WASP -Windows App for Swapping Partitions

Thanks to Werner Bloos there is a German version of WASP here.

WASP is a Java application that lets you switch partitions on SDM and CHDK dual partition cards. If you don't have Java installed, here is the official download site (for Mac OSX, Windows and Linux).

Canon cameras introduced before 2011 can only autoboot SDM or CHDK from a FAT16 partition and the maximum size of such a partition is 4Gb, so larger cards have to be partitioned into a small FAT16 partition containing DISKBOOT.BIN and a large FAT32 partition containing scripts, fonts etc as well as photos.

While Mac OSX and Linux lets you see both partitions simultaneously, Windows will only show the active partition. To boot SDM or CHDK the active partition has to be the FAT16 one, but to transfer photos to the computer the active partition has to be the FAT32 one. The purpose of WASP is to make it easy for Windows users to switch between partitions.

The two images below show the same card with either the FAT16 or FAT32 partition active.

Downloading and Installing WASP

Download the WASP zip file and unzip it. You'll get a folder called 'wasp' which you can relocate anywhere you fancy. Inside the folder are the following files:


Version History:

Extra Features:

WASP has some extra features that can be enabled by changing its properties file, "wasp.properties", (which you will find in the same folder as the app once you've run it). These features are:

Comments, suggestions and bug reports welcome. Dave@zenoshrdlu.com.

All my apps are freeware, but if you've found them useful and would like to thank the author, you can make a donation (for example £1, €1 or $1) to show your appreciation for the many hours spent working on them!

For other SDM and CHDK-related stuff of mine, see here and here.