Contribute or Donate

To help the development of DC++ and other DC related software please consider donate the DC Network Foundation. All donations, even small amounts count a lot.

Direct Connect Network Foundation

The Direct Connect Network Foundation (DCNF) is a non-profit organization registered in Sweden that aims to improve the DC network by improving existing software, protocols and other services all over the network. The organization intends to increase the popularity and knowledge of the DC network for other current non-users as well as improving the overall quality of it for the benefit of the current userbase.

To learn more about the organization and its goals please visit the DCNF website.

Contribute to the DC world

Projects associated with the Direct Connect network are constantly seeking for skilled people with free time and resources to help with their contribution to make DC a better place. You can contribute in the following main areas:

If you'd like to contribute please visit this page for more information.

Donate to the DCNF

With your kindly appreciated donation you can help the DCNF organization

Note that all donations are completely transparent, individually listed and published either under the donators' names or as an anonymous donation, according to the donators' perferences.

© 2001-2023 Jacek Sieka, arnetheduck