EH reminder

EH is a reminder utility. So, if you sometimes forget your wedding anniversary, of your children's birthday or to pay your taxes, EH might help you to be a good husband, wife, father, mother or citizen.

EH is designed to be run, every time you start a Windows session, in order to remind you to do something at the desired dates and (optionally) times. So, you will be reminded each time Windows starts and, optionally, at the latter time you select.

Many options are available. For instance, you might get a reminder warning in a fixed date, or every day in a month, or ever Tuesday of December. You can also choose to get the reminder from several days before a given date to some days after it. After sending the Christmas greetings to your mother, you may skip all messages till next year, for instance.

If your system (RAM memory) is small you might want good old version 1.31:
ehs131.exe (Spanish version)

EH reminder

Last updated: April 13, 2014