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Current release: Pd-extended 0.43.4

Released 2013-01-25 — tested with pd 0.43

complete rewrite of the GUI process, full UTF-8 support, fully translated interface, GUI plugins for editor customization, and many other new features.

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Get Pd-extended for Windows (44.7MB)

Windows Installer

Get Pd-extended for Windows (52.7MB)

Windows ZIP (unzip and run anywhere)

Get Pd-extended for Mac OS X (47.2MB)

Intel (Macbook, Mac Pro, Air, etc)

Get Pd-extended for Mac OS X (43.7MB)

PowerPC (PowerBook, PowerMac, etc)

Get Pd-extended for Ubuntu Linux

instructions for how to setup on Debian/Ubuntu/Mint to automate the installation of Pd-extended and its dependencies

Get Pd-extended for Debian GNU/Linux (7.1kb)

debian source package for use with the source tarball above, build with "debuild -uc -us"

Get Pd-extended for All platforms

list of all available downloads on SourceForge, including packages for Debian, Raspbian, and Ubuntu from Lucid to Raring, etc.

Get Pd-extended for Mac OS X (39MB)

beta 64-bit build, no Gem, hid, etc. and other libraries may have issues. Only use this if you know what you're doing, or you want to experiment.

Experimental releases

Upcoming and alpha/beta/candidate releases

  • Alpha releases should only be used for testing and development.
  • Beta releases and Release Candidates are normally released for production testing, but should not be used on mission-critical sites.
  • Always install on a separate test server first, and make sure you have proper backups before installing.
Pd-extended 0.44.0 (Alpha release) Released 2013-02-01
rolling release of development work in progress
Pd-extended 0.43.3 (Unreleased) Planned release: 2012-10-04
Pd-extended 0.43.3 on Raspberry Pi (Raspbian Wheezy)

Project Description

Project resources

Pd-extended was built to be an easy-to-install and thorough assembly of available libraries, extensions, and documentation. Unfortunately it is no longer maintained. Say it again:

Pd-extended has been abandoned and discontinued. The last release is several years old. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK (or rather not)

Pd-extended has two main goals: provide a standard collection of libraries and distribute core modifications to Pd itself. Providing a package that includes many libraries not only means that they are easy to use, but also acts as a standard platform so that patches can be used across many computers easily. Pd-extended includes most of the libraries from the pure-data source code repository. It is generally the most complete assembly of all available libraries, extensions, and documentation.

In terms of modifications to the core, Pd-extended aims to feel like a native app on GNOME GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. It also includes a number of community-added features like experimental string support and a visual design meant to improve readability.

The aim is to keep it completely compatible with Pd-vanilla. That said, it is possible that incompatibilities will be introduced during the development process, these should be reported as bugs. Pd-vanilla is not always compatible with Pd-extended, though, since Pd-extended has some extra features with Pd-vanilla does not have.

Installing on Debian, Ubuntu, Mint and other Debian-derivatives

For Debian-derivatives, you can get Pd-extended from a special apt repository, making it easier to install and upgrade. To find out how, see this FAQ entry: How do I install Pd on Debian or Ubuntu GNU/Linux?

by Hans-Christoph Steiner last modified 2016-03-29 09:18 AM

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