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Subscribe to Light Blue

Subscribing to Light Blue gives you all of these benefits:

  • Use Light Blue's desktop and mobile apps, as well as our brilliantly helpful online services.
  • Work offline, then sync data between devices when you're online.
  • Includes free app updates and email support for as long as you subscribe.
  • From £24 per month (including 20% UK VAT, or £20 per month excluding VAT).

Subscribe to Light Blue now!

Text message credits

Light Blue allows you to send text messages to your customers, which are great for appointment reminders and marketing. All Light Blue accounts (including trials!) include 5 free SMS credits so that you can try this feature out, and you can buy more credits here.

Want to find out more about sending text messages from Light Blue? Visit our blog!

Want to find out more about SMS credits? Visit our knowledgebase!

You must log in to your account to purchase SMS credits.

Things to note

  • Minimum system requirements: macOS 10.12 (Sierra) or higher; Windows 7 or higher; iOS 10 or higher.
  • Subscribers can upgrade or downgrade their subscription level whenever they want, and we'll charge or refund the cost pro rata so you only pay for the plan you're on.
  • The prices above include UK VAT. VAT rules are complicated (blame the taxman), but here goes:
    • If you're outside the EU, we won't charge you VAT.
    • If you're in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, we have to charge you VAT, even if you have a VAT number.
    • If you're in the EU (outside GB), as long as you're a business, we don't have to charge you VAT. Given our software is specifically to run a photography business, we assume that everyone buying from us is running a business. If, for some reason, you are buying Light Blue for personal use (ie not connected with running a business) then please let us know so we can charge you VAT.