WinEdt Changelog

What's new in WinEdt 10.0 Build 20160317

Mar 18, 2016
  • The major new feature in this version is the ability to handle bidirectional text (Arabic or Hebrew) and improved support for some complex unicode scripts (such as Thai). The use of MS Uniscribe library in WinEdt's text processing engine is instrumental for this functionality (also the main reason why this version doesn't run on Windows XP that does not support unicode script tags)...
  • New properties in [UNICODE] sectionL
  • For complex language processing (eg. Hebrew or Arabic bidirectional text or Thai non-spacing characters) this property should be enabled. Users that do not require such functionality can disable Uniscribe engine if they encounter problems or experience any problems with performance (extra text processing can add up in large documents). WinEdt has been optimized and it detects when
  • complex processing is required and performs it as needed. These properties are also available in the Unicode page of Preferences Dialog.
  • New UNICODE properties that determine how the new Uniscribe library is used.
  • Very few (probably no) fonts on Windows contain glyphs for all unicode characters. Normally WinEdt uses one primary font as specified in the Preferences dialog (or possibly overwritten for a particular mode in Font Schemes). If this font is lacking glyphs for a particular script then WinEdt substitutes it with the first exiting specified fallback font at the same height as the primary font (when missing glyphs have to be displayed)
  • The new GetScriptTagsAndFonts macro function was used to compile the list of scripts and suitable fonts. Advanced users with special needs or a very different choice of the default font may have to modify the list in order to get a reasonable looking text in certain scripts. Fallback fonts were implicitly used in previous versions of WinEdt as well except that they were not customizable Windows preformed substitutions automatically for better or
  • worse). Some of the specified fallback fonts are native to Windows 10 while others come with Windows 7 only. This does not impede runtime performance since WinEdt simply ignores and removes non-existent fonts on your system
  • Keywords, Switches, and Filter sets now allow a new highlighting attribute property: FONT_NAME. When "fancy" UNISCRIBE text processing is enabled this makes it possible to change the font family as a highlighting attribute.
  • Two new FONT and FONT_SCHEMES properties have been introduced: EXTRA_LINE_SPACING_ABOVE, EXTRA_LINE_SPACING_BELOW to give more control over the line spacing. The "old" property EXTRA_LINE_SPACING is still available (for compatibility's sake) and it simply splits the spacing between the above values (Above = n div 2 and Below is the rest) just like before. Depending on scripts and selected fonts it is sometimes useful to distinguish between these two properties (some scripts use a lot of space above the baseline while some other fonts and scripts require extra space under the baseline). These two properties can be adjusted in the Preferences Dialog...
  • New 0/1 property TAB_DRAW for TAB characters. When enabled Tab characters are discretely drawn (using a custom algorithm similar to underlined misspelled words) in order to distinguish them from spaces. This property does not affect the alignment properties of tabs. This option is ignored when Tabs are translated and displayed TAB_EXPAND=2). This property can also be set in the Tab page of the Preferences Dialog...
  • Filter Sets now allow extra 0/1 property EXTENDED. When set to 1 Unicode characters > #255 match the set (even though the set expressions are limited to Ansi characters). A typical example where this property is required is a filter set "~\" (and few other "negated" sets)...
  • Document Tabs now allow an extra 0/1 property SHOW_HINTS. When enabled the full path and filename of a document is displayed as a hint when mouse pointer hovers over the tab...
  • [COLORS] section now contains named colors that are used for all Keywords and Switches in the default settings. Users that customized their highlighting do not have to use these color names. However, if you want to load any of the alternative color schemes included in this version you will have to update your customized settings with color names. Then you can remove the comment in front of your preferred alternative scheme and reload the settings.
  • Users with artistic skills can provide more alternatives based on these examples (it is just a matter of redefining the colors). The idea behind this modification is to make it possible to define and share alternative colors schemes without having to work directly with keywords and switches (which most users find intimidating) or directly the generic RGB_0..RGB_F basic filenames, which do not have any obvious meaning. Providing and loading a list of alternative colors is all that is required and named colors allow for complete customization. This was not possible working only with RGB_0..RGB_F colors and a few named colors available in previous versions. The default colors and appearance did not change
  • Options Menu contains a submenu Theme that allows you to switch between the default theme and custom predefined themes listed above without editing the configuration script Colors.ini)
  • Alternative toolbars have now been placed in subfolder ConfigEx\Toolbars in order to reduce the increasing number of configuration files in ConfigEx\*.ini...
  • Default Toolbar settings contain comments that make it easy to activate any of the predefined toolbar alternatives.
  • Options Menu contains a submenu Toolbar that allows you to switch between the default theme and custom predefined toolbars listed above (without editing the configuration script Toolbar.ini)
  • Generic lists in INI files can now be folded.
  • Auto completion event handler macros can now determine how was the completion triggered by checking the value of %-? register. Advanced users can modify event handlers taking this information into consideration. Default handlers do not distinguish between the triggers.
  • New macro:
  • GetScriptTagsAndFonts(Register: -11..9; All: 0..1); When All is zero only the list of currently cashed fonts is displayed. Otherwise all available fonts and supported unicode scripts on your system are listed in the specified register. The result is over 10K lines long and it contains all script ranges of unicode characters. This macro was used to help prepare the default settings for script-dependent fallback fonts as used by the new Uniscribe Scripting Engine. It is of little interest to other users unless they want to customize Uniscribe engine to better handle complex languages used on their system or test for any unicode-related oddities on their Windows.
  • A new option for the menu shortcuts: ALLOW_ALTGR_SHORTCUTS=1. Unless this option is enabled AltGr shortcuts are ignored in WinEdt menu (only Ctrl+Alt can be used) otherwise AltGr qualifier is equivalent to Ctrl+Alt. Most users will not care or notice any difference but those that feel that it should be one way or another can now reset this value. Note that it is not recommended to use such shortcuts in the menu (they can interfere with windows keyboard shortcuts on some keyboard layouts) but it is really up to
  • you...
  • A refresh bug after pasting multi-line text at the end of a document with disabled environment background option has been fixed not commonly encountered)...
  • Backward search inside selected text (not commonly used function) did not work properly and mostly failed to find a match. This has now been fixed...
  • Horizontal scrolling when selecting text with a mouse now uses a delay in order to slow it down. The speed increases if you move the mouse over the edge of the Window client (vertical scrolling was already using this feature). Not many users rely on this functionality but those that use mouse to select text in long lines will find this an improvement as it was hard to control the
  • selection when fast horizontal scrolling "kicked" in....
  • A problem with MiKTeX's "Install Packages on Demand" functionality when running console applications inside WinEdt console has been fixed (regardless of whether the packages are installed on user or system level with UAC and regardless of MiKTeX asking for conformation or not). It turns out that MiKTeX's accessories (except TeXify) cannot initiate download and installation of missing packages with any kind of prompt if the process was created within invisible (hidden) console Window (it is not clear why: a bug in MiKTeX). However, the way around this problem is NOT to create (and then hide) an external console Window at all. Simple enough, once you find out what exactly is the matter. As a consequence a few minor changes have been made to RunConsole and WinExe macros (see the documentation - Macro Manual - for details). It is unlikely that this will cause any incompatibilities with custom macros that use these two functions (since the default values for extended parameters do what is needed).
  • MiKTeX users should update to the latest version of MiKTeX (Use WinEdt's TeX Menu -> MiKTeX -> MiKTeX Update Wizard) in order to allow WinEdt compilation macros take advantage of some recent MiKTeX fixes when it comes to handling of input paths...
  • New 0/1 parameter DetectExitCode for RunConsole. Zero value implies that exit codes that indicate a possible exception (access violation, floating point error, cancellation) are ignored by WinEdt... This is useful for console applications that return non-standard) exit code outside the common ranges expected from Windows console applications: no point in disturbing a user with harmless) extra messages.
  • Optional parameter Priority: -1..1 has been added to Run and RunConsole macro functions (to make them compatible with WinExe just in case)...
  • Optional parameter Unicode: -1..1 has been added to SendMail macro function. When set to 1 (or 0 on Windows 10) it uses unicode version of MAPI interface (MAPISendMailW). According to MS documentation this is a preferred behavior on Windows 10 (with recent versions of Office and Outlook). When set to -1 it always uses non-unicode (legacy) version (MAPISendMail). Details depend on your email client (there is no guarantee that this function works under all circumstances)...
  • PDF macros no longer use DDE for SumatraPDF. Using the command line switch -forward-search is faster and more reliable. I had a report that DDE stopped working after a Windows 10 update. Using a command line switch (if it exists) is always preferable (simple is better). Besides DDE does not (and will not) support Unicode!
  • Templates and macros that use them have been modified by skipping the %B qualifier in their specification. This makes it easier to localize them without having to modify any macro or configuration scripts (just make a local customized copy in %b)...
  • A few minor bug fixes and improvements.

New in WinEdt 9.1 Build 20150515 (May 15, 2015)

  • WinEdt 9.1 provides an easy-to-use and highly configurable auto-completion functionality. If enabled, the auto-completion popup window with a list of matching items (suggestions) shows up while you are typing certain items (such as LaTeX commands or environments). You can continue to type text in order to filter/refine the number of suggested items. Pressing Enter inserts the selected item (or template).

New in WinEdt 9.0 Build 20140815 (Aug 16, 2014)

  • WinEdt now has a new configuration [IMAGE_RESOURCES]. Here is where dpi-dependent Image Resources are managed:
  • This section manages dpi-dependent WinEdt Image Resources
  • The closest DPI selector

New in WinEdt 8.2 Build 20140613 (Jun 14, 2014)

  • WinEdt 8.2 is dpi-aware and it is properly scaled on resolutions other than 96dpi. It automatically resizes its controls and fonts for (ultra) high resolution displays. Images at different resolutions are responsible for increased size of this release.
  • WinEdt 8.2 is compatible with Windows High Contrast Themes. Highlighting automatically adjust to black background due to the new color schemes configuration section.
  • Status Line is now fully customizable and in its default settings it displays an extra panel for document encoding (such as UTF-8 or CP1250).
  • Options Menu now contains Toolbar submenu where you can quickly select one of the alternative toolbar layouts (not everyone needs or wants a 2-row toolbar with all compilers and extras).

New in WinEdt 8.1 Build 20131031 (Nov 1, 2013)

  • WinEdt is now DPI Aware and it is properly scaled on resolutions other than 96dpi. Previously WinEdt was "blurry" on higher resolutions unless "Windows XP style scaling" was enabled. However, this option is no longer available on Windows 8.1 and it was essential to make WinEdt aware of custom DPI settings or else it looked (really) bad...
  • WinEdt is now compatible with High Contrast Schemes that can be enabled through Windows Control Panel. All Windows theme elements including Window background and text color) adjust automatically to such a scheme. Furthermore, when dark high contrast theme is enabled WinEdt's highlighting is limited to Font Attributes only. Details can be adjusted through Preferences Dialog| Appearance or through Highlighting Sections of Options interface (should one want to enable highlighting and manually adjust colors to match the selected high contrast scheme)...
  • New Property HIGH_CONTRAST_AWARE=0/1 in [HIGHLIGHTING_EFFECTS] configuration section:
  • When enabled, WinEdt automatically reduces its highlighting to font attributes and disables environment background highlighting when a black high contrast scheme is detected. This prevents text to be rendered invisible or poorly visible on dark background.
  • A new Dark Background scheme is now defined in BackgroundScehems.ini. It can be enabled by users that prefer black background. A few default Highlighting settings have been adjusted to make this possible...
  • Some properties in [BACKGROUND_SCHEMES] now allow value 3 for background color mode in order to make the default settings more flexible to non-standard window background or high contrast Windows schemes. The new value 3 is interpreted as follows:
  • Use the specified RGB if the window background is white or else automatically adjust the color relative to the background. Help explains the details.
  • WinEdt no longer inserts BOM when an empty UTF-8 file is opened. This was an undesired behavior/ bug in previous versions.
  • WinEdt now tolerates/ ignores BOM in its ini and edt scripts. They must be in UTF-8 (or plain ASCII) format (as before).
  • The dialog that displays bibliography items (eg. after active string \cite{}) or labels (eg. after active string \ref{}) now contains a button "Filter Items". This allows you to type a string and filter out items that do not contain this string. This could make navigating large bib data bases or projects easier. Shortcut F7 inside the interface triggers the same action as pressing the Filter Items button. Popup menu (right-click on this button) contains extra options for "Case Sensitive" and "Regular Expression" search that could make this functionality even more powerful for advanced users.
  • Furthermore, an extended form of this dialog (eg. long bib items) and a short one (used to display labels) now maintain different dimensions after they are resized by the user. Previously the user was facing a choice of making them too large for short items or too small for extended items.
  • Parameters to GDIPopup macro function that displays this dialog did not change. A typical use is something like:
  • GDIPopup('Bib','Bibliography Items',1,1,0,1,0,'','',0,0,1,1,',');
  • New 0/1 property for [WRAPPING] configuration section:
  • Right Margin Constraint when FIXED_RIGHT_MARGIN=0 When set to 1 the fixed right margin is used as long as the window is large enough This property is ignored when fixed right margin is enabled! CONSTRAINED_RIGHT_MARGIN=0
  • This makes it possible to use "fixed right margin" in softly wrapped documents as long as the window is wide enough and then reformat the text if the window is too small to accommodate the fixed right margin value...
  • This property is also available in the Preferences| Wrapping Dialog together with other soft wrapping properties).
  • New Property DELAY=0/1 for Active Strings. When enabled the active string is only activated after an extra character has been typed. This makes it possible for the event handler macro to decide what to do depending on an extra character following the active string (which is stored in temporary register %?). Furthermore, the set filter:
  • AFTER=1
  • END_FILTER="~Alpha"
  • can be used to make sure that the string is only activated if the following character belongs to particular set and thus avoid unwanted activations...
  • New macro function that returns type of a unicode character at position ind in a zero-based string:
  • GetChrCat(reg: 0..9, ind: #0, "String");
  • Result:
  • 0 - lowercase (Alpha)
  • 1 - uppercase (Alpha)
  • 2 - Numeric
  • 3 - Other
  • 4 - index is past the end of the string
  • New macro function that simulates keyboard input:
  • SendKeyInput(Key: 0..255, Event: 0..2);
  • This can be used to manipulate applications in the foreground including WinEdt) to act as if the specified key was pressed by the user.
  • New macro function that wraps selected text to the specified left and right margin. In Soft Wrapping mode the text is formatted with hard returns which a few users considered an "essential" feature.
  • WrapSelectedText(Left_Margin: -1..99, Right_Margin: -1..9999);
  • If Left Margin is negative then it is automatically determined to equal the smallest indentation in the selected block.
  • If Right Margin is negative then the ordinary right margin possibly adjusted to the screen width in soft mode) applies. The value 0 uses the default fixed right margin (as specified in the Preferences| Wrapping Dialog). Otherwise the text is wrapped to the specified right margin value.
  • An interface to this macro has been added to the Edit -> Format menu: Wrap Paragraph.
  • The function FormatParagraph can be used to undo the wrapping in Soft Mode and remove the hard returns.
  • New parameter indent for:
  • GoToBeginningOfLine(indent: 0..2);
  • SelToBeginningOfLine(indent: 0..2);
  • 0 - go to column 1 (the same as before)
  • 1 - Go to the first indented character (> space)
  • 2 - the same as 0 if caret is already at the first indented
  • character or else the same as 1 (toggle)
  • Two new parameters for:
  • MatchDelimiter(Selection_Mode:0..15;
  • Delay,Swap_Position,Ignore_Errors,Simple_Match,Ignore_Toggled: 0..1);
  • When Simple_Match is set to 1 only the first delimiter (and its closing counterpart) is used to determine the scope. All other delimiters are ignored. This makes it possible to select a scope containing nested delimiter {..{ ... } ..} even when the scope contains unmatched delimiters such as {1) text...}...
  • If Ignore_Toggled is set to 1 toggled delimiters (such as $...$) are ignored inside proper left and right delimiter scope.
  • Extra flags in Exe macro function are now properly interpreted as documented).
  • Two new macro scripts GDIBib.edt and GDILabel.edt have been placed in the Menus\Insert folder. They can be used to manually start GDIPopup dialog in order to insert a label or bib item through the same interface that is triggered by \cite{} and ref{} active strings. If you want to use this functionality you should modify Citation and Reference items in Insert -> LaTeX Menu and possibly assign a shortcut to them:
  • ITEM="Citation"
  • CAPTION="&Citation"
  • IMAGE="Citation"
  • MACRO="IfSel(2,'>',!'SetSel(0);');InsLabel('\cite','{','}');"+
  • "Exe('%b\Menus\Insert\GDIBib.edt');"
  • Find in selected text now only finds a string if it is completely inside the selected scope. Previously it was enough that it started inside it and was allowed to extend beyond the end. A few users considered this to be a bug...

New in WinEdt 8.0 Build 20130513 (May 15, 2013)

  • Internal code has been optimized and overall performance of WinEdt has been improved (particularly noticeable in large TeX or HTML documents).
  • Brand new section [FOLDING] that controls code folding functionality has been added... See FOLDING in the Configuration Manual index for the details.
  • New macros that control folding functionality:
  • ShowFoldingMargin(Visible: -1..1);
  • Note: folding functionality is only enabled when the folding margin is visible. Folding margin has its own context-sensitive popup menu in response to right mouse clicks.
  • FoldNodes(All: 0..1, Subnodes: 0..1, "Category_Filter", exclude_current_line: 0..1); UnfoldNodes(All: 0..1, Subnodes: 0..1, "Category_Filter");
  • Optional Category_Filter allows you to affect only nodes that has been assigned to a certain category.
  • Preference Dialog| Appearance allows you to enable and disable code folding functionality for certain modes.
  • Shortcut F7 toggles visibility of the folding margin and can be used to temporarily enable or disable this functionality... The following commands, also available in the context popup menu, can be accessed through the shortcuts:
  • Ctrl+F7 Fold All
  • Shift+F7 Fold Surrounding Nodes
  • Shift+Ctrl+F7 Unfold All
  • Detection of Errors and Warnings in LOG files has been improved once again!).
  • A few oddities with collection of unwanted data inside softly wrapped comments or paragraphs have been fixed...
  • Performance for collecting Tree and Gather Items (most noticeably bibliography) has been optimized and improved...
  • A new configuration macro:
  • LoadPrjList("ProjectList.dat", Open_Top_Project: 0..1);
  • If the filename is not specified then the default project list as specified in the [PROJECT_MANAGER] configuration section:
  • PROJECT_LIST_DATA_FILE="%b\WinEdt-PrjList.dat" is used.
  • The second parameter is ignored unless an empty instance of WinEdt with no opened project and no documents) is running.
  • A new property VERBATIM=0/1 can now be assigned to [SWITCHES] items. This property is used to prevent WinEdt from gathering data and input directives inside such environments.
  • A new property ALLOW_INDENTED_ENVIRONMENTS=0/1 in HIGHLIGHTING_EFFECTS] can be used to disable the indentation of environment backgrounds. This is also available in Preference Dialog| Highlighting.
  • A new property WRAP_ENVIRONMENTS=0/1 in [PRINT] can be used to enable or disable wrapping of special environments (as defined in the [ENVIRONMENTS] section) when printing. This option is also available in the Print Dialog.
  • MENU can now be ended by an optional END property in [MAIN_MENU] and [POPUP_MENUS] for visual feedback. The same applies to BRANCH and ITEM in [NAVIGATION_BAR], to PAGE and ITEM in [GATHER], and to INPUT in [INPUT_DIRECTIVES].
  • END_TABLE property has been replaced with END (for consistency with other sections that use END)...
  • BRANCH/PAGE_IGNORE_COMMENTS and BEGINNING_OF_LINE_ONLY properties in [NAVIGATION_BAR] and [GATHER] no longer use negative values for managing DTX items. These items are now handled through a new LINE_START property. The same has been done in [INPUT_DIRECTIVES] and [FOLDING].
  • Summary of changes to Configuration Keywords:
  • These are new:
  • END
  • These are new:
  • END
  • This is no longer supported and has to be removed:
  • These have their range changed:
  • [GATHER]
  • These are new:
  • END
  • This is no longer supported and has to be removed:
  • These have their range changed:
  • Replacement:
  • Replacement:
  • This is new:
  • This is new:
  • These are new:
  • [PRINT]
  • This is new:

New in WinEdt 7.1 Build 20130321 (Mar 23, 2013)

  • A bug with shortcuts for disabled menu items preventing the same shortcut to work for an enabled item has been fixed. In particular, in MiKTeX configuration F9 (Compile) did not work because the disabled and invisible Compile item for the Default configuration prevented it from being activated... This problem only affected 64-bit version of WinEdt.

New in WinEdt 7.1 Build 20130227 (Feb 28, 2013)

  • A bug with reading UTF-8 configuration files on locales with multi-byte language settings (CJK) has been fixed. The problem was introduced with switch to Delphi XE3 compiler (Build 20130125).
  • WinEdt now allows up to 2,000,000,000 lines per file (previous limit was 16,000,000 lines). However, do not expect stellar performance in huge files (different editors may be designed specifically to handle huge files)...

New in WinEdt 7.1 Build 20130219 (Feb 20, 2013)

  • A fix for a rare corrupted status line problem on some systems.
  • A fix to the compilation macro %B\Exec\ExeCompilerPost.edt to prevent a problem with SumatraPDF automatically refreshing compiled pdf file when TeXAux directory is used to redirect auxiliary files.
  • The problem was introduced in WinEdt Build 20130125.
  • Minor fixes in some macros that do not work properly in folders with names that contain apostrophes.
  • Added Input Directives for DTX mode.

New in WinEdt 7.1 Build 20130113 (Jan 15, 2013)

  • There are now 32 and 64-bit versions of WinEdt 7.1. Users with 64-bit Windows can install either. Configurations and functionality of both versions are identical. The only difference is that WinEdt.exe is compiled as a native 32-bit or 64-bit Windows application, respectively. In the long run all applications will use a 64-bit platform but currently 32-bit applications run well on 64-bit Windows and not all applications offer a stable 32-bit version yet.
  • New macros to detect Windows version and 32/64 bit platform:
  • IfWinEdt64("Then","Else");
  • IfWin64("Then","Else");
  • GetWinVersion(MajorVersion: 0..9, MinorVersion: 0..9);
  • Updated Adobe.edt that takes more care of the differences between
  • Adobe Reader and Acrobat (tested with Reader 7, 8, 9, X, and XI, and with Acrobat Pro 9, X, and XI)
  • Improved PDF macros for SumatraPDF
  • Keywords have been updated for MetaPost 1.780...
  • Macro function SetInitLang has been removed. It does nothing in Unicode version of WinEdt and has not been used since WinEdt 6...
  • A few minor bug fixes and numerous improvements to the default settings.

New in WinEdt 7.0 Build 20121113 (Nov 14, 2012)

  • Auto-detection of the MiKTeX or TeX Live configuration has been slightly improved (in case the user switches from one to the other TeX system and leaves it to auto-detection to load the right configuration).
  • Some TeX Input Directives now contain only EXTENSION="." instead of EXTENSION=".;.". Since TeX always adds "." extension this prevents wrong file in WinEdt's project tree in case when both file.tex and file (without extension) exist (not a good practice but anyway)...
  • WinEdt can now display the current line in a readonly Unicode Preview edit control positioned under the document tabs. Preview control cannot be edited and it cannot receive focus. Selected text (character) will appear selected in the preview as well. This makes it easy to spot any unwanted unicode characters that might have been accidentally pasted in your text.
  • A new macro function has been introduced to control visibility of the preview control: ShowUnicodePreview(Visible: -1..1); By default the View menu contains an item Unicode Preview that toggles visibility of this control.
  • In Unicode configuration section it is now possible to list the Ranges of Unicode Characters that you deem admissible in your documents. These characters will be displayed as are in the Unicode Preview edit control. All other characters will be displayed as U+HEX. Use Character Map to see what values are acceptable for your documents.
  • Defaults look like:
  • // 9 // Allow Tab Characters?
  • 32-127
  • 161-382
  • RegEx extension \u matches any unicode character that is not listed above. This can come handy if you want to ensure that your document(s) don't contain any unicode (possibly invisible) characters that could cause problems with a compiler such as TeX but are very hard to spot in the editor. Furthermore, Greek or Cyrillic letter A looks the same as the Latin one but it has a different unicode value and TeX will complain about it!
  • Unicode section of the Preferences Dialog now also allows specification of the Unicode Character Set Range for Regular Expressions. In previous builds this settings could only be adjusted through the Unicode section of the Options Interface. It is not necessary to increase this range in order to spot unicode characters beyond the range when they are specified as a special \u RegEx set.
  • A bug with case insensitive search and UNICODE characters (>127) has been fixed. WinEdt now correctly matches characters like Ж ж...

New in WinEdt 7.0 Build 20120704 (Jul 9, 2012)

  • A bug with non-modal Incremental Search dialog not working has been fixed.
  • Occasional AV when closing documents by double-clicking on their tab has been fixed.
  • A bug when printing highlighted text has been fixed (custom color persisted when a text highlighted with default color followed). This only affected printing from WinEdt.
  • WinEdt Synctex macros now work properly when synctex file have CR+LF format (a recent change in MiKTeX). Previously the macros assumed that the file is in UNIX format (as it should have been)...
  • WinEdt can now properly render Thai unicode text (with non-spacing marks). Basic support for Thai does not include kerning or word boundaries (a notorious problem with Thai language) and it is limited to Windows API support for this language (which is not perfect). Even so plenty of exceptions had to be handled in order to provide reasonably good Thai text rendering on the screen...
  • Selections now allow specifying background color while preserving highlighted text. Documentation explains how...
  • Screen refreshing with CJK characters has been optimized and is now faster.
  • A few minor refresh oddities have been fixed.

New in WinEdt 7.0 Build 20120329 (Apr 13, 2012)

  • WinEdt 7 is a unicode editor. It is compiled with Delphi XE and heavily optimized in order to match the performance of earlier non-unicode versions of WinEdt...
  • Up-to-date documentation (including an updated Macro Manual and a brand new Configuration Manual) is now consolidated in a single help file (available from the Help menu).
  • A new Preferences Dialog has been introduced to allow most common customizations (for users that are intimidated by the more powerful Options Interface and Configuration Scripts).
  • Graphic controls (like toolbars and menu items) now use transparent png images instead of bitmaps.
  • Default settings have numerous improvements (including enhanced compilation and preview macros, new highlighting schemes, etc.).
  • And there is more... Eighteen months of work has gone into this version of WinEdt and every aspect of the code, documentation, and default settings has been revised and improved for this release.

New in WinEdt 6.0 Build 20110315 (Jun 23, 2011)

  • A problem with locating source files from MiKTeX log files has been fixed
  • A problem with silent install has been fixed
  • Support for MetaFont has been added
  • New functionality with aux directory has been added...
  • Uninstalling WinEdt 6 no longer removes WinEdt 7 application data folder

New in WinEdt 6.0 Build 20101215 (Dec 18, 2010)

  • NSIS configuration has been added. This way WinEdt edits and compiles its own installation scripts...
  • Enhanced Installation Options (Admin vs. Private Installation, etc...)
  • Enhanced Icons for filetype associations (much better appearance with large icons)
  • DDE Fix for Adobe X (
  • A problem with properly restoring Execution Modes Settings with Default configuration have been fixed (introduced by accident in Build 20101207 when support for NSIS compiler has been added)...
  • Two minor bug fixes:
  • local images for Options Interface
  • AV with generic [non-TeX] Wizard
  • Forward Search with PDF-XChange v.2.5 can now highlight a box (not just a proper page).
  • Some oddities with undoing and redoing with free caret interface have been fixed.
  • PDF Alternative Viewer #4 in Execution Modes now works properly (before it would use the value for Viewer #3)...
  • Some minor enhancements to default settings...

New in WinEdt 6.0 Build 20101202 (Dec 4, 2010)

  • NSIS configuration has been added.
  • Two minor bug fixes:
  • local images for Options Interface
  • AV with generic [non-TeX] Wizard).
  • Forward Search with PDF-XChange v.2.5 can now highlight a box (not just a proper page).
  • Some enhancements to default settings