The company search engine machine which adjusts to the needs of any company!
Hulbee Desktop PRO is not only the search engine for every PC, it is also expandable and can be integrated into the IT landscape, for example to servers, databases or archives.

Regardless of whether you are a banker, a realtor, an attorney, a consultant or one of the 1000 people working in a company: Hulbee Desktop PRO is the perfect solution for every field of ap-plication!

For everyone who values their time by focusing on the essential and does not want to waste time searching, Hulbee Desktop PRO is the right solution.

Hulbee Desktop PRO is flexible and adaptable to the needs of a company just like a lego system. Even in its basic version the software can search through enormous amounts of data, even if the search is carried out in networks or servers. Archived data and external storage media can be searched in just the same way as the personal USB stick of the user. The user can create any kind of index and also move them to different places. If, for example, the computer is connected to three hard drives, the relevant index can be moved to the corresponding hard drive and be maintained.

Furthermore, Hulbee Desktop PRO has a major advantage over the competition, since it auto-matically generates a data cloud (DataCloud), which presents associations to the search term (for examples invoices) and displays related terms, for example “RWE” or “Telekom”. This pro-cess replicates human thinking and suggests suitable related items by itself. We hope you will have fun with this unique and intelligent search engine.

Check out Hulbee Desktop PRO screenshots:

Features at glance: (click here to expand all)

Innovative and intuitive

Semantic search

Lotus Notes

Flexible indexing

Innovative and intuitive

Semantic search

Lotus Notes

Flexible indexing