EAGLE Changelog

What's new in EAGLE 9.6.2

Jul 30, 2020
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when deleting net classes.
  • Sometimes it happened that an issue stopped Fusion Sync from working with custom 3D Packages.
  • Fixed issue that lost the link to Fusion Sync after an EAGLE restart.
  • Fixed a problem where the REROUTE command sometimes left routes ripped up.

New in EAGLE 9.6.1 (May 26, 2020)

  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed GROUP MOVE with a rotation that could cause short airwires showing up between pads and already routed wires.
  • The QUICKROUTE AIRWIRE command could happen to cause a crash.
  • Fixed the DRC ERRRAS window to properly refresh the number of reported airwires.
  • Fixed crashes and issues when using the FUSIONSYNC command.

New in EAGLE 9.6.0 (Apr 7, 2020)

  • SPLINE Command:
  • The SPLINE command allows to place a 3rd order spline curve in the layout. The SPLINE command is restricted to using it in layer 20 Dimension. There is a new command icon for SPLINE in the command menu of the Layout Editor.
  • FUSIONSYNC Command:
  • Updated FUSIONSYNC command to connect to the new 3D PCB document which is compatible with Fusion 360 Electronics. The "new 3D PCB" was introduced in Fusion 360 January update and it separates the 3D PCB into a different Fusion document. You can insert this 3D PCB document as x-ref in more than one mechanical assembly.

New in EAGLE 9.5.2 (Mar 11, 2020)

  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug where in board, traces connected to locked components were moving when trying to move the component.
  • Improved various performance issues related to MOVE, UNDO/REDO etc.
  • No more multiple warning message popups when trying to delete a persistent group in board that has wires.
  • Fixed update issues with persistent groups in board when an object was deleted in schematic and vice versa.
  • Fixed a bug where locked members of a persistent group in board were also deleted when the persistent group was deleted.
  • Fixed slow performance QuickRoute.
  • Fixed the REROUTE command for a device that would fail to sometimes route power nets.
  • Panels will stop resetting to default position after opening new documents.
  • Added missing items to selection filter in library.

New in EAGLE 9.5 (Sep 25, 2019)

  • Control Panel:
  • New Hub based hierarchy display of libraries. Now the user can find all the managed libraries within the hub they belong.
  • Libraries can be copied from one hub to another. Start this branch operation with a right mouse click on the managed library and select the "Copy to Another Hub" option.
  • Persistent Groups:
  • Added Persistent Groups in boards and schematics.
  • New commands:
  • NEWGROUP: add a selected object to a persistent group.
  • UNGROUP: remove a persistent group.
  • EDITGROUP: add/remove objects to/from existing persistent groups.
  • Groups View in board and schematic Design Manager to create/manipulate persistent groups.
  • Design Manager:
  • The new Design Manager in the schematic editor includes a "Browser" tab which contains "Parts", "Nets" and "Groups" views, and a "Filter" tab. The Browser tab views give a set of hierarchical panels to allow the user to drill down from Sheet to Part to related Part items in the Parts view, from Netclass to Net to related Net Items in the Nets view, and also offers a special Groups view to create and edit Persistent Groups.
  • "Filters" allow for precise and dynamic selections of design objects based on name, value, attributes, and other properties. Each filter is a combination of Filter Criteria combined into logical expressions using AND and OR operators. The "Filter Composer" offers an interface to create Filter Expressions.
  • Filter Expressions can also be created/shared in text form. Filters can be saved in a design or across designs (in the EAGLE settings), and both in schematic and in PCB.
  • Detailed help on Filter Criteria and valid syntax and operations is available in EAGLE.
  • "Groups" view shows persistent groups. They can be hierarchical. New commands
  • NEWGROUP command to add selected objects to a persistent group, UNGROUP command to remove a saved group, EDITGROUP command to add/remove objects to/from existing persistent groups.
  • Libraries:
  • Parts in EAGLE libraries now can have a popularity score between 0 and 100. You can filter popular parts in the ADD dialog based on the popularity score threshold.
  • The popularity threshold can be set in the Options/User Interface menu.
  • The popularity score of a part can be changed or newly set, with an attribute with the name POPULARITY, in the library editor.
  • Library Editor:
  • The creation of a new managed library now requests a target hub for the library.
  • It's possible now to select multiple Devices, Footprints, 3D Packages and Symbols in order to remove multiple assets.
  • You are allowed to select multiple Devices, Footprints, 3D Packages and Symbols in order to import them into the current library.
  • It's possible to select multiple Device variants in order to delete them.
  • CAM Processor:
  • The Assembly output section has a new Pick and Place output type.
  • Default template and example CAM Job files now include a default Pick and Place output item.
  • When a CAM job is processed from the command line and a non-existent output folder provided, the system now creates the required path.
  • When specifying layers for a Gerber CAM job item, you can now access custom layer presets.
  • When the current Assembly Variant is a critical aspect of a CAM output item (BoM, PnP, Paste Mask), the system produces a warning message to inform you of this condition.
  • DELETE Command:
  • Improved performance when deleting parts from schematic on large designs.
  • LOCK Command:
  • The LOCK command has additional options. Lock all object, Unlock all objects, Lock all objects in the currently active layer. These three options can be executed via icons in the parameter toolbar or in the command line.
  • Additional options to lock/unlock objects in specific layers by layer name or layer number.
  • NAME Command:
  • Fixed issue where a PCB polygon pour signal would not be properly renamed when the corresponding net in the schematic was renamed, usually with a power symbol rename.
  • ROUTE Command:
  • Improved ROUTE command pushing results and performance. Cases where the push would fail for no obvious reason now have better results with less lag.
  • Fixed crashes or hangs that could occur when completing a differential pair route.
  • Fixed cause of unexpected condition in ROUTE command (d_interactiveroute.cpp(555)).
  • Fixed case where undo logging could be turned off incorrectly in ROUTE command.
  • Fixed case where the Quick Route Airwire could cause EAGLE to hang.
  • Fixed crash in router due to parentheses characters in the layer names.
  • REROUTE Command:
  • The new REROUTE command will ripup and route/fanout signal pads on a selected device.
  • SPLINE Command:
  • New Spline object and SPLINE command icon is added to Board Editor. SPLINE is useful in defining board outline, and maintaining continuity with degree-3 curves used to define board outline in Fusion.

New in EAGLE 9.4.2 (May 30, 2019)

  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed issue where GROUP command snaps to grid after using Bus Breakout command.
  • Fixed several issues with docking panel behavior, floating panels now show/hide with their respective editor window.
  • Fixed a crash in the ROUTE command that could happen while pushing against a device with embedded signal layer wires.
  • Fixed an Unexpected Condition using the ROUTEMULTI command with a complex arrangement of starting objects.
  • CAM Processor now produces paste mask Gerber output with stencil features suppressed for surface mount devices that are not populated in the current assembly variant.

New in EAGLE 9.4.0 (May 20, 2019)

  • Object Inspector:
  • The new Object Inspector shows properties of selected objects. The Inspector panel is available in the schematic, board, footprint and symbol editor windows. Use the GROUP command to select objects. Depending on the selected objects it is possible to change its properties directly in the panel.
  • Selection Filter:
  • The Selection Filter panel allows to pre-select the objects and the layers or layer sets you want to execute a command on. With the Reset button you can restore the initial settings.
  • CAM Processor:
  • When the CAM Processor dialog is launched from the Manufacturing Fly-out, its location is centered in the PCB Editor window.
  • A new Auto Drill output item has been added to the CAM Processor, providing comprehensive drill output for any layer stack configuration.
  • A new Assembly section and BOM output item have been added, providing a simple bill-of-materials output.
  • Output Sections are now presented in an order that conforms more closely to a manufacturing process order.
  • System template and example CAM files have been updated to utilize the new Auto Drill and BOM Output types.
  • Managed Libraries:
  • Added the ability to remove/re-install bundled Eagle managed libraries using library manager.
  • Creating a managed library (or a new version of a managed library) can now be done in the background (i.e. the progress dialog and library can be hidden).
  • COPY Command:
  • The COPY command now has options to copy Devices, Symbols, Footprints, and Packages from a design file into a library.
  • The context menu of assets in design files now has entries for copying assets into a library.
  • EDIT3D Command:
  • This new command can be used on an element or part and allows you to edit the associated managed 3D package. If the element or part has an override_package3d_urn (see CUSTOM3D command), it will edit that associated custom package instead of the originally managed 3d package.
  • CUSTOM3D Command:
  • This new command allows to assign a custom 3D package to a part or element in schematic or board. If there was already a reference to a 3d package, it will be ignored in favor of the custom 3D package in the Fusion ECAD/MCAD process.
  • This command removes the overriding custom 3D package assigned to an element or part.
  • ROUTE related Command and modes:
  • ROUTE modes that were once specified as command modifiers have been converted into explici individual commands. You will find them logically grouped together as dropdown listboxes of icons on the command toolbar when a route command is active. See the online HELP for details about these commands.
  • The new ROUTEMULTI command has been added to allow you to interactively select multiple signals, and then route them concurrently as a parallel configuration of wires. The new command operates consistently with existing single wire ROUTE command, in that it can avoid obstacles with walkaround or push and shove, responds to the BACKSPACE/DELETE key by deleting the prior committed wires (prior mouse click), and more. See the online HELP for complete details.
  • The ROUTEDIFF command has been added to allow you to interactively route differential pairs. This command behaves similar to the ROUTEMULTI command, in that you concurrently route both sides of the pair; however, maintenance of the pair's mutual proximity is automatic. See the online HELP for complete details.
  • The ROUTE command will now properly utilize a microvia for a layer change, if the design rules and conditions dictate that placement of a microvia is appropriate.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • When a Wire has an extremely small Curve value (virtually linear) which would cause an overflow of the Radius field, EAGLE automatically adjusts the curve to 0.0.

New in EAGLE 9.3.2 (Apr 24, 2019)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Now different nets are allowed to touch when on a bus.
  • Normally nets of different name cannot touch, but this is the exception where different nets can touch without requiring a merge, if they are on a bus and part of the bus specification. Bus breakout and net operations now allow this functionality so the user can breakout different nets on either side of a bus.
  • Fixes to the opening of public managed libraries in read-only mode.
  • Fixes to 3D packages in the Beagle Bone Blue 3D example.
  • The default 4-Layer CAM template job file now does not automatically mirror the Top Silkscreen Layer Gerber output.

New in EAGLE 9.3.1 (Feb 15, 2019)

  • CAM Processor:
  • Automatic generation of Drill Output Items and manufacturing Fly-out Drill tab now reflect all valid via layer spans (even interior spans implied by blind vias in layer stack definition).
  • Example JSON CAM Job Files now reside in $EAGLEDIR/examples/cam/examples sub-folder of EAGLE installation.
  • Load and Save of CAM Job files now behaves more predictably, with "Save" and "Save As" options added.
  • Detection of modified CAM Job file data in CAM Job editor has been improved.
  • Load performance of board files containing large polygons is improved by deferring creation of preview data until actually required.
  • Drill Output Item dialog page now shows preview of drill holes.
  • FANOUT command:
  • Added a new "Allow Violations" mode to allow performing a fanout even if the via causes violations. This can ease trying to track down the source of problems when the fanout can potentially fail for some vias. This mode is available through an icon on the parameters toolbar.
  • The command line now allows an optional input for the fanout direction IN | OUT | ALTERNATE.
  • GROUP and INFO command:
  • Added a new selection feature that allows for filtering out attributes for either group or single selection. The option is found on the parameters toolbar when the INFO or GROUP commands are active.
  • FUSIONTEAM command:
  • With this command you can send schematic, board, and manufacturing files to Fusion Team.
  • Once published a design to Fusion Team, the user can view, share, and comment on the schematic and board file in the web, and additionally view the 3D board on Fusion Team, even if you do not have EAGLE or Fusion installed.
  • SPICE Simulation:
  • Simulation dialog is now non-modal. It will watch schematic design changes and let user know when update is needed, instead of blocking.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Several fixes related to model mapping, particularly when changing the spice type of an already mapped part.
  • Performance lag issue fixed in schematics with lots of parts, pins, and lots of connectivity.
  • LTSpice support removed. It was confusing to users since EAGLE has an integrated ngspice simulation.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Local and global attributes in devices are now displayed correctly, if multiple attribute texts of the same attribute are used in the device.
  • After changing layers while routing in the layout editor it could happen that the board display was not properly refreshed.
  • Fixed a crash in the layout editor that could potentially occur while changing the thickness value while editing the layer stackup in the Design Rules.
  • The warning message shown on placing a part that has more than two pins with two of its pins on a common net that could not be split into two parts has been corrected.

New in EAGLE 9.2.2 (Jan 16, 2019)

  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed issue where several recently added commands caused out of order execution in scripts.
  • PINBREAKOUT: Added warning and required user confirmation for case when pin breakout would create shorted connections, for example, two parts broken out with the same pins, and using Pin Name option.
  • The CAM Processor no longer automatically adjusts to negative image mode based on mask File Function settings. Additionally, all 'Template' and '3rd Party

New in EAGLE 9.2.1 (Oct 29, 2018)

  • Miscellaneous:
  • Replaced Eurocircuits DRU files with updated ones.
  • Added tooltips for multiple fields in PIN/PAD/SMDARRAY command dialogs.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed issue where OP simulation results were not possible to turn off due to missing layer in mapgates example file.
  • Fixed an issue with an "invalid condition" error message referencing the file oPart.cpp.
  • If a value for "min length" is given in the NETBREAKOUT dialog, now the checkbox for using it will be enabled automatically, as soon as there is a value in the field. This avoids previous problems with having the checkbox not enabled.
  • Fixed a drawing issue where adding a part to the schematic generated a warning or error message.
  • Fixed issue where loading an EAGLE file created in 9.2 into an earlier version of the software would create duplicate device attributes.
  • Fixed PCB issue where the board file contained zero-length arcs that would cause zooming and viewing problems in the editor.
  • Fixed an Unexpected Condition when importing a P-CAD PCB file.
  • Fixed the ROUTE command to ignore airwires when layer 19, Unrouted, is turned off.
  • Fixed COPY/PASTE and Add Design Block to not restore the attribute positions to their default (library) location.
  • Fixed a crash related to moving or routing after undoing a delete or ripup of a trace.
  • Fixed an issue where MOVE in preserve angle mode could remove a wire.
  • Fixed an issue where MOVE in preserve angle mode could reverse an arc's direction.
  • Fixed Shift+MOVE for polygons in preserve angles mode.
  • Alternate core and prepreg materials in new layers stackup dialog.
  • Fixed issue where new PADARRAY command did not properly draw a rectangle around pads, if pad shape was chosen as "long" or "offset".
  • PINARRAY, PADARRAY, and SMDARRAY now will place NAME and VALUE labels automatically in their recommended positions, above and below the part outline.
  • Fixed issue of multiple popups of the PIN/PAD/SMDARRAY dialog when "sides" are not chosen after clicking OK.
  • When adding an outline via the PIN/PAD/SMDARRAY command it could get connected to an already existing outline, leading to placement issues.
  • PAD/SMDARRAY now always properly supports placing pads with the currently chosen rotation.
  • Digital Source Parts related:
  • Fixed issue with new Digital Source type part, where it could not simulate after copy/paste operation.
  • Icon for Digital Source Setup made more distinct visually from Analog Source Setup icon.
  • Improved error checking for CSV import into new Digital Source setup table input interface.

New in EAGLE 9.2.0 (Oct 12, 2018)

  • EXPORTSTEP Command:
  • This new command exports the board into a STEP model using the cloud service for FusionSync.
  • FANOUT Command:
  • The new FANOUT command performs fanout operations on selected devices (SMDs and BGAs) or signals, while providing control over the direction of the fanout and the via size. This command has an icon in the command toolbar and is also available from the command line.
  • NET Command:
  • Removed automatic label mode from NET command. Proper auto-label function comes with the NAME command for nets.
  • New PINARRAY, PADARRAY, and SMDARRAY commands, available via CLI (command line) and from the PIN and PAD/SMD parameter toolbars, allow creation of an array of PINS, PADS, or SMDS in a regular pattern. These commands offer configurable naming options, and automatic NAME and VALUE text object and outline placement.
  • PAINTROLLER Command:
  • Transfers selected properties of a selected object to other similar objects.
  • PATTERN Command:
  • The PATTERN command creates multiple copies of an object and arranges them in a linear or circular pattern.
  • SMASH Command / Reposition Attributes:
  • The Smashed property has been removed from devices and elements, so instead all placed devices or elements are automatically smashed. Loading legacy designs will automatically smash any unsmashed devices or elements.
  • SPICE Simulation:
  • New digital and mixed-mode simulation feature.
  • Digital models enabled for simulation.
  • New library ngspice-digital contains simulation-ready digital parts and parts for use in mixed-mode simulations.
  • New examples provided using the new parts under /examples/ngspice/. Re-organized examples into Analog, Digital, and MixedMode folders.
  • Check added to make sure analog and digital parts are not mixed on the same net.
  • Added new digital plotting mode for use with digital simulations.
  • Changed previously named SOURCESETUP command to have a description of "Analog Source Setup", and added new command DSOURCESETUP with description "Digital Source Setup". This command has a UI that allows the user to specify digital data for multiple source pins, either manually by entering in a table, or by importing a properly formatted csv file.
  • Measurement functionality added to plotter: click once at two locations and a table will popup to show the difference in x and y axis values for all plotted signals.
  • Added check for frequency of 0 when DEC type AC simulation is run.
  • Fixed bug to make sure simulation configurations parameters are saved for all fields, not only those corresponding to the chosen simulation type.
  • Library Editor:
  • When a new 3D package is copied into a library, it is now added to any device variants that reference the 3D package's footprint (if the device has no 3D package and no other 3D package in the library references the footprint).
  • CAM Processor:
  • Improvements and issues resolved when using the CAM Processor within EAGLE:
  • The CAM Processor dialog can now be resized.
  • A CAM Job File that specifies an output file containing a non-existent directory prefix now successfully creates the directory path.
  • The default Gerber format for Template CAM Job Files and newly created CAM Job File Gerber Items is RS274-X.
  • Seeed Studio CAM Job Files have been added to the CAM Processor Third Party category.
  • Beta Layout CAM Job Files have been added to the CAM Processor Third Party category.
  • The Negative Polarity checkbox has been added to CAM Processor's Gerber Item page. It affects the Preview display and Gerber output.
  • Some file function settings (e.g. Solder Mask) produce negative image polarity by default.
  • Display of Legacy Gerber CAM Item layers in CAM Processor has been improved, especially when operating from EAGLE Control Panel with no active PCB design.
  • Drill, Gerber, and Drawing Output Sections all have output file prefixes, with corresponding symbols for use in their Output Item's file name.
  • Size capacity of Output Section prefix fields and Output Item file name fields have been increased.
  • Several issues have been resolved when executing EAGLE CAM Processor from a command window:
  • The -dCAMJOB option to completely process a JSON CAM Job File is now fully documented in the user manual.
  • The -N option now completely suppresses all output messages.
  • DXF output generation using -dCAMJOB no longer produces an "unexpected condition" failure.
  • Design Rule Check:
  • Updated DRC engine, so that it does not flag wire stubs, if they are absorbed by copper pours (polygons).
  • Improved user interface for DRC > Layers tab.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • Added missing semicolon to eagle.dtd.
  • Added CUT command on keyboard shortcut Ctrl/Cmd+X. This operation copies the selected objects to the clipboard, and deletes them from the design.
  • Improved connectivity of wire segments in the schematic after some MOVE operations.
  • Improvement to coupling of buses and nets - changes in one will be reflected in other, where applicable.
  • Updated help for POLYGONIZE and MOVE updates.
  • Pins with Direction NC (Not Connected) are now marked with a distinct cross symbol.
  • Added support for XREF labels with PINBREAKOUT and NETBREAKOUT commands.
  • Placing a part with two unconnected pins on an existing net in the schematic will split the net in two parts instead of shorting it.
  • The wire bend icons and via shape icons have been consolidated into drop-down list boxes in the parameters toolbar to save space so that on smaller displays the parameter toolbar would fit within the window.
  • Stopped bundling 84 obsolete libraries with EAGLE. They are still available for download using the Library Manager. See the ChangeLog in the cache/lbr folder for a list of the libraries.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug that caused the REPLACE command to fail to update the library reference when replacing the second and subsequent parts/elements in a design with a device variant in a device of the same name and a library of the same name, but different URN (or a URN instead of no URN, or vice-versa).
  • Fixed a crash issue when opening a new simulation-ready design file after simulating another.
  • Fixed issues when BUS is started with a selection of nets made beforehand:
  • Do not start from selection, if Group Default is not on
  • Do not start from selection of nets, if first click is on an existing bus
  • Should not have to click twice when drawing bus from selection of nets.
  • A number of issues related to the MOVE command have been solved:
  • Fixed issue where traces get removed unintentionally during GROUP MOVE.
  • Fixed crash that occurs sometimes when moving a via.
  • Fixed issue where moving a component using the DISCONNECT mode leaves the reference designator (>NAME text object) behind.
  • Fixed Ctrl+MOVE for rectangle and circle (adjust size) and Shift+MOVE for polygon (move entire polygon).
  • Fixed issue where live DRC does not update when global attributes are changed.
  • Fixed issue where DRC reports an error on placeholder instead of attribute value.
  • Fixed crash when opening board.
  • Fixed issue where polygon did not get reverted to outline when moving.
  • Fixed issue where moving a polygon edge could corrupt the polygon resulting in incorrect pour.
  • Fixed the OPTIMIZE function to work properly during LINE related command placement and during MOVE operations.
  • The import-gerber.ulp utility has been improved to operate correctly when the ULP's path contains spaces, to update its dialog fields properly following Gerber file selection.

New in EAGLE 9.1.3 (Aug 22, 2018)

  • New features:
  • Fft command may (optionally) use fftw3 library
  • Add nint() rounding function
  • Usage of 'temper' in behavioral devices
  • Check for soa (safe operating area) in several device models
  • Library processing rewritten completely to enhance ngspice compatibility (.lib)
  • Include file processing rewritten to allow nesting and various absolute and relative path names (.inc)
  • Asinh, acosh, atanh functions
  • Shared ngspice option added: ngspice optionally compiles as a shared object or dynamic link library
  • Use a hash table to massively speed up parsing the netlist
  • Implement a very basic .if/.else block
  • Implement a signed power function `pwr' for controlled sources
  • Implement multiplier `m' in F, G source
  • Apply Area Calculation Method (ACM) to the bsim3v3.3 model
  • Implement `tc1', `tc2' instance parameters
  • Bug fixes:
  • Many, many ... please see http://sourceforge.net/p/ngspice/ngspice/ci/master/tree/ and check the 'history' button on the upper right.
  • Removed memory leaks

New in EAGLE 9.1.0 (Jul 4, 2018)

  • LOCK Command:
  • Circles, Rectangles, Texts, Frames, and Dimensions can be locked now.
  • MOVE Command (45/90 Drag):
  • The MOVE command offers three new modes for dragging connected objects in PCB: SET MOVE_MODE PRESERVE_ANGLES, SET MOVE_MODE FREE, SET MOVE_MODE DISCONNECT:
  • The PRESERVE_ANGLES mode will attempt to keep the angles of connected tracks but also try to avoid acute angles. Holding Ctrl (MAC: Cmd) in PRESERVE_ANGLES mode will snap to grid and correct to nearest 45 angl
  • FREE mode reflects the legacy behavior and angles will not be optimized when dragging connected objects.
  • In DISCONNECT mode, moving a component / via will no longer drag adjacent tracks and frees the object to be placed elsewhere.
  • Live DRC is active during the MOVE operation.
  • NET Command:
  • The NET command offers a new feature that allows the user to breakout nets from any symbol pin from any number of parts in the schematic. It is accessible from the command line with the command NET BREAKOUT or through the Net Breakout icon in the parameter toolbar of the NET command. It includes custom label formatting options and an auto-increment feature.
  • POLYGONIZE Command:
  • This new command converts a set of closed wires to a polygon or a polygon to a closed set of wires. This command is available through the right click context menu.
  • User Interface:
  • Added a new icon set, more style improvements and stability.
  • Better HDPI support.
  • Reorganised icons in the (left) command toolbar to be more contextual and reflect the frequency of used commands.
  • Added a high-contrast mode for highlighting.
  • New hue slider to adjust contrast amount.
  • Updated the default color palettes. Old palettes can be restored with default colors with legacy.scr. The defaultcolors.scr script now restores colors to the new palettes.
  • Design Rule Check and Design Rule Files:
  • Checking for polygon width can now be enabled/disabled with a checkbox in the Misc tab.
  • The check of names layers can now be enabled/disabled with a checkbox in the Misc tab.
  • Design Rule Check now gives a warning for wire stubs.
  • DRC will prompt a warning for unclosed outlines drawn on Milling or Dimension layer.
  • Example design rules (.dru) files have been updated to define symmetrical layer stacks,
  • Files and Directories:
  • The Documentation folder is now accessed from the Help pull down menu.
  • The Options/Directories dialog in the Control Panel now has an option that allows to hide the example directories.
  • The installed example files are supplied in a read-only format. To edit an example, first open the files and save to a user-specified directory.
  • All files saved by the user will now be stored in the $HOME/EAGLE path.
  • Library Manager and Libraries:
  • The in-design tab in the Library Manager now considers managed libraries as equivalents for unmanaged libraries of the same name (since they will be used when updating the design from libraries).
  • 3D packages can now be edited inside EAGLE (if the user is online).
  • Manufacturing Flyout:
  • In the Drills View, different hole layer spans are now separated into different row entries, with an indicator of their start and end layers. JSON and CSV output now also includes new start_layer and end_layer fields.
  • The Highlight Drills utility's Previous button now correctly cycles through the design's hole objects.
  • The Preview color assignments are now saved in the .brd file, so they are specific to each EAGLE PCB design.
  • When configuring Manufacturing Preview color assignments, Color dialogs are now initialised with the current color assignment, not the default colors. A new Default Colors option has been added to the Configure Preview colors menu.
  • CAM Processor:
  • The CAM Processor's Board shape and Cutouts checkboxes now have tooltips that indicate the resulting 10 mil drawing width of the board/cutout edges.
  • In the Advanced options sections, the Mirror Horizontal, Mirror Vertical, and Rotate buttons now change their color to indicate when they are in effect.
  • In the Advanced options sections, the decimal portions of specified Offset X and Offset Y values are now processed correctly (and not discarded).
  • In Excellon drill output, the Advanced section's Mirror Horizontal option now work as expected.
  • In the Gerber RS-274X output, the output file's header comment now indicates the correct output format.
  • In the Gerber output of rounded-rectangle SMDs, the overlap of neighboring interior fill strokes has been adjusted to produce a more positive overlap.
  • User Language:
  • When an User Language Program creates a zero-length wire object in an EAGLE database, the zero-length wire is now displayed.
  • Updates to the Export Libraries ULP: buttons for selecting managed or unmanaged libraries and a fix to the creation of the output directory on Windows. Updated dxf-export ULP to export blind and buried vias properly.
  • Added new aliases for ULPs (UL_FOOTPRINT, footprint(), .footprints, .footprint); the previous syntax (e.g. UL_PACKAGE, package()) remains for backwards compatibility. The <package> tag in EAGLE XML files was retained.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • Now using "footprint" instead of "package" in the EAGLE interface to refer to component land patterns.
  • Added a new alias, ".fpt", for disambiguation when referencing assets by name in the EAGLE command line (".pac" remains for backwards-compatibility).
  • Single airwires now can no longer be copied and pasted into a board design. Only as a part of larger selections that also contain all connected objects.
  • The name of the Netlist button in simulation dialog in the schematic has been changed from "Save Netlist" to "Update Netlist" for a better reflection of the related operation.
  • Updated help for NET and BUS commands to better describe the recently added new features.
  • Added checks to make sure that the bus alias uniqueness is enforced.
  • Enhanced connectivity by automatically connecting nets to pins, as soon as a net's endpoint touches a pin.
  • When shrinking/swelling rounded-rectangle SMDs for paste/solder masks on t/bCream and t/bStop layers, the corner-round calculation has been corrected in order to to produce a uniform offset around SMD corners.
  • QuickRoute to use the ROUTE command parameter bar width setting for the width for the route results, or the minimum width rule, whichever is larger to avoid DRC error.
  • SINGLE LAYER mode is promoted to the entire editor and is no longer restricted to the ROUTE command.
  • Objects in the current layer of the Layer combobox, will always be displayed on top.
  • Wires and polygons can now be moved from a non-copper layer to a copper layer
  • Nets can be renamed from within the Properties dialog. If a net with the same name already exist, you will be asked what to do.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a bug that caused the replacement technology from a previous UPDATE or REPLACE command to be used in a subsequent REPLACE command.
  • Addressed an issue that prevented Managed Libraries from being stored on case-sensitive Mac file systems.
  • Fixed an issue with unicode characters not being able to be used in BUS specifications.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause duplicate footprints of the same name to remain when updating a board file without schematic. The issue occurred when the library contained a footprint with the same name as one used in the board, but a different URN, and different 3D packages referenced that footprint between the board and the library.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the ADD dialog in the board editor and the import 3D package dialog to associate 3D packages with the wrong footprint in certain cases.
  • Fixed a crash in QuickRoute that could occur when routing signals multiple times that exceed the tool's limit.
  • Fixed an unexpected condition in Locator and a crash after a "Take" error message that could happen while routing.
  • Fixed Window Flip to draw the grid dots properly.
  • Fixed issue where after nets are moved onto nets they do not connect properly, leading to an ERC error.
  • Fixed a bug with legacy Gerber export when the design contained arbitrary pad shapes with polygons around those pads.
  • Bugfixes already in 9.0.1 (but not in the release notes):
  • Addressed several UI bugs associated with the new UI style, including cropped text, menu font size and spacing, Design Manager tabs, custom menu dropdown styling, accurate placement, default sizing of dialogs and table column widths.
  • Fixed a bug where escaping the Display Layers dialog would overwrite the 'Display Last' setting.
  • When multiple CAM Directories are specified in Control Panel, CAM Processor's Job File Loader now correctly lists them in Local CAM Jobs list.
  • Access Violation on EAGLE shutdown is now avoided after legacy CAM Job has been loaded into CAM Processor.
  • Addressed several UI bugs associated with the new UI style, including cropped text, menu font size and spacing, Design Manager tabs, custom menu dropdown styling, accurate placement, default sizing of dialogs and table column widths.
  • Fixed a bug where escaping the Display Layers dialog would overwrite the 'Display Last' setting.

New in EAGLE 9.0.1 (May 28, 2018)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a bug that caused duplicate <package3d> tags to be inserted when updating a board file without a linked schematic, which caused an error when re-opening the board.
  • The SET WIRE_BEND @... command works properly now.
  • Fixed a crash on closing a project after the RATSNEST command was run.
  • Fixed PCB commands that use PASTE (Design Block, clipboard paste) to properly associate the pasted device pads to the pasted signal. Fixed a bug where Pin breakout in some cases showed gate name twice.
  • When generating CAM data in an unsaved PCB design (especially a new Untitled design), the system now exits gracefully when you dismiss the File Save dialog without saving.
  • Fixed crash found when using Ctrl/Cmd+Q to exit EAGLE after simulation dialog was open.
  • Fixed issue where automatic label placement mode was not automatically started after bus creation in certain circumstances. When multiple CAM Directories are specified in Control Panel, CAM Processor's Job File Loader now correctly lists them in Local CAM Jobs list.
  • Access Violation on EAGLE shutdown is now avoided after legacy CAM Job has been loaded into CAM Processor.
  • Addressed several UI bugs associated with the new UI style, including cropped text, menu font size and spacing, Design Manager tabs, custom menu dropdown styling, accurate placement, default sizing of dialogs and table column widths.
  • Fixed a bug where escaping the Display Layers dialog would overwrite the 'Display Last' setting.
  • Miscellaneous fixes related to buses:
  • Do not allow duplicate bus members.
  • Do not allow characters like , : [ ] in Alias field.
  • Do not allow ; (semicolon) anywhere in the bus specification field.
  • Do not consider order when checking bus name uniqueness, for example I2C:SDA,SCL should be same as I2C:SCL,SDA.
  • Make sure to always prompt when a merge is needed.
  • Do not show default/empty buses in the "in design" dropdown list.
  • Bus breakout target locations for new nets are now checked for nets and buses in the way (only checked nets before).
  • EAGLE now enforces unique bus aliases. When loading an old file that may have duplicate names (for example, members out of order), now a merge is performed so there is no "cannot load" error on loading the design file. Current EAGLE can no longer produce files with duplicates.
  • Fixed issue where bus breakout nets did not connect to part pins if placed on top of pins during breakout operation.
  • Fixes related to ROUTE command:
  • Snapping to wires during loop removal is smoother and less jumpy now.
  • The ROUTE command does not end the route when a new route starts at the end of an exiting trace and a via is placed at the start location with a mouse click.
  • Now it allows a proper placement of micro vias stacked on top of each other.
  • Typing in a new width and pressing the enter key does no longer prematurely end the command.
  • The Smooth Route option no longer disconnects T shaped routes.
  • The ROUTE command no longer produces an Unexpected Condition when Copper/Dimension DRC Distance is set to 0, and using a very small wire width.The ROUTE command no longer creates occasional shorts in Walkaround Obstacles mode when you drag the route target into an unroutable area.

New in EAGLE 9.0.0 (Apr 18, 2018)

  • PCB Design Manager:
  • The Design Manager in the Layout Editor window allows you to quickly and easily browse, filter, and inspect complex data in your Layout. By clicking on the entries in the Design Manager you can identify and highlight your components and signals on the board, explore their relationship and inspect various attributes (location, span, pin count, via count airwire and routed wire length...), browse and filter items hierarchically by name/keyword, as well as object type. This allows you to quickly drill down in the minutest details, select items across the board that might be hard to select otherwise, directly launch the object's Properties dialog, as well as commonly used ROUTE and RIPUP command options.
  • BUS Refresh:
  • New simple workflow and user interface for creating busses that flows as follows: start BUS command, draw bus, define specification, (optional) place label. New "Prefix Nets" checkbox option in new bus dialog that allows for simple bus member prefixing when creating new buses (i.e., SPI1:SPI1_MISO,SPI1_MOSI,SPI1_CLK).
  • New BREAKOUTBUS command in schematic, used from a bus right-click context menu, allows user to breakout a single net, selection of nets, or all nets as new nets with labels extending from the bus.
  • New PINBREAKOUT command that allows user to right-click on a part instance (or a pre-selected group of part instances) in schematic, and breakout all, or a selection of pins from the part. New nets are created that are connected to the chosen pins, with labels that match a one of a user-selectable list of label formats.
  • New CLI format "PINBREAKOUT partname type" allows for making the label format type choice and to select which part to breakout.
  • New BUSFROMSEL command allows the user to select any number of nets in the schematic, and create a bus using those selected nets to pre-fill the bus specification. Select nets, then right-click and choose "Make Bus", or type BUSFROMSEL on the commandline, then continue on through finalizing the new bus per new normal workflow.
  • New PINTOBUS command allows the user to automatically breakout nets from parts in schematic to nearby buses facing the corresponding part pins. Select one or more buses, then right-click on a part and choose "Connect pins to bus". If any of the members of the selected bus match any of the names of pins on the part, and if there is no connection already made from those pins, and there is a straight horizontal or vertical line path available out to the bus from the corresponding pins, then new nets will be created from the part pins to the nearby bus(es).
  • SPICE Simulation:
  • New REMOVE MODEL command added to be able to remove all SPICE attributes and properties from mapped parts.
  • Use the DeviceSet prefix (if set) as first guess for spice type when in Library Device editor and setting SPICE type in Add Model dialog
  • Improvement to SPICE model support: support subcircuits that require input parameters when verifying simulation models.
  • Library Editor:
  • New "In Design" tab in library manager shows libraries open in the current schematic/board. A banner notification is shown if the user opens a design that references libraries that can be downloaded or updated.
  • The 3D packages of device variants are now shown in the device editor.
  • New right-click context menu items for adding devices to a schematic or packages to a board directly from the library editor table-of-contents view.
  • New dialog for importing 3D packages from other libraries.
  • New UI and command line syntax for replacing the package and 3D package of an existing device variant ("PACKAGE @vname package", etc).
  • Reposition Attributes (SMASH Command):
  • The SMASH command now offers several options to reposition attributes (>NAME and/or >VALUE) and place it at predefined locations. These can be selected by right mouse click or the icons in the parameter toolbar.
  • CAM Processor:
  • Excellon drill output now correctly creates individual drill files for each specific via layer span.
  • When a CAM job file or CAM template contains an integer or decimal significant digits specification that falls outside the legal range, the CAM processor now produces an error message, instead of an unexpected condition.
  • LAUNCH Command:
  • Command line syntax for launching the package generator and web-based package search updated to "LAUNCH package3d-generator" and "LAUNCH package3d-web-search" respectively.
  • PACKAGE Command:
  • New command line syntax for replacing the package and 3D package of an existing device variant. See HELP PACKAGE.
  • RIPUP Command:
  • The RIPUP command now has a number of modes that can be selected with the right mouse button or with the icons on the parameter toolbar. There are the following modes available: Default, Signal, Connected Copper, Connected Copper on Same Layer, Between Components, All Signals, All Polygons.
  • ROUTE Command:
  • Performance improvement in several cases of obstacle avoidance, mostly involving collisions with board edge.
  • When starting a route from a multi-layer object, Shift+Middle mouse key now presents a start layer selection dialog.
  • Several new routing modes are added: Quick Route Airwire, Quick Route Signal, Quick Route Multi-Signals, and Smooth Route.
  • When routing in Walkaround or Push Obstacles mode, Enter key now auto-completes the route to the airwire anchor object.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • The algorithm for highlighting allows for greater range of darker and brighter values. Now EAGLE supports Unicode on Windows out of the box. The Option.Codec setting was removed and UTF-8 encoding is used for all files on all platforms.
  • Offline period extended from 14 to 30 days.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a bug in the Display/Layer dialog where cancelling or pressing ESC after changing the layer filter would adversely affect which layers were visible.

New in EAGLE 8.7.2 (Mar 28, 2018)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a bug in the Display/Layer dialog where cancelling or pressing ESC after changing the layer filter would adversely affect which layers were visible.

New in EAGLE 8.7.0 (Mar 9, 2018)

  • Managed Libraries:
  • New package generator creates packages and corresponding 3D models from package parameters. Supports multiple SMD package types, including QFP, SOIC, BGA, SOT23, Chip, and more.
  • The generated 3D models can be used for EAGLE/Fusion Sync or downloaded in STEP or OBJ format. Note: 3D models are generated using maximum values of the input parameters.
  • Generated copper land-patterns should conform with IPC 7351-B specifications. Note: courtyards are not generated; solder mask and solder paste are derived from the generated pad geometry using the default EAGLE expansion algorithm as configured by the Design Rules in the PCB.
  • New package search allows searching for packages from the library.io community site. Search results can be filtered using package-specific metadata, e.g. # of pins, pitch, body size lead span, etc. (This metadata is automatically created for packages using the package generator and can be manually input for existing packages.)
  • It's now possible to update libraries to new versions of 3D packages from within EAGLE desktop.
  • 3D packages can be removed from libraries.
  • Can now import packages from other libraries when creating a new device variant.
  • Managed packages and 3D packages can now be shared across libraries (i.e. their URNs are retained when they are copied between libraries).
  • EAGLE now stores references between 3D packages and their associated footprints. New device variants can be created from a combination of a 3D package and its package(s).
  • SPICE Simulation:
  • User SPICE models directory now configurable in the Options/Directories dialog.
  • Simulation O.P. results labels on nets and part instances can now be moved like other text objects in schematic.
  • Precise plot range controls added to simulation plot.
  • New waveform save/recall feature for comparative analysis.
  • Manufacturing Flyout:
  • Improved behaviour of zooming, panning and right mouse click in the Gerber/Manufacturing previews.
  • Manufacturing preview window resolution can now be set by user.
  • Gerber preview images can be saved to file.
  • Layer Colors and Settings Management:
  • Selecting a layer in the DISPLAY dialog no longer displays or hides the layer. This is done by clicking into the new left column represented by an eye icon (similar to the SHOW icon).
  • The new buttons "Show layers" and "Hide layers" will show or hide all of the selected layers.
  • Pressing the spacebar should toggle the visibility of the selected layers only.
  • Right-click on the layer list opens a context menu offering the Show/Hide layers options. If there is only a single layer selected, it offers a third option for accessing the Preferences of this layer.
  • The Layers dialog of the DISPLAY command now allows to set the layer colors. Double-click the layer entry in the list to access the "Change layer properties" window.
  • The highlight color is automatically set as soon as you select a color for the layer. These values are stored in the eaglerc file.
  • The intensity of the highlight color can be set applicationwide with a slider in the Options/Set/Colors menu.
  • The color swatch for the highlight color is not selectable / not a button / not user editable in any way.
  • NAME command:
  • Automatic label placement mode after NAME command used on nets and busses. The Label checkbox is checked by default checked, if no label exists. If there is already a label set, it is unchecked.
  • PASTE command:
  • Symbol editor now supports copying list of pins from external sources (e.g. text, PDF or spreadsheet). Note: multiple modes are supported including well formed curated pin lists as well as free-style copying directly from source (i.e. text or PDF).
  • ROUTE command:
  • When the ROUTE command contours obstacles with a 90-degree bend style, wires now conform to 90 degree orientations, when possible.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • CAM export via the command line no longer requires unnecessary user input.
  • The CAM Processor now shows a warning if the EXCELLON output configuration doesn't include all drill sequences specified in the board's layer setup.

New in EAGLE 8.6.1 (Feb 9, 2018)

  • Miscellaneous:
  • Minor updates to CAM templates.
  • Legacy CAM style options are now displayed in the CAM dialog.
  • Added a warning message for when a user runs a mixed CAM job (legacy and new).
  • Added an export to project directory option to the new CAM exporter.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue that caused all layers of the Symbol Editor to be set not visible when changing the properties of a layer of the Package Editor in the LBR: section of eagle.scr.
  • An unexpected condition error (undo.cpp(530)) that could occur while routing a differential pair has been fixed.
  • A gate swap could cause an inconsistency error.
  • It could happen that all approved DRC errors were lost after changing the assembly variant or editing the Design Rules.
  • The error polygons of the last error entry of the Approved Errors list remained visible in the drawing.
  • Fixed a ROUTE command Walkaround Obstacles mode issue where committing a route at an obstacle boundary and then continuing caused an Unexpected Condition Error at routepath.cpp line 259.
  • Fixed an issue with CAM and non-existent layers.
  • Fixed an issue with invalid DXF files caused by net names with special characters.
  • Global attributes are now exported to Gerber

New in EAGLE 8.5.2 (Jan 11, 2018)

  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed bug where the ROUTE command could sometimes leave a very small airwire after finishing a route to a pad.
  • Fixed bug where nets are incorrectly displayed from one sheet on another when drawing nets on the second sheet under some conditions.

New in EAGLE 8.5.1 (Dec 22, 2017)

  • Bugfixes:
  • Under some circumstances in the ADDMODEL dialog a wrong model could be loaded.
  • The ROUTE command shortcut key Ctrl+Space for changing the start route layer is now correctly assigned on Mac computers.
  • Removed "Save as image" feature on simulation plotter canvas. This was a non-working feature embedded in browser.
  • It could happen that the drawing did not refresh after changing the names names.
  • Added dropdown menu to new ULP and SCR dialogs to allow switching betweeen all paths specified in the directory path. This fixes a bug where users with multiple paths would not see items in the dialog.
  • Fixed bug where EAGLE would freeze upon execution of certain ULP’s.
  • Fixed the ROUTE command to not remove a loop that contains locked wires and/or vias.

New in EAGLE 8.5.0 (Dec 13, 2017)

  • Routing:
  • Long overdue, EAGLE 8.5.0 now introduces a new Push Obstacles mode (push & shove) for PCB routing. This feature will push existing routes out of the way to make room for tracks, whether you’re sneaking in-between traces, need to do some quick cleanup (including tightening up the spacing between components), or just need room to drop a via for fanout to a polygon.
  • Finally, we’ve tightened up the avoid obstacles algorithm to support “just fit” cases where the clearances are just enough to sneak thru.
  • Lock Objects Improvements:
  • EAGLE 8.5.0 also includes improvements to locking & now support locking wires, pads, vias and holes. This should make life *much* easier with prerouted sections you dont want to accidentally rip up (feedlines, critical signals, etc), or with those mounting holes that should *never* be moved. Other objects like fiducials, testpoints, etc can also be locked giving you confidence your jigs, programmers, etc will all align to the board as expected!
  • Library Export ULP:
  • A new exp-lbrs-replace2.ulp has been added to significantly improve library export and better handle things like managed libraries. The UI is much cleaner, easier to use and the experience should be far better than the previous exp-lbrs.ulp.
  • ULPs & SCR more generally:
  • As long-time EAGLE users know, ULPs (scripts) are first-class citizens in the tools. This has enabled EAGLE to remain relatively light on the UI/UX-side (in terms of buttons and dialogs) without compromising much of what you can do. However for far TOO long, it’s been difficult to know what a specific ULP or SCR file *does* without first opening it. Well no more!
  • In EAGLE 8.5, the ULP and SCR options support descriptions which makes locating and using ULPs far easier to manage.
  • Managed Libraries:
  • We’ve continued our work on Managed Libraries including adding the much-requested ability to open a managed library from the Control Panel. We’ve also ensured that backups of Managed Libraries are made before downloading new versions from the Library Manager and that a backup of the local draft of a Managed Library is made whenever creating a new server version or reverting to server version.

New in EAGLE 8.4.3 (Nov 28, 2017)

  • Miscellaneous:
  • Improved OpenSSL behavior on Linux
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed issue "Error - File: undo.c, Line 734"

New in EAGLE 8.4.1 (Nov 1, 2017)

  • Simulation:
  • ADDMODEL command now checks for parts selected prior to command start and loads all in the table.
  • Adjusted column widths in Add Model dialog table.
  • Fixed bug when mapping SPICE models in Library Editor.
  • Fixed bug where SOURCESETUP dialog showed incorrect information for the chosen function.
  • Removed duplicated error messages when DC Sweep parameters were error checked.
  • Fixed selection area for SOURCESETUP command.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • Added preview window to the Table of Contents view in the Library Editor.
  • The EDIT command supports URNs now.
  • New attributes locallymodified and librarylocallymodified in the User Language.
  • Now drawing the reference line for a label, if it's moved by click&drag (GROUP default on). If a group containing labels is moved, all reference lines to the according net or bus segments are shown now (regardless of the GROUP default on setting).
  • Bugfixes:
  • Added missing translation files.
  • Now a Library will be removed from the Manage Libraries dialog if it is no longer existing on the server.
  • Export/Image functionality was mistakenly hidden in 8.4. This feature is restored.
  • UNDO could be turned off when typing the ROUTE command into the Schematic Editor's command line.
  • Fixed crash when updating from a Library in the Schematic Editor.
  • Using UNDO after updating from a Library in the Schematic Editor could cause a crash.
  • The ROUTE command could cause a crash when Loop Removal was off and a loop was created while routing.
  • Fixed an unexpected condition when trying to remove a part from a Design Block in the Schematic Editor.
  • Selection mode fixes for "GROUP command default on":
  • Click&drag is fixed for the case of cycle selection (ambiguity). The currently selected object can be moved directly with click&drag.
  • Avoiding click&drag mode for airwires.
  • ESC key now will end the cycle selection, but not terminate the current command. A second ESC finally quits this command.

New in EAGLE 8.4.0 (Oct 19, 2017)

  • SPICE Simulation:
  • Integrated open-source ngspice simulator with examples. See help for SIM command within the application to begin.
  • UI supports making SPICE-compatible library parts, and for converting existing parts. As well as, the new ngspice-simulation library contains pre-configured parts.
  • SPICE model cards and subcircuit models, as well as native parts, are supported and an interface is provided to map gate pins to model inputs.
  • Valid SPICE-compatible netlists are created and can optionally be manually edited before simulation.
  • Results are given in text form and plotted where applicable. OP analysis results are shown in schematic and can be toggled on/off.
  • Simulation types supported: AC, DC, Transient, and Operating Point.
  • Live DRC:
  • After a design change has been made or while routing, the Design Rule Check is calculated and updated automatically and represented visually on the design.
  • This feature can be turned on or off through the "Live DRC" checkbox in the Options » Set » DRC menu or with the command SET LIVE_DRC ON | OFF.
  • Automatic Bend Style Switch:
  • This feature automatically switches the corresponding bend style (WIRE_BEND) for 45 and 90 degree modes. Works for all editor windows.
  • DISPLAY command:
  • As soon as you change layer settings in the Layers dialog, it will be shown immediately in the editor window.
  • WINDOW command:
  • New Flip Board feature which allows the board to be viewed from the perspective of the bottom side (WINDOW FLIP).
  • Miscellaneous:
  • New text placeholder ">SHEET_HEADLINE" added.
  • Added an option for deleting a Managed Library in the Control Panel and a "Remove from server" option.
  • Commands typed into the command line will now offer autocomplete suggestions. Pressing tab will accept the suggestion.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Now it does no longer matters from which Editor window the PASTE process of a Design Block is started.
  • Fixed issue in the ROUTE command where after swapping the route to the opposite airwire endpoint multiple times and clicking to fix the route location would result in the next wire segments starting at the original point.
  • The contents of the "My Managed Libraries" folder in the Control Panel is updated now when logging in as a new user.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the CHANGE PACKAGE dialog to show only the current package when "Show all device variations" is unchecked.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the appearance in the ADD dialog and Library Manager of the URNs / file paths for some libraries that share a name with other libraries.
  • The "Open on web" button in FUSIONSYNC has been fixed for some files.
  • Show the URN for those libraries that share the same name in the Manage Libraries and ADD dialogs.

New in EAGLE 8.3.1 (Aug 22, 2017)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Restored behavior of RIPUP command after pressing ESC
  • Fixed issue with pad names / net name not showing up in PCB editor
  • Fixed background color in schematic preview
  • Fixed width of schematic preview
  • Fixed crash on mac in full-screen mode
  • Fixed behavior of Fusionsync dialog
  • Miscellaneous:
  • Added help for board shape and active layer mode
  • Added option to disable detection of board shape
  • Updated tutorial/demo examples to reference 3D models.
  • Bundled updated versions of managed libraries rcl, pinhead, diode, microchip, special, 40xx, 41xx, 45xx w/ 3D models.

New in EAGLE 8.3.0 (Aug 10, 2017)

  • FUSIONSYNC command:
  • The FUSIONSYNC command allows the user to create a 3D model of the EAGLE board in Fusion360 and synchronizing any changes between EAGLE and Fusion360.
  • ROUTE command:
  • The Avoid Obstacles mode now allows routed wires to connect to same-signal arbitrary pad shapes.
  • The new Single Layer mode greys out all layers except the one on which you are routing. The single layer view can be toggled with the new routing icons or by typing in your command prompt SET SINGLE_LAYER_MODE On | Off.
  • SET command:
  • Added option OBSTACLE_MODE which can be "Walkaround" or "Ignore".
  • Added option LOOP_REMOVAL which can be toggled "On" or "Off".
  • Library Editor:
  • The table of contents in the Library editor window now contains a column that shows a 3D package is linked.
  • Managed Libraries:
  • 3D Package support. All footprints (2D packages) in Managed Libraries will be assigned simple 3D boxes by default. These can be replaced with 3D models (STEP files) using a web-based editor. References to these 3D packages are retained by parts added to schematics and elements added to boards and can be updated using the UPDATE command.
  • The "Managed Libraries" branch in the Control Panel's tree view now contains a subfolder "My Managed Libraries" for your own managed libraries.
  • Added support for user creation and editing of Managed Libraries (private-only for now).
  • The "Manage Libraries" dialog now has an Edit button for managed user libraries.
  • Design Blocks:
  • New Design Blocks from SparkFun, AdaFruit, and Nordic added.
  • New EAGLE Vector Font:
  • EAGLE now uses a new internal vector font which is very similar to OSIFONT, a common font implementation in the CAD industry. It covers a bigger set of characters, including common Western European, Greek, Cyrillic, other Eastern European characters and many special symbols. The new font does not become active unless the option "Keep old vector font in this drawing" in Options/User interface is unchecked. For new designs, the new implementation is taken by default. We give special thanks to EAGLE long term customer Andreas Weidner, who designed this font for us.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • Added detection of board shape based on information in layer 20 (Dimension) and layer 46 (Milling). If a single, non-self-intersecting and closed outline is detected, this will become filled depending on the user's color profile. Holes will be shown in background color.
  • 3D thumbnail preview in the ADD and REPLACE dialog.
  • In the Control Panel's, the ADD and the REPLACE dialog's preview are now shown the versions of Device, Package and Symbol.
  • The INFO dialog (properties) of elements and parts now show the name and the URN (Uniform Resource Name) of the 3D package assigned.
  • Removed limit for Layer Preset groups.
  • Cosmetic changes to main UI.
  • Enhanced import-accel.ulp. Added/improved error messages and warnings.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Opening and closing a schematic or board after selecting some objects could cause a crash.

New in EAGLE 7.7.0 (Oct 5, 2016)

  • Licensing:
  • Update of various spots in EAGLE regarding the license changes introduced by Autodesk: Standard, Premium, Ultimate, Express and Educational. The 30 day trial license has been removed.
  • ULPs:
  • Added 'manufacturing.ulp' provided by Autodesk. It supports an upload of EAGLE drawing files to 'circuits.io' in order to generate manufacturing data which can then be downloaded. The ULP is accessible as an icon in the board editor.
  • Added 'ecadio.ulp' provided by Autodesk. It supports an upload of EAGLE boards to 'ecad.io' in order to generate a 3D PCB for use in MCAD systems. The ULP is accessible as an icon in the board editor.
  • UI improvements:
  • Added Option.SignalNames to display the signal names on the signal wires and on the connected pads and SMDs. It can be set in the Settings dialog under 'Misc/Display signal names'.
  • The options Option.SignalNames, Option.PadNames and Option.ViaLength are set to 'On' by default.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • Improved visibility of scrollbars for common window styles on Linux.
  • Silently ignoring double references to a contact within a signal when loading a board file.
  • CAM Processor: when running 'Process Job' with more than one section, it is checked if the job covers the Layer Setup only partially.
  • The file locking option has been switched off by default. Use 'Backup/Locking' under 'Options' in Control Panel to turn it on.
  • Update of EAGLE logo to the new appearance since Autodesk acquisition.
  • Update of Hungarian translation (GUI without help and manual).
  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed UL functions strsplit() and lookup() to handle unusual UTF8 characters as separator.
  • Fixed potential crash of the 64 bit versions when loading EAGLE drawings from old format (e.g. V3.55).
  • Image export to TIFF format in monochrome: fixed a regression regarding the compression method.
  • The selected object is no longer removed from the group after running a ULP started through 'SET CONTEXT Object ...'; the ULP might want to use this one-object group afterwards with e.g. 'exit("move (>@)")'.
  • Ensuring valid move of polygon wires or an entire polygon if selecting a wire with 'SET CONTEXT Wire ...' or using setgroup() in a ULP.
  • Fixed history of dlgStringEdit to become case sensitive.
  • Fix for refresh of images in Control Panel preview on Windows.
  • Added a check for identical pinrefs when loading a schematic to avoid a possible crash.
  • Fixed deleting/splitting busses with portrefs involved: it could happen that new port connections couldn't be established anymore.
  • Fixed selecting an end of a wire with the context menu.
  • Fix for ULP function ingroup() returning true for too many objects after UNDOing of transferring a group to another sheet.

New in EAGLE 7.6.2 Beta (Aug 11, 2016)

  • Fix for refresh of images in Control Panel preview on Windows.
  • Added Option.SignalNames to display the signal names on the signal wires.
  • It can be set in the Settings dialog under 'Misc/Display signal names'.
  • Update of various spots in EAGLE regarding the license changes introduced by Autodesk: Standard, Premium, Ultimate, Express and Educational. The 30 day trial license has been removed.
  • The file locking option has been switched off by default.
  • Use 'Backup/Locking' under 'Options' in Control Panel to turn it on.
  • Update of EAGLE logo to the new appearance since Autodesk acquisition.
  • Added 'manufacturing.ulp' provided by Autodesk. It supports an upload of EAGLE drawing files to 'circuits.io' in order to generate manufacturing data which can then be downloaded. The Ulp is accessible as an icon in the board editor.
  • Added 'ecadio.ulp' provided by Autodesk. It supports an upload of EAGLE boards to 'ecad.io' in order to generate a 3D PCB for use in MCAD systems. The Ulp is accessible as an icon in the board editor.

New in EAGLE 7.6.0 (Aug 11, 2016)

  • EDIT command:
  • Now the EDIT command allows changing to the proper editor window with edit .sch' and 'edit .brd' even in the library editor.
  • USE command:
  • Extended syntax for USE to unuse a specific library (use -a.lbr).
  • The USE command can now also be called in the library editor (although the list of used libraries is only relevant in schematic or board editor).
  • Miscellaneous:
  • Ensuring the requested precision on linear dimension values even if there are trailing zeroes.
  • Now the net class is copied if a signal polygon is renamed to a new signal.
  • Termination of EAGLE by watchdog if the improper 'eagle.exe' is used together with the CAM processor option '-X'.
  • The User Language dialog object dlgTabWidget now accepts a parameter 'Index'; it has to be an integer variable and can be used to set the initial dlgTabPage and to get the index of the current dlgTabPage.
  • Added a note to help about eaglecon.exe including a warning regarding the closing of it.
  • Avoiding unintended deletion of several MUST gates w/o using Shift+Left.
  • Added a 'save-brd-variants.ulp' which can be used to save a board file for each assembly variant (may be used to prepare CAM output).
  • Added entry 'DXF' to File/Import sub menu of the library editor in package or symbol edit mode.
  • The color entries #7 (DARKGRAY) of the white and the colored palette have been changed to darker values; the same applies to 'defaultcolors.scr'.
  • Changed UPDATE behavior for variable attributes: retaining changes in schematic and board.
  • Added an option to textually display the via length. It can be set in the
  • Settings dialog under 'Misc' or with 'SET Option.ViaLength 1|0'.
  • Improved support for high DPI displays: providing the high resolution for enlarged icons and dialog texts.
  • Added a note to help for COPY of library objects regarding paths.
  • Improved error message when a CAM job or section is tried to start but no board or schematic is loaded.
  • Added auto connection of ports if MOVEing them on each other.
  • Added exp-palette.ulp for exporting the color palettes to an EAGLE script.
  • Improved construction of a polygon: now the last wire piece can be removed with the escape key.
  • Avoiding drag&drop in Control Panel by unintended click of the mouse wheel button.
  • Added a warning about connections from a contact to several signals while loading a board (there's no known way to achieve this illegal state within EAGLE, though).
  • Now the OPTIMIZE command is available in all drawing editor types apart from the device editor.
  • The groupwise moving of smashed texts of a locked element is now inhibited only if the element is included in the moved group, too.
  • Added cross probing (highlighting) of signals to a module net that has generated the corresponding signal(s) completely.
  • CAM Processor: when running 'Process Job' it is being checked if the job covers the Layer Setup.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Taking into account connected ports to avoid 'Only one pin on net' ERC error messages.
  • Added Use and Un-Use buttons (with tool tips) in the ADD dialog to countervail the (since V7.3) missing Drop button.
  • Fix for wrong splitter position in device edit mode that could appear after switching between different edit modes in library editor.
  • Fix for EAGLE in command line mode: it could happen that a given command sequence (option -C) was executed in the wrong editor window.
  • Made the return key in Control Panel work again for activation of tree entries.
  • Fix for a parse error if in a CAM job description the sequence '="' was used.
  • Avoiding references to ports of wrong type in bus or net segments.
  • Fix to avoid pending file locks if EAGLE is closed over 'close all windows' in the taskbar.
  • Marking lock files as hidden also on Windows.
  • Fix for window positions and other project settings not stored on MAC if EAGLE was closed with 'Quit' in the application menu.
  • Fixed drawing SMDs with roundness, if printing with option ROTATE.
  • Avoiding temporary (not intended) mirroring of gates with the middle mouse button when moving them in the device editor.
  • Ensuring the proper device (package variant), if automatically changing into the invoke mode while adding a device.
  • bom.ulp: Fixed handling descriptions containing TAB characters.
  • Changed handling of package names in the UPDATE command used in a library to case insensitive (syntax 'UPDATE package_name@library_name').
  • Added validation of bus name when it is changed by command line with
  • NAME newBusName'.
  • Ensuring proper cap style if constructing a new ARC.
  • Made the popup menus for parameterbar, toolbar and commandbar buttons work again on MAC.
  • Denying renaming or deletion of a file in the Control Panel if a corresponding lock file exists.
  • Printing: fixed possibly missing caption and offsetted image on Windows.
  • Fixed a possible inconsistency after library update with device sets involved that couldn't be found in the new library and other special conditions.
  • Fixed possible graphical artefacts when copying parts or elements by GROUP/CUT/PASTE or COPY of a group.
  • Fix for printing of non solid color fill styles to PDF.
  • Made printing of non solid fill styles work again on Linux; clearer output also on MAC.
  • Fixed ADD dialog: no longer ignoring the first selection after clearing the search field.
  • Ensuring that only a schematic is imported into an existing module PASTE from file). It was possible to import a schematic/board pair which lead to inconsistency.
  • Fixed ULP filesize function for non existing files (now 0 is returned).
  • Fixed dlgListView to execute the statement only if a valid item was doubleclicked. Now dlgListView sets the parameter 'Selected' to -1 if nothing is selected (see help).
  • Avoiding a crash if trying to ROTATE a locked element with Click&Drag.
  • Avoiding a locked element to become invisible if trying to MOVE it by name (input e.g. 'move X10').
  • Fixed f/b annotation if deleting a connection to a power pin and the gate of this pin is placed in a module.
  • Fixed unjustified ERC error message regarding an incompatibility of HIZ pins on a net which is exported by a module with a PWR port.
  • Avoiding a file locking conflict (timing issue) during library export.
  • Fixed loss of the net wire if moving already connected ports on each other and separating them again.
  • Avoiding a too early deactivation of automatic confirmation mode during QUIT to avoid an undesired message stopping QUIT).
  • Fixed generation of net wires if changing a module with direct connection of port to port or pin.
  • Fixed saving XML texts in drawings: drop invalid characters entered as texts or descriptions (e.g by copy&paste).
  • Improved validation of the port name if setting up a new port.
  • Made UPDATEing libraries work with several dots like 'abc.ok.lbr'.
  • Fixed drawing of mirrored or rotated frames.
  • Changed handling of signal names in the OPTIMIZE command to case insensitive.
  • Fixed ROUTE command with differential pairs; sometimes the initial wire width was wrong.
  • Avoiding a stuck progress bar if terminating a ULP with an exit code within a script.
  • Fixed possibly wrong window positions in case of a multi monitor setup on Windows; improved handling of window restoration for multi monitor setup.
  • Fixed a misinterpretation of colons in a sheet description; switching to such a sheet with the sheet combobox didn't work.
  • Fixed vanishing of smashed texts during MOVE of a group if the associated element is locked.
  • Fixed update of sheet thumbnails after adding a PORT.
  • Fixed WINDOW FIT due to wrong calculation of the bounding box regarding the cross-reference display area on MUST gates; only gates with text place- holder '>XREF' are taken into account.
  • Avoiding use of the colon for modules and module prefixes. It is reserved as hierarchical name separator.
  • Fixed net renaming issue: Renaming a net with segments on several sheets over the INFO dialog could lead to inconsistency and empty net names.

New in EAGLE 7.5.0 (Aug 11, 2016)

  • EAGLE Editions:
  • The EAGLE Freeware edition now starts with a temporary advertisement window and the Control Panel has got an advertisement section.
  • For the EAGLE Light edition (both Freeware and Commercial) the number of available schematic sheets has been increased to 2.
  • GUI:
  • Now the icons in EAGLE are scalable (see Options menu in Control Panel). The icons are in SVG format and stored in folder 'icons' under the bin folder.
  • The classic set of EAGLE icons is not available in SVG format and therefore not scalable.
  • Added highlighting of the current group if starting GROUP command.
  • Added tool tips to the DRC/ERC error list containing the error descriptions.
  • ULPs:
  • Update of various ULPs integrated into EAGLE's editors:
  • In the Board editor under File/Export the entries 'Unidat' (unidat.ulp) and DIF4.0' (dif40.ulp) have been taken out. An entry 'Mount SMD' has been added starting mountsmd.ulp).
  • In the Board editor under File/Import the entry 'Ultiboard' import-ultiboard-ddf.ulp) has been taken out. The new entries 'DXF' and Gerber' have been added, executing import-dxf.ulp resp. import-gerber.ulp.
  • The Gerber import is a new functionality.
  • Import of DXF is available in the Schematic editor as well.
  • In the Board editor under Tools the new entries 'Element array placement' new component-array.ulp) and 'Mirror board' (mirror-board.ulp) have been added.
  • In the Library editor there is now File/Import with entry 'BSDL', starting make-symbol-device-package-bsdl.ulp.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • Extension of proxy settings by an optional username and password. Saving of the password is also optional and in an encrypted form. See Help/Check for Update/Configure in Control Panel.
  • Added a special DRC error for intersecting signal polygons with same rank.
  • Workaround for Linux 64 bit, because Red Hat (RHEL 6.6) is not yet providing an up-to-date GLIBC library.
  • Implementation of a basic file locking mechanism: by default any files that are loaded into an EAGLE editor are locked, i.e. not available for writing by other EAGLE instances. Locked files are reported to the user.
  • He can retry getting the file, save under a different name, continue editing without saving or break the lock. The locking can be switched off which is saved in eaglerc user settings.
  • Added a new set of schematics, boards and libraries from 3rd party 'seeed'.
  • The libraries are in a directory 'seeed' under the library folder, the schematics and boards in examples/'seeed' under the projects folder. See also www.seeed.cc.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fix for not searchable PDF printings on MAC.
  • Fix to avoid intensive network traffic caused by GUI elements of the autorouter.
  • Fixed unusable confirm dialog in CAM processor; under special conditions it could be blocked by the progress dialog.
  • Fix for wrong display of mirrored texts in package previews.
  • Fixed handling of vias if reselecting a differential pair for routing.
  • If starting the autorouter, the TopRouter is now checking whether the board is already routed completely.
  • Made image export to TIFF format work again. There was a regression in V7.3.
  • Restored V6 behavior for designs w/o hierarchy if combining or renaming net segments, which could cause unnecessary ripups.
  • Now 64 colors of all palettes are initialized.
  • Correction of the number of available layers for 'Make Personal' edition from 4 to 6.
  • Keeping order of 'SET CONTEXT' commands if displaying the context menu.
  • Avoiding a crash on Mac if closing a drawing window with Command(Apple)-W immediately after loading a board and schematic pair and restoring the minimized partner.

New in EAGLE 7.4.0 (Oct 15, 2015)

  • EAGLE Editions:
  • CadSoft now provides an EAGLE "Make Pro" edition with capabilities similar to Standard edition. In particular the board area is limited to 160x100mm, but board width and height can be adjusted. The license is limited to one year and an internet connection is required.
  • There is also a new edition "Make Personal" available which was previously called "EAGLE Hobbyist".
  • COPY command:
  • Beside device sets and packages the COPY command now can also copy symbols.
  • If the library name is skipped in the command syntax the currently opened library is taken as source (see help for details).
  • Control Panel:
  • Added entry 'COPY to library' to context menu for symbols.
  • Support for Drag&Drop for symbols from Control Panel to Library Editor and of all library object types to the overview (table of contents) mode of the Library Editor.
  • Library Editor:
  • Addition of 'Duplicate' to context menu for symbols in the overview (table of contents) mode.
  • Added tool tips to the TOC view of the library editor window containing the headlines of the respective descriptions.
  • Help improvements:
  • Added examples for CHANGE DLINE.
  • Improved description of PORT regarding buses and of PACKAGE regarding 'name'.
  • Added a section 'Special attributes' regarding the special role of attribute 'VALUE'.
  • Improved description of UL_PART.variants(); extended example for UL_VARIANT.
  • Added explanation on top/bottom pairs of custom layers.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • Added a set of design rule files from Eurocircuits and Wuerth Electronic to design rule folder.
  • Added a new CAM job file gerb274x-mill-drill.cam for generating milling output with Gerber and drill data output with Excellon in one action.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Ignoring a potentially given but superfluous extension in COPY [email protected] Y[.pac]; same for .dev.
  • Fix for locale dependant problems when entering decimal numbers in unit fields.
  • Changed misleading text in the Linux install script.
  • Fixed handling of newly added empty global attributes.
  • Fix for proper support of EAGLE 64 bit on MAC OS X 10.8.
  • Fixed interpretation of scroll and zoom gestures from trackpads on MAC.
  • Fix for 'Duplicate' in context menu for device sets and packages in the library editor's overview mode when duplicating unsaved objects.
  • Improved drawing performance for panning under Linux; there was a regression after version 7.2.0.
  • Fix for support of country specific decimal point (like ',') in command line and scripts (after 7.2.0 only '.' worked).
  • 'Duplicate' in context menu for library objects: restriction in the naming dialog to allowed characters for object names.
  • Fix for a crash in the autorouter when evaluation was done with invalid job files.
  • Fix for umlaut problem in installation text on MAC.
  • The ROUTE command with Ctrl+Left can now also start routing at a pad; this is important to start from a pad without airwire if the connect mode is set to 'any'.
  • Now the first selection point for DIMENSION is only snapped if coming from a mouse click.
  • Fixed update of thumbnails after removing a module.
  • Fix for long printing times on Windows (there was a regression since V7.3).
  • Fixed context menu handling for PACKAGE/TECHNOLOGY after clicking "Next" in case of an ambiguous selection. The command was still referring to the previous object.
  • Fixed >LAST_DATE_TIME in CAM Processor output; it has been stuck at 'not saved' if during an EAGLE session a new drawing has been generated.
  • Fixed displaying license data containing umlauts.
  • Fix for EAGLE in commandline mode: it could happen that a given command sequence (option -C) was executed in the wrong editor window.
  • Fixed triggering the default button 'OK' by ENTER key in the CONNECT dialog; if the focus was in a list, the list action was executed inadvertently.
  • Fix for initially missing display of the 'Window' menu in MAC menubar.
  • Correction of eagle.def concerning the output formats GERBER_RS274X_33MM and EXCELLON_33MM (introduced in V7.2.1).
  • Fix regarding continuation of an existing autorouter job after previous cancel.
  • Added an initial check if the board was changed before continuation of an existing autorouter job.
  • Fix in DRC for undetected overlapping polygons in special cases.
  • Fix for inaccessible minimized partner window if a schematic or board was opened. This was a problem on several Linux distributions.
  • Fix for undesired focus changes on MAC between EAGLE editor windows.
  • Reactivated beep if clicking into the drawing area w/o causing an actual selection (e.g. in ROUTE command).
  • Fixed ERC messages for nets containing UTF-8 characters.
  • Changed the polygon calculation within the CAM Processor to vector font, because texts are always using vector font in the CAM Processor.
  • Added a hint to use the default grid in schematics.
  • Ignoring unjustified offset position if pasting a module.
  • Ensuring unique naming if copying symbols.
  • Fixed initial display of TOC in libraries if loaded within a project.
  • Made ADD link in Control Panel for symbols work.
  • Fixed annotation of deleting a module instance; deleting the respective signals in the board completely if there is no port.

New in EAGLE 7.2.0 (Nov 28, 2014)

  • MODULE command:
  • Extended command syntax to prefix definition with 'prefix*'.
  • Added input line for prefix in module creation dialog.
  • Ports:
  • Changed interactive behavior of the PORT command (now more like PIN, see help for details).
  • Allow renaming a port in the properties dialog.
  • Increased distance of port name to module frame.
  • Improved explanation for selection and movement in PORT command help.
  • Added available busses to the command's selection list.
  • Proper highlighting of a selected port and the display of its info string.
  • Right mouse button now ignored; port rotation is chosen automatically.
  • General support of autoconnection of ports to nets resp. busses when moving module instances or placing copied module instances.
  • Avoiding placement of port on port.
  • User Language:
  • Added new members module, modulepart and modulepath to UL_PART for better support of parts in hierarchical schematics.
  • New object type UL_ERROR in order to access ERC and DRC errors.
  • Added a statement and test function to directly access a module (e.g. if (module) module(M) { ... }).
  • Miscellaneous:
  • Support of userdefined context menu entries for module instances.
  • Added translation of the GUI to Russian (help and manual are not included).
  • Added an entry 'Open in Library' to package and device context menus in Control Panel.
  • Implemented eaglerc switch Warning.Cam.DrillsAndHolesConcurrent to allow (with value '0') skipping the CAM Processor warning about concurrent output of drills and holes.
  • The SET command can now configure the popup menus for values of Dline_* by setting the Dline_Width_Menu, Dline_Ext_Width_Menu, Dline_Ext_Length_Menu and Dline_Ext_Offset_Menu arrays.
  • Properties dialog for module instances: The combobox for offset is only shown for module instances where offset is supported (on schematic main level) and only the (still) available values are offered.
  • COPY, PASTE, Import of schematic drawing (PASTE from file): If a net from a bus is copied together with its bus, the copied net segments keep their name in order to match to the bus.
  • Import of schematic drawing (PASTE from file): Names of implicitely created signals with unconnected power pin(s) are not changed in order to avoid an inconsistency.
  • Import of schematic drawing (PASTE from file): In the net renaming dialog nets from a bus or with implicit power pin(s) are no longer changeable and indicated with icons and tooltip.
  • Added ERC warnings for nets/busses which are overlapping with ports.
  • Adjustment of file eagle.def for CAM format definition: increased standard resolution for Gerber and Excellon of 2.5 inch.
  • The previous resolution of 2.4 inch is still available under GERBER_RS274X_24 and EXCELLON_24. Support for 2.6 inch as well with formats GERBER_RS274X_26 and EXCELLON_26.
  • The new CadSoft EAGLE icon is now used for all cases (classic and new style).
  • The assembly variant dialog has been taken out from the board editor to avoid misunderstandings. The variant combobox is only changeable in main schematic.
  • In order to avoid confusing object names in hierarchical designs, offsets for module instances have been restricted to be unique within whole schematic.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Added the new V7 EAGLE icon (resolution 48x48).
  • Fix for loss of attributes of devicesets without package after switching between devicesets in library editor.
  • Avoiding corrupt device if created by drag&drop of another package from Control Panel to a deviceset in library editor if the package variant is named with '' (empty name).
  • Fix for proper support of drag&drop of a package from Control Panel to a deviceset in library editor on Linux and MAC.
  • Attributes of devicesets without package are no longer getting lost if a package variant is created.
  • Made eaglecon.exe for CAM batch processing work again.
  • Support of renaming of polygons from/to hierarchical names with NAME command.
  • Netclass dialog: fix for default dialog sizes in extended/unextended state.
  • Fix for name generation in VIA command to avoid names already used in schematic for nets without signal counterpart.
  • Fix for handling of a group after setting it with setgroup() in a ULP. (E.g. moving signals or nets of the group didn't work.)
  • Ensuring that radius of a circle does not exceed its limit.
  • Correct handling of single quotes if doubled in 'SET CONTEXT' commands.
  • Speeded up RATSNEST for boards containing many contactrefs with route value 'any'.
  • Re-added missing direction of pins in the parameter toolbar.
  • Fixed handling placeholder text '>GATE' in device context as in EAGLE versions prior to V6.
  • Made change of netclass for a group selection of nets work again.
  • The 'General' parameter tab was added again to the dialog for the Follow-me router.
  • Ensuring that always at least one technology exists for a device in the device editor.
  • Fixed highlighting of ports connected to the SHOWn bus.
  • Avoiding junctions on ports with busses.
  • Fix for crash on Windows when restarting PRINT command after deinstallation of a printer previously used.
  • Avoiding autoconnecting incompatible ports to busses or nets if moving module instances.
  • COPY/PASTE from package editor to board editor or from symbol editor to schematic editor: avoiding creation of illegal wires or polygons in signal, net or bus layer.
  • Fixed possible inconsistency after renaming of nets connected to a port.
  • Fix for display of HTML descriptions of device and package in Control Panel.
  • Restriction of CHANGE PACKAGE/TECHNOLOGY in the board to non hierarchical elements (same like VALUE).
  • Autorouter: fix of possible crash in Routing Variants Dialog when deleting variants.
  • Update of V5 drawings: replacement of invalid character 'no break space' in gate, pin and other names.
  • Fix for proper takeover of netclasses if pasting from a module.
  • Avoiding removal of a netclass which is only used in a module.
  • Import of hierarchical schematic drawing (PASTE from file): fix for possible erroneous duplication of identical modules.
  • Avoiding of inconsistency after deleting bus type ports which are connected.
  • EXPORT image monochrome: holes (from pads, vias and hole objects) are kept free from copper.
  • Installation on MAC: avoiding unintended deinstallation of a previously installed version of EAGLE.
  • Avoiding a possible inconsistency with net classes if connecting a port with a net which has no corresponding signal in the board yet.
  • Avoiding a possible inconsistency after renaming the currently selected assembly variant.
  • Fix of a potential crash during an active SHOW in a consistent schematic and board after loading a different board or schematic.
  • Fixed handling of dynamically generated net wires if modifying modules by editing the module instances with drag&drop.
  • Fix to avoid creation of module instances with offset notation referring to the same module and using the same offset.
  • Fixed a possible crash if adding a bus connection to a port.
  • Fix of a possible inconsistency after changing module instance offsets if several modules are used.
  • Fix for unintended ripup of the corresponding signal if connecting segments of the same net.

New in EAGLE 7.1.4 Beta (Nov 14, 2014)

  • Fixed a possible crash if adding a bus connection to a port.
  • Fix of a possible inconsistency after changing module instance offsets if several modules are used.
  • Fix for unintended ripup of a the corresponding signal if connecting segments of the same net.

New in EAGLE 7.1.3 Beta (Nov 11, 2014)

  • The new CadSoft EAGLE icon is now used for all cases (classic and new style).
  • Installation on MAC: avoiding unintended deinstallation of a previously installed version of EAGLE.
  • The assembly variant dialog has been taken out from the board editor to avoid misunderstandings. The variant combobox is only changeable in main schematic.
  • Avoiding a possible inconsistency with net classes if connecting a port with a net which has no corresponding signal in the board yet.
  • Avoiding a possible inconsistency after renaming the currently selected assembly variant.
  • Fix of a potential crash during an active SHOW in a consistent schematic and board after loading a different board or schematic.
  • Fixed handling of dynamically generated net wires if modifying modules by editing the module instances with drag&drop.
  • Fix to avoid creation of module instances with offset notation referring to the same module and using the same offset.
  • Restriction of offsets for module instances to be unique within whole schematic.
  • Added ULP statement and test function to directly access a module (e.g. if (module) module(M) { ... }).

New in EAGLE 7.1.2 Beta (Nov 5, 2014)

  • Fixed highlighting of ports connected to the SHOWn bus.
  • Avoiding junctions on ports with busses.
  • Avoiding placement of port on port.
  • Fix for crash on Windows when restarting PRINT command after deinstallation of a printer previously used.
  • Added input line for prefix in module creation dialog.
  • Extended syntax for the module command to provide 'prefix*'.
  • Avoiding autoconnecting incompatible ports to busses or nets if moving module instances.
  • Properties dialog for module instances: The combobox for offset is only shown for module instances where offset is supported (on schematic main level) and only the (still) available values are offered.
  • COPY, PASTE, Import of schematic drawing (PASTE from file): If a net from a bus is copied together with its bus, the copied net segments keep their name in order to match to the bus.
  • Import of schematic drawing (PASTE from file): Names of implicitely created signals with unconnected power pin(s) are not changed in order to avoid an inconsistency.
  • COPY/PASTE from package editor to board editor or from symbol editor to schematic editor: avoiding creation of illegal wires or polygons in signal, net or bus layer.
  • Fixed possible inconsistency after renaming of nets connected to a port.
  • Fix for display of HTML descriptions of device and package in Control Panel.
  • Restriction of CHANGE PACKAGE/TECHNOLOGY in the board to non hierarchical elements (same like VALUE).
  • Autorouter: fix of possible crash in Routing Variants Dialog when deleting variants.
  • Update of V5 drawings: replacement of invalid character 'no break space' in gate, pin and other names.
  • Import of schematic drawing (PASTE from file): In the net renaming dialog nets from a bus or with implicit power pin(s) are no longer changeable and indicated with icons and tooltip.
  • Fix for proper takeover of netclasses if pasting from a module.
  • Avoiding removal of a netclass which is only used in a module.
  • Import of hierarchical schematic drawing (PASTE from file): fix for erroneous duplication of identical modules.
  • Avoiding of inconsistency after deleting bus type ports which are connected.
  • Added ERC warnings for nets/busses which are overlapping with ports.
  • EXPORT image monochrome: holes (from pads, vias and hole objects) are kept free from copper.
  • Added autoconnection of ports if placing copied module instances.

New in EAGLE 7.1.1 Beta (Oct 1, 2014)

  • Fix for loss of attributes of devicesets without package after switching between devicesets in library editor.
  • Avoiding corrupt device if created by drag&drop of another package from Control Panel to a deviceset in library editor if the package variant is named with '' (empty name).
  • Fix for proper support of drag&drop of a package from Control Panel to a deviceset in library editor on Linux and MAC.
  • Attributes of devicesets without package are no longer getting lost if a package variant is created.
  • Help for port command: improved explaination for port selection and movement.
  • Made eaglecon.exe for CAM batch processing work again.
  • Support of userdefined context menu entries for module instances.
  • Added a member 'module' to UL_PART.
  • Added translation of the GUI to Russian (help and manual are not included).
  • Support of renaming of polygons from/to hierarchical names with NAME command.
  • Added a member 'modulepart' to UL_PART for accessing the (real) part from module in case of a virtual part.
  • Netclass dialog: fix for default dialog sizes in extended/unextended state.
  • Added an entry 'Open in Library' to package and device context menus in Control Panel.
  • Added available busses to selection list of PORT command.
  • Fix for name generation in VIA command to avoid names already used in schematic for nets without signal counterpart.
  • Fix for handling of a group after setting it with setgroup() in a ULP. (E.g. moving signals or nets of the group didn't work.)
  • Ensure highlighting of a selected port and the display of its info string.
  • Allow renaming a port in the properties dialog.
  • Ensuring that radius of a circle does not exceed its limit.
  • Correct handling of single quotes if doubled in 'SET CONTEXT' commands.
  • Implemented eaglerc switch Warning.Cam.DrillsAndHolesConcurrent to allow (with value '0') skipping the CAM Processor warning about concurrent output of drills and holes.
  • Speeded up RATSNEST for boards containing many contactrefs with route value 'any'.
  • Ignoring right mouse button; port rotation is chosen automatically.
  • Added object UL_ERROR to User Language to access ERC/DRC errors.
  • Increased distance of port name to module frame.
  • Re-added missing direction of pins in the parameter toolbar.
  • Added driver 'EXCELLON_25' with coordinate format 2.5 inch for CAM output to eagle.def.
  • The SET command can now configure the popup menus for values of Dline_* by setting the Dline_Width_Menu, Dline_Ext_Width_Menu, Dline_Ext_Length_Menu and Dline_Ext_Offset_Menu arrays.
  • Fixed handling '>GATE' in device context as in EAGLE versions prior to V6.
  • Added ULP member UL_PART.modulepath to get the path of module instances corresponding to a virtual part.
  • Made change of netclass for a group selection of nets work again.
  • Changed interactive behavior of the PORT command (like e.g. PIN).
  • The 'General' parameter tab was added again to the dialog for the Follow-me router.
  • Ensuring that always at least one technology exists for a device in the device editor.
  • Fixed autoconnecting ports to busses if moving module instances.

New in EAGLE 7.1.0 (Oct 1, 2014)

  • Licensing:
  • Switched back to former licensing: Flexera licensing has been taken out and EAGLE licensing now works like before version 7.0 again.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • Name generation for module instances: If the prefix for the instance name (the module prefix or the module name) ends with a digit, a '-' is inserted before the numeric appendix.
  • Adjusted wording for restart message after icon setting change.
  • Added ULP members to UL_PORT to get connected busses or nets to a port of a module instance.
  • Implemented eaglerc switch Option.Codec to enforce a specific codec like UTF-8 when writing files.
  • Performance improvement of TopRouter.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed "Changed" icon in the attributes dialog of elements coming from a module instance with a specific variant selected.
  • Fixed graphical issue in module instance resize.
  • Fix for loss of sheet description when moving sheets across modules.
  • Fixed link in UL_MODULE of the Online Help: UL_PORT was mislinked to UL_PART.
  • Avoiding changes of netclass for signals in a hierarchy by CHANGE CLASS command.
  • Avoiding generation of modules with irregular names (empty or just blank etc).
  • Removed orphaned attribute of instance if during CHANGE PACKAGE a device attribute has vanished.
  • Fixed inconsistency after removing an overwritten attribute of a part with variants in a module.
  • Fixed position of attributes of part instances after moving across modules.
  • Fixed ULP members UL_ELEMENT.column and UL_ELEMENT.row that returned '?' in some cases where a valid column or row existed.
  • Fix for wrong routing grid for autorouter variants after manual change.

New in EAGLE 7.0.0 (Jul 16, 2014)

  • Hierarchical design:
  • General:
  • Since version 7, an EAGLE schematic can be designed and organized using schematic subunits called 'modules'. They can be created by the new command
  • MODULE and then be edited like schematic sheets.
  • With the MODULE command a module can be used in the normal schematic by creating a 'module instance', a simple symbol representing the module.
  • With the new command PORT it is possible to create interfaces from nets inside the module to the upper schematic level.
  • Ports are attached to module instances and can be connected with nets just like pins of a part instance.
  • Beside nets, also simple types of busses can be exported this way.
  • Modules can be used multiple times by creating multiple module instances.
  • Modules can also contain module instances of other modules. This way, an arbitrary depth of the hierarchy is possible.
  • The board creation from the schematic produces a similar result as if the design was made without hierarchies.
  • For syntax and behavior of MODULE and PORT see our online help.
  • Naming rules and mechanism:
  • Special naming rules are used to identify the elements and nets of a module instantiation. Each module has it's own namespace:
  • Part IC1 may exist in module ModX and another part IC1 in module ModY.
  • If used in a schematic (by 2 different module instances) the corresponding elements in the board are identified using the module instance name as prefix and ':' as separator or by adding a module instance specific offset to the index in the name (e.g. with offset 100 and 200 the element names are IC101 and IC201).
  • The offset can only be used for module instances on schematic main level and only for parts and their elements. For parts from deeper levels and for nets the prefix notation is always used.
  • Assembly variants for modules, adaption for boards:
  • Within modules, assembly variants can be defined just like in version 6 for a whole schematic. Module assembly variants are limited to the module parts.
  • Module assembly variants can be used via the module instance(s). For each module instance a specific module assembly variant can be selected (see the
  • MODULE command for details). There is no direct switching between assembly variants in a module, but the element's value, populate state and attributes in the board are set following the chosen variant in the corresponding module instance.
  • If used on schematic main level, the VARIANT command works for the parts on main level like in version 6.
  • The assembly variant definitions are now kept only in the schematic.
  • For standalone boards, variants are no longer supported, but it's possible to set the populate states of elements with the CHANGE command or in the properties dialog.
  • Modules can have descriptions that can be edited with the DESCRIPTION command.
  • Module sheets can have descriptions just like other sheets.
  • The EDIT command has been extended to edit and move module sheets.
  • The editor's sheet combobox additionally contains all module sheets.
  • The REMOVE command allows removing individual module sheets or complete modules.
  • The RENAME command supports renaming of modules.
  • Description, renaming of modules, moving of module sheets (also across modules or from/to main schematic), removing of sheets and modules is also available in the sheet thumbnails. A property dialog for modules can be opened via the context menu for module sheets.
  • For details on the command extensions of DESCRIPTION, EDIT, REMOVE and RENAME see the online help.
  • If a board is created from a hierarchical schematic the elements are grouped by their module instance inheritance.
  • For module instances the SHOW command highlights all elements and signals generated via this module instance.
  • For parts in a module the SHOW command highlights all related elements according to the instantiations of the module in the hierarchy.
  • In order to avoid inconsistencies between a part and it's elements or between a net and it's signals in a hierarchical design, several commands cannot be executed in the board and have to be done for the correponding part or net to be annotated to the elements or signals it relates to. Among others NAME and VALUE are such comands.
  • This limitation is only for entities within a hierarchy and if there is consistency.
  • The EXPORT command for partlists, netlists, pinlists and netscripts has been extended to export hierarchical structures.
  • The PRINT command has been extended to print in a hierarchical way, meaning that the sheets of a module are printed for each use in a module instance with the according part names, net names and assembly variant.
  • User Language:
  • The new object types UL_MODULE, UL_MODULEINST, UL_PORT and UL_PORTREF have been introduced to access modules, module instances, ports and port references within a schematic.
  • The schematic's modules can be accessed with UL_SCHEMATIC.modules(), the module instances on a sheet with UL_SHEET.moduleinsts(), the ports of a module with UL_MODULE.ports() and a net's port references with UL_NET.portrefs() resp. UL_SEGMENT.portrefs().
  • The new loop member UL_SCHEMATIC.allparts() delivers all parts including "virtual" parts generated by module instantiations (the existing UL_SCHEMATIC.parts() delivers only the parts on schematic main level)
  • Autorouter:
  • Multiple variants:
  • EAGLE's autorouter now supports multithreaded calculation of variants using multiple core processors. The autorouter dialog has been split up into an initial main dialog for general settings and a routing variant dialog to adjust and monitor individual variants.
  • The parameters in the main dialog determine how many variants are generated and which concrete parameters they use.
  • In particular:
  • With 'Effort' (low, medium or high) it can be determined how many variants will be calculated.
  • With 'Auto grid selection' on, the autorouter uses it's own heuristics to determine grids for the routing variants. If it is off, the user can set a fix grid to be used for all variants.
  • For each of the signal layers a preferred direction can be defined as well for all variants. With the new setting 'Auto' the autorouter will try several combinations on it's own.
  • The number of simultaneously running variants can also be limited.
  • With the 'Continue' button a number of variant parameter sets are calculated and the routing variant dialog appears. It allows to adjust the parameter set for each variant or to add or delete variants in a list.
  • Each parameter set is like the set of autorouter parameters known from previous EAGLE versions.
  • The variant calculation can be started from this dialog.
  • With the variant list in the dialog it's possible to step through the variants and watch the routing progress like in prior EAGLE versions.
  • Once finished, the user can decide directly which variant to keep and end the job or keep the variant results for later evaluation.
  • If cancelled, the job can also be continued later.
  • It is possible to save and load the parameters defined in the main dialog in a control (ctl) file. The parameter set of an individual variant can also be saved and loaded as a control file. It is compatible to prior EAGLE versions.
  • New routing algorithm ('TopRouter'):
  • In the autorouter main dialog there's also an option to add a 'TopRouter' variant which is using a new routing algorithm based on a gridless and topological approach. This algorithm creates a sketch of the routed signals and then uses EAGLE's traditional autorouter optimization steps to fulfill the Design Rules.
  • In the average the TopRouter produces considerably less vias than the traditional approach. The user can run a job with variants for both and decide later which of the variants he prefers.
  • Licensing:
  • New model:
  • The EAGLE licensing model and mechanism has been replaced by a new solution based on Flexera FlexNet Licensing. Flexera is a software specialist for licensing solutions (see www.flexerasoftware.com).
  • The licenses are either node-locked or floating licenses:
  • Node-locked means that the license is bound to one or more computers, floating means that a license server is involved on a server computer.
  • Licenses can be used by any client computer that has a connection to the server computer. When EAGLE is started from a client installation,
  • EAGLE contacts the license server and checks out a license.
  • The license server takes care that not more users than the number of seats, for which the license is valid, can use the license simultaneously.
  • When an EAGLE client stops his session the license is automatically returned to the license server and is free for other users.
  • All EAGLE multi user licenses are floating licenses now, all single user licenses are node-locked licenses that can be used on two different computers.
  • Like in prior EAGLE versions, each license is issued as a license file.
  • The Freeware and Freemium license models will not change.
  • The new licenses are not back compatible to be used for older EAGLE versions.
  • Ordering, HostIDs:
  • For ordering a license, the HostID(s) of the computer(s) need to be provided.
  • The HostIDs are unique computer identifiers.
  • For multi user licenses the HostID of the server computer is necessary.
  • Together with the other licensee information, CadSoft can create a license and provide it for download.
  • The HostID can be retrieved in 2 ways:
  • Download and execute the tool 'lichostid' that is available on our website.
  • If the user has already EAGLE installed on his computer he can run it as freeware. In the EAGLE licensing dialog the HostID is displayed.
  • There is also a link to our online shop that transfers it.
  • It can then be used for ordering a license.
  • An installation code is no longer necessary.
  • Installation:
  • Single user:
  • To license a single user EAGLE installation, it's only necessary to provide the license file via the licensing dialog.
  • Multi user:
  • Server side:
  • A license server package is necessary and can be downloaded from CadSoft's download page. There are 3 packages for the 3 different platforms Windows, Linux and MAC. It depends on the server computer's operating system. After downloading and unzipping this package, the license server which is the executable 'lmadmin', needs to be started.
  • Once it runs, there's a web interface for accessing the license server.
  • It can be accessed in a web browser by entering http:// :8090 as adress, where is the network name or IP adress of the server computer.
  • With the web interface the license file can be imported by the server.
  • Client side:
  • For any client installation only the license server name needs to be provided via the EAGLE licensing dialog. EAGLE remembers the server name for future sessions.
  • Further details on our new licensing can be found in the manual and on our homepage.
  • Platforms:
  • Official support for MAC OSX 10.9.
  • Installation
  • On Windows the default installation path in the setup dialog has been changed
  • from the Windows program folder to
  • C:\EAGLE- being the full EAGLE version string).
  • Also an early check is done whether the user rights (in particular regarding registry entries) are sufficient for the installation with appropriate messaging.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • EAGLE now has a new set of icons. With the Options/User Interface dialog it can be switched between the new and the classic EAGLE icon set.
  • The new option MERGE in the DRC command can be used to merge additional Design Rule parameters to the active Design Rules in the board drawing.
  • Now the arrows of DIMENSIONs end at the center of the extension lines.
  • Now changing of a MITER is only possible if the adjacent wires are equal in width, style and layer.
  • In the attributes dialog of devices and in the UPDATE dialog for selection of a new technology the sorting of technologies has been changed to alphanumeric.
  • The new IDF export (implemented as ULP) is available as entry 'IDF' under 'Export' of the board editor's pulldown menu.
  • eagle.scr: Added units inch to some settings to avoid a possible wrong interpretation.
  • Added sample 'ti-launchpad' from Texas Instruments to the EAGLE sample projects.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Now the origins of not populated elements are visible again if the regarding layer is active.
  • Fixed removing an assembly variant from a part (by choosing the default values) on the currently selected assembly variant.
  • Fixed proper restore of the current value in parameter comboboxes after invalid values.
  • Fixed mirroring polygons in signal layers during COPY.
  • Fixed Default button in the GRID dialog (in schematic context the value is now again 0.1 inch).
  • Prohibition to use board layers in schematics.
  • The properties dialog of labels does no longer contain an unintended 'Value' field.
  • Fixed context menu entry RATSNEST on polygons.
  • Fixed the wrong position of element attributes in newly generated boards after initial display.

New in EAGLE 6.6.0 (Jun 3, 2014)

  • Miscellaneous:
  • Member value of UL_ATTRIBUTE now always returns the attribute's value (also if it's from an instance, where the value is always inherited from the part attribute).
  • Added missing documentation on member xrefpart of UL_SCHEMATIC object.
  • If a ULP is started from a wire context menu, the wire's selection state (first, second or both endpoints) can now be queried in the ULP with ingroup().
  • Improved messages for ULP function neterror() in case of SSL error(s). Added a note on SSL errors to ULP net functions in help.
  • Improved help of TEXT regarding the vector font setting.
  • Added SET parameter Option.UnpopulatedMarkScaling to allow scaling down the mark of not populated parts in the current assembly variant.
  • Allow upper/lowercase renaming of an assembly variant.
  • Display of a warning with cancel option before a drawing from an older version (before version 6) gets overwritten.
  • Added new ULP function sleep().
  • Library update: Information to the user about devicesets that are used in schematic but can't be found in the corresponding update library.
  • Added a restriction note in help on ingroup() in relation with userdefined context menus.
  • Update in help for maximum sizes related to pads, smds, vias, wires, polygons and holes from 0.51602 inch to 200 mm and for board size from 1600x1600mm to 4000x4000mm.
  • Added a note in help on XML attribute order on ULP functions for XML.
  • New ULP Felicitas_PCBSim.ulp which creates an interface to PCBSim, a simulation tool for signal integrity analysis.
  • If an assembly variant is being defined for a part with library attribute 'VALUE' the variant value is now set according to this attribute.
  • New ULP EagleIDFExporter.ulp. It allows the export of an EAGLE board to 3D IDF format for further processing in a 3D CAD system. See also EagleIDFExporterInstructions.pdf in doc folder.
  • Bug fixes:
  • REPLACE with devices containing attribute VALUE: Update of part value accordingly for all cases.
  • Avoid misinterpretation of cutout polygons in packages as arbitrary pad shape.
  • Fix for mouse support for WACOM tablet driver.
  • Fix for swallowing of backslashes in TEXT command invoked from command line.
  • Fix for erroneous changing of dimension endpoints in MOVE command if selected by ctrl-click.
  • Fixed possible ignoring of prerouted segments by the autorouter (with possible DRC errors).
  • Fixed unjustified message about supply layers if updating drawings of an older EAGLE version.
  • Avoid duplicate contact references in the signal if connecting an implicitly connected power pin to this net explicitly.
  • Fixed handling of oversized description lines in the XML drawing file.
  • Fixed an occasional hangup of ULP dialogs if an additional confirmation dialog has been canceled.
  • Fix for using the proper net class while subtracting wires of pads with "Arbitrary Pad Shapes" from polygons.
  • Fixed missing message about insufficient number of contacts if adding a symbol. There was a problem if multiple contacts were connected to the same pin.
  • Fixed CUT (COPY) in schematic if a ULP used setgroup() on other sheets.
  • Fix for occasionally not displayed images in HTML descriptions.
  • Fixed loss of parameters for Autorouter default optimize passes if updating files to version 6.
  • Ensuring proper update for values of assembly variants after CHANGE PACKAGE/TECHNOLOGY in case of parts without user value by adapting it to the corresponding device name.
  • Fix for inconsistency after library update if a new device attribute collides with an existing schematic attribute.
  • Fixed skipping polygon wires with zero length but different curve values while loading drawings.
  • ULP function dlgRealEdit: Corrected warning if valid range is violated.
  • Fix for context menu function 'Open Device' for instances and elements in case of special package variant names.
  • Fix for erroneous inconsistency warning after creation of a board from schematic if the current assembly variant is not the default one.
  • Fixed unintended execution of the 'if' statement in ULPs if there was already an exit() in the 'if' condition.
  • Fix for showing a signal in rectangle mode (command 'SHOW @') if it only consists of a contact reference to a pad or SMD.
  • Fixed SPLIT on polygon wires; under certain conditions a wire could change to zero length and corrupt the polygon.
  • Fix for inconsistency after library update with existing assembly variants for device change from 'Value Off' to 'Value On' or name changes of the package variant or technology.

New in EAGLE 6.0.0 (Dec 14, 2011)

  • XML database structure redesign:
  • Read, edit and parse the data outside of the EAGLE tool
  • The new XML database structure provides the ability to write scripts that manipulate designs in the EAGLE format which will give users huge productivity benefits. You can make design changes, import information from other designs, and even translate from other formats. EAGLE is one of the first Commercial CAD Programs that adopts a ASCII XML data structure as their native file. This makes EAGLE the most flexible, user friendly and productive PCB tool on the market.
  • Design Reuse:
  • Merge board/schematic pairs using the PASTE function with full consistency
  • You can copy an already finished design consisting of a consistent pair of Schematic and Layout into another project. Enumeration of components and signals will be exactly the same in board and schematic, so that consistency between schematic and board will be maintained. This supports easy design, for example, of multi-channel devices. You only have to design schematic and layout for one channel and can copy it easily.
  • Routing capability enhancement:
  • Optimize your work-flow with Undo/Redo log
  • The UNDO/REDO log shows the history of each step you have made. You have full control of the steps going back or forward.
  • Work with flawless conversions between mm and inches through increased internal resolution (allows grids of 1/4, 1/8, 1/16,1/32 and 1/64 mil)
  • If you have to work with both systems, metric and imperial, you know about problems that can arise in converting the usual imperial grid values (always divided by 2) and the resulting mm values. Increasing the internal resolution up to 1/64 mil will allow a proper conversion in all situations.
  • Benefit from differential pair routing and automatic meanders
  • Special signals can be routed with exactly the same length. Differential pair routing is used for pairs of differential (equal and opposite) signals across the board to create a balanced transmission system. Creating meanders helps users automatically give a signal a certain length in the PCB. Meanders in traces are used to increase delay times in high speed digital circuits.
  • Improve your efficiency through BGA escape routing (ULP)
  • BGA devices can have a 1000 connections or more. Packages are getting smaller and smaller. It is a hard and tedious work to connect all the pins, set vias, decide about the layers to use, and come out from the BGA area. This ULP helps you in escaping from the BGA in a proper way.
  • Library editor optimization:
  • Connect a pin to multiple pads
  • You can now connect one pin in the schematic symbol to any number of pads of the package. With this function EAGLE can handle components internal connected pins. Compared to previous versions schematic symbols look nicer and you save time in defining them.
  • Draw arbitrary pad shapes easily
  • Take a pad or an SMD as basis and draw the final contour with the help of the WIRE or POLYGON command. These objects will be considered as part of the pad/smd. No more problems with Design Rules Check for such objects.
  • Benefit from unlimited number of technologies and package variants
  • Until now the maximum number of technologies and package variants was limited. In some cases one could reach the limits and had to split a library into two parts. No more limitation in EAGLE 6.
  • Layout editor add-ons:
  • Dimension your layout automatically
  • A dimensioning tool where you decide by a few mouse clicks the objects to be dimensioned.
  • Create restricted areas with Cutout polygons
  • Outer and inner layers can now have individual restricted areas that will be avoided by signal polygons. Simply draw a polygon and define it as cutout.
  • Be flexible with assembly variants
  • One schematic but a number of different assembly variants can be handled now.
  • Justify your text to left, top, right, bottom, middle or center with one mouse click
  • This allows you to adjust texts as you know it from text editors. Gives a neat look and makes writing, for example, comments more comfortable.
  • File description functionality:
  • Individualize your schematics, sheets, boards and symbols with descriptions
  • The file description can inform you about the content of a board or schematic. It is shown in the Control Panel without loading the file in the editor windows. This makes your project management clearer. See what this file contains without loading it in an editor window. This also works with sheets of multi-sheet schematics.
  • GUI improvement:
  • Define your own context menu
  • Speed up your work-flow with self-defined content in the context menu. Frequently used commands or combinations of commands can be integrated into the context menu. This minimizes mouse-clicks and increases working speed.

New in EAGLE 5.11 (Dec 14, 2011)

  • User Language, DesignLink:
  • The User Language dialog object dlgStringEdit now accepts additional parameters to implement an input history.
  • The User Language function system() no longer prompts the user for confirmation before executing the command.
  • Modified the User Language network functions so that they use the proxy as set up in “Help/Check for Update/Config”.
  • DesignLink enhancements: Check price & availability for all parts of a schematic, load a shopping cart (designlink-order.ulp and designlink-inc.ulp, replacing designlink.ulp).
  • DesignLink: Removed the “Customer Details” dialog as the user administration is not in service on Element14 web page.
  • DesignLink: Added a text export function to order list (designlink-order.ulp) and library tool (designlink-lbr.ulp).
  • Added a PCB quote service as ULP (pcb-service.ulp), that can extract manufacturing parameters from the board and send to an Element14 site to get a quote for it.
  • CHANGE command:
  • The CHANGE command no longer selects airwires when changing parameters that don’t apply to airwires (like layer or width).
  • EXPORT command:
  • Reduced the minimum resolution in the EXPORT IMAGE command to 1.
  • MENU command:
  • The MENU command can now handle icons.
  • The MENU command now automatically turns on the textual command menu.
  • By default the textual command menu is now located right next to the action toolbar.
  • The default eagle.scr file now contains MENU commands that configure the textual command menu with buttons for DesignLink and the new PCB service.
  • SET command:
  • The new SET variable CONFIRM can be used to automatically confirm message dialogs (see “Help/Editor Commands/SET/Automatic Confirmation”).
  • Miscellaneous:
  • If the user has modified the widths of the columns in a dlgListView, they no longer fall back to their initial values when a different item is selected.
  • The new command line option ‘-U’ can be used to define the location of the ‘eaglerc’ file in which EAGLE stores user settings. Note that beta versions of EAGLE no longer store their user settings in a separate ‘eaglerc’ file with the extension ‘.beta’. They now use the same ‘eaglerc’ file as officially released versions. If you want to keep things separate for beta versions, use the ‘-U’ option.
  • The new SET parameter Option.AutoLoadMatchingDrawingFile can be used to suppress the query “Do you also want to load …?” in the EDIT command.
  • The new SET parameters Cmd.Name.RenameEntireNetByDefault and Cmd.Name.RenameEntireSignalByDefault can be used to control the default behavior of the NAME command.
  • Support relative paths of image links in libraries in ADD and REPLACE dialog.
  • Bugfixes:
  • See the UPDATE file that comes with the installation archive for a list of fixes.

New in EAGLE 5.10.0 (Nov 15, 2010)

  • Internationalization:
  • The manual and tutorial are now available in Chinese.
  • The EAGLE program texts have been translated to Hungarian (note that the texts provided by the Qt GUI library are not available in that language).
  • The EAGLE program texts have been translated to Chinese (note that the texts provided by the Qt GUI library are not available in that language).
  • User Language:
  • The new User Language functions neterror(), netget() and netpost() can be used to access remote sites on the Internet.
  • The User Language function t2string() now has an optional format parameter.
  • The User Language now provides functions for processing XML code (see "Help/User Language/Builtins/Builtin Functions/XML Functions").
  • The User Language function language() now by default returns "en" if no valid language code can be determined.
  • The new User Language function country() can be used to determine the country code of the current system (see "Help/User Language/Builtins/Builtin Functions/Miscellaneous Functions/country()").
  • The image URL in the tag of HTML texts may now also be external ().
  • The new User Language dialog function dlgSelectionChanged() can be used to determine whether the current selection in a dlgListView or dlgListBox has changed.
  • The new User Language Program 'designlink.ulp' can be used to access Premier Farnell's online product database. Note that currently the DesignLink server has problems delivering more than 50 search results at a time, and can only deliver the first 500 search results, even if it reports more than 500 hits for any given search.
  • The User Language dialog objects dlgTextView and dlgLabel now open external hyperlinks with the appropriate application program.
  • The width of a dlgComboBox is now automatically adjusted when the data in its string array is changed.
  • The new User Language functions cfgget() and cfgset() can be used to store parameters in the user's eaglerc file.
  • The 'Selected' parameter of a dlgListView can now be initialized to -2 to make the first item according to the current sort column the selected one.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • Reverted "Fixed calculating mask data for SMDs with a non-zero roundness" from version 5.7.0, because this caused apertures to be drawn that used to be flashed.
  • Hyperlinks contained in the descriptions of files or library objects are now opened with the appropriate application program.
  • Removed the remark on t/bPlace automatically selecting t/bNames etc. from the English version of the online help of the DISPLAY command (this was overlooked in version 4.92.3).

New in EAGLE 5.8.0 (Nov 15, 2010)

  • License:
  • CadSoft now provides an EAGLE "Freemium" license, which is valid for a limited time, and is more powerful than the Freeware license. See http://www.element-14.com/eagle-freemium for more information.
  • The Standard edition of EAGLE can now handle 6 signal layers.
  • The "Help/EAGLE License..." option now allows the user to choose between using a customized license file, the Freeware or the Freemium license.
  • POLYGON command:
  • Added a note to the online help of the POLYGON command, recommending to leave the Isolate parameter at 0 to avoid problems during manufacturing.
  • PRINT command:
  • The PRINT command now always sets the default output file name to that of the currently loaded file when printing to a PDF or Postscript file.
  • SET command:
  • SET SNAP_LENGTH now accepts units.
  • TEXT command:
  • Added a note to the "Attributes" section of the online help for the TEXT command, saying that there should be only one placeholder text per attribute name in any given symbol or package.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • When a board is loaded, any leftover empty signals are now deleted automatically.
  • The total thickness of the layer setup in the Design Rules is now displayed with the unit defined in SET Interface.PreferredUnit.

New in EAGLE 5.7.0 (Nov 15, 2010)

  • Control Panel:
  • The "View/Refresh" option in the Control Panel's pulldown menu now has the platform specific hotkey.
  • The default action when double clicking, pressing Space or Enter on a project directory in the Control Panel's tree view is now to open/close the project.
  • User Language:
  • The new User Language functions setgroup() and clrgroup() can be used to set and clear the flags that define whether an object is within the current group.
  • It is now possible to directly access members in an array of UL_* objects
  • ADD command:
  • The search string in the ADD dialog is no longer modified if the ADD command is called with a unique device name (from the command line or the right mouse button history function of the ADD button).
  • AUTO command:
  • The AUTO command now supports selecting signal names by wildcards.
  • BOARD command:
  • Added a consistency check right after a board is newly created from a schematic, in order to immediately catch any problems that otherwise might have turned up later on.
  • CUT command:
  • The CUT command now clears the paste buffer in case the group is empty.
  • DISPLAY command:
  • The DISPLAY dialog now has an 'Apply' button.
  • DELETE command:
  • Pads/smds can now be deleted from a package in a library, even if the package is in use by a device, as long as the pad/smd is not referenced by any pin in any device of that library.
  • Pins can now be deleted from a symbol in a library, even if the symbol is in use by a device set, as long as the pin is not referenced by any pad/smd in any device of that library.
  • GROUP command:
  • Made GROUP ALL also select objects outside the defined coordinate area.
  • LABEL command:
  • The coordinates used in xref labels no longer refer to the surrounding rectangle of the net, but rather take each object into account separately.
  • MARK command:
  • The MARK command now immediately updates the grid display, without the need to first move the mouse.
  • NAME command:
  • The NAME command now only offers objects that actually have a name in case there are several objects within the select radius.
  • OPTIMIZE command:
  • The OPTIMIZE command no longer takes airwires into account.
  • The OPTIMIZE command now flashes the selected signal to provide visual feedback to a mouse click.
  • PAD command:
  • The PAD command can now add a pad to a package, even if that package is in use by a device.
  • PIN command:
  • The PIN command can now add pins to a symbol, even if that symbol is in use by a device set.
  • PRINT command:
  • The PRINT dialog now contains a list of all available printers for direct selection. Printing to a PDF or Postscript file can also be selected from this list.
  • The PRINT command now remembers if the last print went into a file.
  • The PRINT command has a new option named PRINTER, which can be used to print to a specific printer.
  • The new option CAPTION of the PRINT command can be used to print a caption from the command line.
  • The new option PAPER of the PRINT command can be used to print to a given paper size.
  • The file name in the PRINT FILE option may now contain placeholders to insert the actual drawing file name or extension.
  • The PRINT FILE command now refuses to write any of the file extensions .brd.sch.lbr.gpi.dri.whl.drl.ulp.epf.cam.scr.exe.com.bat.cmd.sys.dll, to make sure files are not overwritten inadvertently.
  • RATSNEST command:
  • The RATSNEST command no longer stops when it encounters an unknown signal name, but rather tells the user about the unknown signals and offers the choice of continuing.
  • The RATSNEST command, if given a signal name, now only processes the polygons of the given signal, not all polygons of all signals.
  • The context menu of wires and vias that belong to a signal now contains the RATSNEST command.
  • ROUTE command:
  • The ROUTE command no longer activates the current layer when it is started, but waits until an airwire has actually been selected.
  • The Follow-me router now uses the via diameter as set in the parameter toolbar.
  • SET command:
  • When entering values for the Catch_Factor or Select_Factor in the SET command via the command line, numbers in the range [1 ... 100] are now taken as percentages to avoid errors caused by not entering the factor as a decimal number between [0.0 ... 1.0].
  • The new parameter Option.LayerSequence can be used to define the sequence in which layers are rendered (see "Help/Editor Commands/SET").
  • SHOW command:
  • The SHOW command with the '@' option now also draws the pointer rectangle in the other editor window, if f/b annotation is active.
  • The highlighted objects from the SHOW command's dialog now stay highlighted, even after closing the dialog (until the end of the SHOW command).
  • SMD command:
  • The SMD command can now add an smd to a package, even if that package is in use by a device.
  • UPDATE command:
  • The UPDATE command now allow selecting multiple files from the file dialog.
  • USE command:
  • The USE command now allow selecting multiple files from the file dialog.
  • VALUE command
  • The VALUE command button now also has a history function.
  • VIA command:
  • The VIA command now issues an error message if there are no vias defined in the layer setup.
  • CAM Processor:
  • Added CAM Processor driver GERBER_RS274X_25 with 2.5 inch coordinate format.
  • The default CAM jobs no longer have the "Mirror" option checked.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • The sorting sequence of numeric strings that differ only in the number of leading zeros in their numeric parts has been made stable (i.e. sorting them more than once always leads to the same sequence).
  • The Properties dialog of a wire now also displays the angle of the wire.
  • The progress display of the CAM Processor no longer keeps popping into the foreground.
  • Improved the performance of recalculating the ratsnest in the board after an ADD, DELETE or PASTE command in the schematic, in case many pins are processed that are connected to the same net.
  • Made the origin crosses for elements in a board smaller, so that they don't overlap that much in case of small SMD parts.
  • The Properties dialog of an element now applies modified coordinates and orientation settings even if the "Locked" flag is checked.
  • Added a general note to the online help about the special coordinate value '(@)'.
  • Leading and trailing blanks in file and directory names are now ignored.
  • When defining a new drill diameter in the "Options/Set/Drill/New" dialog, the default unit is now the same as in the editor window's grid.
  • Fixed handling empty keys in bom.ulp.
  • For better readability the sheet thumbnails now show only the individual sheet number, without the total number of sheets.
  • Speeded up handling parts with lots of attributes in the schematic.
  • The Design Rules plausibility check now tests whether the clearance values for 'same signal' are not larger than those for 'different signals'.
  • The _OUTLINES_ polygon (if present) is now calculated with increased precision, to allow the milling contours to better follow the object outlines.
  • The detection of connected parts of a calculated polygons (which is used, for instance, in the RATSNEST and ROUTE commands) has been speeded up.
  • Removed an unnecessary dependency of libXft.so in the Linux version.
  • The new SET parameter Interface.MouseButtonReleaseTimeout can be used to set a timeout within which a mouse button release will trigger a button's action, even if the release happened outside the button's area (default is 500ms).
  • The color index in the dxf.ulp now starts at 1, since AutoCAD 2007 doesn't like color 0.
  • The CAM Processor's warning about polygons that may produce very large plot data is now only given if the layer containing that polygon will actually be plotted.
  • The Value entry in the Properties dialog of a part where the device has "Value off" now contains a check box that indicates that this value overwrites the default (i.e. the device name). When this box is unchecked, the value falls back to the default.
  • When opening a project, the windows that get opened are no longer scaled to the current desktop size, but rather moved and resized if necessary to make them fit entirely onto the desktop.
  • Switching between windows with Alt+0, Alt+1 etc. has been disabled on the Mac OS X platform, because on some localized keyboard layouts these key combinations are already used otherwise.
  • Implemented the placeholders >SHEETNR and >SHEETS to make the sheet number and the total number of sheets in a schematic available separately.
  • Added a note to the online help about selecting the layer in the ATTRIBUTE and LABEL commands.
  • When a schematic is loaded, any leftover empty nets are now deleted automatically.
  • If a board file that has been created with an EAGLE edition that can handle only a subset of the routing layers is loaded with an edition that can handle additional routing layers, and the layer setup is changed so that additional layers are used, these layers are now created automatically.
  • Improved performance of panning outside the surrounding rectangle of the entire drawing.

New in EAGLE 5.5.0 (Nov 15, 2010)

  • User Language:
  • The new function strxstr() can be used to search strings using regular expressions in User Language Programs.
  • Added a note to the online help for UL_DEVICE about using the 'package' data member to check whether this device has a package.
  • Design Rule Check:
  • The DRC no longer issues a "Drill Distance" error for vias that have only one layer in common, e.g. 1-2 and 2-3 ("stacked vias").
  • The Design Rules dialog now issues a warning if the layer setup uses any layers that are not available in the licensed program edition.
  • Text editor:
  • It is now possible to use an external text editor instead of EAGLE's built in text editor (see "Help/Editor Windows/Text Editor").
  • AUTO command:
  • The new option FOLLOWME in the AUTO command opens the Autorouter dialog in a mode where only the parameters controlling the Follow-me router can be modified.
  • Routing from and to pads, smds and vias in the Autorouter has been improved.
  • CHANGE command:
  • The CHANGE PACKAGE/TECHNOLOGY command no longer overwrites the value of parts where the device has "value off", but the user has overwritten the value (which is detected by comparing the old value to the name of the old device).
  • CONNECT command:
  • Improved handling the width of the connection list in the CONNECT dialog.
  • DRC command
  • The DRC command no longer automatically brings up the ERRORS dialog if there are only approved errors.
  • ERC command:
  • The ERC command no longer automatically brings up the ERRORS dialog if there are only approved errors/warnings.
  • The ERC message "OUTPUT and ... pins mixed on net ..." has been enhanced to show the actual direction of the referenced pin, so that the offending pin can be easily located.
  • EXPORT command:
  • The new option WINDOW of the EXPORT IMAGE command can be used to export an image that contains only the currently visible window selection of the drawing.
  • PRINT command:
  • The new option SHEETS of the PRINT command can be used to print a given range of sheets from the command line.
  • The new option WINDOW of the PRINT command can be used to print only the currently visible window selection of the drawing.
  • The new options PORTRAIT and LANDSCAPE of the PRINT command can be used to define the orientation of the resulting output.
  • RENAME command
  • The RENAME dialog now contains the current name of the object, so that it is easier to make small changes.
  • REPLACE command:
  • The REPLACE command no longer overwrites the value of parts where the device has "value off", but the user has overwritten the value (which is detected by comparing the old value to the name of the old device).
  • ROUTE command:
  • The ROUTE command can now be used in "Follow-me" mode, where the Autorouter is used to automatically route the selected airwire according to the current Design Rules and Autorouter parameters. Note that you need to have the Autorouter module enabled in your EAGLE license in order to use the Follow-me router.
  • The ROUTE command now automatically sets the wire width and via drill according to the values defined by the Design Rules and net classes if the new flag "Options/Set/Misc/Auto set route width and drill" is set.
  • SET command:
  • The new wire bend styles '8' and '9' are used to control the behavior of the Follow-me router. '8' means route only the short end of the selected airwire, while '9' routes both ends.
  • SHOW command:
  • If the '@' character is given in the command line of the SHOW command, a pointer rectangle is now drawn around the shown object. This is helpful in locating small objects that wouldn't show up too well just through highlighting.
  • If an object given by name in the SHOW command is not found on the current schematic sheet, a dialog is now presented containing a list of sheets on which the object is found.
  • UPDATE command:
  • The library update no longer overwrites the value of parts where the device has "value off", but the user has overwritten the value (which is detected by comparing the old value to the name of the old device).
  • Miscellaneous:
  • Improved performance of approving ERC/DRC errors.
  • Speeded up clearing the ERRORS list when clicking on the "Clear all" button of the dialog.
  • Modified the way EAGLE writes its files in order to avoid data corruption on broken NAS (Network Attached Storage) systems.
  • Speeded up calculating signal polygons.
  • The packages of parts that are added to the schematic are now placed on the board using the current grid.
  • Speeded up filling the ERRORS list after running the DRC/ERC.
  • The "File/Save all" function now also saves the eaglerc file.
  • Some users don't want the warning message about a supply pin overwriting a generated net name. The command
  • SET Warning.SupplyPinAutoOverwriteGeneratedNetName 1;
  • can now be used to disable that warning.
  • Added a note to the "Stop" checkbox in the properties dialog of a via, telling the user that this is not applicable if the drill diameter of the via exceeds the value defined in "Design Rules/Masks/Limit").
  • When a supply pin is placed on a net segment, the user is now asked whether the net segment shall be renamed to the name of the supply pin.

New in EAGLE 5.4.0 (Nov 15, 2010)

  • Speeded up the window refresh in the schematic editor in case there are many parts with lots of attributes that don't display their value.

New in EAGLE 5.3.0 (Nov 15, 2010)

  • User interface:
  • Normally EAGLE doesn't automatically position the mouse cursor. However, some users want the cursor to be repositioned to the point where it has been before a context menu in the drawing editor was opened. The command SET Option.RepositionMouseCursorAfterContextMenu 1; can now be used to get this functionality.
  • Shift+Right mouse button now reverses the direction of rotation in commands that rotate objects with the right mouse button.
  • AUTO command:
  • Added the options LOAD and SAVE to the AUTO command, which allow loading and saving the Autorouter parameters.
  • BOARD command:
  • The default board outlines generated by the BOARD command now start at the origin of the drawing area, and are no longer offset so that they are centered within the 50mil grid.
  • INVOKE command:
  • The INVOKE command now displays in the status line the part and device name of the object attached to the cursor.
  • PASTE command:
  • The PASTE command now accepts an 'orientation' parameter in the command line.
  • The PASTE command is no longer a transparent command, because this prevented its parameter toolbar from being shown.
  • ROUTE command:
  • When routing an airwire that starts at an already routed wire, the new wire's width is now automatically adjusted to that of the existing wire if the Shift key is pressed when selecting the airwire.
  • The end point of the dynamically calculated airwire is now always used as an additional snap point, even if it is off grid. If the remaining airwire has a length that is shorter than SNAP_LENGTH, the routed wire automatically snaps to the airwire's end point, and stays there until the mouse pointer is moved at least SNAP_LENGTH away from that point. The SET parameter SNAP_BENDED is now obsolete, but is still tolerated for compatibility.
  • SET command:
  • When routing an airwire that starts at an already routed wire, the new wire's width is now automatically adjusted to that of the existing wire.
  • The SET parameter SNAP_BENDED is now obsolete, but is still tolerated for compatibility.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • Improved selecting wires of the same signal that are close together.
  • Pin names with '@' are now displayed in the previews the same way as in a schematic (with everything after and including the '@' stripped).

New in EAGLE 5.2.0 (Nov 15, 2010)

  • ATTRIBUTE command:
  • The "Technologies" combo box in the "New/Change Attribute" dialog now lists the name of the current technology.
  • Changed the behavior of the ATTRIBUTE command in case no coordinates are given in the command line, so that the value of an existing attribute can be changed via the command line.
  • DRC command:
  • The DRC now reports supply layers, that are not contained in the layer setup of the Design Rules, as "Layer Setup" errors.
  • SET command:
  • The SET command can now be used to set parameters of the eaglerc file.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • If you don't like the way unprocessed polygons display their edges (as dotted lines), you can change this with the command SET Option.DrawUnprocessedPolygonEdgesContinuous 1 The edges of unprocessed polygons will then be displayed as continuous lines, as was the case before version 5 (however, they will not be highlighted).
  • The commands CUT, DRC, ERC, ERRORS, EXPORT, GROUP, OPTIMIZE, PASTE, PRINT, RATSNEST, UPDATE, USE and WRITE are now "transparent", which means they no longer terminate a previously active command like MOVE etc.
  • The layers are now drawn in a sequence that properly reflects the actual resulting board. For instance, the bottom placeplan is drawn first, then the signal layers from bottom to top, then the top placeplan. This sequence is reversed when printing mirrored.
  • Added a note to the online help of the PAD and VIA commands, saying that the shape only applies to the outer layers (in inner layers the shape is always "round").
  • Parts on the board are now shifted into the allowed area of the Light or Standard edition, respectively, if they extend outside that area after a REPLACE, CHANGE PACKAGE or UPDATE operation.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed unexpected wire fragments in CAM Processor and PRINT output.

New in EAGLE 5.1.0 (Nov 15, 2010)

  • Platforms
  • Now setting HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\eagle.exe\shell\open\command in the Windows registry to allow associating file extensions with the EAGLE executable.
  • The installer now uses the User Access Control dialog to request Administrator rights when running under a limited user account on Windows Vista.
  • UPDATE command:
  • Rephrased the online help for 'UPDATE old_library_name = new_library_name', to make it clear that the library inside the board/schematic file will be renamed, not the external library file.
  • CAM Processor:
  • The CAM Processor's GERBER_RS274X driver now generates polygon area fill codes when drawing rotated rectangles.