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compressor          extractor

BananaShrink creates windows self-extracting compressed files (it keeps your
complete sub-directories structure starting from your selected directory). This is a better solution for any file distribution, avoiding the use any specific file format compression/uncompression utility! BananaShrink uses also a file integrity checking mechanism (CRC).

You may select the compression level (Fastest, Default or Max). You can also give an internal/display title to your archive (which will appear in the self-extracting small interface) and specify a default path (used by the extracting part). If you do not want to take in account some files, you can simply select them in the global list and click on "Remove file(s)" before starting the self-extracting process. If some files are being used by other processes (causing access problem like in Windows directory...), they won't appear in the right list and won't be taken in account in the self-extracting procedure. But for your information only, an enlarged interface will be displayed with the list of those files (in red).

Within the self-extracting small interface you still have the possibility to change the default path directory.

And now, some comparisons (Windows Server 2003 SP2, single thread):

0) BananaShrink files are slightly bigger than zip format (1% to 5% bigger but most of the time around 3%) but...
1) BananaShrink creates self-extracting compressed files!
2) Self-extraction speed is slightly faster (around 10%) than zip uncompression!
3) BananaShrink compression is 2 times faster than zip (Max level) compression!

WARNING: self-extracting file can not be bigger than 2GB!!! This is not a bug, only a .exe limitation...


program (exe) 422KB
program (zip) 410KB
to send me an email: bananashrink at free dot fr (you have to replace "at" with "@" and "dot" with ".", this is done to avoid spam)

09/04/2009: BananaShrink 1.13 released!

NEWS (09/04/2009)
What is coming next? version 1.14
When? 2009?...

Known issues:
- incorrect total display of extracted files in case of error handler...

nothing now...

To do:
- check for enough free disk space (compressor+extractor)
- status bar to display errors instead of a child window
- checkbox to enable/disable hints


1.13 (09/04/2009)
- password was lost each time "List all files" button was clicked 

1.12 (06/02/2009)
- improved memory management

1.11 (11/05/2008)
- automatic display of 'folder name' + '.exe' after clicking on "Create..." button

1.10 (09/05/2008)
- interface design XP/Vista compliant (better looking!)
- possibility to add a password protection required for extraction

1.00 (08/22/2008)
- fixes missing first character of 1st level folders when starting from a root drive...
- "Abort" feature during "List all files" + "Create self-extracting .exe" + "extract"
- remove the "none" compression option

0.99 (08/01/2008)
- Faulty files not listed and then not taken in account in the self-extracting process
  (because those files are being used by other processes, causing access problem,
  like in Windows directory)
- For your information only, an enlarged interface is then displayed with the list of
   those faulty files (in red)
- Self-extracting size limited to 2GB max, otherwise final file is deleted (won't run)

0.98 (07/30/2008)