FREE Password Manager

Safeguard your login credentials with Dolphin Passwords.

You own all your data, not third parties.

Protecting You Everywhere: iOS, Android, macOS, Windows

Dolphin Passwords ensures your passwords remain secure and accessible across all your devices, including iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows, providing complete compatibility. Additionally, you have the option to sync your passwords with your favorite cloud drive or LAN share folder for added convenience and accessibility.


Securely Save Your Logins with Dolphin Passwords

Dolphin Passwords provides encryption and secure storage for your login credentials directly on your device, enhancing security by reducing the risk of unauthorized access, even if intercepted. Additionally, you can choose to back up and synchronize your logins through trusted cloud services or your local network. Be assured, all saved and exported data is encrypted with AES encryption for added protection.

Introducing the concept of “peppering” as a solution, which involves adding a confidential value unique to the user to their passwords, thereby enhancing security in password management.



Secure Password Storage

Store and organize your passwords securely in one central location, eliminating the need to remember multiple login credentials.

Secure Credit Card Management

Effortlessly manage and access your credit card details, ensuring a smooth and secure experience for online transactions.

Centralized Information Hub

Access all your stored information, including passwords and credit card details, in a simple and organized interface, streamlining your digital life.

Quick Search Functionality

Easily find specific passwords or credit card details with our powerful search feature, saving you time and ensuring efficient access to your information.

Effortless Login Management

Easily create or edit login information with a user-friendly interface, simplifying the process of managing your credentials.

Customization with Icons or Photos

Personalize your entries by choosing from a variety of icons or selecting photos to quickly identify and differentiate between your accounts.

Password Generation

Ensure robust security with our password generation feature, providing strong and unique passwords at the touch of a button.

Personalized Notes

Add a personal touch to your entries by including custom notes, allowing you to store additional information or reminders securely.