SpecExpress Changelog

What's new in SpecExpress

May 31, 2014
  • Added support for DisplayAttribute such that error messages will use the name specified in the attribute if it exists.
  • Changed Error message given when multiple specifications for a given type are found to include the name of the type.

New in SpecExpress (May 31, 2014)

  • Refactored solution to include and correct Silverlight projects
  • Fixed SpecExpress MVC to work with Silverlight refactoring.
  • Fixed issues with SpecExpress.js not comparing dates properly

New in SpecExpress (May 31, 2014)

  • Corrected Versioning of SpecExpress.dll and SpecExpress.Web.dll

New in SpecExpress (May 31, 2014)

  • Added Validate method on SpecidicationExpression that returns ValidationNotification.

New in SpecExpress (Aug 18, 2011)

  • Fixed bug with MessageService.FormatMessage returning a message that was not correctly formated.
  • Added ability to leverage "In Line" or "Ad Hoc" specifications

New in SpecExpress 1.1.41649 (Jun 28, 2010)

  • Added Validation Contexts feature
  • Fixed bug with handling for Bool Types and Required
  • MessageStore now allows for overriding individual messages. This allows for easily customizing default error message for just a few errors without editing the Resources files in SpecExpress.
  • DSL Changes:
  • Removed "And" after Required/Optional
  • Changed With.Message to With(m => m.Message = "Message"). This allows for future features around customizing messages without breaking the DSL
  • Added support for passing in a list of Asssemblies to ValidationCatalog to scan for specifications. This allows easier scanning of all assemblies found in AppDomain