Welcome to LabelMaker
14 October 2003

It can be a pain to make labels for use in html pages. This application eases the pain.

All you need do to use LabelMaker via Web Start is click on the following URL:

LabelMaker via Java Web Start

Here are some examples:

You use LabelMaker via Java's Web Start mechanism. Using this Web Start mechanism, LabelMaker will run as an application on your computer, but whenever LabelMaker is improved, Java's Web Start mechanism will ensure that you are using the latest version.

Then, if you do not have the necessary Java apparatus on your computer, you will be lead through the steps necessary to download that apparatus.

Next, you will see the following panel:

Click Start. In future versions, we hope to have less scary warnings about whether you trust the software.

Then, you will see the following panel:

Click Yes.

At this point, LabelMaker will be available via a desktop icon on your computer.