AsaBackup Version Information


AsaBackup © 2010 - 2014. As the name implies it is a file backup application, which schedules and copies your items 'as is' to a location of your choice. Its main uses range from scheduling a default group of items to backup, to setting multiple items as scheduled tasks to backup. Your files are never distorted from their original format(s), meaning they are not compressed or converted to different storage file formats.

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© AsaBackup Preview AsaBackup is Compatible with Windows® 7

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File Size: 1140KB

View AsaBackup How To's

MD5: 9882bde63cbe430bea68e568eb88b626
SHA-1: cd1110fa58925043d49f5e02670282a8d7a46d62

Supported Opearating Systems
Windows® 7 x32, Windows® 7 x64, Windows® Server, Windows® Vista, Windows® XP
.NET Framework 2.0 or higher

AsaBackup, use it for backing up and maintaining copies of original files in different locations, so that when you change a file or update a file you can always find a copy of the orginal item to a specific date. Folders with multiple files and sub directories can also be scheduled for backups in the same manner.

Set up your tasks for a daily, weekly, or bi-weekly cycle. Even if you turn off your machine before a backup has occurred, the next time you start your computer the backup will continue.

Quick AsaBackup How To's
Setting a Default Schedule

AsaBackup Start Default schedule view

Download AsaBackup This is the default area, which is located on the left side of the main screen.It consists of a calendar, a time clock, and a few other items to set a default schedule. You would begin by selecting a repeat cycle for your default schedule, which can be accomplished by using the 'schedule type' control to 'daily', 'weekly', 'Bi-Weekly', or 'Monthly' Once you have determined the schedule repeat cycle, you can add files to be backed up. Adding files consists of selecting the 'Add Files' Link, or 'Backup A Folder' link located in the 'Schedule Items' view, which allows you to backup an entire folders content to the selected backup location. To Add a backup location, use the link on the bottom portion of the folder views named 'Backup Locations' select the path to save backups to and click 'Ok'. At any time you can remove files or backup paths by selecting an item in either view, and clicking the 'Remove Selected' link for the corresponding view.

Removing a Default Schedule

AsaBackup Removing a Default schedule view

Download AsaBackup Removing a default backup consists of removing all items in the backup locations, and all scheduled items. Once this is done click the 'Apply Settings' link in the 'Quick Links' area and follow the prompts to approve the new settings. Once you approve the settings the default schedule will no longer attempt to backup the previous, if any, items. The status description for the default schedule will show this once the application is restarted.

Creating a custom schedule

AsaBackup Creating a custom schedule

Download AsaBackup The custom tasks view displays the default schedule along with any custom scheduled items that you might create. In the views upper region there are a few links that allow you to create, edit, or remove custom schedules. The 'Add New Task' link displays the custom task dialog, which allows you to set the new locations and items for a backup. The 'Edit' Link opens the task for you in the same dialog that you used to create the task for you edit your items or schedule. The 'Mark Complete' link deletes a custom task only if one has been checked.

Note: that the default schedule will not be removed from this view regardless of clicking the 'Add new', 'Mark Complete', or 'Edit' Links. Instead, and if desired, use the left pane of the application to edit the default schedule.

Custom Schedule Dialog

AsaBackup Custom schedule dialog

Download AsaBackup This is the dialog that is displayed when an 'Add New Task' link is clicked. It is also the same dialog that is populated with the custom settings when you edit a task. The custom dialog differs from that of the default schedule views by, providing a name for the custom task. A task will not be saved unless it is given a specific 'Task Name'. You do this by using the text box located in the top left corner of the dialog. Type the name of the task, set your custom files or folders for backup along with a backup location, and click the 'Ok' button to save Once that is completed you will be able to monitor the custom task in the main application screen, within the scheduled tasks view. When you select your items for backup as well as set a backup location you can use the 'Backup Now' link located in the bottom left corner of the Dialog to backup the selections immediately.

Manual Backup

AsaBackup Manual Backup view

Download AsaBackup To perform a manual backup of the default schedule use the 'Backup Now' link located in the 'Quick links' section in the bottom left corner of the main application. To perform a manual backup of a custom schedule use the 'Backup' Link within the Setting's Dialog located at the bottom left corner of the dialog.

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