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  Last update: October 03, 2007

SatFile Filter

What is SatFile Filter?

SatFile Filter is a powerful easy to use free utility for renaming and sorting files that downloaded form satellite by programs like SkyNet and others. It will save hours of your time by organizing those files, sorting them into groups and subgroups, deleting useless files and delete previously downloaded files. So by a click of button you will get a pure well organized renamed files instead of the junk of file you have downloaded.


  1. Delete duplicate and previously downloaded files.

  2. Extract and rename archive files (*.zip; *.rar) and self-extracting archive files (*.exe) and sort them into groups and subgroups related to their contents.

  3. Sort downloaded image files related to their properties.

  4. Renaming most of downloaded media files (*.mp3,*.ogg), application files (*.exe), web pages, e-mails and PDF documents.

  5. Delete useless files.


Recommended: Windows® XP or later.
(Note: this software doesn't work on Windows 98 or Me)

SatFile Filter v2.3 (0.4Mb)

Download Site


Version History:

Version Release Date Note
2.3 4/10/2007 Multivolume rar archives can be extracted.
More Filtered Folders is added
Mp3 files renaming: new option, enhanced renaming.
2.2 15/6/2007 More Enhancement of rename engine.
New Mp3 files rename options
Fixed: Move error with files of path length more than 260 character.
Fixed: Out of memory error when Stored Files exceed max limit.
Filtered Folders: Archive\Other has been divided to (10MB & KB & MB)
2.1 5/5/2007 Duplicate Files History Technology: New history files format, faster loading.
Filtered Folders: NeedVolume Moved to Archive\Multivolume and rar volume groups are saved in sub directories
Rename engine: multivolume rar archives can be renamed and given predicted volume number.
Fixed: multivolume rar archives with password is moved to Password folder
Fixed: rare multivolume rar archives overflow error.
Some minor enhancement
2.0 14/4/2007 Duplicate Files History Technology.
New Options: Do not delete Duplicate Files & Use Recycle Bin.
Filtered Folders: Archive\Other has been divided to (KB & MB)
Other enhancement.
1.7 21/2/2007 More Enhancement of rename engine.
Manual "SatFilter.ini Edit" replaced with Blacklist and wanted file editor.
New Filtered Folders: Torrent, CD Image
Fixed: memory error with extracted large files.
Fixed: delete duplicated files error with file more than 1GB.
Fixed: remaining extracted folders with some antivirus software.
1.6 3/11/2006 More Enhancement of rename engine.
Some bugs have been fixed.
1.5 21/9/2006 More Enhancement of rename engine.
Some bugs have been fixed.
Move unrecognized files to Other Folder.
1.4  20/7/2006 More Enhancement of rename engine.
You can use deferent volume for  "Sat Files Dir" and "Destination Dir".
Clean Destination Tool.
Multi folder delete duplicated files command support.
1.3 1/6/2006 No more crashes: fix crash with zip files, filter zip files 50% faster.
Enhanced rename engine.
Filtered Folders: new (Mixed) remove (SingleExe).
1.21 15/4/2006 Fix crash with jpeg image , Faster jpeg image filtering.
1.2 30/3/2006 Enhanced duplicated files find engine.
New folders: (Flash, Email, Photoshop...).
Unicode files support, more options, rename (pdf, eml) files, fix many of zip file crashes and more.
1.1 9/1/2006 Can rename ogg files, fix several crashes, enhanced rename engine, add advanced options and ability to continue from the point of crash.
1.0 23/11/2005 First public release.



Any suggestion or question for future improvement  are welcome Click here




Marwan  Wassouf ©, 2007