QueueExplorer Standard Changelog

What's new in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.38

Feb 9, 2024
  • This release works with new version of QueueProxy 5.0.38.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.37 (Jan 30, 2024)

  • Azure Service Bus message now supports editing Guid custom properties.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.36 (Jan 24, 2024)

  • Settings from RabbitMQ tab within preferences dialog can be overriden using global registry settings.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.35 (Jan 22, 2024)

  • Fixed another issue preventing delete for RabbitMQ quorum messages (headers got sorted when server added x-delivery-count header).
  • Added registry setting to pause refresh when computer is idle.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.34 (Jan 16, 2024)

  • Added some logging for debugging RabbitMQ delete issues.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.33 (Jan 12, 2024)

  • Deleting from RabbitMQ quorum queue could still leave some messages behind. The only explanation we have at this point is there's a bug in RabbitMQ which sometimes discards some acks which happen immediately before channel closing. It's fixed by adding artificial delay.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.32 (Jan 8, 2024)

  • QueueExplorer was not always closing connections to RabbitMQ for sending messages.
  • Delete (or cut, drag&drop) messages from RabbitMQ quorum queue could sometimes leave some messages undeleted.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.31 (Dec 22, 2023)

  • Drag and drop or delete from RabbitMQ quorum queues would sometimes leave messages which should be removed.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.30 (Nov 17, 2023)

  • DeadLetterSource for Azure Service Bus messages can be displayed in a message list.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.29 (Oct 26, 2023)

  • Filter editor didn't have text section at the bottom as described in documentation (missing dll).

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.28 (Oct 5, 2023)

  • RabbitMQ performance improvements.
  • Fetching reduced amount of queue data from RabbitMQ, for faster loading and reduced server load. Full data is loaded only if detailed runtime stats are displayed (Consumers, Memory, etc).
  • Exclusive mode (fast) can be temporarily turned on or off from a toolbar.
  • There were extra non-authenticated requests to the management API, resulting in 401 result code. They are removed now.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.27 (Oct 3, 2023)

  • Azure Service Bus connections using Azure AD (Entra ID) now support connections to another tenant, i.e. not the one where user is created, provided that user is added as external guest there.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.25 (Sep 14, 2023)

  • RabbitMQ connection can now use client certificates.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.24 (Sep 4, 2023)

  • Closing connection when one of child nodes was opened didn't work correctly.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.23 (Aug 22, 2023)

  • Managing RabbitMQ shovels - both static and dynamic.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.22 (Aug 10, 2023)

  • QueueExplorer no longer tries to parse date times for JSON view, and displays them as they are in original document.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.21 (Jul 31, 2023)

  • Azure Service Bus purge now retries without limits when purging big queues. It should help with cases where purge stops because of timeouts or throttling. Retries are limited only for the last 1000 messages. User can cancel purge if operation gets stuck for some reason.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.20 (Jul 31, 2023)

  • When importing Azure Service Bus schema for partitioned queue or topic, QueueExplorer would fail because of incorrect max queue size.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.19 (Jul 21, 2023)

  • RabbitMQ drag/drop and cut/paste of messages didn't work since 5.0.14

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.18 (Jul 6, 2023)

  • .Net view would block for some types of objects. Also, .Net view now displays properties first, fields later.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.17 (Jun 9, 2023)

  • For Azure Service Bus we can now load only subset of queues and topics for performance reasons. It's configured in "filter queues" in connection's settings. QueueExplorer will only load queues (and topics) starting with that text. You can enter multiple filters, one line each.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.16 (Jun 3, 2023)

  • User can now choose two different modes of Clipboard operations. "System" uses regular system clipboard, but since some users reported crashes due to Windows ucrtbase.dll, we introduced Internal clipboard in v5.0.9 which eliminates these crashes. However, in these cases clipboard operations won't work between two QueueExplorer instances. We recommend that you switch to internal if you experience sudden process crashes.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.15 (May 31, 2023)

  • Azure Service Bus - when requeuing messages with sessions, QueueExplorer would ask for session ID but would requeue even if user hits cancel.
  • Also, we'll now default to "Keep session id" for requeuing.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.14 (May 25, 2023)

  • RabbitMQ quorum queues were showing only top 2000 messages. Now they can show up to 65535 messages. This appears to be internal RabbitMQ limitation for quorum queues.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.13 (May 17, 2023)

  • Delete of Azure Service Bus subscription rule/filter when there are more than one rule didn't work correctly.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.12 (May 4, 2023)

  • After changing text encoding QueueExplorer would display first message from the list instead of the current one.
  • Azure Service Bus would sometimes display duplicated queue.
  • Cut/paste from Azure Service Bus subscription to a topic could fail.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.11 (Apr 26, 2023)

  • ActiveMQ messages which are not text or binary (e.g. Java object, etc) are now copied correctly.
  • When processing Azure Service Bus messages (deleting, deadlettering, etc) QueueExplorer will display when message locks are renewed, indicating that processing takes more time than lock interval is configured for a queue or subscription. It's advisable to increase lock duration, at least temporarily, in these cases. Otherwise QueueExplorer processing will be slow or would finish before all messages are processed.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.10 (Apr 10, 2023)

  • Message list could sometimes break when displaying custom values.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.9 (Mar 25, 2023)

  • QueueExplorer would sometimes crash when accessing clipboard. Unfortunately, that problem is related to Windows module ucrtbase.dll, and we have no control over it. As a workaround, QueueExplorer no longer uses Windows' clipboard, but performs copy/paste through internal structures. The only drawback is that copy/paste doesn't work any more with another QueueExplorer process. On positive side, performance and memory usage when copy/paste of large number of messages is significantly improved.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.8 (Mar 23, 2023)

  • Connections to RabbitMQ management API are kept alive to improve performance and prevent issues with servers with high number of object and other objects.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.7 (Mar 16, 2023)

  • RabbitMQ connections now specify unlimited number of unacknowledged messages, to prevent limiting by default_consumer_prefetch in advanced.config. QueueExplorer's user can use "Limit: Top 10/100/1000/10000/Show All" from a toolbar to limit how many messages will be fetched.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.6 (Mar 15, 2023)

  • QueueExplorer can now connect to a single Azure Service Bus queue or a topic, using its shared access policy (connection string).

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.5 (Mar 14, 2023)

  • Could not import Azure Service Bus subscriptions into another topic.
  • Renaming topic in "Schema import" dialog didn't modify its subscriptions to use a new name.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.4 (Mar 9, 2023)

  • Fixed HiDPI handling issues.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.3 (Mar 8, 2023)

  • When turning on "scheduled" setting while creating/editing Azure Service Bus message, that message was not scheduled when sent.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.2 (Mar 6, 2023)

  • Updated documentation.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.1 (Mar 1, 2023)

  • Azure Service Bus subscription list was not displayed after clicking on a topic.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 5.0.0 (Feb 26, 2023)

  • Dark theme, full HiDpi support, custom text size.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.52 (Feb 6, 2023)

  • When 2 or more Azure Service Bus namespaces were open, and user had a queue, topic, or subscription selected, upon refresh that selected object would also show up in other opened namespaces.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.51 (Feb 2, 2023)

  • Increased timeout from 500ms to 5000ms for Azure Service Bus purge, to reduce probability of purge stopping while there are still messages in the queue.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.50 (Jan 19, 2023)

  • "Save project" now uses different encryption for passwords and connection strings, allowing it to be loaded on another machine. The other machine also needs to use v4.5.50 or later.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.49 (Jan 9, 2023)

  • Azure Service Bus messages which were deadletter from deferred or scheduled subqueues were not visible.
  • When sending (or requeuing, editing...) messages to Azure Service Bus queue/topic with "Duplicate detection" turned on, QueueExplorer will warn user of potential message loss and offer option to use auto-generated MessageID to prevent Service Bus from discarding new message.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.48 (Nov 17, 2022)

  • Optimized processing of Azure Service Bus partitioned messages - user will see a "Finalizing" progress at the end of processing, while QueueExplorer "Abandons" unprocessed but still locked messages.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.48 (Nov 17, 2022)

  • Optimized processing of Azure Service Bus partitioned messages - user will see a "Finalizing" progress at the end of processing, while QueueExplorer "Abandons" unprocessed but still locked messages.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.47 (Nov 15, 2022)

  • Improved delete speed for Azure Service Bus deadletter queues.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.46 (Oct 22, 2022)

  • Some Azure Service Bus operations with subscriptions launched too many "refresh count" requests, making subsequent operations very slow.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.45 (Oct 14, 2022)

  • Drag and drop move operation for ActiveMQ didn't delete source messages.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.44 (Oct 11, 2022)

  • Setting status (active/disabled...) for Azure Service Bus subscriptions didn't work.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.43 (Oct 6, 2022)

  • Azure Service Bus topics now also display scheduled messages, on both topic and subscription level.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.42 (Sep 26, 2022)

  • Xpath columns now supports functions like name() or count().

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.41 (Sep 21, 2022)

  • When exporting bodies of Azure Service Bus messages and $I macro was used - it would resolve to sequence #, not MessageId.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.40 (Aug 10, 2022)

  • Message editor can be kept open after sending a message, to allow multiple sendings.
  • ActiveMQ message editor now has text/binary Body type setting.
  • There's a new column in ActiveMQ message list which displays body type (text/binary).
  • When importing multiple files to ActiveMQ queue, user can choose body type (text/binary).

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.39 (Jul 23, 2022)

  • Azure Service Bus changes:
  • Deferred messages in subscription could not be deleted
  • Requeue option for deferred and scheduled messages.
  • Purge of a queue would not stop if there were deferred messages.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.38 (Jul 21, 2022)

  • Turned back on performance improvement "messages list will display only first 2000 chars of message body", but in a way that doesn't affect filtering and other functionality.
  • ActiveMQ messages sent to a compressed queue are always sent as binary messages.
  • When importing messages from files to ActiveMQ queue, they will be treated as binary messages.
  • When editing/creating ActiveMQ messages, if hex editor is selected - message will be sent as binary. Otherwise it will be sent as text.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.37 (Jul 7, 2022)

  • Support for compressed messages now includes zip archive with a single file within.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.36 (Jun 24, 2022)

  • ActiveMQ binary messages were not correctly handled.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.35 (Jun 14, 2022)

  • 'Between' filter could lead to program crash on some PC configurations.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.34 (Apr 12, 2022)

  • Gzip/Deflate functionality didn't work for Azure Service Bus session queues.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.32 (Mar 30, 2022)

  • Azure Service Bus session queues now have additional "ungrouped by session" node, where you can see all messages from all sessions together.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.31 (Mar 25, 2022)

  • RabbitMQ quorum queues with delivery-count set up will ask a user to confirm reading messages every time because of potential message loss.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.30 (Mar 24, 2022)

  • QueueExplorer could not delete messages from RabbitMQ quorum queues.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.29 (Mar 18, 2022)

  • Improved handling of throttling with Azure Service Bus. QueueExplorer keeps 30 seconds cache and uses cached data if Service Bus sends a partial list of queues and topics due to throttling. We also keep currently opened node even if Service Bus doesn't return it during auto refresh. Drawback is that actually deleted queues and topics would show up for some time.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.28 (Feb 2, 2022)

  • Azure Service Bus sessions didn't work correctly since previous release (4.5.27). We switched to amqp protocol, which doesn't support getting list of sessions, so now we reverted to sbmp protocol.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.27 (Jan 19, 2022)

  • JSON paths in multiple lines were not correctly saved and restored from settings.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.26 (Jan 12, 2022)

  • Multiple JSON paths can be provided in separate lines for JSON custom field. The first one that is matched will be displayed.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.25 (Jan 12, 2022)

  • JSON custom fields didn't support arrays as a root of JSON, only objects. Now JSON can start with either '{' or '['.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.24 (Jan 10, 2022)

  • Turned off "only first 2000 chars in message list" performance optimization from v4.5.19. This change affected text searched to also run on only the first 2000 chars.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.23 (Dec 16, 2021)

  • Azure Service Bus connection strings are now encrypted in local settings file.
  • Session ID for Azure Service Bus is now available when editing messages even if queue/subscription don't have session turned on.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.22 (Nov 16, 2021)

  • Reduced memory and performance issues when displaying larger number of queues in a queue list.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.21 (Nov 11, 2021)

  • RabbitMQ support didn't work since v4.5.20.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.20 (Nov 9, 2021)

  • JSON view now shows original timezone info in JSON dates instead of converting to local zone.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.19 (Nov 2, 2021)

  • Performance improvement for large messages: messages list will display only first 2000 chars of message body. This is only for list, message view/preview will still display full message. Text view will turn off word wrapping for messages bigger than 100KB.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.18 (Oct 26, 2021)

  • In rare cases, 3rd party GUI controls we use would show an error when restoring docking layout. QueueExplorer will now reset layout to default in these cases.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.17 (Oct 21, 2021)

  • When editing message, if there are properties/headers with non-string values (int, float, etc), original type will will be preserved if possible.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.16 (Oct 19, 2021)

  • Editing Azure Service Bus session state didn't work.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.15 (Oct 18, 2021)

  • Azure Service Bus sessions are no longer sorted by name.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.14 (Oct 18, 2021)

  • Improved Azure Service Bus session support: list of sessions with filtering, optionally loading messages for only selected sessions, view/edit state of empty sessions, etc.
  • Load balance for MSMQ would sometimes finish before all queues were properly balanced.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.13 (Oct 6, 2021)

  • Changes for Azure Service Bus session queues: empty sessions are displayed as well, click on session select all its messages.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.12 (Sep 29, 2021)

  • Fixed: requeuing dead-letter messages from Azure Service Bus subscription could fail if QueueExplorer started refreshing queues and topics in the background, and didn't finish yet.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.11 (Sep 21, 2021)

  • Message views (text, XML, JSON...) are now created on demand as you switch to that tab, which significantly increases performance when displaying or editing messages.
  • Exporting multiple message bodies didn't correctly remove non-safe characters from file names.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.10 (Sep 20, 2021)

  • Azure Service Bus new or edited messages will use null instead of empty string for empty values in Label, CorrelationID, etc. fields. We're changing that to handle empty values the same way Azure portal and Service Bus Explorer do.
  • "To" field for new messages is no longer set to queue path by default.
  • "New message" in some cases would not send edited body, and would not remember selected viewer for next time.
  • Turned off BOM header for UTF8 encoding.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.9 (Sep 14, 2021)

  • Closing connection closes any opened tabs using that connection.
  • Closing connection from tree's context menu didn't change "Disconnnect" button to "Connect" in right panel.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.8 (Sep 1, 2021)

  • When messages are copied/cut/dragged/exported from the sorted message list, original sequence order will be preserved. Previously, messages were copied in the displayed (sorted) order, regardless on how they were ordered in the original queue.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.7 (Aug 30, 2021)

  • Connection group rename wasn't persisted after closing QueueExplorer.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.6 (Aug 25, 2021)

  • Sorted Azure Service Bus objects (queues, topics, and subscriptions ), in case server didn't sort them already.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.5 (Jul 30, 2021)

  • Status report for remote MSMQ servers didn't work.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.4 (Jul 21, 2021)

  • Azure Service Bus purge now also consults message counts, to avoid situations when purge was stopped before completed.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.3 (Jul 21, 2021)

  • Azure Service Bus timeouts adjusted to reduce probability that Purge operation stops before all messages are removed from the queue.
  • Returned automatic retry for Azure Service Bus, to better handle throttling delays from server.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.2 (Jul 12, 2021)

  • "Export list" is now called "Export CSV", and exports selected messages instead of all from the list.
  • New "Import CSV" functionality, for importing messages from CSV files.
  • "Export CSV" now correctly exports multiline fields (e.g. body).

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.1 (Jul 2, 2021)

  • Auto detection of message view based on content can be turned off from Preferences. It could be slow for large messages.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.5.0 (Jun 21, 2021)

  • Azure Service Bus connections can be used with Azure AD login (role based access) instead of shared access key.
  • Minimum system requirements is increased to .Net 4.6.2

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.4.25 (Jun 19, 2021)

  • Configurable JMX (MBean) domain for ActiveMQ.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.4.24 (Jun 14, 2021)

  • RabbitMQ could sometimes show error for longer-running operations.
  • RabbitMQ VHost report could show error if auto-refresh is turned on.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.4.23 (Jun 7, 2021)

  • RabbitMQ duplicate message detection didn't correctly work with different message bodies.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.4.22 (Jun 4, 2021)

  • When creating RabbitMQ queue/policy/exchange, some arguments like x-overflow and x-queue-mode didn't offer the user a list of possible values.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.4.21 (Jun 2, 2021)

  • Added Jolokia path setting, needed for ActiveMQ 5.9. Since v5.9 was shipped with HawtIO, it uses different Jolokia path. For that version QueueExplorer should be set to use '/hawtio/jolokia'. For other ActiveMQ versions it should be the default one - '/api/jolokia'.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.4.20 (May 20, 2021)

  • Turned off automatic retry for Azure Service Bus message sending, to avoid cases where it would hide connection errors.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.4.19 (May 19, 2021)

  • Azure Service Bus topics now display cumulative message counts for all connected subscriptions.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.4.18 (May 18, 2021)

  • RabbitMQ duplicate messages are now displayed in dark red, so that user know which messages are potentially problematic for delete operation.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.4.17 (May 5, 2021)

  • User can now choose whether to immediatelly open connection (Save & Connect) or just save it after editing or creating.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.4.16 (May 4, 2021)

  • RabbitMQ connections now show broker's Erlang and RabbitMQ version.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.4.15 (Mar 2, 2021)

  • .Net custom field (PRO) - extract field or property from .Net object for MSMQ (BinaryMessageFormatter) or Azure Service Bus (DataContractSerializer).
  • Custom fields didn't remember body/extension/label source selection.
  • RabbitMQ usernames with non-alphanumeric chars didn't work with message operations.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.4.14 (Feb 15, 2021)

  • Custom columns can now be set to DateTime type.
  • Custom XPath column didn't work if data started with BOM header.
  • Improved performance when creating or editing Custom column.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.4.13 (Feb 3, 2021)

  • Regex custom field can now extract only subset of matched value, by using parentheses around the section you want extracted. For example, if regex for US phone numbers is "(d{3})-d{3}-d{4}" it will match full numbers, but extract only first three digits because of parentheses in "(d{3})". This regex will extract just area code, because first part is in parentheses “(d{3})”.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.4.12 (Jan 19, 2021)

  • Requeue for deadlettered messages within Azure Service Bus subscription didn't work.
  • Important: requeue for deadletter messages in subscription will return messages to its parent topic - therefore these messages will not go just to that subscription, but to other subscriptions within that topic as well, depending on how rules and filters are set up.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.4.9 (Dec 29, 2020)

  • Azure Service Bus topic subscription rules editor didn't work correctly: adding new rule didn't use name that user entered, and editing subscriptions generally didn't work since version v4.4.7

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.4.8 (Dec 10, 2020)

  • Custom RabbitMQ header fields could display 'byte[]' instead of text value.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.4.7 (Dec 2, 2020)

  • Requeue for Azure Service Bus deadletter queues - return messages to parent queue or topic.
  • Azure Service Bus topic subscriptions also display counts of its subqueues (deadletter, scheduled, etc.).
  • When editing Azure Service Bus message you can also see and edit "To" field. "Destination" field is still used to determine where the message will go.
  • When subqueues (journal, deadletter, etc.) are displayed in a custom folder, we also display its parent queue name.
  • Wildcards/Regex for custom folder can now match just an object name (e.g. 'invoices', 'deadletter'...), or full path ('queues/invoices/', 'topics/invoices/subscriptions/completed/deadletter'). This gives user more flexibility with selecting objects.
  • RabbitMQ loading won't be aborted if policies couldn't be read. That could happen in older versions of RabbitMQ (e.g. 3.3.0) unless user has 'policymaker' or higher privileges. Newer versions of RabbitMQ allow reading of policies even for 'management' level.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.4.6 (Dec 2, 2020)

  • Status reports for connected server, with some stats and warnings if issues are detected.
  • If user used Ctrl+F to find something in messages, search string would be remembered, and would be applied afterwards even if Find panel was not visible. That would lead to situation where QueueExplorer doesn't show some or all messages, and user has no hint why.
  • Connection dialog is not closed while queues are loaded, making it easier to fix if there's some error during loading.
  • Azure Service Bus queues now also display number of messages in deadletter, scheduled, etc. subqueues, next to count of parent queue. Nothing is displayed if they are empty to reduce clutter.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.4.5 (Oct 14, 2020)

  • Read only mode, can be turned on from commend line or registry
  • ActiveMQ support for Jolokia's strict cors mode

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.4.4 (Oct 1, 2020)

  • Some settings could not be saved if different user account run QueueExplorer previously on the same machine.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.4.3 (Sep 23, 2020)

  • Additional deadletter info in RabbitMQ queue's tooltips.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.4.2 (Sep 22, 2020)

  • RabbitMQ deadletter, Azure Service Bus deadletter, schedule and deffer operations didn't work since v4.3.25.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.4.1 (Sep 16, 2020)

  • Delete/Cut operations didn't work on RabbitMQ queues with compressed messages.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.4.0 (Sep 14, 2020)

  • Unified installer, i.e. single installer for both Standard and Professional editions.
  • User can choose which edition to try each time QueueExplorer demo is started.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.25 (Sep 1, 2020)

  • Added support for GZip and Deflated messages.
  • Optional separate credentials for Jolokia connection for ActiveMQ.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.24 (Jul 29, 2020)

  • Cumulative size for all MSMQ queues is now visible in the right panel when you click on MSMQ machine. For local MSMQ only.
  • MSMQ Queue, journal, and average message size were incorrectly displayed (size in MB, but with KB label, i.e. 1024 times smaller).

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.23 (Jun 15, 2020)

  • Msg # column can now be manually added.
  • Optimized startup performance.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.22 (Jun 9, 2020)

  • Eliminated some error messages for RabbitMQ move and cut operations.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.21 (May 24, 2020)

  • Bug fix: when all queues were deleted from QueueExplorer, it would still show previous queues in the left panel.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.20 (Apr 20, 2020)

  • RabbitMQ bug fix: "Management SSL/TLS" connection setting didn't have correct default value, which prevented saving connections on program closing.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.19 (Apr 6, 2020)

  • RabbitMQ bug fix: could not create or delete virtual hosts with slash in their name.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.18 (Apr 1, 2020)

  • RabbitMQ bug fix: move and cut messages operations could fail for larger number of messages.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.17 (Apr 1, 2020)

  • RabbitMQ now has "Management SSL/TLS" checkbox which allows unsecured management connection when AMQP is secured, or the other way around. By default it will be the same as AMQP SSL/TLS setting.
  • Fixed NullReferenceException when loading messages in some scenarios.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.16 (Feb 20, 2020)

  • Separate error message for Azure Service Bus when trying to connect with entity-level instead of namespace-level connection string.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.15 (Jan 8, 2020)

  • QueueExplorer would throw Null pointer exception after start in some setups.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.14 (Jan 1, 2020)

  • Alternative host can be configured for RabbitMQ management API, in case it's different from AMQP host.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.13 (Dec 20, 2019)

  • Azure Service Bus connection now automatically figures out whether it's Basic, Standard, or Premium tier.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.12 (Dec 16, 2019)

  • Clicking "Pretty formatting" option in message's XML viewer could delete user's editing and revert them to original message.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.11 (Dec 5, 2019)

  • Fixed problems with some error messages (e.g. body export).

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.10 (Dec 2, 2019)

  • QueueExplorer no longer requires local MSMQ service installed when using only QueueProxy for MSMQ connections.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.9 (Nov 22, 2019)

  • TLS 1.2 support for ActiveMQ. TLS version can be selected from connection settings.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.8 (Nov 1, 2019)

  • RabbitMQ bindings are added to message list as well. Bindings show exchange type.
  • Support for RabbitMQ 3.8 Quorum queues.
  • Better error messages for RabbitMQ.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.7 (Sep 27, 2019)

  • Requeue option was enabled even if queue was empty.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.6 (Sep 26, 2019)

  • Requeue option for MSMQ deadlettered and journaled messages - moves messages back to their original queue.
  • Main menu didn't work in certain multi monitor configurations.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.5 (Sep 26, 2019)

  • "WCF" is now available in "Body Encoding" setting.
  • "Body Encoding" is taken into account when calculating custom columns (XPath/JSON/Regex).

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.4 (Aug 19, 2019)

  • Custom XPath columns - if XML documents contain default namespace (i.e. xmlns="..." in root element), that namespace is now exposed as "_default" for XPath, and you have to use _default prefix.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.3 (Aug 12, 2019)

  • Editing message would display empty body when non-text previewer was selected.
  • When editing JSON messages, if original message didn't have BOM header neither edited one will.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.2 (Aug 9, 2019)

  • Flashing colors were incorrect in some cases.
  • Creating new messages using JSON view didn't work in some cases.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.1 (Jul 26, 2019)

  • Flashing on changed value now uses multiple colors - red for increasing values, blue for decreasing, orange for non-numeric changes.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.3.0 (Jul 26, 2019)

  • Each custom column for message now displays a previewer for extracted data (PRO)

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.40 (Jul 26, 2019)

  • Fixed problem with encypted MSMQ messages (EncryptionAlgorithm enum type).

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.39 (Jun 26, 2019)

  • Custom folders are now sorted by name.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.38 (May 15, 2019)

  • Some Azure Service Bus operations could stop because of Null Pointer exception.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.37 (May 7, 2019)

  • Disable or enable Azure Service Bus queue, topic, or subscription. You can also disable only Receive or Send, or change status for multiple items in the right panel (queue list).

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.36 (Apr 12, 2019)

  • Improved detection of UTF-8 encoding in messages.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.35 (Mar 20, 2019)

  • Number of messages in status bar is updated after filter is changed.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.34 (Mar 15, 2019)

  • Significant performance fixes for systems with big number of queues or topics (more than few thousands).

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.33 (Feb 26, 2019)

  • Experimental message decoding plugin support.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.32 (Jan 30, 2019)

  • Default values for some MSMQ fields are remembered when new message is created.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.31 (Dec 24, 2018)

  • RabbitMQ exclusive mode can be bypassed manually when needed, without turning it off permanently from preferences.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.30 (Dec 15, 2018)

  • Message loading is now stopped when we modify queue, e.g. delete, deadletter messages etc, since these operations will trigger refresh at the end anyway.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.29 (Dec 15, 2018)

  • Message loading errors are displayed in a panel, and not in modal window.
  • Exclusive mode for RabbitMQ. In that mode queue is "locked" while QueueExplorer reads or processes messages. This improves performance considerably, and also prevents situations where both QueueExplorer and some other application receive messages, and both only get subset of them. However, if this mode is used only one consumer will see messages while others will fail. This mode can be turned off from preferences.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.28 (Dec 5, 2018)

  • RabbitMQ connections will be kept open and reused, as recommended. This leads to better performance and reduced server usage. Downside is that there will be a connection for each virtual host. This functionality can be turned off from Preferences.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.27 (Dec 2, 2018)

  • RabbitMQ parameters were not correctly URL encoded when connection was opened, throwing exception in some cases.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.26 (Nov 23, 2018)

  • Creating new or importing one message in ActiveMQ didn't work because of incorrect default path.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.25 (Nov 7, 2018)

  • Warning is displayed for ActiveMQ when QueueExplorer doesn't get all requested messages from server. In most cases, that's because of maxBrowsePageSize setting in 'destination policy', which is 400 by default.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.24 (Nov 6, 2018)

  • RabbitMQ deadletter details are now parsed and exposed as new columns - you can see reason, count, time, exchanges, etc. for first or latest deadlettering.
  • Policies count is displayed in a tree.
  • All queue and exchange bindings are visible in tooltips.
  • Content type field added for RabbitMQ messages.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.23 (Sep 26, 2018)

  • RabbitMQ deadletter exchanges and queues now have separate icons, and their tooltips and descriptions include deadletter configuration.
  • Fixed some bugs in window position management.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.22 (Sep 19, 2018)

  • Views can be exported and imported from "Manage views" window (PRO).
  • Selected TLS version is now used for RabbitMQ Management API as well.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.21 (Sep 13, 2018)

  • Custom XPath column now allows namespaces defined in source XML to be used in XPath.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.20 (Sep 12, 2018)

  • Custom folders for RabbitMQ now allow you to select on which Virtual hosts wildcard matching will be applied.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.19 (Sep 12, 2018)

  • Auto mode for RabbitMQ message count fetching, as a balance between "Accurate" (applied for <100 msg queues), and "Fast" modes.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.18 (Sep 9, 2018)

  • RabbitMQ connection dialog didn't work for creating new connections.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.16 (Aug 19, 2018)

  • "Upgrade to Professional" menu was displayed to Professional users instead of Standard.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.15 (Jul 27, 2018)

  • Progressive message loading from remote machine could freeze for some time "Server loading" dialog.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.14 (Jul 21, 2018)

  • Tab names didn't include machine name in all cases.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.13 (Jul 16, 2018)

  • Accurate message count loading for RabbitMQ can be turned off from Preferences dialog if it's too slow. In that case, we'll ask for faster counters, but RabbitMQ refreshes them every 5 seconds by default.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.12 (Jul 13, 2018)

  • Increased timeout for getting RabbitMQ resources (queues, exchanges, etc).

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.11 (Jul 3, 2018)

  • Cosmetic changes for demo.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.10 (Jun 9, 2018)

  • Small GUI changes for Linux support.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.9 (May 9, 2018)

  • Text encoding settings are now applied to both message previews and body column in message list.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.8 (May 5, 2018)

  • Importing multiple message bodies now doesn't open dialog for each message.
  • Fixed bug with grouping when there are two queues with the same name.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.7 (Apr 20, 2018)

  • Support for RabbitMQ exclusive queues - previously they would prevent tree loading.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.6 (Apr 12, 2018)

  • Hex viewer now copies hex representation to clipboard.
  • Ctrl-A now works as "select all" in hex viewer.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.4 (Apr 3, 2018)

  • Refresh combo box on queue list was not always fully visible.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.3 (Mar 23, 2018)

  • Final release of RabbitMQ support.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.2 Beta (Mar 23, 2018)

  • RabbitMQ message counts are now refreshed immediately.
  • Sending messages will raise error if that message doesn't route to any queue.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.1 Beta (Mar 23, 2018)

  • Much faster send/move/copy operations because connections are reused.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.2.0 Beta (Mar 23, 2018)

  • Beta support for RabbitMQ

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.1.6 (Feb 3, 2018)

  • When creating/editing Azure Service Bus connectins, shared access key is now a password field.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.1.5 (Dec 18, 2017)

  • Bugfix: column picker didn't work.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.1.4 (Dec 18, 2017)

  • You can enter reason and description when deadlettering messages.
  • Partition Key field is available for Azure Service Bus messages.
  • Topic without subscriptions will now display empty list, making it easier to create first subscription.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.1.3 (Dec 11, 2017)

  • Message body size is now displayed in KB.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.1.2 (Dec 6, 2017)

  • Fixed problems with destination field when editing messages on remote MSMQ queues.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.1.1 (Dec 4, 2017)

  • .Net view for Azure Service Bus messages.
  • Better handling of binary Azure messages.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.1.0 (Nov 25, 2017)

  • Azure Service Bus support: queues, topics, subscriptions, sessions, scheduled and deferred messages, deadletter and transfer queues, etc.
  • Improved high DPI support.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.26 (Nov 15, 2017)

  • •Custom XPath/Regex/JSON columns didn't work when "Body Size" or "Body Text" columns were not displayed.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.25 (Nov 1, 2017)

  • ActiveMQ Send operations sent messages to newly created queues named machine_name//queue://queue_name, instead of just queue_name

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.24 (Aug 28, 2017)

  • Dot Net view now also displays properties, as well as private fields from base classes.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.23 (Aug 23, 2017)

  • No error was reported if there was a problem during drag&drop operation.
  • Sending MSMQ messages to another machine could fail if administration, response, or transaction status queue properties were used.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.22 (May 8, 2017)

  • Bugfix: Queue grouping functionality could fail, preventing opening a connection.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.21 (May 8, 2017)

  • Optimizations for 100+ or 1000+ queues per machine.
  • Improved GUI responsiveness during load and refresh operations.
  • Fixed multiple issues which could potentially hang QueueExplorer process.
  • TimeToReachQueue is no longer set in sent messages, and always has default value.
  • Multiple bug fixes in: queue list scrolling and on-change flashing, group collapsing, switching queues in slow MSMQ reading scenarios, etc.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.20 (May 5, 2017)

  • Reduced number of MSMQ calls during queue loading - faster loading and reduced MSMQ usage.
  • Bugfix: 4.0.19 broke custom columns in some cases.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.19 (May 4, 2017)

  • Improved performance when filtering queues with large number of messages.
  • Improved MSMQ messages loading speed.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.18 (Apr 26, 2017)

  • Queue list refresh didn't show queues created out of QueueExplorer.
  • Outgoing queues can be purged now.
  • Fixed lot of outgoing queue issues - editing messages, send to back, etc. didn't work.
  • Outgoing queuest through QueueProxy now have same features as local outgoing queues.
  • Requires QueueProxy 4.0.18

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.17 (Apr 18, 2017)

  • Auto refresh can be turned off or configured for server tree panel as well
  • Configuring auto refresh period didn't work correctly in some cases
  • Fixed several issues that could lead to hanging

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.16 (Apr 6, 2017)

  • Custom folders can now exclude queues using wildcard matching.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.15 (Apr 4, 2017)

  • Custom Regex field didn't work.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.14 (Apr 4, 2017)

  • Better encoding detection for JSON view.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.13 (Apr 4, 2017)

  • "Grouping of similar queues" is now configurable, to support one or more custom separators.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.12 (Apr 4, 2017)

  • Source was not saved for custom Xpath/Regex/JSON columns.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.11 (Mar 2, 2017)

  • Editing connection in some cases displayed localhost instead of machine name.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.10 (Feb 21, 2017)

  • ActiveMQ message list didn't work with non-default authentication set in ActiveMQ

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.8 (Jan 19, 2017)

  • Outgoing queues on remote machine didn't work through QueueProxy.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.7 (Jan 18, 2017)

  • Projects from older versions of QueueExplorer couldn't be loaded.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.6 (Jan 16, 2017)

  • ActiveMQ broker installed on Unix/Linux/Windows
  • ActiveMQ 5.8 or higher.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.5 (Jan 4, 2017)

  • Server tree auto refresh would result in GUI pauses when there were several hundred queues.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.4 (Dec 24, 2016)

  • Small text fixes.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.3 (Dec 16, 2016)

  • User-defined columns improvements and fixes - column type (XPath, JSON, Regex) is displayed in a list. Default sample can be reverted any time. Column type is now displayed as String/Int/Double.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.2 (Dec 16, 2016)

  • Fixed occasional error during license loading.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 4.0.1 (Dec 16, 2016)

  • Final release of QueueExplorer 4.
  • Improved documentation.
  • License loading through GUI.
  • Tabs can be rearranged. (PRO)

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.4.10 (Jun 8, 2016)

  • Added LookupId message field.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.4.9 (Jun 8, 2016)

  • Default filter for Queues list is now "Contains" and not "Start with".

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.4.8 (Feb 10, 2016)

  • Bugfix: in rare circumstances there could be Null pointer exception when opening messages.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.4.7 (Jan 29, 2016)

  • Bugfix: unhandled exception when Add/Remove column dialog was opened before messages are loaded.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.4.6 (Jan 7, 2016)

  • Tab close button is now available on each tab.
  • Bugfix: main window position and size were not saved and restored.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.4.5 (Dec 12, 2015)

  • JSON and text views now better handle Unicode messages with BOM header bytes.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.4.4 (Dec 12, 2015)

  • Additional classes are available for .Net view.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.4.3 (Apr 16, 2015)

  • Transactional status of multiple queues can be set at once from queues panel.
  • Message preview keeps user selected view mode when messages list is refreshed.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.4.0 (Apr 16, 2015)

  • Management functionality for queue views. There are no more views specific to single queue - all views are available for all queues. There's description box with view details when loading and managing queues.(PRO)
  • Improved message reading speed when MSMQ is in AD mode
  • Message view remembers size and position
  • Word wrap for Text viewer
  • Queue list remembers grid settings and filters

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.3.2 (Feb 6, 2015)

  • Fixed invalid Ctrl-A handling in some text boxes
  • Allowed API users to save .mq file by supplying regular MSMQ Message. Conversion to MessageProxy is performed internally
  • Pretty formatting for XML now renders empty tags in single line

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.3.1 (Feb 6, 2015)

  • Bugfix: old .mq files from QueueExplorer 2.x couldn't be loaded since v3.2.3
  • Works as 64-bit app on 64-bit Windows
  • Performance improvement for big queues

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.2.2 (Feb 6, 2015)

  • WCF view can now display full WCF message with headers.
  • Queues with ID format for destination queue didn't work correctly for editing messages.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.2.1 (Feb 6, 2015)

  • Ctrl+C will copy selected text when focus is in message preview.
  • CTRL+F4 produced error message when used in Standard edition.
  • Some dialogs didn't look good when large fonts were turned on in Windows.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.2.0 (Feb 6, 2015)

  • Load/Save Project - a way to quickly transfer servers and groups tree to another machine with QueueExplorer (PRO)
  • Edited message can be sent to different queue. Original destination is default. Useful for messages in journal and dead-letter queues, as well as subqueues.
  • Queue picker dialog is added for places where user can change queue path/format.
  • JSON view

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.1.6 (Feb 6, 2015)

  • Bugfix: List of public/outgoing/system queues didn't work in some cases

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.1.5 (Feb 6, 2015)

  • Copying only selected node or subtree in .Net view
  • Installer supports .Net 4.0 when .Net 2.0 is not available, like by default on Windows 8
  • Bugfix: filter in queues list was removed after refresh

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.1.4 (Feb 6, 2015)

  • Added optional column for displaying message's "extension" field in message list
  • Net Binary messages can now be displayed in message's list body column
  • Bugfix: Specifying IP address for computer name didn't work
  • Bugfix: displaying list of outgoing queues on remote machine didn't work

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.1.3 (Feb 6, 2015)

  • Fixed issues when MSMQ was set to work in MSMQ Hardened mode

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.1.2 (Feb 6, 2015)

  • Bugfix: Queue size bigger than 2GB was displayed as negative number.
  • Bug/performance fix: reduced memory usage when displaying large queues with large messages.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.1.1 (Feb 6, 2015)

  • Bugfix: Body viewer could crash QE in some rare cases.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.1.0 (Feb 6, 2015)

  • Body can be displayed in message list
  • Filtering and sorting by message body - when body column is added to list
  • Correlation ID is now editable
  • Dialog for queue properties is not modal any more
  • If .Net 4.0 is installed, it will be used by default, making it easier to use .Net 4.0 assemblies for body view
  • Bugfix: Outgoing queues didn't work in some scenarios
  • Bugfix: Transactional status for remote queues was not saved correctly in some cases
  • Bugfix: Column widths were not saved
  • Bugfix: If there were 2 or more "Saves" without refreshing queue, all saves after first one could have duplicate messages
  • Performance improvement - message bodies are cached

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.0.7 (Apr 29, 2011)

  • Bugfix: Deleting/moving messages from remote queues sometimes fails on 64-bit OS.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.0.6 (Apr 29, 2011)

  • Bugfix: Messages could be lost during "move" operation, if user clicked on "Cancel" on "Is queue transactional?" dialog.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.0.3 (Apr 29, 2011)

  • Bugfix: Hex view didn't show every 16th byte

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.0.2 (Apr 29, 2011)

  • Bugfix: Endless error dialogs after saving messages to file
  • Improved performance of .Net view when message contains big arrays.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.0.1 (Apr 29, 2011)

  • Bugfix: message preview was sometimes disabled incorrectly
  • Bugfix: Queues list right-panel view didn't properly select queues after deleting or adding queues

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.0.0 (Apr 29, 2011)

  • Bugfix: message operations didn't refresh queue counts
  • Bugfix: sorting didn't preserve focused row
  • Updated documentation

New in QueueExplorer Standard 3.0.0 BETA 2 (Apr 29, 2011)

  • Message previes can be turned on/off
  • Custom message filter available from toolbar/menu
  • Bugfix: XML view didn't work with some XML messages
  • Bugfix: .Net view didn't work in message preview
  • Bugfix: sort on date field was incorrect
  • Better handling of Date and Boolean columns
  • "Save changes to queue" is enabled only when something is edited.

New in QueueExplorer Standard 2.2.4 (Apr 8, 2009)

  • Faster loading of big files and reduced memory usage
  • Faster display of large XML message bodies
  • Command line option for turning off loading of public queues for performance reasons - /NoPublic
  • Bugfix: message body larger than 64KB was not correctly displayed/edited
  • Bugfix: messages containing byte 0 were not completely displayed in text view.
  • Bugfix: queue list didn't show all queue properties correctly.
  • Bugfix: on some Vista machines QueueExplorer worked with reduced functionality