Redhaven Outline Changelog

What's new in Redhaven Outline

Dec 16, 2015
  • Enhancements:
  • Added the ability to drag and drop files or folders into the reference field.
  • Added the ability to open image files that are in the reference field.
  • Added two new main menu items.

New in Redhaven Outline (Aug 9, 2015)

  • A shortcut has been added to build the copy command
  • Added a menu item to open the folder that contains the given output
  • Added Copy Full Path to the pop-up menu that appears when the outline title and location pop up.
  • Added commands that can be placed in the 'Reference' field to copy the contents of the other fields.

New in Redhaven Outline (May 28, 2015)

  • The method to install the program has been enhanced:
  • In previous versions, the installation program would install the executable in the "Program Files" location, build the necessary directories under in the user's document path and fill these with the necessary files. The new installation program only installs the program executable. By default, it is installed in the "Program Files" path, but it can be installed in other locations. This is particularly good if you would like to install it on a flash drive so as to be portable. When the program is first opened, it asks the user where the user files should be located. By default, the same location is used as in the previous installation method, but now there is a choice.
  • The executable (RedhavenOutline.exe) is more self-contained.It can be copied to another location or even another computer, and run without needing to be reinstalled.
  • A new reference command has been added: |Copy to Clipboard ("^C:"). Now, when the reference field starts with "^C:", all that follows it is added to the clipboard. It is useful for copying the contents of the reference field without having to first select it and then press "Ctrl+C".

New in Redhaven Outline (May 14, 2014)

  • Fixes:
  • A bug with the formatting of summary data was fixed

New in Redhaven Outline (Apr 28, 2014)

  • One change not visible in that dialog box controlls how the value in a parent node is displayed.
  • A number can be entered in the |"Key Words" field.
  • The values are added together and reported in the parent nodes, according to formatting and display instructions also entered in that field.
  • The formatting instructions are also placed in the key words field.
  • Within the formatting dialog box, you can see the formatted examples change.

New in Redhaven Outline (Aug 9, 2013)

  • Enhancements:
  • The 'enter' key, when pressed in the node titlle field, will now add a new sibling node.
  • The "Tab" key will now move the selected node in or out. The "Tab" key, when pressed while the outline control has focus, will attempt to move the selected node in or out.
  • Fixes:
  • Fixed a problem with the notes fields that would truncate the data if it was too large.This problem only occured if the amount of information in the notes field was large. To fix the problem, the limit was increased so that it should be impossible to ever reach it (without running out of comuter memory).

New in Redhaven Outline (Jul 4, 2013)

  • Fixed a problem with how child nodes were deleted.

New in Redhaven Outline (May 16, 2013)

  • Enhancements:
  • Changed the "Ctrl+X" shortcut so that it can now be used to "cut" text.
  • Added the ability to change the font size on the tabs.
  • "Alt +" will grow the tab font size.
  • "Alt -" will grow the tab font size.
  • Fixes:
  • Alter the view menu to better show how to change the font sizes.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the program to error when the screen background changed.

New in Redhaven Outline (Mar 13, 2013)

  • Added the ability to delete all the children of the selected node.
  • Added the ability to insert the current time stamp using "Shift+Ctrl+T".
  • Added a shortcut (Shift+Ctrl+A) for the reference field to insert "\".
  • Fixed an error in the way that the outline tabs were selecte using the Main Menu "Outlines" heading.

New in Redhaven Outline (Jan 26, 2013)

  • Enhancements:
  • Emergency Exit: This is a command that will close the program without saving |ANYTHING.
  • Splash Screen: Now a splash screen will be displayed when the program first opens.
  • Fixes:
  • Fixed an error that would sometimes prevent nodes with many children from being deleted.

New in Redhaven Outline (Oct 2, 2012)

  • Enhancements:
  • Added shortcut funtionality when the Reference and Key Words fields have focus.
  • Fixes:
  • Fixed some minor problems with the reverse search functionality.

New in Redhaven Outline (Sep 29, 2012)

  • Enhancements:
  • Added "Ctrl+M" to Move to the next outline.
  • Fixes:
  • Fixed a problem that sometimes incorrectly disabled the "Paste As Text" functionality in the notes field.

New in Redhaven Outline (Jun 20, 2012)

  • Font size for the outline can be changed by pressing Ctrl+"+" or Ctrl+"-".
  • Font size for most node fields can be changed by pressing Shift+Ctrl+"+" and Shift+Ctrl+"-".
  • The F8 key will now hide the node fields making the outline occupy the whole window.