Popup Tab Switcher Changelog

What's new in Popup Tab Switcher 2023.4

May 9, 2023
  • Move settings to SolidJS by @dvdvdmt in #72

New in Popup Tab Switcher 2023.3 (Mar 15, 2023)

  • Visual tests by @dvdvdmt in #71
  • Fixed Donate section in Settings page. Removed "By me coffee button" and restored visibility of social and sharing buttons.

New in Popup Tab Switcher 2023.2 (Mar 8, 2023)

  • Move content script to SolidJS by @dvdvdmt in #70
  • Improve selection restoration. Now the selected text should be reselected after the switcher closing

New in Popup Tab Switcher 2023.1 (Jan 25, 2023)

  • Update deps by @dvdvdmt in #66
  • Current sorting algorithm doesn't distinct between tabs with equal URLs. by @dvdvdmt in #69

New in Popup Tab Switcher 2022.3 (Sep 11, 2022)

  • Fix e2e tests by @dvdvdmt in https://github.com/dvdvdmt/popup-tab-switcher/pull/64
  • Remove initialization timeout by @dvdvdmt in https://github.com/dvdvdmt/popup-tab-switcher/pull/65

New in Popup Tab Switcher 1.7.11 (Nov 2, 2021)

  • Change code style of the project and make code style errors less annoying by @dvdvdmt in #53
  • Prevent scrolling on focus restoration by @dvdvdmt in #54

New in Popup Tab Switcher 1.7.10 (Oct 26, 2021)

  • Extension was breaking icons on sites that use SVG sprites (#52).
  • There were errors in background script on each new tab opening (#50).
  • The projects dependencies was updated to the latest versions and TypeScript strict mode was enabled (#47).