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1.0 BETA
Release date:
Windows / Linux



ImgConvert is a small command line utility for converting and resizing image files. 32 and 64-bit versions available, for Windows and Linux.



ImgConvert version 1.0 BETA [Windows 64-bit] (2017.12.29)

Usage: imgconvert.exe InputFile(s) [-o FILE] [-f EXT] [-od DIR] [-r[=X]] [-op STR] [-os STR] [-sld] [-slf] [-fs] [-lf[=FILE]] [-lfm MODE] [-pngcl X] [-bmprle=[y|n|auto]] [-jpgq X] [-jpgp] [-rs VAL] [-rsf FLT] [-if FMT] [-cc X] [-b X] [-c X] [-g X] [-gr X] [-gg X] [-gb X] [-cr X] [-cg X] [-cb X] [-ca X] [-gs] [-ic] [-fv] [-fh] [rt X] [-i] [-h] [-V] [--home] [-- InputFile(s)]

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
Options are case-sensitive. Values are case insensitive.
Options and values enclosed in square brackets are optional.
Options and input files can be placed in any order, but — (double dash) indicates the end of parsing options and all subsequent parameters are treated as filenames.
If the option value is a negative number, you must use the “=” sign.
For example, to set the contrast to -10 you must use: -c=-10, NOT a -c -10

Input/output options

Switch Description
Output file name. If not specified, the name of the input file will be used.
Output file format (extension without dot): JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF, JP2 (except Win64 version), DDS, JNG, MNG, PGM, PPM, PFM, PSD, TGA, XPM
Output directory. If not specified, the directory with the source file will be used.
Overwrite existing files. If you do not specify the -ov switch and the target file already exists, the program will create a new file with a numeric suffix.
Recurse subdirectories to X directory (default 100).
Output file(s) prefix.
Output file(s) suffix.
Accept symbolic links to directories when searching for files.
Accept symbolic links to files when searching for files.
Forces the saving of the target file, even if no operation has been performed on the source image.
PNG compression level. Integer in range 0..9 (0 – no compression, 9 – best compression).
Use RLE compression in bitmaps. y – use RLE, n – dont use RLE, auto – detect best option. Default: auto
JPEG quality. Integer in range 1..100 (1 – the worst, 100 – best qaulity)
Create progressive JPEG files.
Log file name. Default imgconvert.log
Logging mode: Append, Overwrite. Default: Overwrite

Image manipulation

Switch Description
Resize image. Resize value can be given in a form: WxH, W, W%, 0xH, 0xH%. See description below.
Resize filter. Available filters: Nearest, Bilinear, Bicubic, Lanczos. Default: Lanczos.
Output image format. Available formats: Gray8, Gray8A, Gray16, Gray16A, Index8, RGB24, RGBA32, RGB48, RGBA64. See description below.
Reduces the number of colors in the image to X colors. Integer in range 2..4096
X – brightness value. Float number in range -100..100 (0 – no change, X<0 – darker image, X>0 – brighter).
X – contrast value. Float number in range -100..100 (0 – no change, X<0 – less contrast, X>0 – greater contrast).
Gamma correction value for all color channels. Float number in range 0.01..50 (1 – no change).
Gamma correction value for the red color channel. Float number in range 0.01..50 (1 – no change).
Gamma correction value for the green color channel. Float number in range 0.01..50 (1 – no change).
Gamma correction value for the blue color channel. Float number in range 0.01..50 (1 – no change).
Sets the value of the red channel of each pixel in the image. Integer in range 0..255.
Sets the value of the green channel of each pixel in the image. Integer in range 0..255.
Sets the value of the blue channel of each pixel in the image. Integer in range 0..255.
Sets the value of the alpha channel of the image. Integer in range 0..255 (0 – fully transparent, 255 – opaque).
Convert colors to grayscale.
Invert colors.
Flip image vertically (around the horizontal axis).
Flip image horizontally (around the vertical axis).
Rotate the image by an angle of X in a clockwise direction (float number)


Switch Description
Show technical information about the input file.
Show this help.
Show application version.
Opens the program homepage in the default browser, where you can find more detailed information.

Resize values

W and H must be positive integers, optionally terminated by the % sign.

  • WxH – The size of the image will be W pixels (width) per H pixels (height).
  • 0xH – The width of the image will be calculated automatically maintaining the original proportions.
  • Wx0 – The height of the image will be calculated automatically maintaining the original proportions.
  • W – As above.
  • W% – The width of the image will be W percent of the width of the source image. The height of the image will be calculated automatically maintaining the original proportions.
  • 0xH% – The height of the image will be H percent of the height of the source image. The width of the image will be calculated automatically maintaining the original proportions.
  • W%xH% – The width of the image will be W percent of the width of the source image. The height of the image will be H percent of the height of the source image.

Image formats

  • Gray8 – 8-bit grayscale
  • Gray8A – A8Gray8: 8-bit grayscale + alpha channel (16 bits)
  • Gray16 – 16-bit grayscale
  • Gray16A – A16Gray16: 16-bit grayscale + alpha channel (32 bits)
  • Index8 – 8-bit palette
  • RGB24 – R8G8B8: 24-bit RGB
  • RGBA32 – A8R8G8B8: 24-bit RGB + alpha channel (32 bits)
  • RGB48 – R16G16B16: 48-bit RGB
  • RGBA64 – A16R16G16B16: 48-bit RGB + alpha channel

How to uninstall?

ImgConvert application is distributed in the form of archive and does not require any special uninstall process. To uninstall it, just delete files previously extracted from the archive.

End User License Agreement

This program is completely free. You can use it without any restrictions, also for commercial purposes.


Version 1.0 BETA (2017.12.29)

Initial release.