Pixa – the drawing tool

I’m happy to introduce you to Pixa!

Pixa is a drawing program that takes full advantage of WPF. While it looks like a typical raster editor it is actually a vector editor, every stroke you paint on Pixa is actually a Geometry object, this allows you to zoom and resize without affecting the drawing quality.


I have launched a CodePlex project for Pixa, so you can download and play with it or contribute if you wish.

Please take into consideration that Pixa is a “PRE-ALPHA” version and is a long way from stable, I’m releasing it now so I can get feedback and share it with you (if you are interested in the code or your have an artistic soul 😉 ).

I will talk in following posts about Pixa’s roadmap, features and explain how I implemented some of the main features.

I will be happy to know what you think.

15 Responses to Pixa – the drawing tool

  1. Ruurd Boeke says:

    looks great! keep up the good work!

  2. Yogev says:

    Fantasic work! very impressive design, I am looking forward for the final relese.
    Keep up the good work!

  3. Tamir says:

    amazing!!!, look so professional. i will work with that.
    Smart code.

    Waiting for the realse.

  4. Bryan says:

    I’ve been working on a similar project at http://vectorstudio.com

    Vector studio is more of a traditional vector drawing program where Pixa appears to be doing more of a vector-based paint style application.

  5. Noémie says:

    Ptin sa aler trop biien comment on fé pour désiner ?

  6. Pete says:

    Looks like a great project. Keep up the good work

  7. Sean says:

    I can’t find Pixa on CodePlex? Can you email me the url?

    • andresd says:

      I’m sorry but Pixa is no longer available for download

      • Steve says:

        Why has it been removed? Has microsoft swallowed it ?

      • andresd says:

        No, Microsoft didn’t swallowed it, I remove it in favor of Professional tool I stated to work on…
        I will release more info in the future.

  8. sam says:


    We are really interested in this. Do you mind to share the code for your old version of CodePlex? Thanks…

    • andresd says:

      Sam, can you send me a mail and tell me more about your interest on the code.
      [wpfnetotherstuff at gmail.com]

  9. Ricardo Machado says:


    I also would like to take a look to the code.
    I’m developing a very specific application that uses some of the concepts I guess you have in Pixa.

    Tell me please two things:
    – Are you using InkCanvas of WPF?
    – Did you implemented the fill of closed strokes?
