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PasteIT is an intuitive clipboard manager that simplifies copy-paste tasks. Easily store and access text with pleasent visual organization features. Increase productivity and work more efficiently by reducing time spent on repetitive tasks.


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PasteIT is a clipboard manager that simplifies copy-paste tasks and boosts your productivity. This intuitive tool allows you to easily store and access text with visual organization features. Say goodbye to repetitive tasks and hello to more time for creativity and work!


PasteIT was born out of a friend's idea during a hackathon. We were constantly frustrated with the amount of copying and pasting we had to do, and how we lost track of important content in the endless sea of tabs. I decided to develop my own version of the idea and bring it to life. Be sure to check out my friend too, as I'm sure he'll release his own projects in the future! @Donoh5

Getting Started

To get started with PasteIT, simply download the application from my Github repository releases and run it on your device. Once you have downloaded the application, you can start using it right away. The application is designed to be user-friendly, so you should not have any trouble getting started.


Some of the key features of PasteIT include:

Dark and Light themes: themes-showcase

Choose between a dark or light theme depending on your preference or environment. Potentially more coming!

Always on top window:

Keep PasteIT in view and easily accessible while you work on other tasks.

Creates notes of clipboard contents: themes-showcase

Store frequently used text or snippets of code to quickly access and paste when needed.

Editable notes:

Quickly label, delete, or colour code clipboard notes with a simple click and hold.


PasteIT is an intuitive clipboard manager that simplifies copy-paste tasks. Easily store and access text with pleasent visual organization features. Increase productivity and work more efficiently by reducing time spent on repetitive tasks.






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