LinLocalize Changelog

What's new in LinLocalize 1.6.0

Oct 20, 2020
  • Added support for 64 bit PE files
  • Added a new feature to po export: 'fuzzy' mark for translations is state 'for review' has made optional
  • Added simple parameter warning in translation dialog (search for %s %d and check if it existing in traslation too)
  • Added Fix First-letter-capitalization function to translation list
  • fixed problem at autotranslation in case of multiple lined strings
  • fixed external translation using google tranlator
  • internal fixes and advantages

New in LinLocalize 1.5.2 (Aug 10, 2015)

  • The default Projects directory is now placed in the common appdata folder (in windows 7 or higher: C:\Program data\LinLocalize Projects), in stead of in single user My Documents.
  • The Test project has been adapted, so that it works under Windows 7 and higher.
  • An Innosetup has been added for creating a Windows setup file.

New in LinLocalize 1.5.1 (Aug 10, 2015)

  • You can call the functions with cmd using the .lpp file from your project.
  • Command line Interface for basically functions:
  • Update: Updates all strings from src programm and adds new ones. (in GUI: Update/Create stringlist from recource)
  • Translate: Translate strings using Glossaris (in GUI: Auto- Tranlate)
  • Generate: Generate Translation Files (.lpr) (in GUI: Generate Target-File)
  • Check: Prooves how many strings are not translated

New in LinLocalize 1.5 (Jun 9, 2014)

  • External translation using Google Translate works again
  • A great number of bugs have been removed, so that LinLocalize for Windows works even with complex programs
  • LinLocalize can now work with DRC files (Delphi / Embarcadero specific), but can still substract and write resources from applications created with other compilers
  • DRC files can be created in Delphi > XE2 by choosing the relevant project option
  • In versions older then XE2, choose the option "detailed map" in the linker
  • section of the project options
  • The helpfiles are not yet updated; look out for version 1.5.1
  • The source code can be obtained via svn / winlocalize1

New in LinLocalize 1.4 (Jun 9, 2014)

  • LinLocalize 1.4. has a help file for non-programmers which describes its functionality
  • uEditTransItemFm: The Translation Item Editor now can be Canceled, without saving by using the [X] system button. It now saves explicitly the changes, when they are validated (V) with the validate-button
  • uFindDlg: Find dialog is now non-modal and can search consecutively for several items. It has to be explicitly closed. When a string could not be found, it emits a message. Also, it can search in all strings now. There is still some work to do
  • poText and poParser: it is now possible to export a translation as a (fuzzy) po-file. The source can be exported to a pot-file. The files have a UTF8 BOM
  • TMX: you can import a TMX file to a glossary
  • UProjectViewForm: Before a target is generated, there is a check whether the source has been changed. Furthermore, all changes are saved first (autosave or ask)
  • Language-Country seperator may be '-',',' or '_', in stead of '_', as there is no standardization in this respect. Internaly '-' is used
  • Language names are saved in the ini-file, so that you can add (or delete) language names when desired

New in LinLocalize 1.3 (Jun 9, 2014)

  • Translation of Delphi- and other Windows-Applications

New in LinLocalize 1.2 (Jun 9, 2014)

  • Paths of project-glossaries are now relative to the project-directory
  • Can use existing GNU GetText mo-files as glossaries for automatic translation
  • Creation of GNU GetText pot-files of source-lists

New in LinLocalize 1.1 (Jun 9, 2014)

  • Unicode support
  • Fonts can be selected for each language eg. unifont
  • Correct parsing and import/export of TCollection-items
  • Components with an empty name (yes it is possible) are shown with a unique name like Classname+Number
  • Glossaries are now in text-format UTF8 encoded for easier handling and cvs
  • Glossaries for kylix runtime- and clx-strings included in english, german, french and japanese (Textes of Kylix 3 Pro)
  • Binary file-formats like project- and textlist-files are unfortunately not compatible with version 1.0, (support of file-version introduced now)
  • Minor bugs fixed