BallroomDJ 4 - The Ballroom Music Player

BallroomDJ 4 (BDJ4) is a music player designed for desktop and laptop computers (and will work on some tablets). It is designed to be able to play music for the entire evening without any intervention.

BDJ4 is highly customizable and provides facilities to organize ballroom dance music and create song lists, automatic playlists and sequenced playlists.

BDJ4 runs on Windows, MacOS and Linux.

Download BallroomDJ 4   (latest version 4.9.0)

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Other sites where BallroomDJ 4 release announcements can be found:

BDJ4 at

BallroomDJ at (Deutsch)

BallroomDJ was the previous ballroom music player. It is no longer supported.

All users of BallroomDJ are urged to convert to BallroomDJ 4

Download BallroomDJ 3

Donate to BDJ4

Donate to software projects that BDJ4 uses:

VLC (donate button at very top)


MSYS2 (Windows)
