Pidgin Full Screen Busy Plugin

This (Windows-only) plugin for Pidgin will detect a full-screen application and automatically switch to a DND (or any saved) status.

To install, download and copy fsb.dll in to your plugins folder (I'll make a proper installer soon, I promise). After enabling the plugin, configuration will allow selecting a saved status.

Changelog and Download

2011-01-19 (1.4): Added option for the number of seconds to wait before changing status (defaults to 10) to avoid issues with rapid status changes
fsb.dll (src)

2010-11-02 (1.3): Fixed issues with substatus corruption and defaulting to AWAY instead of saved status
Note: If you used previous versions, you may need to edit your saved "busy" status and clear any unwanted "Use different status for some accounts" settings (sorry)
fsb.dll (src)

2010-05-02 (1.2): No longer changes state when not available (such as when offline)
fsb.dll (src)

2010-04-04 (1.1): Better detection of "fullscreen" for Vista and Windows 7
fsb.dll (src)

2010-01-24 (1.0): Initial release
fsb.dll (src)


This plugin isn't currently maintained, due to pidgin's horrible attitude to password safety. While passwords are stored in plaintext, I can only recommend using another IM client (such as Trillian).