
Ever needed an intentional pause between tracks playing in iTunes without manually adding it to the beginning/end of each track?

No more MP3 editing! Run gapTunes and enjoy the silence between tracks up to 999 seconds.


menulet gapTunes is a menulet, a utility living in your menu bar.

When first run it will be active, using predefined 2 seconds gap. Gap duration and active status can be changed at any time and they will be stored in a prefs file.

While gapTunes is active, double clicking track in iTunes triggers play but track will start playing after the gap. Gap can be overriden by clicking the Play button (again) or by pressing the spacebar (shortcut for Play).

gapTunes works by using iTunes notifications and Scripting Bridge to control iTunes play/pause status. It requires Intel CPU, OS X 10.6+ and iTunes installed. Current version of gapTunes is 1.0.



gapTunes is a donationware. If you find it useful, feel free to buy me a cup of coffee. Or something edible. :)
