MathPlayer Changelog

What's new in MathPlayer 2.1

Mar 6, 2007
  • Support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, including support for Internet Explorer's security framework, Manage Add-ons feature, and Zoom feature.
  • Speak Expression command now synchronously highlights the mathematics as it is spoken. Synchronized highlighting is a learning aid for all students, and has been shown to be particularly effective for people with learning disabilities such as dyslexia.
  • Support for DotsPlus, a Braille math format for use with Tiger Braille printers.
  • Enhanced Clipboard Support. "Copy MathML to Clipboard" has been enhanced so that users can copy a MathML equation displayed by MathPlayer/Internet Explorer and paste it into Microsoft Office 2007, and other applications that support this new format for exchange of mathematics via the clipboard.
  • Better Unicode support. MathPlayer has improved font and character knowledge which enable it to display many more characters, including recent additions to Unicode, plane 1 characters, and characters in large Unicode fonts, such as Code 2000.
  • Expanded processing of XHTML documents, making it easier to publish web pages containing MathML that are compatible with other MathML-capable browsers. For documents served with MIME type application/xhtml xml, MathPlayer will now process documents with a MathML namespace declaration on the element, in addition to documents with an explicit MathML DOCTYPE declaration.
  • Support for combining characters, such as vowels with accents common in European languages. The support includes both composition of combining characters such as diacritic marks, as well as decomposing "ugly" pre-combined characters for rendering using better-looking, uncombined glyphs.
  • All attributes are supported for the MathML menclose element. The newly supported attributes are: box, roundedbox, circle, left, right, top, bottom, updiagonalstrike, downdiagonalstrike, verticalstrike, horizontalstrike.
  • Enhanced PostScript printing support.
  • Application developers should inquire at [email protected] for information on adding support for MathPlayer to their software.