DShutdown Changelog

What's new in DShutdown 1.78.117

Apr 21, 2023
  • Added the "Delay countdown" option which allows you to wait an additional 60 seconds when the conditions for shutdown occur (it can be useful to allow some operations to complete, for example if you are monitoring the end of a download).
  • Added the "Shutdown when window closes" option which allows you to shut down the PC when a given window is closed, this option can in many cases be more precise and effective than the Pixel Color Monitor.
  • UI fixes and improvements.

New in DShutdown 1.78.71 (Dec 27, 2020)

  • Added the "Delay countdown" option that allows you to wait another 60 seconds when the shutdown conditions occur (it can be useful to allow some operations to complete, for example if you are monitoring the end of a download).
  • Added the "Shutdown when window closes" option that allows you to turn off the PC when a given window is closed, this option can in many cases be more accurate and effective than the Pixel Color Monitor.
  • Fixes and UI improvements.

New in DShutdown 1.78.68 (Nov 29, 2020)

  • Added the "Delay countdown" option that allows you to wait a further 60 seconds when the conditions for shutdown occur (it can be useful to allow some operations to complete, for example if you are monitoring the end of a download).
  • Added the option "Shutdown when window closes" which allows you to shut down the PC when a given window is closed, this option can be in many cases more precise and effective than the Pixel Color Monitor.
  • Fixes and improvements in the UI.

New in DShutdown 1.78.62 (Nov 7, 2020)

  • Added the "Delay countdown" option that allows you to wait an additional 60 seconds when the conditions for shutdown occur (it can be useful to allow some operations to complete, for example if you are monitoring the end of a download).

New in DShutdown (Aug 20, 2020)

  • Added the option "Shutdown when window closes" that allows to shut down the PC when a given window is closed, this option can be in many cases more precise and effective than the Pixel Color Monitor.
  • Fixes and improvements in the UI.

New in DShutdown 1.77.1 (Nov 24, 2018)

  • Added for the main shutdown conditions the AND option that allows to generate shutdown only if all conditions with the active AND are checked. You can thus create a whole series of interesting combinations, for example, you can set the shutdown in case there is nobody at the PC for twenty minutes, but only after 22.00.

New in DShutdown 1.76.2 (Nov 1, 2018)

  • Added the possibility to enter the Administrator credentials in case those indicated are not sufficient to set the automatic start or to set the program start as a service.
  • The "RDShutdown Setup Utility" utility has been eliminated because now all the options including the start as a service and the password can be set directly from the RDShutdown menu.

New in DShutdown 1.76.1 (Oct 22, 2018)

  • Added the ability to start DShutdown as a Service with the latest settings. In this way it is possible to set the auto-off of the PC even if at that moment there is no one logged on.
  • Minor Fix.

New in DShutdown 1.76 (Oct 16, 2018)

  • Added the saving of the main monitoring options, in particular the "Inactive User Monitor", the "Task Monitor", the "Internet Activity Monitor" and the "CPU Monitor". There are two out (the Pixel Monitor and the Remote PC Monitor), if I receive requests in this sense I will see to insert them too.

New in DShutdown 1.75 (Sep 2, 2018)

  • Added the possibility, both for the server and for the client to modify the ports as desired.
  • Added the ability to turn off a computer through the Internet (knowing the IP) through the mapping of the server port on the router obtained through the uPnP.
  • Various changes and improvements.

New in DShutdown 1.74.474 (Apr 11, 2018)

  • Modified the management of serial numbers, now the first two digits indicate the actual version number, while the last digit indicates the number of the build, this means that, for example, in the current version, v1.65, will be visible also an additional number to indicate the number of times the version has been compiled (x es 1.65.14). So, let's assume that, after the release of version 1.65 a small bug is discovered in the program, it will be immediately resolved and the program recompiled with a build number increased by 1. This avoids the need to release new versions for each small bugfix , but also allows those interested, to have the latest completed version of the program.

New in DShutdown 1.73.4 (Aug 18, 2017)

  • Added Hibrid shutdown mode introduced with Win8, which allows a quick restart by saving only the Kernel to disk and putting the rest in StandBy.
  • Added Restart Apps shutdown mode introduced with Vista that restarts auto-launch applications without restarting Windows.
  • Minor changes.

New in DShutdown 1.73.3 (Jul 20, 2017)

  • From the TrayBar context menu, you can set the RDShutdown automatic startup.
  • Added a "military" encryption level for passwords both when they are saved in the INI file and when transmitting them to the network.
  • Now you can change (and save automatically) the RDShutdown password directly from the TrayBar context menu.
  • Small fixes.

New in DShutdown 1.73.2 (Mar 27, 2017)

  • Added a new feature that lets you turn your computer off when you exceed certain limits of Internet traffic (especially useful to avoid exceeding the traffic limit allowed in Internet contracts in the volume of data)

New in DShutdown 1.73.1 (Apr 18, 2016)

  • Changed the icon of the "Refresh" button in the list of remote PCs, adding the option that turns off the PC when a Remote Host stops responding to Ping
  • Minor updates and graphical improvements

New in DShutdown 1.73.0 (Apr 15, 2016)

  • Added the ability to turn off the PC when a given remote PC stops responding to Ping for a given time.
  • Fixed some minor bugs introduced in the latest versions.

New in DShutdown 1.72.7 (Jul 31, 2015)

  • Added the ability to take a screenshot of the screen at the time of shutdown.
  • Now, when you send an email with the log, it also has a screenshot attached.
  • Now the program works even if it's on the DEP (Data Execution Prevention), which previously sent him crashing.
  • Fixed a bug in the system tray menu.

New in DShutdown 1.72.6 (Jun 16, 2015)

  • Added new option: "Send Log by Email"; you can request the Log shutdown Email (only tested with Gmail, but it should work with other providers).
  • Updates and minor fixes.

New in DShutdown 1.72.5 (Feb 21, 2015)

  • Introduced the new option "NoPopup" (with the corresponding command line) which avoids, at shutdown, the appearance of the Popup main window or cartoon in the case of remote command.

New in DShutdown 1.72.4 (Feb 21, 2015)

  • Small changes to DU and Fix minor.

New in DShutdown 1.72.3 (Feb 21, 2015)

  • Introduced the ability to use the same port from the socket and the server (in this way you can set one rule for a single firewall or any redirected port) or two different ports
  • Now even "RDShutdown" and "RDShutdown Setup Utility" have the same version number of the latest version of DSpeech, in this way is much easier to understand if you're using the right or the wrong version of RDShutdown with the respective DShutdown)

New in DShutdown 1.72.2 (Feb 21, 2015)

  • Added the ability to generate an audible alert when the program starts. This can be useful in special cases (absence of monitors and the like) to alert you that DShutdown began operation without forcing him to make a visual feedback

New in DShutdown 1.72.1 (Feb 21, 2015)

  • The key combination "Alt + F5" will close the program without saving the settings.
  • Now sound alerts are generated correctly even in a 64 Bit.
  • Fixed a bug in the "Enable Pixel Color Monitor".

New in DShutdown 1.72 (Feb 21, 2015)

  • Added the function "Alarm Clock" (alarm).

New in DShutdown 1.71 (Sep 12, 2006)

  • Added Wake Up capability

New in DShutdown 1.70 (Sep 4, 2006)

  • BugFix version

New in DShutdown 1.69 (Jul 19, 2006)

  • Added shutdown for inactivity feature

New in DShutdown 1.68 (May 15, 2006)

  • Added "Close Specified Programs" feature