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    Powerpoint Search and Replace Batch - Electronic $49.95 $49.95

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    Excel Search and Replace Batch

    Excel Search & Replace software is an useful tool to SEARCH and REPLACE multiple words in multiple MS Excel 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010 xls/xlsx/xlsm/xlt files, you can also format backcolor, forecolor, bold, italic, underline and strikethrough any word or text in any Excel Workbook with our Replacement utility. You can Search & Replace and Highlight each word with a different criteria and formatting. The new version is more efficient and easy to use, we fixed many bugs and introduced new features like Unicode Support, builtin color picker and made formatting easy, this version is more user friendly with Step wise processing. In all you can search and replace multiple words in 1000's of excel files (xlsx, xls, xlt) in no time.

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    PowerPoint to All Converter Batch

    Power Point to All Converter Batch – Convert multiple ppt or pptx files into other formats. The name Power Point to All Converter Batch tells everything about the tool. It is software which reduces manual effort and makes your tedious task easy. It converts multiple power point files (ppt or pptx) into many other formats. The formats in which user can convert multiple files are:

        PowerPoint Presentation (pptx)
        PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation (pptm)
        PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation (ppt)
        PowerPoint Template (potx)
        PowerPoint Macro- Enabled Template (potm)

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    PowerPoint File Details Extractor

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    The software has some extraordinary features that are rare to be found in any other tool of this field. These features make this software ahead of all other PowerPoint property editors. It even serves choice to save those files where changes have been made. You can save them either in .CSV format or in .TXT format. The speed and accuracy of this makes it the preferred choice for this purpose.

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    PowerPoint File Details Editor

    PowerPoint File Details Editor has all the skills to edit the properties of PowerPoint. The software has the latest and important features that are required while editing the properties. The software can process PowerPoint files of all formats & bulk of them. It is very quick in editing the properties & saves huge amount of time.
    The software can edit properties like category, author, title, keywords, etc. from numerous PowerPoint files. This property editor even gives choice to save the files in which the properties are edited. To save those files you have to select a target folder & the files will be saved in it. The software is very user friendly & it is very easy to handle. It is the best way to edit properties in PowerPoint files.

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    PowerPoint Files Binder

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