PocketCloud Changelog

What's new in PocketCloud 2.5.13

Jan 19, 2013
  • Windows Companion 2.5.13 released several enhancements that are under
  • the covers, but these changes will have a big impact for VNC users.
  • With this release, we introduce PocketCloud Remote Access (PRA).
  • This is a VNC server which is integrated into the Windows Companion and
  • it's automatically installed with the companion.
  • Noteworthy changes:
  • TightVNC is no longer included nor installed with the Windows Companion.
  • VNC services are only available when connecting through the Windows Companion
  • The port changed from the standard VNC port 5900 to port 28790
  • PRA uses the same Windows username and password credentials that you use to sign in to your computer.
  • If you already have a VNC server installed and configured, the Windows Companion will continue to use this VNC server with the credentials you already have defined for this server. Tip: PocketCloud will only ask for a “Password” if using a 3rd party VNC server.
  • If you want to use Manual VNC connections on any Windows Home version, you will need to install a third party VNC server and enable option "Use 3rd party VNC on Port 5900" on the "Windows Companion>Preferences>Advanced section".
  • If you use a 3rd party VNC server, you will need to configure a different password on the VNC server and enter only the password, just as you did before this release.