TCC/LE Changelog

What's new in TCC/LE 13.04.52

Mar 13, 2012
  • VIEW - The menus and dialogs are now available in English, French, Russian, and Spanish. The first time you run VIEW, it will set the language to the one defined in TCMD.INI. If you want to change it, you can select a language by starting VIEW, and selecting Tools / Preferences from the menu.
  • Updated all of the Internet libraries (ip*.dll).

New in TCC/LE 13.03.46 (Feb 25, 2012)

  • Updated all of the Internet libraries (ip*.dll).
  • Updated zip library.
  • Updated registration (licensing) library.
  • New installer version.
  • Added Google Translate to web help.
  • MKLINK - /D will now create a directory symlink even if the directory to link to does not exist (for CMD compatibility).

New in TCC/LE 13.02.35 (Dec 19, 2011)

  • The batch debugger editor and command input editor have been upgraded to a major new version.
  • Added the feedback tab to the web help pages.
  • BDEBUGGER - Added the Ctrl-F3, F3, and Shift-F3 keys (find next / find prev).

New in TCC/LE 13.01.33 (Dec 12, 2011)

  • The local help (tcmd.chm) has a number of new display options.
  • Take Command and TCC now have the option to use either the new Web Help or the local help (tcmd.chm). The web help has some additional features, including the ability to add comments to help topics.
  • The search algorithm for the popup windows has changed slightly. TCC will append a * to the search string unless the last character of the string is a wildcard (?, *, or ]), or if the search string is a regular expression (the first two characters of the string are ::).
  • MKLINK - The /X option no longer requires two arguments.
  • Take Command/LE has been discontinued. Existing Take Command/LE customers have been sent a free update to the full Take Command version.
  • .INI Directives:
  • WebHelp=yes|NO - New TCMD.INI directive (set in the Take Command and the TCC configuration dialogs). If set,
  • Take Command and TCC will use the web help at instead of the local help.

New in TCC/LE 13.00.28 (Oct 31, 2011)

  • Take Command/LE and TCC/LE are now available in 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
  • Removed the (non-Windows) limits on filename and argument size. The maximum filename size (dictated by Windows) and single argument size is now 32,767 characters.
  • The maximum (input) command line is now 65,535 characters.
  • The maximum expanded command line size is now 131,072 characters.
  • Fuzzy directory (jpstree.idx) updates (in MD, RD, DEL /S/X, etc.) are twice as fast as v12.
  • The Take Command (and Take Command/LE) toolbar has a new button "V" that will call the new file viewer VIEW (see below).
  • All of the popup windows (history lists, filename completion, @select, etc) have an edit control on the toolbar. Entering a search string there (or just typing while the popup window has focus) will eliminate non-matching entries from the window. The search string can also contain wildcards. (For example, entering *jpsoft* in the edit control at the top of the window will select all matching lines that contain "jpsoft" anywhere.)
  • All paging options (/P) in TCC now accept an "All" key to turn off paging. (This will vary by language, and is shown in the prompt.)
  • TCC now sets the default regular expression syntax (according to the value set in TCMD.INI) at startup and after saving new values in OPTION. (This is only of interest to plugin authors.)
  • The persistent directory history file is now only loaded if either local directory history is set, or TCC thinks it is the first instance. But since there's no such thing as "shell levels" in Windows, TCC can only guess (based on the TCMD.INI inheritance).
  • If the DirHistoryOnEntry .INI directive is set, TCC will save its startup directory to the directory history.
  • A Ctrl-Enter in the Command Input window will execute the current line and move the cursor down to the next line (without inserting a line).
  • Take Command now saves toolbar changes done through the add tab or create/edit button dialogs (previously it required you to right click in the toolbar & select "Save to .INI").
  • Help file updates.

New in TCC/LE 12.00.32 (Oct 29, 2010)

  • TCMD.INI file parsing (and thus the startup time) is faster.
  • Changed the dialog fonts from MS Sans Serif to Tahoma.
  • File read operations are slightly faster.
  • CMDVariables=yes|NO - Requires environment variables in TCC to be delineated by leading and trailing %'s. For those of you who just can't get enough of CMD compatibility, and the consistent way it handles variables. Which have to be enclosed in %'s, like "%varname%". Unless it's a batch variable, which only has a leading %. Or a FOR variable, which only has a leading %. Or sometimes two leading %'s.

New in TCC/LE 11.00.30 (Oct 26, 2009)

  • Both Take Command and TCC are now also available in x64 versions.
  • You can now put (simple) GUI apps into tabs. Note that this will not work for apps that have multiple parent windows!
  • The Take Command toolbar is now a "tabbed toolbar", allowing up to 20 tabs and 50 buttons per tab. You can also now right click on any button to edit it.
  • Take Command supports remapped console color palettes in the tab windows. If you are running Vista or later, Take Command will use the individual palette defined for each console. If you are running XP or 2003, Take Command will use the default console palette defined in the HKCUConsole registry key.
  • Display output in Take Command tab windows is 20% faster than v10.
  • Take Command can now optionally automatically attach all console apps to tabs, regardless of how or when they are started.
  • The "Attach Tabs" menu option in TCMD now includes hidden console windows. (This allows you to reattach consoles that may have been orphaned from a TCMD crash or unusual shutdown.)
  • You can now drag and drop into the Folders View.
  • The popup windows (history, file searching, etc.) now display the current search string on the left side of the window toolbar.
  • TCC now loads more than twice as fast as in v10.
  • Added SSH FTP (SFTP) support.
  • The FTP, FTPS, and SFTP syntax now accepts a "*" as the password as a request for an interactive password prompt; i.e.:
  • dir ftps://bob:*
  • The new environment variable PROMPT2 defines the prompt used for line continuations (i.e., when the last character on the line is an escape character). The default is "More? ".
  • The directory stack (DIRS, PUSHD, POPD) size has been increased to 4K.
  • Added embedded Tcl / tk support.
  • The TCMD tab labels can be rotated 90 degrees (see TabRotation in the .INI directives), allowing you to fit a lot more labels at the cost of slightly smaller tab windows
  • Added support for embedded variables in the CMD delayed expansion (!var!) syntax.
  • The Command Input window can now be autosaved & autoloaded. (See the CommandInputFile .INI directive below.)
  • DESCRIPT.ION reads are 500% faster.
  • Increased the maximum number of Take Command startup tabs to 25.
  • Increased the maximum argument size in TCC to 8191 characters.
  • Added a "Run..." dialog option to the Take Command tab context menu.
  • Startup Options:
  • TCC /IX - don't execute TCEXIT
  • TCC /Q - don't display copyright / version message (registered copies only)
  • .INI Directives:
  • This list is for your information only. You should always use OPTION (in TCC) or "Options / Configure Take Command" (in Take Command) to set your TCMD.INI options.
  • AutoAttachConsole - if Yes, TCMD will periodically look for and create a new tab for any unattached console windows. (Note that this means you cannot ever detach a console tab!)
  • AutoCDD - if No, disables the automatic directory changes (i.e., directory name with a trailing ) as the only argument on the command line
  • ClosePrompt - if 1, Take Command will pop up a message box to confirm exiting
  • CommandInputFile - name of a file used to save & restore the Command Input window
  • HistCase - if Yes, command history comparisons will be case sensitive
  • LockExplorerBar - if 1, TCMD will lock the Explorer toolbar in place (so it cannot be moved or docked)
  • LockMenuBar - if 1, TCMD will lock the menu bar in place (so it cannot be moved or docked)
  • LockTabBar - if 1, TCMD will lock the tab toolbar in place (so it cannot be moved or docked)
  • SSHLocalPort - the TCP port in the local host where IPPort binds.
  • SSHLocalHost - the name of the local host or user-assigned IP interface through which connections are initiated or accepted.
  • SSHPort - the port on the SSH server where the SSH service is running (default is 22).
  • TabRotation - if 1, TCMD will rotate the tab labels (and text) 90 degrees. (This allows you to fit many more tabs in the window, at the cost of a reduced window size.)
  • Tcl - if Yes, TCC will execute *.tcl scripts.
  • Command Line Editing:
  • Tab completion now supports internal variables
  • Tab completion now supports variable functions
  • Tab completion now checks for ftp / ftps names (ftp://xxx) and won't break on the first /
  • New Commands:
  • UNZIP - Extract files from a zip archive. UNZIP will automatically use the Zip64 extensions if the archive is in Zip64 format. The UNZIP syntax is:
  • UNZIP [/C /D /E /F /O /S"password" /U /V] ziparchive path ...
  • VBEEP - flash the screen (by setting all the attributes to their inverse) and optionally beep the speaker. The syntax is the same as BEEP:
  • VBEEP [frequency duration...][asterisk | exclamation | hand | question | ok]
  • ZIP - Add, update, or delete files to a zip archive. UNZIP will automatically use the Zip64 extensions if the archive is in Zip64 format. The ZIP syntax is:
  • ZIP [A:[[-][+]rhsdaecjot] /A /C /D /F /M /O:[-]adegnrstu /P /Q /R /S"password" /U /V /YC] ziparchive [@file] file...