SSbump Generator Changelog

What's new in SSbump Generator 5.3

Mar 12, 2010
  • I now use OpenMP to multithread the program, and as a result moved all the non-Windows form code into an external .dll
  • Added "Additive" and "Modulate" blend modes to the normal map generatorThe "Additive" blend mode is now the default.
  • Slightly modified normal map generation
  • Changed the order that normal maps were blended to make more senseNormal maps are now blended from the top layer down, so the blending settings on the top layer affect how it blends with the second layer, and the blending settings on the second layer affect how it blends witht the third, ect
  • Changed the normal map generator so that height maps of different sizes could be loaded and blended together, if the images are smaller than the first height map, then they will automatically tile.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the bilateral filter from being set below 1.0, it can now be disabled by setting it to 0.0
  • Changed default paramaters so that they generated better looking AO.
  • Changed to a 'better' random number generator.
  • Modified "alpha" and "theta" sliders to allow 360 degree ray generation (This generates non-directional ambient occlusion)
  • Added an option that will save the new blended height map when blending normals together.
  • Modified the preview windows so that the preview images are loaded from RAM instead of the hard disk.
  • Modified the post process window to dynamically generate a preview image.
  • Removed the preview button from the post process window because it is now unnecessary
  • Removed the "Add Folder" button from the main menu because I felt that it was not extremely usefull, and it was getting more and more difficlut to generalize all the settings to all images in a folder.
  • Modified the Normal Map Settings window to allow several different height maps to be blended togeher to create a normal map and new height map that is used in ssbump generation.
  • Changed some button pictures to images that were easier to understand.
  • Various other bug fixes and minor modifications.

New in SSbump Generator 5.2 Bugfix2 (Mar 12, 2010)

  • Fixed a bug introduced in the last bugfix that caused the alpha channel of 4 byte capable formats (ex. TGA) to become fully transparent after clicking the 'save' button in the post process window.
  • A message box now appears after clicking the 'save' button in the post process window that confirms the success of the save.

New in SSbump Generator 5.2 Bugfix1 (Mar 12, 2010)

  • Fixed a bug that was causing error in images when the 'save' button was used in the post process window. (All but the blue color channel was being destroyed)
  • 8-bit images used to crash the program they no longer crash the program, but do not save correctly. For now 8-bit images cannot be loaded into the program.

New in SSbump Generator 5.2 (Mar 12, 2010)

  • Added a Bilateral Filter option to the SSbump generator and Normal Map Generator.
  • Modified GUI to have two different view modes 'simplified' and 'advanced'. Simplified is the default, and reduces the AO generation settings to three sliders. Advanced view will have all the sliders the previous versoin had.
  • Fixed minor bugs.

New in SSbump Generator 5.1 (Aug 10, 2009)

  • Added more options to the normal map generator.
  • Fixed bug that prevented saving files from the post process window.
  • Added more ssbump lighting methods
  • Modified ssbump generation code to prevent overbrightening
  • Modified the AO generation code to be more memory efficient on the CPU and GPU
  • Minor bug fixes.
  • Updated GPU code to CUDA version 2.3
  • Added a grayscale button for 'estimating' height maps from color images