Client for Streaming — Usage guidelines

This application gives you the power to stream live anything you want, such: as videos, web-camera, images, audio, titles, and much more to a vast list of services (Twitch, Youtube, Facebook, etc.).

This guide assumes that you already have some knowledge of streaming terminology and streaming services. Here we try to give you a quick overview of the most important options and features in Client for Streaming Pro. However, even if you don’t have any previous experience, don’t be discouraged! This guide would be very useful. It may seem like a lot to take in all at once; just take your time and read carefully.

Quick start:

  1. Audio devices.
    You don’t need to choose audio devices because we do it for you and choose audio devices that you have already chosen for windows.
    Both of these parameters will be streaming, so you can change their values as you want.
  1. Source for video. 
    The first thing that you will see is a big black screen in the middle of the app. Here you can see pictures that your viewers will see on the stream page. Now it’s black because you didn’t choose any sources. At the bottom of the window is a box called ‘Sources’. Click on the ‘+’ (plus) and pick the source you want. As a few examples, select Game Capture if you’re capturing a game, Window Capture for non-game applications, or Video Capture Device for a webcam or capture card.
    You can add a few different sources and remove them at any time. Also, you can add a few layers to your stream and change their order on the screen. For example, you can add some pictures over the video.
    Near to ‘Source’, you can find ‘Scene’. Here you can save some scenes and change between them quickly at your stream.
  1. Start your stream.
    Double-check that all your settings are how you want them in Settings → Streaming. Then, just hit ‘Start Broadcast’. We strongly advise you to run a test for a few minutes to make sure that there are no problems, rather than just jumping into your first stream or recording.

Once you’re satisfied, you can go on to create great content. That’s all there is to it!

Do you still have questions? Do you want to reach more information about the Client for Streaming Pro? We prepared for you a detailed overview below.


Overall, most settings will be fairly self-explanatory. This will not cover everything but will be an overview of the basics and what you can do in each section.



  • Change language
  • Change theme
  • Choose the color of the app

Here you can choose whether to show or not to show you confirmation dialog when you start or stop the broadcast.



  • Sample rate. As a bigger value as better quality. But be careful, it could seriously load your CPU.
  • Audio Bitrate. Bitrate is the number of bits that are conveyed or processed per unit of time. As a bigger number as better quality. But be careful, it may affect the quality of your stream. If you are not sure that you need to change this option, please, use a default value.


  • Base Resolution. Default is your primary monitor. You can choose any resolution, but only you will see the screen in this
  • Output Resolution. This is the resolution that the stream will output at. If you have resolution 1080p sources but want to stream at 720p, this is where you can set that.
  • CPU Preset. Here you can choose the speed of your CPU. Please, use a default value in case you are not sure that you need to change this value.
  • Common FPS Value. Here you can choose the common FPS value for your stream.
  • Video Bitrate. Bitrate is the number of bits that are conveyed or processed per unit of time. As a bigger number as better quality. But be careful, it may affect the quality of your stream. If you are not sure that you need to change this option, please, use a default value.


  • Read information about the app.
  • Contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.
  • Get more of our apps.
  • Share this app with your friends.
  • Read the privacy policy.

We hope that our guide will help you to start your great streaming career. 

Nevertheless, if something was unclear and you require any further information please feel free to contact us! If we can be of assistance on any issue or with advice – It would be a pleasure to provide you with this. Good Luck!

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