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Download (executables only 1.0MB) CryptoUP [] with CryptoUP Library [] and FindSR []: download  

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(English text below)

Warnung: Chiffrate sind nur mit der entsprechenden Programmversion von CryptoUP wieder dekryptierbar!

CryptoUnPlugged und FindSR sind 32Bit-Anwendungen, lauffaehig auf allen aktuellen Varianten von Microsoft Windows Betriebssystemen fuer PCs. CryptoUP ist ein Werkzeug zur Datei-Verschluesselung -Entschluesselung, dient mithin zum Schuetzen sensitiver Daten irgendwelcher Natur. Es hinterlaesst keine Kennung oder Spur im verschluesselten Produkt. Die Staerke dieses Hilfsmittels liegt einzig im eingegebenen Schluessel, der allfaellig gewaehlten Schluesselverlaengerung sowie dem einlesbaren Schluessel. Also darf CryptoUP ruhig im Besitz des Gegners sein. Die Software ist nicht speziell auf Geschwindigkeit getrimmt, viel mehr Wert wurde gelegt auf maximale Sicherheit, bei vertretbarem Aufwand. So sind zum Beispiel verschiedene Modi verfuegbar, wie etwa der 'one time pad'. Die Manipulation der FPU-Genauigkeit eroeffnet eine zusaetzliche Variation, stellt jedoch keinen eigenen Algorithmus dar. Sie dient eigentlich nur der Kompatibilitaet. Weiter besteht die Moeglichkeit zur Bildung von Fuenfergruppen aus Buchstaben und Zahlen wie sie beispielsweise auf Kurzwelle ausgestrahlt werden. Damit lassen sich natuerlich auch SMS Chiffrieren. Der Empfaenger braucht lediglich die per SMS enpfangenen 5er Gruppen in ein Textfile zu schreiben, CryptoUP zu beauftragen diese in ein Chiffrat zu wandeln und per Passwort zu dechiffrieren. Die blosse Wandlung in 5er Gruppen ist also lediglich eine Kanalkodierung. Die reine Chiffrierung muss mithin vor, respektive nach der Kanalkodierung erfolgen. Auf diese Weise koennte man z.B. auch eine *.exe direkt unchiffriert mittels SMS uebertragen. Die optionale Crypto-Bibliothek erweitert die internen Algorithmen. Mit der Hash-Funktion kann jedes File signiert werden. Jede inhaltliche Veraenderung faellt danach sofort auf.

Die Funktion 'Analyse' birgt ein kleines Werkzeug zum Erfassen der Verteilung von ASCII-Zeichen in einer beliebigen Datei. Fuer verschluesselte Daten wird eine statistische Verteilung angestrebt. Wem diese Funktion zu rudimentaer erscheint, der behilft sich mit dem beiliegenden Analyser FindSR, der weiterreichende Moeglichkeiten bietet, die bis hinunter auf die Bitebene fuehren.

CryptoUP und FindSR wurden nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen geschrieben. CryptoUP hat bisher jedem Angriff standgehalten, was ihm aber keines Falls die absolute Sicherheit verleiht. Sie benutzen beide Programme bitte ausdruecklich auf eigene Gefahr! Haben Sie einmal den Schluessel oder nur Teile davon vergessen, dann lehnen Sie sich am besten zurueck und trinken einen starken...

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CryptoUP und FindSR sind frei zur nichtkommerziellen Nutzung!

(Deutscher Text oben)

Danger: Encrypted files of different CryptoUP versions can not be decrypted on this version!

CryptoUP and FindSR are 32Bit applications running under all current Microsoft Windows operating systems for PCs only. CryptoUnPlugged was designed to code or decode any kind of file no matter what ingredient. This file encryption, file decryption utility does not leave a trace in the encrypted file. The file size differs slightly compared to the original. This is quite normal and offers enhanced security. The whole power of this Application is in the key, the key extension and the key file, if desired. CryptoUP is not optimized to speed, but to security. Any possible opponent is invited to use CryptoUp without any disadvantage. There are several modes available, for example it is possible to use 'one time pad'. The manipulation of the FPU-Modes offers additional combinations. Hence it's not a method itself, only for the sake of compatibility. An other utility enables building of alphanumerical groups to five characters each often found on shortwave broadcasts. This can also easily be used for the protection of SMS text messages (SMS cipher) and permits the user to send and receive encrypted text messages via a mobile phone in security. The message remains encrypted as it travels through the Telecommunication network and can only be deciphered by the receiver’s CryptoUP. Paste the SMS groups into a text file. Convert it into the original cipher, then type in the password to really decypher the message. The optional Crypto Library enhances the internal algorithms. Use the Hash-function as a signature to ensure the file content is valid.

CryptoUP has never been broken so far. But be careful no encryption method on earth has the one and only security. Use this program completely at your own risk and take care of your key. If you have lost it please sit down keep cool and pour a stiff drink...

The handy analyzer named FindSR is a tool to check encoded data. It enables pure analysis down to the bit level.

-> Use CryptoUP and FindSR at your own risk please! <-

CryptoUP and FindSR are free to non commercial use only!

Look at Don's text out of the CQ Magazine:

CryptoUP is an application that runs under any 32-bit Windows® version (meaning Windows® 95 or later, even Vista). You start the application, specify an encryption key, pick the input file and type an output file name, and click "Compile." A fraction of a second later the encrypted file is ready. There is an optional feature that breaks up a file into five-character groups, a technique commonly used for RTTY and other HF transmission modes.

After downloading the file (a 4.5 MB zip file, or a 1.5 MB compact install file), unzip it to a temporary directory and run the .EXE file within. The InstallShield Wizard takes you through the installation in a comfortable and convenient fashion. Installation takes under a minute and consumes less than 2 MB of hard-disk space. Two applications are installed: CryptoUP and FindSR, the latter being a utility to analyze encrypted files, for which I did not find a need.

After starting the application, you minimally need to type in a key, the input file, and the name you'd like for the output file. Select "Encrypt" and click Compile. It really is that easy, but if you like, you can also select several options to optimize the application for your purpose.

The key is, well, the key to the whole process. If you encrypt a file, and then lose the key, there is simply no easy way to recover the file. It's gone forever. Be sure to select a key that is not only memorable, but one that is not easily guessed — not your callsign, for example. I could go into a dissertation about selecting a strong key, but instead some useful features can ease this burden.

First of these features is the use of a Key File, a file that is about the same size as the file to be encrypted — too short and the encryption is not as strong. A unique secondary key is synthesized from the contents of the file, and this process is repeatable. If you know the other party has a copy of the file, you can send the primary key in the open and simply tell the other party the name of the file you used to generate the key.

Second is the OTP (One Time Pad) feature. OTP refers to the practice of creating a file of single-use keys, each of which is discarded after a single use. Both parties have a copy of all of the keys, and they need to keep track of which ones have already been used. The term comes from a pad of paper, which has a key written on each page. Once the key is used, the page is removed and discarded, revealing the next key.

Last, you can also insert a key extension character. This allows you to use the same key several times, but with a different digit or letter at the end. Unauthorized parties can decrypt a file more easily if they have several files that use the same key; changing the extension helps minimize this risk.

There are also three levels of encryption: reasonable, good, and top. The higher the encryption level, the more time it takes to compile the file. This is selected using the "Swift" button, which has a unique, three-level functionality. If you use the OTP function, this one is disabled.

The main menu allows all functions to be performed using the keyboard and as shortcut keys, if a mouse is unavailable. The FPU menu offers some options for the computer's Floating Point (math) Unit. Although the default settings are perfectly adequate, some advanced users may want to fiddle with the settings to alter how the application does its calculations. The info menu simply shows the version of CryptoUP.

At the bottom, a single button will convert a file from its regular form to fivecharacter groups. Note that this does not encrypt the file, so make sure you do that first. On receiving the file, press the same button to bring it back to normal format and then decrypt it.

Even though this application is very simple to use, I do miss having a help file. There is a text help file, but it doesn't really discuss how to use the application, or explain any of the concepts and how to put them to best use. I have asked Paul-Adrian to consider expanding the help file, so that may have been implemented by the time you read this. All things considered, it's not too difficult to figure out either.

CryptoUP is a handy utility for encrypting files. Unlike TWISTER, which is useful only for text messages, CryptoUP can be used for images, MS Word® files, spreadsheets, and even programs and applications. For emergency management situations, maintaining the privacy of people identified in the information you need to transmit can be accomplished quickly and easily without worrying about the file format. As we well know, a minute saved could make all the difference.

D-STAR DD mode won't replace my cable modem connection, but if the power goes out or the cable fails, I know that I can still access the Internet, particularly for emergency communications. Even my regular e-mail system works, albeit slowly, so there is no learning curve. Here in northern New Jersey it is not unusual to have a situation affecting the local area while the folks in New York City (where K2DIG is located) are doing just fine. It's nice to know D-STAR has this capability. Also, if I need to send data files, if they need to be encrypted, I now have a convenient way to do this. Until next time . . .

73 de Don, N2IRZ

DSA's MTTTY is a simple, reliable program designed to facilitate the data transfer between your station and a device connected through a COM port, as well as monitor the status of the link. The application is simple to use and features a customizable console that you can use to monitor the performance and connection for each port.

Customizable report on the connections

DSA's MTTTY allows you to transfer information to and from the selected device, offering support for monitoring several ports at the same time. All you need to do is select the one you wish to audit, then make the required settings.

DSA's MTTTY allows you to select which of the Comm events should be monitored: errors, CTS, DSR changes, breaks, ring indicators or RLSD changes.You may also enable or disable empty buffer transmission, character reception or flag character reception. Additionally, you can set flow control parameters, such as the DTR and RTS control protocols, as well as the software settings: Xon/Xoff input or output controls.

Data transferring, analysis and diagnostics

The main window of DSA's MTTTY features a message console area, dedicated to displaying the status of the selected COM port device. You can quickly modify the type of received modem status reports, Comm status parameters or read/write timeout.

The application supports sending messages to and from your PC, via text files: you can easily send the desired set of commands through a .TXT file, either a single time or repeatedly. Similarly, the incoming data can automatically be saved in a log file on your desktop.

Reliable terminal program and parser

DSA's MTTTY is designed to act as a terminal which allows you to control several connections from a single station. The program is simple to use and it can automatically detect whether or not COM ports connections are available, all you need to do is select the desired port. Moreover, it includes a Delphi source that allows you to build your own Parser.dll library.


Remote Control for the venerable R&S EK893

EK893RC is a modern remote control software via native RS232 for the great triple RF receiver from Rohde and Schwarz. It comes with an installer. The free download is available here: download