Programming · Source control

“GIT gud”, or .. escaping the jaws of a total GIT of a disaster.

I use Github Desktop. I like Github Desktop. It is, for the most part, easy to use and the best way to keep my code safe during a project, to have the luxury of time travel when I mess up and a good way to collaborate. The downside is that when things inevitably go wrong… Continue reading “GIT gud”, or .. escaping the jaws of a total GIT of a disaster.

C# · Programming · VR

A Script for Controllers (Vive/Index/Oculus) to Use with OpenXR in Unity 2020

OpenXR allows us to use the same code for multiple controllers without modification. That’s great, but figuring out how to implement them is tricky. You first need to subscribe to specific types of device connections and disconnections. When a device connects, you need to check it to make sure that it has the characteristics of… Continue reading A Script for Controllers (Vive/Index/Oculus) to Use with OpenXR in Unity 2020