23, 2016)

  • Changes:
  • The Favorites command has a new BRANCH argument which allows you to specify the branch of the favorites tree to add new favorites to. If used with the Add To Favorites dialog, you can make it select or create a particular branch by default but still be able to change it when the dialog appears.
  • In the Add To Favorites dialog, you can now create nested branches with fewer clicks. e.g. Click New Branch and type CatDog to create Cat below the selected branch and Dog below that.
  • Added Select MAKEVISIBLE=immediate option, which activates the MAKEVISIBLE action immediately instead of after a small delay (and also disables smooth scrolling).
  • Added Select NEXT=nodeselect and PREV=nodeselect keywords, which prevent the current file from being deselected before selecting the next/previous file.
  • When adding a submenu to a filetype's context menu, you can now make the submenu also act as a 'menu button' that runs the first command within it when it's clicked. To do this, right-click on the first child menu item and turn on the Button option. Note this only works if the first command in the submenu is an 'Opus-only' command.
  • The right-click menus for Favorites items now hide the Rename, Cut and Delete commands in the folder tree, toolbars and breadcrumbs menu. (Delete was already hidden in the case of toolbars).
  • @disablenosel and similar command modifiers now work if they are preceded by another modifier line in the function that's been commented out.
  • The Save Toolbar Set dialog now displays a drop-down of existing toolbar set names to choose from (as well as entering a new one).
  • The standalone viewer now respects configured Pane Border colors for the Marked and Metadata panel headers.
  • File infotips will no longer appear while inline rename is active, since they were easy to trigger by accident and sometimes appeared on top of the rename field.
  • Fixed bug where a queued Copy As function would forget the new name you had entered for the file if the copy was initiated via drag & drop.
  • Fixed problem with the Copy HERE argument picking the wrong folder when used in flatview.
  • Fixed problem with Rename which meant the New Location column in the preview could flicker on and off as you scrolled through the preview list.
  • Fixed incorrect drag & drop tooltip in some situations when dragging over the Favorites root or branches in the folder tree.
  • The viewer now correctly detects when the image it's viewing has been renamed if the file is located in a junction or linked folder.
  • Scripting:
  • Added Prefs NOSCRIPT argument; when used with the LAYOUT argument it prevents OnOpusLister/OnOpenTab script events from firing for the new Listers opened by the layout.
  • Dialog events triggered by control initialization are no longer passed through to the script.

New in Directory Opus 12.2.6 Build 6166 Beta (Nov 18, 2016)

  • Changes:
  • Added Show VIEWERCMD=cmdbar command which shows a FAYT-style command field in the viewer.
  • Added Preferences / Folder Tabs / Options / Lister closes when last tab closes option.
  • The @hidenosel and @disablenosel modifiers can now be negated, e.g. @hidenosel:! would hide a button if anything at all was selected.
  • When using the metadata panel to set an image's last modification timestamp, Opus now sets the EXIF DateTime tag to the same value automatically.
  • dopusrt.exe has a new /vcmd argument which lets you send commands to the last active viewer window.
  • Default toolbars now include a PowerShell Here menu item which runs the new CLI DOSPROMPT=powershell command. CLI DOSPROMPT=powershellISE is now also supported, for opening the PowerShell ISE instead of a basic PowerShell prompt.
  • In the viewer, you can now press Ctrl+TAB to switch the focus from a metadata field back to the main viewer window, and Ctrl+TAB to switch focus back to the same metadata field again.
  • In the button editor, increased the length of strings which the Label and Tip fields will accept.
  • Navigating to locked BitLocker devices now automatically prompts to unlock them on Windows 8 and Windows 10. (This already worked on Windows 7.)
  • When selecting icons for Labels and Collections, the icon path is automatically made relative to folder aliases if possible. (e.g. /home for where Opus is installed, /dopusdata for your config folder, /programfiles, etc.) This helps make your configuration more portable.
  • Paths to background images are now stored relative to standard aliases if possible, for better portability. (This was already the case for the Images folder in the configuration, but now works with more folders.) Paths to external toolbar and context menu icons are now stored relative to aliases as well.
  • The various options (color, image, label state, etc) on the Customize / Toolbars page for the standard toolbars were editable in Opus Light but not saved. These settings are now preserved correctly.
  • Preferences / Folder Tree / Options / Expand selected branch when changing tabs now also applies in a dual file display, with a single shared folder tree, when you change from one side to the other.
  • If a Folder Format specifies a background image that no longer exists, the effect is the same as if No Image was chosen in the Folder Format editor, but the editor instead displayed Default Image. The editor now displays No Image to match the actual behavior.
  • The Preferences search function now understands some alternate English spellings (e.g. color/colour, behaviour/behavior).
  • The Rename PRESET=last command was incorrectly documented as running immediately rather than opening the rename dialog. The docs have been corrected to reflect the actual behaviour. Also added Rename PRESET=!last which actually does let you run the last rename command without opening the rename dialog.
  • The rename preview no longer shows items as ghosted if their location has changed without the name changing too.
  • The rename dialog now updates any script-added custom fields correctly when loading a preset that has values for them saved, even if the control had previously been added by a different script.
  • The Replace dialog now respects the preferences flag to auto-rotate thumbnails using EXIF data.
  • Folder tree highlight option Use color from tab now works for tab colors which come from folder formats.
  • The control used for the list of Preferences pages, and in a few other places, now works better with dark Windows themes.
  • The command editor menus for the Prefs LAYOUT command no longer hide hidden layouts, since that's one place you would normally still want to see them.
  • Scrolling an image in the viewer by click+drag now "tracks" the image with the mouse when zoomed unless the control key is held down.
  • Fixed the Preferences dialog opening and then immediately closing if no Listers were open and the program was set to automatically close when no Listers were open. Preferences (and several other windows) will now keep the program alive similar to Lister windows.
  • Fixed rendering issue relating to size/date graphs introduced by previous beta.
  • Fixed an issue with miscalculation of ISO week numbers in some cases.
  • Fixed the breadcrumbs path field getting a bit confused if you were in a folder below Quick Access and then navigated directly to the real parent of that folder.
  • Fix for "Crash in 12.2.5".
  • Scripting:
  • The Date.Format method can now be passed flags to override Preferences settings like day names in dates, when formatting dates and times according to the user's locale.
  • Added script Item.Update method to update an existing Item object's size/date/attributes if the file has been modified on disk.
  • The scripting Item.Labels method's category filter now works properly with user-defined categories.
  • Fixed a (rather esoteric) problem which meant the GetSizes MD5 command, if run from a script, did not work correctly with files selected.

New in Directory Opus 12.2.5 Build 6152 Beta (Nov 4, 2016)

  • Changes:
  • Tab groups now obey the Preferences / Folders / Auto-Loading settings. The new TABGROUPFORCE switch can be used with the Go TABGROUPLOAD command to load a tab group and override the auto-load settings.
  • Fixed/improved a problem with native MTP support where creating folders (or sometimes even reading a directory) could cause Opus to freeze until the MTP device was unplugged.
  • Fixed problem where drag & drop of folders from a library to another Lister would not correctly count the files for the progress indicator.
  • Fixed line spacing not changing if you switched between Details and Power modes (without another mode in between) and the two had different line spacings set.
  • Fixed cosmetic issue when scrolling up in Tiles mode with certain combinations of visual settings.
  • Right-click on the viewer's title bar now shows the normal window menu rather than the viewer's context menu.
  • Image conversion no longer fails when updating EXIF data in JPG and PNG images if the destination requires UAC elevation to modify. Also changed what happens when the destination is an FTP site or Zip archive or similar, where the EXIF data will be dropped on conversion now (as it was in Opus 11) instead of always causing the operation to fail.
  • The viewer pane now only tries to display .URL files using a web browser if they point to HTTP, HTTPS, FTP or FILE URLs. In particular, shortcuts to Steam apps/games will no longer be triggered by the viewer; you'll only see the text content of the shortcuts instead.
  • Fixed details/power mode rendering issue with graphs (date/size) behind another column being truncated in some cases (e.g. if the column was set to left-justify and the width of the graph was greater than the width of the text).
  • If, while a folder is being read, you press a key that triggers the FAYT field, the FAYT will no longer automatically close when the folder read finishes.
  • Fixed not being able to change the file display toolbar back to the default in Preferences / File Displays / Border on a clean install of Opus Light.
  • The Customize / Keys list now includes all default toolbars in the Light version so that you can easily see their hotkeys and check for clashes (previously they would only be shown if the toolbar files actually existed on disk, which would only happen if you had run the Pro version before switching to Light).
  • Made a change which stops the Target column showing an out-of-date value for .url shortcuts if the .url shortcut file was edited manually (e.g. in a text editor) rather than through the Properties dialog.
  • Scripting:
  • Added OnListerResize script event.
  • The Metadata object now returns a Date object for date values (e.g. Metadata.image.datetaken) rather than VT_DATE variants.
  • Added Item.Labels method which returns a Vector of all labels applying to an item.

New in Directory Opus 12.2.4 Build 6141 Beta (Nov 4, 2016)

  • Changes:
  • Added an option to Preferences / File Operations / Progress Indicators to disable the progress indicator speed graph.
  • When copying two or more files the progress dialog now shows the total bytes copied / remaining as well as the values for the current file.
  • @if, @disableif and @hideif can now test if a command would be enabled rather than toggled. E.g. @if:enabled Go GROUPEXPAND=*.
  • It's now possible to assign the "stop on match" label to a file by itself, to prevent wildcard/label filters from applying to it without actually specifying a label explicitly.
  • Added workaround for Google Drive opening its folder using the \? prefix even when it is unnecessary. (Things worked, but it was unsightly.) The prefix is now removed if it isn't needed.
  • The folder tree and file display should now update immediately in response to assigning labels to drive roots under the This PC (My Computer) folder.
  • The Prefs STYLESAVE dialog now asks if you want to replace an existing style instead of failing.
  • The Go DRIVEBUTTONS command would incorrectly omit MTP devices if any arguments were used (unless "mtp" was specified as well).
  • If the viewer custom title contained %L (for file label), the viewer would not correctly update file labels / status icons when advancing to the next image.
  • The TGA plugin's minimum size limit has been reduced from 45 bytes to 19 bytes, to allow extremely small TGA files to be viewed.
  • The Preferences / Favorites and Recent / Jump List page now supports Layouts that have been organised into folders. Note that on the jumplist itself they will appear as a flattened list.
  • Fixed problem that could cause problems with FTP in certain specific situations (e.g. with two single Listers, clicking the Up button in the FTP Lister while copying a file to it would cause the transfer to be aborted).
  • Music Comment in the file display and the scripting mp3comment field will now return comments up to 1000 characters long before truncation, instead of the old limit of 100.
  • If Rename is used in simple mode (Rename SIMPLE) and a wildcard pattern isn't entered, the rename dialog will now re-open automatically allowing the next selected file to be renamed (compatibility with Opus 11).
  • The rename script editor now works correctly in the Light edition.
  • Moving the mouse over the text viewer no longer causes the cursor to flicker between pointer and caret.
  • Fixed some problems with image marking in MTP folders.
  • Scripting:
  • Added OnFlatViewChange script event, to allow a script add-in to detect changes to the flat view mode in a tab.
  • Script dialogs now generate resize events when the window is resized. Must be enabled by setting Dialog.want_resize to True. and provide size information.
  • Added DialogListColumns.GetColumnAt method.
  • Added DialogListColumn.resize property - set to True to specify a column that auto-resizes with the listview.
  • Added NOSCRIPT argument to the Close command to stop the command triggering the OnCloseLister event.
  • The StringTools.Decode script method now skips over the UTF-8 BOM when decoding a Blob containing UTF-8 encoded data.
  • Fixed problem with Rename script custom fields where default field values would not be valid the first time the rename preview was refreshed.
  • The script Command object now correctly runs functions asynchronously if SetModifier("async") has been called.
  • Fixed bug which could cause the program to crash if a script dialog encountered a script error while processing the dialog message loop.
  • Fixed problem with OnCloseLister script event causing infinite loop/stack overflow if the event handler invoked the Close command to close the same Lister.

New in Directory Opus 12.2.3 Build 6132 Beta (Oct 20, 2016)

  • Reduced overhead of the Copy progress dialog when copying thousands of tiny files.
  • Fixed incorrect icons showing in the rename preview list (bug introduced in 12.2.1 Beta).
  • Fixed Preferences ignoring the "show built-in aliases" checkbox when first opening the Aliases page if no user-defined aliases exist.
  • Fixed problem with script dialogs that could lead to a script still processing messages in its message loop after a dialog had closed (which depending on the script and the exact timing, could lead to a script error).
  • A button-menu with "always enable drop-down" set would change the spacing between its label and drop-down arrow when the main button part became disabled. The spacing now stays the same in both states.
  • Added rename_default_focus option to Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced, to control which field in the Rename dialog gets input focus by default (scripts can override this).
  • Added Assume UTF-8 without BOM option to text viewer configuration.
  • Inline rename in the Folder Tree now supports the same case-changing hotkeys as most other rename fields in the program. (Ctrl+L for lowercase, Ctrl+U for uppercase, Ctrl+W to capitalize words and Ctrl+P to capitalize just the first letter).
  • The recently added @hideif and @disableif modifiers can now test for set variables like @if can (e.g. @disableif:$MyVar).
  • Scripting:
  • Added opacity property to the Dialog object (and also the dialog editor), allowing a dialog's opacity level to be controlled.
  • Added Dialog.SetTimer and KillTimer methods, which allow scripts to create recurring timer events.
  • Added Dialog.AddHotkey and DelHotkey methods so script dialogs can implement hotkeys (keyboard accelerators).
  • Added List View control type to script dialogs - this is like a List Box except it supports multiple columns and different display modes. To support this, the Control object has new columns and mode properties and the DialogListItem has new subitems and icon properties.
  • Added Lister.state property to report the source/destination/off state of a non-dual display Lister.
  • Static Text controls in script dialogs can now display images, by setting the Image property to true in the dialog template (the control's label then becomes the image filename).
  • Script dialogs can now accept files via drag & drop if the Accept Drops property is set in the dialog template. Dropped files will generate a drop event and the new Msg.object property provides a Vector of Item objects representing the files that were dropped. If the drop was over a control the Msg.control property will identify the target control.
  • Added Control.MoveItem method to move an existing item in a List Box, Combo Box or List View control.
  • Added the FSUtil.Drives method which returns a Vector of Drive objects, providing information about the drives present in the system.
  • The scripting File.Read method did not correctly read the entire file if not passed a size.
  • The scripting DOpus.Language property now always returns a lowercase version of the language name, to simplify testing against it.

New in Directory Opus 12.2 Build 6109 (Sep 22, 2016)

  • Added FileType NEWCOUNT argument which lets you create more than one new file at once (e.g. FileType NEW=.txt NEWCOUNT=10).
  • Added CreateFolder ASK argument to cause the dialog to be displayed even if a name is provided (e.g. CreateFolder "New Folder Name" ASK).
  • Added drivelabel argument for breadcrumbs path fields, to display drive label along with the drive letter.
  • The advanced filter control now has a Case sensitive option for Name and several other clauses.
  • The Favorites item in the folder tree now has a context menu which lets you open the favorites editor (Preferences page).
  • The Save Tab Group dialog (that's displayed by the Go TABGROUPSAVE command) now has a checkbox letting you control the Close existing tabs flag for the new group.
  • The Find DUPES command now lets you use the NAME argument to provide a wildcard name filter when searching for duplicates.
  • The Replace File dialog's rename field now supports more of the features of the regular inline rename field (including capitalization, F2 to cycle selection, and left/right cursor handling).
  • Photoshop CMYK images with alpha are now supported.
  • The Music category in the filter control (advanced find) now lets you search on the Year field.
  • External icon sets can now refer to internal image resources (such as the default toolbar icons) without having to include redundant copies of the image data. The main goal is to allow alternative size (and DPI-scaling) variants of the internal sets. Internal icon sets contain four image sizes (22, 32, 48 and 64 pixels) but until now you only had access to two of the sizes at any given DPI. This also makes it possible to use the flat and glass icon styles at the same time.
  • Fixed problem which could cause sort header to not appear in the default tab of a new Lister when in one of the icon modes.
  • Fixed problem with displaying correct filetype description for matlab .m files.
  • The Go FOLDERCONTENT=move (or =copy) command now works from the toolbar in the standalone image viewer.
  • Fixed problem which could cause slow startup with network favorites displayed in the tree.
  • Fixed problem which could cause the vertical scroll offset to be reset when going forwards/back in the history (instead of preserving the saved offset).
  • Scrolling horizontally in list mode by clicking the scrollbar gutter will no longer skip partially visible columns.
  • The relative date graphs are now based on the timestamps as displayed in the file display. So if milliseconds are not displayed, they also won't be considered when calculating the graphs (same goes for seconds).
  • CreateFolder now works properly when pipe-separated names are specified on the command line (e.g. CreateFolder blah1|2|3).
  • Opus no longer inspects the contents of .tmp files in an attempt to generate thumbnails for them.
  • Updated to latest libpng (fixes problem loading image in
  • Fixed crash in Rename dialog that could be caused by having an empty new name string in Find & Replace mode and turning on the Rename matching filenames as one option.
  • The move up/down buttons in the Folder Options / Columns tab did not work correctly.
  • Select FROMSCRIPT (when used from a script, obviously) now works reliably with libraries.
  • The Copy WHENEXISTS argument is now respected when extracting from zip archives.
  • When copying files, the replace dialog now re-opens relative to its previous top/right position, so that the mouse doesn't need to move to find the same button from one file to the next.
  • Fixed problem with folder sizes in infotips which could leave a partially calculated size behind if the initial calculation was aborted.
  • The Locate toolbar button in the Customize / Keys dialog will now flash the exact button the hotkey comes from rather than just the toolbar (and will expand sub-menus to make it visible, if needed).
  • If tree path highlighting is on and set to use the configured tab color, it now updates in real time when the tab color is changed.
  • Ctrl-S (to save a preset) now works in the rename dialog even when the script editor has focus.
  • The Go OPENCONTAINER command now works correctly in conjunction with the EXISTINGLISTER argument.
  • Drop-down menu buttons (e.g. those generated by Go FOLDERCONTENT=button) can now be accessed from the keyboard.
  • When dragging items around on the File Type editor's Context Menu tab, the line indicating where the item would end up could appear one item above or below the actual location.
  • The image viewer no longer resets the scroll position when moving from one image to another (unless the zoom level is also reset due to Preferences).
  • The Preferences / File Operations / Double-click on Files / Use internal picture viewer for... option didn't work if the Left double-click event for the Recognized images filetype was undefined. It now defaults to Show if not set but can still be overridden via the filetype editor if needed.
  • On Windows 8 and 10, the Set Wallpaper command had to be run twice to be effective if the desktop had been set to a solid color. A workaround has been added so this is no longer the case.
  • Improved Lister resizing performance when resizing from top/left of Windows when composition is enabled.
  • Setting labels on files in library paths always saved the label to the config, ignoring the "save to NTFS" flag.
  • Fixed problem where labeled folders would lose their labels in the folder tree when moved/copied (until a tree refresh).
  • Scripting:
  • Added Viewer.parenttab property.
  • The OnGetCustomFields rename script method now lets you assign default focus to one of the custom fields, by setting the GetCustomFieldData.focus property to the name of the field. You can also use !oldname and !newname to assign focus to the standard old and new name fields.
  • Added an interface for multiple-selection listboxes in script dialogs.
  • Control.SelectItem now works with multi-selection listboxes. -1 can be given as the index to select all items in the listbox.
  • New method Control.DeselectItem lets items be deselected.
  • Control.value now returns and accepts a Vector of DialogListItem objects for multiple-selection listboxes.
  • New property DialogListItem.selected provides another way to query or set the selection state of items in a multiple-selection listbox.
  • Script dialog status controls now correctly handle setting their initial text when the supplied string contains n (to insert a line-break).
  • Script dialogs now support the icon property to set the dialog's titlebar icon.
  • Added x, y and position properties to Dialog object, to allow the position of script dialogs to be controlled. position can be "center" (the default), "parent" (relative to parent window), "monitor" (relative to monitor) or "absolute". If x and y are specified and position is not "center" then the coordinates are treated as relative to the specified position.

New in Directory Opus 12.1 Build 6089 (Sep 5, 2016)

  • Fixed problem which could cause a delay in opening the properties dialog on ctrl-doubleclick
  • Ctrl+A is now trapped in edit controls in the utility pane (other keys like Ctrl+C already were)
  • Fixed problem which caused the return key to not get trapped in the rename dialog inline editor when macro mode was turned off
  • FIX: If you convert an image in-place, the Replace dialog opens. Double-click the thumbnail and it opens the image. The viewer has that image in the list twice so you can click from it to itself.
  • Rename script editor now opens with cursor at top rather than bottom of script
  • Fixed issue with grouped listview in Rename Presets and Prefs / Labels, where expanding/contracting groups could leave the list with an unnecessary h-scroller
  • Fixed bug where the jobs bar would open incorrectly in a new Lister if another Lister had the rename dialog (or any other dialog that blocks the progress bar) open.
  • Fixed problem with Viewer script object (the "files" property didn't work, so it wasn't possible to get a list of files the viewer was currently looking at).
  • Also added "Viewer.index" property to return the index of the current file
  • Show VIEWERCMD=goto can now jump a relative number of images (e.g. Show VIEWERCMD=goto,+10 to jump forward 10 files)
  • Fixed lister metadata panel not painting/resizing correctly when enlarged or maximized, due to change in 12.0.10.
  • Fixed repaint issues when Rename script editor is toggled and visual styles are disabled.
  • Fixed memory leak which would have shown up in various places, including filter labels that used the Type clause
  • Using the Set SAVEFORMAT command to save a favorite format interactively didn't work
  • The option in the Folder Options dialog to clear the saved format and reset to a favorite did not work properly
  • The various element widths in the Rename dialog are now saved with DPI scaling information. Same for the dialog editor.
  • Fixed rename dialog problem where a saved presets width that was too wide could result in other controls being pushed off the side
  • Fixed problems with navlock tabs in tab groups not working when the group is loaded
  • Improved Rename dialog resizing when scripts add/remove custom fields

New in Directory Opus 12.0.15 Build 6072 Beta (Aug 16, 2016)

  • Improved compatibility when loading old rename presets.
  • Improved PSD alpha handling so it works if there are additional alpha channels, and so it only interprets the first alpha channel as opacity if it has the correct name.
  • Fixed problem where writing EXIF metadata could change the creation date of the file in some cases.
  • Rename dialog now supports {dateu} and {timeu} for UTC versions of the current {date} and {time}. Also, for these four fields only, the requirement for date and time formats to start with D# and T#, respectively, is relaxed, since it is implicit to the field.

New in Directory Opus 12.0.14 Build 6071 Beta (Aug 15, 2016)

  • Fixed bug where a queued Copy As function would forget the new name you had entered for the file (and ask again once the function ran) if you didn't use a wildcard pattern.
  • Fixed problem where File Count column could interfere with folder size calculation.
  • Fixed problem which stopped "Rename PRESET=findrep" command from displaying the Rename dialog.
  • Fixed problem where sometimes viewer would not notice when it opened that files had already been marked when the option to use a collection was turned off.
  • Fixed problem of Opus writing an invalid EXIF UserComment tag.
  • Fixed Rename presets list glitch when scrollbars are added/removed.
  • Photoshop (PSD) preview images now support opacity data (alpha channels) for typical 8bpp PSD files. (This already worked for typical 16bpp PSD files.) By default, this will affect the viewer but not thumbnails. To get PSD alpha working with thumbnails as well, change Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: psd_image_preference to use the preview image for both thumbnails and viewer. (This can also result in thumbnails not working, if your PSD files do not contain preview images. The documentation for this setting has been updated to further explain the pros and cons of changing it.)

New in Directory Opus 12.0.13 Build 6067 Beta (Aug 11, 2016)

  • Fixed bug introduced in 12.0.12 where the icon selector did not work with internal icon sets.
  • Fixed viewer status bar not coming back it you toggled full-screen.
  • Fix for transition animations on Windows 10 after the Anniversary Update is installed.
  • Fixed problem introduced with beta 12 which made commands like "Rename CASE=upper" stop working.
  • Fixed double-click to close tabs not working in some cases.
  • Fixed a problem when "fill" columns were combined with "collapse" columns, that could cause fill columns to end up too wide and collapse columns smaller than they needed to be.

New in Directory Opus 12.0.12 Build 6065 Beta (Aug 9, 2016)

  • High DPI glyphs for multi-column sort indicators.
  • Manual sort drop targets to rearrange files now get larger with higher DPIs.
  • The scripting Date.Format method can now be given arbitrary format strings (in addition to the old "d" and "t" flags which format things the same as the file display). Full format strings use the same syntax as the {date} and {time} command codes and various Rename date/time codes.
  • Fixed manual sort repositioning insertion from picking the wrong item sometimes if the icon mode sort header is turned on.
  • Manual sort insertion markers now DPI scaled and larger, using the same look as the similar folder tab markers.
  • Fixed manual sort insertion marker not appearing to the top or left of the first visible item (unless it was the first item in the folder, i.e. you were not scrolled at all).
  • The "slave tabs" system now uses the same algorithm as Navigation Lock in terms of staying in and going out of sync (i.e. when it goes out of sync it will show a warning message rather than changing the tab to show the same folder as the other side). The term "Slave Tab" has been replaced with "Navigation Lock" in the user interface to avoid confusion (since there's really only one system now instead of two completely separate ones).
  • List and Small Icon modes have slightly more padding left and right of their labels at higher DPIs.
  • High DPI glyphs for folder tab close buttons, when set to small size.
  • In the metadata pane, the EXIF Altitude field wasn't being copied when the other GPS position fields were copied from one picture to another.
  • Closing a tab by double-clicking its label could result in the file display losing focus.
  • Fixed glitch in Rename dialog when saving a preset that had been created out of another preset that was marked as a favorite.
  • When an existing viewer was recycled with a new file list, the viewer "marked" panel did not repopulate based on the new list.
  • Added Show VIEWERCMD=scroll command to control scrolling in the standalone viewer.
  • Fixed issue with breadcrumbs path field which could incorrectly show a ghost path and no real path if you went from. e.g. a child folder on the desktop, back to the desktop, and then to C:.
  • Duplicate Files panel now resizes to use all available height.
  • Fixed combobox controls in the utility panel drawing their labels on top of the panel's scrollbars.
  • Fixed being able to drag the utility panel too far up into the file display.
  • Fixed Listers which open with a shrunken utility panel not adjusting its height to match the file display border, if the related option is on.
  • If the utility panel opened shrunken, resetting the panel's size by double-clicking its header now restores the previous expanded size or the default size, rather than making it very small.
  • Functions which switch to utility panels, including the logs, will now by default expand the utility panel if it is collapsed.
  • Functions which toggle the utility panel will now, by default, expand it when turning the panel on, if it was saved in a collapsed state. You can use the noexpand keyword to prevent this, e.g. Set UTILITY=find,toggle,noexpand would open a collapsed Find panel if that was how it was last saved. You can also explicitly specify expand if you would like expansion to take priority over closing a panel if the panel is currently in a shrunken state, e.g. Set UTILITY=find,toggle,expand (you'd probably want to add focus as well). When neither expand nor noexpand is explicitly specified, the default is to expand when showing the panel (including when changing which panel is displayed) and to not expand when hiding the panel.
  • Fixed crash evaluating label filters which use script columns.
  • Fixed image filter clauses Color Model, Flash, Orientation, and Dimensions (but not individual Width and Height) not matching correctly, and crashing in some situations.
  • Fixed minor utility panel issue with combobox pop-ups not always responding to the mouse wheel, introduced in recent betas.
  • Look and feel improvements for folder tabs when on the left or right.
  • Folder tabs which are dragged from one window to another now have their tab colors and labels preserved.
  • In the Labels list in Preferences, the selected label's name is now drawn on top of the selection highlight so that the label's color isn't "muddied".
  • Fixed editing a folder tab's label being cancelled if you typed something and then clicked another part of the tab bar; this now applies the change.
  • Fixed opening layouts with minimized Listers not giving focus to any of the layout's non-minimized Listers.
  • Tree path highlight "use color from tab" option now considers individual, user-defined tab colors as well as tab-link colors.
  • Rename in standard mode no longer cares if you have a wildcard in the "old name" field and no wildcard in the "new name" field.
  • Tree path highlight now draws inactive, custom-color lines with increased contrast, if shadows are enabled, since some of the default colors were previously very hard to see on a white background.
  • Fixed color picker using the same icon for both copy and paste.
  • The labels list in Preferences now displays icons tinted by the selected color if a label is set to both apply an icon and tint it. If a label tints icon colors without applying an icon a square of the tint color is now shown instead of an icon.
  • The Filter Bar drop-down of file extensions and groups did not work properly when regular expression mode was enabled.
  • Similar to the labels list in Preferences, menus generated by Properties SETLABEL now show recolored icons or color squares if the label has an icon color set.
  • You can now drag & drop the branches from the breadcrumbs pathfield.
  • Fixed a problem with Go FOLDERCONTENT which could cause some folders to be left out of the list when enumerating non-filesystem folders like Quick Access.
  • Deleting files in the viewer now moves you to the next file quicker. Previously there was a half-second delay.
  • With FAYT "Highlight matches" on and "search anywhere" off, highlights used to be drawn for matches anywhere in names but would stop being drawn if you typed something which no name in the folder began with. Now, the highlights continue to be shown in this mode, but slightly lighter.
  • Fixed unwanted horizontal scrollbar in some situations involving Auto+Fill and Collapse columns.
  • With multiple columns set to Collapse, they are now reduced right-to-left instead of left-to-right.
  • Fixed problem which could cause the scrollbar in a file display to stop working properly if the display was grouped by Status Icons.
  • If the list is grouped by the status or label columns a read of all labels is now triggered automatically (previously this happened when sorted, but not when grouped).
  • Collection icons can now be specified via aliases.
  • Path completion is now much faster in folders with a large number of items. (e.g. Type /system/ into the icon browser path field and the list of DLLs will appear much sooner.)
  • Some small improvements to the UI for selecting icons when dealing with external files.
  • The default toolbar set will now be updated if you rename one of the toolbars it points to. Previously, using custom toolbars and then renaming them could leave you with Listers which had missing toolbars.
  • Fixed layouts being copied to the top-level if you saved a folder format and told it to update existing Listers, and had affected Listers below folders.
  • Fixed text viewer not working over FTP connections if the Hex Viewer option was disabled.
  • Fixed problem where copying one folder to another, sibling, folder could incorrectly result in "You can't copy a file over itself" error.
  • Fixed bug where a queued Copy As function would forget the new name you had entered for the file (and ask again once the function ran) if you didn't use a wildcard pattern.
  • Added Set FDBTOOLBAR and Set VIEWERTOOLBAR commands, to allow scripts to change which toolbars are in use for these elements.
  • Added Toolbars script object (obtained from DOpus.Toolbars) which has fdb and viewer properties.
  • Fixed bug where copying a menu containing a label field in it could duplicate the label in certain situations.

New in Directory Opus 12.0.11 Build 6047 Beta (Jul 22, 2016)

  • The Navigation Lock algorithm has been redesigned to hopefully address various complaints about the old algorithm (in terms of how and when it goes out of sync). It should be much better now at recovering after having gone out of sync. Additionally, it now handles multiple tabs better (by automatically resetting the sync position when you change tabs, which is what was meant to already happen according to the manual but didn't!)
  • Added sep= as a modifier for the {allfilepath} etc. codes, allowing you to change the separator character from the default space. E.g. {allfilepath$|sep=,} would product a comma-separated list of filepaths.
  • It's now possible to type a tab in the infotip and tiles filetype edit fields (press Shift+Tab to move the focus out). Tooltip / Tile edit field now also supports Ctrl+A and Ctrl+Backspace/Delete.
  • Find filters using aspect ratio can now specify things like 16:9 or 16/9 directly (previously you had to calculate the ratio like 1.78).
  • Fixed problem introduced in 12.0.8 which made GetSizes commands launched via folder tooltips unreliable.
  • Fixed problem with a Lister that opens with an embedded command to turn on Flat View - in that case, it was possible to end up with the sub-folders being read twice (and everything duplicated in the list) if the Lister had been saved with Flat View enabled.
  • The standalone viewer's metadata and marked image panes now use the configured panel caption font. The Viewer status bar now respects the configured status bar font.
  • The viewer metadata panel now respects the configured text color from Preferences and automatically updates if you any of the metadata panel colors.
  • Toggling Apply in a viewer metadata panel now toggles the checkbox in all other viewer metadata panels, consistent with lister metadata panels. (Viewers' auto-apply state is still independent of listers'.)
  • Toggling Apply in a lister metadata panel now visibly toggles the checkbox in all other lister metadata panels (if any). The checkbox controls a global Preferences setting so the behavior is unchanged, but previously the checkbox in the titlebar would be incorrect/misleading until something caused it to repaint.
  • Fixed folder tab flickering when drag & drop first initiated.
  • Fixed folder tab drag & drop glitch where a tab could incorrectly jump to the beginning if it was dragged a tiny distance and then released again.
  • Rename presets with the "old name" field saved as empty now default to "*" for that field, to provide backwards compatibility with Opus 11 rename presets.
  • Custom fields added by scripts in the Rename dialog did not use their assigned labels the first time the script was refreshed.
  • Fixed file display toolbar momentarily flicking between its normal background color and black if the folder tab bar was above the file display and toggled.
  • Fixed rare situation where Windows 10 virtual desktops could show transition animations for windows on other desktops.

New in Directory Opus 12.0.10 Build 6040 Beta (Jul 15, 2016)

  • Find filters using labels can now turn wildcards on and off, to make life easier when a filter name contains wildcard characters. Regular expressions can now be used as well.
  • Fixed issue with Type clause in advanced filter control where drop-down would be truncated in files/folders mode.
  • File display and tooltip Copyright column now shows the copyright tag data from MP3 files.
  • Removed dependency on propsys.dll for legacy Windows XP systems.
  • The Thumbnail column is now hidden from the sort header in the icon modes (if enabled).
  • In the Rename dialog, if the Apply button is used the OK button is now disabled. This is to avoid unintentionally triggering a rename twice (by clicking Apply followed by OK). The OK button is re-enabled again if any rename parameters are altered. If you DO want to run exactly the same operation twice you can simply click Apply a second time. Once the Apply button has been used once, the Cancel button changes to a Close button to indicate that the operation can no longer be cancelled.
  • Fixed glitch with metadata panel in viewer (and standalone) which could cause a blank area to be left behind if resized to no longer need a scrollbar.
  • Fixed focus indicators in the metadata pane only painting their left/right sides in some cases.
  • When setting timestamps with the metadata panel or the Change Attributes dialog, if a timestamp is set to be copied from a second one and the second one is also being set at the same time, the new timestamp is now copied rather than the old one.
  • When saving a new rename preset, the drop-down list of existing names is now grouped by category.
  • Fixed problem that meant you couldn't use the metadata pane to clear fields in .mp4 files.
  • Added Show VIEWERCMD=refresh command to refresh the currently displayed picture in the viewer.
  • Show VIEWERCMD=open can now be given a filename to open (e.g. Show VIEWERCMD "open,c:my picturesblah.png")
  • Show VIEWERCMD=save can now be made to replace the existing file silently (e.g. Show VIEWERCMD save,quiet)
  • Show VIEWERCMD=saveas can now be given a filename to save to (e.g. Show VIEWERCMD "saveas,c:blah.jpg")
  • When a file has more than one status icon applied to it, the icons are now displayed in the same order as in Preferences (i.e. alphabetically on the label name).
  • The folder tree now updates the Libraries branch when you set the color of a library (e.g. Documents). Previously the change would not take effect until the tree was forced to refresh.
  • The folder tree now properly supports label colors for drive root items. (Previously they worked only in trees which were already open when the label was set.)
  • Deleting non-zip archives via right-click in the folder tree now works.
  • Sending files to the Opus viewer from outside of Opus no longer fails if the last active Lister is showing a folder such as Computer where the Show command is invalid.
  • Ctrl+Backspace and Ctrl+Delete now work (to delete whole words) in {dlgstring} and script dialogs.
  • Fixed: A fresh (non-upgrade) install of Directory Opus creates a toolbar set called "Directory Opus 0"
  • The Reset to factory default format function in the Folder Options dialog (and the Set FORMAT=!factory) command now resets to the correct default format for special folders like My Computer.
  • The Reset to factory, user default and favorite format functions now filter out columns that aren't supported by the folder in question.
  • Fixed login problem introduced in Beta 9 with FTPS sites not using certificates.
  • Rename presets which do a find-and-replace to an empty string now run directly when selected from the Lister menus, instead of causing the Rename dialog to open.
  • Selecting a folder underneath the QuickAccess branch in the tree would incorrectly show the folder delegated to Explorer.
  • Fixed delay when using commands like Go FINDTITLE or Go EXISTINGLISTER on Lister toolbars and hotkeys.

New in Directory Opus 12.0.9 Build 6033 Beta (Jul 8, 2016)

  • Miscellaneous:
  • Added Select SOURCETODEST=in (and DESTTOSOURCE=in), selects all files in the destination that exist in the source. (Same as doing "select all" followed by "Select SOURCETODEST", just saves that extra step of selecting all files first.)
  • Added Encoding Software column, displays the MP3 TSSE frame.
  • Set Wallpaper command now supports multi-monitor "Span" mode on Windows 8 and above.
  • FTP: Opus will now prompt for the passphrase for an encrypted certificate file when logging into FTPS.
  • @hidenosel:type=*.png and similar now work in context menus.
  • Synchronize now enforces copying of file timestamps even if turned off in Preferences.
  • Fixed changing languages removing the hotkey indicators from the first/duplicated items within button-menus on the default Operations toolbar.
  • The "Click selected tab to go to previous one" option now takes effect on button up rather than down, to avoid breaking drag & drop of tabs.
  • Fixed folder tabs moving one pixel down and then back up as you changed tabs, due to changes in the previous beta.
  • Size graphs in the Computer folder can now be flat on Windows Vista/7 and gradients on Windows 8/10 if gloss_and_gradients is the opposite of the OS's natural setting.
  • Fixed resizing toolbar fields (e.g. Path Field) flicking from the field's new size, back to the old size, then back to the new size again when you released the mouse button.
  • Fixed folder tree Favorites and Aliases branches displaying multiple items for the same paths/branches if you were in them when they were refreshed (e.g. by adding a new favorite or alias).
  • Fixed image viewer drawing the image and selection in the wrong part of the window if you had an image larger than the screen, scrolled it, then cropped it while the viewer was set not to resize (including if it was maximized or full screen).
  • Fixed area with file display border and folder tabs not repainting properly if you had the tab bar above the file display, tabs set to only appear when needed, and then opened and closed two tabs.
  • Fixed folder tree selecting Desktop instead of the current folder if you opened it while in a virtual folder directly below the Desktop branch (e.g. This PC, Recycle Bin).
  • Fixed folder tree showing ::{GUID} type names for some shell folders after they changed. For example, the Recycle Bin after its empty/full state changed.
  • Fixed folder tree header heights not matching the file display border height when configured to, if using dual folder trees and opening them in certain ways.
  • Improved look of tree, viewer, etc. headers at the top of the window when the highlight color did not blend into the background fill or gradient.
  • Using custom file display header colors gives better results when shadow and highlight are the same color.
  • The utility pane no longer blocks mousewheel messages to other parts of the lister when it has focus but the mouse is over them.
  • Fixed crash when using Go FINDTITLE.
  • Fixed crash introduced in beta 8 when setting some metadata fields.
  • Default Config:
  • Edit menu has items to calculate MD5 and SHA-1 checksums, and the Select Other sub-menu has the new Select Source All in Destination and a version that ignores file extensions (useful for converted photos).
  • Tools menu has item for the Opus CLI / Ad-Hoc Script Editor, and items to quickly access the File Log and Scripts Log.
  • Copy Files button-menu has items for creating shortcuts, soft links, junctions, and so on.
  • Slideshow button is now a button-menu with items to explicitly launch the viewer and basic wav file player.
  • Right-click menu for images now has quick options for converting to JPG, PNG, GIF or BMP with a single click.
  • Right-click menu for shortcuts (.lnk files) has an Open Target's Folder item.
  • Right-click menus for all files & folders now includes items to Copy File Names, Copy Full Pathnames, Set Label and change Status icons.

New in Directory Opus 12.0.8 Build 6026 Beta (Jul 1, 2016)

  • File display Graphs:
  • Added a separate column for relative creation date (the old column is for modified date).
  • Added an option in Preferences / Display / Fields to invert the graphs (so that they represent newest file instead of oldest, etc).
  • Graphs are now calculated separately for files and folders (by default). The old behavior can be restored with the graphs_separate_files_dirs Advanced Preferences option.
  • Folder tabs:
  • Custom folder tab colors are now displayed at the edge of tabs instead of changing the whole background of them. Designated colors are no longer heavily modified, since it is no longer required to make it clear which tab is active.
  • Folder tabs now only have rounded corners if the Gloss And Gradients option is on (default: On for Win7, off for Win10). The option to use visual styles for tabs has been removed.
  • When folder tabs are above the file display, they will now expand to the same height as the file display border if Preferences / File Displays / Border / Align other Lister element headers with the file display border is on.
  • Columns:
  • Added an Uncompressed column which displays the uncompressed size of archives.
  • File display Fill columns now adjust to use new space when a column is removed and the other columns are fixed-width.
  • File display horizontal scrollbars now adjust correctly when a window is restored from maximized state and Fill columns are used.
  • List mode now treats the new Fill, Expand and Collapse options as if they were all normal Auto-Size, since none of them make sense with List mode. List mode also now respects the new Max column width setting for automatic sizing up to a specified limit.
  • Image Conversion:
  • The Image Conversion tool now shows a preview of the new image size, taking aspect ratio correction and rotation into account.
  • Combining Image CONVERT and Copy into a single command no longer displays arbitrary file sizes in the progress dialog during the conversion stage.
  • Create Folder:
  • The Create Folder dialog now allows multiple folders to be created at the same level (with the Create multiple folders option on), using the | character to separate the folder names. For example, Blahone|two|three would create Blahone, Blahtwo and Blahthree.
  • The CreateFolder READAUTO argument now affects the default action of the Create Folder dialog.
  • The Create Folder dialog no longer defaults to being narrower in "multi" mode than in "single" mode.
  • Rename:
  • Added {parentbase} code, similar to {parent} except it returns the name of the base folder rather than that of the file's parent. This is most useful with a recursive rename, where the name returned by {parent} would change for files inside sub-folders.
  • If you want to use rename to move files into new folders, adding $. at the start of the new name lets each file be moved relative to the base folder rather than its parent. Again, most useful with a recursive rename.
  • The rename preview now has a New Location column which appears when the rename operation will move files into new folders.
  • Fixed inline rename edit field being out of place if the lister was resized while it was open.
  • Fixed potential crash introduced in the previous beta, when opening the Rename script editor.
  • Fixed rename dialog going unresponsive if the script editor was open and you chose something from the regex history (and possibly other actions).
  • Quick Access (Windows 10):
  • Added /quickaccess as a built-in alias for the Quick Access folder in Windows 10.
  • Added an option to Preferences / Folder Tree / Contents to display the Quick Access folder in the tree (it will appear in its own branch at the top).
  • You put the Quick Access folder in a toolbar menu using Go /quickaccess FOLDERCONTENT or similar commands.
  • Labels:
  • Properties SETLABEL and LABELCATEGORY have slightly changed syntax from earlier betas. If you made buttons to set multiple labels or status icons at once, you will need to edit them slightly.
  • Default toolbars change: Assigning status icons to files now automatically turns on the Status Icons column so you can see the results. If you don't want to reset your Operations toolbar to the default, here is the new command.
  • Fixed problem where user-defined labels could get lost when loading an Opus 11 configuration.
  • Fixed cosmetic issue on the Label Assignments prefs page. Resizing could detach the combobox from its row/column.
  • Fixed the Label Assignments prefs page when scrolling the list with the mousewheel while over the label combobox.
  • Preferences / Label Assignments now remembers the View By Label checkbox state. Preferences / Folder Aliases also now remembers the Show Built-In Aliases checkbox state.
  • Button editor menus now help more with the Properties LABELCATEGORY argument.
  • Preferences / Labels no longer loses edits to a label's name or category if you click another label in the list directly after typing the edit.
  • Preferences / Labels now allows you to move labels into the pre-defined groups.
  • The Label option in the advanced filter control (e.g. Tools, Find Files, Advanced) now allows a wildcard pattern so a single clause can match multiple labels.
  • The same Label option now uses label colors and font styles in its drop-down list. (The clause itself still shows the name normally to avoid dominating other details.)
  • Properties SETLABEL=!submenu now sorts category sub-menus to match the list in Preferences.
  • Properties SETLABEL on its own now groups labels by their categories, while still producing a flat list. Similarly, SETLABEL=!menu does the same inside a sub-menu. You can use SETLABEL=!nogroup or SETLABEL=!menu,!nogroup to intermix the categories as before, if you wish.
  • If you put a list of labels at the top level of a toolbar (Properties SETLABEL), the list now updates correctly when you change label definitions in Preferences.
  • The buttons generated by Properties SETLABEL and similar will now disable themselves when no files are selected.
  • Properties SETLABEL now respects the NOFROMFOCUS argument to avoid considering the folder tree.
  • Fixed issue with color labels assigned via NTFS not showing in the tree
  • Fixed issue assigning a label to an archive in the tree
  • Clearing labels from files now works via symbolic links.
  • Commands:
  • Delete command has new switches FAILNOTEMPTY and SKIPNOTEMPTY
  • Set COLUMNSADD and similar now allow column positions to be specified relative to existing columns. For example, to add the Status Icons column after the Name column: Set COLUMNSADD=Status(1+Name). "0+Name" is the position of the Name column. "1+Name" the next position. "1-Name" the previous position.
  • The Show VIEWERCMD=meta command has been expanded to allow the metapane width to be controlled in the viewer. Supported keywords are now "on", "off", "toggle", "grow", "" and "nofocus". The "grow" option is like having the metadata panel snap on and off the side of the viewer instead of eating into the window's current space.
  • e.g. Show VIEWERCMD=meta,500,grow,toggle
  • Fixed multi-column Set SORTBY commands which mix internal and script columns.
  • If Show Everything mode is on, Select HIDESEL and HIDEUNSEL are now ignored.
  • Added a Touch Modified command to the the default toolbar's Properties button-menu.
  • Automated Prefs BACKUP and RESTORE commands now intelligently add the .ocb backup file extension to the specified paths.
  • Go FROMSEL now works in the Computer folder.
  • You can now use the Help command to directly open the page for any internal command. For example: Help REF=cmd_CreateFolder
  • In the command editor, F1 now opens the manual page for the command on the current line, if applicable.
  • Added mycomputerfull argument for breadcrumbs pathfields, to enable the display of folders in the drop-down for the Computer folder.
  • The Go FOLDERCONTENT command now supports non-filesystem folders. For example, as mentioned above, in Windows 10 you can use Go /quickaccess FOLDERCONTENT to show the Quick Access folder in a pop-out menu.
  • Preferences:
  • Added option Preferences / File Operations / Copy Options / Generate thumbnails for network files in Confirm File Replace dialog, which is on by default. If turned off, you will get the old behavior of generic icons for network files in the Replace dialog and a "?" button you can click to generate them.
  • Restoring the Preferences / Folders / Folder Formats page no longer puts the User Default item into the wrong place in the list. It now also remembers which sections you have expanded instead of collapsing all of them.
  • Fixed cosmetic issues with Preferences / Misc / Advanced when scrolling/resizing while a combobox was in use.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • Improved several icons and cursors used in the program.
  • Status bar hidden counts and format lock now have their own right-click menus for quick access to related commands for filtering and changing or resetting the folder format.
  • The status bar tooltips for the Show Everything feature now make more sense when using Flat View, Mixed (No Folders).
  • In Details and Power modes, file intotips now appear when the mouse is over names or icons (or thumbnails if joined to the Name column). Previously, it only worked over the names themselves.
  • Fixed a problem where the Type column showed different things before and after a folder refresh (e.g. "File" vs "JPG File").
  • Date and time codes, when renaming files or running commands, can now specify the "system invariant locale" instead of local language settings. This locale is similar to North American and gives the same results on all machines and in all languages. For example, running {date|Idd-MMM} {time|Ihh:mm tt} on June 23rd at 10:52 PM will always output "23-Jun 10:52 PM", always using English month names and AM/PM strings.
  • Animated GIF plugin now includes the current filename in the F10 infotip when the viewer is full-screen, consistent with the built-in image types.
  • Fix for rare crash when loading webm or mkv files into the viewer.
  • Fixed problem where if the Lister Context menu had the Toolbar List added, the list did not indicate active toolbars.
  • Improved behavior of Page Up and Page Down keys in Details and Power modes. The main difference is that you will always get at least one fully visible line of overlap between the current page and the next. Some fairly obscure issues have also been fixed (e.g. Shift + Page Down did nothing if the last visible item was a group header).
  • Fixed file display group headings being drawn in the wrong color if the rightmost file display column used a custom text color.
  • The header icon for Manual Sort mode now shows its context menu for both left and right clicks.
  • Opus now recalculates the item under the mouse pointer (even if the mouse hasn't moved) after reading a new folder, meaning that if an item is underneath the pointer in the new folder it will be highlighted (and/or selected in "single click" mode) automatically
  • Layouts and the Default Lister now save and restore the last used dual-display orientation (horizontal or vertical) even if the second display is closed when they are saved. In particular, this allows you to have a single-display default lister which will use dual-horizontal displays when you load a folder tab group.
  • Fix for crash which could be triggered with specific types of malformed, self-referential symbolic links which got through normal loop detection.
  • Fixed a problem where copying a file from one zip archive to another, with the Preferences / Zip & Other Archives / Zip Files / Ask for encryption/compression settings when copying into Zip files option turned on, would incorrectly save the full path of the copied file into the archive.
  • Fixed extra UAC prompt when moving a folder out of a place requiring elevation, if the option to reset moved file permissions was on.
  • When moving into encrypted or compressed folders on the same drive, and when set to update the encryption/compression of the moved folders, the update now happens as part of the main move operation instead of spawning parallel background threads for each folder. This avoids excessive disk/CPU use if multiple large folders are moved in such a way, and means you know things are really finished when the progress dialog closes.
  • Holding the shift key while turning the mouse wheel over the folder tree now scrolls a page at a time.
  • When setting EXIF tags in pictures, Opus will no longer use UTF-8 for fields that never require it (e.g. "Date Taken"). This is to prevent compatibility problems with software that has trouble with the UTF-8 BOM header in certain fields (e.g. Explorer).
  • Scripting:
  • Trimmed trailing space from Item.attr_text script properly when on some FTP sites.
  • The OnOpenTab event is now triggered for the initial tabs in a new Lister, following the OnOpenLister event. (Previously, OnOpenTab was only triggered for the second and subsequent tabs).
  • Added Dialog.Create method which lets a script dialog be created without immediately going visible (so that controls can be initialised before the dialog is shown). Using Create implies Dialog.detach = True. Once created, call Dialog.Show to show it. The dialog will also be shown automatically on the first GetMsg call.
  • If Dialog.Control is given the name of the main dialog as its optional second argument, Opus will now search the main dialog for the control (even though the second argument is only intended for use with tabs).
  • During OnInit, scripts can now set initData.url to a URL which the user can see and click when managing scripts in Preferences. Suggested use is to point to the script's forum thread.
  • Fixed cosmetic issues in script dialog editor with column widths and scrolling in the right panels.
  • Fixed Scripts preferences page crashing if the mouse was moved over the list in a particular way which angered it.
  • Script configuration dialog now remembers its size.
  • Added script support for Windows shell properties, making it easy for a script to enumerate properties in the system and retrieve the properties for a file.

New in Directory Opus 12.0.7 Build 6009 Beta (Jun 14, 2016)

  • Find Duplicates:
  • Added a feature to the Duplicate Finder when searching by checksum, to only calculate a hash for a percentage of the file. This lets you speed up the operation for large files at the expense of accuracy. Use the slider control to adjust the percentage from 1% to 100%. From the command line, use the Find command's MD5 argument to specify a percentage (e.g. MD5=50).
  • Added Filename (no extension) as a search mode for the Duplicate Finder. This will find files with the same filename stem ignoring their file extension.
  • MD5 checksums can now be cached (as part of the new checksum cache) for large files located on NTFS partitions. The checksum cache is only used if specifically requested; use the new Use MD5 cache option to turn it on. From the command line, use the MD5 argument to enable it (e.g. MD5=cache). Note that cached checksums will only be updated if a file's last modified timestamp or size has changed.
  • Folder Options:
  • When saving or clearing the format for the current folder in the Folder Options dialog, the format is also updated in the parent file display as if it had been loaded as a saved format (previously you had to click OK or Apply to update the file display's format, and it would act differently to a normal saved format).
  • The option in the Save Folder Format dialog to Replace the format in any layouts and saved folder tabs now also applies to any currently open folder tabs showing the folder (or any tabs at all, in the case of "all folders"). The tabs will all be told to run the Set FORMAT=!folder command, resetting them to their new defaults automatically.
  • Scripting:
  • Added OnGetCopyQueueName script event, which lets scripts override the copy queue name for automatically-managed copy queues.
  • Fixed multi-column sort via Set SORTBY="x,y,z" not always working correctly with script columns.
  • The Item.attr_text script property didn't work for files on FTP sites.
  • Fixed script column auto/name/attr-refresh being disabled for individual files if the script did not set any kind of value, even an empty string, when the column was requested.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • Added Preferences / Folder Tabs / Options / Click selected tab to go to previous one option.
  • The CLI command lets you use noselect: to set the text in the field and begin typing at the end of it, instead of typing over the top of it. For example, you could bind a hotkey to CLI QUICKGO=noselect:C:\ and then push it and start typing the name of a folder below C:\.
  • There is a new optional checksum cache for large files located on NTFS partitions. The checksum cache is only used if specifically requested - the GetSizes command has a new USEHASHCACHE argument, and Clipboard COPYNAMES has a new hashcache parameter to enable it. Note that cached checksums will only be updated if a file's last modified timestamp or size has changed.
  • If either item in the Replace dialog is a folder, double-clicking its thumbnail now opens it in a new folder tab instead of replacing the current folder.
  • When opening the viewer from the replace confirmation requester (either by double-clicking on one of the thumbnails or by right-click and choosing View in Directory Opus), the viewer that opens will only have the two files in question (old and new) in its list.
  • Added NOFILEINFO argument to the Rename command to disable column expansion completely from the command line (so e.g. {size} won't expand to the file's size in the new name).
  • Fix for dark/overprinted combobox labels in the Edit Lister Style dialog's Left/Right File Display tabs.
  • Fixed Copy COLLLIST displaying a multi-line dialog for the collection name.
  • BMP, PNG, GIF and IFF-ILBM images now report RGB for color space instead of blank/unknown.
  • Fixed Prefs LAYOUTTHISLISTER=paths LAYOUT=xyz not loading all file display columns if applied to a tab showing the Computer folder.
  • Find panel's results collection drop-down now handles long collection names better when near the edge of the screen.
  • Improved performance when the folder tree is showing path highlights to locations which are slow or unavailable.
  • Fixed problem in some Preferences pages of the wrong accelerator key being shown in the tooltip for a button (e.g. the toolbar buttons on the Scripts page)
  • Generic icons are now off by default for all drive types. (Will not affect existing configs unless they are reset.)
  • The toolbar search field now updates to display the current search query if the search is started via the FAYT field an the query is then edited.
  • Default toolbars and menus and toggle dual-display mode in a way which remembers the tabs you previously had open when you turn it back on. (Commands changed from Set DUAL=Toggle to Set DUAL=Toggle,Remember and similar.)
  • Improved button editor's handling of quotes when adding a second parameter to an argument.
  • Updated Raw Digital Camera plugin with support for new cameras.
  • Rename no longer treats {} strings as referring to columns (e.g. the internal column ID for file size is 1, so {1} would expand to the size of the file the same as {size} would)
  • Fixed plugin About windows appearing being Preferences if it was on-top, and not being centered. (May also have affected other plugin dialogs in some situations.)
  • Changes in 12.0.6 meant the image converter could not overwrite files in libraries; this is now fixed. (Also fixed display of library paths in the conversion dialog.)
  • Changes in 12.0.6 meant the image converter failed when writing BMP and GIF outputs.
  • A command like Image PERCENT=50 no longer requires the CONVERT argument be given explicitly.
  • Image REPLACE=readonly parameter was missing from the button editor menus.
  • Performance improvement when scrolling folders with tens of thousands of files and using auto-sized columns.
  • Rename Preset import dialog is resizable.
  • Fixed ampersands in toolbar and set names when displayed in the toolbar right-click menu. (Could combine all of these ampersand things into a single generic item in the release notes. Or leave them out entirely. Not that important.)
  • Button editor arguments menus which show user-defined lists (e.g. Rename presets, Layouts) now handle names with ampersands properly.
  • Cosmetic fixes in a couple of places when folder tabs configured for custom colours but individual colours were set to "use default".

New in Directory Opus 11.19 Build 6005 (Jun 10, 2016)

  • Fixed inverted colors in some CMYK JPGs.
  • Fixed button editor duplicating the next line if you double-clicked the end of a line, and then crashing if you clicked OK.
  • Duplicating a folder over an existing one would incorrectly display an error ("you can't copy a file over itself") for any files that clashed with existing ones in the target folder.
  • The Image command no longer requires CONVERT if either the WIDTH or HEIGHT arguments are specified (previously it needed both for CONVERT to not be needed).
  • Updated to 7z.dll v16 which includes security fixes.
  • Updated to latest UnRar.dll.
  • Fixed sorting error with Tags column.
  • Fixed ftp not logging into the Folder+ iOS FTP server app.
  • Lossless JPEG rotation was broken and always failed (falling back on lossy rotation if the command's arguments allowed it).

New in Directory Opus 12.0.6 Build 5998 Beta (Jun 3, 2016)

  • Translations:
  • Please report translation issues via the new Opus 12 Beta Translations area of the support forum.
  • Image Viewer:
  • The Marked Pictures panel now uses Details mode by default to show the list of marked pictures. Icon mode can be re-enabled through the new Preferences option.
  • Fixed some cosmetic issues with the image viewer's marked picture list when it loses focus.
  • The viewer option Generate next/previous list (when opened via double-click) now also applies to the View in Directory Opus context menu item. (For any custom commands, you can achieve similar results by running Show LISTSIBLINGS instead of Show on its own.)
  • Rename:
  • In response to user feedback the sliding presets panel has been removed. The presets list is now displayed on the left of the Rename dialog, and can be resized (although not hidden completely).
  • The preset list now has a context menu which lets you manage presets.
  • Rename presets can now be arranged in arbitrary groups (use the Assign To Group command in the Preset Management drop-down menu or the context menu).
  • Added an new option - Use preview list to build macros - to the Rename dialog. When turned on (the default), the preview area acts as a macro builder like before. When turned off, the preview area allows filenames to be edited individually. Once a filename has been modified that name is locked in and won't change even if other rename settings are altered, unless the custom name is cleared.
  • The Rename dialog now remembers the last script language used.
  • Fixed problem with the Rename dialog's script output panel which could cause the log to incorrectly clear in the middle of a script's output.
  • Scripts Preferences Page:
  • The Scripts page in Preferences has been redesigned.
  • It now uses a multicolumn list to display the list of scripts. Columns can be added/removed by right-clicking the column header.
  • Information about the selected script is displayed at the bottom of the list if not shown in a column.
  • If a script supports configuration clicking its name now opens the configuration dialog.
  • The list now remembers previously the selected script and reselects it next time it opens.
  • Scripts that fail to parse are no longer removed from the list; instead they will display the failure reason in the Status column.
  • Scripts that you disable are now completely disabled - no code from them is run at all. (previously, the OnInit function would run and commands/columns would still be queried).
  • The new Import command can be used to import a script (as well as drag-and-drop like before).
  • The new Delete command can be used to remove a script. It deletes the script file and removes the record of any configuration for it (so that if later on you add a new script with the same name, it won't inherit the old script's configuration).
  • The new Disable All Scripts command lets you disable all script add-ins at once - individual enable/disable states will be preserved. The new Set SCRIPTDISABLE command lets you toggle this from a button or hotkey.
  • Scripts can now specify a group in their OnInit function (using the property). If any scripts specify a group this will be reflected in the Preferences list.
  • Scripts can also specify a group for their configuration values using the new ScriptInitData.config_groups property (this accepts a Map in the same way as the config_desc property).
  • Miscellaneous:
  • The font used in the metadata control (in the Lister and the Viewer) is now configurable via Preferences / Display / Colors & Fonts.
  • When using vertical tabs, the tab width is now preserved when toggling between single and dual display (when the remember keyword is used)
  • Fixed problem with advanced find Label clause not matching if a file had more than one label assigned.
  • Fixed custom icons in labels (they were inadvertently broken in 12.0.5)
  • Fixed overflow errors with viewer/metadata panel layout with extremely wide Listers.
  • Fixed label background color not showing for the file with focus if it was not selected, when in the Large/Small Icons, List or Thumbnails display modes.
  • Fixed edits to EXIF metadata clearing the labels and other metadata stored in NTFS ADS.
  • Fixed lossless JPEG rotation, which was broken and always failed (falling back on lossy rotation if the command's arguments allowed it).
  • Fixed lossless JPEG rotating removing files' labels and other metadata stored in NTFS ADS.
  • Fixed ftp not logging into the Folder+ iPad FTP server app.
  • Fixed some differences between running Viewer toolbar commands via the toolbar itself and via the Button Editor.
  • Fixed sorting error with Tags column.
  • Child buttons inside of Three-Buttons now inherit the parent's label position if theirs is set to "default".
  • Fixed FTP sites not appearing in the Jumplist on Windows 10.
  • Fixed ampersand characters sometimes being doubled in the path field drop-down. (Only when the displayed name of the path did not match the physical path.)
  • Fixed various places which displayed the recent and favorites lists without consistent handling of ampersand characters.
  • In the File Types editors for Info Tip and Tiles, removed duplicate Folder Size and Folder Contents items from the categorised sub-menus. They were not meant to be there and incorrectly had labels the same as other items in the same place. (The proper items for accessing them are still at the top level, below the categories, with the correct labels.)
  • Fixed clicking the file display to close FAYT not recognising double-clicks if the mouse pointer was moved to compensate for the closure.
  • Fixed clicking the file display to close FAYT not always adjusting the mouse pointer position if closing FAYT caused scrolling.
  • Fixed background color behind Start Window (splash screen) checkbox on Windows XP and when themes are disabled.
  • List mode looks a bit better with label background colors when themed. The background used to draw over the right edge of the themed selection rectangle.
  • Updated to 7z.dll 16.0 which includes security fixes. (Affected archive types are disabled by default in Opus, but could cause problems in older versions if enabled.)
  • Updated to latest UnRar.dll.
  • The drop-down list of file type groups in the simple Find panel no longer shows internal {GUID} format names for user-defined filetype groups.
  • Searching for an empty Description with advanced find using ~* as a wildcard pattern now works.
  • The Select command's DESELECTNOMATCH argument now works when selecting with a filter (i.e. when using the FILTER argument).
  • Scripting:
  • The Item object (representing a file/folder) and Path objects have new properties name_stem_m and ext_m which are like name_stem and ext but use more advanced logic which deals with multi-part file extensions.
  • Scripts that pass commands to the viewer to run now have the specified qualifier keys respected, instead of using the current keyboard state.
  • Script columns can now be made to auto-refresh on file attribute change (instead of just file size change) by setting their autorefresh property to 2.
  • Fixed the script API for reading/writing raw file data failing to open archives, due to archives' file/folder duality.
  • Scripts can now request timestamps for log messages via an optional 3rd argument to DOpus.Output. e.g. DOpus.Output("Hello", false, true). Timestamps only appear in the utility panel, not in places like the Button Editor's output panel. Error messages always get timestamps so if the second argument is true then the third is ignored.
  • A warning is now written to the script log if a script is unloaded because it does not implement any known events.
  • A warning is now written to the script log when scripts specify they need a newer version.
  • Fixed problem with button scripts misreporting line numbers in the error log.
  • When running scripts via the Button Editor, script output is now cleared each time instead of accumulating.
  • When running scripts via the Button Editor, script errors no longer cause Lister status bar error icons to flash, since the errors appear in the editor already.
  • Rename scripts using the OnGetNewName method have new properties available to them in the GetNewNameData object:
  • oldname_field: content of the Old Name field in the rename dialog (synonym of existing oldname property, which still works).
  • newname_field: content of the New Name field in the rename dialog; was previously not available to scripts.
  • newname_ext: the proposed new name, extension only, just the last part e.g. ".rar".
  • newname_stem: the proposed new name, everything before newname_ext.
  • newname_ext_m: the proposed new name, extension only, handles multi-part extensions e.g. ".part1.rar".
  • newname_stem_m: the proposed new name, everything before newname_ext_m.

New in Directory Opus 12.0.5 Build 5976 Beta (May 31, 2016)

  • Translations:
  • Beta translations added for Dutch, German, Hungarian, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Swedish and (new to Opus 12) Spanish for Mexico. These add to English, French, Greek, Japanese and Spanish for Spain support from previous betas. (More languages and updates are in the pipeline. Some new functionality may still be in English.)
  • Please report translation issues via the new Opus 12 Beta Translations area of the support forum.
  • New icons throughout the program by Cris van Minnen:
  • Internal toolbar icons are now in two flavors: Flat is the new style and fits in with Windows 8 and Windows 10. Glass is the old style and fits in with Windows Vista and Windows 7.
  • Your Windows version decides the style by default, but you can override it by going to Preferences / Toolbars / Icons, selecting the Internal Icon Set and clicking the Icon Style button.
  • Other icons used throughout the program are in the new flat style, and most icons now have high DPI variants. (Icon DPI scaling is handled automatically and not something you need to configure.)
  • The internal toolbar icons include high DPI images as well as several new icon categories. If you have previously installed Cris's icon sets from the forum, or sets based on them (e.g. "Icons for ultra high definition monitor 4K"), you may wish to review what you have installed and delete any sets which are now redundant, to avoid wasting memory and ensure the best quality icons at all DPIs.
  • Icons:
  • You can now import icon sets by via drag & drop to Preferences / Toolbars / Icons. Various other minor improvements to the same UI.
  • Preferences now tells you the file location of external icon sets when they are selected. In particular, this helps understand where an icon set is coming from if it's part of a script .OSP package.
  • Fixed (uncommon) 8-bpp icon sets turning black if DPI scaled. (Affected "A-Z (Grey).dis" from the Alphabet Icons collection on the forum.)
  • Image Viewer:
  • Fixed crash when loading a new list of pictures into an existing standalone viewer (via drag & drop, or via double-click with the recycle viewer option on).
  • Fixed inverted colors in some CMYK JPGs.
  • Fixed viewer not refreshing properly when toggling the alpha channel, changing gamma, and similar.
  • The Marked panel no longer takes the focus when it opens automatically.
  • Fixed viewer image-marking when in the root of a drive. (The %F code for marked picture collections now has the :\ stripped from path roots.)
  • AcitveX viewer workaround for Windows Media Player bug on filesystems with short paths disabled.
  • Toolbar buttons in the viewer now work when shift or control are held down (and qualifiers are passed through to scripts correctly).
  • Added Show VIEWERCMD=selectfile command to select the viewer's current file in the folder tab it came from.
  • For script functions launched from the viewer, the clickData.func.sourcetab property is now set to the original source folder tab (if any) which launched the viewer.
  • You can now copy files to the clipboard from the marked pictures pane in the Viewer (via right-click context menu, or Ctrl+C).
  • Marking a picture in the viewer now scrolls the mark pane to show the picture's thumbnail (if it was out-of-view).
  • You can now disable internal image viewers via Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: viewer_disable_internal. For example, this allows you to divert the TIFF viewer to a third-party ActiveX control which handles multi-page TIFFs.
  • You can now block the Movie plugin from handling certain extensions (even if their registry information specifies they are video types) by adding them to the list of extensions with a ~ before them. For example .avi,.mpg,~.wmv would tell the plugin to handle .avi and .mpg but ignore .wmv files.
  • Show commands with embedded functions now work when launched via filetypes
  • Rename:
  • The Rename macro builder now shows an indication of the current caret position in all other filenames.
  • Fixed bug in Rename when combining Find & Replace with sequential numbering, and the "replace string" was empty.
  • Find Filters and Pattern Matching:
  • In standard pattern matching, ~* ("not anything") will now match an empty string.
  • Fixed Date clauses in advanced Filter controls not displaying correctly when in "before" and "after" modes.
  • In advanced Filter controls, dropdown lists did not show a scrollbar when their contents were too large and it was not possible to view all available options.
  • Labels, Status Icons and related columns:
  • Advanced Find, searching by Label, now correctly matches label filters.
  • The Label column now shows any wildcard/filter labels that match a file, as well as specifically assigned labels.
  • Sorting by the Status column is now reliable.
  • The list of Labels in Preferences wasn't properly sorted in group order when initially displayed.
  • The list generated by Properties SETLABEL=!submenu now puts labels which are in categories above uncategorized labels. (Previously they were intermixed.)
  • Added a new Properties SETLABEL=!submenu2 mode which puts uncategorized labels in an Uncategorized category.
  • The LABELCATEGORY argument for Properties SETLABEL can now match uncategorized labels using the pattern ~* (which means "not anything").
  • The Properties SETLABEL command now supports embedded commands. As an example, the command below will generate a menu of Status Labels where selecting a label will toggle it on the selected files and then, thanks to the embedded command, turn the Status column on so that you can see the result.
  • Other file display columns:
  • Configurable field justification is no longer allowed for the Filename column (since it doesn't work properly).
  • Date-time columns now work better when left or center justified.
  • Columns set to Fit or Fill are no longer resized while column headers are being resized manually; they now update their widths when the mouse button is released.
  • Set COLUMNSADD is now capable of changing the auto-size and max-size properties of existing columns without changing their positions. For example, Set COLUMNSADD=name(!,a,0) will set the Name column to auto-size with no maximum width. If you're using the new Fill, Expand and Collapse column modes, you may want a quick way to switch everything to auto-size. The following script auto-sizes all columns if any have their widths restricted, and otherwise will reset the folder format (including columns and column widths) to what a new window would show for the folder.
  • Favorites and Layouts:
  • The Favorites list (shown in menus) now displays only the folder name instead of the full path, for items without a specified name (to match what happens in Preferences).
  • Fixed Favorites menu only handling embedded commands and '&' label prefixes at the top level and not in sub-folders.
  • When opening layouts, listers whose titlebars are completely off-screen will now be moved on-screen, to help with layouts saved under different monitor configurations.
  • Fixed Settings > Backup & Restore not including layouts which were in sub-folders in the backup.
  • When re-saving an existing lister layout that was loaded from a sub-folder, the full path (including the sub-folder) is now included in the default filename field.
  • When the layout name is displayed in places like the Lister title bar, it now includes any sub-folders.
  • Customize:
  • The options to change colours, images, etc. on the Customize / Context Menus are back again. (They were hidden in error.)
  • Fixed potential crash if you reset a toolbar to factory defaults while the search field had focus.
  • Fixed crash if a button contained a line with just "@ifset:" on its own. (The line makes the command invalid, but should not cause a crash.)
  • Fixed button editor duplicating the next line if you double-clicked the end of a line, and then crashing if you clicked OK.
  • When toolbars are backed up and reset due to a new major version (e.g. 11 to 12; not 12.x to 12.y), the "always enabled hotkeys" list is now also reset to avoid ending up with clashing hotkeys due to a mixture of old and new toolbars.
  • Scripting:
  • Added script Lister.utilpage property which lets you query the current utility pane page (could already do this via IsSet but this is easier).
  • The script output log in the Rename and Function Editor dialogs now scrolls with the mouse wheel.
  • Up/down controls in script dialogs now move with their edit control when the dialog is resized.
  • The OnListerClose script event now lets a script prevent the closing Lister from being saved as the new default Lister, via the new prevent_save property.
  • The script Control object's interface, for advanced scripted dialogs, has been redesigned inline with tbone's suggestions. Old methods have been removed and any scripts in development based on the previous betas may need changes.
  • Setting the "default" property for a button control in the dialog editor now automatically turns it off for any other buttons.
  • The "Evenly Space" commands in the dialog editor now reposition the last control as well as the others. (Previously, the first and last controls were excluded.)
  • The Script object (given to script add-ins) now has a LoadResources method which lets a script load resources from an external file, rather than embedding them at the end of the script file itself. Note that for .OSP script packages, the resource files must have a .odxml suffix if the resource files are bundled in the package (non-packaged scripts can use any file extension).
  • The new Script.LoadResources can also take an XML string directly, as an alternative to loading the data from disk.
  • Help file correction for Dialog.getstring.
  • Help file correction for Item.Open arguments (it doesn't take a path; the path is implicit) and slight clarification of FSUtil.OpenFile arguments.
  • Item.Open and FSUtil.OpenFile can now pass "NoElevate" or "ElevateNoAsk" to prevent triggering UAC prompts when opening files. "NoElevate" avoids elevation entirely while "ElevateNoAsk" gains elevation only if something else has already triggered it within the script's context. Script columns which open files should use these to avoid triggering annoying UAC prompts in the background.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • Duplicating a folder over an existing one would incorrectly display an error ("you can't copy a file over itself") for any files that clashed with existing ones in the target folder.
  • Fixed de-selection not always occurring when you first clicked the background of the inactive side of a dual file display, regardless of Preferences / File Displays / Mouse / Allow file selection when clicking to switch source/destination state.
  • Fixed Print/Export Folder not correctly outputting .CSV or .TSV format files if the first two or more columns of a row were completely blank. (Rare, since Name usually comes first.)
  • The Image command no longer requires the CONVERT argument if either of the WIDTH or HEIGHT arguments are specified. (Previously it needed both WIDTH and HEIGHT for CONVERT to become optional.)
  • The Set SAVEFORMAT command now includes the current folder background image settings in the saved format.
  • Fixed rare unresponsive window when opening a new lister.
  • Fixed high CPU usage while file info-tips with thumbnails were shown in certain situations.
  • When Opus resolves junctions and softlink paths it now stops resolving when it hits a UNC path that resolves to a non-UNC path (e.g. dir -> \\server\drive\dir -> device), since the final resolved path would only make sense on the remote machine.
  • Aliases that resolve to a path with a trailing slash will now have the slash stripped if the remainder of the path begins with a slash. (e.g. /homeroot/Windows used to resolve to C:\\Windows but will resolve to C:\Windows now.)
  • New-look About and Start Window (splash screen) dialogs. The Start Window can now be controlled via the keyboard.

New in Directory Opus 12.0.4 Beta (May 31, 2016)

  • Fixed image viewer crash when marking a file which could not be thumbnailed.
  • Fixed crash in 32-bit builds when opening Folder Options or the Preferences pages for the Status Bar or Icon Sets.
  • User commands can now query the state of the image viewer, allowing for more complex commands to be assigned under Preferences / Viewer / Mouse Buttons.
  • Fixed crash if a script closed the sync panel and then the dual file display, in very specific circumstances.
  • Fixed blank dropdown controls in the Create New FTP Site dialog.
  • Fixed problem with Properties SETLABEL !submenu command generating errant buttons on the toolbar.
  • Fixed redundant small letters appearing over Go DRIVEBUTTONS icons if the individual buttons had labels off but the toolbar's override forced them on.
  • Fixed the new Go DRIVEBUTTONS=iconletterson and iconlettersoff arguments not being present in the Command Editor menus.
  • Fixed some minor cosmetic issues with drop-down controls in the script dialog editor and also the dialogs it generates.
  • Fixed a checkbox in the Edit Tab Group dialog moving around when the dialog was resized.
  • Fixed collapsible grouped list controls on Windows XP. On XP, these lists remain grouped but the groups are always expanded. (In general, we aim to keep Opus functioning on Windows XP but will not waste time making things perfect for it. Windows XP is so old that Microsoft no longer release security updates, and debugging tools have not worked on it for years.)

New in Directory Opus 12.0.3 Beta (May 31, 2016)

  • Added an Undo feature to the Rename dialog. After you click Apply to apply the current rename settings, the Apply button grows a drop-down that lets you undo the most recent rename.
  • Added Select DESELECTOTHERTYPE argument; when using a type filter (e.g. TYPE=dirs) or ALLFILES/ALLDIRS, it causes all items not matching the type to be deselected.
  • Made changes to prevent the problem of accidentally copying a file over itself (via a network share) resulting in data loss.
  • F10 info in the viewer now includes the filename in full-screen mode.
  • The Show command now supports embedded commands so you can do something like Show [Show VIEWERCMD=meta] to open the viewer and turn the metapane on.
  • Fixed glitch in Customize/Menus tab where some errant controls were appearing when the dialog was resized.
  • Fixed a bug which meant no more renames would work after clicking Apply in the Rename dialog if the rename had moved files into sub-folders.
  • Rename Find&Replace mode didn't work if the replace string was empty.
  • Show VIEWERCMD=meta was missing from the argument template.
  • Fix for dark/overprinted combobox labels in the Find panel (and possibly other places).
  • Lister warning messages now remove blank lines, and then linefeeds entirely, if the messages is too tall for the available space. In particular, this helps with the auto-loading message in some situations.
  • Fixed the shadows of lister warning boxes sometimes getting out of position on the lower file display.
  • Fixed the shadows of lister warning boxes attached to inactive tabs appearing on top of the active tab.

New in Directory Opus 12.0.2 Beta (May 31, 2016)

  • Fixed a crash that could occur on startup with certain malformed icon sets.
  • If the viewer toolbar is turned off it will now be automatically turned back on if the user selects a new toolbar in Preferences. Also the window menu of the viewer now has a command in it to toggle the menu bar on and off.
  • The filter toolbar fields which were removed in the 12.0 Beta have been resurrected.
  • Drive selector comboboxes on toolbars can now display drive labels in the combo itself, like they already did in the drop-down menu, if you add labels to their Args field.
  • Added RENAME PRESET command nofaves keyword.
  • The Properties SETLABEL command wasn't correctly handling clearing labels in one category (e.g. colors) while leave those in others (e.g. status) intact.
  • A button that runs Properties SETLABEL=blah was incorrectly generating a list of labels on the toolbar.
  • Improved default toolbar command to open an Explorer window, by using the full path to Explorer.exe.

New in Directory Opus 12.0.1 Beta (May 31, 2016)

  • Full support for high-DPI (e.g. 4K and 5K) monitors.
  • File copy improvements including a transfer speed graph in the progress dialog.
  • Toolbar enhancements including scrollbars and distinct labels in drop-down menus.
  • Lister layouts can now be arranged into folders and sub-folders.
  • Redesigned Rename dialog, with new features like:
  • A unique macro recorder, which lets you perform complex batch renames without regular expressions.
  • Enhanced scripting capabilities.
  • Better handling of recursive renames and filename clashing.
  • An Apply button which lets you perform multiple renames without closing the dialog.
  • Improvements to the Image Viewer including:
  • Configurable toolbar and hotkeys, including the ability to run arbitrary commands on the current image file.
  • A new image marking system which makes it much easier to sort through a folder of photos to identify the ones you want to keep, print, share, etc.
  • A read-ahead cache for faster image loading.
  • An integrated metadata panel which lets you edit EXIF and other metadata from within the viewer.
  • Enhanced file and folder labels including:
  • The ability to assign more than one label at once (label attributes are combined).
  • Label categories (lets you organise your labels into groups).
  • Adjustable label priority (for when more than one wildcard or filter label applies to a file)
  • A new status icon system that lets you assign one or more status icons to each files (e.g. to track which files are ‘done’, ‘watched’, ‘urgent’ or ‘to-do’).
  • A manual sorting mode that lets you sort your files and folders exactly how you want.
  • An integrated dialog editor that lets scripts create their own complex user interfaces.
  • File display enhancements including:
  • Vertical folder tabs (displayed down the left or right side of the file display).
  • You can assign your own tab colors for specific folders.
  • Optional vertical as well as horizontal gridlines.
  • Relative size and age graphs displayed as the background of size and date fields (rather than requiring their own column).
  • A new “show everything” mode to quickly disable all filters.
  • Improvements to Folder Options including:
  • Configure column widths to expand and fill the usable space in the file display.
  • A column filter makes it easier to find and add the columns you want.
  • File and folder name filters can be configured using regular expressions if desired.

New in Directory Opus 11.18.1 Build 5995 Beta (May 31, 2016)

  • Fixed inverted colors in some CMYK JPGs.
  • Fixed button editor duplicating the next line if you double-clicked the end of a line, and then crashing if you clicked OK.
  • Duplicating a folder over an existing one would incorrectly display an error ("you can't copy a file over itself") for any files that clashed with existing ones in the target folder.
  • The Image command no longer requires CONVERT if either the WIDTH or HEIGHT arguments are specified (previously it needed both for CONVERT to not be needed).
  • Updated to 7z.dll v16 which includes security fixes.
  • Updated to latest UnRar.dll.
  • Fixed sorting error with Tags column.
  • Fixed ftp not logging into the Folder+ iOS FTP server app.
  • Lossless JPEG rotation was broken and always failed (falling back on lossy rotation if the command's arguments allowed it).

New in Directory Opus 11.18 Build 5920 (Mar 21, 2016)

  • Fixed problem introduced in the 11.17.x betas that caused some toolbar buttons to not update their display correctly (e.g. the view mode buttons when changing view modes).

New in Directory Opus 11.17.4 Build 5907 Beta (Mar 4, 2016)

  • Preferences / Folders / Virtual Folders / OneDrive didn't disable when the parent Desktop virtual folder option was disabled.
  • Windows 8: Fixed not being able to select the special This PC / Local Harddrives (C:, D:, etc.) item in the Find panel. Problem did not affect Windows 7 or Windows 10.
  • Fixed issue removing cover art from multiple MP3 files with identical covers did not always affect all of the files.
  • Text-File Thumbnails: Increased the size of data used when deciding if a file is text or not.
  • The metadata pane incorrectly removed the "copy from date taken" etc options from the date modified/date created field if files were selected or deselected after the pane had been initialized.
  • The tooltip that displays the keys pressed so far in a hotkey sequence now redraws properly if more than 2 keys are defined.
  • Fixed problem in the viewer with "fit to page", in some cases scrollbars could end up calculated incorrectly.
  • Added display_name property to Item.groups members to make it possible to query the displayed name of a filetype group as well as its internal name (this property now returns a Vector of FiletypeGroup objects).

New in Directory Opus 11.17.3 Beta (Mar 4, 2016)

  • SetAttr META now understands lastmodifieddate as an alias of modifydate when setting one date field to another. e.g. SetAttr META createdate:lastmodifieddate
  • Windows 10: Fixed "Open With > Choose Default Program" again after recent Windows 10 updates broke the previous fix.
  • FTP: Fix for recursive deletion not working against Solid Explorer (Android file manager) built-in FTP server.
  • The Join UI no longer skips over selected .url files.
  • Scripting: Fixed inconsistent FSUtil.GetType result for zip files inside libraries vs inside normal folders
  • Config file changes are now tried up to three times with a delay in case an external program is locking the config files at the time they are written.

New in Directory Opus 11.17.2 Build 5879 Beta (Feb 5, 2016)

  • Made a change to attempt to solve the problem of folders containing SolidWorks files loading slowly when the SolidWorks shell extension is installed.
  • User commands and commands added by scripts no longer have argument keywords in the template forced to all-uppercase (e.g. BLAH/K[foo,bar,baz]).
  • Fixed the option to copy NTFS metadata (including labels etc.) being ignored by the Duplicate command. (Normal copy from one folder to another was fine; this only affected Duplicate for creating copies in the source folder.)
  • Fixed minor cosmetic issue with Details and Power mode group headings when using column background colors and not using visual styles to draw items.
  • Windows 10: Fixed some problems with redirected profile folders not being filtered out below the This PC branch of the folder tree.
  • Alt-e now activates the Edit button in the Preferences, Scripts list.
  • Script-generated dialogs with more than two items in the first button's drop-down menu now work correctly.
  • Script commands run from a button with the @filesonly or @dirsonly modifiers will now respect the modifiers for the list of files in the Func object received by the script.

New in Directory Opus 11.17.1 Build 5864 Beta (Jan 21, 2016)

  • Fixed an issue which could cause icons to disappear (be drawn empty) in conjunction with OneDrive (and sometimes other) shell icon overlay extensions.
  • Fixed double-click on text files not launching EditPlus if it was the default handler (and possibly other programs that register in the same way).
  • Windows XP: Opus 11.17 introduced a change which broke the Duplicate File Finder on Windows XP. It's now fixed.
  • Pasting paths like C:\Users\%username% into the location field now works. Previously the field only accepted paths which started with env-vars. This is only supported for local fixed drives at present, to balance typical use and performance.
  • Fixed update checker's "Edit update settings" link being much too wide.
  • Fixed inline rename ending up over the wrong line if you were sorting by a script column and, for example, pushed ctlr-o to create and rename a new text file.
  • Fixed flat view folder checkbox appearing on the filter bar when in Mixed (No Folders) mode, where the checkbox has no effect.
  • Fixed cases where changing between different Flat View modes did not always re-filtering/re-sorting the file display (possibly only when filtering folders as well).
  • Fixed "Filter folders in Flat view" checkbox not immediately appearing in the filter bar if the bar was already visible and you switched into Flat View while in a folder that has only empty child folders (if any).
  • Toolbar buttons to set filters related to the folder format did not update their checked/unchecked state until something else triggered a toolbar refresh.
  • If you went back or forward in the lister history, the folder format explanation continued to reference the old folder and format. It now changes to "Remembered State", since we do not store explanations with the history.
  • Fixed thumbnail spacing being increased by options to display date/size/dimensions in the label when the label was actually turned off.
  • If the file display was sorted by name and grouped by extension, changing a file's extension did not correctly shift it into the new group.
  • Top-level Breadrcumbs menu now filters out folders from the list of drives. (Same clutter Win8.1 and Win10 added under This PC in other places.)
  • A fix in 11.17 had the unwanted side effect that we no longer went back to the previous folder after a failed navigation (unless it was initiated from a script). This behaviour has been restored.
  • Fixed "Open unregistered file types in text viewer if they appear to be plain text" taking precedence over the "Open With" choice for files which are in text format and are without a registered file type.
  • Fixed crash if you held ctrl while turning the mouse wheel in parts of the Customize dialog.
  • Updated to the latest version (9b) of "libjpeg", the library that Opus uses for JPEG image support.
  • Scripting fixes:
  • Script methods that expect to be given containers like Map or Vector as a parameter (e.g. Map.assign) now also work if given a Var that contains the object.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if a script assigned a Var to itself.
  • Fixed OnDoubleClick scripts not having item.is_dir and other properties when drives under This PC (My Computer) were double-clicked.
  • Within scripts, file items from libraries, when obtained via a tab's collections (e.g. selected_files), now have their realpath properties resolved to their real paths. Previously, they would be a lib://... path and you would have to use FSUtil.Resolve on them.

New in Directory Opus 11.17 Build 5829 (Dec 17, 2015)

  • Enabled preservation of folder dates when copying to FTP sites.

New in Directory Opus 11.16.5 Build 5819 Beta (Dec 7, 2015)

  • Fixed breadcrumbs path field sometimes showing the wrong icon for the current folder when editing the path, and in the drop-down list.
  • Fixed path field drop-downs ending up with multiple items for the same folder if the Recent list was disabled.
  • Fixed Breadcrumbs and Recent path field drop-downs using the per-lister History limit to trim the Recent list, if they are displaying it.
  • Improvement to icon refresh after e.g. TortoiseSVN commit.
  • Fixed bug which stopped the FTP Quick Connect function from working when selecting a site from the dropdown list.

New in Directory Opus 11.16.4 Build 5815 Beta (Dec 3, 2015)

  • The Go command has a new TOFRONT argument which makes the lister the active window and brings it to the front. This can be useful if you need to send Opus a single-line command from an external program and want to both change folders and activate the window.
  • Fixed 11.16.3 breaking TSVN overlays in some cases, and possibly some other shell extensions which used WinSock in certain ways.
  • Set COLUMNSTOGGLE=columnlist,insert now inserts nearest where you right-clicked, instead of always inserting to the left of the column you clicked on.
  • The default column header context menu uses COLUMNSTOGGLE=columnlist,insert now.
  • Button editor menus for COLUMNSTOGGLE now include the insert argument.
  • The list under Preferences / Display / Fields now only draws items in custom font styles/colors if they are enabled.
  • Select Folder dialog (e.g. from Find panel's browse button) no longer selects the special Local Harddrives item when it isn't supposed to, and now does select it when it is supposed to.
  • Windows 10 and 8.1: Select Folder dialog (e.g. from Find panel's browse button) now filters the This PC (aka My Computer) branch to exclude things which are not drive roots to removes the profile folder clutter Windows has put there.
  • The "Allow file selection when clicking..." mouse options are now more consistent with their descriptions, between Details/Power and other modes, and with how they handle selection vs deselection.
  • Improved UAC elevation "ADMINISTRATOR" warnings added in 11.16.2 to exclude built-in admin account if not subject to UAC.
  • Fix for lister not coming to the front if "Allow file selection when clicking to switch source/destination state" was turned off and the lister was activated by clicking on a file outside of Details and Power modes.
  • Fixed a crash if you closed the Customize dialog when you had a context menu's submenu displayed.

New in Directory Opus 11.16.3 Build 5808 Beta (Nov 26, 2015)

  • Opus now attempts to detect when third-party DLLs incorrectly call the WSACleanup() function, which can cause Opus FTP to stop working. If an incorrect call is detected Opus will block it and inform you of the faulty DLL's name.
  • If Opus detects it is running elevated on a machine with UAC enabled, it now displays "ADMINISTRATOR" in the titlebar so it is easy to detect. It also adds warnings beside Preferences options related to things which only work when Opus is run normally, like Explorer Replacement and Desktop Double-Click. (See for more information. Generally, you should use the built-in UAC support and Administrator Mode rather than run the whole program elevated.)
  • SSH - Updated putty to 0.66 (minor changes only).
  • Windows 10: Double-clicks on PDF files now work on a vanilla Windows 10 machine. (May also fix double-click issues with some other file types that don't have a file type class registered.)
  • Fix for drag & drop not working from Calibre to Opus.
  • Fix for crash which could happen when holding down a hotkey for several seconds, triggering folder read/refresh, with either scripts diverting the read to a different folder or a folder that takes a long time to read.
  • Fixed problem that could cause TortoiseSVN status icons to not update after a commit.

New in Directory Opus 11.16.2 Build 5795 Beta (Nov 13, 2015)

  • The thumbnail size slider can now be made to preserve the currently set aspect ratio, by adding the "preserve" keyword to the Args field when editing the field's underlying command.
  • The thumbnail size slider, and Show THUMBNAILSIZE by default, now affect hidden folder tabs as well as the visible ones.
  • Static context menu items that have localized strings for labels now work if they use an environment variable (e.g. @%CommonProgramFiles%\...) to load a string from a DLL.
  • Copy MAKELINK AS now guards against creating a shortcut on top of the file being pointed to.
  • Fixed Create Multiple Folders checkbox not always redrawing immediately if toggled via the keyboard.
  • Clicking the Sync panel's source/dest swap button now also swaps the lock states of the two path fields.
  • The Find and Dupes panels now automatically unlock their folder lists when the lists are modified.
  • Fixed crash when changing Find In folder via the browse dialog in specific circumstances. Fixed the new destination tab opened for Find Results being made the source if it triggered dual display opening and the global option to open the dual display as source was on.
  • Renaming the case of things inside Rar and 7z archives now works.
  • Adding files from collections (including search results) to archives is now faster for Zip and now possible for plugin formats (7z, RAR, etc.).
  • If you launch a folder that is already open in the destination side of a dual-display lister, that side will now be made the source, so you can immediately use the folder via the keyboard.
  • Fixed copied folders gaining the A attribute when preserving attributes, if NTFS ADS metadata for them was also copied.
  • Fixed metadata panel only allowing the mouse wheel to increase, not decrease, the MP3 year tag if it was empty before clicking on it.
  • If you ran the Duplicate Finder with nothing defined for the output collection, the Select button did not work.
  • High DPI: Fixed the Advanced Button Editor toolbar covering the first line of the edit control at high DPI, if the dialog had its minimal size.

New in Directory Opus 11.16.1 Build 5770 Beta (Oct 19, 2015)

  • Fixed an error uploading to some SSH SFTP sites.
  • The combination of Single Click and Full Row Select modes now interprets clicks anywhere on the line as a double-click, instead of only on the name part. (Unless Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: single_click_rename is on.)
  • Fixed scrollbars and full row selection rectangles not updating to account for bold labels in auto-sized columns when changing folders.
  • Windows 10: Open With > Choose Default Program now lets you set a default program again, not just select which program is used to open the file once.
  • Breadcrumbs path field now respects the Select previous folder when going up Preferences setting by default. The selectprevious and noselectprevious args can be used to override this.
  • The Drives List drop-down will now take you to the root of the drive if you select the drive you are already on. (Previously, it did nothing, even when the curdir argument was not specified.). When the curdir argument is used this must be enabled by adding the rootmode argument as well. The same change also applies to the Go DRIVEBUTTONS command when CURDIR argument is used.
  • Metadata panel defaults to the current folder when you add cover art. (Since the cover art is usually already in the same folder as the music.)
  • Metadata panel would show coverart unghosted if you selected one file, then ctrl-selected another with different art. Both covers should be ghosted unless changed or in both files.
  • Fixed Windows Search results from the previous query coming into the results collection if you changed the query while the previous one was about to return results.
  • Fixed libraries pointing at network paths loading slowly if localized paths were enabled.
  • Fix for status bar which could appear over some lister elements if it was turned off and you switched to dual display.
  • Tooltips in some list controls (mainly in Preferences, not the file display) could show text for the item above the mouse pointer in some situations.
  • Fixed cosmetic issue with Thumbnails mode where tiny thumbnails (or huge fonts) could cause labels to draw on top of each other in extreme cases.
  • Fixed cosmetic issue with Tiles mode and the Details mode Thumbnail column. The case of CD cover thumbnails could grow larger than the cover art inside it.
  • Fix for the script log not showing all script output when scripts generated a huge volume of messages at once.
  • Fixed memory leak when using script columns.
  • Fixed memory leak each time a Rename or Column script was called for a file.
  • Fixed scripting doubleClickData.mouse always showing "none" outside of Details and Power modes.
  • Fix for script columns not working for all items in folders with around 10,000 items or more.
  • Fix for crash which could occur with some script code. e.g. "Set x = Nothing, DOpus.Output x"
  • Windows 10: The folder tree no longer shows duplicate copies of removable drives under both Desktop and This PC branches (sometimes reported as empty drives being shown).
  • AudioTags plugin now handles incorrect FLAC files with ID3 data before the "fLaC" header by skipping over it.
  • Fixed a number of issues with high DPI displays.

New in Directory Opus 11.16 Build 5738 (Sep 17, 2015)

  • Fix for rare crash when opening the button editor

New in Directory Opus 11.15.4 Build 5732 Beta (Sep 11, 2015)

  • You can now toggle file and folder labels. e.g. You could bind a hotkey to Properties SETLABEL=Bold SETLABELTOGGLE to toggle the selected files between bold and normal.
  • Properties SETLABEL=!menu now respects the SETLABELINFS argument, propagating it to the menu items it generates. Similarly, Properties SETLABEL=!menu SETLABELTOGGLE also works.
  • The script Vector object's assign method can now copy into a vector from a collection object.
  • The script Command objects's SetFiles and AddFiles methods (and also the DOpus.SetClip method) now accept a Vector of Item objects as well as a collection
  • High DPI: Color picker now scales with DPI. (Some more minor issues DPI with it will be improved in the future.)
  • Fixed auto-sized date/time columns not expanding correctly in reaction to the first bold label being applied in a folder.
  • A command like Copy TO=C:\ ADDTOARCHIVE now opens the Add To Archive dialog with C:\ as the destination folder. Previously, the TO argument was ignored by the dialog and you had to use a script to do the same thing.
  • In the file display, the Desktop virtual folder now shows proper icons for OneDrive and the user profile, if they are configured to appear. (Folder tree etc. already had the right icons.)
  • Windows 10: Right-clicking files in OneDrive no longer shows "make available online-only" option which only applies to the Windows 8.1 version of OneDrive/SkyDrive.
  • Windows 10: Fixed option to hide OneDrive from the folder tree not working at all.
  • Windows 10: Fixed "OneDrive" being called "SkyDrive" in various places.
  • Windows 10: The "File Explorer" item on the Start button's right-click menu no longer triggers Explorer Replacement.
  • Windows 10: Glass status bar cosmetic improvements.
  • Windows 8.1: Fixed option to hide OneDrive/SkyDrive from the folder tree only working temporarily (until refresh or new window).
  • Workaround for loading incorrectly written 24-bpp BMP files produced by Infinity Engine games.

New in Directory Opus 11.15.3 Build 5723 Beta (Sep 2, 2015)

  • Added the SysInfo script object which lets scripts access mouse and monitor coordinates.
  • Upgraded putty code to 0.65, fixes SSH login error on a particular server.
  • The command SetAttr META * will now clear date taken/date digitized fields from EXIF tags.
  • Multiple-key hotkey sequences now work even if a child control has input focus (provided the first key in the sequence isn't consumed by the control).
  • Improved filtering in the synchronize function (previously orphan folders could be left behind selected for sync even if their contents had all been filtered out)
  • The Archives plugin now disables ISO handling by default, to avoid getting in the way of the ISO mounting built in to newer versions of Windows or similar tools (and because it could only handle certain ISO types).
  • The browse-for-folder dialog is now faster when browsing folders containing zips with a huge number of items inside.
  • Fixed glitched transition animations (e.g. when changing folders) when using multiple monitors at mixed DPIs.

New in Directory Opus 11.15.2 Build 5700 Beta (Aug 10, 2015)

  • Added the Set TREELOCK command which lets the folder tree lock be used even if the tree header is turned off.
  • Fixed crash under Windows 10 when double-clicking on an Acronis TrueImage .tib file.
  • The "Current sort field" background color setting was ignored when the file display was grouped.
  • Fixed overriding of certain system Windows+ hotkeys in Windows 10.
  • TrueImage context menu extensions are no longer blocked by default as they seem to be better behaved these days.

New in Directory Opus 11.15.1 Build 5688 Beta (Jul 29, 2015)

  • Added {fsys} status bar code to show the current file system type in the status bar.
  • The utility panel now remembers if it was collapsed (shrunk) as well as remembering its previous size.
  • Synchronize will longer incorrectly resolve network junction paths (since the paths they resolve to are usually not valid on the local machine).
  • Fixed Preferences dialog growing slightly each time it was opened if you were using Opus in Polish (and possibly other languages).
  • A script command could incorrectly have one of its /S switch arguments set to true if arguments not matching the template were provided on the command line.
  • The state of the Preferences / Folders / Global Filters / Ignore prefix when sorting flag was ignored (so if the prefix field has something in it, it would always be used even if the checkbox were turned off).
  • Fixed problem when sorting by the Label column which could cause the sort to not be done correctly (because not all labels had been evaluated yet).
  • Fixed problem where file descriptions could get lost if a description was set or changed and then the parent folder renamed immediately (only happened using descript.ion descriptions).
  • Fixed problems with dragging files from the TortoiseSVN RepoBrowser to Opus.
  • Fixed problem where inline rename could sometimes be triggered incorrectly instead of registering a double-click.

New in Directory Opus 11.15 Build 5666 (Jul 7, 2015)

  • This is an out-of-band update to fix a problem introduced in 11.14 that could cause Opus to fail to run on Windows Server 2012 R2.

New in Directory Opus 11.14 Build 5661 (Jul 2, 2015)

  • Raw Digital Camera plugin updated with support for new camera models

New in Directory Opus 11.13.3 Build 5653 Beta (Jun 24, 2015)

  • Added option to the Thumbnail preferences to display the date taken (or file date) underneath the thumbnail.
  • Added StringTools script object, which provides methods to encode/decode strings and blobs in various ways.
  • Fixed sorting by image title (and possibly one or two other fields which both images and documents can have).
  • Labels stored in the filesystem can now be set on read-only files and folders.

New in Directory Opus 11.13.2 Build 5644 Beta (Jun 15, 2015)

  • Scripting: Added winver object to the DOpus.version object which makes it easy to get Windows version information from a script.
  • New option Preferences / File Operations / Metadata / Update last modified file dates when setting metadata in NTFS ADS which bumps modified timestamps when you change metadata (e.g. labels, ratings, descriptions, tags) which is written into NTFS ADS (alternate data streams) rather than the main file data itself.
  • Added the Set LISTERCMD=ToFront command so scripts can bring an arbitrary Lister to the front.
  • Updated the default Movies filetype group with some common file extensions which were missing.
  • In the Startup preferences, selecting Shutdown Directory Opus when the last Lister closes now disables Don't open any Listers and automatically selects Open the Default Lister to reflect what will happen. (A Lister must be opened when Opus is run in this mode, since it tells Opus to exit if no Lister is open.)
  • Fixed Windows+E key not being trapped on Windows 10 preview.
  • The Archives plugin now reports copy speed during batch extract.
  • The Archives plugin now suppresses thumbnails and most metadata for video files, to avoid typically large files being extracted to temp for the data.
  • Fixed non-recycle delete not removing the parent folder if deletion of a child item failed once but then succeeded on a retry.
  • Fixed script/function edit control using too small a font on high DPI monitors

New in Directory Opus 11.13.1 Build 5569 Beta (Apr 1, 2015)

  • When using the Folder Options dialog to save a new default folder format for all folders, the formats for Collections, Flat View, and similar special folder types will now be turned on and derived from your new default format, along with additional settings specific to those folders. For example, Collections have the Location column added. This process will also be applied the first time you run this update, but only for formats types which are currently turned off, repairing the problem a lot of people see where they're missing the Location column in their Find Results, and similar.
  • Added focus keyword to the Set UTILITY command, which can be used to give focus to the Utility panel. When used in conjunction with toggle (e.g. Set UTILITY=find,toggle,focus), it will only turn the utility panel off if it currently has focus. Otherwise, it will be given focus first.
  • Added Set LISTERCMD=OnTopOn and OnTopOff commands, to allow the "on top" state of a Lister to be modified by a command.
  • The DOpus.Output script command can now be used to print an error message as well as a regular message (which causes the error icon to flash in the status bar if no log window is open). e.g. DOpus.Output("Oh no!", true);
  • Ctrl-A now selects all in metadata tag (and similar) fields.
  • Fixed checkbox next to a disabled folder format in Preferences not becoming checked if the format was edited, until Preferences was re-opened.
  • The Print Folder dialog ignored changes typed into the output file field if you pushed return while still in the field. (Tabbing or clicking to another control, or clicking OK both worked.)
  • The Archives plugin now supports .xz and .tar.xz / .txz archives.
  • The internal viewer now preserves the selection rectangle through flips (as it already did for rotations).
  • Relative Date graphs were broken in the Desktop folder.
  • Experimental changes for UTF-8 support in SSH.

New in Directory Opus 11.13 Build 5563 (Mar 26, 2015)

  • This update includes all the changes in the 11.12.x betas
  • Fixed problem translating some toolbar strings from one language to another.
  • Tabs are now converted to spaces when pasting text into the Create Folder dialog.
  • Fixed issue with EXIF image tags only displaying the last one entered.

New in Directory Opus 11.12.5 Build 5557 Beta (Mar 20, 2015)

  • Fixed issues with UTF-8 in image metadata introduced in the previous betas (fundamentally UTF-8 encoding wasn't being handled properly for IPTC tags, which now take precedence over Exif/Xmp for some fields).
  • Replaced the Dialog script object's "default" property with "defvalue", and the Toolbar object's "default" property with "deftoolbar", to avoid clashes with JScript reserved keywords. The old property names are still supported for backwards compatibility in other languages.
  • Dialogs displayed with the {dlgfolder} code are now centered over the Lister that launches them.
  • The copy buffer file size is now 512KB by default, since it seems that gives much better results on most modern devices.
  • The Standard Toolbar Highlight and Shadow colors (in Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts) can now be set as transparent to stop separators being drawn.
  • Updated to version 1.0.2a of the openssl libraries (security fixes).

New in Directory Opus 11.12.4 Build 5548 Beta (Mar 12, 2015)

  • The @disablenosel command modifier can now test for files or folders specifically (@disablenosel:files, @disablenosel:dirs)
  • The USB Export function now gives the option of 32 bit, 64 bit or both when exporting on a 32 bit machine as well as on a 64 bit one (this is possible because the unified installer means we always have all files available now - previously only the 64 bit installer contained both versions).
  • Ctrl+Backspace now works in the Create Folder dialog (deletes the previous word).
  • Updated to the latest DCRaw code. Supports a few additional cameras.
  • Updated to the latest version of Putty (for FTP SSH support) which mainly offers some security fixes. Please report any SSH issues you may notice with the new version.
  • Fix for web links in some Auslogic tools causing Opus windows to open instead of a web browser if Explorer Replacement was on.
  • Setting just the Image Description metadata field for an image no longer makes it appear as if the Title and Subject fields were set too.
  • Holding the Ctrl key down to display a tooltip for the file with focus will no longer show a tooltip if the mouse is moving, or if a tooltip is already visible from the mouse cursor (previously it was possible to display two tooltips at once, using the mouse and then the keyboard).
  • Fixed the image converter leaving behind an old copy of the image if the file was read-only. Also added a REPLACE=readonly argument to the Image command to suppress read-only prompts.
  • The file display background color for "when quick filter is active" is no longer used if a quick filter is defined but has been temporarily disabled.
  • Fixed renaming into new sub-folders from collections (e.g. rename * to subdir\* in Find Results). Previously, the subdir would not be created.

New in Directory Opus 11.12.3 Build 5540 Beta (Mar 3, 2015)

  • Made a change to hopefully fix a problem during EXIF/IPTC tag writing that could cause the process to fail.
  • Network ABE (access-based enumeration) support should now work correctly on mapped drives as well as UNC paths.

New in Directory Opus 11.12.2 Build 5539 Beta (Mar 2, 2015)

  • Fixed crash that could occur when setting the Authors or Tags metadata fields in an image file
  • Added debugging output (visible in DebugView) when writing EXIF/IPTC metadata
  • Fixed problem with desktop/start menu shortcut icon not being installed on a 32 bit system

New in Directory Opus 11.12.1 Build 5536 Beta (Feb 27, 2015)

  • Added an option to Preferences / File Operations / Copy Attributes to copy all NTFS alternate data streams, not just the metadata ones.
  • The FSUtil.Resolve script method can now resolve {apppath|...} style paths.
  • Added basic IPTC support for several tags to improve compatibility with Opus and Adobe Bridge (affected tags are Authors, Copyright, Subject, Description and Title, and Tags). Added a separate Image description column since Bridge has Description and Explorer has Subject and they aren't exactly the same.
  • The Bit depth column now works for audio files as well as image/video ones (note that not all audio formats have the concept of bit depth - e.g. MP3 files do not).
  • Fixed problem with erroneous ghost breadcrumb remaining if you tried to read a non-existent sub-folder.
  • Fixed issue with breadcrumbs ghost paths sometimes not displaying branches that there would be space for.
  • The SMTP TLS option now works correctly. Also added an option to the Preferences / Internet / Email page to explicitly specify SSL/TLS as well as to automatically determine it.
  • Fixed simple Find panel type drop-down not remembering when it was set to the special items at the top (All Files & Folders, etc.) if it was closed and re-open.
  • The ActiveX Viewer no longer attempts to use Internet Explorer or Generic ActiveX to display PDF files by default. Preview Handlers will still be used, if installed, but if you wish to use an old-style ActiveX PDF viewer you will need to manually add the extension to the plugin's configuration. This is to avoid unwanted behavior when a PDF is selected into the viewer and no suitable PDF viewer is installed on the system.
  • Integrated the latest DCRaw changes to fix a bug with a particular Olympus camera model.
  • The Go NEWTAB TABPOS command now works (that is, it now respects the specified position) when opening an empty tab.
  • Saved layouts should now be more consistent at remembering their z-order.
  • The FSUtil.ComparePath method no longer fails if given an empty string as one of its arguments.
  • The Network Access-based Enumeration (ABE) support now handles mapped drive letters as well as UNC paths.
  • Fixed problem in the folder tree where branches under virtual folders (like the profile folder) could stop working if files were changed within them.

New in Directory Opus 11.12 Build 5532 (Feb 23, 2015)

  • This is an out-of-band release to fix a crash affecting a few users introduced in 11.11. (The crash could occur on startup if your default Lister had the Find panel open).

New in Directory Opus 11.11 Build 5529 (Feb 23, 2015)

  • The Go TABPOS argument can now be used together with NEWTAB to control where the newly-opened tab is positioned.
  • Added support for PSD (Photoshop) images containing 1-bit-per-pixel bitmaps.
  • Empty elements of Vector objects in persistent script variables are now saved.
  • Fixed a problem where having MTP devices shown on the Drives toolbar could cause issues like crashes or duplicated buttons.
  • Improved performance of MTP support (random "hangs", etc).
  • Fixed a case where the jobs bar "new job" arrow would still display even if disabled through the Misc/Advanced Prefs option.
  • Fixed errors when trying to add files or folders directly below the root of a drive to a RAR archive.
  • Non-system global hotkeys can now be assigned to the Launch App 1, Launch App 2 and Launch Media Select keys, on keyboards that have them, provided the keyboard drivers give applications a chance to intercept them (not all drivers do with those keys).
  • Fix for Calculator key activating the menu bar in Listers, as if the Alt key was tapped, with some keyboard drivers.
  • Fix for image viewer crash if you deleted the 2nd last image in a folder and the last image was invalid or could not be loaded.
  • The Copy function's Unattended Errors dialog now has a Skip identical option that causes any identical (size/date) files to be automatically skipped; other conflicting files will be handled based on the other options in the dialog.
  • Added mouse property to the DoubleClickData object, to indicate which button launched the double-click (left, middle, none).
  • The Flickr synchronize system now works again.
  • The in-built email tool can now send email through GMail.
  • In the Favorites list in Preferences, fixed drag&drop not working properly outside the original size of the list if the Preferences window had been resized.
  • Fixed Replace File dialog opening at the top left of the screen in certain situations.
  • The Duplicate Finder now skips and ignores symbolic links and junctions.
  • Fix for the Advanced Rename dialog displaying a blank or corrupted preview when the dialog opens with a preset specified on the command line.
  • Fix for Open With menu not working for rare items which use DDE in a particular way.
  • Added an option to Preferences / Internet / Email to use an SSL/TLS connection (enforced for gmail).
  • The Zip Self-Extracting Archive maker now lets you select files other than executables as the file to be auto-run after extraction.
  • When extracting self-extracting archives made with Opus, you can now specify a destination folder where multiple folder levels need to be created. Previously, at most one destination folder level would be created (in addition to any folders inside the archive itself).
  • Fixed some folder tree notification issues to do with folders that appear twice in the tree (e.g. virtual Documents under Computer, and the real Documents folder). Previously it was possible for notifications to only be processed for the first instance. Also fixed bug with notifications on the desktop not working if the desktop had been moved to a child of a junction point (e.g. junction from a->b, desktop moved to b\Desktop rather than a\Desktop).
  • Added format_explain property to the Format scripting object.
  • The script Format.columns collection now returns the proper names for script columns rather than internal IDs.
  • The Advanced FTP SSH support has been updated to improve compatibility with servers that only support the more modern encryption methods.
  • JPEG support has been enhanced to provide compatibility with version 9 (which includes newer features like an enhanced lossless mode).
  • Improved support for files and folders which break Win32 path rules.
  • Fixed error when trying to add some files with very long paths (over 260 characters) to zip archives and configuration backups.
  • Fixed "Access Denied" error when backing up the configuration if a hidden file existed under /dopusdata/Layouts/System.
  • On install Opus now adds itself to the list of programs that can accept drag&drop from Internet Explorer.
  • Fixed compatibility issue with a particular encrypted zip file.
  • The Set As Default Lister command now has an option to save the default toolbar set at the same time.
  • Updated the Raw Digital Camera plugin, adding support for lots of newer cameras.
  • Zip files created by DropBox share links can now be opened.
  • Fixed issue in the last beta that prevented SSH login on some sites.
  • Fixed some lockups that could happen when deleting multiple files from an MTP device.
  • When dragging programs to a toolbar, you can now hold Ctrl down to prevent {filepath} being added to the command line. Use this if you want the button to act as a simple program launcher even when files or folders are selected.
  • Fixed script commands from being run once for each selected file when they are invoked recursively (forum thread).
  • Fixed problem with Type clause in Find (Simple & Advanced) - it could fail to match filetypes that had multiple classes with the same pretty name (e.g. JPEG Image is "jpegfile" but also "pjpegfile").
  • Fixed problem where script columns in the Computer folder would be cleared after 1-2 seconds.
  • Possibly fixed intermittent crash with script columns (forum thread).
  • Changing file labels stored in NTFS now works in folders which require UAC to modify.
  • Fixed login errors on some SSH servers.
  • Raw camera plugin support for Lenovo A820.
  • Raw camera plugin fix for transposed DNG images from Fujifilm S7000 cameras.
  • Raw camera plugin fix for DNG images from Epson Perfection3490 scanners.

New in Directory Opus 11.10 Build 5466 (Feb 23, 2015)

  • Scripting:
  • Added foreground and lastactive properties to the Lister object.
  • Added lastactive property to the DOpus.Listers collection.
  • The Copy UPDATEALL command no longer skips empty directories.
  • Resizing an existing column using a command like Set COLUMNSADD=sizeauto(!,200) will no longer revert to sorting by name if you were sorting by the column you resized.
  • Events under Preferences / Folder Tree / Selection with commands defined by default can now be cleared without the commands coming back on restart. (Previously you had to set them to a space or similar to prevent them returning to their defaults.)
  • If a JPEG image has an EXIF comment greater than 512 chars long, the comment is no longer displayed (since some programs seem to store large chunks of private data in that field).
  • Fixed problem with Windows Search incorrectly displaying the This location is not indexed warning.
  • Fixed sub-collections not responding to changes made to their files (previously this only worked for top-level collections).
  • Added an option to the Misc page in the FTP AddressBook to control the use of MDTM on unrecognized server types.
  • The ScriptInitData object now has a new log_prefix property that lets a script configure the prefix for its log output.
  • Persistent script variables can now save and load things like Vector objects used as members of other Vector objects.
  • The default File Display Border toolbar now includes the USEQUALKEYS argument on the Go up/back/forward buttons, so that you can e.g. Ctrl+Click on the Up button to open the parent folder in the other file display (the same behaviour as the static file display border buttons has always had).
  • The inline rename feature to copy the name from the previous and next items in the list is now accessed from Ctrl+Shift+Up and Ctrl+Shift+Down instead of the old Ctrl-' and Ctrl-; keys, to avoid problems with non-English keyboards.
  • Added the %headeritem% environment variable which is set for functions that are run from the column header context menu. This lets them identify the index of the column header. The command Set COLUMNSTOGGLE=columnlist,insert on the column header context menu makes use of this to auto-generate Set COLUMNSTOGGLE commands that use %headeritem% to position the new column after the clicked item rather than at the end.
  • Fixed window going unresponsive if Chinese language was used and the Prevent automatic loading banner was triggered for an inactive folder tab.
  • Fixed a bug in the Duplicate Files tool where, if the folders to search were chosen in a particular way, it would not do the search. (The progress dialog could display "yes" or a collection path instead of the path to be searched.)
  • Setting the registry value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\ (DWORD) NetworkABE = 0 disables the network Access Based Enumeration support that was added in the previous version (this is to allow testing for a potential problem - if it does turn out that the ABE support causes issues this will move to a proper configuration option in the future).
  • The support added in 11.7 for Access Based Enumeration on network shares caused delays for some users; the check Opus performs for this has been moved to a background thread which should eliminate this problem.
  • In a script, calling DOpus.Listers.count now works (and returns 0) if there are no Listers open.
  • Persistent script variables are now properly saved if they contain vectors and the vectors are modified without any other variables being changed.
  • Path completion pop-up no longer adds a backslash to the end of the path if you click a file. (Only affects a handful of cases, since usually only folders are listed.)
  • Find / Advanced path clauses now disable path completion when in regular expression mode, since it got in the way of typing expressions.
  • Fixed the File Type editor's handling of pasted commands where the program path was quoted and had arguments after it.
  • Fixed problem with Filters that use script columns not correctly remembering the specified column.
  • The Go TABSELECT=prev command should now work in all cases.
  • If you paste multiple lines into the Create Folder dialog, and it's in single-line mode, it now automatically switches to multi-line mode.
  • Fix for image file metadata showing the Subject value for Title as well, if no Title value was set. (This was due to behavior in Windows itself, which you can still see in Explorer.)
  • Label/wildcard filters added to a tab's format in the Preferences Tab Groups page weren't being saved.
  • DOpus.Listers.LastActive is now a method that always returns the most recent last active Lister rather than a property that's initialised once and then never updated.
  • Improved Explorer Replacement to work with Everything's Open Path context menu command.

New in Directory Opus 11.8 Build 5431 (Nov 14, 2014)

  • Scripting changes:
  • Added the following additional notifications to the OnListerUIChange event: duallayout, metapanelayout, viewerlayout, toolbars, toolbarset, toolbarsauto, minmax
  • Fixed a bug when using tags via script Metadata object (if the file in question came from a tab, retrieving the tags from the object would cause the file to lose its tags in the file list).
  • Added crumbpath and lock properties to the Tab object.
  • Fixed scripts not working as file type events.
  • When a script is reloaded, any commands it had previously added are now removed before the script is reinitialised, so that if the script looks at the list of commands (DOpus.Create.Command.CommandList) it won't see its own commands listed.
  • A tab created by dropping a folder on the tab bar did not correctly report to scripts if it was on the right side of a dual-display Lister.
  • Vectors used in script configuration values now preserve empty lines.
  • Added Script.RefreshColumn method that a script can use to cause any instances of one of its columns to be regenerated (e.g. in response to an OnScriptConfigChange notification).
  • All the various NewXXX methods in the DOpus script object (e.g. NewMap) are now deprecated. Instead, these can be created with the new factory object DOpusFactory, which is obtained via the DOpus.Create method. (Note that the old methods will still continue to work, for backwards compatibility.)
  • Added a new StringSet object which is created by the DOpusFactory.StringSet and StringSetI methods. A set is like a Map of names without any associated data.
  • Added the Command.CommandList method, which returns a StringSet of the internal command names.
  • Added the Script.file and ScriptInitData.file properties, which allow a script to query for its own full pathname on disk.
  • Added the DOpus.ReloadScript method, which causes Opus to reload and reinitialize a script as if the file on disk had changed.
  • Added the Help REF=scripting command to open the Help file at the Scripting Reference page.
  • Assigning a comment to a file via the metadata pane could (depending on the file format) cause the file to lose any tags that had previously been assigned to it.
  • It's now possible to set tags and rating for shortcut files.
  • The inline rename "copy next/previous filename" feature now falls back to the Ctrl+ and Ctrl+ keys, if either the ' or ; keys require Ctrl or Shift to access them.
  • Fixed the F1 help window coming to front by itself at times.
  • Fixed buttons not running commands that came after a Properties SETWALLPAPER command.
  • If "Access-Based Enumeration" is enabled for a network share, and a folder the user has no access to is modified (e.g. a file is created within it), Opus would still see the file change and add the folder to the display. Opus now checks if ABE is enabled on a share and if so, specifically checks if it can access the folder before adding it to the list.
  • The arguments dropdown in the command editor for Help REF wasn't up to date.
  • Choosing "Skip Identical" in the Replace File dialog no longer sets the copy operation into Keep Newer mode should it later be switched to Unattended.
  • Changed copy parameter name for clarity. Copy WHENEXISTS=replacenewer is now Copy WHENEXISTS=keepnewer. The old name still works to maintain compatibility with existing buttons.
  • Added Go NEXTCRUMB and Go LASTCRUMB commands.
  • The breadcrumbs path control would show an incorrect path if you went directly from Desktop to C:\.
  • The jobsbar_no_arrow advanced option now works properly.
  • Select SOURCETODEST and DESTTOSOURCE now fail silently with no destination file display, instead of prompting for a folder.
  • The @icon directive did not work correctly for icons from external files (e.g. DLLs or EXEs) if an icon index was specified.
  • Fixed commands with Set THUMBNAILSIZE not running any commands after that line.
  • Fix for character encoding issue when saving MP3 ID3 tags in some locales.
  • Greatly reduced delay when using the context menu to extract non-zip archives which contain thousands of folders.
  • If the metadata panel fails to apply metadata changes because of a sharing violation, it now checks viewers to see if the file is currently being viewed, and closes it again before retrying.
  • The Set LAYOUT=Remember command did not properly record the toolbars that were open.
  • Added the SETFOCUS argument to the Select command. Similar to MAKEVISIBLE but it also causes the viewer pane to show the first selected file automatically. Also, the MAKEVISIBLE and SETFOCUS arguments now ensure the first matching file is made visible even if it was already selected.
  • Buttons that use @ifset etc. with a global variable now work correctly in a floating toolbar.
  • Fixed failure to launch double-clicked symbolic links which ultimately resolved to volumes without a drive letter. (e.g. Symbolic link to junction to mount point to volume with no letter.)
  • Changed behaviour of double-clicks on symbolic links, so the unresolved path is launched. This is consistent with Explorer and allows you to e.g. create symlink.txt pointing to original.csv and then open the same file as either plain text or CSV, depending on which you double-click. (Exception: Symbolic links to exe files are still resolved, otherwise they do not work at all.)
  • Running the same user-defined command more than once in a single button did not work.
  • Fixed crash if FSUtil.GetMetadata was called without assigning the result to anything.
  • Fixed problem introduced in previous beta which could prevent the display being properly updated after some Toolbar command changes.
  • The Set COLUMNSADD command now provides a simple way to resize existing columns without moving them, by specifying ! for the position. For example, Set COLUMNSADD=desc(!,200) will resize the description column to 200 pixels without moving it. (If the column isn't on already, it is added to the end, the same as if * was used for the position.)
  • The Set COLUMNSADD command now works on the Name column, allowing you to move and resize it.
  • Improved the dopusrt.exe /info information-exporting tool's handling of localized folder names. For each folder tab, the main paths it returns are now always the "real" paths, and separate display_path values are returned with the localized paths.
  • Drag & drop from C:\ to a CD burner (using the default Copy MOVEWHENSAME function) would move rather than copy, as the CD burning staging area is technically on the C:\ drive. This is now considered a copy across devices, and files will be copied by default.
  • The Scripting FSUtil.SameDrive function has a new c flag which tells it to treat a CD burner staging area as the CD drive itself.
  • Fixed some hotkeys on the default Operations toolbar (e.g. Ctrl+1 for Copy Files) not working if the toolbar was turned off and Always enable this toolbar's keys in Listers was turned on.
  • Fixed queued Copy MOVEWHENSAME copies (which are usually started via drag-and-drop) always saying "Copy" in the list of queued jobs, even if the operation would ultimately result in a move. (The operation itself was always correct, even if mislabeled in the queue list.)

New in Directory Opus 11.7 Build 5372 (Sep 17, 2014)

  • Fixed problem with the Run Now option when a copy job is queued.
  • The way the Rating column was sorted had inadvertently changed - this has been returned to its original behavior.
  • Timestamps in RAR archives could be shifted by the current GMT offset (when using UnRAR.dll instead of 7z.dll for RAR).
  • Fixed the Folder Formats Labels page enable/disable state not being saved to disk.
  • Scripting changes:
  • Added locked property to the Format script object to retrieve the format lock state.
  • Script configuration variables can now include multi-line strings. To do this, set the variable's default value in OnInit to a string containing a CR/LF pair (or just a CR/LF pair by itself if you want the default value to be empty).
  • A script's configuration variables can now have descriptions assigned to them which are displayed in the configuration editor, using the new config_desc property of the ScriptInitData object.
  • If an OnBeforeFolderChange script runs Go BACK in response to a Go BACK command, the history position would end up wrong (you would actually end up two folders back instead of one).

New in Directory Opus 11.6 Build 5354 (Aug 29, 2014)

  • Fix for folder tree not updating to show added or deleted folders if the parent folder is a Favorite folder and Favorites are shown in the tree.
  • Fix for status bar script error icon not showing if the status bar definition ended with a linefeed
  • Fix for status bar error icon not responding to clicks when flashed "off"

New in Directory Opus 11.5 Build 5298 (Jul 4, 2014)

  • Added Select SHOWFOCUS command, to make the focus item visible without modifying the selection
  • The "Set LISTERTITLE" command normally acts as a toggle, if the title which is already set is specified again. You can now prefix the title with "notoggle:" to prevent this, as will be useful in event-driven scripts.
  • The slide show speed can now be set to 0 which means "as fast as possible".
  • Filters can now be used to stop operations proceeding through junctions and soft links to folders. When filtering, the Subfolder clause can now contain a Type clause, which can be used to match "[Junctions/Links/Shortcuts]". The Type clause was always able to match those things, you just could not use it inside of Subfolder until now.
  • Fixed Opus archives context menu's "cascade" option sometimes causing the menu (or sometimes other items) to not appear in Explorer.
  • Added .m4a to the default Music filetype group.
  • You can now close multiple tabs quickly by clicking them with the middle mouse button. Previously, if you clicked fast enough to register as a double-click then every second click was ignored.
  • Copying using Non-buffered I/O is now disabled by default due to compatibility issues with certain devices. This will affect system cache memory usage while copying and may also affect copy speed (although it can be both better or worse, depending on your system, and probably won't make a huge difference to speed either way). If you wish to go back to how things were in the previous release, simply go to Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced and set copy_nonbufferio_threshold to 1 MB.
  • Possible fix for crash during startup if network shares were being created simultaneously.
  • Fix for RAR support not working on some machines unless the new RAR 5 (UnRar.dll) support was disabled.
  • Fixed crash which could occur when opening or flicking through several folder tabs pointing to junctions if the timing was just right.
  • Fixed folder tree mouse events (other than normal left-click) on folders below Libraries. For example, the default middle-click event to open a new tab would open the parent folder in a new tab, not the folder you clicked on.
  • The Text viewer plugin now blocks going into full-screen mode, since it isn't very useful for that plugin and it isn't obvious how to exit from it.
  • Fixed movie plugin (and possibly others) not re-loading the current file if it came from a Library and the viewer pane's "Full Screen" button was clicked.
  • Fixed automatic copy queue functionality when copying to drives mounted only as folders on other drives, without drive letters.
  • Fixed file displays not updating automatically in recent versions when below drives which were only mounted via folders on other drives and were not assigned drive letters.
  • Fixed Find panel not correctly displaying filter names when they contained ampersand characters.
  • Fixed right-clicking and then choosing Rename on a partially-visible item at the top of the file display causing inline rename to begin with the wrong file in focus.
  • Fix for progress dialogs not hiding correctly in response to the using Win + Down Arrow hotkey in some situations.
  • Things like @ifset:common (and similar with @ifpath and @ifexists) now work if you put a space after the ":" or before the end of the line.
  • Fixed "SetAttr META gpslatitude:50.123" and similar not working with coordinates which did not explicitly specify a hemisphere (e.g. 50.123N worked but 50.123 on its own did not).
  • Fixed folder tree not updating for changes below drives which mounted as folders on other drives without drive letters of their own.
  • File Display Toolbar/Border glyphs now have 1.5x and 2x size versions for people using high DPI displays or large fonts.
  • Toolbar button rows with labels above or below icons, and varying icon sizes, now center icons in the available height and ensure the labels line up.
  • The location bar now handles pasted path strings that contain unwanted newline characters.
  • The file display will now preserve the focus item (if possible) and scroll to make it visible when toggling flat view on or off (or through the various modes).
  • In the Advanced Rename dialog, text editor hotkeys now get priority when the text editor has the focus. (For example, Ctrl+L now works to toggle line numbers when the text editor has focus, and prompts if you wish to delete the current rename preset as before when it doesn't.)
  • Possible fix for submitted crash dump.
  • Copying without a destination window now updates the recent folder list with the destination folder you choose when prompted, even if the Favorites and Recent / Recent List / Ignore filesystem folders that are only transited Preferences option is off.
  • Improved placement of breadcrumbs pop-up menus when there isn't room for them in their usual bottom-right position.
  • Brainchild edit controls:
  • Now support Shift-Del / Ctrl-Ins / Shift-Ins as aliases for Ctrl-X / Ctrl-C / Ctrl-V.
  • Removed (undocumented) alt-hotkeys, since they clashed with accelerators in dialogs.
  • When converting selected text to upper/lower/inverted case, it now remains selected.
  • If you double-clicked a word to select it, then used shift-left/right, the start of the selection jumped to where you have previously double-clicked instead of where it actually was at the start of the word. This has been fixed.
  • Scripting Changes:
  • Added the Lister.custom_title property to get the custom title string (if any) as set by the Set LISTERTITLE command - this is distinct from the actual window title.
  • A few FSUtil scripting methods would go wrong if passed the path to a zip file (e.g. Exists("c:\") would return False even if the file existed).
  • The ActivateTabData object now has oldtab and newtab properties as well as old and new (because new is a reserved keyword in JScript).
  • The OnBeforeFolderChange and OnAfterFolderChange scripting events weren't triggered if the new path was a virtual folder with no regular path string (e.g. Computer).
  • Fixed problem with collection enumeration in Python.
  • VBScript syntax highlighting now considers ElseIf a keyword.
  • Added missing Dim statement for auto-generated vbscripts that add commands.
  • JScript scripts can now use JScript 5.8 functionality. In particular, this includes built-in support for JSON parsing.
  • Fixed problem with the Vars.Exists method not working in Python scripts.
  • Fixed various layout issues with the script dialog object.
  • When editing JScript and VBScript, the tab width is set to 4 spaces instead of the old 8.
  • Fixed script API not returning metadata for files recognised as archives.
  • Fixed script CLI editor truncating the last character when loading scripts. (Usually went unnoticed unless the last line did not have a return when the script was saved.)
  • Generated script templates were missing the function argument for script commands.
  • Fixed several script parsing issues:
  • External command codes like {allfilepath} were being interpreted within script buttons, with unexpected effects on script behaviour. This may be a breaking change for script buttons which inadvertently depended on the old behaviour, but it's unlikely as the old behaviour was not what anyone would have expected.
  • When parsing script buttons, everything after the @script line (if any) is now assumed to be part of the script. This means if you have other @ directives below the @script line, you need to move them above it. For VBScript buttons, where the @script line is optional, it is now slightly safer to include the line so that the start of the script is explicitly designated.
  • @ifset, @keydown, @ifexists, and similar directives are no longer interpreted within script buttons and the script portions of Standard Function buttons with inline rename scripts. The directives were never intended to be used in script code, and you can and should use scripting logic to do those things within scripts. (This does not affect the Command.IsSet method, which is the proper way to do @ifset tests in scripts, and still works the same as before.)

New in Directory Opus 11.4 Build 5229 (May 2, 2014)

  • The Set DUALSIZE command can now take a delta value using + or - to adjust the width relative to the current size (e.g. Set DUALSIZE +10).
  • Improved the behavior of checkbox mode in conjunction with the unified thumbnail and name column (the checkbox is now shown to the left of the thumbnail instead of the name).
  • Reduced the file display busy indicator and marquee progress indicator frame rates when running via Remote Desktop. The high frame rate used to cause lag when the Find tool was in use on a remote desktop connection.
  • Fixed some animations taking much longer than intended on remote desktop. e.g. Expanding/collapsing groups in the file display or categories in the Preferences dialog.
  • Fixed problem with one of the Zip context menu options when used in a folder named "filter".
  • Scripting Changes:
  • Added the AtLeast method to the Version object, making it easy to test the current version of Opus against a minimum version. Also added the min_version property to the ScriptInitData object - if the version of Opus is less than the specified minimum the script will be automatically disabled.
  • Added the Hash method to the FSUtil object, which provides a way for scripts to calculate MD5 and SHA checksums.
  • Added the pathpart and ext properties to the Path object.
  • All the appropriate methods in the FSUtil now support folder aliases and environment variables.
  • The BeforeFolderChangeData and AfterFolderChangeData objects now have an action property that indicates how the folder read was triggered.
  • Added the label property to the Tab object, to allow scripts to retrieve a tab's label.
  • Added the dualsize property to the Lister object, to allow scripts to obtain the current split percentage of a dual file display.
  • The FSUtil.GetType method now returns "dir" for Zip files by default, to be compatible with the 7zip plugin. The GetType method now takes an optional flags argument - specify "a" for archive mode, which makes it return "file" for archives instead of "dir".
  • Fixed problem that prevented global objects like DOpus being visible to Python scripts.
  • The Wild.Parse method now checks that parsing was successful and returns False if not.
  • Fixed problem that prevented Vector objects containing other objects from working correctly (possibly this was only an issue from VBScript).

New in Directory Opus 11.3 Build 5215 (Apr 12, 2014)

  • Aliases like /hostdocuments are now defined for normal HDD installs, pointing to the same locations as the normal /mydocuments etc. aliases. This allows you to use those aliases in buttons and scripts without worrying about whether or not you are on a USB install.
  • When using the Rename dialog and choosing to overwrite an existing file, the recycle bin confirmation dialog could open and then go behind the Lister. This has been fixed.
  • The path for configuration backups is now remembered relative to the nearest built-in alias, if possible. For example, if you save your config backup to the desktop folder, it will remember /desktopdir rather than the full path, meaning it will choose the appropriate desktop folder if you then load the same config on another machine where the username, and thus the desktop path, is not the same.
  • FTP has been updated to the latest version of the OpenSSL libraries, to fix the "heartbleed" security hole.

New in Directory Opus 11.2 Build 5208 (Apr 8, 2014)

  • Fixed problems using context menu on files below volume mount points, and improved the Description column's target display for the mount points themselves.
  • The selection box in the button editor icon picker now flashes quicker, to make it easier to see which icon is selected in the grid.
  • Fixed button editor icon picker reverting to the originally selected icon if you changed the selection and then toggled the icon size.
  • Workaround for bug in the Metro shell in Windows 8.1, where it would crash and restart if you have the Opus archives context menu enabled and right-clicked a file in the Metro search charm (Win-S) results.
  • The Opus archives context menu would not appear outside of Opus if all three of the extract, convert-to-sfx and keep-folder items/options were turned off.
  • Added CR and LF to the archives plugin's list of illegal filename characters, so you can now extract files from .tar archives created on Linux where the filenames inexplicably contain end-of-line characters. They will be replaced by underscores.
  • Fixed problem where Go CURRENT or clicking the last node in the path field when one or more new columns had been turned on in a folder that had a saved path format would result in the added columns being moved to the end.
  • Fix for thumbnail column + checkbox mode rendering glitches (if checkbox mode is active the thumbnail and name column are no longer treated as one).
  • The "ext" and "extdir" column keywords are no longer considered synonymous by Set GROUPBY and Set SORTBY, since sorting/grouping by the two columns is not actually the same.
  • Fixed problem that would cause Thumbnail column to stop working if it was saved in the default/custom format AND was part of the format saved in a layout.
  • Fixed Focal Length (35mm) column turning into unrelated Company column if saved into a folder format, layout, style, etc. and then reloaded.
  • Taskbar progress is now displayed on Windows 7 and 8 when using the jobs bar with progress dialogs excluded from the taskbar. (Previously, it was only displayed when progress dialogs were included on the taskbar.)
  • The tab groups preview in Preferences now uses the full width available when the Preferences dialog is resized.
  • Fixed CLI / script editor resize grip painting issues, and reduced flicker when resizing the dialog.
  • Fixed volume down key on some keyboards causing the lister to act as if tab has been pushed. (And possibly similar issues with other special keys.)
  • Fixed images in the standalone viewer, except the first one viewed, always being subject to EXIF rotation even if it was turned off in preferences, when the standalone viewer was launched via double-click from a lister.
  • Fixed "Keep status bars at the bottom of the lister" being enabled each time the Status Bar preferences page was shown if another unrelated setting happened to be switched on.
  • Fixed the bottom of the lister being left on-screen after resizing to close the jobs bar, on machines where desktop composition was disabled.
  • UnRar code now refuses to open RAR 5 archives created with the "save identical files as references" option, since unrar.dll provides no proper way to extract such files. We will review this when/if unrar.dll is updated to support the new option.
  • Running the Set DUAL command from a script now returns the new tab handle in the Results object.
  • The various OnXXX scripting event data objects now all have a "qualifiers" property which indicates the state of the qualifier keys.
  • Fixed the problem introduced in the previous Beta that stopped the Edit button on the Scripts Preferences page from working.
  • The CLI in Script Mode now properly updates its syntax highlighting when loading a saved script of a different language to the current setting.
  • The script editor now updates its syntax highlighting on Paste/Undo/Redo.
  • Fixed an issue with the SkyDrive Pro context menu that could cause multiple sub-menus to appear.
  • The Make default FTP handler option now does something at least on Windows 8 (it will now catch FTP URLs typed in the start->run dialog).
  • Fix for crash in Windows 8 when accessing previous folders for a server via a UNC path.
  • Fix for crash when typing in a particular malformed regular expression.
  • The Convert Image function can now flip images horizontally or vertically, as well as rotate them. The Image CONVERT command has a new FLIP argument that lets this behavior be automated. These commands have also been added to the standalone image viewer.
  • The two options on the Preferences / Folder Tabs / Options page to do with opening a new tab now have an additional option in the drop-down list - Location. When this is selected, the Browse button can be used to select a specific folder that will be loaded automatically in the new tab.
  • Added an option to create RAR 5 archives to the RAR plugin preferences and the Create Archive dialog. (Requires WinRAR 5)
  • Added an option to choose between UnRar.dll and 7z.dll when extracting RAR archives. UnRar.dll is the default, and is required if you want to be able to extract RAR 5 archives. Some people may wish to switch back to 7z.dll as it provided more accurate timestamps, and a couple of people have reported problems with UnRar.dll on some machines. (We recommend you stay with UnRar.dll unless you have a good reason to want to change.)
  • Favorite folders added to the JumpList now display their real icon instead of a generic folder icon.
  • Fixed icon-set caching causing images of varying sizes within a "Large" or "Small" set to be padded to the size of the largest image in that set:
  • There are very few icon sets affected by this, so most people can ignore this, but if you have an affected icon set, delete everything under "/dopuslocaldata/Icon Cache" and restart Opus to force the cache to be regenerated.
  • Individual icons within icon sets can now specify their own unique sizes while still being in a single-image grid among other (larger) icons.
  • Scripting changes:
  • The Go TABCLOSE command can now be told (from a script) exactly which tab to close. For example, from VBScript you might use RunCommand("Go TABCLOSE=" & tab) to close a particular Tab object.
  • The CLI in Script Interpreter mode now has an abort button to stop an errant script.
  • Script configuration "List of choices"-type variables did not properly save their current setting.
  • Script-generated dialogs that use drop-down menus attached to the option buttons now return the correct index for the drop-down items.
  • Fixed a problem that could cause script entries in the scriptconfig.oxc file to be duplicated for script packages.
  • The script editor now notices changes to the @script line and updates its syntax highlighting appropriately. It also won't try to syntax highlight for a language it doesn't understand (e.g. Perlscript).
  • The breadcrumbs path field now has two additional options (see the section on Breadcrumbs configuration for information on how to enable them):
  • selectprevious: This option makes the breadcrumbs field mimic the Select previous folder when going Up option on the Folders / Folder Behaviour Preferences page. When using the crumbs in the field to navigate to a parent of the current folder, the child folder that leads to the previous location will be automatically selected.
  • noarchives: This option prevents archives from showing in the drop-down menus attached to each crumb.

New in Directory Opus 11.1 Build 5175 (Mar 3, 2014)

  • Toolbars & Hotkeys Improvements
  • File Display Toolbars
  • Streamlined Copy Progress Display (Jobs Bar)
  • Details + Thumbnails Mode
  • Status Bar, FAYT and Breadcrumbs Changes
  • Folder Tree Changes
  • File and Folder Labels Improvements
  • SkyDrive support in Windows 8.1
  • New Scripting Interface
  • Miscellaneous Changes
  • Preferences Changes
  • Command Changes

New in Directory Opus (Feb 27, 2014)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a crash when selecting a drive from the dropdown drives list in a floating toolbar
  • In a button with a Go command followed by a Select command, the Select command did not work properly if the "Automatically select first file in folder" Preferences option was turned on
  • Fixed issue with path completion when clicking on a folder in the popup list if the cursor was not already at the end of the line
  • FTP root folder in the file display did not handle double-clicking on an addressbook sub-folder if it had high-bit characters in the name
  • The tooltip of a Go {destpath} or Go DESTPATH button is now correct
  • Favorites shown in the breadcrumbs dropdown now have ampersands stripped to match the favorites menu
  • Added basic support for touch-based scrolling in Windows 8
  • Fixed issue that caused slow MP3 metadata for files in libraries
  • Fixed problem with Flickr synchronization (it now works again)
  • A filetype action copied from one filetype and pasted to another was not saved unless the action was then edited manually
  • Creating a link via Alt+drag&drop in a library didn't work
  • Deleting a junction/link from the tree would show a confirmation dialog as if it were a real folder rather than a link
  • Fixed freeze on Windows XP machines after creating sub-collections
  • Fixed folder tab group preview in Preferences not always properly re-drawing the gap between left and right folder tabs
  • Fixed Rename dialog using a lot of CPU and memory if you typed a new name like #{modifieddate|D#ddMMyyyy} where the # to insert a counter was interpreting the numeric date after it as a request for an enormous amount of zero-padding.

New in Directory Opus (Nov 28, 2013)

  • Enhancements:
  • The data returned by the dopusrt /info paths command now includes information on which side of a dual Lister each tab was found (side="1" for left, side="2" for right, and side="0" for a single display Lister).
  • The Go TABCLOSE command can now close a tab by window handle (which can be obtained using the above mentioned /info command). For example, Go 0x80834 TABCLOSE
  • If a file or folder has been copied to the clipboard, you can now paste this into the location field (or any field in Opus that supports path completion) to paste the item's path into the field.
  • Added a new option - Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: show_release_history - which allows you to prevent the release history from appearing the first time you use a new version.
  • Bug fixes:
  • The Set COLUMNSSET command now allows the name column to be positioned in a location other than the first column.
  • Selecting the Open With context menu command on a file in a library would result in an unnecessary temporary copy of the file being made.
  • Increased ImageShack maximum upload size to 5MB.
  • File displays showing the root of a library (e.g. lib://Documents) did not update to show ghosted icons when files/folders were cut to the clipboard.
  • Fixed a problem that would cause the file display to not resort correctly after a GetSizes command (or automatic folder size calculation) had finished, if the calculation was completed within 250ms.
  • Fixed things like portable hard drives from showing up incorrectly in the MTP namespace (and in drive buttons) in Windows 8.1
  • Fixed right-click dragging files on to zip archives, then clicking outside of the menu, being treated as Copy rather than Cancel.
  • Fixed missing context menu icons from WebRoot antivirus, and possibly other shell extensions which supply icons in a similar (slightly invalid) format.
  • Windows 8.1 broke the replacement of certain Windows-key hotkeys, fixed.
  • Fixed recent change which meant thumbnails did not rotate in the Lister if you changed their EXIF rotation tag in the metadata panel, when the metadata panel was configured to preserve existing file dates.
  • Fix for crash when generating thumbnails for GIF images with unusual dimensions.
  • Slightly improved image scaling quality in some places.
  • Implemented a solution to desktop double-click being broken by DisplayFusion (also requires the latest DF beta).
  • Fixed problem with "dopusrt /info paths" failing if any open tabs contained a virtual folder like My Computer
  • Fixed problem with space for close button being left behind in folder tabs when closing dual-horizontal file display
  • When switching into list mode an autosize of the column width is now triggered to compensate for any bold labeled files (the same thing was already done in details mode).
  • Fixed inline rename oddity where pressing Shift+Home would leave the caret selection at the end of the selection range rather than the beginning.
  • Fixed the SmartFavorites list showing the same path more than once.
  • Fixed the SmartFavorites list showing multiple entries for virtual folders like Desktop.
  • SmartFavorites now ignores MTP and FTP paths, as well as virtual folders which would not be suitable for creating a shortcut.
  • Fixed SmartFavorites not checking existence of library and collection paths at startup when configured to.
  • Fixed "Save As" from the viewer not working (potentially even crashing) for images on MTP devices.
  • You can now use the Go command's EXISTINGLISTER argument with other arguments which generate a list of drives or folders, e.g. Go DRIVEBUTTONS EXISTINGLISTER.
  • Fixed tab lock (if set) being inherited from the default Lister when a new window opens for a double-clicked folder and Opus is configured to just open a tab for the folder without the default Lister's other tab(s).
  • Fixed file display becoming unusable if a locked folder tab showed a directory which was then deleted.
  • Fixed bug that stopped dimensions being shown for images in thumbnails mode if their thumbnails came from the cache.

New in Directory Opus (Nov 28, 2013)

  • Enhancements:
  • The data returned by the dopusrt /info paths command now includes information on which side of a dual Lister each tab was found (side="1" for left, side="2" for right, and side="0" for a single display Lister).
  • The Go TABCLOSE command can now close a tab by window handle (which can be obtained using the above mentioned /info command). For example, Go 0x80834 TABCLOSE
  • If a file or folder has been copied to the clipboard, you can now paste this into the location field (or any field in Opus that supports path completion) to paste the item's path into the field.
  • Added a new option - Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: show_release_history - which allows you to prevent the release history from appearing the first time you use a new version.
  • Bug fixes:
  • The Set COLUMNSSET command now allows the name column to be positioned in a location other than the first column.
  • Selecting the Open With context menu command on a file in a library would result in an unnecessary temporary copy of the file being made.
  • Increased ImageShack maximum upload size to 5MB.
  • File displays showing the root of a library (e.g. lib://Documents) did not update to show ghosted icons when files/folders were cut to the clipboard.
  • Fixed a problem that would cause the file display to not resort correctly after a GetSizes command (or automatic folder size calculation) had finished, if the calculation was completed within 250ms.
  • Fixed things like portable hard drives from showing up incorrectly in the MTP namespace (and in drive buttons) in Windows 8.1
  • Fixed right-click dragging files on to zip archives, then clicking outside of the menu, being treated as Copy rather than Cancel.
  • Fixed missing context menu icons from WebRoot antivirus, and possibly other shell extensions which supply icons in a similar (slightly invalid) format.
  • Windows 8.1 broke the replacement of certain Windows-key hotkeys, fixed.
  • Fixed recent change which meant thumbnails did not rotate in the Lister if you changed their EXIF rotation tag in the metadata panel, when the metadata panel was configured to preserve existing file dates.
  • Fix for crash when generating thumbnails for GIF images with unusual dimensions.
  • Slightly improved image scaling quality in some places.
  • Implemented a solution to desktop double-click being broken by DisplayFusion (also requires the latest DF beta).
  • Fixed problem with "dopusrt /info paths" failing if any open tabs contained a virtual folder like My Computer
  • Fixed problem with space for close button being left behind in folder tabs when closing dual-horizontal file display
  • When switching into list mode an autosize of the column width is now triggered to compensate for any bold labeled files (the same thing was already done in details mode).
  • Fixed inline rename oddity where pressing Shift+Home would leave the caret selection at the end of the selection range rather than the beginning.
  • Fixed the SmartFavorites list showing the same path more than once.
  • Fixed the SmartFavorites list showing multiple entries for virtual folders like Desktop.
  • SmartFavorites now ignores MTP and FTP paths, as well as virtual folders which would not be suitable for creating a shortcut.
  • Fixed SmartFavorites not checking existence of library and collection paths at startup when configured to.
  • Fixed "Save As" from the viewer not working (potentially even crashing) for images on MTP devices.
  • You can now use the Go command's EXISTINGLISTER argument with other arguments which generate a list of drives or folders, e.g. Go DRIVEBUTTONS EXISTINGLISTER.
  • Fixed tab lock (if set) being inherited from the default Lister when a new window opens for a double-clicked folder and Opus is configured to just open a tab for the folder without the default Lister's other tab(s).
  • Fixed file display becoming unusable if a locked folder tab showed a directory which was then deleted.
  • Fixed bug that stopped dimensions being shown for images in thumbnails mode if their thumbnails came from the cache.

New in Directory Opus Beta (Sep 6, 2013)

  • Possible fix for issues with shell extensions which access cloud-storage.
  • The Group column is now allowed in the Computer folder.
  • Fixed thumbnails sometimes being incorrectly rotated, until refreshed, after modifying EXIF rotation field in the metadata panel.
  • Fix for metadata editor failing to update files (sometimes leaving them with temporary names) because they were briefly in use (often by Opus itself, e.g. if in thumbnails mode and a previous change triggered the file being modified to be re-read as it is being modified again).
  • In certain places, the attempt to delete a directory now automatically retries for about 1 second if the directory is non-empty, hopefully addressing a problem a couple of people saw with errors during moves. (It is thought this is due to other tools or antivirus holding hold locks (shared for deletion) on things below the directories, delaying the actual deletion until they release their locks.)
  • Fixed attempt to delete directory and subsequent error message (and, from the previous change, delay) when a child item is filtered out or skipped due to error, during move or deletion.
  • Fixed cosmetic issue with some tree controls when set to both never scroll horizontally and do full-row selection. Wide item labels could extend slightly past the right edge of their selection boxes.
  • Running a command like "Go %windir%" combined with @noexpandenv now works again.
  • Fixed being able to paste slash characters into FTP site names. (You can still paste them but they are replaced by dash characters as the change is applied.)
  • Fixed crash when importing FTP bookmarks with an existing bookmark selected which would then be replaced.
  • Improvements to the update checker:
  • Improved the update checker's detection of when an update has already been installed but is pending a reboot. - (Previously, if the installer had been launched via the updater checker then you'd be prompted to reboot rather than to run the installer again. This is now also the case if you ran the installer manually, or if you restarted Opus after running the installer.)
  • The update checker will now check more than once per session. (Previously, if you started Opus and it was then time for the weekly or monthly update check, and no new version was found, Opus would never check again until restarted and you would not be notified of an update released, say, a week later if your PC remained up and running Opus for that week.)
  • Fixed update checker settings not being saved properly in certain situations just after Opus had been installed.

New in Directory Opus Beta (Aug 9, 2013)

  • New features / minor changes:
  • Arguments for the Go command like KEYARGS, OPENINLEFT, etc. now work when used in a folder content menu (Go FOLDERCONTENT).
  • Bug fixes:
  • Improved detection of empty disk drives. This will hopefully address issues where, when Opus is set to hide empty disk drives (in the My Computer folder and in drive buttons), it fails to detect media being inserted/removed at some times.
  • Fixed problem on some machines where Opus launched at boot would sometimes treat an empty optical drive as non-empty until it was restarted.
  • Improved handling of drives which do not correctly generate events to tell Opus and other programs when media is inserted and removed. Refreshing the Computer folder will force Opus to re-check the drives, and they will also be checked periodically whether or not they generate notifications.
  • Fixed newly mounted drives not always appearing in the folder tree or on toolbar drive-buttons until a folder change or refresh.
  • Copying FTP files out of a file collection now supports resume.
  • A Copy COLLLIST button did not update correctly to reflect newly created/deleted collections.
  • Attempting to copy a folder over the top of an already existing file now displays an error message (previously it would just fail silently).

New in Directory Opus Beta (Jul 26, 2013)

  • New features / minor changes:
  • Added a new command - Show VIEWPANECMD. This lets you trigger viewer panel actions like zooming and rotating from a command, which in turn lets you assign them to hotkeys that will work even when the panel doesn't have input focus.
  • Added a new TABNAME argument for the Go command which lets you assign a name to a tab - either the current tab, or a new tab in conjunction with the NEWTAB argument.
  • Bug fixes:
  • The Go ROOT command did not correctly disable its button when already at the root folder.
  • The Clipboard PASTE=zip and similar commands now work when the files on the clipboard have been CUT and the source/destination folders are the same.
  • Fixed error which meant when the file display was grouped, the Unspecified group was at the top of the list rather than at the bottom as intended.
  • Going to the Recent Items virtual folder would show the full path to the folder as the tab label.
  • In rare cases where multiple context menu shell extensions add items to sub-menus with the same name, the sub-menus are now merged together instead of each one appearing separately.
  • Since the option to open external folders in new tabs also applies to zip files, the checkbox for it in Preferences is now enabled whether or not Explorer Replacement is enabled.
  • Fixed changes to configuration or collections not being saved if done just before shutdown or restart of the machine.
  • Fixed problems which could occur after renaming a collection which was inside another collection, until Opus was restarted.
  • FTP - Changed thresholds to assist with bad servers that don't correctly report end of listing data.
  • FTP SSL - Changed default methods for creating SSL connections. Now use SSLv23_method for greater compatibility to older servers. ** Please notify us if you find any compatibility issues with your SSL servers.
  • FTP SSL - Updated OpenSSL libraries to 1.0.1e versions.

New in Directory Opus Beta (Jul 12, 2013)

  • New features / minor changes:
  • Added a new option - Sort name and extension separately - to the Display tab in the Folder Options dialog. This option is enabled by default. When enabled, Opus sorts folders by name by splitting up the filename stem and the extension, and sorting them separately (i.e. it sorts by the stem first, and only if the stem is the same does it consider the file extension). This has the effect of keeping names with the same stem together. The new Set SORTNAMEEXTSEPARATELY command can be used to change this setting from a button or hotkey.
  • When you right click with more than one file selected, the Opus Add to context menu item is now listed twice - once for the name of the file you right-clicked on and once for the parent folder. This lets you create an archive of two or more files named after the folder the files are in.
  • The Select DATE command now lets you use constructions like >3 days to select files older than three days,

New in Directory Opus Beta (Jul 5, 2013)

  • New features / minor changes:
  • Added SIZE and DATE arguments to the Select command to provide a simple method selection by date or size (less complicated than using the advanced select mode).
  • Select SIZE accepts the keywords largest and smallest to select the largest or smallest item in the list. You can also specify a size (in bytes by default, or specify kb, mb or gb to use different units). If specifying a size, you can use > or < for greater or less than, and specify a range using .. between the two sizes.
  • Select DATE accepts the keywords oldest and newest to select the oldest or newest item in the list. You can also specify a date (in the format YYYY-MM-DD) and/or time (in the format HH:MM). If specifying a date, you can use > or < for greater or less, and specify a range using .. between the two dates. By default Select DATE only considers the last modification time of files, but you can add the keyword created to look at the creation time of the file, or both to look at both timestamps. If these keywords are provided they must be listed first followed by a comma and then the date to test for.
  • The Clipboard PASTE command can now be used to paste files, images and text from the clipboard directly as archives (instead of creating the archive first and then pasting the items into it).
  • The USESEL argument for the Clipboard PASTE command now lets you paste the clipboard contents into an existing archive (i.e. put the command Clipboard PASTE USESEL on the context menu for the Archives filetype group, and you can then right-click an existing archive and paste the clipboard contents into it).
  • Bug fixes:
  • Menus generated by Copy COLLLIST and Copy INCLUDEINLIBRARY now respect the @nodeselect modifier if it is present in their parent buttons.
  • The names of Collections and Libraries in menus generated by Copy COLLLIST and Copy INCLUDEINLIBRARY, respectively, are now displayed correctly when they contain ampersand characters.
  • Removed Delete and Cut commands from the context menu of folders in the Favorites menu to avoid accidental deletion of folders.
  • Fixed a problem where a button that had a Go command that failed (e.g. path not found), followed by a command to turn Flat View on, would result in the contents of the process current folder being read in Flat View mode.
  • A style that was set to read a folder and turn on Flat View Mixed/No Folders would fail to remove the folders from the list.
  • Improved handling of MP3 cover art where the MIME type has been set to an invalid string.
  • The Select Folder dialog's Favorites drop-down now shows the complete label set for each favourite, instead of just the "filename" part of the label. (Before, it would exclude anything before the last slash, if any, in the label.)
  • If you save the installer from the update checker, the path field reminding you where you put it is now truncated in the middle if it is too wide for the window. (You can still resize the window to see the whole thing, or click on the path to open the installer's parent folder and select it.)
  • The update checker now ensures the installer has a .exe extension if you choose to save it. Previously, the extension could be left off if you edited the name or path and had Windows configured to hide file extensions.
  • Fixed file displays being left in Sync or Dupe modes if they were not the active tab when you closed the utility panel.
  • If you run the Sync tool from a single-display lister, automatically opening the dual display, the dual display is now left open now when you close the Sync tool. Previously, it would be closed automatically (only if it had been opened automatically), but this was not always desirable and we now leave it up to you when to close the second display.
  • Fixed rename sorting bug that could end up with files in the wrong positioned if the display was grouped and the files were in the "unspecified" group.
  • Fixed problem that could cause the inline rename field to end up positioned incorrectly (thus revealing a hidden filename) if the file display was grouped and you used the up/down cursor keys to rename multiple files.
  • Fixed filenames in the rename dialog being drawn in the wrong color after certain edits to the old/new name fields.
  • Fixed failure to save metadata in some images when clearing the EXIF flash tag.
  • Fixed internal library paths being revealed by favorites tooltip, and the Favorites list in Preferences.
  • Fixed internal MTP paths revealed by copy error dialog in some cases.
  • Running Opus from USB/U3 no longer leaves the desktop double-click handler (dopusrt) running when Opus itself is shut down - prevents the USB drive from being locked after Opus has quit.

New in Directory Opus (Jun 14, 2013)

  • This update includes everything from the 10.5.1.x beta versions

New in Directory Opus Beta (Jun 4, 2013)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed crashes/problems caused by deleting a collection that had child collections.
  • Fixed certain situations where the status bar did not clear the custom Opus status bar panels when showing the simple status bar text for a shell folder. e.g. "1 object(s) selected" might appear for the shell folder's status, next to some other information that was left over from the previous normal folder, which should have been cleared.
  • Buttons on the file display border now respond correctly to Windows theme changes.
  • Fixed toolbar drive buttons not displaying drive labels correctly if they contained '\t'.
  • Fixed right edge of the Find filter toolbar not repainting correctly on the first resize causing the scrollbar overlapping it to be removed.
  • The Set Description dialog now picks up the existing description (comment) from MP3 files, and similar for other filetypes where the description is stored within their native metadata. Similarly, the Description clause in advanced Find/Select/etc. filters now pick up those descriptions.
  • Fixed error when double-clicking on an FTP site entry from the ftp:// namespace root if the site had a & in the name.
  • When copying MP3 files to an MTP device, Opus will now set several of the MTP metadata tags from the source file's ID3 tag (to compensate for dumb devices that don't do their own ID3 parsing).
  • Fixed delay when typing a path starting with "\" into the path field when on an unresponsive network share, despite the Preferences / Folders / Folder Behaviour / Complete paths for local drives only option being turned on. (If the option is turned off, there may still be a delay, so you may wish to turn the option on if you use slow network drives a lot.)
  • Improvements and fixes to the Undo menu
  • The descriptions of each item can now be longer before they are truncated.
  • When truncating descriptions, the individual paths are truncated, instead of the overall string. (So copying a file with a long name won't cause the destination information to be lost off the end of the description entirely.)
  • Paths are truncated in the middle, rather than at the end, so the truncation is less of a problem when it does occur.
  • Source and destination paths containing ampersand characters are now displayed correctly in the list.
  • Undo actions for shortcut creation now display the folder the shortcut was created in correctly.
  • Fixed minor issue in path completion (it could break if you typed a %envvar% or alias path followed by a path containing a space, like "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft ").
  • Sorting on the image Physical Width, Physical Height and Physical Size fields did not work.
  • Fixed the Rename dialog's preview list header showing file icons instead of sort arrows after being clicked.
  • The CLI DOSPROMPT=admin command now works correctly if the current directory contains a & or ^ character.
  • If you click Apply in the metadata pane and then while the save is still going on, clear the pane or select new files, you will no longer be prompted to save the files you're already saving.
  • Pressing escape should now abort a tree expansion initiated by pressing the * or + keys.
  • Improved folder tree performance when processing large numbers of events, e.g. hundreds of new folders being created in a branch which the tree is showing.
  • Fixed progress window title showing "Paused: (null)" if you paused an operation and had the Show percent complete in progress bar titles option turned off (or when the percentage could not be calculated).
  • Fixed accelerator keys for the Backup, Restore and Export choices at the start of the Preferences Backup and Restore wizard.
  • The Select Folder dialog drop-downs no longer truncate paths based on the smallest window size, but instead use the true size of the window.
  • The Select Folder dialog now works correctly when you manually enter a path alias.
  • Enabling the Open second Folder Tree in dual display mode option now automatically shows the second tree if the Lister is already in dual display mode.
  • The New Collection... and New Stored Query... context menu items are now displayed on the right-click menu for a collection in the Folder Tree.
  • The Lister did not redraw correctly when enabling FlatView (Mixed No Folders) in a folder that only contained an empty folder.
  • The Search field now works correctly in the Desktop folder on Windows XP.
  • The file group context menus (Collapse, Expand, etc.) are now displayed in the Desktop folder even if virtual items like Computer are included in the group.
  • Right-clicking on a file group header in Power mode now displays the same group-related menu items as in details mode.
  • Files copied from MTP devices are no longer fully cached in memory if their size exceeds 1/10 of the physical memory in the computer.
  • Fixed the Folder Options / Folder Format editor's Columns page not updating its lists properly when you turned grouping on or off and had Opus configured to automatically add the Group column while grouping.
  • The Group column did not work correctly in the Computer folder.
  • Copying compressed or encrypted folders to non-compressed/encrypted locations no longer re-compresses/encrypts them. (This was already the case with files, but folders and their contents were handled inconsistently. Copied files and folders now always inherit the compression/encryption settings of the folder they are copied into (as with Windows Explorer).
  • If you turn on administrator mode in a protected folder like C:\Program Files and then drag a file into that Lister from the desktop, Opus no longer shows an unnecessary UAC prompt.

New in Directory Opus Beta (May 6, 2013)

  • Fixed problem with the new custom icons system when icons are assigned via label filter. Timing issues due to multiple threads meant that icons would not be reliably displayed in all cases.
  • Using a command like "Go @FTPBookmark" to go to an FTP bookmark works again.
  • In the Select Icon dialog, after choosing an exe or dll from the history, clicking one of the icons within it would select the first icon instead, requiring a second click.

New in Directory Opus Beta (May 3, 2013)

  • New features / minor changes:
  • The File and Folder Labels system now lets labels override the normal icons for files and folders with your own custom icons. You can use icon files (.ico, .icl), icons from programs (.exe, .dll) or any image file format that Opus supports. If you specify an image Opus will automatically scale and convert it to icon format.
  • Added the Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: multipart_extensions field that lets you specify your own multipart file extensions (like .tar.gz), for sorting and display.
  • The Close command for initiating or scheduling a system shutdown or reboot has a new "unattended" mode which can be used to prevent extra confirmation dialogs from Windows when used on Remote Desktop and Terminal Services.
  • Added option to disable enumeration of computers on the network when doing path completion. (Preferences / Folders / Folder Behaviour / Complete network server names).
  • Ctrl-C to copy the names of Preferences options now works in the Advanced list and in the Colors and Fonts list.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed problem introduced in where drag & drops from some programs on to Opus would cause the Lister to freeze unless the advanced dragdrop_async setting was changed to False. (If you toggled the setting to work around this, you should be able to reset it now.)The most common program this affected was WinRAR, but only if it was configured to use something other than your temp dir for temporary files.
  • Opus now blocks the enormous metadata string that iPhones, iPads, etc. put into the user comment field of JPEG photos.
  • Fixed bug introduced in where importing a config backup where the toolbar list came from Opus 9 (and had never since been changed under Opus 10) would cause Opus to switch to the default toolbars, so that you had to turn your custom toolbars back on again.
  • Fixed icons in hotkey field drop-down having non-transparent backgrounds under Win8 (Vista and up actually).
  • Fixed problem with filenames beginning with a dot without a file extension (.htaccess) if display of file extensions is turned off or the extension column was present. Depending on the order those things were enabled Opus could end up treating the filename as the extension and showing a blank name.
  • Opus now remembers which file groups in the Lister are collapsed when the group list is refresh or rebuilt. This fixes problem with file groups expanding themselves when the mouse over tooltip is displayed for a file.
  • Fixed crash if you were in a Locked (Allow Changes) tab, had changed to another folder, were in a mode other than Details or Power, and dragged a file from there into another tab in the same file display (causing the source tab to reset to its original folder in the process).
  • Fixed problem with config restore which could result in certain unicode characters in config file names not being decoded properly. (The problem did not affect backing up, only restoring, so you do not need to re-create your existing config backups.)
  • Fixed FTP address book "default" checkboxes affecting their whole pages instead of just their sub-sections on the Network, Display and Misc pages.
  • Fixed blank FTP listings when connecting to Microsoft FTP Service servers which use four-digit years in dir listings.
  • Dragging programs to the toolbar in Customize mode now creates buttons with {filepath} as the default argument to the program, rather than %1, fixing problems with unquoted paths.

New in Directory Opus (Apr 10, 2013)

  • The update includes everything from the 10.5.0.x beta versions
  • The update also includes the following new changes:
  • Fixed auto-hide toolbar slide and reveal options, introduced in a recent beta, being reversed for toolbars docked to the left or top of the screen.
  • Fixed recently introduced problem that meant Select SOURCETODEST / DESTTOSOURCE were case sensitive
  • Fixed problem in path completion that made it stop working temporarily when typing an alias followed by a folder name beginning with a reserved device name (e.g. /dopusdata/ConfigFiles)
  • Fixed path-completion pop-up's borders not always painting correctly.

New in Directory Opus Beta (Mar 28, 2013)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed problem with Go BACK not properly setting the start of the range selection with some combination of settings.
  • Dragging a linked tab out to the desktop (or selecting Split as New Lister from the context menu) now clears the link state of the tab when it opens in the new Lister.
  • Fixed problem that could prevent control-hover from selecting files (with single click mode enabled) if certain toolbar commands were present.
  • Improved performance of path completion (particularly on network paths).
  • Fixed problem with the breadcrumbs drop-down not correctly showing all drives (if the hideempty option was set) on program startup.
  • Fixed USB export failing with "access denied" error if certain files on the USB export had been set hidden or read-only.
  • The fix for drag-and-drop from Gmail to Opus, added in the previous beta for the file display, has now been implemented everywhere else (folder tree, folder tabs, breadcrumbs, FDB hot-paths, toolbar go-buttons).
  • Menus opened from the keyboard (e.g. the context menu key) now display accelerator keys.
  • Fixed a problem when adding files to a zip file created using the OEM code page rather than UTF-8 (e.g. with Chinese filenames) - new filenames would be added using UTF8 which seems to cause the names of existing files in the archive to be garbled. It seems that mixing UTF8 and OEM filenames in the one zip file doesn't work properly.
  • Fixed a problem when opening zip files created using OEM code page rather than UTF8 - filenames containing e.g. Chinese characters could end up with garbage on the end of them.
  • Functions which didn't specify a source directory, and which ran without a source lister (e.g. from a floating toolbar or global hotkey) had their current directory set to the Opus program files directory (or whatever the Opus process' CD was). They now have it set to system32, which is more consistent with other situations, and potentially safer for USB installs.
  • In the Unattended Errors dialog, placement of the Export Error List link was incorrect when the window was resized.
  • Fixed crash if you used Ctrl+MouseWheel in the standalone viewer with some viewer plugins which do not support zooming using the wheel.

New in Directory Opus Beta (Mar 22, 2013)

  • New features / minor changes:
  • When the Find-As-You-Type field is open in Find mode, the left/right cursor keys, as well as Home and End, are now passed through to the file display. This lets you use the cursor keys to change the selected item in the icon modes (List, Thumbnails, etc) without first closing the FAYT. Added the new option Preferences / File Displays / Find-As-You-Type / Enable all cursor keys in Find mode which lets you disable this (and revert left/right cursor keys to their normal behaviour in the edit field).
  • It is now possible to embed commands (using the [ ] syntax) in the Go FINDTITLE function. Added the RUNEMBEDDEDIFNOTFOUND argument which lets a command embedded under the Go FINDTITLE command run in the current Lister if no matching listers are found.
  • Added two new options in Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced
  • dlldir_security : This option, enabled by default, prevents Opus from loading DLLs from the current working directory. This reduces the risk of "binary planting" exploits which can trick your computer into running untrusted software when you open things like photos or music from folders in which someone has hidden a malicious DLL.
  • dragdrop_async : Enables the previous behaviour when handling drag and drop from outside of Opus, whereby drops are handled asynchronously even if the source of the data doesn't specifically support this. (See the item relating to this in the "Bug fixes" section below).
  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed problem that could cause the breadcrumbs popup to not display all items the first time it opened.
  • Fix for dragging Gmail attachments from Chrome to Opus, and better handling of drop sources which support asynchronous drops.
  • Fixed some USB flash drives incorrectly appearing in the Go DRIVEBUTTONS=mtp list and in the mtp:// root folder.
  • Fixed a couple of minor problems with keyboard shortcuts in the Rename dialog's Find and Replace mode.
  • Loading a tab group would not update the tree to show the folder of the new active tab.
  • Fixed problem with embedded functions for new Listers not always picking the right Lister to run the command in (if the new Lister opened as the destination, for example).
  • Tabs drawn with visual styles can now be modified by a black background color, and custom tab colors can now use background and text colors that are very close together without them being made more contrasting, if that's what you want.
  • Fixed minor issues with PNG images using rare transparency modes. (Images using a single transparent color, rather than an alpha channel, combined with RGB non-palette colors and/or 16 bit per sample colors.)

New in Directory Opus Beta (Mar 15, 2013)

  • New features / minor changes:
  • Text fields that support path completion (like the Location field or the FAYT in Go mode) now display a popup list of matching items.
  • The Location field now supports relative paths (e.g. if you enter .. in the location field and hit return it will take you to the parent of the currently displayed folder). Path completion also supports relative paths and will complete paths for parent folders, etc.
  • Improvements to floating toolbars
  • Transparent toolbars can now be dragged around by their gripper while in Customize mode, without having to hold down shift first.
  • You can now configure how quickly auto-hide toolbars slide on and off the screen, under Preferences / Toolbars / Options. The default speeds have also been increased, with toolbars now appearing in 100ms and hiding in 200ms (previously both used 250ms).
  • Docked, glass/taskbar/transparent auto-hide toolbars should now appear without flickering when the slide option is turned off.
  • Docked taskbar and glass toolbars are now completely invisible when hidden, so there is no longer a line down the edge of the screen for them.
  • Docked, transparent toolbars are now borderless if you lock their position, making them easier to use.
  • Added a command to DOpusRT (/info) that allows third-party tools to access the list of currently displayed folders and files in Opus (this will allow improved support by tools like Listary).
  • Bug fixes:
  • Loading a tab group that replaces all existing tabs no longer preserves the "initial directory" of the very first tab (so using the Go INITIALDIR command will now correctly return to the initial folder of the new tab group).
  • Toolbar buttons which set a tab's lock state (e.g. Go TABLOCK=lock,toggle) did not always correctly indicate the current lock state.
  • Fixed Select {file$} from being able to run even if nothing is selected.
  • Fixed Copy RENAMEWHENSAME (default Ctrl+Drag-and-drop function) when dragging files from a library to itself. Previously, the RENAMEWHENSAME argument would not take effect and you'd be prompted for a new name.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when unplugging an MTP device.
  • Explorer Replacement now opens the correct folder when the Tomb Raider (2013) launcher opens the Survival Edition Content folder.
  • When changing languages, improved translation of commands which have different labels in different contexts. For example, the "New Folder" and "New Collection" menu items run the same CreateFolder command, and before it was possible for a menu item called "New Collection" to be renamed "New Folder" (in the new language). That can still happen if there is no better match, but the translation process will now keep looking when there is an imperfect match in case it can find a perfect one.
  • Fixed file and folder labels which had been renamed from reverting to their original names (translated) if the language was changed. This now only happens if they are still using their original names when you change language.
  • The current Listers are now always restored when restarting for things like Preferences changes that require a restart.
  • Fixed a handful of config files failing to update if something had set the H (hidden) attribute on them. In particular, this fixes the Release Notes showing every time you start Opus if userdata.omd had been set hidden.
  • If changing tabs results in a size change in the toolbars (e.g. switching in/out of thumbnails mode), the mouse cursor position is now adjusted automatically to prevent drag&drop of the tab from being initiated incorrectly
  • Fixed some of the browse-for-file dialogs, with extra controls at the bottom, having their controls clipped if the dialog was opened at its minimum size.
  • If a tab group folder was renamed but nothing else had changed, buttons would not be updated (so, e.g. a Go TABGROUPLIST button would still show the old folder name).
  • If a non-qualified name is given to the Go command this is now treated as being relative to the current source directory (e.g. when currently viewing C:\, the command Go windows will now go to C:\Windows)
  • Fixed bug preventing the filter field's Clear Filters (and the Clear Local Name Filters menu command) from working if the filter field had focus.
  • Blocked Opus from loading the Bitcasa shell extension for context menus which Opus builds itself, due to crash reports. If you still experience crashes when right-clicking drives or when viewing folders, you may need to disable the context menu handler (and possibly the icon overlay handler as well) system-wide using a tool like ShellExView.

New in Directory Opus Beta (Mar 1, 2013)

  • New features / minor changes:
  • Added the Go INITIALDIR command. This can be used to return a tab to the very first folder it read.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed rendering issue with checkbox mode when visual styles are disabled. In non-details/power mode, the checkbox would be rendered at the wrong size if the Set FONTSCALE command had been used.
  • Fixed error with path completion where typing C:\ and then pressing cursor up/down would enumerate the current folder (i.e. the folder Opus was running from) rather than the C:\ drive.
  • The folder browser dialog (e.g. the dialog triggered by the {dlgfolder} code) now respects the state of the global Hide hidden folders and Hide protected operating system files options.
  • Setting a Lister style to open a tab group in the right-hand file display did not work correctly.
  • Saving tab groups to sub-folders now works via the Go TABGROUPSAVE command. Also the dialog that appears now has a drop-down tree of existing tab groups to choose from.
  • When a folder is grouped by ISO rating the groups are now ordered numerically rather than alphabetically. Also fixed issue with grouping by aperture value (you could end up with multiple groups for seemingly the same value).
  • The Go DRIVEBUTTONS command can now be used to display only MTP devices (i.e. Go DRIVEBUTTONS=mtp)
  • Fixed bug introduced in last beta with Select SOURCETODEST (by default it would only operate on files, not both files+folders).
  • Fixed bug introduced in last beta that broke case sensitive renames (e.g. when the MATCHCASE arg is specified).
  • Fixed logic error that was causing an infinite loop when trying to parse certain malformed xml files.

New in Directory Opus Beta (Feb 22, 2013)

  • New features / minor changes:
  • Added an option to the Copy command's Unattended Errors dialog to export the list of errors (as either text or csv).
  • A new modifier for file and folder codes, escbackslash will escape all backslashes in paths. This is like the old escnl except it escapes all backslashes, not just those before the letter n. e.g. {filepath|escbackslash} turns C:\New\Test.txt into C:\\New\\Test.txt.
  • The Clipboard SET command has a new argument, EXPANDNEWLINES, which allows you to use \n within the clipboard text to insert new lines. Use \\ to insert a literal backslash and use the new escbackslash modifier when inserting paths.
  • The Clipboard ADD SET command has a new argument, NEWLINEIFADDING, which will insert a new line before the next text when adding to existing text on the clipboard. (If there is no existing text then the extra new line is not inserted.)
  • In inline rename (and other edit controls that have the same behavior), pressing the Home or End keys now takes the file extension into account. For example, if the cursor is to the left of the dot, pressing Shift+End will only select up to the dot rather than to the very end of the text. Pressing the same key a second time will then go to the very end or start. Holding the Control key overrides this behavior and moves to the very start or end immediately.
  • Aliases like /programfilesx86, originally only for 64-bit Windows, are now also defined on 32-bit Windows so make it easier to share configurations between machines.
  • Added Collapse Other Groups command to the context menu for file groups.
  • The Add to Archive dialog now has separate fields for path and archive name, to make it easier to type the name of the archive without the risk of accidentally editing the path.
  • Added the Set THUMBNAILRATINGS command to toggle the thumbnails rating overlay from a command.
  • The effects of the Preferences / Folders / Folder Display / Hide hidden files and Hide protected operating system files options no longer overlap. Hide hidden files now only affects things with the H attribute and (this is the change) without the S attribute. Hide protected operating system files only affects things with both the H and S attribute. Previously, if you had both options turned on and then turned off only Hide protected operating system files nothing would happen.
  • The breadcrumbs location field now defaults to showing or hiding Hidden and System folders using the same rules as the Folder Tree (i.e. based on the settings in Preferences). Previously, it always hid both by default. You can still override these rules using the showhidden and showsystem arguments, as well as the new hidehidden and hidesystem arguments for overriding in the opposite way.
  • The Go DRIVEBUTTONS command will now generate buttons for any MTP devices as well as regular device letters. If you configure the command to choose which drives are displayed, the new mtp keyword lets you include MTP devices in the list.
  • The Preferences / Folder Tree / Appearance / Highlight path to selected folder feature now has the option to display the highlight line with smooth rounded corners instead of right-angles. When the Rounded corners option is turned on, another new option - Shadow around active path - becomes available. This option causes a differently colored shadow to be drawn around the main highlight path. The color for the shadow can be set on the Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts page.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Retrying a failed Rename command now correctly restores all settings in the Rename dialog.
  • Fixed problem that could cause a USB removable drive letter to disappear from Computer and the tree after doing things like formatting the drive or checking the drive for errors.
  • Fixed problem with the Recycle Bin icon in the tree where if the state of the icon changed from empty to full, it would only update the non-selected icon.
  • keydown directives now work correctly in commands launched via the taskbar jump list and dopusrt.exe /cmd.
  • Fixed crash if you went to the Computer folder with a label filter matching locations via regular expressions.
  • Drag&Drop from TortoiseSVN's Modified Files window to Opus now works correctly.
  • Clipboard copy & paste from VMWare Workstation to Opus now works correctly.
  • Clipboard copy & paste from SecureFX to Opus now works correctly.
  • The {thumbnail} infotip code would show the wrong icon (a file icon) for folders on an MTP device.
  • The {foldercontents} infotip code would reveal internal filenames for MTP devices.
  • Fixed a bug that could result in a corrupted zip file if you used FileType NEW=.txt to create a new text file in the zip and then renamed it (only happened with some zip files).
  • Copying files to MTP devices did not preserve the timestamp (even if the device supported it - not all do). Also, newly created folders were given a timestamp in UTC rather than in local time.
  • Fixed viewing fonts in the viewer pane, where only the first selected font would load until the viewer was closed and re-opened.
  • Adding a file via a softlink to a zip archive would store the target file uncompressed.
  • When adding a folder to a zip file Opus will no longer prompt to replace an existing folder if WHENEXISTS=replace or WHENEXISTS=skip was specified for the Copy command.
  • Added handling for Samba weirdness when copying files (attempting to read past the end of a file was treated as an error and would cause silent failure of the Copy command).
  • Hot tracking in the folder tree now works again when set to lines/no lines.
  • The Send To menu now supports holding the Shift key for move and Alt key for shortcut when sending items to folders (this is what Explorer does - who knew?)
  • Fixed bug introduced in previous version that could cause a dummy folder entry to be added when adding files to a zip file (and cause the zip to be reported as corrupt by some software).
  • More USB export improvements:
  • Disabled sound files are no longer considered for USB export.
  • When the same sound file is used by multiple events, it is now only copied to the USB drive once.
  • Sound and image files stored outside the /dopusdata/Sounds and /dopusdata/Images directories (or their /dopusglobaldata equivalents) are no longer considered for USB export. Previously, they would be exported but then not found by Opus when you ran it, so it was simply a waste of space. If you want sounds or images to be included in the export you should copy them to the appropriate configuration directories.
  • Go TABGROUPSAVE "!both,Custom" now works to let you save both sides' folder tabs to a named group without prompting.

New in Directory Opus Beta (Feb 15, 2013)

  • New features / minor changes:
  • The embedded command system now works with some dynamic commands (currently Go DRIVEBUTTONS, Go FTPSITELIST, Favorites and Recent). This lets you define commands that are appended to the generated buttons (that is, following the Go command).
  • Added the Copy MAKELINK=autonosoft and Clipboard PASTELINK=autonosoft commands. These do the same as their older "auto" variants, except that they will not create softlinks. i.e. They create junctions for folders and hardlinks for files, even on newer versions of Windows that support softlinks.
  • Bug fixes:
  • The Clipboard PASTELINK=auto command was broken and acted like Clipboard PASTELINK (that is, it only ever created shortcuts). It now creates softlinks, junctions or hardlinks, where possible, as appropriate.
  • MTP-related fixes
  • Copying from a folder in FlatView mode to/from an MTP device with the "Recreate Folder Structure" option chosen now works correctly.
  • FlatView displayed internal filenames for files in sub-folders on MTP devices
  • Fixed various issues when synchronizing to/from an MTP device
  • The Select SOURCETODEST command now works correctly between a local drive and MTP device
  • ZIP-related fixes
  • If a file was dragged from a zip file in Opus and dropped on Explorer, and while the extraction was happening the source Lister was closed, Opus would crash.
  • Extracting foldersfrom zip files in Opus didn't preserve the timestamps or attributes of the directories.
  • Adding folders to a zip file in Opus didn't preserve the folder attributes.
  • The native Computer display now supports "media servers" (DLNA servers).
  • Opening a tab in a new Lister via drag to the desktop or the "Split to New Lister" command now preserves the tab's original folder format.
  • The Go TABSWAP commandnow works correctly with only one tab on one or both sides of the Lister.
  • The size of linked/slaved tabs was not calculated correctly to allow for the italicised label.
  • Using the {md5sum} code when renaming files now overrides the maximum MD5 file size setting (and will always calculate the checksum).
  • Fixed lists of folder tab groups added to toolbars (Go TABGROUPLIST) not sorting the groups properly when running from USB sticks (or other non-NTFS devices).
  • Fixes and improvements to USB export
  • When replacing an existing USB config (as opposed to just updating the program files), the entire old config will be erased. This fixes things like Folder Tab Groups you had deleted from your main config remaining in your USB config after doing an export and replace.Note: If you have placed random files in or below your USB DOPUS directory, they may be deleted. Move them to somewhere else before doing an export and replace.
  • Folder Tab Groups nested within folders are now exported correctly.
  • The /dopusdata/scripts directory is now exported recursively. (i.e. You can put things in subdirectories of Scripts and they will now be included when doing a USB config export.)
  • When doing a Dongle export, added protection against trying to export a running copy of Opus over itself.
  • When doing a Dongle export, clicking Cancel when prompted for the output directory now leaves you on the same page of the wizard instead of continuing with the previously used export path. (If you wish to do a Dongle export to the same drive as is used for the dongle, simply select that drive when prompted.)
  • Fixed problem with [] command embedding that could cause a command to be run too early in a new Lister (before the initial folder had been read).
  • Transparent floating toolbars now use alpha 1 instead of 0 which means they see mouse movements over the frame as well as over buttons. The biggest advantage is that auto-hide appbars can now be truly transparent and still detect when the mouse moves over them.
  • Fixed problem where holding qualifier keys down would incorrectly enable buttons that should be disabled (e.g. the stock Copy Files button with no files selected).
  • Fixed a couple of issues to do with Synchronize (fixes problems reported in where in some cases the first Compare would mis-identify files as needing to be copied).
  • The button editor's arguments menu was missing Set GROUPBY's "toggle" parameter.
  • Fixed minor clipping of date string in the advanced filter with Image - Date Taken.
  • Combining "escregexp" with "noext" in {file} etc. codes now works properly.
  • The Go TABMOVE command now respects arguments like "active" and position when moving the last tab from one side to the other (e.g. when turning a dual Lister into a single).
  • Fixed bug causing a lockup when searching via Windows Search on XP.
  • Fixed flickering when inline renaming in the tree if style set to lines or no lines.
  • Moving a folder from one drive to another now correctly preserves any metadata (rating, etc) set for the folder (if the copy metadata option is turned on).
  • Folder tabs now only accept being renamed if the string actually changed (so that you can't accidentally lock a tab's label simply by going into rename mode and then clicking away).

New in Directory Opus (Feb 1, 2013)

  • The update includes everything from the 10.2.0.x beta versions
  • The update also includes the following new changes:
  • Setting a folder to the Music type did not give it a CD Cover thumbnail when shell folder thumbs were enabled.
  • Go TABGROUPLIST did not support the new tab group folders feature
  • Fixed a Print button placed on the toolbar not enabling/disabling correctly when changing folders
  • MTP - Split dialog showed internal filename for MTP files
  • MTP - fix non-file objects from appearing in the directory
  • MTP - the GetSizes command would stop after the first folder
  • GetSizes progress dialog no longer shows internal names for libraries/MTP

New in Directory Opus Beta (Jan 23, 2013)

  • MTP changes:
  • The folder tree now refreshes when portable devices are added/removed.
  • The format lock explanation tooltip now displays "Portable Devices" for the root of an MTP device rather than "mtp://device".
  • Opus now correctly handles when a device that has already been viewed is unplugged and then reinserted.
  • Fixed various problems when dragging files to MTP devices in the tree.
  • The standalone viewer status bar showed the internal filename for files on MTP devices.
  • After deleting a file in the standalone viewer it now correctly auto-advances to the next picture.
  • Bug fixes:
  • When tree path highlighting is enabled for non-active tabs, the highlight line is now correctly rendered when the path to the non-active tab is partially collapsed (as described in this forum post).
  • If the toolbar Filter Field has input focus Opus will no longer clear it on folder change.

New in Directory Opus Beta (Jan 18, 2013)

  • MTP changes:
  • Improved performance when browsing into an MTP device folder for the first time.
  • Synchronize now works correctly with MTP devices.
  • The FAYT Find mode now works correctly with MTP devices.
  • Copying a zero-byte file to an MTP device will now work (if the device itself allows it).
  • The Folder Formats list in Preferences no longer shows MTP formats if MTP support is disabled.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a bug where moving encrypted files out of a zip file would still delete the file even if extraction failed.
  • Clicking away from the folder tab rename field now accepts any changes made rather than cancelling.
  • With Navigation Lock enabled, dragging a folder to the tab bar to make a new tab would result in the two tabs opening on the same side rather than one on each side of the Lister.
  • With Navigation Lock enabled, alt-clicking the back button would open a new tab for the parent on the source side but not the destination.
  • Comments, ratings and tags set for folders were not copied correctly even though Opus was set to copy file metadata.
  • Functions like Set FOCUS=Dest that change the source/destination file displays now cause the function to reevaluate its windows/paths for subsequent commands.
  • The file display will no longer take the focus after a directory read is complete if the focus has been specifically given to another Lister element (like a toolbar field).

New in Directory Opus Beta (Jan 11, 2013)

  • New features:
  • Added an option to Preferences / Display / Options to configure a custom title for all Listers (the custom title will be overridden if the new Set LISTERTITLE command is used). The custom title string can use the same tokens (%P, %N, etc) as Set LISTERTITLE. Also added new %D and %M tokens for custom titles to insert the path and folder name of the destination folder.
  • Added an sub-option for the Preferences / Folder Tree / Options / Collapse non-selected branches setting to only collapse branches if they're not currently open in another tab.
  • Added the Go TABSWAP command to swap a tab in the left-hand file display with one in the right. By default the two currently active tabs are swapped, but you can specify the tab indices if desired (e.g. Go TABSWAP=0,0 to swap the two left-most tabs).
  • The Go TABMOVE command (which moves a tab from one file display to the other) can now specify the position to place the moved tab to, rather than always positioning it at the end. You can specify an absolute position, -1 to indicate the same relative position, and -2 to position the moved tab to the right of the currently active tab. You can also optionally have the moved tab become active - for example, Go TABMOVE=-2,active would move the active tab in the source file display to the destination, position it to the right of the currently active tab, and then make the moved tab active.
  • Added a new option for the Clipboard COPYNAMES command, capsemantics. This makes the command behave like the Windows Copy as path context menu command - all paths are quoted, irrespective of spaces.
  • Improved the handling of small .ico files in thumbnails mode. Icon files now show the dimensions of their largest image as part of their thumbnail labels, and .ico files are now treated as proper images in all cases which means higher quality scaling when generating thumbnails of high resolution icons.
  • Added the option thumb_48x48_icons to Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced. This makes thumbnails look good for icons which only have 48x48 pixel versions. The downside is that icons which only have 32x32 or smaller versions will look worse. The manual discusses the trade-offs in this option in more detail.
  • When pasting data from the clipboard into a new file, Opus now prioritizes text over image data if the clipboard data looks like it came from Excel. This means that now if you copy cells from Excel and paste them into Opus, you'll get the text from the cells, and not a screenshot of them. In other cases Opus still prefers image data over text. The Clipboard PASTE command now has PREFERIMAGE and PREFERTEXT arguments to override both behaviors.
  • MTP changes:
  • Added a default folder format for MTP paths (applies to mtp://device/storage/ and below).
  • Added the option mtp_enable to Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced, which allows native MTP support to be disabled if desired.
  • The mtp_use_thumbnails advanced option has been removed for the moment, as this caused some problems which it is not possible to address at this time.
  • If reading the root of an MTP device returns no items, Opus will now show a warning prompting you to check the device is unlocked.
  • Bug fixes:
  • The context menu in the "Search for" field in the Duplicates Finder now says Add File / Remove File rather than Add / Remove Folder.
  • Made some changes to improve performance when the user has lots (hundreds/thousands) of file collections.
  • Fixed crashes when loading very large PSB (Photoshop) images.
  • Fixed a bug with the Go TABMOVE command that could leave the moved tab positioned to the right of the New Tab button in the other file display.
  • Login details are no longer included when using Edit -> Copy Full Pathnames and similar commands on FTP sites.
  • The standard Windows Copy as path now works correctly under Windows 8.

New in Directory Opus Beta (Jan 4, 2013)

  • The original version of this beta had a bug that would crash Opus if you have it set to load a Lister Layout on startup. This is now fixed

New in Directory Opus Beta (Jan 3, 2013)

  • Embedded functions for new Listers:
  • It is now possible, when opening a new Lister or layout, to "embed" a function that will be executed in the context of the new Lister. Previously it was difficult to reliably open a new Lister and then run commands that affected that new Lister from the one function, and solutions usually resorted to kludges involving dopusrt.exe.
  • Custom titles for Listers:
  • It is now possible to assign your own custom titles to Listers. Titles are assigned via a command, and will be remembered when saved and re-loaded as a Layout.
  • Information tokens for custom Folder Tab names:
  • You can use the %P, %N and %R control tokens shown above when assigning custom names for Folder Tabs as well. For example, you might set the name of a tab to Thumb: %N if you wanted to indicate a tab that you always used for thumbnails mode.
  • MTP changes:
  • Adding MTP files to a collection (including via the Find tool) now displays the correct file names.
  • It is now possible to create folder formats for mtp:// and mtp://device folders, that override the default MTP format in the System category.
  • The Index column is now available in the mtp:// root folder.
  • Fixed problem with drag-and-drop within the Folder Tree (e.g. dragging one folder into another now works correctly).
  • The Undo list now shows correct file names for changes on MTP devices.
  • Drag-and-drop to the Folder Tree from the file display now works correctly.
  • With the tree set to start at Computer, navigating to an MTP device no longer causes it to re-root to the desktop.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed ".part01.rar" and ".part001.rar" archives being extracted into folders which included the ".part..." part of the extension.
  • The Copy UPDATEALL command will no longer modify the timestamps of pre-existing folders if nothing within the folder needed to be copied.
  • MP3 files tagged as 4 stars in Explorer (and other tools) now show as 4 stars in Opus too.
  • Dragging a folder from the file display border, Lister window icon, breadcrumbs field and folder tabs to the Duplicates Finder now correctly adds the folder to the list of paths to search.
  • Fixed problem with @keydown buttons that meant if they disable when a qualifier key is pressed, they could incorrectly remain disabled after the qualifier key was released.
  • The FILTER argument for the Print FOLDER command did not correctly turn on the Use Filter checkbox.

New in Directory Opus Beta (Dec 14, 2012)

  • MTP changes:
  • The folder tree now fully supports MTP devices
  • Context menus now work for files on MTP devices
  • Drag & drop (and copy & paste) from an MTP device in Opus to Explorer now works
  • The Properties command now works on MTP items
  • The mtp:// root folder, and mtp://device folder now provide columns to show free and used space on the default, and a default folder format has been added to turn these on by default
  • The SetAttr command can now modify timestamps on MTP files although this is dependent on the device supporting the action
  • The status bar will now show free/used disk space for MTP devices
  • A function like Copy {file$} TO ... will now copy the file with its real name when copying from an MTP device.
  • Fixed problems with incorrect filenames being used in recursive copy/moves from MTP devices.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the Prefs.oxc config file to not be saved to disk immediately after a brand new install of the software - instead, the file would not be saved until you actually edited Preferences for the first time. This meant Explorer Replacement wouldn't work properly when Opus wasn't running.
  • Shift-right clicking the Computer entry in the tree and choosing the Root Tree Here command now works correctly.
  • If the folder tree is set to start at Computer (or anywhere other than the Desktop), and the Collections and Libraries folders are configured to display under the Desktop item, the tree did not correctly re-root itself to show these folders when navigating to them in the file display.
  • The Preferences Backup & Restore dialog no longer locks the Lister it is launched from.
  • Running a duplicates file search with the Automatically add group column option turned on in Preferences could in some cases end up with the file display's column header being out of alignment with the columns themselves.
  • Fixed display in the Customize / Keys list of Ctrl-A and similar hotkeys when the input language is set to Russian (or presumably to any language that doesn't have those keys on the keyboard).
  • Added exception handling around calls to third-party IFilters, which are called by the Find function to search for text in non-plain text files. •Fixed a bug where moving a .zip file (or other supported archive file) into a library would copy+delete the file instead of moving via rename.

New in Directory Opus Beta (Dec 6, 2012)

  • MTP changes:
  • Fixed problems that were preventing MTP support from working under Windows XP.
  • Thumbnails are now forced to be synchronous (since MTP devices only support reading from one file at once), and file reading performance has been increased.
  • Also added a new Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced option (mtp_use_thumbnails) to enable/disable the use of the dedicated thumbnail stream (if provided by the device).
  • Fixed issues with drag & drop and copy/paste copies using the wrong filename for the copied files.
  • We now show the modified date for the creation date and vice versa if the device only provides one of these.
  • Miscellaneous new features:
  • The Customize dialog now remembers which state the search field was set to on the Keys tab (either filtering by keys or by function).
  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed problem on Windows 8 where double-clicking an unregistered filetype would open the Sync center.
  • Rename was incorrectly disabled in the native My Computer display.
  • Fixed crash when closing a file display via the close button in its last tab (introduced in

New in Directory Opus Beta (Dec 4, 2012)

  • Native support for MTP devices (initial experimental version):
  • This beta introduces experimental native support for MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) devices (e.g. mobile phones, cameras, tablets, etc.). MTP devices are accessed in Opus with the new mtp:// URL-like syntax. You can also access them through My Computer simply by double-clicking on the device icon. Please note that due to the beta nature of this release, some MTP related functions are not yet implemented or complete (such as context menus, folder tree support and secondary file commands like SetAttr). Copying files to and from devices, renaming, viewing images and thumbnails are all working, however.
  • Miscellaneous new features:
  • Added a new option to display rating stars overlaid on thumbnails (Preferences / File Display Modes / Thumbnails / Overlay rating).
  • Opus now displays folder thumbnails (when not using the shell to generate them) as CD covers if the folder is marked as "music" via desktop.ini (e.g. using the Customize tab on the Properties dialog to mark it as a Music folder), irrespective of its other contents. Previously the CD cover would only be used if the folder contained more than a certain number of music files.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed bug introduced in the previous beta where you could not skip or abort a delete operation that ran into a locked file.
  • After changing tabs with the Go TABSELECT command the Lister is now redrawn immediately (so that a repeating hotkey to cycle through tabs lets you see the tabs as they go past).
  • Fixed a cosmetic issue with the tree path highlighting option when not using Vista/Win7 style for the tree.
  • With file extensions hidden, the Position cursor before extension option for inline rename did not work with filenames with a dot in the name.
  • The Print FOLDER=selected command would incorrectly display the dialog once for each selected item.
  • Fixed a couple of problems with archive files inside of libraries (the viewer pane did not work on files in the archives, and thumbnails inside the archives were also broken).
  • The option to add menus to the desktop context menu did not work if Opus wasn't running (this bug was introduced in the beta).
  • With the Switch to existing tab if already open tree option turned on, if a locked tab had been changed and then an already open folder selected in the tree, the original tab was not correctly reset to its locked folder.
  • Fixed a few problems when clicking on folder tabs
  • Clicking the active tab in a non-active Lister no longer goes into inline rename.
  • Clicking the active destination tab in a dual-display Lister no longer goes into inline rename.
  • Clicking a tab on the destination side of an inactive dual-display Lister now correctly switches the source/destination sides (previously it would quickly switch and then switch back again)
  • When double-clicking a word (or using Ctrl+Shift+Right to select the next word) in inline rename mode, the selection no longer includes the final dot (between the stem and the extension).

New in Directory Opus Beta (Nov 28, 2012)

  • New features and minor changes:
  • Added an option to the File Operations / Metadata page in Preferences to automatically save changes in the meta panel. Also added a checkbox to the Metapane's title bar which lets you toggle this flag on or off without having to go through Preferences.
  • Slave tabs are now indicated visually with an italicised label.
  • When clicking on a folder tab, holding various control keys down can now modify the linking state of the tab
  • Control-click a tab to link/unlink it to the active tab in the other file display.
  • Control+Shift- click can be used to toggle slave mode on and off.
  • Shift-click when clicking a linked tab now overrides the linking behaviour (stops its partner coming to the front or changing folder).
  • In conjunction with Go TABGROUPLOAD, the OPENINDUAL argument can now be used to control the orientation when loading a specific-sides tab group.
  • (e.g. Go TABGROUPLOAD=moo OPENINDUAL=vert).
  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixes relating to folder tabs
  • Fixed tabs not being unlinked correctly in a few cases.
  • Fixed some problems with the new tab group editor Preferences UI introduced in the previous beta, and the way Specific Sides groups are handled.
  • Fixed some issues with the folder tab group editor under XP.
  • In the previous beta, the folder tab overflow menu could open on the wrong monitor if the window was maximized on the left-hand monitor of a multi-monitor system.
  • When dragging a file display out to form a new Lister
  • In dual display mode, all tabs are now moved to the new Lister, and the file display is closed.
  • In single display mode, the active tab is moved to the new Lister, but all other tabs remain.
  • In single display mode with only one tab, the tab is replicated in the new Lister.
  • Improved the processing of slave tabs. We now try to calculate the relative difference (parent, child or sibling) between the old and new paths in all cases and apply the same change to the slave path.
  • If two linked tabs are both locked, when the master returns to its home directory (e.g. when the tab is clicked) the slave now goes back to its own home dir rather than that of the master.
  • Clicking an already active tab will no longer cause its linked+slaved tab to change folder.
  • Go NEW in conjunction with TABGROUPLOAD was broken (did nothing).
  • Fixed pairs of linked, mutual-slave tabs with different folders having the right tab set to the left tab's folder when loading Folder Tab Groups, Layouts, etc.
  • While dragging folder tabs, extra window icons appeared on the taskbar.
  • Cycling through the next/previous tabs now wraps around when the New Tab button is enabled.
  • Fixed issue with new FAYT tab search mode where the popup list was not the right height on XP (or as it turned out, on Win7 with different fonts).
  • Added ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED to the default error codes that will trigger UNC authentication when attempting to read a network path.
  • Fix rendering issue with tree path highlight when visual styles for items was disabled.
  • With the Folder Tree set to full-row selection, middle-click events still required you to click the actual labels and would be ignored on the rest of the row.
  • Made a change to hopefully improve performance of the folder tree when processing a large number of filesystem change events.
  • Added Windows-key hotkey trapping for most new system hotkeys in Windows 8. Changed the default hotkey for opening a new Lister to Win+Shift+E, since in Win8 we can't trap Win+O any more. On a Win8 system we also remap existing Win+O hotkeys to the new key.
  • If file extensions are hidden, inline rename on a filename with a dot in its stem (e.g. moo.cow.text) no longer treats the text after the dot (.cow) as the extension when selecting the name in the rename field.
  • Duplicate Finder changes/fixes
  • Using the numbered groups option now correctly starts numbering from 1 rather than showing seemingly random group numbers.
  • Duplicate groups are now sorted using the sort criteria for the Lister itself.
  • The "Change Configuration Mode" command in the Preferences/File menu was broken
  • The drop-down tree control (used in the Find and Duplicate Find tools) was not quite wide enough in some cases.
  • Clipboard COPYNAMES no longer reverses whether or not it includes full paths when the Shift key is held down. If you wanted that (undocumented) feature, you can get it back by using the @keydown modifier in the command.
  • Using Flat View with layouts, folder tabs, etc. no longer overrides the folder format saved with the layouts, tabs, etc. with the Flat View folder format.
  • Modified Set FONTSCALE to use 100 as a baseline rather than 0 (0 still works as a reset though). This means that, for example, you would use Set FONTSCALE=120 to make the font 120% of normal size rather than Set FONTSCALE=20.
  • Recent changes to the extension column meant files without a file extension would show as in the "Extensions (dir)" column.
  • Thumbnails of icon files did not work other than in normal folders (e.g. inside a zip file).
  • Fixes relating to copying timestamps
  • Copy COPYTIME=no COPYDIRDATES=no COPYCREATIONTIME=yes will now copy the creation timestamps of files and folders while skipping the other timestamps. Previously, the CREATIONTIME argument was ignored when the command was not told to set times, but now it can override things.
  • Tidied up the Copy command argument names and documentation for overriding which timestamps are copied. COPYTIMES is now COPYFILETIMES, COPYDIRDATES is now COPYDIRTIMES, and their interaction with COPYCREATIONTIME is now made clearer. The old names still work, to avoid breaking existing commands, but will not be listed in the command editor or manual.
  • Copies to and from plugin archives now preserve or ignore file and folder timestamps respecting the full set of possible overrides.

New in Directory Opus (Jul 5, 2012)

  • It was not possible to adjust times by a negative number of minutes (less than one hour) using the SetAttr META command.

New in Directory Opus Beta (May 21, 2012)

  • New features and minor changes:
  • Added the option of using non-buffered IO for file copying. Currently this has to be enabled by specifying a threshold value for Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced / copy_nonbuffer_threshold (it defaults to 0 which means disable). Non-buffered IO can also be controlled on a per-function basis with the new NONBUFIO parameter for the Copy command.
  • Added NOAUTORUN argument to Find command to allow the find panel to be opened with a specified name, location and filter but without actually starting the find.
  • The @confirm command modifier now supports \n for embedded line breaks.
  • Added escnl modifier for {filepath} and similar codes, to escape \n sequences that might appear in the paths. This is mainly useful when using {filepath} as the message text in a {dlgstring} dialog.
  • Added an option to the Preferences / Folders / Folder Behaviour / Prevent automatic loading... section to prevent automatic loading of powered-down drives.
  • There is now a separate image_size_units setting, distinct from image_res_units (in Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced). For example, you can have resolution in DPI and physical sizes in centimetres.
  • Added option to Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts for a separate "destination" folder tree color (i.e. the tree that is linked to the destination file display).
  • The folder alias system now supports accessing drives by their volume label, using /$ (e.g. /$Backup/ would refer to a drive labeled Backup).
  • Added Preferences / Zip & Other Archives / Zip Files / Set archive date to date of newest file within it option. When enabled, the last modified timestamp of a Zip archive will automatically be set to the time of the newest file within the archive.
  • When in Tiles mode with thumbnails enabled, thumbnails can now be displayed in popup InfoTips as well, provided the image in the infotip is significantly larger than the image displayed in tile.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed problem when synchronizing with the root of a library.
  • Fixed unnecessary query of target folder when dragging a file over a non-active folder tab (prevents powered-down drives from spinning up and blocking the user interface).
  • Fixed problem with metadata for WMA, AVI and font files not working correctly in libraries.
  • The "My Computer" free-space bar-graphs were broken/invisible on Windows XP.
  • Fixed problem with file timestamps not being copied correctly (or rather, copied and then reverted back to the current time) when copying files across a network.
  • Improved file change update speed. (Should improve perceived responsiveness of functions like Rename, Copy, etc.)
  • Fixed problems with file selection changing, focus being lost, or focused item not being visible, at the end of an inline rename operation.
  • The BitLocker password prompt was not being triggered properly for a locked, fixed drives (only for removeable disks).
  • In Thumbnails mode, the shift-select starting point was not updated when a new file was pasted into the folder.
  • Creating a shortcut by dropping a server (e.g. \\SERVER) from the Network folder to a local folder now works.
  • Multiple delete commands on a button now display a separate confirmation dialog for each command.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Unknown file types" file type could incorrectly affect a shortcut pointing to a network share.
  • The right-click drag&drop menu displayed for items from the Network folder did not dismiss correctly when clicking outside of the menu.
  • Fixed bug with drops to folder tabs for system namespace folders (e.g. the recycle bin) not working correctly.
  • Archives plugin updated to handle command-line syntax change in WinRAR 4.20 beta 1.
  • Fixed problem where the owner of a file was not correctly copied (assuming the option to do so was on in Preferences).
  • The left folder tree was a pixel or two too thin after swapping the left and right sides of a dual-display lister.
  • cbr and cb7 extensions are no longer excluded from the Archives filetype group. (You can still remove them manually if you wish, e.g. so that double-clicking those formats opens them in a dedicated Comic Book viewer.) If you're upgrading from, the extensions will still be excluded and the quickest way to add them is via Preferences / Zip & Other Archives / Archive and VFS Plugins: Turn off the cbr and cb7 types, click Apply, then turn them back on and click Apply again.
  • Set COLUMNSTOGGLE buttons that specified the column position and width did not correctly appear as checked when the column was turned on.
  • Fixed flickering selection background if you dragged a folder from outside of Opus and then moved it over itself in an Opus window which was displaying its parent folder.
  • When saving a layout, the current layout's name was not used automatically if the layout had been loaded via the Settings->Lister Layouts menu.
  • Double-click on a softlink to a .exe file now works correctly.
  • Fixed the text/hex viewer blocking deletion of files, or triggering a UAC prompt, in some circumstances. (Files larger than 2MB, not using the recycle bin.)
  • Fixed problem with Comic-Book Thumbnails not working in libraries.
  • Fixed right-hand side of breadcrumbs path field not always repainting properly when Lock the Toolbars was toggled.
  • Nested archives now work, as well as nested archives work in Opus at all, within archives handled by the Multi-Format Archives plugin. If you double-click a nested archive it will be extracted to temp, and you'll then open the temp archive. Any changes to it will still be thrown away, the same as archives nested within zip files. (This is about things like zip files inside rar files. This is unrelated to *.tar.* nested archives which the plugin has always explicitly supported, treating them as a single unit and allowing updates.)
  • {filepath|noterm} now works for files as well as folders. In most cases you'd simply use {file} to get just the name, but {filepath|noterm} is useful if you need folder names to have a backslash at the end, which doesn't happen with {file}.
  • The quick filter (filter bar / FAYT) now supports patterns beginning with ~ (to negate) even when partial machine is enabled (e.g. ~.exe will show all but .exe files).

New in Directory Opus (Apr 25, 2012)

  • The timestamps of copied files were not properly preserved if the copied file had associated metadata (ratings, tags, comment, etc) that was also copied
  • The "Select previous folder when going up" option now really only applies to Go UP, and not whenever the new folder happens to be the parent of the old one
  • Fixed bug that could cause the progress dialog’s percentage complete to be miscalculated

New in Directory Opus (Mar 2, 2012)

  • Fix for problems recursively creating directories on network shares which return a non-standard error value when checking the share root itself. This could prevent Opus from running at all if the user-profile was on a UNC path pointing at such a server.
  • Styles which change folder and set columns would not properly enable the new columns if the starting location was My Computer.

New in Directory Opus (Sep 9, 2011)

  • The new Opus 10 help file (manual) is now complete and is included with
  • Google Desktop Search support was broken
  • With the copy queue enabled, Copy AS / Move AS now asks for new filenames (or rename pattern) when the operation is queued rather than when the job starts running
  • Automated Find commands (those that use both NAME and IN arguments to automate the Find function) no longer inherit the previous settings of the Find dialog
  • SetAttr META * no longer modifies the file timestamps if this is disabled in Preferences
  • The Folder Options Save For All Folders + Layouts & Folder Tabs command did not correctly update folder tab groups
  • Prefs PAGE=imageshack now opens the correct page
  • Fixed problem where only the first file would be extracted from a zip file when the contents of the archive were dropped on the desktop
  • Fixed problem where metadata added to PDF files generated by GhostScript would not be recognised in other programs

New in Directory Opus (Jun 17, 2011)

  • Clicking files in Go FOLDERCONTENT menus now has the same effect as double-clicking them in the file display. (Previously it was usually the same but not always.)
  • BOM now displayed in description field for .txt files irrespective of their Content Type.
  • Text in replace dialog when copying folders out of ZIP files now wraps correctly.
  • Fix for FTP connection timeouts on some servers that don't support OPTS MLST commands.
  • Resetting the Preferences/Thumbnails page moved all the controls up each time.
  • Improved 'Windows Search not installed' warning on XP machines that don't have WS installed.

New in Directory Opus Beta (Jun 10, 2011)

  • Note: The 'don't sort new files' option has been moved from the Advanced options page back to File Operations / Options
  • Adding or modifying a wildcard label assignment in File and Folder Colors now properly refreshes the folder tree
  • Fixed a case where if you deleted your current folder and were moved back to the parent, the parent folder would remain in the history list (so clicking Back then took you nowhere)
  • Made some changes to NavLock where it will try to get itself back in sync automatically in some cases
  • Rename Script output no longer appears in the FTP 'All Activity' log
  • Added Locate in Google Earth as a default command on the Images filetype group context menu.
  • Also made it so Image LOCATE buttons are hidden if GE is not installed.
  • Fixed crash in Customize when clearing the hotkey from a floating toolbar button via the Keys page
  • "Toolbar POS=mouse" was broken.
  • If Windows Search is not installed on Windows XP, Opus now reports this when trying to perform a search
  • If New -> xxx (folder etc) is used and filters are in force that would normally hide the new item, it is now shown so the inline rename can proceed. If the item doesn't match the filter after the inline rename is finished, it will be hidden.
  • Fixed problem where the 'Undo All Changes' toolbar context menu could leave orphaned/cloned location/search fields on toolbar
  • Viewer Panel now remembers when Zoom Size was set to Grow to Page last time it was used
  • Fixed redraw problem when collapsing tree item containing current selection
  • Lister layouts now restore their windows in a fixed order, ensuring consistent window order on the taskbar each time the same layout is opened.
  • When the destination is a writeable CD, {destpath} will usually map to the CD-burning temp folder. You can now add @nolocalizefiles to the command to prevent this and have {destpath} map to the CD itself, for the rare situations where you need that (e.g. when opening a new window for the current folders).
  • Fixed scrolling the utility pane along one axis resetting the scroll position of the other axis.
  • Fixed potential crash in File Collections when fields like Description were enabled
  • Using Copy To / Move To in the standalone Viewer no longer causes focus to be lost (breaking keyboard input)
  • Fixed problem where tree item would lose its expand/collapse box when it only has temporary items below it
  • Fixed problem where refresh when in archive would boot you to the parent folder if archives not normally shown in tree
  • Tree now respects label colors for drive-letter roots.
  • Zip SFX was checking for wrong size maximum zip file
  • Zip folder format was not applied for archives within libraries.
  • Search results collections (from Windows Search) are now shown properly in the tree if the tree doesn't start from the Desktop
  • Now respects the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\link value to disable the "- Shortcut" suffix on new shortcuts
  • The option for "User Profile folder" in the tree now works under Vista as well as Win7
  • Fixed potential crash when accessing NFS shares via drive buttons
  • "Go TABGROUPLIST=icons" was generating buttons with the wrong icon names, resulting in smiley-face placeholder icons instead of tab icons (unless you still had an old icon-set installed).
  • Fixed (Win)RAR progress dialog showing bogus byte-counts that were really percentages ("50 bytes / 100 bytes")
  • Fixed crash from image metadata when GPS tags stored in XMP format
  • Fixed problems creating 7z(etc.) archives due to an error introduced in
  • Thumbnail size would go to minimum if you used a command like "Show THUMBNAILSIZE +32" to adjust the size relative to its current value in a lister where the size had not been adjusted before.
  • Viewer now updates its window position properly if you move it, then switch it to full-screen and then close it.
  • Before it would not update its saved position at all if closed while full-screen.
  • Now it remembers the position it would have used had it been toggled out of full-screen mode.
  • This way, if you move the viewer to another monitor and full-screen it, it will open on that monitor the next time; you don't have to exit full-screen first to save the change.
  • Note: This does not mean the viewer will be full-screen next time you open it; that's still a separate option in Prefs. Just means your non-full-screen size/placement changes are not ignored if you happen to close it when it's full-screen.
  • Fixed checkbox positioning in Power/Details modes when icons were turned off.
  • Fixed checkbox positioning in List and Small Icon modes, especially with themed items.
  • Fixed List-mode checkboxes not painting properly (e.g. when toggled) when themed items were disabled.

New in Directory Opus (May 3, 2011)

  • File copying:
  • File Copy Queue. Queue copy jobs either explicitly (to a named queue) or automatically based on the source and destination paths.
  • Unattended' File Copies. For long file copies, tell Opus what to do if any errors occur, then leave it without worrying about the operation stopping part-way through to ask you a question.
  • Improved progress dialog.
  • Windows 7 features:
  • Jump-list support. Place any command, folder, FTP site, layout, etc. on the Opus jump-list.
  • Taskbar progress indicators.
  • Native' Opus display of Libraries.
  • The option (on by default) to show the 'shared folder' overlay. (Microsoft took it away from Windows 7, lots of people complained, so Directory Opus brings it back!)
  • Opus is flagged DPI aware and all known issues with DPI-scaling have been addressed.
  • Support for 'static' folder commands and context menus. e.g. 'Create New Virtual Machine' added by VirtualPC.
  • Vista and Windows 7 features:
  • Explorer-style folder thumbnails, and more support for huge icons in thumbnails mode. (A few items still use small icons; full support didn't quite make the cut but will be added in the first update.)
  • Support for newer thumbnail APIs. (Mainly important for PDF thumbnails.)
  • Hardware-accelerated transition animations when you change folders. (Requires DWM/Aero Glass.)
  • The built-in Command Prompt Here function has a new option to open a UAC-elevated prompt, also with a red background (by default) to help it stand out.
  • For all Windows versions:
  • Native' Opus display of virtual folders like Desktop, My Computer, and CD Burning.
  • The Libraries concept isn't just for Windows 7 anymore. Opus provides an emulation of Libraries for Windows XP and Windows Vista users.
  • Support for Windows Search, including a new toolbar search field for instant indexed searching.
  • When using UNC network paths, the built-in Command Prompt Here function can now be used. Opus will automatically map a drive letter to the current UNC path, then unmap it later when it is no longer needed. Finally, you can conveniently use the Windows command prompt with UNC paths!
  • Archives:
  • Improved Zip support, adding Unicode, AES encryption, 4GB+ archive sizes, Self-Extracting Zips, multi-volume archives, speed increases and more.
  • New support for 7z, TAR, BZip2, GZip, Z, ARJ, CAB and several other archive formats, without requiring any additional software. The key formats all support archive creation as well as extraction (even within .tar.gzip files; they are re-compressed on-the-fly).
  • Improved support for RAR, including the ability to create and modify RAR archives within Opus if you have WinRAR installed. (Extraction can still be done without WinRAR, of course.)
  • New support for disc images, including .ISO and .WIM.
  • Metadata editing:
  • A new metadata panel shows you MP3 tags, EXIF data and document properties in addition to generic file attributes, tags, ratings and descriptions for the selected file or files.
  • Make changes to one or more files without leaving the lister. (You can also open the metadata editor as a separate window, detached from the lister.)
  • Buttons and hotkeys can also set metadata using new commands.
  • You can now search for files using tags and ratings.
  • Much-improved folder tree:
  • Better performance with network drives.
  • Better behaviour with hidden folders.
  • Better behaviour with virtual folders.
  • Support for FTP/SSH and the new archive formats in the folder tree.
  • More control over what is shown in the tree, including the option to hide empty drives (on by default).
  • A choice of horizontal scrolling modes, including the modes used by XP, Vista and Windows 7 and one more.
  • You can change what happens when you click items in the tree with different mouse buttons.
  • A button is provided to jump to the current folder (if you had scrolled it out of view).
  • You can hide the tree header (top border).
  • And more... (See the detailed list.)
  • FTP / SSH:
  • Works in the folder tree (as mentioned above)
  • You can also see your FTP bookmarks in the main file display.
  • Improved FTP proxy support, including SOCKS4/SOCKS5.
  • Improved FTP logging support.
  • Image viewer:
  • New Grow to Page mode will enlarge as well as reduce images to fit the window/screen. The old Fit to Page mode, which only reduces, is still available.
  • Next/Previous image lists are now populated when the viewer is launched from outside of Opus.
  • Screensaver and sleep are disabled during movie playback and slideshows.
  • Image format support:
  • Improved Photoshop (PSD) support, including 32-bpp/96-bpp and indexed images.
  • Targa (TGA) alpha channels, 16-bpp and indexed images.
  • TIFF alpha channels.
  • Updated raw camera support will be included in the next update.)
  • Improved audio tags & cover-art thumbnail support:
  • iTunes AAC (M4A and M4P) tags & cover-art.
  • Ogg Vorbis and FLAC cover-art (in addition to existing tag support).
  • Speex (SPX) tags.
  • Monkey's Audio (APE) tags.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • New Filter Bar to improve the UI for real-time filtering. (Type * into the file display, then a pattern.)
  • File Grouping. (e.g. Group files by size or date.)
  • Non-modal error messages. (e.g. No more having to click OK if you accidentally select an empty drive.)
  • Inline progress displays. (e.g. No separate progress window while connecting to an FTP site.)
  • Better visual feedback during drag & drop.
  • You can now set persistent highlights on specific files and folders (not just folders anymore), including re-coloring any file's icon to make it stand out.
  • Improved Navigation Lock, works with all navigation events.
  • Auto-Select previous folder when you Go Up.
  • The option to include a '..' parent item. (We said we'd never do it... We changed our minds!)
  • Better 'Go FolderContent' menus.
  • Wildcard folder formats allow you to assign formats to files by name or type (e.g. *.zip) as well as assign different formats to different levels in a folder hierarchy (e.g. in a music folder, have the Artists folders use thumbnails while the Album folders below all use Details).
  • Image Converter now has a NOLOSSLESS argument to force re-compression of the image even if a lossless rotation is possible (e.g. because you want to reduce the file size/quality and don't actually want a lossless rotation).
  • Image Converter can now reset EXIF rotation tags in JPEG files.
  • New update checker. Less intrusive, supports SOCKS HTTP proxies and can automatically download new versions for you (or just alert you like it did before, if you prefer).
  • New default toolbars which make it easier to find more functionality without having to know Opus inside-out.
  • All-new toolbar icons in a Vista/Win7 style. (The old XP-style icons are also included and updated.)
  • Many cosmetic tweaks as well as the ability to customize a few more things (e.g. panel border colors and fonts).

New in Directory Opus (Oct 14, 2010)

  • Fixed crash that could occur if the Set SORTBY function was called with a column that wasn’t currently displayed.
  • Drag & drop of attachments from Outlook to a folder tab now works correctly
  • Fixed problem with slide-out back/forwards buttons where they would not notice the mouse was no longer over them if the mouse moved during the slide animation
  • Fixed the Go command’s OPENINDEST argument so that it will use an existing destination Lister if the current Lister is not a dual-display one.
  • Fix for the ‘Open in Directory Opus’ folder context menu item not working in Windows 7 if Explorer Replacement mode was disabled in some cases. This also fixes the ‘Open folder to view files in Directory Opus’ AutoPlay option if Explorer Replacement mode disabled.
  • Fixed crash when using the Print Folder command without any printers installed (or with print service disabled)
  • Fixed problem that prevented custom Folder Colors from working reliably in the tree
  • If two or more files on an FTP site were selected and 'Open' chosen from the context menu, they would in some cases be downloaded and opened multiple times.
  • New FTP Proxy for USER: user@proxy_user@host and PASS: password@proxy_password
  • Fix for FTP sites that claim to support UTF-8 but return non-UTF-8 encoded directory listings

New in Directory Opus (Aug 28, 2010)

  • Fixed dialog font issue on Japanese systems.
  • Fix for bug on x64 systems that could prevent the Smart Favorites being saved correctly if Opus was still running on system shutdown.
  • Fixed inconsistent sorting of network drives in the Folder Tree.
  • Fix for TGA plugin being too strict and failing to display some images.
  • Fixed occasional crash in the Preferences Filter page.
  • Fix for 'Open With' not setting the correct current directory when used on a network drive.
  • FTP – Fixed issue with supporting Resume for servers that fail FEAT response.

New in Directory Opus (Jun 3, 2010)

  • Added move_netshare_semantics advanced Preferences option to work around a problem moving folders caused by PGP Netshare.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if you dragged a file over a sub-folder on an ftp site, and hovered there while a copy to that same site was in progress.
  • Fixed a problem when trying to inline-rename a file or folder whose original name contains an environment variable
  • Fixed a problem with the @set command directive that would stop {dlgstring} working correctly with {file} as the default value unless prefixed with @runonce
  • The timestamp of a file with NTFS ADS properties is now correctly preserved when the file is copied
  • ActiveX: Prevents the Syntax-Colored Source preview handler from handling .url files by default. If that handler is installed the plugin will still send .url files to a web browser unless explicitly configured not to
  • Now supports alpha channels from 16-bit TIFF images
  • Added tiff_assume_alpha advanced Preferences flag to force alpha on TIFF images which have a 4th channel but don’t specify its meaning
  • Fixed a problem that could cause a crash when editing the defined filter in the Print Folder dialog.
  • Fixed a problem that caused the Folder Tree to fail to expand the Desktop branch with a particular combination of settings.
  • The FILTER argument for the Print FOLDER command now works correctly.
  • If two or more single file-display Listers were open, the Go DUALPATH command used to cause the folder in the destination Lister to change, instead of setting the source Lister into dual-display mode.
  • Improved support for the Recorded TV start menu link in Windows 7
  • The Rename command could not move files when the source folder was a file collection.
  • If a rename script fails, the rename operation is now aborted.
  • Added support for transparent (alpha-channel) TIFF images

New in Directory Opus (Mar 17, 2010)

  • Fixed a problem that could cause the tree to refresh unnecessarily, which occasionally would cause a folder change in the Lister.
  • Fixed a problem with the Automatically calculate folder sizes option not working if the relative size on disk column was also enabled. Also fixed errors in calculating relative size on disk bar graph in some situations.
  • Fixed a problem that could prevent a search from completing when searching certain malformed UTF-8 files.
  • Improved support for the Folder Sharing context menu on Windows 7
  • Fixed a problem with SFTP where connecting to one site when already connected to another site could try to login with the wrong password
  • Fix for crash when using the ‘Set as Desktop Wallpaper’ context menu item in Windows 7
  • Fix for crash when using the Rename command with “ ” in the command parameters
  • Fixed problem with using the file display border ‘Open this folder in the other side’ button when used with a folder tab called ‘root’.
  • FTP - Fixed issue with identifying a site that supports Resume.
  • When Opus writes filenames to a DOS batch file (via a DOS batch-mode button), it now uses the codepage specified by the @codepage directive (if any) rather than the ANSI codepage.
  • The Delete command with the NORECYCLE and QUIET arguments no longer skips any remaining sub-folder contents if a file is unable to be deleted – it will continue deleting any files within the sub-folder that it can.
  • Fixed a problem that could occasionally prevent the Folder Tree from expanding to display the source folder when a Lister is first opened

New in Directory Opus (Jan 11, 2010)

  • Fixed a problem introduced in the previous version that could cause a crash when the content type system was activated.
  • Improved file date comparison in synchronize (particularly with the Ignore seconds option enabled)
  • Improved support for display of 256x256 .ICO files
  • Single locked tabs are now respected in the Default Lister or layouts (previously the lock state would be lost unless multiple tabs were configured)
  • Numeric sorting rules are now applied to custom fields so fields like the Tortoise SVN Revision field will sort correctly
  • Fixed scrollbar calculation problem in List mode that could result in weird behaviour depending on the size of the Lister
  • Fixed problem with {allfile} command sequence when filename contains multiple periods
  • Fixed support for PowerArchiver drag&drop menu
  • Fix for duplicate entries appearing in the Open With menu in some situations
  • Fix for buffer overflow in Raw plugin's config dialog
  • Fixed problem that could cause slow copy speeds to removable disks
  • Added support for additional file extensions to the CD jewel case thumbnail rendering (added .oga, .fla, .wv, .m4a, .m4p, .ape and .mpc)

New in Directory Opus (Dec 4, 2009)

  • Several Windows 7 compatibility improvements:
  • Explorer Replacement mode stopped Safely Remove / Eject device from working correctly.
  • Explorer Replacement can now trap the Open command from the context menu of a folder in the Start Menu.
  • Adding the Virtual Machines folder to the Explorer Replacement exclusion list now correctly prevents that folder from being trapped. Opus also adds this folder to the list by default now.
  • Fixed a problem with some context menu items not acting correctly when multiple files are selected (e.g. Windows Media Player - Play and Queue commands now work correctly with multiple files).
  • The SendTo context menu is now compatible with Windows 7 (including when the shift key is held down).
  • The option to add File Collections to the Send To menu now works in Windows 7 (and Vista).
  • Toggling between Details and Thumbnails view modes now works correctly in system namespaces.
  • Reading of Homegroup folders now works correctly.
  • Improved support for Libraries (the "Include in Library" folder context menu now works, the Folder Tree now displays the library member folders, the Tree automatically updates when libraries are modified, and libraries now work correctly as a destination folder).
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using dopusrt to send the Select command to Opus.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when reading some PDF metadata.
  • FTP improvements:
  • Fixed a problem with FTP with PureFTPd and SSL not handling protected data correctly.
  • Fix for problem with bad servers not returning FD_CLOSE - could cause a folder listing to never complete.
  • Dragging and dropping from a TrueImage mounted backup image now copies sub-folders correctly.
  • Using the Clipboard COPY command in a file collection now works correctly when multiple files have the same filename.
  • Fixed problem with the Y / N key handling in a dialog when a button in that dialog had those keys as an accelerator.
  • The Folder Tree now displays drive letters/labels correctly when the system has been set to display letters first via the registry.
  • Adding files to the Search For list in the Duplicate File Finder now works correctly.
  • Improved Context Menu support, including the Adobe PDF 'Print' command, and the context menu provided by MediaInfo.
  • The CreateFolder command has a new NOSEL argument that prevents the newly created folder from being automatically selected.
  • The Toolbar STATE argument has a new floatactive option which floats a toolbar AND makes it active (useful when opening a Toolbar from a hotkey).
  • Fix for possible crashes from the context menu in the Viewer when accessed from the keyboard.
  • Fixed a layout issue in the Advanced Rename dialog that could cause the window to open with the bottom buttons off the visible screen.
  • Minor changes to hopefully fix a crash a few users were having when right-clicking on shortcut files.
  • Fix for slow copying to non-removable disks mounted as drive A: or drive B:.
  • The Open With menu now includes applications that were assigned via Vista/Windows 7's Default Programs system.
  • Fixed a problem in the ActiveX viewer with some IE-based viewers that could incorrectly take the input focus on opening.
  • Improved support for 32-bit BMP files (now handles V4 or V5 BMP files that use BI_BITFIELDS).
  • Fixed a bug in the status bar that could cause the text to not be correctly updated in a dual display Lister in some cases.
  • Fix for Explorer Replacement that stopped file selection from working in the newly opened folder (e.g. FireFox's "Open Containing Folder" command now correctly opens the folder in Opus and selects the target file).
  • Added an option for the JPEG loader to always uses the ICC color profile of the file if one exists (previously, the color profile was only used for CMYK images). This can be enabled from an option in Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced.
  • Added new THIS parameter for the Select command to select the file that currently has input focus (e.g. Select THIS).
  • Added new home parameter for the Go TABSELECT command to reset a locked tab to its home directory (e.g. Go TABSELECT=home).

New in Directory Opus 9.5 (Oct 6, 2009)

  • Bugs fixed / minor changes:
  • Support for Explorer Replacement mode in Windows 7. Also fixed creation of soft-links in Windows 7.
  • FTP re-upload changed files option now works with programs launched from buttons.
  • The Print Folder function can now print meta-data (e.g. Author, Title, Artist, etc) columns in File Collections.
  • Improved handling of Office safe-saves for files within collections.
  • Text pasted into the Create Folder dialog is now stripped of any linefeeds.
  • Fixed rendering problem with List Mode when font size meant the label text was smaller vertically than the icon.
  • Zip auto-extract now sets the correct current directory for files that are in sub-folders of the zip file.
  • Fixed sorting with Name column when file extension is hidden (previously the extension was still considered for the sort).
  • Image ADDSUFFIX now works correctly when the filename has a dot in the name.
  • Blank links in multi-line commands no longer cause some functions to misbehave.
  • The {filepath} command code no longer incorrectly adds a to the end of RAR file paths.
  • Fixed problem with space/quote handling with the {allfilepath} command code.
  • Fixed drag & drop problems when dragging from/to FTP – now correctly uses functions defined in File Types.
  • Fixed problem that could cause infinite loop of Listers/tabs to be opened when a path like C://Dir was entered.
  • Fixed problem with drag & drop that could prevent Listers from coming to the front correctly
  • Fixed problem when dragging images from Firefox 3.5 to a Lister (now writes the original image file instead of a bitmap version).
  • With full-row selection on for the Folder Tree, double-clicks to expand/contract a branch are now active anywhere on the row instead of just on the label.
  • Drag & drop from FTP/SFTP to the desktop now works correctly instead of only copying 4K of the file.
  • Added @sync to the drop-down list in the Advanced function editor.
  • Fixed potential infinite loop in the FTP file properties dialog if an error message appeared and the dialog was closed before the error dialog was.
  • Fixed a crash on startup that could occur if any environment variables contained %%.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur in the Licence Manager on x64 systems.
  • FTP Interim support for VMS servers.
  • File permissions are now updated correctly when undeleting a file from the recycle bin (prevents files appearing with a ‘padlock’ icon overlay in Windows 7).
  • The Delete confirmation dialog (and other dialogs where appropriate) now respond to the ‘Y’ and ‘N’ keys as well as the existing accelerators for each button. (‘Y’ and ‘N’ are localised as appropriate).
  • The Find Panel now correctly inherits the current path when a new Lister is opened.
  • Ctrl-Z to undo a Paste now works in inline rename.
  • Moving a file in a File Collection to a folder on the same hard drive now correctly moves the file instead of using copy/delete semantics.
  • Fixed problem which meant that, in rare circumstances, files within archives were not fully read by viewer plugins.
  • Fix for possible memory corruption with glass docked toolbars in Office style.
  • Fixed incorrect sort order in Profile branch of tree in Windows 7.
  • The ‘Open With’ menu item is no longer added for .EXE and other program files (same as Explorer).
  • FTP improvements – increased upload speed for both standard FTP and SSH.
  • Fixed error that could allow a Copy/Move to take place with no valid destination path (e.g. if My Computer was open in the destination file display).
  • Folder colors, toolbar icons and status bar icons now support aliases/environment variables.
  • Added /homeroot alias for root of program drive.
  • Folder aliases are now sorted correctly when displayed in the tree.
  • For DOS commands with @leavedoswindowopen set (which includes commands run from the FAYT field), Opus now only adds /K to the command line if the command processor is the default cmd.exe - if the %ComSpec% environment variable is set to something else, Opus will now look for a new environment variable called %ComSpecLeaveOpenArg% which can be used to specify an argument for the "leave open" option.
  • Fixed problem where a checkmark next to a context menu item may not have been shown (for example, the Always available offline context menu command).
  • Additional fixes for rendering of glass docked toolbars.
  • Buttons on "taskbar" and "borderless" toolbars docked to the right edge of the screen can now be clicked when the mouse is right at the edge of the screen.
  • Fixed crash when attempting to view some 16-bit Photoshop images.
  • ActiveX plugin improvements:
  • Added workaround for "Adobe PDF for Vista" preview handler not working under x64 due to Adobe registering it incorrectly.
  • Added workaround for "Adobe PDF for Vista" preview handler rendering blank pages sometimes when scrolled with the mouse wheel.
  • "Adobe PDF for Vista" preview handler is now enabled by default, if installed, as it's the only Adobe PDF viewer applet that works properly on Windows 7 x64 and it doesn't depend on the "Display PDF in browser" setting of Adobe Reader. People who preferred Adobe Reader can still configure the plugin to use it instead of the Adobe PDF preview handler if they want to.
  • Added .MP4 to default Generic ActiveX extensions.
  • Added workaround for Microsoft preview handlers that have identical names. It's now clear which is which.
  • Added a hardcoded list of default preview handler associations to use as a fallback when no association exists in the registry. (Example 1: Uninstalling the FoxIt preview

New in Directory Opus (Jun 11, 2009)

  • Bold/italic styles defined through the Folder Colors system are now properly accounted for when initially auto-sizing columns after a folder is read
  • Fixed incorrect/inconsistent handling of {file|noext} and similar command sequences with folders and files with no extensions
  • The Image CONVERT command now automatically sets the 'Output to destination' option when running in interactive mode if the TO argument is given on the command line. This makes it reliable when used in the Drag & Drop menu for a file type
  • The Send To menu displayed in Opus now respects the NoDrivesInSendToMenu system policy and will not display removable disks if this is set
  • Lister Layouts now save and restore the state of the Lister Format Lock
  • GifAnim plugin: Fix for incorrect dimensions in the status bar when changing from one tiled/flattened GIF to another
  • Fixed layout issue introduced in last version with Utility pane open in conjunction with a vertical toolbar between dual file displays
  • Fixed problem of startup folder shortcut being left behind after uninstall
  • Fixed file change notification issue with short, Unicode filenames (could occasionally result in duplicate file entry)
  • Fixed auto-size column option when switching between two formats that only change the 'hide file extensions' setting
  • The FAYT field will no longer auto-close if its context menu is visible
  • PCX images can now be viewed from ZIP files
  • Fix for ActiveX plugin not viewing files within archives and FTP sites
  • Added switch parameter to Close SYSTEM command to initiate fast-user switching. Note that this option does not support the scheduling or prompting that the Close SYSTEM command normally offers
  • Fixed a problem where drag & drop from Opus to the desktop would always copy the file rather than moving when appropriate. Also improved drag & drop from ZIP/FTP – moving via drag & drop now really moves the file rather than copying it
  • Fixed incorrect bitrate shown for WAV files. Also, a duration is now shown for WAV files
  • Fix for broken Rename Scripting in Vista SP2 x64 version
  • Raw Digital Camera plugin
  • Added several new file extensions to the defaults (e.g. .PEF)
  • Fix for multi-threaded thumbnails not always working
  • Fix for having to restart Opus for changes to the list of raw extensions to take effect

New in Directory Opus (May 22, 2009)

  • Fix for Desktop context menu crash in conjunction with the NVidia v185.85 drivers.
  • Fix for BSOD crash that could occur when copying over existing font files. (Crash caused by bug in Windows/GDI which is exposed by generating thumbnails of copies of the same font on multiple threads.)
  • Fix for problem triggered by generating WMV thumbnails (files could get locked and never released until Opus was shutdown).
  • Fix for error when dropping files to Zip files in the Folder Tree.
  • Fix for problem where RAR files with comments could not be opened in the x64 version.
  • Fix for crash that could occur in the initial configuration wizard.
  • Fix for crash when editing button lines longer than 1024 characters.
  • Fix for crash that could be caused by launching FrontPage via DDE (e.g. from the context menu for a .html file).
  • Fix for crash when viewing files in the Nokia phone namespace.
  • The Zip Auto-Extract function now sets the current directory of the launched file correctly to that of the extracted files (so that any associated files like DLLs will be found).
  • Shortcuts launched from Opus (e.g. by double-clicking in a Lister) now have their current directory set correctly if there is no value defined for the ‘Start In’ field (previously the CD would be that of the shortcut’s target, whereas the correct behaviour is the directory the shortcut itself is in).
  • Pressing Ctrl-X (Clipboard CUT) with nothing selected no longer clears the clipboard.
  • Improvements to Image Conversion function:
  • Added NOLOSSLESS argument to the Image CONVERT command to force recompression of JPEG files. (Lets you rotate a JPEG image and forcibly recompress it rather than rotating it losslessly.)
  • Image conversion now works for all selected font files instead of just the first.
  • Fix for JPEG-EXIF rotation offset not always being lossless when it could have been.
  • Image Converter can now reset EXIF rotation tags in JPEG files.
  • When clearing EXIF rotation, the orientation field is now set to 1. Previously the entire field was nulled-out which could potentially cause problems with some EXIF readers.
  • Cropping an EXIF-rotated image in the viewer used to rotate the image an extra time.
  • New Ogg/FLAC AudioTags plugin which works on x64 systems.
  • New Raw Digital Camera plugin:
  • Works on x64 systems.
  • Adds/improves support for many camera models.
  • Raw thumbnails now display the correct dimensions and are, where possible, correctly rotated.
  • Separate decoding options for the Image Conversion function so you can use Opus to produce high quality raw conversions without slowing down file browsing.
  • Added support for RGBA (alpha) Photoshop images.
  • New JPEG2000 plugin which supports x64 and is much faster than the old one.
  • TGA plugin: Added support for alpha channels, pre-multiplied alpha, indexed color, and greyscale. Fixed problems with swapped red/blue channels in 16-bit images and small/corrupt thumbnails for some files.
  • Fix for problem when renaming files on some Samba network filesystems. (It was possible to end up with two files with the same name showing in the list.)
  • The Select Destination dialog now shows all levels of Favorites in the drop-down rather than just top-level ones. Several other minor fixes/improvements to the dialog as well.
  • Selecting a Content Type format from the drop-down list no longer applies sections of the format that are turned off.
  • FTP changes to support WindowsCE FTP server.
  • The Go /controls command could cause a duplicate tab to be opened if the right-most tab was locked when it was executed.
  • Fixed problem with unreliable “Automatically select next file when viewed image is deleted” option for Viewer Pane.
  • Fixed layout issue when Find Panel was opened and there was a toolbar beside the Viewer Panel.
  • If inline rename failed in an FTP directory, the retry dialog would reveal the full path of the FTP file including the username/password.
  • The ‘Run Opus on startup’ option now uses a shortcut in the Startup program group rather than the registry. Fixes problems a small number of people had with Opus starting too early during boot.
  • The default behaviour for single-line functions is now asynchronous again. Now, only multi-line functions default to running synchronously. Of course this behaviour can be changed using the appropriate @ modifiers.
  • The ActiveX plugin now scans the registry if it cannot find a viewer. (Workaround for programs which trash the MIME and COM settings of any file-types they take over.)
  • Fix for the Replace dialog’s thumbnail generation getting in the way of the file move/overwrite if the dialog was dismissed very quickly.

New in Directory Opus 9.0 (Apr 28, 2007)

  • The big news, of course, is that Directory Opus 9 has been updated to support Windows Vista. Anyone who has tried Opus 8 on Vista will know that several things didn't work. All of these issues have been fixed. Many of those involved in the development and testing of Opus 9 have been using Vista as their main OS for several months to ensure everything works smoothly.
  • Opus 9 goes beyond mere Vista compatibility by adding several features which make using Vista, and UAC in particular, easier.
  • If you run Opus on 64-bit XP or 64-bit Vista then it will generally work. There are a few caveats, though. Since Opus is a 32-bit program it will present you with a "virtualized" view of the system directories on 64-bit Windows.
  • Opus is now aware of NTFS junctions and Vista's new symbolic links.
  • New Explorer Replacement Changes
  • New XML-based Configuration
  • New Configuration Backup & Restore System
  • New Sub-Collections
  • New Breadcrumbs-style Location Field
  • New `Find-As-You-Type' Field
  • New Custom List View Code Tiles Mode
  • New Advanced Rename Enhancements
  • New Preferences Editor Improvements
  • Removal of Layout section in Preferences
  • New Customize Editor Improvements
  • New FTP Address book
  • New Flickr� Synchronization
  • New ImageShack� Image Upload
  • New Command Parser Improvements
  • New Custom Toolbar Icon Sets
  • New Support for Links/Junctions

New in Directory Opus (Oct 25, 2006)

  • Fix for anomaly when handling .dps files
  • Fixed a number of issues related to Server 2003 with setting correct file dates after a copy
  • Fixed issues with Copy Filter and copying empty folders
  • Fixed issue with displaying large 1 bit TIFF files � also added anti-aliasing to 1 bit TIFFs
  • Fixed issue with searching inside UTF-8 files
  • Changed Copy Filenames as URL command to use RFC compliant URI formats instead of original Windows formats
  • Improved conversion of TIFF files to BMP and other formats
  • FTP- Fixed issues with Flat View and Synchronize
  • FTP � Added support for VXWORKS (Passport FTP) server
  • Fixed problem with FIND for wild card patterns in Unicode files
  • Added registry setting to enable the automatic selection of the first file in a folder. If this behavior is desired, set the following registry value:
  • HHKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareGPSoftwareDirectory OpusConfigUser (String) AutoSelectFirstFile = ""