HJSplit Changelog

What's new in HJSplit 3.0

Jun 6, 2013
  • Improved: HJSplit is now able to generate MD5 checksums.
  • Added: you can cancel an operation by using the new cancel button inside the progress form. When pressing 'Cancel' HJSplit pauses and asks for confirmation.
  • Added: the progress display now also explicitly includes the current progress percentage (0% - 100%).
  • Added: when you cancel a split operation, the split files that were created during this operation will be deleted. This is to prevent an invalid set of split parts being left on your system.
  • Added: when you cancel a join operation, the joined file will be deleted. This is to prevent leaving an invalid joined file on your system.
  • Changed: all links pointing to the HJSplit home page (inside the program's main screen and the about screen) have been updated so that they point to www.hjsplit.org (which - at the time of writing this - redirects to the old HJSplit site on Freebyte.com)