CFGComp - a tool for comparing SDM CFG files

CFGComp is a Java application for comparing SDM CFG files. Once two such files are loaded, CFGComp will highlight the differences in red. Note that this is a 'browser' not an editor - you can see the differences but can't change the files - use my CFGEDIT application to do that..

The image below shows CFGComp comparing two SDM CFG files.

Click on a field or button to get help about it.

To install CFGComp just download the zip file and unzip it, producing a folder calld cfgcomp. If you are using Windows, then double-click the cfgcomp.bat file within the folder. If you are using a Mac, double-click the cfgcomp.jar file.

The file remembers the size and position of the program window. You can see additional messages in the log area if you add the line:


to the properties file (which can be edited with any text editor - just double-click it).

Version History

Comments, suggestions and bug reports welcome.

For other SDM and CHDK-related stuff of mine, see here