Sonntag, 25. Januar 2015

RoMoRDuP - V0.58

I did fix some minor bugs, here is the new version V0.58:

In my testing, the software performed well now even with very large folders (like 40000 files), though you have to wait a bit with folders that large.

Sonntag, 18. Januar 2015

Release RoMoRDuP v0.57 - Mirror folders and Remove duplicates functional

Here is the first functional Release of RoMoRDuP. Mirror folders and remove duplicates should be working (with playlist updates). But be warned, it´s an aplha release, there are probably still some bugs in it.

Sonntag, 24. August 2014

User interface test-version ready

I´m pretty much done with the user interface. I have released a user interface test-version of RoMoRDuP:

Don´t worry if smart-screen is complaining, smart screen complains about every executable thats not installed on a lot of computers.

User inteface test-version means, that the actual functionality has not been added yet.

Some feedback on the user interface would be nice.

Progress will slow down now, because my 2 week vacation is over.

Donnerstag, 14. August 2014

Update on progress

 I have tested creating MD5-hashes for files and calculating Damerau Levenshtein Distance for string lists in C# testprojects. No problems so far.

I still have to finish planning the software architecture, but I think im ready to start with the actual implementation of the user interface.

By the way it will be a .Net 4.0(C#,WPF) program, that means WinXP,Vista,7,8 is going to be supported.