FileMaker Pro Changelog

What's new in FileMaker Pro

Feb 28, 2024
  • Addressed issues:
  • This update provides important security fixes and is recommended for all users.
  • macOS Sonoma: Changing modes or reopening files caused custom toolbars to reset to defaults.
  • If a file already had a FileMaker or ODBC external data source added, you couldn't add a table from your Claris Studio data source in the relationships graph.

New in FileMaker Pro (Nov 16, 2023)

  • New features and enhancements:
  • The Loop script step now includes the Flush option which determines when relationships are updated. Flush includes the following three values:
  • Always: When setting a field within a loop, the relationship is flushed along with the join data.
  • Minimum: When setting a field within a loop, minimal data is flushed.
  • Defer: When setting a field within a loop, data and relationship data are flushed only after exiting the loop.
  • Layout calculations now let you to specify the data type for the result in the Specify Calculation dialog.
  • The new FMDeveloperTool command-line tool is now available. See FileMaker Server Release Notes.
  • Secure connection tunneling can now be enabled over port 443 instead of port 5003 for FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Server for Linux. HTTPS tunneling can be enabled in the following locations:
  • FileMaker Pro preferences: Choose Edit > Preferences (Windows) or FileMaker Pro > Settings (macOS), then on the General tab, select HTTPS Tunneling.
  • Assisted Install.txt file: AI_USE_HTTP_PROTOCOL_NETWORK=1
  • Notes:
  • HTTPS tunneling may only be enabled for FileMaker Server for Linux installed on Ubuntu 22.
  • The Get(NetworkProtocol) function now returns "HTTPS" when HTTPS tunneling is enabled on the FileMaker client or FileMaker Server where the calculation is performed.
  • OmniOrb has been updated to version 4.3.0.
  • To improve performance, the database engine now caches relationships to evaluate dependencies.
  • FileMaker Pro also includes optimized memory allocation for relationship changes.

New in FileMaker Pro (Feb 1, 2023)

  • New features and enhancements:
  • Performance:
  • FileMaker WebDirect - The overall load time is optimized.
  • Updated libraries:
  • FileMaker WebDirect: The following open-source libraries have been updated:
  • Gson is updated to version 2.10
  • Jackson is updated to version 2.14.0
  • Addressed issues:
  • Performance:
  • Deleting records from a layout with less than 15 records in List View caused flickering when viewing the same layout in other browser windows.
  • FileMaker WebDirect and the FileMaker Data API performance degraded after upgrading to FileMaker Server 19.6.1.
  • Administrator roles:
  • Users who signed in to Admin Console using credentials for an administrator role were able to perform Disconnect and Send Message actions on databases that they didn't have access to.
  • APIs, technologies, or features to be deprecated
  • As FileMaker Server evolves, the list of supported technologies, APIs, and features will change. As part of this evolution, certain operating systems versions, hardware, and features may be deprecated in favor of newer ones. Although deprecation does not mean the immediate deletion of an item, you should migrate your solution away from deprecated technologies, because these technologies may be removed in a future version of the product.

New in FileMaker Pro (Nov 30, 2022)

  • New features and enhancements:
  • Transactions:
  • You can use the following new script steps to commit or revert all changes in a transaction together. A transaction consists of changes to one or more records in the current window. Transactions support creating new records, editing records, and deleting records.
  • Open Transaction: Starts a transaction; subsequent record changes are held in the transaction until a Commit Transaction or Revert Transaction script step is performed.
  • Commit Transaction: Saves all record changes and ends the current transaction.
  • Revert Transaction: Returns all records changed in the transaction to their original state and ends the current transaction.
  • Functions:
  • The new Get(TransactionOpenState) function returns 1 (true) if called within an open transaction; otherwise, it returns 0 (false).
  • The new Get(CurrentTimeUTCMicroseconds) function returns the current time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) to the nearest microsecond.
  • The Get(LastExternalErrorDetail) function is renamed to Get(LastErrorDetail) and additionally returns the text of transaction error information, including script name, step name, and line number when it is evaluated after a Commit Transaction script step.
  • The new Get(LastErrorLocation) function returns the location of errors that are returned by the Get(LastError) function.
  • Updated libraries:
  • The jsonCPP library has been updated to version 1.9.5.
  • The ChartDirector library has been updated to version 7.0.
  • OpenSSL has been updated to version 3.0.7.
  • General:
  • The Show sign-in fields even when OAuth or AD FS is enabled file option is now enabled by default for newly created files.
  • Context menus for interactive container fields can now be disabled in the Inspector's Data tab in the Data Formatting area.
  • In Preferences in the General tab, you can now delete cached temporary files.
  • The new Tools menu > Create Add-on command allows you to create an add-on without using the Save a Copy as Add-on Package script step. This command lets you specify information about the add-on, creates the add-on package, and saves it where you can then install and use it in an app. This feature is incomplete but available for preview and should only be used for testing purposes.
  • To create an add-on with this command:
  • In Layout Mode, name the layout "__FMAddOnTemplateDirectives_en".
  • Select multiple objects on the layout.
  • Choose Arrange menu > Group.
  • With the group selected, choose Tools menu > Create Add-on.
  • Addressed issues:
  • Windows:
  • When using the Insert from URL script step and the --cookie-jar cURL option, the cookie data was not returned.
  • When custom apps contained more than 255 layouts, navigating to a layout with an ID greater than 255 caused the last layout in an app to load instead of the expected layout. The limit is now 1020 rather than 255.
  • The Insert from a URL script step failed when using a cURL option with the LDAP protocol.
  • Rendering performance was slower than in FileMaker Pro 18.
  • In the Script Workspace, importing a script containing errors when no script was open caused two script tabs to open and could cause the application to close unexpectedly if the script was deleted or the script tabs were closed.
  • FileMaker Pro intermittently quit unexpectedly when dragging files to a web viewer.
  • Container fields set to automatically play audio or video were not automatically playing.
  • Button parameters incorrectly displayed only the value of the first parameter when you changed the value in one button and navigated to the next button using the Button Bar Setup dialog box.

New in FileMaker Pro (Sep 20, 2022)

  • New features and enhancements:
  • OpenSSL has been upgraded to version 1.1.1q.
  • Addressed issues:
  • Files could not be reopened after modifying the settings in the File Options dialog box with a limited access account.

New in FileMaker Pro (Jul 13, 2022)

  • Addressed issues:
  • Custom functions were commented out if imported from another file.
  • Functions were commented out in fields with calculations if tables were imported from another file.
  • The Replace Field Contents script step was much slower in version 19.5.1 than in previous versions.
  • In some cases, field validation incorrectly displayed a warning message for empty repeating fields or fields that were not modified.
  • PDFs being generated in a hidden background file didn't calculate an object's visibility correctly.
  • Windows: Upgrading to version 19.5.1 with a valid maintenance contract resulted in an invalid maintenance expired message.
  • In version 19.5.1, the Quote function was modified to handle line feeds the same way as carriage returns. This change caused existing calculations to return different, unexpected results. Previous functionality has been restored.
  • macOS: Modifying data in a field while an administrator modified the same field in the Manage Database dialog box caused FileMaker Pro to quit unexpectedly.

New in FileMaker Pro (Jun 15, 2022)

  • New features and enhancements:
  • Security:
  • FileMaker Pro notifies you when an fmp URL is opening a hosted custom app. Choose to open anyway, add the host to your permitted hosts list, or cancel. See Setting permitted hosts and plug-ins preferences in FileMaker Pro Help.
  • This notification is disabled by default. To enable it, open the Preferences dialog box and in the Permitted tab, choose Warn me before an fmp URL opens a file. See FileMaker Pro Help.
  • To enable this notification for assisted installations, set AI_WARN_FMP_URL in the Assisted Install.txt file. See FileMaker Pro Network Install Setup Guide.
  • OpenSSL has been upgraded to version 1.1.1n.
  • Functions:
  • JSONGetElementType – Returns the type of JSON data for an element specified by an object name, an array index, or a path. For example, the following validates that fieldText contains a JSON object: ( JSONGetElementType ( fieldText, "" ) = JSONObject ).
  • GetLiveText – Returns the text found in the image of the specified container field using the text-recognition algorithm, starting with iOS 15.0, iPadOS 15.0, and macOS 12.0. You specify a container field and one of the supported language codes.
  • ReadQRCode – Reads a QR code from an image in a container field and returns it as text, starting in macOS Monterey, iOS 15, and iPadOS 15.
  • Scripts:
  • You can now save data from the current window by leaving the "Window name" option empty in the Save a Copy as XML and Save a Copy as Add-on Package script steps.
  • Layouts:
  • When you copy objects that have no tab order set, the pasted objects now have no tab order set. Previously, pasted objects were next in the tab order.
  • License:
  • You can now replace the existing license certificate file at any time without quitting FileMaker Pro. See Replacing the license certificate file in FileMaker Pro Help.
  • XML:
  • The Save a Copy as XML script step now includes the following in the XML file:
  • Metadata specifying whether database files are encrypteddetailed calculation information, including variables
  • Unique hashes for calculations
  • References to scripts across file relationships with the same UUIDs
  • References to fields across file relationships with remote UUIDs as members of related file layouts
  • External data source references and UUIDs for value lists
  • The timestamp property has been removed from the headers of the XML created by the Save a Copy as XML script step.
  • In the output XML file of the Save a Copy as XML script step, FileReference is renamed DataSourceReference. Other value list external reference errors have also been corrected.
  • Addressed issues:
  • Security:
  • It was possible to use the Add Account script step to specify the Full Access privilege after reordering the privilege sets. Full Access is now grayed out for the Add Account script step regardless of the order of the privilege sets.
  • Modification Detection Code 2 (MDC2) has been deprecated by OpenSSL and is now removed as an algorithm option from various FileMaker Pro cryptographic functions.
  • Long Custom OAuth names were truncated in the login dialog box.
  • Performance:
  • Conditionally hidden layout objects continued to be evaluated in hidden windows, slowing layout loads.
  • Save a Copy as XML:
  • The output XML file of the Save a Copy as XML script step incorrectly used the same UUID to identify parent scripts and child scripts called from the Perform Script script step if the child scripts were located in different files from the parent scripts.
  • The output XML file of the Save a Copy as XML script step included the incorrect UUIDs for scripts in related files when calling the Perform Script script step.
  • When using the Save a Copy as XML script step, the FieldReference tag was missing in the output XML file.
  • The output XML file of the Save a Copy as XML script step included unnecessary ampersands (&) in the name attributes of base tags.
  • For the output XML file of the Save a Copy as XML script step, the timestamp for UUID under ScriptCatalog did not update when modification counts changed.
  • General:
  • Windows: When multiple container field objects on a layout contained mixed optimization options (such as "Images" and "Interactive content") in Inspector > Data > Data Formatting, and the objects were collectively selected in Layout Mode, the radio buttons for Optimize for in the Inspector became unresponsive.
  • When a group of relationships were copied on the relationships graph, the relation keys were appropriately related to the new table occurrences, but the sort fields continued to reference the original table occurrences.
  • The Quote function failed to escape line feed characters in the same way as carriage returns.
  • Windows: Newly installed custom menus were not displaying after opening new windows unless the windows were refreshed.
  • The tooltip for the Shortcuts Donation icon in the Script Workspace incorrectly read "Run script with full access privileges" instead of "Run script by Siri".
  • Windows: The Save a Copy as Add-on Package script step returned an error.
  • Windows: Pressing the PgUp, PgDn, End, Home, Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow, Right Arrow, or Delete keyboard keys or pressing the Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+X, or Ctrl+Z keyboard key combinations while inside text fields in web viewers did not allow the cursor to move.
  • Windows: Web Viewers defined as buttons did not respond to button clicks.
  • Windows: The Insert from URL script step with the cURL options did not return values when it was performed from a computer user account containing Japanese characters.
  • The literal string "<![CDATA[" was not processed by the XML parser, resulting in blank text instead of the provided string in the following areas:
  • Copy and pasting schema/layout/script objects
  • Save a Copy as XML script step output
  • Database Design Report
  • Tab controls with 0 point width caused a pixel bar to show up on layouts where an empty space was expected.
  • When importing records, imports with field validation failed to filter record imports and instead ignored the “existing value” validation option and imported all records.
  • Web Viewers with dark backgrounds flashed white when entering a layout in browse mode before rendering the dark background.

New in FileMaker Pro (Dec 14, 2021)

  • New features:
  • Customizable OAuth identity provider support:
  • Starting in Claris FileMaker Server® 19.4.1, you can set up one of several additional supported OAuth identity providers. Along with more settings to support more providers, you can also customize the name and icon of the provider that users will see when they sign in with FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Go, or Claris FileMaker WebDirect®. See FileMaker Server Help. For a list of supported providers, see FileMaker Server technical specifications in the Knowledge Base.
  • In the Manage Security dialog box, FileMaker Pro now has a new account access type, Custom OAuth, to authenticate users via a customized OAuth identity provider. You can use this new account access type to create accounts for users or groups that you define in your identity provider.
  • The Get(AccountType) function now returns Custom OAuth when the current user's account is authenticated via a customizable OAuth identity provider.
  • Session identifier:
  • The new session identifier allows custom app developers to provide administrators additional information about a user connected to a hosted app. By default, the session identifier is the same value returned by the Get(UserName) function. An app can now use the Set Session Identifier script step to change that default value. For example, for FileMaker WebDirect users, you can change the default value [WebDirect-xxxxx], where xxxxx is an identifier generated by the host, to a value that's more meaningful to the administrator (a user name, account name, or other identifier).
  • The session identifier is available to FileMaker Server administrators in Admin Console and the Access log file, and to FileMaker Server and FileMaker Cloud administrators in the Claris FileMaker Admin API.
  • The new Get(SessionIdentifier) function returns the value set by the Set Session Identifier script step.
  • Enhanced features:
  • Faster SQL queries for information about fields in FileMaker tables:
  • For faster SQL queries about fields defined in a FileMaker Pro file, you can now use the system table named FileMaker_BaseTableFields rather than the existing FileMaker_Fields table. FileMaker_Fields includes every table occurrence, but FileMaker_BaseTableFields includes only the source (or base) tables.
  • The FileMaker_BaseTableFields table includes the following columns:
  • BaseTableName – The name of the base table that contains the field.
  • FieldName – The name of the field.
  • FieldType – The SQL data type of the field.
  • FieldId – The unique ID for the field.
  • FieldClass – One of three values: Summary, for summary fields; Calculated, for calculated results; or Normal.
  • FieldReps – The number of repetitions of the field.
  • ModCount – The total number of times changes to this base table’s definition have been committed.
  • Offset and limit for related records returned by the Execute FileMaker Data API script step:
  • In the Execute FileMaker Data API script step, the Request option now supports the offset.portal-name and limit.portal-name keys to limit which related records are returned. See FileMaker Pro Help.
  • Addressed issues:
  • Important: To ensure that you don't encounter the following issues, you must update all clients to FileMaker Pro 19.4.1.
  • Windows and macOS:
  • The Claris FileMaker Platform was updated to OpenSSL version 1.1.1l to improve security.
  • When importing Excel (.xlsx) or XML files that referenced an external DTD (Document Type Definition), FileMaker clients processed the external DTD. To improve security, external entity resolution is now disabled in FileMaker clients so that external DTDs are no longer processed.
  • When transferring embedded container data to external storage for more than one container field at the same time in a hosted FileMaker Pro file, the embedded data wasn't removed from the FileMaker Pro file. Also, this issue may have damaged the temporary file and caused the host to stop responding.
  • After choosing File menu > Import Records > Folder and selecting Picture and movie files, video and audio files were imported by reference regardless of how the Import only a reference to each picture file option was set. Now, the option is named Import only a reference to each file and imports all supported image, video, audio, and PDF files by reference when selected.
  • In the status toolbar, choosing Share > Upload to Host either did nothing or failed to add the current file to the upload list.
  • When opening a custom app with the Guest account and with Kiosk mode enabled, the app opened normally, not in Kiosk mode.
  • Closing a file or window caused all open files to close if the file's OnLastWindowClose script trigger ran a script that included a Close File [ Current File ] or Close Window [ Current Window ] script step.
  • In an add-on with nested groups of layout object that was created by the Save a Copy as Add-on Package script step, objects in the inner group were duplicated in the outer group.
  • After completing successfully, the Insert from URL script step didn't set its error code, which caused the Get(LastError) function to return the error code for the previous script step instead.
  • Windows:
  • In interactive container fields:
  • After dragging a file to the field, the file wasn't added to the database. Depending on the file type, the file was either displayed in the field or downloaded to the Downloads folder.
  • When a PDF file was inserted with the Store only a reference to the file option, the file didn't display in the field.
  • After adding a favorite host in the Hosts dialog box and closing and reopening the Hosts dialog box, selecting a file on that host and clicking OK to open it did nothing.
  • Windows software that used the ActiveX protocol to access FileMaker Pro files failed to work after a version of FileMaker Pro from 19.0.1 to 19.3.2 was installed.
  • After successfully installing and starting FileMaker Pro, then signing out of Windows and signing in with a different Windows user account, starting FileMaker Pro again failed and this error was displayed: "This version cannot run with expired maintenance."
  • Under certain circumstances, clicking a popover button in the body part that opens a popover containing a web viewer and then clicking a popover button in the header part caused FileMaker Pro to close unexpectedly.
  • When closing a FileMaker Pro file, FileMaker Pro deleted local storage used by web viewers. Now, local storage—including cookies used to store user state information—is managed by the Microsoft Edge WebView2 control, which allows information saved by web viewers to persist between FileMaker Pro sessions.
  • When another Windows app was the active window, clicking in a web viewer that has a Hide object when calculation caused FileMaker Pro to stop responding in some cases.
  • Known issues:
  • In interactive container fields:
  • Clicking a PDF file doesn't select the container field. To select the field, click the area between the edge of the PDF file and the edge of the field.
  • Right-clicking a PDF file doesn't display a context menu. To export the field contents, select the field and choose Edit menu > Export Field Contents. To insert a file into the field, select the field and choose a command from the Insert menu.

New in FileMaker Pro (Jul 21, 2021)

  • Addressed issues:
  • Important: To ensure that you don't encounter the following issues, you must update all clients to FileMaker Pro 19.3.2.
  • Windows:
  • Because of a known issue with the Microsoft Edge WebView2 control, interactive container fields didn't display PDF files when FileMaker Pro 19.3.1 connected to a hosted FileMaker Pro file. An error message was displayed in the field instead.
  • In FileMaker Pro 19.3.2, PDF files are no longer streamed from the host. Instead, they are downloaded to a temporary folder on the user's local computer and displayed in interactive container fields. The downloaded PDF files are deleted when the user shuts down or signs out of Windows. In most cases, this change in behavior won't be noticeable.
  • Note: Starting with FileMaker Pro 19.3.1, interactive containers use the Microsoft Edge WebView2 control to display PDF files rather than an Internet Explorer PDF plug-in. Interactivity with PDF files now consists mainly of viewing and scrolling pages.

New in FileMaker Pro (Dec 17, 2020)

  • Enhancements and compatibility:
  • The FileMaker Server Setup Wizard for Windows is redesigned. You don't need to uninstall FileMaker Server 16 and later versions to upgrade to the latest version.
  • This release includes a preview of enhancements to the FileMaker Admin API. New commands have been added to allow you to configure FileMaker Server settings that were only available through Admin Console or the FileMaker Server Command Line Interface (CLI). You can now:
  • get metadata for FileMaker Server
  • configure additional folders
  • import an SSL certificate
  • import a license certificate
  • manage plug-ins
  • To view a full list of the new commands and syntax, see FileMaker Server Admin API reference by entering the following URL in a browser window:
  • https://host/fmi/admin/apidoc/
  • Where host is the IP address or host name of the master machine running FileMaker Server 19.2.1
  • Note: If you need to execute multiple APIs with the new commands, it's recommended to perform them sequentially and limit use to a single user or thread.
  • FileMaker Server now supports Java 11.
  • A new version of Java JRE or JDK is no longer required when enabling the Web Publishing Engine. If the JAVA_HOME system environmental variable is set, the Web Publishing Engine uses the existing version of Java and you're not prompted to download another version.
  • When FileMaker clients cancel finds in hosted files, finds are now halted quickly. Previously, canceled finds continued to run on the host and failed to stop promptly on clients.
  • FileMaker Server supports HTTP/2, which provides faster web performance for web publishing including Claris FileMaker WebDirect®, FileMaker Data API, and XML. HTTP/2 is enabled by default on all versions of Windows and Linux. HTTP/2 is available on macOS Catalina or higher but must be enabled with the script, which is located in /FileMaker Server/HTTPServer/.

New in FileMaker Pro (Oct 28, 2020)

  • New features:
  • New option parameter for fmp URLs:
  • The fmp and fmp19 URLs now support the option parameter when you use a URL to run a script. This parameter controls how a currently running script is handled. The parameter's values are the same as those defined for the FileMaker.PerformScriptWithOption() JavaScript function (see the FileMaker Pro 19.1.2 Updater Release Notes in the Knowledge Base).
  • For example, the following URL sets the option parameter to 3:
  • fmp://
  • If a script is currently paused, this URL resumes the paused script and, after the resumed script is completed, runs the ListClients script.
  • See "Opening files using a URL" in FileMaker Pro Help.

New in FileMaker Pro (Jul 25, 2020)

  • The following issues were addressed:
  • FileMaker Server Admin Console:
  • Windows: An Admin Console failure occurred in cloned virtual machine (VM) instances when Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) notifications were enabled.
  • macOS Catalina 10.15: The Dashboard page showed inconsistent volume status values.
  • FileMaker Data API:
  • Windows: Memory allocation issues were fixed to prevent memory leaks that caused occasional failures in FileMaker Server components.
  • Windows: A FileMaker Server failure occurred when the FileMaker Data API saved to external container fields.
  • SSL certificate:
  • macOS: Certificates imported using the CLI failed during worker machine setup.
  • Server-side scripts:
  • Email messages and mail attachments could not be sent via SMTP.
  • Third-party components:
  • macOS: The Web Publishing Engine (WPE) failed after OpenJDK was installed on a worker machine.
  • ODBC and JDBC:
  • After an ODBC driver failure, client connections were not released and the connections remained open.
  • Documentation errata:
  • macOS Catalina: FileMaker Server Network Install Setup Guide includes information about silent assisted installations. Silent assisted installations are not supported in macOS Catalina.

New in FileMaker Pro (May 20, 2020)

  • Script steps:
  • Windows: The Insert from URL script step failed to support the LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) protocol.
  • Converting files:
  • During file conversion, a table occurrence was named differently than the table.
  • Importing data:
  • When importing to a new target table and the import order was changed, a field was unavailable for selection.
  • Layouts:
  • Windows: An open drop-down value list overlaid the originating field.
  • Windows: The application closed unexpectedly when the view was switched while a popover object was active in the header part.

New in FileMaker Pro (Oct 11, 2017)

  • Addressed the following issues:
  • Under certain conditions, reconnecting to a hosted file could corrupt scripts.
  • Under certain conditions, committing a record while reconnecting could corrupt the record.
  • Scripts
  • Addressed the following issues:
  • A new window that was created by a script trigger was not the active window.
  • A window could be closed when a script with the Allow User Abort script step set to Off was paused.
  • A hidden file became visible after a script from that file was run in another FileMaker Pro file.
  • Calculations:
  • Addressed an issue where an unstored calculation based on related records did not update when the related record was modified in a portal and committed using the Enter key.

New in FileMaker Pro (Jul 12, 2017)

  • FileMaker Server:
  • Addressed the following issues:
  • After the Go to Object script step was performed on an empty portal that did not allow the creation of records, the focus was not placed on the portal and the script step returned the error code 101 (“Record is missing”).
  • FileMaker Data API calls that perform find requests for fields with Prohibit modification of value selected could return the error code 201 ("Field cannot be modified").
  • FileMaker Data API returned commas as the decimal separator for databases created using languages that use commas as the decimal separator.
  • Under certain conditions, ESS-based tables displayed incorrect records.
  • In some cases, Subject Alternative Name (SAN) certificates could not be imported.
  • FileMaker WebDirect:
  • All spaces and special characters in links to a FileMaker WebDirect solution must be URL encoded, including characters in database names, script names, script parameters, variable names, or variable values. Otherwise, scripts and sessions may not function correctly.
  • Addressed the following issues:
  • Performing certain operations in List View caused FileMaker WebDirect sessions to become unresponsive after web users repeatedly signed in and out of databases.
  • Exporting field contents failed in certain network configurations.
  • Web users could not sign in using account names or passwords containing certain punctuation characters when the setting List only the databases each user is authorized to access was selected in Admin Console.
  • Opening a FileMaker WebDirect solution using Internet Explorer or Edge failed when the host computer’s network name was used in the solution link instead of the IP or DNS address.

New in FileMaker Pro (May 9, 2017)

  • When a layout contains multiple instances of a field, and a script that includes the Go to Field script step is run, the first visible instance of the field, based on its creation order on the layout, will have the focus. To specify a particular instance, use the Go to Object script step instead.
  • When an empty portal that does not allow the creation of records is the target of the Go to Object script step, the script step returns error code 101 ("Record is missing").
  • To allow ActiveX and Apple events to continue performing FileMaker actions, you must add the new fmextscriptaccess extended privilege to privilege sets of existing accounts.
  • To allow URLs to continue running FileMaker scripts, you must add the new fmurlscript extended privilege to privilege sets of existing accounts.
  • When an audio or video file is embedded in a container field and multiple clients play the content at the same time, it may not play correctly. For better performance of audio or video content that will be played by multiple clients, set up the container field to store data externally.
  • macOS: The technology used in web viewers has been updated to include security enhancements. See the FileMaker Knowledge Base.
  • In FileMaker Pro Help, in the "Open Launch Center" topic, this script step should be marked as compatible only with FileMaker Pro.
  • The following functions were omitted from chapter 4, "New features," in Installation and New Features Guide:
  • CryptEncrypt – Encrypts data with the specified key and returns container data.
  • CryptEncryptBase64 – Encrypts data with the specified key and returns text in Base64 format.
  • CryptDecrypt – Decrypts container data with the specified key and returns text or container data.
  • CryptDecryptBase64 – Decrypts Base64-encoded text with the specified key and returns text or container data.

New in FileMaker Pro 15.0.3 (Jan 21, 2017)

  • Application:
  • Addressed an issue where setting a field value in the source table while a script was running exited the active portal row.
  • Windows: Addressed an issue where, when using the ATOK input method editor (IME), a Japanese input method did not turn off when users clicked in a field set with the Roman input method.
  • Layouts:
  • Addressed an issue where FileMaker Pro closed unexpectedly when making a part smaller moved a tab control out of the part's visible area.
  • Saving and sending files:
  • Windows: Addressed an issue where a PDF could not be created when the FileMaker Pro file used certain fonts.
  • Improved the behavior of sending emails with large attachments.

New in FileMaker Pro 15.0.2 (Sep 29, 2016)

  • Windows:
  • Addressed an issue where, when using a Windows account that was different from the one used to install FileMaker Pro, files opened in the previous version of FileMaker Pro.
  • Calculation functions:
  • Addressed an issue where the Get(ActivePortalRowNumber) function returned an incorrect value when used with the auto-enter field option or in a stored calculation when a new record was created through a portal.
  • Layouts:
  • Addressed an issue where, after reconnecting to a hosted file while in Layout mode when the application was set to save layout changes automatically, the application did not behave as expected.
  • Addressed an issue where the application closed unexpectedly when files whose current layout contained SVG icons were repeatedly closed.
  • Addressed an issue where copying, pasting, or editing a popover button whose label was a merge field caused the application to close unexpectedly. Note: If the application closed unexpectedly while you were working with a popover button object, you may be able to repair the layout by recovering the file.
  • Windows: Addressed an issue where layouts were not drawn correctly on a high-resolution display.
  • Saving as PDF:
  • Addressed an issue where a PDF generated in FileMaker Pro did not render JPG images when a DPI setting was internally set to 0.
  • APIs, technologies, or features to be deprecated:
  • As FileMaker Pro evolves, the list of supported technologies, APIs, and features will change. As part of this evolution, certain operating systems versions, hardware, and features may be deprecated in favor of newer ones. While deprecation does not mean the immediate deletion of an item, FileMaker recommends that you migrate your solution away from deprecated technologies, as these technologies may be removed in a future version of the product.
  • For the latest information about deprecated APIs, technologies, and features, search the FileMaker Knowledge Base. For information about new, changed, and removed features, see the most up-to-date version of FileMaker Pro Help, available on the FileMaker website.

New in FileMaker Pro 14.0.6 (Sep 29, 2016)

  • This software replaces the PDF engine used for PDF creation.

New in FileMaker Pro 14.0.5 (Sep 29, 2016)

  • Addressed an issue where the View Databases Hosted by FileMaker Server dialog box displayed an incorrect SSL indicator (lock icon).
  • Addressed an issue where switching to a layout containing a sorted portal closed the application.
  • Addressed an issue where the Go to Related Record script step failed to switch to a custom menu set that was installed on a layout in a new window.
  • Addressed an issue that caused some OpenType fonts not to show when a file was saved as PDF.
  • Windows 10: Addressed an issue where, under certain conditions, renaming or creating a script in the Script Workspace caused FileMaker Pro to close.

New in FileMaker Pro 14.0.4 (Nov 12, 2015)

  • Scripts and functions:
  • Windows: Addressed an issue where clicking a script in the Script Workspace scripts pane dragged the script to a different location in the Script Workspace.
  • Windows 10: Addressed an issue where the Get(SystemVersion) function did not return the expected value.
  • Calculations:
  • Addressed an issue in the Specify Calculation dialog box where auto-complete was unavailable in the tables list.
  • Opening files:
  • Windows: Addressed an issue where a file that was authenticated via External Server did not display in the Launch Center window Hosts tab when the FileMaker Server file display filter was enabled and the user was logged in to a computer with a network domain account.

New in FileMaker Pro 14.0.2 (Aug 19, 2015)

  • Application:
  • Windows: Addressed an issue where emails could not be sent from the 64-bit version of FileMaker Pro to a 64-bit version of Microsoft Outlook 2013. However, if you are still experiencing problems, see the FileMaker Knowledge Base answer 15190.
  • Scripting and calculations:
  • Windows: Addressed an issue where collapsing or expanding a folder in the Script Workspace scripts pane caused FileMaker Pro to close.
  • Windows: Addressed an issue where clicking a script step in the Script Workspace script editing pane dragged the script step to a different location.
  • Japanese version: Addressed an issue where an error occurred when a calculation in the Specify Calculation dialog box contained a ≤ or ≥ operator that was inserted using the corresponding button.
  • Solution creation and use:
  • Windows: Addressed an issue where the database administrator could lock users out of a file by using the basic security settings in the Manage Security dialog box.
  • Windows: Addressed an issue where the number of field repetitions reset to 1 after an auto-enter calculation was created for the repeating field.

New in FileMaker Pro (Apr 7, 2015)

  • Security Update - FileMaker 13.0v9/FileMaker 12
  • Available for: FileMaker 13 and FileMaker 12 Platforms. This update is being released in two stages to minimize compatibility issues. FileMaker Server 13.0v9 and FileMaker Pro/Advanced 13.0v9 will be released first, with FileMaker Go 13.0.9, FileMaker Server 12 Security Update and FileMaker Pro/Advanced 12 Security Update following in approximately 2 weeks. FileMaker Go 12 will not be updated. FileMaker Go 13.0.9 will retain compatibility with the FileMaker Server 12 Security Update.
  • Impact: A potential SSL issue could allow network communication to be compromised.
  • Description: An issue with FileMaker's root SSL certificates could allow network communication to be compromised. This issue was addressed by updates to application UI and to FileMaker security certificates.

New in FileMaker Pro (Apr 22, 2014)

  • Includes OpenSSL 1.0.1g, which is not vulnerable to the Heartbleed bug. In addition, the TLS heartbeat in OpenSSL is disabled, which removes the attack method used by the Heartbleed bug.

New in FileMaker Pro (Apr 4, 2014)

  • Application:
  • Added a “Preserve external container storage” option to skip re-importing external container storage and, instead, reuse existing external contents during records import between FileMaker databases.
  • Extended the functionality of the FMP URL protocol to include:
  • Open Clients.fmp12 from the user’s Documents folder and run the ListClients script.
  • Run the ListClients script from an open file named Clients.fmp12
  • Windows: Addressed an issue that may occur during application launch and in dialog boxes on Windows 7.
  • Calculations and scripting:
  • Addressed an issue where COUNT ( DISTINCT ... ) used with the ExecuteSQL function could return an incorrect result.
  • Addressed an issue where the Insert From URL script step could return an incorrect result.
  • Layout rendering:
  • Addressed an issue where, when switching or re-importing a theme and the source and destination themes both contain custom styles with the same display name, the custom style assignment would have been lost after the theme switch or re-import.
  • Text editing:
  • Addressed an issue where characters from condensed and expanded fonts were not being placed in their correct locations.
  • Addressed an issue where copying and pasting from Excel 2011 into FileMaker Pro could insert an extra trailing tab character for each data row.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • Removed the 2048 character limit from the XML import text fields for the network path of XML and network path of XSLT used for http and httppost requests.
  • Documentation ErrataL
  • The supported ESS data sources are listed incorrectly in FileMaker 13 ODBC and JDBC Guide and FileMaker Pro 13 Help.

New in FileMaker Pro 13.0 (Dec 3, 2013)

  • New features:
  • FileMaker WebDirect, an entirely new, HTML5 browser-based technology that allows teams to create and deploy desktop-style solutions in a web browser with no programming skills required.
  • Tools to create amazing iPad and iPhone solutions that support even more iOS behaviors, including slide controls, popovers and the ability to scan records using gestures. iPad and iPhone layouts can now be created in one step; and iOS solutions can include single-click capture of bar codes using on-device cameras and custom keyboards that speed data entry.
  • Major improvements to design capabilities, including support for shareable custom themes and styles, and the ability to drag and drop data fields onto design layouts.
  • More robust security, with AES 256-bit encryption that locks down data no matter where it lives – on iPad, iPhone, desktop or server. FileMaker Pro 13 Advanced is used to enable encryption.
  • Dozens of new enhancements for solution developers, from the ability to hide or display objects on a screen based on business logic to easier integration with web applications.
  • Simplified server administration, including an entirely new HTML5 administrative console in FileMaker Server 13 for managing business solutions from anywhere.

New in FileMaker Pro 12.0v4 (Apr 25, 2013)

  • Layout design and rendering:
  • Addressed an issue where portal line borders could render thicker than necessary.
  • Save as PDF:
  • Addressed an issue where FileMaker Pro may crash when generating a PDF on Windows XP.
  • Windows printing:
  • Addressed an issue that slows down printing a Classic theme on Windows.

New in FileMaker Pro 11.0v3 (Feb 11, 2011)

  • Printing:
  • Addressed an issue with text in a field spanning one or more page breaks being horizontally truncated in printouts, previews, and PDF exports.

New in FileMaker Pro 11.0v1 (Feb 11, 2011)

  • This patch/archive addresses an issue which required the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable libraries be installed before allowing you to create Runtime solutions that will run on any supported Microsoft Windows operating system.

New in FileMaker Pro 10.0v3 (Feb 11, 2011)

  • Import/Export:
  • DBF import and export are available.
  • Excel:
  • Addressed an issue where an Excel file could be created displaying data under the wrong header if a field was removed using the Modify Table View feature.
  • Addressed an issue where the application could crash if you imported an Excel 2007 file that contains a copied worksheet with named ranges.
  • Calculations
  • Addressed an issue where the Random calculation function could generate non-random values on certain machines. The Random calculation will generate values greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. The value will never be 1.
  • Recovery:
  • Addressed an issue that causes custom functions to occasionally get corrupted during recovery.
  • Addressed an issue that causes recovery to report no issues when there are invalid data blocks in the file.
  • SMTP Mail:
  • Addressed an issue with some SMTP servers that could lead to the BCC email recipients being shown inappropriately.
  • Addressed an issue where UTF-8 data is not being encoded correctly in SMTP mail.
  • Printing and PDF:
  • Addressed an issue where saving records to PDF could crash if the starting page number was not 1 and the layout extended beyond one page
  • Networking
  • Addressed an issue where a file set to ask a user to change the password on next login fails to change the password if the client and server are not the same version.
  • External Data Sources:
  • Addressed an issue where a FileMaker-based number field added to an external data source table does not display a zero.
  • General:
  • Addressed an issue where Auto-Complete in a field with multiple lined data fails to function unless you are on the last empty line of the text field.
  • Addressed an issue where a file set to use the system formats would still insert the date in layout mode with the file format, which may not match the system format.
  • Addressed a formula issue in the script for the New Layout/Report dialog to correctly account for localized formats to enter the correct view mode after a layout is created.
  • IWP:
  • Addressed an issue for some customers with Instant Web Publishing that causes any custom home page in the Web Folder in the FileMaker application folder to be ignored. The problem could also prevent the contents of a container field from being visible in a browser if the Instant Web Publishing solution refers to files stored in the Web folder.

New in FileMaker Pro 10.0v2 (Feb 11, 2011)

  • This update addresses an issue where CPU utilization may be unnecessarily high in certain circumstances involving custom menus, particularly when used with Citrix Presentation Server and Terminal Services.

New in FileMaker Pro 10.0v1a (Feb 11, 2011)

  • This update fixes a problem with Instant Web Publishing in FileMaker Pro 10.0v1 or FileMaker Pro 10.v1 Advanced that causes any custom home page in the Web folder in the FileMaker Pro application folder to be ignored. The problem could also prevent the contents of a container field from being visible in a browser if the Instant Web Publishing solution refers to files stored in the Web folder.

New in FileMaker Pro 9.0v3 (Nov 17, 2008)

  • Manage customers, clients, and vendors
  • Track inventory, products, and assets
  • Organize pictures, video and other multimedia files
  • Access project details and associated tasks
  • Print invoices, letters and mailing labels
  • Produce reports in PDF or Excel formats
  • Create customized electronic forms that look just like your paper forms
  • Design a custom application that works the way you do
  • View live Web information associated with your data from within FileMaker
  • Share databases with Windows and Mac users simultaneously over the network or across the Web.
  • Field Level Spell Checking so you can turn on or off visual spell-checking for individual fields.
  • Multiple Undos and Redos so you can undo and redo more than once when editing text within a field.
  • Enhanced Toolbars, including the new Align Toolbar for faster layout design and an updated Standard Toolbar that includes buttons for PDF Maker and Excel Maker.
  • 10 additional Avery labels layouts including Shipping Labels ideal for packaging and printing postage.