What's new in All-In-One Code Framework 2011-8-8

Oct 3, 2011
  • NEW Samples for Silverlight and SharePoint:
  • CSSharePointSilverlightIntegration The code sample demonstrates how to use Silverlight along with SharePoint. A Silverlight application can be hosted inside a SharePoint site and it is called as a Silverlight WebPart.
  • NEW Samples for ASP.NET:
  • CSASPNETDisplayAddtionalTextInCalendar The code sample shows how to add additional text under the selected date of ASP.NET Calendar control.
  • VBASPNETDisplayAddtionalTextInCalendar The code sample shows how to add additional text under the selected date of ASP.NET Calendar control.
  • CSASPNETGroupedGridView The ASP.NET code sample shows how to group cells in GridView with the same value.
  • VBASPNETGroupedGridView The ASP.NET code sample shows how to group cells in GridView with the same value.
  • NEW Samples for WPF:
  • CSWPFAnimatedGIF The code sample demonstrates how to show GIF animation in WPF. Please note that GIF images are deprecated in WPF due to the imperfect scaling ability. You are recommended to use WPF animation instead. This sample is intended to show how to implement a s
  • VBWPFAnimatedGIF The code sample demonstrates how to show GIF animation in WPF. Please note that GIF images are deprecated in WPF due to the imperfect scaling ability. You are recommended to use WPF animation instead. This sample is intended to show how to implement a s
  • NEW Samples for Windows Forms:
  • CSWinFormExAeroToClient The sample demonstrates how to create a Windows Form with Aero glass style.
  • VBWinFormExAeroToClient The sample demonstrates how to create a Windows Form with Aero glass style
  • NEW Samples for Windows General:
  • VBTiffImageConverter The code sample demonstrates how to convert JPEG images into TIFF images and vice versa. This sample also allows to create single multipage TIFF iamges from selected JPEG images.
  • NEW Samples for VSX:
  • CSVSXProjectSubType A Project SubType, or called ProjectFlavor, let you customize or flavor the behavior of the project systems of Visual Studio. In this sample, we demonstrate how to create a Project SubType with following features: 1. Removing the Services Property Page;
  • VBVSXProjectSubType A Project SubType, or called ProjectFlavor, let you customize or flavor the behavior of the project systems of Visual Studio. In this sample, we demonstrate how to create a Project SubType with following features: 1. Removing the Services Property Page;
  • CSVSXSaveProject This VSX sample extends Visual Studio IDE to allow you to save an existing project to a different location
  • VBVSXSaveProject This VSX sample extends Visual Studio IDE to allow you to save an existing project to a different location.

New in All-In-One Code Framework 2011-06-19 (Jun 20, 2011)

  • NEW Samples for Windows Azure:
  • CSAzureStartupTask The sample demonstrates using the startup tasks to install the prerequisites or to modify configuration settings for your environment in Windows Azure
  • CSAzureManagementAPI This project shows how to create a new hosted service on Windows Azure using Windows Azure Service Management REST API.
  • VBAzureManagementAPI This project shows how to create a new hosted service on Windows Azure using Windows Azure Service Management REST API.
  • CSAzureWebRoleBackendProcessing The Windows Azure code sample shows how a web role can be used to perform all of the frontend and backend operations for an application.
  • VBAzureWebRoleBackendProcessing The Windows Azure code sample shows how a web role can be used to perform all of the frontend and backend operations for an application.
  • NEW Samples for Windows Forms:
  • CSWinFormSaveWebpageToImage The code sample generates webpage thumbnail image in a Windows Forms application.
  • VBWinFormSaveWebpageToImage The code sample generates webpage thumbnail image in a Windows Forms application
  • NEW Samples for WDK - VDS:
  • CppVDSQueryVolumes The code sample demonstrates how to use Virtual Disk Service (VDS) to enumerate and interface with volumes on a system.
  • NEW Samples for Windows General:
  • CppCheckSD The code sample demonstrates how to obtain and display the security descriptor for various Kernel Objects in Windows. By default the Security Descriptor is displayed in Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) format. There is a switch to get more
  • CSExtractAudioFile The sample demonstrates how to extract and convert audio file formats, which include wav, mp3 and mp4 files.
  • CSRunProcessAsUser The code sample demonstrates gathering user credential and running a process as a different user.
  • VBExtractAudioFile The sample demonstrates how to extract and convert audio file formats, which include wav, mp3 and mp4 files.
  • VBRunProcessAsUser The code sample demonstrates gathering user credential and running a process as a different user.
  • NEW Samples for WF:
  • VBWF4ActivitiesCorrelation The WF4 code sample shows how to correlate two workflow services to work together.

New in All-In-One Code Framework 2011-05-26 (May 26, 2011)

  • NEW Samples for Dynamics
  • CSDynamicsNAVWebServices The code sample shows syntax for calling Dynamics NAV Web Services.
  • NEW Samples for WPF
  • CSWPFDataGridCustomSort The code sample demonstrates how to implement a custom sorting for one or several columns in a WPF DataGrid control.
  • VBWPFDataGridCustomSort The code sample demonstrates how to implement a custom sorting for one or several columns in a WPF DataGrid control.
  • NEW Samples for Windows Forms
  • VBWinFormSingleInstanceApp The code sample demonstrates how to achieve the goal that only one instance of the application is allowed in Windows Forms application.
  • VBWinFormSplashScreen The code sample demonstrates how to create a splash screen in Windows Forms applications
  • VBWinFormTimeConsumingOpr The code sample demonstrates how to use the BackgroundWorker component to execute a time-consuming operation in Windows Forms
  • NEW Samples for Windows General
  • CSCpuUsage The code sample demonstrates how to use the PerformanceCounter to track the CPU usage of the system or a certain process.
  • CSCreateMiniDump The code sample demonstrates how to programmatically create a minidump when a .NET application has an unhandled exception and is about to crash.
  • CSSoftKeyboard The code sample demonstrates creating a soft keyboard, also known as on-screen keyboard or virtual keyboard.
  • VBCpuUsage The code sample demonstrates how to use the PerformanceCounter to track the CPU usage of the system or a certain process.
  • VBCreateMiniDump The code sample demonstrates how to programmatically create a minidump when a .NET application has an unhandled exception and is about to crash.
  • VBSoftKeyboard The code sample demonstrates creating a soft keyboard, also known as on-screen keyboard or virtual keyboard.
  • NEW Samples for VSX
  • CSCustomizeVSToolboxItem The code sample demonstrates how to add an item with custom tooltip to the Visual Studio 2010 toolbox.
  • VBCustomizeVSToolboxItem The code sample demonstrates how to add an item with custom tooltip to the Visual Studio 2010 toolbox.

New in All-In-One Code Framework 2011-05-06 (May 7, 2011)

  • NEW Samples for ASP.NET:
  • CSASPNETDragItemInListView The ASP.NET code sample demonstrates using jQuery to drag and drop items in ListView
  • CSASPNETEmbedLanguageInUrl
  • CSASPNETExcelLikeGridView The ASP.NET code sample demonstrates batch update of data in an Excel-like GridView
  • CSASPNETInfiniteLoading Infinite scroll, has also been called autopagerize, unpaginate, endless pages. But essentially it is pre-fetching content from a subsequent page and adding it directly to the user’s current page. The code sample demonstrates loading a large number of dat
  • CSASPNETSaveWebpageToImage The code sample demonstrates saving a webpage as a thumbnail image in ASP.NET.
  • CSASPNETStripHtmlCode The C# code sample demonstrates stripping and parsing html code using regular expression.
  • VBASPNETDragItemInListView The ASP.NET code sample demonstrates using jQuery to drag and drop items in ListView
  • VBASPNETEmbedLanguageInUrl
  • VBASPNETExcelLikeGridView The ASP.NET code sample demonstrates batch update of data in an Excel-like GridView.
  • VBASPNETPreventMultipleWindows The project illustrates how to detect and prevent from opening link in a new IE tab or window in an ASP.NET web page
  • VBASPNETSaveWebpageToImage The code sample demonstrates saving a webpage as a thumbnail image in ASP.NET.
  • VBASPNETStripHtmlCode The VB code sample demonstrates stripping and parsing html code using regular expression.
  • NEW Samples for Office:
  • CSManipulateImagesInWordDocument The code sample demonstrates how to list, export, delete and replace images in a Office Word document using Office Open XML SDK.
  • VBManipulateImagesInWordDocument The code sample demonstrates how to list, export, delete and replace images in a Office Word document using Office Open XML SDK.
  • NEW Samples for WF:
  • CSWF4ServiceHostFactory The code sample demonstrates creating a WF4 service host in code by using the WorkflowServiceHost class.
  • VBWF4CustomSequenceActivity This WF4 code sample demonstrates creating a customized composite activity to build sequence workflow.
  • NEW Samples for Windows General:
  • CSCheckProcessType The code sample demonstrates how to identify the process type in runtime (is it a 64-bit process? Is it a managed process? Does the process use .NET Framework 4? Is it a WPF application? Is it a console application?)
  • VBCheckProcessType The code sample demonstrates how to identify the process type in runtime (is it a 64-bit process? Is it a managed process? Does the process use .NET Framework 4? Is it a WPF application? Is it a console application?)

New in All-In-One Code Framework 2011-04-16 (Apr 16, 2011)

  • NEW Samples for Azure:
  • CSAzureWorkflowService4 This sample demonstrates how to run a WCF Workflow Service on Windows Azure.
  • VBAzureWorkflowService4 This sample demonstrates how to run a WCF Workflow Service on Windows Azure.
  • NEW Samples for ASP.NET:
  • CSASPNETAutoLogin The C# code sample illustrates how to log a user into an ASP.NET site using HttpWebRequest Class without filling out the username and password textboxes
  • CSASPNETLimitDownloadSpeed The code sample illustrates how to limit the download speed in ASP.NET via coding.
  • VBASPNETAutoLogin The VB code sample illustrates how to log a user into an ASP.NET site using HttpWebRequest Class without filling out the username and password textboxes
  • VBASPNETLimitDownloadSpeed The code sample illustrates how to limit the download speed in ASP.NET via coding.
  • CSASPNETPrintPartOfPage The project illustrates how to print a specific part of a page. A web form page will contain many parts and some of them need not print for a page, such as button controls, you can not click them in print page, So this sample provides a method to avoid pr
  • CSASPNETReverseAJAX Reverse Ajax is also known as Comet Ajax, Ajax Push, Two-way-web and HTTP server push. This technique persists a HTTP request to allow the server push data to a browser, without requesting the server in a individual time. This sample shows how to use thi
  • CSASPNETServerClock This project illustrates how to get the time of the server side and show it to the client page. Sometimes a website need to show an unified clock on pages to all the visitors. However, if we use JavaScript to handle this target, the time will be different
  • VBASPNETInfiniteLoading This ASP.NET code sample illustrates how to scroll down to load new page content based on the AJAX technology.
  • VBASPNETPrintPartOfPage The project illustrates how to print a specific part of a page. A web form page will contain many parts and some of them need not print for a page, such as button controls, you can not click them in print page, So this sample provides a method to avoid pr
  • VBASPNETReverseAJAX Reverse Ajax is also known as Comet Ajax, Ajax Push, Two-way-web and HTTP server push. This technique persists a HTTP request to allow the server push data to a browser, without requesting the server in a individual time. This sample shows how to use thi
  • VBASPNETServerClock This project illustrates how to get the time of the server side and show it to the client page. Sometimes a website need to show an unified clock on pages to all the visitors. However, if we use JavaScript to handle this target, the time will be different
  • NEW Samples for WF:
  • CSAzureWorkflowService4 This sample demonstrates how to run a WCF Workflow Service on Windows Azure.
  • VBAzureWorkflowService4 This sample demonstrates how to run a WCF Workflow Service on Windows Azure.
  • VBWF4FlowChart This code sample demonstrates the use of WF4 Flowchart in a Guess Number game. Flowchart is a new control flow activity in WF4 that makes it possible for developers to use the Flowchart model to define a workflow.

New in All-In-One Code Framework 2011-03-08 (Mar 10, 2011)

  • NEW Samples for Silverlight:
  • CSSLTreeViewCRUDDragDrop The code sample demonstrates a custom TreeView with added functionalities of CRUD and drag-and-drop operations
  • CSSL4FileDragDrop The code sample demonstrates the new drag&drop feature of Silverlight 4 to implement dragging picures from the local file system to a Silverlight application.
  • VBSL4FileDragDrop The code sample demonstrates the new drag&drop feature of Silverlight 4 to implement dragging picures from the local file system to a Silverlight application.
  • NEW Samples for ASP.NET:
  • CSASPNETDataListImageGallery The ASP.NET code sample demonstrates how to implement an image gallery with the DataList control
  • CSASPNETBreadcrumbWithQueryString In ASP.NET, sometimes we want to change the title and path of SiteMapPath control according to the Query String values. Sometimes we want to create the SiteMapPath dynamically. This code sample shows how to achieve these goals by handling the SiteMap.Site
  • CSASPNETEncryptAndDecryptConfiguration This sample shows how to use RSA encryption API to encrypt and decrypt configuration section in order to protect the sensitive information from interception or hijack in ASP.NET web application.
  • CSASPNETFileUploadStatus The ASP.NET code sample illustrates how to show the file upload status based on AJAX without using any third-part component
  • CSASPNETHighlightCodeInPage The code sample demonstrates highlighting syntax of source code inputted by user in a webpage
  • CSASPNETPreventMultipleWindows The project illustrates how to detect and prevent opening link in a new IE tab or window in an ASP.NET web page
  • JSVirtualKeyboard This project illustrates how to use Javascript to create a virtual keyboard on the web page.
  • VBASPNETEncryptAndDecryptConfiguration This sample shows how to use RSA encryption API to encrypt and decrypt configuration section in order to protect the sensitive information from interception or hijack in ASP.NET web application.
  • VBASPNETFileUploadStatus The ASP.NET code sample illustrates how to show the file upload status based on AJAX without using any third-part component
  • VBASPNETHighlightCodeInPage The code sample demonstrates highlighting syntax of source code inputted by user in a webpage
  • VBASPNETIPtoLocation The VB code sample illustrates how to get the visitor's IP address and get the visitor's geographical location from the IP address in ASP.NET
  • VBASPNETSearchEngine The code sample shows how to implement a simple search engine in an ASP.NET web site.
  • NEW Samples for WF:
  • CSWF4ActivitiesCorrelation The WF4 code sample shows how to correlate two workflow services to work together.
  • NEW Samples for Windows General:
  • CSCheckEXEType The VC# code sample demonstrates how to check the executable file type (console/GUI, x86/x64, managed/unmanaged) for the given a .exe or .dll file.
  • VBCheckEXEType The VB code sample demonstrates how to check the executable file type (console/GUI, x86/x64, managed/unmanaged) for the given a .exe or .dll file.